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Post by insane guy »

everyone come to #battle on mIRC!
recently i found out that it is so much fun!
you make a lev in 5 mins or less and people play it!
maybe i play so much because of FUCKIN STEAM!!!
but its fun so everyone COME
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Post by teajay »

hm-hm, ok really relevant information none of us knew. :P
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Post by devin »

heh, ive known for about 500 battles worth of time
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Post by cyre »

Nice to see you've found the battle chan insane guy :) It's been pretty quiet there lately, or actually ever since MagnusB quit and took battlebot with him. So new people are always welcomed to play and test their skills against the best of the best of the best :wink: Especially levmakers are needed, cuz there's very often, if not all the time, people who would gladly play some battles if only someone had a lev.

I guess i could write some small tutorial or something for those who haven't ever battled before and want to know how to do it. Maybe this would get some new ppl to join the happy battle scene :wink:

Note: In case you aren't looking for a battle tutorial but the general #battle channel rules, check this link.

Edit: Thanks to skint0r, battlebot (very similar to the original one) is once again back in #battle. This has resulted in few changes: Battles are now much much much easier to host, battles are more efficiently organized, bot has stats of many battles and last but not least, #battle has become a really big channel and is easily the biggest elma related channel after #across. The channel peak in #battle has already exceeded 100. 8O

Anyway, i'll try to eplain how the battles work nowadays with battlebot. Some things have changed, while others haven't. And once again, the old rule applies:

This is going to sound much more complicated than what it really is :wink: :

The main idea:

The main idea in battles is that a group of people play the same elma lev for certain amount of time. They tell their times on an irc channel and the winner is the one who has the quickest time. After the battle, it's always nice to see the winner's rec (and see how it should've been driven :wink: )

If you want other people to play your lev:

(First of all, you need to join a channel called #Battle on IRCnet.)

Once you're on the channel, it's a good idea to let people know that you have a lev and ask if anyone is interested in playing. Most likely there is someone there who is. If not, just try again later.
The next thing to do is to upload the lev. There are some really nice upload sites out there and to get the urls to them, just type 'upload' in the channel (without the ' ' of coz).

After that, you must start the battle with battlebot. Battlebot has extensive help commands so sending a private message '!help' (without the ' ' of coz) will show you how to start battles, how to get more help on other commands etc. Private message means that you type '/msg nick message' or in this case '/msg battlebot !help' (again the same thing with those ' '). This can also be found in the #battle channel topic. Also, skint0r has a site dedicated for battles and battlebot related things. You can find very good instructions, faq, etc there. But since i'm writing a so called "tutorial" here, i'll explain the basic commands in a "basic bot stuff for idiots" -format. (No insult intended.)

To start the battle, just send the bot a priv message which has the following parts:

!start url mins

!start means that you want to start a battle, url is the url to the lev you uploaded and mins is the time you want the battle to last, in minutes (battle time should be between 3 and 45 minutes, and please no decimals, it's getting ooooold). So, for example, if i want to start a 20 minute battle , i just type:

/msg battlebot !start http;//vk0.dk/vkprivupload/prthgise/cybat001.lev 20

If you still haven't figured it out, i'll now explain this line for the last time, pay attention.

'/msg' means that you're sending a private message, 'battlebot' means that the message will be sent to battlebot (change that if you want to send it to someone else, or battlebot happens to use some other nick). And '!start http;//vk0.dk/vkprivupload/prthgise/cybat001.lev 20' is the message. (And no, those ' ' are still not required. And in fact, from now on i'll use the term plöp, which simply means: without the ' ' of coz)

(If you want your battle shown in your stats (battle wins, leves made... etc) you need to be registered to the bot. More instructions on registering later in this same post.)

If you still haven't understood how to start a battle, using battlebot, you probaly can't read either. So further instructions on the subject would be waste of my time aswell.

So. After you've started the battle, you can just relax and watch as ppl struggle to finish your lev :wink: Battlebot will do everything from now on. That's pretty much it. This looks really complicated and strange when written down like this, but i assure you, it's really really simple and easy once you're there :)

Also note that it's not allowed to play your own levs. In fact, winning in your own lev is a very good way of getting banned from the channel. If you want to play, look at the tutorial below.

