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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Wow, I honestly didn't realize that. Either they did a really impressive work or my eyes are failing. Now I want to look at them again.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by John »

Boyhood - 7 or 8/10
Haven't decided yet (though put 7 on IMDb for now). Certainly original but not super interesting all the way through the 2h45m runtime. It is the first movie I've seen with a perfect 100 Metascore out of 50 reviews btw. Patricia Arquette very good, the rest OK imo. I guess I couldn't really relate to much of it except the growing up part :p
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Passengers - very cool. If you're in a mood for a constantly engaging sorta Hollywood-ish movie based on a catchy idea, I say go see it. Don't want to write much because with films like this it's very easy to spoil stuff. Also I think I've never seen any movies with Jennifer Lawrence or Chris Pratt before, and I gotta say I like them.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Clue: 2/10
Man this was disappointing and not funny at all. Silly over the top acting (which can work in some comedies and shit but), lame jokes and just meh at everything here.

The Accountant: 6/10
This was pretty oke, wasn't expecting it to be as watchable as this. Fairly enjoyable despite some questionable writing and story elements. Also Anna Kendrick +1

Alice Through the Looking Glass: 3/10
I really have no idea why did I even watch this considering I didn't like the first movie... but well wanted to see what they did with this other story I guess, or randomly felt like it who knows. Depp's version of hatter is so shitty and I hate the visuals they decided on with these movies. Anne Hathaway + Sacha Cohen man maybe only saveable things about this movie, and that's said from someone who hates Borat and pretty much everything he does.

Inferno: 4/10
I liked the first two Dan Brown movies they did fairly well, like they are still pretty much on-the-rails movies based on not great books (though I loved reading them a lot because I'm ok with cheap entertainment now and then), but this was really terrible. Maybe the book is as well though, I don't know. Also wondering why they skipped over the previous book in the series. In a way they did that when they made The Da Vinci Code back in the day, but at least that was probably mostly because it got so popular and they were riding that fame wave of its name to make the movie and then took time to make one of the prequel later. For this I dunno what was point or reason but oke. Anyway, totally FINE if super bored I guess, it just felt super lazy and not as interesting as the others.

Mr. Church: 6/10
Surprise Eddie Murphy movie, enjoyed most of it and had some good feals. The way the story is told is kinda lame-mushy and exaggerated but could mostly be ignored. It felt a bit Hollywood-ised and it took some of the realness away from everything, but oke. Could maybe recommend and almost 7/10 but the story could use some more to it, it felt like there was no point or real satisfying ending or anything here duno.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Moana - it was a delightful experience. I actually had flashbacks to childhood when I was watching cartoons like Asterix & Obelix and all that good stuff. None of the parts felt too long and everything seemed important for the plot. Like in Zootopia, there were tons of details everywhere so I always had something interesting to look at. Beautiful and inspiring overall, I need movies like this in my life from time to time, and I can recommend it to people that are okay with childish stuff and some singing. Only the baby form of the main character bothered me a bit, looked kinda wrong somehow. Like the eyes were too big or I dunno. Maybe I just needed some time to get used to the art style.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Collateral Beauty - 6/10
Somewhat shallow but intriguing still.

Split - 4/10
This one actually dropped a rating or two mid-movie, when all the Shyamalanism kicked in. Quite OK acting from McAvoy.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Collateral Beauty - nothing but praise for this movie. Very touching and elegant presentation, great actors everywhere. I laughed, I cried, I lived. 100% satisfied.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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kuchitsu wrote:100% satisfied.
You are improving man.

The Accountant (2016) - 4/10
Started as a pretty promising movie, with all those actors as Affleck, Kendrick, Simons, Lithgow... But then it turned into some sensleless action bullshit. This movie had so much potential, and the director pushed it this way which ceased to make any sense whatsoever. first 40% of movie were very ok, and I was entertained, but then a disaster happened and it just blew up. Completely. Better watch Mercury rising with Bruce Willis.

Inside Man (2006) - 7/10
Can't believe this movie is over 10 years old already...
I spyed it a long time ago, and then remembered this gem so watched again, and it was good. I actually like Denzel movies, and this wasn't just some stupid bank robbery shit, but it had something more into it, which was nice. Even I don't like Jodie Foster and her huffle shuffle waffle English accent.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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The Fundamentals of Caring - 5/10
Paul Rudd was great, everything else about the movie was OK.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Lion - 8/10
Quite moving and well-made. Wouldnt be bummed if this won any of the Oscars.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Snowden (2016) - 9/10
I am sitting here at my desk writing on laptop and looking at a rubik's cube. I am actually having difficulties typing, because my hands are trembling. Not mentioning that the movie itself was great, but what it was about was just... damn. Damn. It's like watching a movie depicting real life that looks like movie. Some serious crazy espionage shit. It's like Jason Bourne irl or what.
Even more, I spyed Citizen 4 some time ago, which hit me smilarly, but giving it a dramatisation brought something more into it now.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Arrival (2016) - 7/10
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Ruben »

