Which drugs have you tried?

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Which drugs have you ever tried?

Amphetamine (speed)
Cannabis (marijuana)
LSD (acid)
MDMA (or ecstasy)
Morning Glory
Pharmaceuticals (please explain which)
Psilocybin (magic) mushrooms
Salvia divinorum
other (would be interesting if you explained what it was)
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Ruben »

Alcohol: A lot of it. Always get wasted. Very happy drunk, I want to snuggle a lot. Not so much drinking lately.
Tobacco: The reason I was broke for a couple of years. First cigarettes then snus. Helped me escape when life was shitty. Considered getting actual drugs at the time, luckily chose not to, considering how prone I am to addiction. Been off both several years now though.
Caffeine: Was completely addicted to coffee the first two years of videregående, probably cause I had just stopped snus. Now only drink a few cups a week.
Weed: Tried a few of times. Didn't have much effect, I just laughed at things.
Internet: Completely addicted. Can't escape. Send help.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by gimp »

I've tried most of these things but I won't try heroin or meth, they sound a little to good for me. Interestingly enough the worse drugs I have felt I have done are alcohol and tobacco. They are the only ones I have ever felt I have gone too far with, and could not successfully do in moderation. Perhaps it is because they are legal, but I smoked a lot of marijuana before the military, and I never felt a problem with it. Tobacco and alcohol are high on the "bad drugs" list and also legal, which is a frightening combination. These are my own failures though, I have overcome my tobacco addiction but struggle with alcohol still, everything else is fun and easy to control honestly <-- for me at least. Drugs effect everyone differently. Like one guy I know microdoses lsd everyday and is one of the smartest people I know. Other guy takes too much shrooms one time and has never been the same. Tread lightly I suppose and figure out what's good for you (and that may be being completely sober!), there is no right or wrong answer to drugs, to say there is is ignorant elementary school brainwashing, but education of drugs is still important if it's not done in an aggressively authoritive way that misrepresents them. Oh except tobacco, that's just bad and NEVER DO IT OR YOU WILL DIE AFTER THE FIRST PUFF ;)
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Madness »

Alcohol: Had about five beers in 2015 I guess.
Tobacco: Had a puff on a cigarette when I was like six. Never felt like trying it again. Thanks dad.
Caffeine: Sometimes I drink coffee at work, don't feel like buying it though.
Weed: Nope.
Internet: Yes.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Mats »

Brown, Green, Black: thats some nasty shit.
Tobacco each day
Alcohol: usually beer, not to much
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Bjenn »

I use Alcohol but I am in no way addicted.
I drink once a month or less, and I never get that wasted, I drink small amounts.

Reason: It's enough with smaller amounts, you have fun anyway. If you get too wasted: the day after is horrible, not worth it.
I drink beer mostly, but also rum/vodka/gin drinks, it's fun to mix drinks for yourself and others =)

Cigarettes and waterpipe I did try, but not snus, it smells bad.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Lee »

I'm 26 and have only had a few sips of beer on two different occasions years ago. Didn't like it. Haven't tried any other drug.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by jblaze »

- marijuana
- ephedrine
- benzydamine
- 2C-B-FLY
- 4-HO-MiPT
- 2'-OXO-PCM
- 1P-LSD
- codeine
- 4-HO-DPT
- 3-CMC
- 3-FPM
- 2-FDCK
- 4F-MPH
- ALD-52
- etizolam
- 2 cannabinoid mixes of unknown components

went hardcore the last 6 months, stopping it now. its all good used sparingly, not quite good playground to visit too often. no significant mental changes have been noticed.

which of these i find worst?
1. marijuana - highly unpleasant cardio circus, weak yet overwhelming psychedelia
2. alcohol - had a lot of fun with it when i look back, but it caused sucky physical harm
3. 3cmc, 3fpm, 4fmph - bit unpleasant cardio, could do some harm if i used it more. not my cup of tea, used them as focus enhancer (except 3cmc)
well, nicotine is also one big jackshit offering a 3s pleasure causing much harm in return
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by kuchitsu »

Back in 2010... )
jblaze wrote:I didnt try any drug. And wont never ever try this fucking goddamn shiet.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by pawq »

You forgot 7-Hi-FLY

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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by gimp »

After my last trip with LSD some year ago I decided to do more research on the drug. One of the most interesting things I learned about it is that the scans of people's brains on LSD are the same as babies. It makes sense, babies seem to either experience genuine unfiltered happiness or terror depending on their setting and people on acid do too.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by 8-ball »

gimp: very nice insight, can definitely agree it makes sense! I think the higher the dose of acid you take, the closer you get to a child's mental state and I believe that at high doses you can actually experience a "pre-birth" state in the form of ego death.

The only new stuff I can add since the last post 3 years ago are a couple of nootropics - piracetam and modafinil. Piracetam was quite underwhelming, barely notice any change but modafinil (modvigil 200mg) has been a great focus enhancer almost like a semi low dose of amphetamine but without the negative side effects such as build-up of tolerance, urge to redose and binge for days, difficulty falling asleep, psychosis etc. So I can see myself taking it in the morning every work day for the near future at least.