If you want to play:

(First of all, you need to join a channel called #Battle on IRCnet.)

If there's not already a battle going on, just ask if anyone has a lev. If no one has a lev, or no one answers, just try again later.

If someone has a lev and starts a battle, just download the lev from the link battlebot gives and play it. :) When you finish, say your time in the channel. Attention! The bot will only register your time if there is nothing else in the same line. For example, '23,56' would be accepted but '23,56 :DDD' wouldn't (plöp). The bot can read pretty much all time formats so it isn't a problem if you say 34.25 instead of 34,25 or 2:35:54 instead of 2:35,54 etc. Remember that if you win the battle, you have to prove your time with a replay, which you can upload to an upload site (just type 'upload' in the channel for the urls (plöp)

When you play battles, it's very useful to be registered on the bot. If you aren't registered, your possible wins aren't added to your stats on the bot and your nick will have that annoying 'unregistered-' (plöp) in front of it in the final results. More instructions on registering later in this same post.)

When the time is up. Battlebot will list the players in the correct order. Winner is 1st, and the looser is last. :wink:

Registering to the bot

To register to the bot, and to access all stats commands, you need to open a dcc chat with the bot. There are two ways to do this. Either YOU open the dcc chat with the command '/dcc chat battlebot' (plöp). Or if you are like many people, including me, and for some reason can't open a dcc chat, you can make the bot open it for you by sending '!dcc' (plöp) as a priv message to it.

When you have managed to open the dcc chat, you should type '!help newuser' (plöp) and follow the instructions the bot gives you. The stats and instructions for viewing them can also be found in dcc chat.

That's pretty much it. :)

Battling is very easy and can be really much fun and i think everyone should try it, at least once.

These small tutorials covered the most important things to know on your way to becoming the next Markku (the ultimate battler :wink: ) There are some smaller things too but they're not that important and you'll quickly learn all necessary when you're there.

BTW, if you're wondering what those '1minleft.wav' 'finished.wav' etc are, read my post about in this thread. (It's down there somewhere, and if it isn't, that's because i haven't written it yet :wink: )

Good luck with the battlings! :)
Last edited by cyre on 1 Sep 2005, 18:12, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by insane guy »

thank you!
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Post by cyre »

Oh my. It seems that Markku is back. 8O

Winning battles just got incredibly much harder :wink:
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Post by Juski »

I just downloaded it and i installed it without problems and when i first started it i says that my 30 days have evaluated, but i can start it any way and when i try to join #battle it says i need the right key
What is the right key?
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Post by SveinR »

Juski wrote:I just downloaded it and i installed it without problems and when i first started it i says that my 30 days have evaluated, but i can start it any way and when i try to join #battle it says i need the right key
What is the right key?
It what? mIRC? The evaluation period on mIRC is bullshit, cause it doesn't matter at all.. Since this first ocurred when you tried to visit #battle, then there probably was a key on #battle, for some reason. There never has been anytime I've been there, so I'm not sure you were on IRCnet.
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Post by Juski »

Rigth i wasn't on ircnet i just download it so i didnt understand much of it but i have joined #battle now
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Post by Myrdhel »

For previously battles, take a look at this brilliant site:

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Post by Crazy »

omg, I've beaten Markku some times 8O

Event 1592: TTBa0013 by +ThanaTos-
almost 10 secs 8)


sooo long list. nice work :!:
Last edited by Crazy on 17 Feb 2004, 15:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dz »

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Post by Juski »

I got some wicked virus on my comp, when i start mirc i cannot connect to a server, beccause the list is empty, what should i write in the 'add window'?
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Post by teajay »

type " /server irc.xs4all.nl " and he should connect.
other server for IRCnet are irc.stealth.net and some others, check google.
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Post by Ky.Jelly »

you can get the server list from http://www.mircfiles.com i think
and just import them back into your mirc directory
i used to battle all teh time with devin, but now my job takes up too much time and on the other side of teh world, so wrong time of the day blah blah blah
[10:51:18] <skint0r> i could SACh see KyJelly working at ICA ;D
[10:51:37] <skint0r> "vad kostar denna?" "wtf ch0b0"
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Post by Juski »

Very help ful
Very thanks
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Post by cyre »

EYAH, battlebot is back. Or actually he's now called ballebot :wink:
No more checking the clock all the time. No more making the results manually.