Just saw Arrival, at the moment 9/10 movie for me, though admittedly I have a hard-on for anything sci-fi. I'll try to back up my score without spoiling anything for those who haven't seen it. Arrival is part of a sci-fi genre that's been tried and tested for ages now, but for once this movie takes an old premise in a new direction. In a way it's quite a clever movie, but not so clever that it's stupid (which is a trap probably 80% of sci-fi shows and movies fall into). Good movie imo, sadly the promo poster does make it look like a klasik Hollyword turd, which almost put me off from watching it.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by skint0r »

To Sir, with Love: 6/10
Super campy movie with a really strange feel to it. They keep shoving this one theme song down your throat all throughout the movie in the weirdest places and everything feels kind of unreal and super exaggerated. Besides that though, pretty alright movie.

The Purge: 3/10
Wasn't expecting much of this, yet it managed to disappoint. It just feels so unreal that movies still do these cliched things. Everything that happens in this movie makes you want to punch everyone involved, absolutely retarded.

Bill Burr: Walk Your Way Out: 5/10
Bill Burr is very on/off funny, but I tend to generally enjoy his stuff. This was pretty lame though, not very funny at all on his usual scale, but oke I guess.

Tom Segura: Completely Normal +
Tom Segura: Mostly Stories: 7/10
I bunch these together. Both super funny, I've pretty much been devouring anything involving this guy ever since discovering Your Mom's House podcast. Easily one of the funniest comics out there right now. Definitely spy him if not seen, 7 rating is a bit low, but it's just because he sets the scale so high from his other non-special stuff.

Arrival: 7/10
Dunno, was super excited to see this without knowing much about it besides it being sci-fi thing and highly praised. Kinda disappointing really. Still fairly decent entertainment, but I was expecting so much more than this. So much cliche stuff and sort of lame turn of events throughout the movie to me. A very weak 7 for sure.

Snowden: 6/10
Eh it was alright I guess. Liked the documentary, so this was sort of unnecessary for me maybe. Felt like it was a pretty good and decent overview of everything that happened though, with only minimal overdramatic stuff in it. So totally fine movie but not much else.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by anpdad »

The Village (2004) - 5/10
Tolerable filler Shyamalan movie with all his usual perks. It's fun to unravel backstories behind characters. The ending was predictable but properly executed.

Sleepy Hollow (1999) - 6/10
Another filler, this time by Tim Burton. I wasn't sure whether it'd be a pure detective story, or something supernatural, but after about 40 minutes it becomes clear and everything starts to be predictable but easy to watch.

Nocturnal Animals (2016) - 7.5/10
Cruel and brutal story, loved the book-in-the-movie part and how it correlated with the main plot.

Dreamcatcher (2003) - 8/10
Stephen King adaptation, and a pretty good one. I liked how they managed to film the unfimlable parts of the story, i.e. the memory bank and the weird skills that the main characters use. Recommended to all fans of King's creations.

The Orphanage (2007) - 7/10
The story about a woman going back to an ex-orphanage for handicapped kids. I mistakengly expected it to be a horror movie based on the comments on reddit, but it's definitely not that at all. Slightly unsettling, slightly sad, slightly ambigious and mystical at times, but you'll have all the answers by the end.

The Gift (2015) - 6.5/10
Young couple moves to a new house, where husband meets an old school friend of his. Who's a little weird, and with a bit of an unhealthy interest in stalking it seems. He starts visiting them and unexpectedly giving gifts, which leads the wife to think her husband might have some skeletons in the closet. Not bad at all. Will avoid commenting further to avoid spoilers.

Before I Wake - 7/10
Family adopts a kid whose dreams come true. Sounds good! Too bad he has nightmares all the time, which also naturally happen in reality. Quite touching movie with lots of butterflies and some lightweight scares thrown in here and there.

Hush (2016) - 3/10
Oh man, i was hyped for this after seeing Oculus and Before I Wake, expecting the director to deliver once again. The premise hooks you instantly, - a deaf writer girl ran away from the city life and is now residing in a small house deep in the woods. There are scenes filmed from her POV that enhance the feel that she's completely helphess, which is a neat idea imo. How can she survive and defend herself from a mysterious masked psycho who chose her as his next target? And yes, the first third of the movie is indeed good, but then it turns into a dumb generic slasher crap. Aww. And eww.

