Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FINAL SHOW ON SUNDAY 19TH

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Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FINAL SHOW ON SUNDAY 19TH

Post by roope »

It's that time of the year again: let's get the Golden Apple Awards going. Last year was an year of changes but those changes proved to be very successful, and we got a huge rise in the amount of voters. This year there are only small tweaks to the overall structure; the main thing that has changed majorly is the jury. Only me and Markku from last year will continue, and as newcomers we have adi, Ruben and Sla. We'll also have experts of certain fields helping us. Thanks to everyone who is leaving and a big welcome to everyone that is joining!

The official site is:

The GAA period for any given year goes from January 1st to December 31st. Accordingly, for GAA16 the period from when to choose your nominees is: January 1st 2016 - December 31st 2016.

Here are all the categories and nominees:

adi - Achieved 36 mins club, did 37:38,87 in 24 hours, which is the 2nd best 24 hour total time ever
Bjenn - Improved his Sink WR and made WR in Tag
Kazan - Made world records in Labyrinth and Spiral
Madness - Made WR in Precarious
Nekit - Finally took Sink WR after years of hoyling
Sla - Made two minute breaks for 36tt in 9 months, did his first internal WR in Pipe
Spef - Multiple world records - improved his Headbanger WR once, Zig Zag WR twice, and made WR in Shelf Life twice

adi - With 2000+ WRs (84% of all pipes on EOL) is on first place in Pipe Stats. Finished thousands of pipes during the year, including some of the longest and hardest ones ever made. Dominated Elma 3.0 pack and got world records in other big packs of 2016
AndrY_ - Improved a lot during the year and got world records in his own Elma 3.0 pack and Stolen internals. Was top 5 in 32Cup
Boomer - Did a good job on many old school level packs and is a hardworking piper
Finman - Got 2nd place in 32Cup and with 15 1st places out of 32 levels and made some impact in Repeat, Elma 3.0 pack, and Stolen Internals
Hosp - Most world records and best total time in Repeat, kept improving in AI pack, hoyled himself to 2nd place in BBLP total time and points
RearNakedChoke - Diligent piper, nice progression with mawpi project and is already finishing longer ones
Pawq - Another diligent piper, is 2nd in pipes finished according to Pipe Stats
roope - All-around externalist with world records in big packs of 2016 like Elma 3.0, Stolen Internals and 32Cup. Active pipe finisher
ville_j - Absolute domination in niilo pack
Zero - Won 32Cup with 14 1st places. Most WRs in Brutal Bounce Level Pack and in Stolen Internals. Finished some of the hardest pipes made


AndrY_ - Very innovative battle levels. Made the popular Elma 3.0 pack that captured the internal feeling nicely
Chris - Keeps on improving, again made great apple battles during the year
insguy - Lots of quality battle levels, including insane night
Jappe2 - Made many big effort levels with amazing visual. Also makes good battle levels, especially special battles
jblaze - Dabbled in levelmaking more than ever. Especially playoff levels of his Elma Champions League were very well received
kuchitsu - Has rocketed to one of the top designers, top notch battle levels
Ramone - Top quality battle levels with amazing visual and interesting ideas
skint0r - Relatively few levels made but always top quality battles
Sla - After his comeback, he showed quality designing with BBLP, Stolen Internals and battle levels
TL - Once again the king of levels made, without forgetting quality - TL levs are some of the most innovative out there

ILKKA (designing)
Fejm (playing)
RearNakedChoke (playing)
Andry (playing/designing)
farnsworth (designing)
Sla (internal playing)
Divan (designing)
jblaze (designing)

Pipe 28.89 by Sla (#387)
Tag 20.50 by Bjenn (#386)
Labyrinth 52.36 by Kazan (#386)
Spiral 44.16 by Kazan (#386)
Sink 32.26 by Nekit (#386)
Shelf Life 32.92 by Spef (#386)
Zig Zag 52.73 by Spef (#385)
Precarious 24.11 by Madness (#385)
Headbanger 41.14 by Spef (#384)

