Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

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Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

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Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by kuchitsu »

To me pipes are like a whole different world, and seeing them in anything other than pipe cups is kind of weird. They alienate a lot of players and that seems to be too big of a price to pay just to make sure that pipes are represented, or to keep the tradition going, or whatever is the reason for choosing them. Imo if you're going to have pipes then there should be a lot of them, otherwise you're just forcing many players to use their only skip on the pipe event.

What do you think?
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by roope »

I can see why mans would dislike them in cups, but I like. Maybe I just see piping as such an essential skill to have in modern Elma that I'd hope people would learn at least some basic skills at teh. Some aren't good in höyläs, some aren't good in multiroute stylefinding, some aren't good at pipes. Of course the big difference is that you can't really safeplay in pipes to finish, but that's why it's important to have a lot of apples to define who got the furthest, to get some separation in the results. But yeah, of course it's not fun if you can't even get past the first pipe in a level.

I haven't seen a whole lot of pipes represented in recent cups at all; before this WBC event the last pipe I remember was in the last World Cup, neither do I think they should be represented in every cup. But it's nice once in a while. I would maybe welcome more nabfriendly pipes without huge curves and bumps and uphills and sach, just to get other finishers than the absolute top mans, so players could feel a bit better about their performance.
Last edited by roope on 21 Apr 2016, 02:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by Lousku »

I suck at them so no, I don't like seeing them, but they're so popular and prevalent that I suppose they're fair to hev in there.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by Madness »

Variety is nice and one pipe level in a cup sounds reasonable.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by Kopaka »

In general I don't like the idea of pipe levels. I like pipes when they're just a small part of a bigger level, like Bowling for example, but a level that is only pipes is no fun (of course there can be exceptions). Same way a level that is only uphill, or only speedloops isn't fun in 99% of cases. So no I don't like seeing them in cups, cups should have more interesting levels than that. Having a level of that kind once in a while is fine of course, like we had speedloop level in world cup 6 which didn't completely suck.

Would be interested to see a level in a cup where most got apple results but it wasn't a pipe.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by Orcc »

In pipe levs you can pretty well estimate every player's final position without even playing the level. Generally the most skilled pipers can finish even a tricky pipe lev in a couple of tries whereas most kuskis have no chance of finishing. Would you like to play a normal level where you can't compete against other kuskis' first tries?

Surely you can just tell everyone to GGGG GET GOOD at piping, but many kuskis just don't enjoy playing them to do so. So I see in cups they're just an unfair advantage to a selected group of kuskis.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by Bjenn »

Nope, I get too frustrated.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by gimp »

Pipes are fun. I like pipes. Yes.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by Polarix »

Not too long and not too hard pipes are fine.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by zebra »

I think that the more important question would be: should all levels be finishable for noobs?
I think yes, they should be. All levels should be easy to finish but hard to master. That way the cup/contest would be enjoyable for all.
But a good cup should consist of different kind of levels: pipes, uphills, apple harvests, flat tracks, labyrinths, rollercoasters, gravity levels, multistyle levels etc. The more diversity the better, because that way players' skills would be more thoroughly tested.
But the main thing is: all the levels should be finishable for noobs.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by Zweq »

yes a good cup should test variety. Not like some random cup with 2 pipe levels and absolute none uphilling, climbing,[insertrandomtrickyleveltypehere] *gaf* wcup6 *gaf*
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by Lee »

As long as the pipe is reasonably finishable in the required time, I'm all for. Remember, cups usually have skips allowed, so it wouldn't be too unfair for noobs if it required more of an average skill level.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by bene »

Yes. Pipes are an norm part of Elma and variety is important unless the cup is of a specific variety.
I dont like pipes.
I dont think every cup should have a pipe as the "special event". WBC1 did an great job of having climblev.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by A.K.B. »

Pipe annoying. I hate them in cups. But eh!
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by analcactus »

as kopaka
a little pipik is good, i will maybe later draw a thing that is best in elma level for me, it's pipe related
pure pipe is maybe only good for spying pros

also, the worst thing in elma: this stupid turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn style for piping which is absurdly faster than gentleman style of pipe voyage

UPD where are sigs :C
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by bene »

Lauta falling apart.
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Re: Do you like seeing pipes in "general" cups?

Post by Sunshine »

the vote is 50/50 atm so i guess half pipes / half normal levels is the takeaway for cup organizers
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