Level 28, Bounce Back:
00:55:79 Markku
00:56:69 Markku
00:57:30 Markku
01:03:44 Markku
01:03:68 Markku
Level 29, Headbanger:
00:49:20 Markku
00:49:96 Markku
00:51:33 Markku
00:52:26 Markku
00:54:77 Markku
01:15:01 Markku
Level 31, Animal Farm:
01:28:97 Markku
01:31:47 Markku
01:34:46 Markku
01:42:59 Markku
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:16:54 Markku
01:25:51 Markku
01:42:97 Markku
01:45:50 Markku
01:51:54 Markku
01:54:67 Markku
Level 36, Fruit in the Den:
01:02:14 Markku
01:03:46 Markku
01:06:17 Markku
01:08:27 Markku
01:10:93 Markku
01:16:58 Markku
01:18:22 Markku
Level 46, Bowling:
01:04:39 Markku
01:06:92 Markku
01:11:65 Markku
01:14:58 Markku
01:36:79 Markku
01:58:74 Markku
Level 48, Downhill:
00:52:59 Markku
00:55:40 Markku
00:56:73 Markku
00:58:00 Markku
00:59:71 Markku
01:00:04 Markku
01:04:08 Markku
01:07:22 Markku
01:12:95 Markku
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:45:91 Markku
00:48:87 Markku
00:55:79 Markku
00:58:10 Markku
00:58:19 Markku
00:59:23 Markku
01:00:47 Markku
01:01:11 Markku
01:01:19 Markku
01:01:20 Markku
4th position in WC4 (DAMN YOU KARLIS!!!!) PWNED KARLIS IN WC5!!!!TT:39:2x:xx (you've got some playing to do Stini ) When it's all over the question is not who was right. The question is who's left.
4th position in WC4 (DAMN YOU KARLIS!!!!) PWNED KARLIS IN WC5!!!!TT:39:2x:xx (you've got some playing to do Stini ) When it's all over the question is not who was right. The question is who's left.
I hate shadowwrs, made this tuesday. It's a bit tighter top10 now, but I've still some times over 26 in top10 and my second best is .44
4th position in WC4 (DAMN YOU KARLIS!!!!) PWNED KARLIS IN WC5!!!!TT:39:2x:xx (you've got some playing to do Stini ) When it's all over the question is not who was right. The question is who's left.
4th position in WC4 (DAMN YOU KARLIS!!!!) PWNED KARLIS IN WC5!!!!TT:39:2x:xx (you've got some playing to do Stini ) When it's all over the question is not who was right. The question is who's left.
Level 11, Gravity Ride:
00:27:03 Drew
00:29:70 Drew
00:30:04 Drew
00:30:10 Drew
00:30:11 Drew
00:30:12 Drew
00:30:18 Drew
00:30:28 Drew
00:30:48 Drew
00:30:62 Drew
A bit lucky there, but had been trying under the bar style for a while. First World Class for me too
Are you n00b enough? Find out here "Kittens give Morbo gas"
I have 12 levs where the difference between best time and avg is over 1 sec, those are my most unhoyled ones...
1. Bowling (4.02)
2. Labyrinth Pro (3.74)
3. Zig Zag (2.37)
then the rest of the 12 (06, 15, 19, 24, 25, 29, 36, 39, 40) are 1.xx
it's best if i don't post anything here... cuz then would the topic be flooded too much
00:15:32 Bonobo
00:19:99 Bonobo
00:40:85 Bonobo
00:41:02 Bonobo
00:41:18 Bonobo
00:41:54 Bonobo
00:47:56 Bonobo
00:56:90 Bonobo
01:01:83 Bonobo
01:29:07 ZoFiXeN
Level 6, Long Haul:
00:34:75 Alex
00:36:05 Alex
00:38:10 Alex
00:40:62 Alex
00:41:19 Alex
00:42:88 Alex
00:56:42 Alex
00:57:16 Alex
00:57:51 Alex
00:58:27 Alex
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:14:72 Alex
01:21:28 Alex
01:22:51 Alex
01:22:56 Alex
01:23:41 Alex
01:29:24 Alex
01:35:69 Alex
02:07:73 Alex
02:13:06 Alex
02:25:43 Alex
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
02:31:40 Alex
02:34:17 Alex
02:38:14 Alex
02:41:94 Alex
02:46:03 Alex
02:47:20 Alex
03:07:30 Alex
03:08:91 Alex
03:10:16 Alex
03:10:37 Alex
Level 47, Enigma:
00:20:32 Alex
00:28:83 Alex
00:29:06 Alex
00:29:14 Alex
00:29:41 Alex
00:31:01 Alex
00:51:22 Alex
00:54:17 Alex
00:56:77 Alex
00:59:34 Alex
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:46:51 Alex
00:48:73 Alex
00:51:80 Alex
00:55:20 Alex
00:55:90 Alex
00:56:88 Alex
00:56:95 Alex
00:57:08 Alex
00:57:14 Alex
00:57:22 Alex
[OMG] | [SpEF] | Apparently my TT was once 39:26:06