IMDB votelists

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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Tigro »

Zootopia (2016) - 7 / 10
Very nice graphix, simple enough story, all good stuff. But then you realise, that this movie is stuffed with humanism so much, even without any human being there. All that "you can be anything", "believe in yourself", "you deserve more" and similar bullshit was way way over the top. It's just so enormously bad. And I wonder what influence this has on the kids watching it. No, kids, you can't be anyone. You can't all be astronauts. I guess this would be for a deeper discussion, and I don't want that here atm.

The Dictator (2012) - 8 / 10
I actually enjoyed this very much and was laughing all way around. For me, SBC is actually a great and fun actor to watch.

Kung Fury (2015) - 6 / 10
When I saw it has only 30 mins, I was like hey, it's gonna be real quick. After 5 mins into the movie I was starting to feel urge to stop watching this. But I endured until the end, and I have to say, that in the end I actually enjoyed the absurdly over the top intended fun. Stupid and all, but I had some good laughs.

The Big Short (2015) - 9 / 10
The highlight were the actor's performances. Bale, Carell, Pitt, even Gosling; all amazingly impersonated their roles. But mostly Christian Bale. Amazing. The financial system terminology and stuff was sometimes hard to follow, but Margot Robbie and Selena Gomez made it much more acceptable :D I felt immersed into movie very quickly, anticipated what will happen next, how's it gonna end, who's gonna end up as a winner (even when I actually know what happened irl). The movie was directed very entertainingly, those flashes of 'strange' fun and Master of Puppets and whatnot were giving it that brisky touch. Well done.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Tigro wrote:And I wonder what influence this has on the kids watching it.
Personally, I feel like as a kid I never took any lessons from the cartoons that I've seen. They were just cool, funny, or entertaining to watch, but I never really noticed any "themes" or moral lessons. I only started to see that stuff somewhat later in life. But I guess I was kinda an outsider so dunno if I'm a good example of how kids look at these things. I wonder what other people will say about this.

Also I FUCKING HATED dancing and singing scenes! Even at very early age.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

Tigro wrote:Zootopia (2016) - 7 / 10
Very nice graphix, simple enough story, all good stuff. But then you realise, that this movie is stuffed with humanism so much, even without any human being there. All that "you can be anything", "believe in yourself", "you deserve more" and similar bullshit was way way over the top. It's just so enormously bad. And I wonder what influence this has on the kids watching it. No, kids, you can't be anyone. You can't all be astronauts. I guess this would be for a deeper discussion, and I don't want that here atm.
Totally agree with the first half. But I think it's rather obvious that the purpose of that was to embed the thought "you can be whatever you want" in kids brains, rather than the opposite that you posted. And I think it probably worked pretty well, because it was a simple concept repeated a lot of times (what works best for kids), and in the end good equality won over evil intolerance.

For me it was an enjoyable film, but yeah, that equality bit was irritating (still, I'd happily let my kids watch it)
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by anpdad »

Deadpool (2016) - 7.5/10
Enjoyed it as much as one could probably enjoy a movie like this. Cheesy (but brutally self-aware of it), fun, action-packed jokefest with a nonexistent 4th wall, - great movie to turn your brain off to (nice engrish anpmom!). If i were drunk, i'd rate it 8/10.

Your Highness (2011) - 5/10
Trailer left me impressed, but after reading a few reviews, i readjusted my expectations and put them back down into the bottom of the barrel. That turned out to be a wise decision, for this movie is, to simply put it, gloriously stupid. I still had a good time and had a few genuine laughs, and it wasn't half as bad after all. If you decide to watch it, you better do it in a company for better experience imo.

Trick 'r Treat (2007) - 8/10
Awesome Halloween-themed movie, definitely one i would watch next year, and maybe the year after that >:D Really thick atmosphere, wonderful and eerie, which captures the spirit of halloween perfectly (as i would imagine, heh, because this holiday is not usually celebrated in Russia). It tells 4 stories in a weird pulp fiction-esque fashion, with timelines and separate stories all mashed together, and it works well in the context, and it feels satisfying when everything ties up in the end. What i didn't enjoy was the fact that there's almost no main plot or plot development to talk about, - you're basically shown the basic traditions of the holiday, and one day in a life of one town. Rationally, it exactly fits the movie, but emotionally i felt that something was lacking there.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Inferno - it was oke I guess. I would prefer less chase scenes because just like in Jason Bourne they mostly feel very empty imo. It would be way more interesting if instead there was a stronger focus on historical facts and such (like it was cool to learn about the origins of the word "quarantine"). But still it was kinda stupid-enjoyable and I didn't see some of the twists coming.