Don't Breathe (2016) - 7/10
This one is a bit similar to the previous one, - but this time we have a blind dude instead of a deaf girl. Three young thieves enjoy breaking into houses, wrecking them and stealing possessions. One day they find out about a blind war veteran who keeps lots of cash at home and lives in the outskirts of the town. Perfect, let's rob the grandpa! He can't see you... but he can hear you, which creates a lot of unusual scenes where everyone's present in the brightly lit room, but cannot produce any sound. Suspense, baby. But why hasn't victim yet called the cops? Maybe he has his own reasons and secrets. It's good that there's more to learn about characters once action starts, and that they didn't stop at the idea about blind man trying to defend his cash and his life.

10 Cloverfield Lane - 7.5/10
Woman gets into a car accident, and wakes up tied up in some bunker. There's also a crazy guy roaming about who keeps telling her how he saved her life, because there's an apocalypse outside and it's too dangerous to leave. Is he out of his mind, or is there some truth behind his words? Quite good movie, with a few unexpected twists that keeps reigniting your suspicions, and then gets completely out of whack in the final scenes.

Dogma (1999) - 8/10
Finally decided to give it a go, was afraid that 90s humor would feel dated and too lightweight now. It wasn't :^)

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) - 9/10
I'm a big sucker for Leo, so this rating is especially biased. Lots of sex, crime and jokes, yet it still doesn't dumb itself down to a forgettable idiath comedy.

Black Swan (2010) - 3/10
Pompeznaya huita kakaya-to. No comment. Yeah i'm in the minority here.

The Other Side of The Door - 4/10
Son dies, mother learns a way to talk to him once again, and releases something demonic in the process. Was generic and meh overall, but could be up someone's valley if they're into this kind of movies.

Madhouse (2004) - 5/10
Typical story about a mental facility holding dark secrets behind its walls, and doctors possibly mistreating their patients. There are some interesting twists, but they've all been done many times so it didn't feel fresh to me. Still enjoyed it, since there's always some mystery and dark background behind everyone surrounding the protagonist. So... overall generic (for the genre) but not stale.

Frozen (2010) - 5/10
Not the cartoon! 3 friends get stuck on a chairlift on a freezing mountain with no means to escape. An unusual situation, and this is one of those horror movies where instead of rooting for the characters you just laugh a lot. They make a lot of silly decisions which usually lead to horrifying results. I wouldn't regret not having watched this movie, but it's an ok filler. Maybe on some other day i'd rate it 2/10, kek.

It Follows (2014) - 5/10
This movie got a lot of praise for its fresh ideas, which are difficult to come by in the horror genre nowadays. Otherwise, i feel like it has nothing to offer. The, uh, antagonist is interesting, but the ways to kill it are inconsistent throughout the movie, which i disliked. Still a worthy candidate for a horror night if you haven't seen it yet.

Goodnight Mommy (2014) - 7/10
Two boys and their mom move to a new house, and one day she comes back after having had a face surgery, all wrapped in bandages, and starts acting weird. Is it even her? Who knows. I was actually kinda bored in the middle, and wouldnt have rated the movie this high, but couple of amazing twists and brutal scenes made me really like it. Also, i had to double-check the directors and writers because of huge resemblance in the writing style to one particular dude whose name i won't say to avoid spoiling the fun.

The Strangers (2008) - first half 6/10, full movie 3/10
Dumb dumb dumb mishmash of ideas, this movie could've been really amazing if it had any point. I understand the parallelism to Manson's killings, but it seemed like a cop out to me, rather than a good idea.

The Cabin in the Woods (2012) - 8/10
Hey, a horror movie about friends chilling in a house in the woods, how cute! Except that this time there's a few fresh approaches and ideas, which turn everything upside down, down to a beautiful mess both literally and figuratively.

Kill List (2011) - 7.5/10
Slow-paced movie about a semi-retired hitman who finally accepts a new assignment. Looks easy, and the payment is right, but soon things start going out of hand. This story is more about character development, killings are just a small (yet crucial) part of the story. I liked it but didn't understand everything clearly, so had to read up on it afterwards, which finally made everything click. That's my main complaint - the authors made you think between the lines, which is awesome, but they haven't planted enough clues to figure everything out on your own in my opinion.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016) - 6/10
A weirdly clean and perfect body of a young woman is found on a crime scene, and her identity could not be found. When the time comes to perform an autopsy, more and more strange and unfitting clues pop up. Good filler, nothing more.

Morgan (2016) - 4.5/10
Synthetic supergirl isn't behaving well, so they send a consultant to decide whether to get rid of her or not. There're a couple of good scenes and one twist, otherwise there's nothing to see at all. Also, i'm usually not the guy who screams "god, pull the trigger already, you idiot!" at the screen, but here i found myself doing just that on multiple occasions. Characters often act erratic.

