Pokémon GO

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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by 8-ball »

culinko wrote:Another question, is it worth waiting until I get let's say 60 cheap Pokémons for evolving or can I just pick 55 cheap ones and 1 of Venonat/Drowzee etc.? Afaik evolving only takes candies and I don't think I will need the candies of these ones later. Also, does it matter if I pick the highest IV Pokémons for these lucky egg evolutions or it doesn't matter cause I will evolve these as a low level trainer so the result will still be shit?

Edit: Is it worth also finishing the hatching of 9 eggs during the lucky egg? And does the egg automatically start hatching once you complete the distance?
I save only Pidgeys, Weedles, Caterpies and Rattatas. The rest I evolve right away if I want to. During lucky egg your goal is to maximize XP gain so you also wanna minimize the amount of scrolling you have to do to find the pokemon to evolve, so best stick to a few types only that you can then evolve quickly one after another. Then, personally, I don't think I will worry about IV before level 25 or so when I will start to think about having perfect end game pokemans as I will start catching pokemon close to their max CP in the wild. Right now I can't really afford to throw away suboptimal Vaporeons etc, I just use what I have. And for mass evolving IV doesn't matter at all since you will be transferring all the pokemon you get anyway, except maybe the best one or two which you can figure out after. I don't think it's worth bothering with hatching eggs since that gives less XP than using that time to evolve more pokemon.

Anyway, another trick I've found is closing and reopening the game as soon as the evolve animation starts. If you do it at night time when the game loads the fastest (for me at least) then you can save quite a bit of time and get as much as 100+ evolves done in 30 mins.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Mats »

Bludek wrote:In the past I also made mistake, that I didn't collect Gym money right away. I didn't even realize it is possible sometimes to put low-level (or whatever) pokémon to your team's gym even without battling it - one slot is sometimes opened.
The best is to collect from 2 gyms or more at once. If you collect from 1 gym you get 10 coins and 500 stardust and have to wait 21 hours. If you collect from lets say 10 gyms, you get 100 coins and 5000 stardust have to wait 21 hours.

when you take over a gym the gym level indicate how many pokemons its possible to add, it goes like this:

0 pokemon added: Empty gym
1 pokemon added: gym level 2: 2000/4000 prestige to reach level 3
2 pokemon added: gym level 3: 4000/8000 prestige to reach level 4
3 pokemon added: gym level 3: 6000/8000 prestige to reach level 4
4 pokemon added: gym level 4: 10000/12000 prestige to reach level 5
and so on

so first three pokemons you add for free without fighting/training. Each pokemon gives the gym 2000 prestige points, and after the first 3 you gotta fight your way in.
I have found a great way to create havoc in a gym, attack an enemy gym with a very strong pokemon defending on top. when the enemy gym level gets under 2000 prestige, there is only the strong pokemon left. Let's say it's a CP2000 dragonite, after that the enemy team can't put any new ones in the gym because they can't defeat the strong defender to gain prestige points. Max cool troll move :D

I strongly recommend using Vaporeon to attack gyms and to train gyms. He is one of the strongest pokemons in the game and easy obtainable. You might think Jolteon is a good choice to beat Vaporeon cause electricity beats water but it obviously doesn't work that way in this game.
I attacked a gym to today who had these pokemon:

CP 600 Vaporeon
CP 1100 Lapras
CP 1200 Flareon
CP 1400 Vaporeon

First try I used:

CP 1100 jolteon
CP 1000 Gloom
CP 1800 Vaporeon.

Jolteon had 1/3 of health after fighting first vaporeon in half his CP. So he has way to little hp to endure these fights.
I quickly realised the Vape power and after the first takedown which reduced the gym to level 3. I then used this setlist:

CP 1800 Vaporeon.

yes he killed all three of them with decent HP left. So being a good gym pokemon is all about having massive HP, I don't think there is any defence, attack stat like the gameboy versions. Vaporeon also has a very quick attack speed which deals tons of damage, even if it says not very effective on screen.