Other than that the only drugs I can still see myself using now and then in the future would be acid maybe once or twice per year which is useful for a change of perspective and self-reevaluation, MDMA if the opportunity presents itself in a nice party/other nice setting and same with ketamine, just for the fun of it, but also not actively looking for it. And of course weed in certain social settings and for gaming sessions now and then, but getting less and less attracted to it.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Tigro »

I bought weed, but didn't smoke.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by jblaze »

actually really nice one, pawq, laughed :D

and well, i went too brave with all the stuff. psychedelics is what interests me, and as i am apparently strongly invulnerable for mental effects, to the point that it was a casual walk through the park, i played with them to kill the boring evenings. until i experienced really strong lysergamide+tryptamine trip, that changed my approach to that. it even made my eyes drop a tear after. psychedelics can give really valuable experience. i plan to keep on doing hardcore doses once per 3/6 months instead of every week, kinda like 8-ball stated. its really good if used properly and sparingly.

there are a couple of amazing sajkos available that are legal in most of countries, dont miss out!
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by kuchitsu »

Can I be sure that my brain won't turn into a plant at some 30 years old if I do this stuff?
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by jblaze »

there are many urban legends about psychedelics such as getting hooked up on lsd til the end of your life etc.

psychedelics outclass other drugs in terms of physical harm (usually) and addiction potential which is way lower and less dangerous than addiction to stimulants/depressants/psychiatrics generally speaking.

but to answer your question: main risk with psychedelics is your mind. yeah, it can fuck you up quite well if you are predisposed. there are people who claim to have cured from depression or various unpleasant mental settings by the use of psychedelics, but there are also people whose beliefs and view of life got ruined by a trip. its pretty unpredictable, especially for a first-timer imo. i dont know, my mother is having depression for years, shes not in the best mental state. people who have such a person (depression/schizophrenia) in family are not adviced to try such things, as they are much more prone for having anxiety attacks and such stuff, however i passed all the trips really calmly and i see no signs of anxiety vulnerability (ofc can never be sure if it doesnt happen).

so: what can fuck you up is not the substance. its what you experience. strong trip leads to such strong mental stimulation that its impossible to imagine, hence if you have a good time, its all cool, but if it gets wrong you might be screwed depending on your mental strength. this is rather rare but one bust be aware of potential outcome, you might get PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), as if you survived a massive terrorism assault with deaths and mutilation all around (ironically, its also claimed to be possible to cure ptsd with psyches xd). not sure if its right comparison, but thats how i picture it. on the other hand many claim to have learnt more from bad trips than from good trips. its quite a roulette
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by 8-ball »

From the two trips I've had that most would consider "bad" I learned a lot about the fragility of our existence both mentally and physically. Now I believe I've seen the world from the perspective that's probably very close to that of an insane person and see how little it can take to send someone over the edge. These experiences certainly make you respect the drug (acid in these cases) much more and take much caution in the future. They can pretty much always be avoided by having an experienced sitter help you break out of negative thought loops that sometimes come around.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by gimp »

I have now spent two seperate weekends with a random group of strangers, a few musicians with many weird instruments, and a shaman and her "guardians" tripping out on Ayahuasca the last year, 6 months apart.

It has been very fulfilling and therapeutic. My 6 years in the military i think took something from me, and when i did these i felt like I realized the bullshit ego and wall i put up leads to a more shallow life, the only one i got. Also the people that you meet with during this creates meaningful relationships, and it feels beautiful. Not having access to your phone or technology plays a large part in that alone.

When asked what its like any person who has done psychadelics will tell you it is hard to describe, that words cannot give it justice, but i will attempt.

To me your mind is like a large sandy Sahara desert and your thoughts are these exhausted camels trudging through, creating different paths and footsteps. When other camels come through now they are going to use those same footsteps, your thoughts can pass through more easily. What ayahuasca does is it throws fresh sand over all those footsteps. It gives you a clean slate, like a fresh breath of air, but it takes work creating those new pathways again. One type of person who gets a lot out of this drug is the one with the biggest ego, the one who has it all figured out, the one with the biggest footsteps in his desert, if you think this sounds like you, then it probably is. This person might be smart sure, might have a stable life, but they need the most sand to smooth out their desert again, the experience itself will probably be terrifying at times for the one who cannot let go of the control they crave, but the journey overall can be more fulfilling if their is some struggle involved. You need to realize you might have something to learn from all this. One night was bliss for me, another was terrifying, some were a mixture of both, it is not addictive, i dont have a strong desire to do it again. Yet a churning comes back overtime, a splinter in my mind telling me i might need that head change again to get some new perspective, to try and maximize my happiness, to put sand over the footsteps again.