HALF1Padi4595.rec by adi
Aye319Kaz.rec by Kazan
HALF2Nfm.rec by Finman
Fyr172zer.rec by Zero
HALF2Vfm.rec by Finman
HALF2Jadi4796.rec by adi
half2wPab.rec by Pab
Tre547zerDONE.rec by Zero
half1ifm2049.rec by Finman

mawpi531zer.rec by Zero
44be1141omfg.rec by bene
HALF2Madi5092.rec by adi
HALF2Ffm.rec by Finman
45N3226.rec by Nekit
HALF2ZMad.rec by Madness
VOU004adiJES.rec by adi
mawpi563zer.rec by Zero
Tre547zerDONE.rec by Zero
30Fm2911.rec by Finman

Madness keeping his 1st of month update schedule in Saveload WR table throughout the entire year, cleaning up table to remove buggy bounces and define rules to work with bug detection methods
54lohik2sl.rec by Kazan
SL51Mad3291.rec by Madness
01be1379.rec by bene
SL45Mad3199.rec by Madness
Tre714KazSL.rec by Kazan

SkypeC05 by Ramone and Zero
32Cup03 by Kejebra
32Cup13 by umiz
Lek05 by Ramone
FFS99a by jblaze
scifi00 by sunl
Pob1000 by Pab
ch3000 by Chris
KUBA0868 by kuchitsu
WBCII03 by insguy

Elma Grand Prix 1-4
The Elma Leagues
Dino Run
Elma 3.0 levels
World Battle Cup II
Stolen Internals
Elma Champions League
Brutal Bouncing Level Pack

HALF1 Done Quick by Zero
Elma Soup picture by Lee
YALE FFs, for example yff00001.lev, yff00003.lev and yff00005.lev by multiple collaborators
Christmas cards by ville_j
Movement paths of the kuskis in WC levs by Lee
SaveMe by A.K.B.
niilovideo by roope
World Cup 6 movie by iCS
HALF2 Done Quick by Zero
fitrec6a.rec by dawid

Reefer and TL for making battles for players who play in unorthodox hours (late night)
nick-o-matic for organizing FEM and making an awesome femquiz once again
8-ball for creating Elma Discord channel and developing it
ville_j for creating YALE and keeping on developing recsource
Sla for creating a list of all Elma programs and LGR’s and arranging contests/levpacks
roope for hosting GAA, being a part of the World Cup arranging team, and moderating both EOL and Mopolauta
Smibu for developing Elmanager, and especially actively updating SLE by responding to people's requests quickly, and working on Elma 2 (including web browser Elma)
Pawq for creating comprehensive pipe stats and keeping them updated, and keeping the complete list of TT’s under 40 updated
Koopa for getting people to make most of the YALE first finish levels and starting them
iCS for making shirts for shirtless active players

Zero's winrow of 32 normal battles
adi finishing 2593 pipe levels in one month
Sla getting his first internal WR and breaking two minute limits for 36 minute total time
Zero winning WBCII and winning half of the events in the way
TL making the most battles for the 6th year in a row
adi getting 2nd best 24 hour total time ever

Team category has been removed. There simply hasn't been enough signs of significant team activity (that could be evaluated properly) this year. We're expecting/hoping this classic category to make a comeback next year with World Cup 7 though!


Saveload: the Saveload category was introduced last year. After Smibu and milagros' saveload tools were released, saveloading has become a prominent thing in the Elma scene. This category is "all things SL"; you can suggest replays, styles and WRs for example.


Breakthrough: The Breakthrough is an award introduced in GAA2014; it replaced the old "Rookie" category. The Breakthrough GAA is awarded to a person who has made a big improvement, impact or comeback on any aspect of the game during the year. Candidates can be eligible for a breakthrough in any of 3 categories

1. Internals.
2. Externals and/or Battles.
3. Level Design.

The breakthrough award cannot be awarded to the same person multiple times for the same area of play. When suggesting a candidate you should note which category you are suggesting them for.