So if I evolve the same CP600-700 Eevee I can get either:

Jolteon CP1200 - 80HP
Vaporeon CP1800 - 175HP
or Flareon which is high CP and low HP (I got one CP1200 - 80HP from a weaker Eevee, slower attackspeed than the others and it seems every gym almost only has water pokemon which makes it quite useless atm. Atleast in my district.)
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

Evolved my first 1k CP pokémon yesterday, 389 CP Eevee to 1058 CP Vaporeon o/ (Didn't use any power-ups of course).
Only a 42-51% though, will evolve a new one as soon as I can =)
Level 16 now, I have 50k stardust.

I have stopped catching Spearows, they are just not worth it anymore.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by John »

Level 17 with sux Pokemans
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

Bought four incubinators, put my 5km egg in them, will use double xp before they hatch, and evolve my set of pidgeons and other pokemons.
Still level 16, haven't had time to play much lately, pre party a whole week before this festival in Östersund (Storsjöyran), which I'm not attending to xD http://storsjoyran.se/yranveckan/krogstraket/
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

https://pokeadvisor.com/ - You login with either a PTC (Pokémon Trainers Club) account, or Google account, and you will be able to see all kinds of statistics, including the EXACT IV.

https://github.com/BrianEstrada/PokeScanner/releases/ - A Scanning tool for Pokemon Go for Android. (Don't login in the app with your main Pokemon Go account, create PTC account and use that).

Pokevision is shut down because Niantec asked them to, you can use PokéScanner instead.

I'm level 21 now o/
Caught 75 and seen 76. https://pokeadvisor.com/?Bjenn89
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

Oh I forgot that PokéScanner stopped working yesterday because Niantec decided to shut down their API which provides the spawn/despawn information of all pokémon.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

I am not sure how do I feel about using these sites right now. Even though I tried Pokevision to see what's around me (didn't really bother to walk to the actual Pokémon cause it's not fun this way), but now that they started to combat all these sites to decrease the server load, I think it's just shitty to use them, because it essentially creates multiple accounts to scan your region, increasing the server load by a lot. I tried Pokeadvisor recently and the site looks cool, but I don't think I will use it anymore. Because there was similar site which could let you evolve all your stuff during lucky egg (300ms per evolution), so you could bypass the in-game animation limit (~15s for evolution) and make huge exp gain during the lucky egg. Niantic might go after these sites and has been messing with the API recently, so they might start banning who knows what. So use it at your own risk.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

I wouldn't use any of them if Niantic put some effort in listening to their players of what they want in their game, I mean, the player base is quite big, but it's getting lower every day.
They still haven't been able to make a working in-game function to help FINDING pokémon that are spotted and nearby.
The three paw system is now removed because it didn't work and they didn't manage to fix it, so there is no way at the moment to actually find them while only using the game.

I read somewhere that they also lowered the "nearby" radius by 40 m or so, so now you can't spot as many nearby pokémon as before, which is fine I guess.

Edit: found a communication forum from Nantic, their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PokemonGO/post ... 1879465704
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

The radius is lowered from 100m to 70m and the scan rate is upped from 5 seconds to 10 seconds, all because they want to decrease the server load. And now they released Pokémon Go in Latin America. They are working on a new tracking system, which might do server-side calculations, imo that's why they are concerned with server load so much. You should just wait and hatch eggs/farm lured Pokéstops in the meantime until new tracker is released. Nintendo rushed Niantic to release Pokémon Go which was pretty bad because the game was not yet ready (lots of bugs, broken tracker, spoofers), but I agree that Niantic fucked up with no communication. However, they started communicating now (you can even report spoofers), so everything might just get better.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

Yes I feel more positive aswell!
I hatched 5 (5km) eggs this evening with a lucky egg, didn't get a single new pokémon =D

Walked with incense and evolved some pokémon but didn't reach level 22 yet.

Didn't find a Golem which was my closest "nearby", same with a Dratini =/
Yeah maybe I should just sit the fuck down at a 2 or 3 lured pokéstops this weekend, I have nothing else planned anyway :beer:
I also know a good magikarp spot like 6 km away from where I live, my friend has collected over 800 candies now, he's waiting for a 100% magikarp, his best is 93%, he is level 27 ^^
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

https://twitter.com/PokemonGoApp/status ... 0967326720

Lol, I fucking knew that 60 CP Pidgeys jumping out of balls and escaping is not normal.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Mats »