Miss Peregrine's home for whatever - ugh this was boring. Very unconvincing acting by just about everyone except Samuel L. Jackson, who was a bit funny. Very basic cliched characters with little to no development. The speedy storytelling didn't help either. Dunno, maybe I'm just so used to watching 10+ hour anime that 2 hour characters just can't do it for me? But no, that's not true. I really liked the characters in Captain Fantastic, for example. Anyway, at least I enjoyed some of the little details like that flying girl's shoes or something.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Ruben »

kuchitsu wrote:Inferno - it was oke I guess. I would prefer less chase scenes because just like in Jason Bourne they mostly feel very empty imo. It would be way more interesting if instead there was a stronger focus on historical facts and such (like it was cool to learn about the origins of the word "quarantine"). But still it was kinda stupid-enjoyable and I didn't see some of the twists coming.
If you want good action watch Jackie Chan's old Hong Kong based movies. There are so many amazing fight scenes in those, expertly choreographed without the need for headache inducing cuts and earthquake camera.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

The Accountant - very satisfying movie about understanding other people. I could easily relate to the main character. And it's very well constructed. Like, with some scenes at first you might not understand why they even exist, but sooner or latter you'll get it and they will all form a neat logical picture. Also I thought it was kind of cool how Ben Affleck and the girl that was investigating him never actually met. A few parts are kinda funny and sometimes it's not clear whether that's intentional or not, but this fits the theme of autism really well if you think about it. Anna Kendrick is pretty.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Tigro »

Another batch of movies, mostly watched because of procrastination.

Captain America: Civil War (2016) - 6/10
Considering it is a Marvel movie, it was kinda watchable. Senseless mostly, but somehow entertaining enough.

Ransom (1996) - 7/10
Watched this a while back, but it left a good impression on me. I liked seeing Gary Sinise in a piece other than CSI:NY. And I always liked Gibson movies, and this one is pretty decent.

RED (2010) - 4/10
Again senseless crap. Stupid action pack.

The Maze Runner (2014) - 5/10
I was interested in yet another dystopian depiction of future, so I gave it a shot. Well, some things were indeed ridiculous but I wasn't bored or disgusted enough not to finish watching it, which is a plus. I'll spy sequels too, mostly for reference, not because I am terribly keen on discovering how it is going to end.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) - 8/10
At first I wasn't really sure what have I dived into, but as the movie progressed, I was starting to enjoy it pretty much, to the point that I stopped worrying and loved the bomb. Kubrick is a pretty cool dude. However, when I started watching The Shining, I was kinda bored. But this was fun.

The Wrong Trousers (1993) - 9/10
Old, but gold. Wallace & Grommit have won my heart. Since the times of Neverhood and plasteline graphics, I became a fan of this. Curse of the Were-rabbit was seen too, but not in a whole, so I'll have to rewatch to get a holistic picture.

Joy (2015) - 7/10
I was planning to watch this for a long time. When I saw the cast, I got a strange feeling that I have seen this movie already. Then I realised it's not Silver Linings Playbook :D What I liked the most was the cruel depiction of social-family pathology that was going on there. And seeing JL not perfectly styled, but wearing old clothes and being tired and worn out was a good addition to leaving the Hollywood stereotype. The story itself was interesting for me as well.

Room (2015) - 8/10
Another Oscar movie I sworn I'll watch. When I realised it's 2+ hours long, I wsn't sure if I can handle so much time in so little space. Well, 7 years is surely a bit more than 2 hours tho. But as the story evolved (which I didn't expect, to be honest), It was getting more and more of my interest. There were many points where I cried, not because of the emotional distress, but because so many people could have done so much better decisions to make it all much easier.
For example, her not trying to somehow guess the combination on the lock (I'd use a thin line of butter on numbers and a pencil carbon dust to get the numbers at least), or not getting a proffessional help in form of some psychologist who would make some plan how to integrate Jack into the World osv.
Very oke movie tho.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