All thanks to skint0r, our saviour :* He did excellent job incredibly fast.
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Post by teajay »

BUT HECK, i don't seem to be able to register
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Post by skint0r »

Read more here http://www.solveggen.org/battle for further info and known bugs etc.
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Post by teajay »

<ballebot> New battle started by tijsjoris: http://sectorzero.zapto.org/pubupload/8 ... Jbat05.lev (5mins)
<ballebot> --------------- START! ---------------
<mcleod-> how do i register?
<mcleod-> i tried..
<tijsjoris> just play this one first after that rgister
<mcleod-> 3,25
<ToTaLgone> 3.91
<tijsjoris> 3,10
<tijsjoris> first try honest
<mcleod-> 3,06
--- Bossner is now known as Boss_away
<ToTaLgone> 3.39
<mcleod-> 3,04
<ballebot> --------------- 3mins left ---------------
<tijsjoris> damn hard style
<Xodok_UHF> 5 mins battle
<Xodok_UHF> damn just saw it
<ToTaLgone> 3.03
<Xodok_UHF> give me some time
--> KyJelly (kYjELLY@ip-202-37-230-19.internet.co.nz) has joined #battle
<tijsjoris> can't =)
<mcleod-> 2,98
<tijsjoris> damn
<tijsjoris> 3,06
<Xodok_UHF> 3,09
<ToTaLgone> 3.00
<mcleod-> 2,97
<mcleod-> 2,96
<ToTaLgone> 2.99
<Xodok_UHF> 3,07
<mcleod-> 2,94
<Xodok_UHF> 3,05
<ballebot> --------------- 1min left ---------------
--- Received a CTCP Sound 1minleft.wav from ballebot
<mcleod-> 2,92
<ToTaLgone> 2.96
<Boss_away> 3.06
<Xodok_UHF> 3,03
<ballebot> --------------- STOP! ---------------
--- Received a CTCP Sound finished.wav from ballebot
--- ballebot has changed the topic to: Battle[OFF] To start a battle /msg ballebot !help
--- ballebot sets mode +m #battle
<ballebot> Results for TJbat05.lev by tijsjoris
<ballebot> ----------------------------------------
<tijsjoris> 3,04
--- #battle :Cannot send to channel
<ballebot> 1. tijsjoris this is wrong I was 3rd or something!
<ballebot> 2. ToTaL
<ballebot> 3. Unregistered-Boss_away
<ballebot> 4. Unregistered-mcleod-
<ballebot> 5. Xodok
--- ballebot sets mode -m #battle
This is a bug, I became 1st though I had worse times.
Is it that if you don't register you get minus? :?
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#battle #across across language

Post by onlainari »

I had this written down but I can see that cyre has give a nice tutorial already about battling,but well, because this is already written, I post it in if someone really bothers to read it. Well if you are new to irc and all and want more information then you are the guy who might want to read it.
There is also information about the languages and the channel #across

Elma battles! You don't need to be good to enter them. Here's a total walkthru to join our elma scene as a good battler and perhaps as another #across mongo

1. You have to connect to a chat-room which is full of elma players.
---- about 20% of the time there is a battle going on. You can start a battle with your own not yet published level whenever there is no battle running AND ..battlebot or ballebot is present.

If you are new to IRC, you have to download an IRC Client software. For example from here www.mirc.com
After you have downloaded and started the program you have to set up some information and after this you will need to connect to IRCNET server. Our channels are at IRCNET network. Here is a list of Ircnet servers, you may have to choose a server that is from your country and perhaps pointed to your Internet Service Provider. Like take the case Pertti. Pertti is probably a finnish guy,because his name is finnish,and therefore so he is probably living in Finland and having a finnish internet connection. So the server he has to use is some of the ones with .fi ending. Let's assume he has a kolumbus connection. In this case he has to connect their server which is: irc.kolumbus.fi . If the person is someone from let's say Bolivia. It seems there is not any bolivian Ircnet servers in the list,what he has to do now? Well he has to connect some international server and wish that he will get in. I don't know any international servers at the moment,probably ircd.stealth.net and irc.stealth.net. Now if the person for some reason can't connect to Ircnet,he still has a little chance on getting in #battle. He can go to www.ircnet.com and click on the WEB CHAT link and use a web browser to enter the room. If the person can't connect even with this www-irc, most likely he is behind some firewall that is blocking irc ports.