Something that has started to annoy me is fixed spawn points. Like if you go in a less populated area the spawn points are always the same. Which is very unfair for those who live in a spawn point.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Yeah, spawn points have been the same from the beginning. I live on 2 spawn points and I know the exact time Pokémon will spawn/despawn so I can just open up the app, catch them, then close the app. I don't see it as unfair, though. Instead of having the app open the whole time and having your phone on the charger, you can just open and close the app at certain times, so it's more convenient. Even bigger advantage is living on Pokéstops so you never run out of Pokéballs. But I agree it would be better if the spawns were random.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Mats »

There is no spawn points were I live :(
Could have app open all day, nothing happens
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Bjenn: Told you they will block 3rd party sites accessing their API: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comm ... y_niantic/.
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Re: Pokémon GO

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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by 8-ball »

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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Igge »

17 :(

But hev 2 lucky eggs and some 35 pokemon to evolve)
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Spef »

Did my first lucky egg evolve session and went from early level 16 to 19)
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[10:48:19] (ANATOLIY) not all hosp =)
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Evolved 61 Pokémon yesterday and went 14->17, then found a great spot with 3 lured Pokéstops. 50-100 people sitting on the grass, hanging out, chillin' and playing Pokémon Go by the river Danube. Caught many new Pokémon there, mostly water types. Now I'm level 18 and half. Too bad it's raining outside, otherwise I would have gone there again :P
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

22 after tonights walking session in the city!
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Mats »

I hope they realise the mistake and add pokemon to nature. Would be fun to be motivated to go to nature, which I hoped the app would do.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Polarix »

Alright, so I found this (car) route in the sentrum of my city. The only goal with the route is to farm pokestops. So my route have 24 pokestops in 5 minuttes. The route goes in circle, so when i come to start, it has refreshed.

I extended my inventory to 1000 (max). Before I started my route tonight (and it have be done like 2 am-5 am ofc) I had 0 norm pokeballs because I wasted all in another amazing walk route with a lake. So, 1 hour after i had 425 pokeballs, lol. and gained some houndreds of blue and black pokeballs aswell.

Then, a police car came :O and kinda waited for me to pass and it followed. I thought "shit, im gonna get a ticket now for doing phone in car". But ofc then I just drove norm and straight home, and luckely police car orka follow.

But shit, police car very scary. Maybe hire a kid to do pokestop work as passager while i drive or something.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Polarix: There is a bonus for every 10th unique Pokéstop (if there are no pauses longer than 10 minutes between them). Since you have more than 20 stop circle, could you test something for me? There has to be more than 10 minute break from the last Pokéstop before starting the test to reset the chain. The test consists of visiting exactly 20 unique Pokéstops (not more or less), then visiting the first 10 again.

The test: Collect first 10 Pokéstops (get bonus on 10th one), collect next 10 Pokéstops (get bonus on the 20th one), then collect the same 10 Pokéstops that you collected at the start and see if you get the bonus again on the 10th Pokéstop (skip the 4 additional stops).
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Re: Pokémon GO

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Sure Culinko, I will do as you ask. Maybe I will do it tonight.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Just to be sure, the bonus is 100 EXP for the Pokéstop and guaranteed 6-9 items. I believe you can get 3-9 items normally, although 6+ is very rare (I got 6 once), so you should just check the EXP after the 10th Pokéstop on the second round. Sometimes if you open and close more Pokéstops in a row quickly, you will get the exp for all of them at the end, so you should check if you get the 50 EXP for the 9th Pokéstop before spinning the 10th one. This should make it definite.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Caught a 91-97% IV 15 CP Eevee and decided to power it up a bit to find IV more precisely cause had plenty of Eevee candy. Found out that the IV is actually 95-97%. Risked my first Rainer evo to get a good moveset and got Water Gun and Hydro Pump :beer: After more power ups found out that it's exactly 95% IV (15/13/15). Also remembered that I took a screen right after I caught the Eevee cause perfect throw. Rip 50k dust: http://imgur.com/a/9R06b.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by 8-ball »

Nice but fuck, my 98% IV Vaporeon has Aqua Tail and other 90+ has Water Pulse. At least I've been lucky and getting 4 Vapes in a row, not Jolteons
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Re: Pokémon GO

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Jolteons are supposedly good at fighting against water Pokémon, so I wouldn't be that sad if I got one with good moves after I find next good Eevee.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Mats »

How do you know the IV percentage exactly?
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

You can get a hum of what IV it has here https://pokeassistant.com/main/ivcalculator
You can get the exact IV % with for example the app GoStats, use at own risk though.