nice list Tigro!
Tigro wrote:RED (2010) - 4/10
Again senseless crap. Stupid action pack.
I actually enjoyed this quite a lot :D The scene when Willis gets out of a drifting car and starts shooting is pure gold and I watch it 5 times every time I watch this film :D Only gave it 7 tho cuz wasn't mindblowing overall
Tigro wrote:The Maze Runner (2014) - 5/10
wouldn't expect this to be any better than shit o,o
Tigro wrote:Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) - 8/10
At first I wasn't really sure what have I dived into, but as the movie progressed, I was starting to enjoy it pretty much, to the point that I stopped worrying and loved the bomb. Kubrick is a pretty cool dude. However, when I started watching The Shining, I was kinda bored. But this was fun.
Maybe I was a tiny bit too young when I tried the Dr, but couldn't find sense and enjoy it :( The Shining, on the other hand, is a pure masterpiece. It starts slowly, but once you get into it... Mindblowing. Definitely give it another shot if you haven't finished last time!
Tigro wrote:Room (2015) - 8/10
Very good movie but dunno, didn't blow me as much as it should, so it got a 7 from me. My favourite part was This Will Destroy You when the boy was trying to escape, such ecstatic moment <3

Heer some of my recents:

Jason Bourne (2016) - 3/10
Gf convinced me to go but dame, such piece of shit :S Pretty much story, hardly any acting, worst dialogue scripts I've heard in a LONG time, completely useless black guy who was there in almost every scene only not to piss off the minorities, and because the film was trying so hard to be tense all the time, it wasn't tense even for a second. The only two enjoyable things in this film were Alicia Vikander (who wasn't even impressive because of the shitty script) and the end titles music theme (from the original Bourne from 1999). Don't waste your time)

The Sting (1973) - 8/10
Awesome classic! The action pace wasn't mindblowing by today's standards, but the whole plot was so well crafted I really loved it in the end :D

Tangerines (2013) - 9/10
Prince Avalanche (2013) - 8/10
Two brilliant films about people. No crazy stories, no real action, no stunning sceneries, no famous names... Just stories of normal people who found themselves in awkward circumstances. And by "normal people" I mean people who aren't perfect, like all the hollywood characters, but have their flaws, their stupidities, their silly habits, etc. Sincerely recommended to everyone tired of Marvel and co., especially Tangerines!!! (which, by the way, is an estonian-georgian movie :D)

Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) - 8/10
Expected this to be better really. I think it got like +2/3 just for the animation style, which was amaaaaziiiing, but the story was its weak point.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by skint0r »

My Scientology Movie: 6/10
Yeu pretty weak Theroux. Enjoyed it somewhat either way, but some parts felt quite meh and it kinda missed some... something.

Crimson Peak: 5/10
Pretty weak shit, but not total horror, for a horror movie (he, he.......). Had some ok atmosphere at parts, but pretty predictable shit and also ridiculously unbelievable.

Ice Age: Collision Course: 2/10
Dear lord this was so bad. Even though some of the others in the series weren't much to brag about, I still somewhat enjoyed them for what they were and got some laughs and shit. This one was just a total failure though.

Imperium: 6/10
Kinda weird, remember being pretty captivated by it and enjoying it, but at the same time it was quite meh and not much to brag about. Ok timewaster if just need some entertaining stuff I guess.

Sausage Party: 6/10
Rafl, I knew this was not some kids movie, but wasn't aware just how out there it was. Gave me quite a lot of laughs for all the stupid shit in it, but it would have been nice if it was a bit less "hehe im 14 lol sex joke LOL". Overall not very great, but enjoyable still.

The Secret Life of Pets: 4/10
very disappointing shit. few funny moments, but not good at all. mega boring predictable shit, and most of the movie extremely unfunny and unable to be made up for by those few select funny moments. ban kevin hart from movies also pls... just ruined it even more. 4 is generous rating.

Finding Dory: 6/10
I liked this about the same as the original. Some funny scenes blabla but just oke blabla, just average oke enjoy.

War Dogs: 6/10
Starts off pretty decent, but kinda falls flat halfway into the movie where things just kinda goes exactly how you would imagine it and there's no surprises or much interesting things happening. Still oke-enjoy.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Pascal »

Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - 7/10

Pleasant movie. Quite well played, Garfield and Vaughn did nice job. The story is typical, nothing more than usual war film. But battle scenes were great - well, that's Mel Gibson after all.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Back to the Future (1985) - 8/10
I know that this is a must-see movie, so I gave it a shot. Overall, I was really entertained and impressed. Kinda lightweight, fun, and not very stupid. Of course, very predictable, but at least there weren't some weird Deus Ex machinas that would skew the polt drastically, like some movies tend to do when they need to change the direction of the plot. So, it was really good.

