topic @ #across
Moderator: Moporators
topic @ #across
first of all,we should try -t at #across,but if that don't work at all,the topic should be changed daily! 22:44:32 *** Topic is ' - totd: hux flux - idiot' <--I guess we have seen that topic,and if even not,it shouldn't be there longer than one day. I mentioned at #across moment ago that topic could include like "level of the day" and there would be url to level...and maybe abula's new hotBOT should be idling at #across and ppl could private msg him their best time on the "level of the day" and then later of the day...about 22-02 ..abula's choice,or some his friend who could also have access to bot could publish the winner and request him to send rec if ppl wish...maybe that hotBOT thing is too much but still the topic could include the level of the day... And this is only because I haven't seen any really smart topics for some time.. This topic is better than those OLP #53 WR#42 but those can be maybe added there aswell at that day when they updates... ok my opinion,hope you read this and like my idea,thanks.
you have a history wrongspellingness as well
but onla i think your onto something, a level of the day would be cool, maybe a bit excesive though? maybe a level of the week?
but onla i think your onto something, a level of the day would be cool, maybe a bit excesive though? maybe a level of the week?
team EM - why not ok?
I would definitly think that a level in topic would be cool, but as said earlier, a level a day is maybe a bit too much.. like mick said.. a level a week would be cool
Danish elma and across-site. Home of the OLDSCHOOL contest AND Hibernatus´ old ACROSSLEVELS
hmm about having it in topic a bit "unofficially" is not to good. Then someone might change the topic during the week and we might lose the competition.. Maybe a bot that will /msg you the address to the "current level of the week" if you /msg him first like "/msg carnifex !level" and he auto answers the current level of the week etc...LOW or LOD NOW not after WC. It is not so much competition...You could play it for fun. Just that if u don't have a lev or too lazy to go to any internet site to download some contest levels,you can always get url from Carnifex to level of the week/day without using internet browser! For lazyz and also competition about it.. I think im' telling the same thing now over and over again.. but trust me this would work. Battles also started to work in some scale! not too competitive but u know :)