Contribution: In 2014, the "Site", "Contest" and "Contribution" awards were amalgamated into a single "Contribution" award.
However, the jury decided that since there were so many contests in 2015, so they brought the Contest category back as a separate category.
Contests have been prominent in 2016 too, so we're keeping it as a separate category.

The Contribution award is for those who have made a significant contribution to the scene through various forms such as programs, a useful and popular website or any other type of significant contribution.


Juror's Choice: An award introduced in 2014, the Juror's choice is an entirely jury-decided award that can be given to any person(s) within the scene for any reason deemed appropriate. The community can freely nominate candidates for this category, however the category will not be voted for by the community in the third step of voting and nominees will be kept hidden until the final show.

In the WR category, both single and multi WRs in the internals are eligible. Note that WRs must be published in an official WR table to be eligible. I'll try everything I can to make px update WR's before the end of this year!

In the Replay categories, only replays that have been publicly shared as actual .rec files will be eligible for this award. So even if your run is included in an Elma movie, it won't be eligible for the Replay award unless you have released the actual replay file.

In the Art category, any type of Elma-related art is eligible. This can include replay movies (such as EDQ, advertisement movies for cups, etc), real-life movies such as Elma Crime, images/artwork, music, and other types of art. Note that one kuski can only have one nomination spot for each type of art, but you do not need to consider this when making suggestions.

Voting rules
See 'Instructions of the voting process' below.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP VOTING UNLOCKED

Post by roope »

Instructions of the voting process

First step:
The community can make suggestions for the categories. Making suggestions in the first step is no longer necessary for voting in the later steps, but (especially a wide range of suggestions) is still highly appreciated and needed. Make these suggestions in this topic.
Deadline: Saturday 31st December, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)

Second step:
The jury will choose candidates for each category. The jury members will choose the candidates according to their experience and knowledge (they will also be reading, and strongly taking into consideration, the community's suggestions).

Deadline: Sunday 8th January, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)

Third step
Now we have the top candidates for each category available and the Elma community can vote. If you want to send your votes via Mopolauta, your Mopolauta account has to be registered before the start of the first step. You can also send your votes via IRC with a private message to roopemies @ IRCnet. You can also send your votes with a private message to roope's profile in, or to @roope#7292 in Discord. You don't have to vote in every category but if you do vote in some category you must pick a full top 5. The point is: choose top 5 or nothing.
The voting happens in the GAA voting website. After voting the website will give you a key, which you should send to roope with some of the aforementioned ways before the deadline. The votes have to be given in ranked order, from 1st to 5th. Each 1st position will give 5 points, each 2nd position will give 4 points, etc. The jury will assemble these points when the voting process has ended. You can only vote and send a PM once. Do not make your votes public.

Deadline: Sunday 12th February, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)

Fourth step
The jury will collect the top 5 for each category according absolutely to the community votes. The point system will be as follows: 5 points to every first position, 4 points to every second position etc.
This will be the top 5 to be used in the final show.

Fifth step
Details regarding jury voting: The different jury members will vote over the different categories, and the community will also give 2 votes to the candidate who got most points in the second step, and 1 vote to the candidate who got the second-most points. The different jury members' votes will not be public. In the event of a tie, the candidate who got most points from the community in the second step will win. If there still is a tie, the one who got most 5 points will win, then 4 points etc. If the winner cannot be resolved by this, the jury will come together and discuss the matter to declare a winner.
(However, IF the voter turnout in a category is 30 or more: The results are then calculated directly from the third step points. The jury members will participate in the third step as members of the community. Last year we got way over this limit, and we're hoping we'll get to that again!)

The final show is held on IRCnet, channel #gaa.