Ice Age: Collision Course (2016) - 3/10
On the other hand, this was complete waste of time. Everything with Scrat was so much over the top, main plot was catastrophic (pun intended), just stupid things happening... I don't know what to say more. Simply shit. Yes, I laughed sometimes. But most of the time when I laughed I did so because it was not that funny, but because it was that ridiculous. Don't feed your kids with this.

Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn (2012) - 6/10
Not something exceptional, but not bad either. Watchable. I have never played Halo, I don't know the main plot, characters, nothing. So i thought I'll spy this to see what is it about. It gave me pretty good outline, I think. Simple plot, okay graphix. Fine.

Halo: The Fall of Reach (2015) - 6/10
I like this Halo a bit less, but not to give it a 5. Much simpler plot (did I see something like this before...?), but again, not overly bad or something, just basic watch.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016) - 8/10
This was much better than expected. It was easy to watch (eventho I was sitting too close to the screen, things going blurry all the time), plot was okay, great music, very fine acting, a bit of HP melancholia, and pretty well done jokes, so the whole cinema laughed. Enjoyable, very good for me; worth a ticket to the cinema.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

About Fantastic Beasts... Does it feel like a "legit HP story" or should I approach it expecting something quite different in mood?
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Re: IMDB votelists

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kuchitsu wrote:About Fantastic Beasts... Does it feel like a "legit HP story" or should I approach it expecting something quite different in mood?
There are muggles, there are wizards, there is a bit of "HP absurdism", there are wand fights, there is HP fun, but it is in America and not Britain, there is no Harry. I think it kept the feel quite a bit, music does very big job in this. It depends on what you expect. For me, this was enough.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Arrival (2016) - 9/10
It really was that good. It's a movie that makes you think. Not "go deep into yourself" think, but "what has just happened" think. I really enjoyed it. A sci-fi movie, which is not meant to be sci-fi in the first place, but wants to tell something, while using sci-fi as an environment. Yeah, it was really good. But I think many people won't think so. It really isn't a movie to "just watch something". Needs a dedicated spyer.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

Hmm, thanks for the recommendation! I thought the poster looked quite lame but then saw some good reviews and thought maybe oke after all. Defo gonna watch now :)

The Hunt (2012) - 9/10
holy fuck.... this was like the Sunn O))) of all depressive films
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Fantastic beasts and shit - it was okay... The first 20-30 minutes were the most exciting because of that "back home but not quite" feeling and promising new characters. Then the fat muggle's reactions stopped being funny and got kind of old. After that too much time was spent on hunting various creatures that mostly didn't look wonderful at all imo (not so great computer graphics, the scene where a computer creature was interacting with a real dog was plain embarassing). And the story turned out to be too simple for my taste. Not enough twists and turns, not enough complexity in storytelling and characters, not enough... maturity? Dunno. I don't regret watching it but it will vanish from my head fairly soon. Still it's very cool to get a new Harry Potter story. The best part for me was learning new facts about the history of magic society and such. Nice actors too.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

On imdb, can you sort the actors by "important" order? I don't care about Customs Official and Photographer 2...
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

kuchitsu wrote:On imdb, can you sort the actors by "important" order? I don't care about Customs Official and Photographer 2...
I think they're normally sorted by credits order, which most often is in order of importance. Sometimes in order of appearance in film (which seems to be the case here), but is it really that much of a problem? :o Maybe pasibel to have other sorting methods on imdbpro, but never had it so dunno.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Tigro »

kuchitsu wrote:On imdb, can you sort the actors by "important" order? I don't care about Customs Official and Photographer 2...
usually clicking "see full crew and cast" does the job.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by John »

Allied - 5/10
Short summary: Not that interesting story, very artificial looking sets and a super smooth 4K resolution taking away the movie magic. Disappointed...

Bad Santa 2 - 4/10
The jokes had no finesse, just a lot of cursing which got tiresome pretty quickly. I would recommend seeing Bad Santa (1) again instead.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by skint0r »

Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father: 7/10
Pretty good and mostly enjoyed it. Guess the turn of events made me not get as hyped, which is not the movie's fault at all or anything and just the way it is. Worth a spy I guess.

Wonder Boys: 8/10
Wow very surprise nice. Honestly probably more of like a 6-7 movie and not THAT great... but for whatever reason this just really clicked with me and I really loved everything about it, all actors and characters and the feel of the movie. Really wished it would have been like several more hours of the same stuff. Wish there were more movies like this out there!