The Boy (2016) - 6.5/10
Horror story about a girl babysitting an old couple's child, alone in a huge old house. Oh wait, that boy is just a doll? And yet everyone around acts serious and treats it like a real person. Lots of horror cliches as expected. Yet i was sitting there, thinking whether there're actually any supernatural forces at hand or not, and i liked how they handled that.

Cloud Atlas (2012) - 9/10
Lots of stories in one, with the same actors playing different characters, which can be confusing at times. Epic, thoughtful and never boring. All the main ideas are conceived well, and you're guided through the atlas of stories well enough that all initial confusion quickly fades away.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

A Monster Calls - quite witty storytelling and a good exploration of humans as complex and very contradictory creatures. Nice how most stuff remains unresolved, so it's not like the main character managed to finish some stage and now the next one begins, life simply goes on. Good non-annoying child actor (can't say anything about his voice though since I watched it dubbed). The last scene seemed a bit unnecessary to me as I felt it didn't add that much and kind of disturbed the flow of the ending, no complaints otherwise I think... Except too much hugging maybe but whatever. If you're in a mood for a drama with a slightly non-traditional approach, give it a shot.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by John »

Writing on phone so sorry for not giving links.

Manchester by the Sea - 8/10
Jackie - 5/10
Hell or High Water - 6/10
The Lobster - 8/10
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Tigro »

John wrote:Manchester by the Sea - 8/10
Jackie - 5/10
Hell or High Water - 6/10
The Lobster - 8/10
Actually, I came here to rate The Lobster, watched it recently. I'd give it a 8.5 but leaning more towards 9 for it's artistic value. It wasn't a lightweight movie to watch just like that, but was weirdly enjoyable and intriguing. Good surrealism, and very refined acting. Resembled The Clockwork Orange very much. Really worth imo.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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John Wick: Chapter Two (2017) - 6/10
Now need to watch chapter one
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by 8-ball »

Arrival - 9/10
Passengers - 8/10
thoroughly entertained by both
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Re: IMDB votelists

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The Red Turtle - 4/10 too slow paced, too few answers, too thin plot.
Anomalisa - 6/10 pretty cool
Eye in the Sky - 4/10 every character in the movie is acting like amateurs, very annoying to watch noobs.
Fifty Shades Darker - 2/10 pure pain, hated it but still seen worse

Thanks Tigro for fixing links in prev post
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Hacksaw Ridge: 7/10
Felt a bit overly cheesy at times, but have to admit it was a fun watch no matter what. Pretty dope action scenes and in-your-face kind of stuff instead of just being done "stylistically" and more tame/innocent like other movies might do it. Story itself is interesting enough I guess, backed by the action and good tension and flow of movie. As mentioned, the dialogue and shit is really cheesy and the writing seems pretty eeeeeh, but it's whatever. 7.5

Solace: 5/10
Downloaded this like a year ago randomly for whatever reason I don't remember, with the intention of seeing it (gl being in my 100s+ movie queue/watchlist), but didn't get around to it until now that I was reminded of it by a mention in a podcast. Really weird movie... hard to explain. Something just felt very off the entire time. There's nothing too special about the story, the actors, characters or anything. It's not bad per se... but it's not good either. And things are just... there. Without being interesting or with much cohesion. It just feels like this really strangely put together movie with tons of issues, almost like if they started a project and eventually sort of gave up and just tried to finish it or something. Maybe it was just bad, I don't know. Yet somehow it kept me through to the end and I was interested enough to keep up without despising it, so kinda average.

Doctor Strange: 7/10
Here we go, another shitty Marvel universe movie that's going to suck. Oh, but not quite... Well not too much anyway. Pleasant surprise despite its usual "superhero" flaws and its intended audience. Liked the visuals and could appreciate some of the aestethics here. Cheesyness is somewhat controlled; it has its expected dialogue and characters' "funny" replies etc, but it's kept bearable. Was probably helped by going into it without expecting anything too brainy, so rated it in that context of just being entertained or whatever -- and on that scale I guess it was 7ish. Maybe more 6.5. I guess I just happened to like something about this, even though I'm not sure what it was. Maybe if I had watched it another day, in another mood, it would be a 6 max, but here we are.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Sunshine »

arrival 7/10 - weak 7 mainly because the ending was quite weak imo otherwise decent movie
whiplash 2/10 - biggest piece of shit i have seen in long time, legit 20-30mins of this movie is man telling 3 drummers to switch seats and in the end there is 10 min drum solo like wtf
mr.nobody 5/10 - bit pretentious movie imo but still not totally terrible
polytechnique 3/10 - about some real shooting that happened in canada, everything was kinda bad
gone girl 5/10 - buildup to "real" plot was quite slow and unsatisfying end also, if they cut 30mins might have been better
gringo: the dangerous life of john mcafee 4/10 - documentary about john mcafee although he refused to be interviewed or have anything to do with the documentary. seemed very biased and not sure how much truth there is to any of the stuff they show and overall i guess not the best docu
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Re: IMDB votelists