Not that I have heard anyone getting banned for using 3rd party apps and getting the data of your pokémon.. however Niantic started to permaban players using more advanced cheating methods, like botusers and sach, which is good in my opinion.

I'm more than halfway to level 23.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Ye I mostly use the link Bjenn posted, then there is also http://www.pgoiv.com/ and other such sites. Sometimes you have to power up the Pokémon a bit to know the value more precisely, but I don't do it unless it's a guaranteed 90%+. It's tedious to do it manually, but I personally just check every Eevee, Growlithe, Magikarp and evolved Pokémon for now after each day of hunting before transferring the spare Pokémon to the professor.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bludek »

Nice vaporeon there, culino :)

After some inactivity I got to lvl 20 (17 :arrow: 20 with one lucky egg and 60-ish basic evolutions). Went for a pokehunt last thursday with friend's gf and we had much fun, will do it again :) We tried battling together for a gym and it works really nicely. Also I realized my phone's battery runs out much faster, than hers :/ (Mine 1yo HTC M7, hers one month old Samsung A5). Luckily that's not much of a problem with powerbank, but it still sucks a bit.

For battling I like Aerodactyl (Bite/Hyperbeam) and Hypno w/ Psychic. Only got Vaporeon with Water pulse and it kinda sucks (would love Hydropump). Looking for a good enough Eevee now to evolve it into Flareon.
Btw I didn't really find pokemon worth investing Stardust in yet. Maybe that Aerodactyl, but he is sooo little cp (731), it would take quite a lot of Stardust. He is 90% perfect, though...

Still very fun game
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

I'm not sure about investing stardust into that Aerodactyl. You would need a lot of Aerodactyl candy, so unless you hatch them a lot or know about a nest, you will never be able to power it up all the way to max lvl. I have a 91-93% 550-ish CP Lapras with Ice Shard / Ice Beam (number 1 defense Pokémon for gyms and also with the best moves), but I will never be able to power it up because I need 322 Lapras candy and I have only 16 so far :(
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

Bludek wrote:Nice vaporeon there, culino :)
Went for a pokehunt last thursday with friend's gf and we had much fun, will do it again :)
Woah =D
What does your friend say about that? xD

I'm 8000 xp from level 23 now, had quite a session yesterday.
I also got my first Aerodactyl from an egg (13xx CP and 93% IV) which I powered up as much as I could to some 14xx CP. I think it has hyper beam or something. And Dark bite as attack.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by ville_j »

Bjenn wrote:
Bludek wrote:Nice vaporeon there, culino :)
Went for a pokehunt last thursday with friend's gf and we had much fun, will do it again :)
Woah =D
What does your friend say about that? xD
I've been hunting with my brother's wife from the start =) I'm level 22, haven't really played a lot lately because been busy doing other things. Haven't found any new pokemon in a while, a bit disappointing :<
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Made lvl 22 today. Also from now on I will be checking IVs of Bellsprouts, cause apparently Victreebel is very good in gyms too. Also caught 93% Bellsprout today, will try to evolve it twice when I get the candy to see what happens.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

Got tons of new pokémon this weekend, drove around with friends in car and used the PokéMesh app, it's really great!
Caught 96 Seen 98.

Hatched my first Lapras 1691 CP (Frost Breath / Ice Beam)
Caught Nidoking 1542 CP, Slowbro 1304 CP (I found one better before this but it ran away after first ball), Wigglytuff 1295 CP, Ninetales 945 CP,

When I lay in bed this morning I started Pokémon just to swipe through yesterdays "haul" and I see this grayed out pokémon in sightings and it's a fucking Snorlax!
Quickly started PokéMesh while getting dressed, it was positioned like 30 m from my apartment and luckily 7 mins left, got it with the first ultra ball, 1263 CP (Zen Headbutt / Earthquake, 42% IV only).

Caught some dratinis, squirtles and charmanders too.