Shame: 3/10
Sick disappointing boring shit. Retarded characters and story. Lots of stupid "deep" projections and shit which I'm sure some people will love to analyze and make into being some kind of master piece of metaphors, while just being total shit boring.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time: 7/10
Very cute and enjoyable, overall nice and pretty funny/interesting. Got a bit weird in the end with a lot of vague possibilities about what happened which was annoying but guess some people enjoy speculating about that shit.

Visitor Q: 4/10
Very overrated boring below average stuff here. Only went into it knowing it was supposedly very sick and twisted in some ways, but maybe I've just seen too much other shit that this didn't really phase me much and I was more like "this is it?". Again maybe some retarded metaphor heaven here, but it seemed pretty senseless storytelling and all the time I was more like "wtf..?", but instead of reacting to the weird stuff it was because nothing made sense instead.

Swiss Army Man: 6/10
Bit hard to judge this. Kind of enjoyed it and lol'd a bit and thought it had some interesting concepts going for it, but it felt a bit too silly in the end and kinda fell flat after a while. Everything in it felt a bit overly forced somehow, duno.

The Shallows: 3/10
3 might be a bit generous, but despite it being pretty senseless boring stuff, it still wasn't completely garbage. Just felt like looking at clock the whole movie because it was so slow and stupid with nothing really happening, plus there's basically zero surprises about anything and how it will turn out. Overrated hot girl also, very meh so didn't boost up rating anything!

Captain Fantastic: 8/10
7.5 mebe, very torn what to rate, 7 or 8. But guess just purely on an enjoyment scale it was an 8 for me. Really liked the atmosphere of it and the pacing and shit. Nice story and characters, never felt bored or that things got too stupid even though it's kind quirky and weird, it rode the line pretty decently where things still felt "real" despite being very much some kind of fantasy world type of thing almost ala Wes Anderson.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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One Point O (2004) - 7/10

This was fucked up, that's for sure. A friend of mine recommended so I decided to give it a try. The movie is very creepy, odd atmoshpere and characters acting weird makes you feel uncomfortable. Most of the time I didn't know what's going on and was thinking "What a load of bollocks" all the time. But in the end I was satisfied. I was satisfied because it seemed logical and there were many clues throughout the movie that pointed to this ending. Definitely not for everyone but I liked how twisted and dark it was.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Doctor Strange - I really liked the dramatic introductory part. Strong mood, the acting was good and it was super easy to relate to the guy. The training part was also quite entertaining, I liked the eastern magical setting and the theme of becoming stronger spiritually. Then the plot obviously became too fast and fight-oriented, so that ruined a lot for me. Still, some okayish jokes and very enjoyable actors (mainly Cumberbatch and Swinton) made the rest watchable.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Ruben »

I hate the trend of putting jokes in the trailers. Deadpool did that a lot, and while yes, it's fun when you watch the trailer, it ruins the joke in the movie. This was especially noticable in Doctor Strange with the wifi password joke. It's actually quite a good joke, but it was ruined by getting put in the trailer. There was laughter in the cinema, but it was more sort of a novelty laughter, as if the audence is saying "yes this joke is funny, but we already saw it in the trailer so we're just pretend laughing to acknowledge that we thought it was funny the first time."

It was especially bad in Deadpool, because all the best jokes were in the trailers, not just one. God damn idiots.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Ye, the wifi joke is maybe the best they had and they just spoiled it...

I also don't like when the trailer ends with a joke, we've seen that too often by now.

In general, most modern trailers show way too much I think. Sometimes it's like you already know all the important plot points before seeing the film.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

And that's the reason why I never watch trailers, and if I happen to accidentally see one in a cinema, for a film I'm genuinely interested in, I literally close my eyes, and sometimes cover my ears too. It ruins too much of the fun.

But you can't really say they're idiots Ruben. The thing they care about is that people buy the tickets. What they do later seems not to be that important, because they got the hype machine spinning so hard that a couple of spoiled jokes are not gonna stop it.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Tigro »

kuchi i'd appretiate if you could assign a rating number when you review a movie, so I can make a better picture osv k10x.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Ruben »

Tigro wrote:kuchi i'd appretiate if you could assign a rating number when you review a movie, so I can make a better picture osv k10x.
I don't like ratings, especially not 1-10 type stuff. For me there's only a few: Excellent, watchable, unwatchable and so bad it's good. Naturally most movies fall in the watchable category.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

I talked about this before. Don't like ratings personally. I prefer using actual words that have more or less clear meaning. I think numbers only make the picture more confusing since it's so unclear what they mean, everyone understands them differently, etc.