I understand some could have a negative experience, for some the negative is overall "good" and therapeutic, but a small fraction it may be truly negative for if you have mental disorders already like schizophrenia or are bipolar. However if you have experienced trauma or abuse as a child, struggled with any kind of addiction or PTSD or depression, then i think these retreats have a very high and lasting success rate, albeit the success stories are anecdotal for the most part. After my first weekend I remember thinking everyone needs to do this, but then i remembered this is good for me, but i cannot know if it is good for every mind out there since we are all so different.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by 8-ball »

I can add a few again. Some stuff you can grab in a store, good for getting your feet wet if you're of the "if it's legal it can't be too bad, right?" mindset:

Nitrous oxide - short, intense burst of the feeling you get when hearing the punchline of a good knee-slapper, without the joke. 30 seconds later it's gone. Greatly amplified and more psychedelic/intense in combination with acid, basically a waste otherwise, I'd say. Can buy canisters pretty cheap in some grocery stores here (look for whipped cream cartridges), just need the siphon for them so you can fill up balloons. Overall safe, didn't notice any comedown or side effects, and interesting to try at least once.

DXM - about 500mg provided an interesting dissociative buzz with "tearing" visual effects in vision and such but a bit underwhelming considering I'm experienced with ketamine and MXP. Would like to try again sometime with a more intense dose. Can upset the stomach a little but overall worth trying. Can literally get this delivered from Amazon.

Other than those, returned for another go at speed with a different perspective. Getting a lot of shit done without sacrificing good sleep and my exercise and nutrition regimen. Probably wouldn't work for more than a couple months at a time and moderation is understandably difficult to achieve for most people so can't really recommend. Speed + weed though is a recipe for pretty crazy hot sex if you have a companion :)

Microdosing acid was also previously good for productivity and creativity, without side effects, and can be repeated day to day without diminishing effects unlike macrodosing :)

Strangely enough of all the things I've tried I think the one causing me most trouble past few years is weed. Letting it hook into your daily routine is asking for trouble. Besides, the tolerance can become stupid high eventually requiring previously psychedelic grade bong rips to get a mild effect. Evenings are mostly fine but when I catch myself wake-n-baking daily it's time to pull on the brakes.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by AndrY »

is e621 a drug?
potato chips imo, if count
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Hosp »

everything is a drug, yes, even your toenails
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by AndrY »

life is a drug ye
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by veezay »

looks like i have answered the poll with cannabis, DXM and LSD but haven't replied.

cannabis: something i don't actively seek but i might go for if someone has to offer, and even then it depends. i enjoy some maybe once a year on average. i'm such a beginner when it comes to cannabis but i think i prefer teh uplifting ones more. i wish getting it was as easy as going to the shop and selecting whatever sort you prefer. oh well.

DXM: not sure if this counts, but very many years ago i drank some cough syrup just to see what it's about. i guess it wuda been better if i had taken pure dxm instead of the cough syrup mix. anyway i didn't take it that much, and all i experienced was that i got drowsy and i had to breathe consciously. that wasn't too fun. haven't tried any since. oh well.

LSD: very nice first (and so far only) experience with it. i musta had a good mindset (and lovely company) for it because everything went nicely and the hallucinations were fun, and watching someone draw random stuff on paper was absolutely delightful. i just couldn't really get much sleep that night, which was understandable (and not really a problem) because i tried to go to sleep earlier than normal because i was gonna leave teh next day. still fun. gak.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Tigro »

Tigro wrote: 26 Sep 2012, 22:57 my only drugs tried: coffee, beer, wine, chocolate, kofola. thats it.
8 years later this pretty much still applies, tried some more alcohol stuff. No weed etc.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Marcin »

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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Zero »

- Caffeine
- Nicotine
- Alcohol
- Weed
- Hash
- Benzodiazepines (different kinds)
- Amphetamine
- Methamphetamine
- Methylphenidate
- Ecstacy
- Mushrooms
- Ketamine
- Salvia Divinorum
- Seroquel
- SSRIs (few different kinds)
- 2C-B
- 2-FDCK
- Nitrous Oxide
- Ayahuasca
- Rapé
- Kratom
- Cocaine

+ unidentified research chemicals sold as more commonly known drugs. Always test your substances.
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by Zero »

Gonna write about these more in extent sometime. I've tried the substances above during a long period of time and there has been some serious ups and downs during this time.

It's been one hell of a rollercoaster.

Now I'm mostly sober and doing well!
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by umiz »

Zero wrote: 24 Jan 2021, 20:20 Gonna write about these more in extent sometime. I've tried the substances above during a long period of time and there has been some serious ups and downs during this time.

It's been one hell of a rollercoaster.

Now I'm mostly sober and doing well!
I' m very glad to hear zero! That you are mostly sober. Follow my example, only drink beer. :beer:
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Re: Which drugs have you tried?

Post by iCS »

Nothing, apart from some Monster energy drink like once a month. Used to drink it almost daily for about a year, but had to quit because heart boom-boom.
Genuinely hate smoke and extremely unstoked about any type of alcohol so i just don't need these 🤷
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