Connecting: So you started the mIRC, now you have to just simply close all the pop-up windows and simply write on the command line: /server <your irc server> for example /server irc.kolumbus.fi ...After this, wait while the connection is processed and you have gotten connected.
After this simply type /join #battle to connect the #battle room.

2. Playing battles.
So when someone have made a level,he uploads it to the internet. Usually he uses some of these temporary upload sites like: http://vk.mine.nu/vkprivupload.php {} http://www.mxb.dk/upload.php {} http://www.kurki.buildtolearn.net/upload {} http://www.yamahafz1oa.com/uploader/imageuploader.php {} http://www.nortropic.com/lis341/uploader/index.html

After he has uploaded a level that no one have ever seen before he sends the information to a user "battlebot or "ballebot" in this room. Ballebot or Battlebot is a robot which operates by commands. So when the "battle hoster" wants to start a battle he does this in the room #battle: /msg ballebot !start url mins . So he just writes this text in the room ->

Code: Select all

 /msg ballebot !start http://vk0.dk/vkprivupload/wflrkeww/jusba301.lev 15 

This message goes to ballebots private window and then he has been commanded to start a new elastomania battle that lasts 15minutes.
After this , everyone in a room #battle will see this text:

Code: Select all

 <@battlebot> New battle started by juski [mk]: http://vk0.dk/vkprivupload/wflrkeww/jusba301.lev (15mins)
<@battlebot> --------------- START! ---------------
After they have seen it, probably 1-10 users in a room #battle actually noticed it started and decides to play it. Then they simply download the level from the URL given and start their elma and start playing this level. Whenever they make their own best time,they save the rec and then press ALT+TAB and inform their time in a channel #battle simply saying their time e.g. 13.33 or 13,33 or 13:33 or 13;33 or 13-33 Then they press ALT+TAB again and keep playing the level for the rest of the 15minutes and try improve their time. Whenever they improve their time they save their BEST TIME again and go to #battle to announce their new best! Then they repeat this for the whole 15minutes usually and then wait for the results. After 15minutes has passed Battlebot will say:

Code: Select all

 <@battlebot> --------------- STOP! ---------------
 battlebot [~battlebot@] requested unknown CTCP SOUND from #battle: finished.wav finished.wav
 -!- battlebot changed the topic of #battle to: Battle[OFF] To start a battle /msg battlebot !help
 -!- mode/#battle [+m] by battlebot
<@battlebot> Results for Balla3.lev by juski [mk]
 <@battlebot> ----------------------------------------
 <@battlebot> 1. Markku 0:15,79
 <@battlebot> 2. Zweq [DZ] 0:15,87
<@battlebot> 3. Zox [MAN] 0:16,15
 <@battlebot> 4. Unregistered-TTechnik 0:16,96
 <@battlebot> 5. juski [mk] 0:17,92
 -!- mode/#battle [-m] by battlebot
for example.

After this it is mandatory to the winner to upload his BEST TIME. He usually uses those same temporary upload URLs and will then give the URL to users of channel #battle ,and all this could look like this:

Code: Select all

 < Markku> http://vk0.dk/vkprivupload/kutgbbhl/balla3M.rec
< TTechnik> nice rec

In the results some users have Unregistered- before their name meaning they haven't registered to get detailed statistics of all their battles. Probably because they don't care to do it or they have some problems registering. Registering is not obligatory. Here you will find information how to register: http://www.kulde.net/battle/index.php?page=faq

That's it!