I find the idea that works of art can be reduced to mere numbers a little insulting to be honest. This probably sounds way too pompous but that's how I feel...

And I think the tendency to rate everything is maybe kinda dangerous since instead of having a complex view on the subject you're choosing to just associate it with a label. Feels like that' s not the right way to judge things.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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What I am trying to say is, that giving it a number is helpful for others (like me) to evaluate the movie at the first glance. John sees a movie, gives it a 9, hell, I'll watch it.
kuchi sees a movie, gives it a 5 line boring review I am not even gonna read because orka, and yet I have no ida if the movie was good or not.

Another thing is, it would be nice to stick to this thread's custom to actually rate the movies. A number doesn't necessarilly insult the art imo, but I understand how it can feel.
Just give it a number and add two sentences on what you liked and what you disliked. I still use this one to approximate my view of the movie, as well as I tend to overvaluate movies, which numbers nicely prevent. If I saw a movie to give it a 9, then I check my other 9-rated movies, I realise it wasn't on par with them, i go for 8, maybe even 7.
10 - perfect
9 - masterpiece
8 - pretty great
7 - good
6 - okiz / a bit over par
5 - maybe somehow barely worth watching / a bit subpar
4 - bad
3 - shit
2 - why
1 - pls stop

I don't think giving a number hurts anybody and it is helpful for others (if you care about others), because this is the main idea here, to give others some recommendations and ratings/reviews on movies, it's not just a note for self (use some excel or some shit for that). But what kuchi usually writes doesn't help me decide to watch that movie or not. A simple number would suffice.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Dunno, I'm already using words like "this was boring", "very satisfying movie", "watchable" anyway. I don't see how "4 - bad" or "7 - good" expands on these thoughts. These numbers will maybe make you think that now you have a better understanding of my feelings, but imo that will be very far away from reality. And then you'll come back from the cinema and complain "how on earth could you rate this 8???". I kinda understand why some people want to see a simple number instead of having to actually read and think (it's psychologically satisfying to reduce complex things to basic labels instead of looking at the overall picture, which is more difficult to comprehend), but I still feel like it's a fundamentally wrong way of looking at things and it only makes our judgement more fuzzy. It's like these dumb polls where you have to rate your happiness on the scale from 1 to 10. I don't know what a 6/10 happiness means. But I can talk about my life, things that I'm satisfied with, things that worry me, and give you some actual information on the way I see myself. Now that stuff will have actual meaning and value imo.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

There's a reason why this topic is called imdb votelists, not film reviews :o note that most people do write their short reviews, but we add the ratings because that's what we do on imdb. And I rate films on imdb because it allows me to go back in a few years and easily check how much I liked a film, can check other people's votes, and STATS.

+1 for Tigger also for start he said about helpfulness and standardisation. I always check my recent ratings when rating a new film.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Pascal »

Mojave (2015) - 3/10

Bah, that was bad. I watched the movie because I like Oscar Isaac and description sounded promising. In fact, it was illogical and the whole story was just meh. I did not like characters, Oscar Isaac wasn't as intimidating as I thought he would be and the other guy was just dull and didn't fit the role. I did not see any positive sides of this movie, maybe the desert, nothing more. Avoid like the plague.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by John »

Arrival - 8/10
I knew very little about this movie beforehand, I knew Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner was in it and that it was a scifi movie, that was pretty much it. Watched the movie last night and immediately at the end credits said "that was a cool movie". It felt like a quite minimalistic movie, not much else than the basic plotline, not any fancy visuals or anything. It managed doing this unusual recovery, in the middle of the movie I was thinking "this is a 6/10", a while later "this is a 7/10" and in the end "cool, this was a 8/10". Recommended!
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

Arrival - 10/10 ez.

I was blown to pieces. Possibly best film since Inception for me.
It was pretty much perfect in every way imo. And it came at a perfect time - just after I rewatched Avatar and complained about the lack of originality of the indigenous race, its culture, language etc. Here nothing could be guessed. Not the interior of the ship, not the aliens, not their language, not their... way of being. And the overall mood of the film was just mindblowing. I can't overstate how much I appreciate this film. Nothing about it is the easy/cheap way. The story isn't overcomplicated on purpose, it was about presenting these simple ideas that change everything. Spoiler: Imo the way they handled time "travel" was even better than in Interstellar, because you didn't have to work so hard to figure it out, it just... arrived. Really can't pinpoint a single flaw.


