Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

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Re: Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

Post by Karlis »

BarTek wrote:Elma must be one the best games true hoylers agree on.
of course it is, good games are addictive and i've never played as addictive game
BarTek wrote: I mean elma takes away your:
1. sleep
mmm, yes it does, but it doesnt matter, sleeping is a waste of time
BarTek wrote:
2. regular diet(?)
err w00t? I can eat in the front of the comp if necessary
BarTek wrote:
3. time for school stuff
yeash, it did took the time of my school work but I got rid off that problem, no more school :wink:
BarTek wrote: 4. job(?)
not my dayjob, gotta draw the line somewhere
BarTek wrote: 5. calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)
true, stupid to stress about some wcup or wr, but i've been there.
BarTek wrote: 6. TV
what's that, hardly ever watch tv nowadays
BarTek wrote: 7. famil, girlfreind (boyfreind?) and freinds maybe
life is choices and during my long career i've almost got rid of all those ps. true elma höylä looks for nice chick. I hope you have nice looks and you can accept my stupid elma habits, plz mail me
BarTek wrote: Is this a game from the devil itself?
after loosing almost all the lif0r.....yes, you could say that, evil game
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Post by GuyB »

BarTek wrote: I mean elma takes away your:

1. sleep
2. regular diet(?)
3. time for school stuff
4. job(?)
5. calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)
6. TV
7. famil, girlfreind (boyfreind?) and freinds maybe
1.not anymore, did earlier
2.not at all
3.ye, but not much these days
4. don´t have one
5.I don´t get stressed over elma anymore. I am probably the most patient person in Denmark
6. Nope, it still runs in the background once in a while
7. I share elma with my brothetr ( rigger ). Don´t have GF, and friends are ok with it 8)

But I would like to emphasize my views on this matter, haing been around so long :)

I remember in the beginning. Elma was new and the thrill of just doing a volt was cool. Then came record-breaking and tt höyl. I did that a long time.. three years I think.. at least
Back then I could stay up and play half the night. I could skip homework to play, and was as hooked as you can get on any drug. At the time you didn´t notice it at all, you just had fun. There was no greater sensation than making a new personal best.. or even a dk-rec if you were lucky/persistent enough in your höyling.
In reality my grades, especially in math slipped a bit. My girlfriend felt a bit neglected and I lost much sleep sometimes.
The sensation of making a personal best is still sweet, after more than 5 years of playing elma/across .. when you think about it, its really insane. The amount of time I have devoted to this game, be it playing, checking homepages, updating my own homepage, speaking/idling on elmarelated-IRCchannels and gazing/writing here is pretty overwhelming. It is by far the most time-consuming hobby I have ever had.

As time has passed my usage of the game has changed. These days I don´t play internals at all. I still love to watch replays of them, but playing them is over for the time being ( and I suspect forever ). Now most of the time I spend with elma is on ircchannels, checking moposite, mopolauta and updating my page. I participate in different contests and packs and have fun with that.

I know that I am addicted to this game, but more importantly I am addicted to the SCENE. When I sit down at a computer I always have to check moposite and/or lauta. I have tried to cut back on my time spent on IRC, and I have partially succeeded. Yet, I can´t let it go 8) .. I almost always have to have mIRC open.
I haven´t yet begun to think of retiring. I still love the scene but being around as long as I have I can tell you that elma is truly a drug.
To emphazise this I can give you a little examble from just talking on #elma yesterday.
Raider has more or less retired, yet he tried a little multiplayer with a new kuski at his school. They made a few recs. Now he was a bit nervous if he would be dragged in again, because the sensation of seeing the "BEST TIME" almost made his fingers itch.. Its THAT addictive ( He said it partially jokingly, but it had a large part of truth in it )

the game is addictive, the scene is addictive and Lucifer must have thoughtup this grand sceme ... Thank God he did 8)