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John Wick: Chapter 2 - haven't seen the first one but I've read about it on Wikipedia and I guess that was enough to understand most stuff. The opening segment about returning the car seemed rather plain to me except for the scene where they are drinking together, but the rest of the movie delivered. Cool fighting places, elaborate settings like the hobo hideout or the telephone operator room, nice visual style (loved the whole theme of reflections that was going on everywhere), some sick/funny kills, etc. Also that rule of no fighting inside of Continental helped the pacing a lot and allowed for some very amusing scenes (two guys that were trying to kill each other just a minute ago are having a calm discussion in a bar). Cool stuff, part 3 might turn out very entertaining if it at least attempts to be somewhat believable (might be difficult to pull off now that John is in very deep shit).
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Nocturnal Animals: 5/10
Mega letdown, don't get rating at all here. Started off somewhat decently and could have been interesting maybe, but turned into kind of predictable stuff quickly with nothing real new. Stupid ending which is not really ending and just leaves you angry wandering wateh point, probably some people enjoy speculating and dissecting it and make some meaning but really it's just dumb.

The Time Traveler's Wife: 7/10
This is pretty similar in vein as About Time, even starring same actress. More romance than time travel type of thing etc. I'm not sure, even though it wasn't a good movie per se I still really enjoyed it, just like About Time. Did mega crying and good sad/happy rollercoaster if like such things.

The Monster: 3/10
Eh barely 5 on imdb and a horror movie? I guess it's pretty bad, but then I also read some saying it had an interesting take on things and it was sort of original. So I dove in and gave it a chance. Definitely a mistake. These people must have been as drunk as the mother in this movie, because there is absolutely nothing original or interesting here at all. The plot on IMDB is literally all the movie is, with some stupid lazy background story trying to make you care about the people and probably giving some stupid metaphor that alcoholism is a monster or some stupid shit like that too. Just mega bad, extremely boring, stupid decisions by the characters and filled with cliches.

The Invitation: 5/10
I sort of wanted to like this, but it just fell a bit short in the end. It was hard to turn a blind eye to how many decisions the characters made that made no sense. The plot and the atmosphere was pretty nice and it could have been something really good potentially if things went a bit differently and they made a bit more of it. Really not super bad or anything, but just kind of average in the end sadly.

A Monster Calls: 7/10
Maaaaybe more like 6-6.5 but guess I enjoyed something about this too. Nothing too amazing here by any means, but I enjoyed the art style of some scenes in it and it didn't go full retard mode with its story and instead gave some original twist to it. Also good sadmaker here.

Looking: The Movie: 6/10
This will be of no interest to anyone unless you watched the show I guess. This is just a follow up movie because the series was cancelled or ended sooner than expected (I think), and they made this movie to sort of tie up loose ends and give a real ending of sorts to things that weren't addressed in the series. Not really too good as far as a movie goes, but it was nice seeing the characters again and get some ending at last so I liked it just because I like the series pretty much. It's kind of like Sex in the City, except all the characters are gay guys, to give you some idea.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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La La Land (2016) - 10/10

Yep. That good.
Emotional roller-coaster.
After watching Arrival I thought yeah, that's gonna definitely get a best picture Oscar. Now I'm screwed.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by John »

The LEGO Batman Movie - 4/10
Pretty funny at times but nothing special overall.

Silence - 5/10
Heavy watch. Quite slow-paced, could have been 30mins shorter. Not super interesting but decent acting from leads.

Life, Animated - 5/10
Average documentary, certainly Oscar nominated due to Disney references. Some warmth in it, loving family, likeable autism guy :p

Nocturnal Animals - 6/10
skint0r wrote: Mega letdown, don't get rating at all here. Started off somewhat decently and could have been interesting maybe, but turned into kind of predictable stuff quickly with nothing real new. Stupid ending which is not really ending and just leaves you angry wandering wateh point, probably some people enjoy speculating and dissecting it and make some meaning but really it's just dumb.
Agreed, ending fell flat while the beginning of the movie was quite promising. +1 from skint0r's rating for general mood of the movie.

Moonlight - 6/10
Missed opportunities. Could've been better with different plot events, don't want to spoil. Somewhat slow at times. Wanted to like it more.