Date and time: Sunday 19th of February, 20:00 EET (GMT+2)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by jblaze »



whoever you put here, we all know the winner


not sure who qualifies for 2016, hard to set the borders and i was inactive in the beginning of 2016. these guys just got way better in battles than i remember them:

spef zigzag
spef headbang





Rubens EGPs
Slas mawlimination
FEMhunt (not sure about the category)




zeros ?? winrow in eol (32 atm)

i will be consistently adding some stuff when i remember something special ofc
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by kuchitsu »

will try to think of more in the future


Andry - Elma 3 levelpack that's pretty close to the internal feeling without really copying anything, varied battles, many artistic/memorable levs and unique ideas.
Chris - Apple battle god.
Ramone - Always high quality battles, innovative experiments with SLE tools.
Jappe2 - Kinda same as above, lots of levs made with care and masterful use of tools.
jblaze - Quality hoylable levs, like in his league for example. Some neat experimentation with textured polygons.
umiz - Always superb balles, an unorthodox style that can't be matched. Also Lost Olliz levelpack.
insguy - Lots of feel good levels with cool tricks and enjoyable speedy gameplay.
Zero - balles, Repeat pack and stuff.
Sla - Stolen internals were recognized by even, BBLP, good battles.


Nekit wr'd 45 after 9000 years of persisting.



ayFTTL62 by AndrY001 - I consider most 60 minute ffs unnecessarily long and full of filler parts that the author made without thinking much just because he wanted to make the lev as long as possible. Not the case here: Andry managed to keep me constantly entertained, none of the parts felt pointless.
Jeppe2's wbc2 pipe


World Battle Cup2
Procheck by Bartek? It seemed 100% accurate, no noobs passed the test.
jblaze's league thing.


The "Save Me" puzzle challenge by AKB.
insguy's film preview.
Dementia battles by insguy.


Reefer became a fresh and very welcome source of quick and fun nighttime battles.
Ppl who organized FEM.
Ppl who are responsible for promoting and developing Discord stuff.
villej for YALE and updates to recsource.
Sla organized elimination contest, maintains a list of elma programs, makes lots of levs, is being friendly, helpful and very enthusiastic about the game and its community.
niN organized wbc2 and handled all the pressure, maintains his site with levelpacks, does entertaining interviews.
New moporators? Are they doing much?

Juror's choice

insguy for having the strength to go through all the hardships related to his movie, including losing pretty much all footage.
zworqy for maintaining one of the most popular elma sites for many years before finally closing it.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by A.K.B. »

Thanks for mention. :) It is more art than contest, so good place to put! :D
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by iCS »

Level: pob1000, ch3000, ffs99a, bday29, skypec05, yff levels

Breaktrough: jblaze, AndrY

insane night
just to annoy Discord-haters: Discord :P
TL, Reefer, Chris for providing a huge amount of battles

Achievement: Zero 32 winrow (and TL battling the same level 4 times without ban XDDDD)

edit: + ayFTTL62 to levels
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by kuchitsu »


This puzzle lev by sunl is really clever. Don't just watch winrec, take some time and try to solve it by yourself in order to understand its beauty. It also features amusing bugline abuse that I personally have never seen before.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Orcc »

For the lazy ones of us, how many apples are there at start? So how many you need to pick at the end without touching flowers

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Bludek »

Battler: adi, jblaze, Markku, Pab
Breakthrough: jblaze (ext/balle) - he wasn't up there with the top pros last year. He is there now. (in my imo)
Designer: kuchitsu - he produces so many amazing levels with seemingly little efford! Like every second balle by him could be a cup level.
insguy - <3 yer levs, man
J2 - sik najs WBCII levs
Rec: I like how ez it is to check some of the top reks on recsource. Tre547zerNEW.rec, mawpi168zerFUCK.rec, mawpi461zer.rec are just a few to link here. Dunno how to go deeper for moar top rated recs, tho O.o
Contest: Beerballe at FEM - best experience :D I wish all mans could try this
World Battle Cup2
Contribution: Spef - for keeping the internal scene alive by his constant supply of WRs and other amazing times (many world 2nd times!)
NOM - FEM :) Like srsly. Amazing wörk.
Recsource - best site in years. It keeps getting better.
niN -
roope - GAA stuff. It ain't ez work. U do it good, man
EOL top 10 kuski of 2014 and 2015.
21:03:48 <umiz> i like 99% of bludek levels
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by kuchitsu »