Last edited by GuyB on 9 Dec 2003, 12:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by insane guy »

im very glad im no "höyler"... to me its not elma, but computer/inet what takes all my time....
i never played internals more than necessary and i dont höyl other levs much (kingcup is different, but i set myself a personal limit i want to reach and after that its good...)
well nowadays i maybe play half an hour elma each day (sometimes not at all), write shit like this on mopolauta for about 20 mins... and make levels 3-5 hours a month....
but other games (half-life-mods) and surfing costs me a lot of time...
but elma is still the game i definately played more than any other so it cant be bad....
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Re: Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

Post by Revolt »

BarTek wrote: 1. sleep
2. regular diet(?)
3. time for school stuff
4. job(?)
5. calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)
6. TV
7. famil, girlfreind (boyfreind?) and freinds maybe
1. yep, i go to bed later now than i used too cause of elma
2. no not really, i still eat the same
3. definitly, my grades have gone down a lot since i started to play elma
4. dont have job
5. it can calm me down and piss me off, such as when i get good run or somethin and fuck up end
6. dont really watch tv
7. i dont spend much time with family anymore :?
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Re: Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

Post by John »

BarTek wrote: 1. sleep
2. regular diet(?)
3. time for school stuff
4. job(?)
5. calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)
6. TV
7. famil, girlfreind (boyfreind?) and freinds maybe
1. Ye I almost always stay up past midnight now. And on weekends I stay up half night sometimes.
2. Nope still same.
3. I make some homework but just the most important ones like studying to a test or something.
4. Never had a job
5. Nah
6. Dont watch much TV nowadays. Before elma I usually sat down in front of tv after getting home from school.
7. Well quite normal but still not. My friends come here or sometimes we just play elma at their places. My family can reach me in front of comp if they have something to say but it can be hard to communicate with me when Im playing.

I agree with many others it seems, Im addicted to the whole scene aswell. And I think I still play cuz I like to see the "Best Time!"-text. At least elmadrug is better then heroin, cocain and stuff :)
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Post by Luther »


1. I never sleep (2-3h) and I feel terrible
2. I don't eat (and my girlfriend almost needs to feed me
3. no school atm
4. I almost fuck up work every day cuz i spend my time here in the scene
5. I'm overstressed with taking new times and so
6. Watch TV simultanously.. TV-time=Elma-time
7. This is where Im still "old me" (plz refer to question no1). although I would like to spend more time with my friends sometimes.. :P

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Post by zworqy »

1. sleep
I sleep very good and very much, no problem there.

2. regular diet(?)
Maybe I don't eat as much as I should, but that's not Elma's fault

3. time for school stuff
I don't do much school stuff anyway...

4. job(?)
No job

5. calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)
I don't take Elma THAT seriously.

6. TV
I watch loads of TV. When playing Elma too, if necessary.

7. famil, girlfreind (boyfreind?) and freinds maybe
No problem.
<Fihlvein> another case of zworqy-is-always-right closed i guess
<yoosef> zworqy doesnt suck at anything
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Post by Jeppe »

lolz bartek ;X it dont take away sleep.I like to stay up late to watch tv or something.And yes i enjoy playing it.I just talk with friends at irc when i get bored.Sure its really a silly stupid damn game but so omg feeling to play it.
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Post by chux »

1. sleep
I dont sleep as much as Id like, but i guess i wont until im dead :D

2. regular diet(?)
Not really

3. time for school stuff
Nah, although if i dont go to college I'll play elma...

4. job(?)
No job

5. calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)
Nope, maybe a bit when I have good run on Headbanger and then die at the end...but nowehere near as much as Double Dash (Cheating fuxx0r)

6. TV
I have Sky+ (Digital TV you can record without tape)

7. famil, girlfreind (boyfreind?) and freinds maybe
Not really, I dont speak to my family that much, no girlfriend (:() and i still see friends...
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Re: Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

Post by dz »

- sleep
- regular diet(?)
- time for school stuff
- calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)

easy to say, all of the above - because of this game, were less or more unbalanced than they should be.. you could easily stay up late and wake up for school way too tired.. but you get used to it :D
you could play and play knowing you're hungry.. but you often end up telling yourself "okok, only few more rides then i'll eat" and when you do, you realize you should've eat two hours ago.
school stuff were often also ignored easily.
thank god it's past ;)
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Post by dz »

i actually played elma (internal level) for the last 2½ hours non-stop.
i haven't played any internal this long probably over a year so i'm having pretty weird feelings at the moment.