But I'm waiting for banmail, people are starting to getting banned, for example one user in our Pokémon city group on Facebook got banned for using pokeadvisor one time. I deleted my profile on pokeadvisor though, dunno if they still will be able to see it. But I have also used GoStats to get perfect IV:s from my pokémon, uninstalled it a week ago.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

While I don't mind people using radars sites and apps, bragging about catching xy Pokémon while using them is just lame. It's so easy to catch rare stuff if you have a map of your city open which will lead you straight to the Pokémon and even tells you how long it will stay there until it despawns.

As far as I know, nobody has been banned for using IV calculators yet, the guy that claims it on the Facebook definitely spoofed, used bots or something else. Still, I guess it's better safe than sorry.

Btw. does anyone else catch these crazy strong Eevees? I know about the Pokédex bug (lower Pokédex # has low attack value and higher Pokédex # has high attack value), but I caught another 95.6% IV (15/15/13) Eevee and evolved it into Jolteon with Thunder Shock and Thunder :beer: and another 93% Eevee into Flareon with Ember and Flamethrower (2nd best moves), but I'm not maxing it I think. Then yesterday I caught another 86-91% Eevee. Here are my high IV Pokémon (missing my Vaporeon in the picture): http://imgur.com/a/AMf3W.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

Did you miss this message? http://pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/en/post/cheating-bans/
It's not bullshit, people who are using 3rd party apps which uses your profile data from servers can get banned. And it was a girl, not a guy. And this facebook group, it's only in our city, it's only for team Valor. We also have a groupchat, so we are quite a tight group.

Another guy in this group also got an email and had his account banned, luckily it was not his main account. But I'm feeling I will get banned aswell, it's just a matter of time since it's going to take a while for Niantic to read through all accounts.. I will not spend any more money on them, and if I get a ban I will try to make an appeal, and if that doesn't help I won't keep playing Pokémon Go.

I didn't see my last post as bragging, I was just happy I caught some new pokémon. I also evolved many new pokémon.
I wouldn't use a scanner if Niantic had a working "nearby" system where you can track down pokémon, because I know where all these good pokémon spawn usually, they however change spawn spots after each update. We help each other all the time in our group chat.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Nobody got banned for using IV calculators yet, otherwise it would be all over places like TheSilphRoad or pokemongodev subreddits. Those guys were spoofing, botting or using some other shady stuff. There has been 0 proof of people being banned for using IV checkers that retrieve the data from server, so stop spreading all of this nonsense someone shared on your local Facebook group.

The tracking system is not ideal, but you can definitely track down almost every Pokemon that appears on the nearby list if you have 10+ minutes left of your time. Ever since they fixed that Pokemon out of range or despawned are being cleared out of the tracker (the refresh time is 10 seconds), I have been able to find EVERY SINGLE Pokemon that appeared on the nearby list that I wanted to capture using this simple method: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comm ... sightings/. I'm not telling you how to play the game, but if you want to make a point for using radar sites, you should find more solid excuse than this.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

Okay then probably she got a faulty ban and the appeal will go through.
The other guy probably used some scanner tool with his account.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

What about the nearby tracking, have you considered using the method I posted?
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Madness »

Rofl, people even use cheats to get some more imaginary pokemons? xD
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Bjenn »

Rofl, people in elma use cheats to reach better times? xD
By the way, it's *pokémon.

culinko that method does sound good, but sometimes you won't have time to do that, you must be lucky to having caught every single one. I will try it anyhow.

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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Labs »

omg, so many playing this... mankind should be erased now.

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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by Sunshine »

why? i dont play it but it seems to be much better than "normal" pc games etc. people go outside and socialize with other pokemongoers. the gameplay is ofc retarded and grind/casual/p2w

to bjenns point: arent elma cheaters pretty much universally hated though? at least for a period after they doned it
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by culinko »

Why do people have the urge to try to ruin others fun by telling them their enjoyment of something sucks and acting superior? You know how badly can it possibly affect their psychic? Imagine you're telling a young footballer that he's just wasting his life kicking a leather object back and forth. Why would anyone do that? What's even more pathetic is that this happened on a forum of a a fucking 2D motorbike game from 2000. Really? And what's with all the multi-user brigading into topics that are not an interest for them lately? Is there even any moderation left on the forums? I just woke up and about to make my coffee so I might be a bit grumpy but my mood and motivation are definitely down right now.
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Re: Pokémon GO

Post by ville_j »

100% with culinko.
< roopemies> horror and frustrating and can't play, sounds just like you
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