Orcc wrote:For the lazy ones of us, how many apples are there at start? So how many you need to pick at the end without touching flowers
I asked this question too when saw the lev. :) Not counting the apples at start, you can take 3 apples. After that you have to avoid flowers until you collect everything.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Madness »

Battler: Zero
Designer: kuchitsu
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Hosp »

Internalist: Zweq
Battler: Zero
Designer: Hosp, ANDRRY veri genius levmaker and man
Contribution: TL
Genius: jonsykkel
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Bjenn »

Designer: Skint0r
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by insane guy »

I`ve failed to write down stuff throughout the year and my HDD crash also kinda erased many memories of what happened in the scene. I will update this list once more comes to my mind.

Hosp for BBLP and Repeat hoyling

Zero - (still has no serious competition unless he has a bad day)
jblaze- won pretty much everything at FEM16
Sick_Mambo - besides having one of the best nicks in the scene I find it very pleasing to spy him.
Thunder - one of the late night crew, comes up with some insane styles every now and then.
Bjenn - sometimes plays only a fraction of the balle time, still winning. Serious afterballe höyler.
AKB - down under style, always nice spy.
pawq - made decent comeback (?), very active nowadays, routinely does sick tricks.
Ramone - can find joy in the shittiest levs. Very creative style inventions and tests everything!
iltsu - he would never play the easy style just to win a battle. as a designer its always good to have him playing your lev.

Hosp - his battle levs require a lot of skill in stylefinding and execution, perfect for battling.
TL - still kicking his ugly masterpieces, recently even putting more realistic balle times!
Sla - BBLP and other projects I forgot, nice visuals and a bit oldschoolish style.
kuchitsu - almost every of his recent levs was Wcup material. Also takes the time to make simple but proper pics/grass.
Ramone - his levs are mostly high quality, but whats more important is that he gives you a good feeling while playing his levs. Commenting in private msgs or general announcements, Ramones battles usually feel special.

Fejm - recently beating pros, mostly using simple styles that are very efffective.
Vitesse - also suddenly ranking in the top places.


Markku, VilleJ & Lousku (& skint0r?) for FEMHunt

nick-o-matic for organizing FEM16
Last edited by insane guy on 20 Dec 2016, 01:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by AndrY »


Sla (Stolen ints)
(If i right understood, it is man who MAKE, not PLAY)


Breakthrough (in internals):
badyl (i mean his stats in elmastats site, he is really like WC-machine :mrgreen: )

45 Nekit

Zero (nice lev design, and most levs are nice too)
sunl (interesting, usualy short, levs. Not very good design, but it doesn't matter :D)
and maybe Chris with his apple balles :mrgreen:

jblaze's ECL champ (good levs, and very interesting to observe results)

if adi will finish ayspec71.lev so this will be)
But now THIS is the best:
...remembered one more


Dawid (his recs in recsource,
for example ... and so on)
oh, and ICS`s world cup 6 movie!!!
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Ramone »

Recs: Fms Halfrecs. He fucking slaugtered it!
Levelmaker: Ripowar, only saw two levels from this guy, but they were so ahead the curve its obvoius this guy know whats up
Contribution: nekit for making EOL bearable
Elasto Mania - ez better
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by bene »




kushcotsu kushitshoe kooshitshoe? how to spell???


Spef zigzag



Saveload obviously


nom fem quiz - There is so much work behind these quizzes that are amazing.