What is #across? Well in IRC you can be connected to several rooms and to several different networks at once. #across is the main Elastomania related chatting room. It is aswell in Ircnet. So what the heck,while you are at it, connect also to #across with /join #across to simply look and inspect us :) If you want, you can also start talking with us. There lots of new Elma players coming in and out and everyone is of course welcome. You don't need to know how to speak english or swedish or finnish. You don't even need to know how to write. You can just come and see us. But the discussions in a channel are usually in english,finnish,swedish or in *"across language". Sometimes you see people talking in hungarian,russian,norwegian,danish or even we have seen there discussion held in spanish,czech,polish,hebrew and so forth!

Here's some related links regarding battles and IRC:

http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta/viewt ... light=mirc
http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta/viewt ... light=mirc
http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta/viewt ... light=mirc
http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta/viewt ... light=mirc
http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta/viewt ... light=mirc
http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta/viewt ... light=mirc
http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta/viewt ... light=mirc

*) "across language" , "mongo language" , "monglish"
This is a language very common in the scene. The language is a sister-language with some other internet grown languages. The Root of these language used numbers in place of some letters,and then typing the words differently, like: "1337" meaning "elite". 1337 spells out "leet" which verbally said out sounds the same as "elite".

In across language there are lot of words that have grown their own meanings. There are some words that can be used in several occasions to ease up the expressing oneself. Because #acrossers speaks so many different native languages and the level of each users english,the common international language in #across varies so much, some users have started to use some words to express lot of things and thus make it easier to chat. Though the language has developed so much that for non-#acrosser it might be a bit hard to understand the across language at first,but reading it for awhile gets you into it probably.

Code: Select all

21:53:32 < krychek> there are 3 comp yunoamsayin
21:53:36 < Olliz> yeah, netlimiter
21:53:41 < Olliz> i got it.. works like a charm
21:53:41 <@skint0r> nat netlimiter
21:53:46 < Olliz> why nat
21:53:47 <@skint0r> you'd have to bulle it in router/switch
21:54:06 < krychek> a software nat good in this case i think
21:54:29 < krychek> cuz if the other 2 comp nat dling i must have full speed ok
21:54:44 <@skint0r> you should kinda get that automatic
21:54:56 <@skint0r> unless you have max mongo setup
21:55:01 < krychek> we gona buy router yesh
21:55:15 < krychek> so we bulle it and thats all?
There's a short dialect from the room just some time ago.
nat there means not.
dling means downloading
max mongo = really bad/weird
gona= going to

Words like bulle,max,mongo,bingo,bango,etc can be used in many occasion meaning many things etc.... etc..

Here are some old and new words from across language:
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Post by cyre »

Edited my battle tutorial post quite a bit to make it more up-to-date. It's in this same thread, but if you don't feel like scrolling up a bit, use this link.

I'll write a post about battlesounds (those 1minleft.wav finished.wav etc thingies) later.
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Post by milagros »

i won my first battle last night:)
me noab
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Post by ribot »

hummayo aaah, amonimni algdana núnú
hummayo miraah, halomirú
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Post by teajay »

Only english allowed here, No other languages, mirandanese included.
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Post by cyre »

It seems that some people are still confused about the rules in #battle (i had to remove 15 cheat/fake times or repeated battles from the august battle logs before zebra made stats from them. It was not much fun), so i'll write the most important rules here.

So, if you were kicked from #battle and given the link to this post in the kick message, you have probably broken one or more of these rules. These have been around for ages, in either written or verbal form. Pay attention.

Don't flood.
Don't use colours.
Don't submit fake or in any way cheated times/results in battles
Don't use old levels, all battle levels have to be previously unseen.
Don't play your own battles.
Always prove your winning time/result with a replay after the battle.
The main language is english, others are not appreciated much (not even finnish).
Don't use annoying scripts. (ops decide the annoyance factor)

These are the most important rules, i guess. Of course you can be kicked/banned for for other reasons too, like nick floods, op begging, join floods, general idiocy etc. But these should be so obvious that they don't need special mention. A general "Behave!" will cover them.