Question John: did you watch it in a cinema?
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Tigro »

Pawq wrote:Arrival - 10/10 ez.
Arrival is based on short story Story of Your Life, so it's really unlikely they would try to sequel it. It's an enclosed piece. Also, the movie is really sticking to the plot of short story.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by John »

Pawq wrote:Question John: did you watch it in a cinema?
Ofc, I still work at one :) Glad you liked it too Pawq, really cool movie.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Arrival - watched it inspired by the comments in this thread. Definitely a good movie. I feel like perhaps watching it is not as interesting as thinking about it afterwards... Imo at some points it kind of drags and you're just waiting for the next plot twist to come. Also didn't care about the whole world conflict thing. Not sure if I'm convinced by how the countries were behaving, and to me it was just a distraction from what's truly cool. I wanted all these military guys to just fuck off and let that woman keep communicating with the aliens. Although the army stuff sure made the atmosphere more pressuring with all these dehumanizing processes, which is good and adds to the theme of humanity being not so nice. I think I got the ending, although with (spoiler!) future predicting powers it's always kinda messy.. Also I like the fact that I seemed to know only like one actor (the black army guy). It's always cool seeing actors that aren't already connected to certain personality traits in your mind. Like, you're judging them based only on what you're seeing right now, which is how it should be.

ok I dunno how to write in invisible color lol. I just copied the code from Pawq's post, but his post background is of a different color, so oops.

btw is there a translation of that stuff she says in Chinese? Kinda want to know what she actually said. xd

Also I thought the classic tense moments like "omg she has only 3 seconds left, can she do it???!!!111" seemed out of place in a quite serious film like this. And I think I'm getting tired of these farting trombones or whatever you hear in modern movies whenever something is supposed to be menacing/epic. It's been done too much already, especially in trailers.
Last edited by kuchitsu on 8 Dec 2016, 20:26, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Sunshine »

Amanda Knox 5/10 didnt really follow this case ever and just knew the name vaguely, based on the evidence shown in the documentary i believe she is innocent but these types of docus have been known to omit evidence to support their narrative (making a murderer etc). watchable docu but nothing special and i felt like they could have covered the case better
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

How can you not know Amy Adams xD

Also that "3s left" moment wasn't actually stupid here like it normally is, because nobody magically managed to fix/escape something last second. The timing of the last second reaction was precisely planned, so it makes perfect sense. It was actually one of my favourite scenes.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by skint0r »

Suicide Squad: 6/10
Some wtf decisions on forgettable idiot character choices, pretty shitty plot and generic "superhero" movie. Yet totally oke and better than expected going into it. Loved design and look of the "real" bad dudes. Just fine entertain when bored and duno what to watch if not seen.

Sully: 6/10
Fairly oke, nothing amazing here. Not much to say about it other than also just fine if bored or such.

Finding Forrester: 6/10
You're the man now dog :^) pretty bland performances and writing here, kind of silly events and shit, but also again just FINE.

The Magnificent Seven: 4/10
Ewww, somehow I felt fucking offended by this garbage. This felt like such an amateur movie from top to bottom holy shit. Max overuse of this new obsession new movies have with dolly zoom effect. Fucked up colors and just shitty look for entire movie. Fucking awful music that doesn't fit at all and is so generic and forced mood setting it's just annoying. Jumpcuts galore 24/7, shitty camera movement etc.. Bland characters somehow, cliche performances and writing, facepalm worthy "jokes" and dramatic moments. Weirdass decisions all over. This extremely obvious thing with the woman in the movie for some reason going around with max cleavage and revealing top, which is liek np do what want and that's not problem, and also she nise looking so dont mind it, except it feels so fucking out of place for this character to do and i duno why this decision was made. probably litel weird to be annoyed by it also, but that's exactly how ridiculous the movie makes it seems that you even notice and get bothered by it. duno miracle that even give 4/10, only redeeming thing is that even with all these awful things, it's such a safe movie and plot thing that it's still worst case scenario watchable even if not like it very much.

you would be way better off watching the original (8/10), or the real original that it was based on Seven Samurai (one of few 10/10 movies of mine).
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Pascal »