Madness for managing to follow his monthly update schedule of the save load wr table throughout the entire year.
Bugdetectmethods ... 50#p249513

Zero winrow of like 54 battles

Juror's choice
nom for all his work with fem and stuff

I might edit later but I'm fat.
Signatür ruined by SveinR - smaller plz :*
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by roope »

Nice suggestions guys, keep 'em coming!

The official GAA site is now up:
Big thanks for ville_j again for making it!
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by pawq »

adi, for finishing 2593 pipe levels in one month.
(Done between 9 November and 9 December, 30 days, average ~86 pipe levels per day.)

(7 consecutive updates of teh pipe spreadsheet, increase for each pack is the number of finished levels in the last update minus the number of finished levels in that pack when the pack was first included).
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by magicman »

Spef TT and Nekit

Zero, FinMan and Adi

Zero and Adi

AndrY001 = c0ol unique levels
kuchitsu = Good levels
umiz = Good balles and najs designs
Zero = Playful/fun and najs design!


Spef Zig-Zag


Replay: battle spin at 7,50





Belma crew: Admins and moderators. - Keeping the scene alive!
Nom - FEM

Spef TT, Juka beers, Zeros win rows f.ex 21atm[2016DEC11]

¯_Will edit more later_¯
Team: CF || wc4 pos. 6th || tt: under 42 duno || Metallica... ImageImage
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by roope »

Only a couple of weeks left till the end of the year, which is the deadline for the first step! Thanks everyone for your suggestions so far, we've collected a pretty good nominee core for this year's show already. We'd still like to hear some more good suggestions especially in categories like Style, Replay, Saveload and Level, so keep 'em coming!
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Zero »


Contest Levels
32Cup13 by umiz - Originally made for WCup6. Excellent playability and playful visuals!
WBCII10 by Rapptor - My favorite event in WBCII! Old level from a Trek Track co-designer. I am grateful that niN pick it :)
WBCII03 by insguy - One of the more interesting WBCII events stylewise. The level also looks mindblowingly good. Big plus for the logo!
EGP406 by Ruben - Not the most epic level of 2016, not the most visually stunning either. But it work perfectly for Rubens concept. Had so much fun in this lev!
ECL1P08E by jblaze - The best league I've seen this far. All the style possiblities and the unusual visuals surprised me.
Repeat30 by Zeor - This seemed to be among the most liked Repeat levels. I'm also happy how the visuals turned out!

Battle Levels
Lek05 by Ramone - The best battle level from Ramones experimental era. The large amount of clever visuals is a big fat icing to the already nice cake ;)
Fejm0017 by Fejm - Some of the battles Fejm made really blew me away. This was the most original level I've seen in ages.
ayFTTL62 by Andry001 - Didn't get to play this one but I was positively surprised to see so many unseen ideas for a FF battle!
KUBA0868 by kuchitsu - Kuchi can always make the playability enjoyable but this level shows the playful side of his designing as well. Me gusta.
Pob1000 by Pab - This one was strangely enjoyable :D I was playing this level eyes wide open thinking how long it took to make all this stuff work.
BDay29 by Redline - New GAA, new BDay lev to suggest. These are always good.
Z0ro0333 by Zero - This was an interesting balle.
SkypeC05 by Ramone and Zero - This was one big fucking project. We realized we have never made a basic FF level together and the designing session turned out to be quite a marathon. We had so much fun making it :) If you guys behave I might just release my platinIum rec this Xmas... We'll have to see ;)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Lousku »

You can see your !lev and !rec ratings from EOL chat listed here:

Chris for apple balles
Hosp for lots of gud levs, constantly improving in quality.
kuchitsu for lots of gud levs, constantly improving in quality.


scifi00.lev (originally sunWTF.lev)

EGP 1, 2, 3, 4
Stolen Internals

WCup 6 movie ... 35#p252935

8ball & others for Discord and chat bridges
vj for YALE
nom for FEM
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Bjenn »