Tomorrow maybe Fences, Elle and/or some other(s) :)
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Paterson - very good. As usual, Jarmusch made a witty, amusing, thoughtful, inspiring and unique film. I always feel at home when watching his stuff and this was no exception.

One of favorite dialogues:
- Damn, I'm gonna get my ass kicked for sure [at this chess game].
- Who you're playing with?
- Myself.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by skint0r »

I think only redeeming thing @ Nocturnal was Gyllenhaal because he is pretty boss in most movies and I mostly always liked him even when not liking teh movie so much, but even he nat could save!

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: 6/10
Pretty weak, nothing too special here. Wish they had made it be more about silliness and the beasts instead of this forced boring story that felt out of place. Felt like they did a really safe approach without any risk with the uninspiring on-the-rails plot. Also not enough niffler, whole movie should be niffler actually.

Christine: 3/10
Had zero clue about the story it was based on, no idea if that was bad or good going into it. Didn't really like many of the actors/characters here, the main character is really quite unbearable (even though there's reasons for it and it's kind of the point I guess..). The whole movie was just terribly boring and it's hard to get much empathy for her or anything really. Just bleh.

Landmine Goes Click: 3/10
Zero surprises throughout the movie here, it has all the usual cliched characters, actions and plot. Everything you expect to happen, happens. I guess they tried something a bit out of the norm with the end of the movie, but that didn't really go anywhere or made much sense at all. Pretty terrible.

From Up on Poppy Hill: 6/10
Not a very strong Ghibli film here, but luckily even the most meh Ghibli movies are still better than a lot of shit out there so the baseline of enjoyment is pretty good no matter what. I guess compared to other movies this one is more based on realism and not so much fantasy, not necessarily a bad or good thing either way. The story picks up a little bit halfway into it, and it's sort of cute and nice, but it never goes anywhere too exciting after that and in the end it's all rather meh at best. Didn't feel like I wasted any time watching it, but neither did I feel I gained anything from it.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Tigro »

The Light Between Oceans (2016) - 6/10
Definitely watchable, and I like movies with escalating plot, where something little starts an avalanche of events. However, the second half of the movie felt it was dragging like a snot, and could be easily 30-45 mins shorter. Decent acting of Vikander & Fassbender.

Doctor Strange (2016) - 7/10
So I watched it, because why not. And I had several pretty good laughs. I imagine how fancy must it have been seeing all those astral realms and space-time folding in the cinema. Plot itself relatively cheesy, but okay, who would expect something else than simply saving the entire world... I actually think Bernadett Colorpatch is a pretty decent comic character actor.

Tom Sawyer (2011) - 7/10
I actually liked it. The book was great, and I just randomly came accross this movie, so I gave it a shot, and I had a good time watching it. Those two little savages are just too much fun to watch. A bit pity it was german production, but still, it holds to the book well.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Passengers: 6/10
Pretty mediocre, but entertaining enough I guess. The story is pretty basic and you are for the most part 90% certain what comes next and the outcome of things. It had some interesting ideas with the whole main plot, but feels like they could have done a lot more interesting things with this instead of the direction they took. Probably not help that I can barely stand Jennifer Lawrence, ugh.

As Above, So Below: 6/10
Pretty decent as far as horror movies goes. Concept was great, the whole adventure-esque feel to it really made it cool, but I wish they could have stuck with that along with the more creepy approach to it instead of ending up with the cliche horror stuff nearer the end. Totally worth the watch if you are you the mood for a horror movie. Shame they didn't try for something more with this, could have been a sick classic.

Moonlight: 6/10
Went into this without knowing much at all, but from the praise it got I was really expect a lot more. The movie was totally ok, but really nothing special to me and I have no idea why this got so well received. I think I would rather have had the story focus more on the adult years, and fast forward through the early years, felt like it really dragged on even though I understand it was to develop some history and it being like the impressionable years and whatnot. But would have been way more interesting to me to see his struggle and dealing with everything, like with the ending scenes. The diner thing felt like it should have been 30 minutes into the movie and start stuff from there. But oke.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Logan - good drama! Not like "wow", but honestly I was touched even though I know almost nothing about the universe. Nice attention to little details like the pink glasses or that western movie they were watching. Gradually all that stuff piles up and becomes quite emotional. Very likeable child actor, and I guess it helped a lot that most of the time she was silent (I think kids in movies can quickly become kinda annoying when they talk too much). Some deaths are kinda unsatisfying in how non-epic they are, but that's probably just me being more used to anime where killings are usually a bigger deal. Well done action too, I liked a good portion of it.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Model Citizens: 6/10
Totally ok documentary on model train enthusiasts. There's nothing really amazing here or super interesting, but it's decently made and the people are charismatic enough and you get some glimpse into the whole world without any bias in either direction. Also nice surprise to see main man from Tremors movies appear =D Probably helps if you're a little inclined to model/hobby interests. Movie made me realize if I had money + space I would totally be one of these people.