some things i noticed:
-at the moment, my fingers hurt alot. they are not used to non-stop stress this long as it was.
-i know i should've eat when i started playing.. but i just couldn't have a pause and do so, because i felt i will lose the "touch" if i do so. so i had to keep going and well, i'm still hungry. (going to eat after this post)
-i did not accomplish anything spectacular. i didn't get best time, even though my old time sucks and i know i could do one, but i just couldn't get all parts well in a same run. because of the fact i spent almost three hours for practically nothing, i'm very pissed off at the moment. i feel pretty much like, "is this the reason for the lack of internals i've been had?" and the question is pretty much yes. now i feel like i hate playing and i don't want to be involved in hardcore internal höyling any more and i should't have started at all in the first place (yesterday).
but how would i feel if i DID accomplish what i wanted to? i don't know... the past 2½ hours could affect me more than i can ever imagine.

all i know, i played internal level 2½ hour and all i got was annoyed and extremely pissed off.
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Post by jonsi »

I haven´t played elma for so long time but i have notticed that i don´t look at TV at all nowdays.
i sleep normaly even if i go to bed some houers later.
grades- i don´t really think that my grades have gone down.
I´ve got 11/16MVG and 5VG (MVG is the highest grade and VG next highest)
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Post by ToTaL »

1. No, usually the last thing i do before sleep is series and reading, so elma doesn't take away my sleep.
2. I have never stoped eating for elma.
3. Could be, I usualy don't do much school stuff anyway, just the absolute necessary. When I didn't have computer 1month ago i didn't do any more homework than now.
4. Don't work.
5. I don't think i stress over elma that much, maybe when i try to get new personal record.
6. Yes, i watch less TV, but i think that TV and computer are equal time killers and that watching TV is not better.
7. Maybe in beginning, first year or two i was much infront of computer, but now i spend atleast 3 hours with friend after school. Was bit difficult last year since my friend lived a bit far, but no friend = nabour.

As 90% of the others player, the thing that is holding to elma is the scene (lauta, an IRC). Without that i don't think i would have played elma anymore. And i have mixed feelings about elma, sometimes i'm like what, why do I still play this. And sometimes I'm more like, I have no better things to do and battles ARE fun.
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Re: Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

Post by Bonobo »

BarTek wrote: I mean elma takes away your:

1. sleep
2. regular diet(?)
3. time for school stuff
4. job(?)
5. calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)
6. TV
7. famil, girlfreind (boyfreind?) and freinds maybe
1. maybe I go to bed later, but what? I'm sleeping more at day-time.
2. omg, I eat whenever I want to, but I have some kind of power saving mode when sitting in front of elma, so I don't need to eat that often...
3. ok, but if not played elma i would probably have spent time on anything else..
4. -
5. omg, i'm never stressed, so no prob for me
6. TV do pretty much saxx, almost just lots of shit.. ez worse then elma, and computing stuff.
7. ez only playing elma at home, and no friends live close.
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Post by Nikollie »

1. I get enough sleep
2. No, I'm good for food too.
3. Actually I don't get that much homework, haven't for weeks now... that's a little strange come to think of it.
4. I don't have a job, not because of elma, it's because I'm too lazy to get one.
5. Well, the game does kind of annoy me. Well, change the words 'kind of' with the word 'really' and the words 'annoy me' with the words 'piss me off'
6. No, plenty of time for that, though there's not much on.
7. Family's constantly interrupting my elma playing, g/f's fine (I'd be surprised if she's heard of elma) and friends... well they used to play it but they think it's crap... they're kraizee.
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Post by magicman »

1: ye but was worst around Weekend during WC4 spec saturday night/sunday morning!!s
2: nah , no
3: ye sure, but no school now:P
4: no
5: ye druing wc ;) and battles(but battle stress is just cowl
6: naeh, maybe at beginning of elma
7: sometimes ye, but NOT often, or maybe ;* duno.. elma elma \,,/
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Re: Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