Lousku wrote:REMINDAGE
You can see your !lev and !rec ratings from EOL chat listed here:
I have 22 pages with !lev 10 ? ???
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Hosp »

Didn't show any ratings after 2014 or sach even after sorting o,o
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Sla »

About two days left for deadline (Saturday 31st December, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)), remember to post any idea you have or you want to share and you think its good enough for GAA's awards. Specially in categories like Style, Replay, Saveload and Level.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Ramone »

Art: niilovideo
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by aspec »

Battler : Zero, Mielz
Designer : 1.kuchitsu 2.insguy 3. Ramone(but only Fyr great), Reefer, TL, DIvAn, Devann, skint0r, zo3
Breakthrough : schiz(battler), kuchitsu(designer)
Level : iCB655
Art : only for me maybe is emba4 :"D
Achievement: Zero 76.3 % Win Ratio from 962 battles
Last edited by aspec on 7 Jan 2017, 12:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Zweq »

i personally dont trust the stats because at the beginning of this year on my personal page it showed 20 battles played 2016 but on the stats page it showed i had 120 battles played for the year 2016 :P (numbers pulled out of ass but you get the point)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by kuchitsu »

Lousku wrote:You can see your !lev and !rec ratings from EOL chat listed here:
I was not aware of that. Apparently I rated this 10: So I'm nominating it I guess?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Hosp »

Contribution: Lousku, for being him
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Pab »

Contribution: Hosp, for suggesting Lousku
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Bludek »

now this topic is getting HOT! good to see that.
EOL top 10 kuski of 2014 and 2015.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Hosp »

Designeger: AndrY veri genius levmaker and man
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Lousku »

Hosp wrote:Designeger: AndrY veri genius levmaker and man
Ok yes seconded, dunno how forget this. Very unique designs and also sick effort.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by BlaZtek »

O fak. I forgot avout this.
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[17:06:15] (ImageRamone) ok I suckj. blaz rules
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by umiz »




Zero, nIN, insguy, kuchitsu, Sla


Spef Zig Zag

Zweq Long haul other way



[i cruise, i lev, i live]
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by Zweq »

lol thanks for recognizion but i dont think i would be able to claim style for vurnepmbtc, considering vurnepmbtc has been thought by mans for 10+ years, and i blatantly copied the hang from romy and just did it a bit better. Also vurnepmbtc was made like 5 years ago. Also vurnepmbtc was uploaded before 2016

art: bene i can agree with
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FIRST STEP GOING

Post by roope »

Guess what?


Go vote at

To vote, drag your top 5 favorites in order into the voting slots in the voting page. You don't have to vote in every category but if you do vote in some category you must pick a full top 5. The point is: choose top 5 or nothing. Remember, only vote for what happened in the GAA period (the year 2016)! After voting the website will give you a key, which you should send to roope with one of the following ways:

1. Via Mopolauta with a private message. Note: if you want to use this your Mopolauta account has to be registered before the start of the first step!
2. Via IRC with a private message to roopemies @ IRCnet
3. Via Elma Online site, with a private comment on roope's profile

The nominees are updated in the first post of this topic, and are of course shown in the voting site. One fix has been made since last time: links now automatically open in a new tab!

The deadline for sending your votes is Sunday 12th February, 23:59 EET (GMT+2), and the final show will be held a week later on Sunday 19th, 20:00.