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) - 7/10

I was in cinema last thursday, I'm surprised there's no any opinion here yet. I'm a Star Wars freak. I love the universe and have had concerns for years if Disney is not going to kill the franchise. But hell, it's their second SW movie and they're doing it just fine. They feel the magic of Star Wars world. The story didn't seem to be particularly interesting when I first read about it. And indeed - 1st half of the movie wasn't engaging. It introduced characters, OK, but actual events were just meh. There are many great characters in this group. Chirrut Imwe is my favourite, but also I loved imperial pilot Bodhi Rook, K-2SO (brings great humour) and main villain Orson Krennic - I think Ben Mendelsohn captured him perfectly. Why no Jyn Erso? She's dull, I don't buy her motives and I didn't see her relationship with father which supposed to be important. 2nd half of the movie is amazing and entertaining, whole action is well planned and you don't feel it's chaotic like it was in Starkiller action in The Force Awakens. I liked how smooth ending was and how well known characters had their moment. I like Disney's approach. Keep doing it (at least) this way and it'll be fine.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Sunshine » - army of one 4/10 - not very funny movie, plot was kinda lackluster, nicolas cages character was good though ghostbusters (2016) 3/10 - this was pretty similar to original ghostbusters i would say except the original cast was MUCH better but in terms of story i think both are similar average. the jokes were very meh life aquatic with steve zissou 7/10 - first 30mins of watching i hated this and thought another of those shitty "quirky" movies but it got better and i warmed up to it and all the characters and overall very watchable movie war dogs 7/10 - went in thinking this was more of a comedy but its not really much at all even though there are some comedic moments. jonah hill is a good actor though and is nice even in more serious roles. based on true story and i think highlights well the madness of what goes on in the american industrial military complex
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Sunshine » suicide squad 5/10 - heard a lot of hate for this movie but it was better than expected though nothing special, ham-fisted way of introducing characters and stupid antagonist lowered by few pojos but the action was pretty ok girl with the dragon tattoo (2011) 8/10 - havent seen original but this nice batman: the killing joke 2/10 - read the comic and didnt like, watched this animation and didnt like. only some 1h15m movie but felt really long, i dont think animation really is good for this kind of stories or comics but i guess some people like them (the story was quite shit to begin with tbh). there was some stuff in beginning that felt really unnecessary and didnt link to main plot imo at all, maybe they added it for length
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Tigro »

GWtDT with Daniel Craig is so shit, compared to the original imo.
btw, vermin, making links is hella easy:

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[url=]Girl With the Dragon Tattoo[/url]
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Sunshine »

its not easy compared to regular norm forums that make it actually easy. based on your previous ratings i dont think we enjoy the same kind of movies so i will skip the original
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Tigro »

Rogue One (2016) - 7/10
I even wore a Darth Vader t-shirt to the cinema... I was very tempted to give 8, but we shall keep it real. Overall very good movie. I liked the plot ending very much, they did awesome job. Good music, nice X-Wing fights osv., only missing some good lightsabre wham-wham sounds and neon flashing clashes, but whatever. Decent acting, satisfactory CGI, several well-placed humorous lines, but not too overcommited in that (like marvel always does for example, sigh). Go spy it if you are at least a bit interested in SW universe. And Riz Ahmed is there (Four Lions, anyone? He seems to be getting into spotlight as supporting actor, which I like. Bourne, Nightcrawler, now this...), as well as Mads Mikkelsen, which is always a plus.

The Physician (2013) - 7/10
I was surprised how well done this was. Ben Kingsley nice job, but not only him. I didn't read the book, but the movie seemed really watchable and enjoyabru.

Suicide Squad (2016) - 4/10 at best
Boring. Oh, DC, pls don't go the Marvel path. At least they tried though.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Rogue One - well, the obvious problem is that there was way too much shooting I didn't care about. It seems I'm getting more and more allergic to action scenes, even when they lead to deaths and other important events. I just feel like I've already seen all that million times, but maybe it's just because these scenes aren't very good, dunno. So yeah, I think this movie was supposed to expand on the story and reveal some cool details, so it's a shame that that stuff was somewhat buried under imo pointless fighting. Well, we still got some interesting information so I'm kinda satisfied I guess. It helped that the characters were all different, unique and quite likeable. Was cool to see Darth Vader, etc, also very neat how they made new actors look extremely similar to the old ones. Must have been a lot of work. Overall definitely not a great movie but I'm glad I watched it, it made me feel some of that magic again, helped me get more excited about Episode 8, etc.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Pascal »

kuchitsu wrote:also very neat how they made new actors look extremely similar to the old ones
I hope you don't mean Tarkin and Leia because they were CGIed. :P
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