Post by Kopaka »

BarTek wrote:I mean elma takes away your:

1. sleep
2. regular diet(?)
3. time for school stuff
4. job(?)
5. calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)
6. TV
7. famil, girlfreind (boyfreind?) and freinds maybe
1: nah
2: nah
3: yes indeed, I don't do much school stuff.
4: nah
5: yes :/
6: nah, nothing good in TV anyway
7: a little
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Post by 2fast »

3.yes it did,when I played it
5.very much
6.it did
7.only family

btw,my last post on lauta(atleast this year)
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Post by AppleOne »

Elma and apples = My life

No friends, nothing, no need..
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Post by Fluff »

so you have no life
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Post by BigRed »

AppleOne wrote:Elma and apples = My life

No friends, nothing, no need..
A grand total of one post... he doesn't even have a social life on elma :D
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Post by chux »

Yeah but he has apples...!
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Re: Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

Post by Zweq »

BarTek wrote: 1. sleep
2. regular diet(?)
3. time for school stuff
4. job(?)
5. calmness (give you stress during wcupes for ex.)
6. TV
7. famil, girlfreind (boyfreind?) and freinds maybe
1.Indeed yes, but I dont care about it
3.Umm I wouldnt complain elma alone about this. when I had modem I really did homework, but now with adsl it came much harded
5.YES. This is one of the biggest problems I have actually. For example when I haven't played some KC level at all, I keep thinking "Fuck, i really gotta play that" etc. Talking about internals the problem is pretty much the same. For example when i lose some wr, whole week i think "ffs i gotta take that wr back", but usually i cant when tor takes :P
6.Shessh who watches TV anyway, its full of those crappy USA series. Well.... news and kummeli are ok
7.Well, again the same that i don't complain elma alone, i just whane fool around whit the adsl ;( so i dont have time to anything else

EDIT: Karlis, lol at your anwers :D
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Post by teajay »

BigRed wrote: A grand total of one post... he doesn't even have a social life on elma :D
yes, the elma scene is our family... :)
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Re: Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

Post by Bonobo »

Zweq wrote: 6.Shessh who watches TV anyway, its full of those crappy USA series. Well.... news and kummeli are ok
omg, that's right, omg, that's right, omg, that's right.
Sometimes there can be some intresting things, like when I saw Marc-André Hamelin play the piano, omg he rox. And news can get bad too when there's nothing special happening, even when USA bombs the world, it the same thing after a while..
and I don't know what kummeli is..
but in overall TV sax.
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Post by dz »

three days without playing and when it is possible to play some again, i dont actually feel like it. seems positive, it'll probably get back to normal when the tempting goes too great and i do it once again.
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Post by Dyrox »

I think this shit about elma has gone too far! Haven't u got any control over your lifes? I know that me and Thorax are having no problems controlling our lives, we can control the playing and therefore we have no problems like that...
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Post by petsen »

yea elma sux after a while, but its not the game itself its the addictiveness, if there is such a word, but as i said in "elma goals" thread or whatever, im quitting when i get under 41.

ive played since mid 2001 and its simply too time consuming..
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Post by Kopaka »

BarTek wrote:Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)
Imo. elma get's funnier af long time. Can't see the reason if you play if it's not fun.
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Re: Elma is fun (but seriously it sucks after long time)

Post by Karlis »

Zweq wrote: 3.Umm I wouldnt complain elma alone about this. when I had modem I really did homework, but now with adsl it came much harded
ive noticed the same, after broadband there's no return
Zweq wrote:EDIT: Karlis, lol at your anwers :D
hmm, you're so weird :)
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Post by chux »

petsen wrote:...im quitting when i get under 41.
Why not under 40? Itd make more sense to get into the 39 mins club
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Post by teajay »

he decides to do that when he 's under 41, I bet.
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Post by petsen »

chux wrote:
petsen wrote:...im quitting when i get under 41.
Why not under 40? Itd make more sense to get into the 39 mins club
because i have better things to do, and i dont play enough anyway anymore to improve my skills enough to be patient enough to go under 40 also...

hope u understood that ;)
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