Manchester by the Sea: 3/10
Dear god this was a total snoozefest. I can't stand the whole Bawstan thing and the whole existence of these kind of people. Movie had nothing interesting at all to it for me, couldn't give a shit about anyone in the movie and hated pretty much everyone for some reason or another. It never goes anywhere at all and it's just a slow as fuck depressing thing except the depressive feeling is from how bad the movie is and not because you feel sad from anything in it, except maybe one thing I guess. Bleeeeeeeeeeh this was such a chore to sit through and 3 is already very generous rating compared to my enjoyment level.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Hosp »

The OA, quite oke nicely made not best story tho 6/10 maybe
A Series of Unfortunate Events (netflix series) 7/10 very nicely made
Shameless (2004 UK original series) 8/10 very nice, takes place in Manchester and some Oasis references/songs there, Nettan only had the first 4 seasons tho which is sad.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Bjenn »

Suicide Squad (2016) - 7/10
Very cool action-packed movie, I really liked the characters, Margot Robbie is HOT as usual, she makes a whole point by herself, otherwise might have been 6/10 =)
Felt somewhat small in perspective and that they mostly focused on the roles than what was actually happening but I enjoyed that however!
Wanted to see more of the Joker.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Sunshine »

spotlight 6/10 - this was about real life pedophile coverup and won oscar. i think it was important to make this movie to shed some more light to it but it doesnt necessarily make for very interesting story to follow up what those reporters did etc, still worth a watch though.
bad santa 2 3/10 - generous 3 even, all the main characters in this movie were the same and they repeated same joke million times or just insulted each other in very unfunny way, all over badness
doctor strange 7/10 - very nice trippy visuals, action was ok but not great, i usually hate cucumberbatch but he didnt bother me in this, story is pretty basic and dumb but i still enjoyed this one
jupiter ascending 4/10 - first hour was megabad and action was kinda messy and uninteresting to follow and sanitized probably for pg13 rating or something, in middle i thought it going to get better but it fell flat in the end. one of the main characters (male) has elf ears and eyeliner and rollerskates on air, fucking lamest shit ever who thought that would be cool thing to have in this movie? all the bad guys are caricatures and as lame as the gay-ass rollerskater dude, i would give this one 3 maybe also but it wasnt as bad as bad santa 2
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Re: IMDB votelists

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20th Century Women: 6/10
Hard movie to judge. While I actually really enjoyed it and thought it was very well done, it's hard to see past how... non-eventful it was. And at the same time, it is sort of what made the movie have this distinct feel. Those 2 hours really flew by because I enjoyed all the characters and actors to some degree and I felt pretty captivated by the story, even though it's not really about much. It had this sort of lost melancholy sombre feel to it, yet giving some happy fun moments. Dunno really hard to give proper description of it. Maybe some 6.5 movie and closer to 7, but it lacked a bit of something to reach that level still.

Don't Breathe: 6/10
For this horror-ish genre it was pretty decent. Despite there being some similar themed movies out there, it kept up with some originality and without going too cliche-filled. And there was also the problem, it still couldn't keep away from those cliches fully, and as usual with these movies it's really hard to not get annoyed beyond belief by the characters decisions throughout the movie. It really could have been a lot better if they would have managed to not fall into this trap of feeling like they need to make everyone in horror movies stupid. Sort of unsatisfying ending as well that didn't really help. Also sort of 6.5-ish maybe, totally worth a watch I guess, had some nice tension and stuff going for it despite its problems.

Rogue One: 6/10
Eh, oke. Pretty generic Star Wars thing for me, didn't feel too interested in it and nothing about it really made me get excited. On-the-rails, safe, predictable while being somewhat decently made. But that unfortunately doesn't make up for how meh it is. Probably no reason to see this unless you are into the SW universe already and have seen at least the original movies since it's a tie in to those specifically.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Hidden Figures - eh, dunno. It was norm but not much stood out for me apart from the boss that said "I'm already on the moon" or something, and the woman that was fighting for her rights to study at some place. I think the beginning was the most entertaining part because of the setting which felt fresh for a while. Maybe I was expecting it to be more intelligent based on the premise. Probably not worth watching unless you're highly interested in the theme.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Watchmen (2009) - 7/10
Well, this was much more of a 'comic' movie than many others. Just some heroes with costumes, blood, shredding bodies, cutting limbs etc. Pretty good I'd say. It diverges so much from many other comic hero movies. Marvel is kinda shit compared to stuff like this one. Very good DC comics movie.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Sunshine »

passengers 3/10 - didnt expect a lot from this movie but somehow it didnt even meet those expectations. everything was very predictable and the story really wasnt that interesting. chris pratt and jennifer lawrence very boring and uncharismatic to me, cant believe how those two keep getting roles
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