Follow the rules and it will be more fun for everyone.
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Post by Jake »

too lazy to read older posts but remember that even if you lose
the battle you will get points from it and it´s much cooler for other battlers and lev makers if there is more battlers,so plz don´t keep your time secret,it doesn´t make you super sucky player if u never win (except huba <3)
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Post by 1phatman1 »

wow, this topic was broght out of nowwhere....

is the battlehting still running??

how do i get on ircnet and join across??

i no, im a n00b ;)
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Post by SveinR »

1phatman1 wrote:is the battlehting still running??

how do i get on ircnet and join across??
Yes, it is still running. Check here on info on how to connect to ircnet: http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta/viewtopic.php?t=669

There probably are other threads as well if you search the board a little.
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Post by insane guy »

nice that this topic came up again because it`s time for me to say:

Good Bye dear #battle

and good bye elma scene.... as you noticed the scene isn`t as important to me as #battle is.... eventhough for some time now there are many idiots hanging around there, making thousands of shit levels, the battle channel is the only thing that keeps me enjoying elma....

reason for "quit": im moving away from my parents home, good bye luxury, good bye healthy food (from time to time), good bye easy-rider-life... i don`t know if i can afford some inet connection in my flat, so i will be inactive... i don`t even know if elma is still fun to me without inet....

i hope you enjoyed some of my levs, (didnt make 1000 inra`s but maybe some day i will) it was great fun!


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Post by 8-ball »

bye insguy :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2:
your levels were between the best of #battle along with chazz, jp and TAP :*
#battle is still fun :) come and joinga
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Post by Lukazz »

good bye insguy :cry: :cry: :blushes: good luck in real life
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Post by Jake »

yeh your levs were always top quality class,i hope everything goes well and you might be back someday =)

Cheers -Rex
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Post by yoosef »

cant wait u to do teh cumbag !
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Post by sierra »

yea man ur a truly creative guy, your levs were definitely unique. not a bad battler either :wink:
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Post by CMc »

Bye insane guy, we'll definitely miss you :cry:
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CMc's Elma Site: 100+ levels, PTL, Hoyla, and Pipe pack. And alot of other crap. http://www.freewebs.com/cmcelma/
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Post by Wezz »

Yeah, that insg03 was max! :P

That article by Cyre should be put on battle website under rules mayb...
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Post by A.K.B. »

Fuck- first day on #Battle- and I get kicked because I didn't read rulz. :?
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Post by jonsterion »

A.K.B. wrote:Fuck- first day on #Battle- and I get kicked because I didn't read rulz. :?
Haha great! :lol:
Now remember: you can´t play your own levels.
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Post by Bogart »

Is it true that you have to pay to upload levels in #Battle?

They say so but I have a strange feeling...
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Post by berhabdul »

Of course it's not true, feel free Bogart, it's free

Post by simon_labroue »

I'd love to battle ur levs, Bogart. PM me when you be there! :wink:
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Post by insane guy »

the battle channel seems to be quite dead in the last time. unlike 3-4 months ago where there were sometimes 3 or more designers waiting in a queue to start their levs, there are only very rare battles now. Jeppe is making a lot in the moment but besides him it seems that all the other designers have lost interest in making levs....
another sad thing is that their are only very few players who play the levs..

tell your opinion : )
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Post by Raven »

reason for this could be teh summer vacations :roll:
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Post by Lukazz »

or, that there are no new ideas for levels, because the time has come, were every level is already made! so no new levels possible --> no battles --> elma is dead, good night
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Post by John »

i have new jopi ;o
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Post by Kestas »

insane guy wrote:the battle channel seems to be quite dead in the last time. unlike 3-4 months ago where there were sometimes 3 or more designers waiting in a queue to start their levs, there are only very rare battles now. Jeppe is making a lot in the moment but besides him it seems that all the other designers have lost interest in making levs....
yep, say thanks to jaytea
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Post by jaytea »

Kestas wrote:
insane guy wrote:the battle channel seems to be quite dead in the last time. unlike 3-4 months ago where there were sometimes 3 or more designers waiting in a queue to start their levs, there are only very rare battles now. Jeppe is making a lot in the moment but besides him it seems that all the other designers have lost interest in making levs....
yep, say thanks to jaytea
i was around 3-4 months ago too yknow. and if i wasnt around, you think it would be so different? :/
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