EDIT: it appears there is no Send votes button on the site yet. Until that gets fixed, you can just plan on who you're going to vote in advance ¨=)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - PUBLIC VOTING IS ON

Post by kuchitsu »

Bene's 44 wr rec was made in like 2014, only published in 2016. Does that really count as a 2016 rec? Not trying to downplay his achievement, I was just a little surprised to see it.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - PUBLIC VOTING IS ON

Post by roope »

kuchitsu wrote:Bene's 44 wr rec was made in like 2014, only published in 2016. Does that really count as a 2016 rec? Not trying to downplay his achievement, I was just a little surprised to see it.
Technically it counts as a 2016 rec since it was published in 2016, even though everyone can have their own views on the matter. If we started sliding about these things, everything would become extremely tedious, i.e. would 32Cup recs be available for nomination in GAA2017, even though they were released in 2017 and the times were made in 2016?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - PUBLIC VOTING IS ON

Post by Bludek »

Damn, why didn't I read the edit before I went to teh site :evil: oh well, it is not going to take that much time next time. I guess my bad for being on lauta so often and spying roope's post too soon and not checking it again before going to site later.

Btw great work with nominees. I didn't see some of the recs/levs/w/e there and some are fucking amazing. :beer: :beer: :beer:
EOL top 10 kuski of 2014 and 2015.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - PUBLIC VOTING IS ON

Post by ville_j »

Before certain someone is trying to put the blame on me again I want to say I had no idea the voting was going to start and other people conffed things, maybe you can see something wrong in this
< roopemies> horror and frustrating and can't play, sounds just like you
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - PUBLIC VOTING IS ON

Post by Chris »

ville_j wrote:Before certain someone is trying to put the blame on me again I want to say I had no idea the voting was going to start and other people conffed things, maybe you can see something wrong in this
That data isn't accurate enough. Technically it's possible that 2017 is in fact 2017 BC. Oke?!
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - PUBLIC VOTING IS ON

Post by Kopaka »

Works now.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - PUBLIC VOTING IS ON

Post by AndrY »

HAHAHA im externalist :mrgreen: is it joke?
improved a lot of during the year and got world records in his own pack
:mrgreen: and btw now i haven't wrs there
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - PUBLIC VOTING IS ON

Post by Sla »

The deadline for Public voting is getting close, didnt you vote yet?

Go vote at

To vote, drag your top 5 favorites in order into the voting slots in the voting page. You don't have to vote in every category but if you do vote in some category you must pick a full top 5. The point is: choose top 5 or nothing. Remember, only vote for what happened in the GAA period (the year 2016)! After voting the website will give you a key, which you should send to roope with one of the following ways:

1. Via Mopolauta with a private message. Note: if you want to use this your Mopolauta account has to be registered before the start of the first step!
2. Via IRC with a private message to roopemies @ IRCnet
3. Via Elma Online site, with a private comment on roope's profile

The nominees are updated in the first post of this topic, and are of course shown in the voting site. One fix has been made since last time: links now automatically open in a new tab!

The deadline for sending your votes is Sunday 12th February, 23:59 EET (GMT+2), and the final show will be held a week later on Sunday 19th, 20:00.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - PUBLIC VOTING IS ON

Post by Sla »

For those who forgot or didnt have time to do it, this is the last chance to vote. Only 17hs for the deadline.

To vote, drag your top 5 favorites in order into the voting slots in the voting page. You don't have to vote in every category but if you do vote in some category you must pick a full top 5. The point is: choose top 5 or nothing. Remember, only vote for what happened in the GAA period (the year 2016)! After voting the website will give you a key, which you should send to roope with one of the following ways:

1. Via Mopolauta with a private message. Note: if you want to use this your Mopolauta account has to be registered before the start of the first step!
2. Via IRC with a private message to roopemies @ IRCnet
3. Via Elma Online site, with a private comment on roope's profile

The nominees are updated in the first post of this topic, and are of course shown in the voting site. One fix has been made since last time: links now automatically open in a new tab!

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2016 - FINAL SHOW ON SUNDAY 19TH

Post by Sla »

Golden Apple Awards Final Show will start in 1h 25m!

Golden Apple Awards 2016 final show will be held on Sunday 19th of February, 20:00 EET (GMT+2) in IRC, #gaa @ IRCNet, be there! You can also follow the show via the Elma Discord's #events channel. More info at And after the show, WORLD CUP 7 WILL START!!!

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