Simple reason: he's handsome and she's hot. She's also a grat actress imo, just the script for Passengers was so weak that she wasn't able to show it. Watch Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle or Winter's Bone if you want to see some prime acting from Jennifer.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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pawq wrote:She's also a grat actress imo. Watch Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle or Winter's Bone.
imo in American Hustle she kinda underperformed. Silver Linings though, there she was brilliant. Similar in Joy, I liked her there showing all the struggles. Also pretty good in The Beaver too, even she has just a minor role.

I spyed:

Logan (2017) - 6/10
Maybe a little less than 6, more like 5.5 - right in the middle. Nothing mega great, and even tho I am big X-men fan, this was just a basic spy. Not so great mutant-wise, acting fairly ok, story was average, villain was way below mediocre... At least it had kind of a feeling that it's the end of an era. Good I went to the cinema, I guess it added something to it.
Now waiting for Ghost in the Shell to come to theatres, probably 3D (which I will surely regret).
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

I'll be waiting for your opinion on Ghost in the Shell. The original is too dear for my heart, so I won't dare to watch the new film unless people I like say that it's really great.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Sunshine »

rogue one 8/10 - i went into this expecting it to suck like the last 4 or 5 or whatever star wars movies, maybe more like an 7 but i give extra pojo for finally making a good one

hacksaw ridge 7/10 - decent story based on true events, the action was quite well done and they didnt shy away from showing the brutality of war (although it felt excessive in that regard at times). like most american war movies feels like there is "sponsored by US army" stamp all over (even when the story is about conscientious objector) but if you ignore that aspect you get quite enjoyable movie.

starship troopers 7/10 - watched this long time ago but didnt remember much and hadnt rated it on imdb. i dont think i got the satire aspect of it back then and even now i dont know if its good satire or not but it was entertaining and funny satire for sure, at least if you like over the top and campy stuff like me. cgi is obviously quite dated and probably worst part of the movie but otherwise good mov
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - Vermin Supreme / 10
Very accurate definition.
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Re: IMDB votelists

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Pandora (2016) - 6/10
Higher average. Seemed OK at start, in the middle seemed a bit shitty, but end seemed OK, therefore movie being OK.

Ghost in the Shell (1995) - 8/10
I didn't rate this yet, and in the light of upcoming "remaster", I put a short review here.
Good anime. I had a bit trouble keeping track of the plot, but otherwise very well done. Considering it's that old, even older than Matrix... Yeah, very good. And catchy soundtrack.

I watched new Ghost in the Shell (I remembered that Kuchi wanted a feedback on it), but don't have a sharp review in mind so far (maybe tomorrow).
And I wanted to ask you: If I made reviews as short (1-2 min) videos on Youtube, would you watch them?
For me it seems it would be easier to express myself when talking rather than writing.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by skint0r »

O.J.: Made in America: 7/10
Had thought about watching this forever since hearing a lot of good stuff about it, finally got around to it. Definitely worth a watch I think. A lot of interesting backstory here and crazy stuff.

Deep in the Heart of Texas: Dave Chappelle Live at Austin City Limits
The Age of Spin: Dave Chappelle Live at the Hollywood Palladium: 6/10
These two Chappelle specials finally came out. I really loved all of this older stuff, but these were pretty mediocre and not his usual self. Nothing super funny about any jokes and he seems to have dumbed himself down quite a bit, seeming rather ignorant with subjects he talks about and doing this self-indulgent fake knee-laughing and forced breaks to laugh at own jokes when not really that funny. Very disappoint.

Monty Python: The Meaning of Live: 5/10
Documentary thing following the group around as they plan their first live show in 30 years or something. I was hoping for some more background footage and the details of everything that went into it, instead it focuses more on showing old live footage and jokes and some shallow talks. Not very interesting.
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by kuchitsu »

Tigro wrote:And I wanted to ask you: If I made reviews as short (1-2 min) videos on Youtube, would you watch them?
For me it seems it would be easier to express myself when talking rather than writing.
Sounds like something fresh and fun. Hey, I like hearing kuskis talk. Go for it if you feel like it.)
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by Lousku »

Tigro wrote:And I wanted to ask you: If I made reviews as short (1-2 min) videos on Youtube, would you watch them?
For me it seems it would be easier to express myself when talking rather than writing.
Would for suar.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: IMDB votelists

Post by pawq »

I'd say come to FEM and we can talk about films all weekend =)

Would check these out, yeah ;)
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