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by Ruben
28 May 2016, 13:43
Forum: Feedback
Topic: Nick and team changes
Replies: 570
Views: 244324

Re: Nick and team changes

Wasn't sure where to post. Don't wanna be a bitch, but what's with those Team DAT sigs? ( Not just against the rules, but frankly quite annoying I didn't even know people had image sigs, I probably turned it off in the ucp at some point. It mak...
by Ruben
27 May 2016, 14:52
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - RESULTS UPDATED 29/05/2016
Replies: 25
Views: 8054

Re: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - SUNDAY 29/05/2016 20:00 GMT

Just a friendly reminder, only TWO days left. And don't forget Sla's Mawlimination cup beginning TOMORROW. This is a good weekend for being an Elman!
by Ruben
26 May 2016, 14:49
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: What computer games you're playing?
Replies: 647
Views: 185545

Re: What computer games you're playing?

Of course question marks are still gramatically correct at the end of anything? It is an easy way to say what you think but make absolutely no commitment to it? I can never be wrong about what I say? Because after all it was just a question? I can say obscenely mean things and get away with it? Fuc...
by Ruben
25 May 2016, 19:57
Forum: General
Topic: Battling a level normally after one-life
Replies: 15
Views: 4553

Re: Battling a level normally after one-life

I agree with Kuchi. I think it should be allowed immediately after, but not any later.
by Ruben
25 May 2016, 19:12
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: What computer games you're playing?
Replies: 647
Views: 185545

Re: What computer games you're playing?

I think it's a cute way to express doubt about your own feelings Hm, to me it feels like that the writer cannot use proper grammar. But I know what you mean, fellas. It is kinda the same level of weirdness like using too many "..." in the paragraph. Especially in responses to other people...
by Ruben
25 May 2016, 19:08
Forum: General
Topic: Battling a level normally after one-life
Replies: 15
Views: 4553

Re: Battling a level normally after one-life

Madness wrote:Strong objection: It is against the rules.
The rules can be changed.
by Ruben
25 May 2016, 15:48
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: What computer games you're playing?
Replies: 647
Views: 185545

Re: What computer games you're playing?

... it feels retarted? ... wich feels weird for me? Why do you end regular sentences with question marks? Is it common in your native language (swe)? I see it on interwebz from time to time and it looks ultra weird to me. It probably means they are some form of questions or suggestions, expressing ...
by Ruben
24 May 2016, 11:39
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Mawpi project
Replies: 25
Views: 6611

Re: Mawpi project

kuchitsu wrote:Why not fix the impsy levels and release playable versions here? Seems silly to ignore a cool lev just because of a small mistake.
The problem is that the wrong version is already in the database, so any new versions wouldn't be f4-able.
by Ruben
22 May 2016, 12:47
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - RESULTS UPDATED 29/05/2016
Replies: 25
Views: 8054

Re: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - SUNDAY 29/05/2016 20:00 GMT

How many events? Or is it just the one next Sunday? It's just the one hour event, no more. Of course I plan on making more of these in the future in different varieties if people like it, maybe tweaking some things based on feedback. The idea was to make some sort of multilev competition where peop...
by Ruben
22 May 2016, 10:04
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - RESULTS UPDATED 29/05/2016
Replies: 25
Views: 8054

Re: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - SUNDAY 29/05/2016 19:00 GMT

BlaZtek wrote:Update the main post then plz.
Gak. Thanks.
BlaZtek wrote:Najs idea. I will try to be there. =)
Be there, it will be fun :beer:
by Ruben
21 May 2016, 20:17
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - RESULTS UPDATED 29/05/2016
Replies: 25
Views: 8054

Re: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - SUNDAY 29/05/2016 19:00 GMT

Is it convenient Ruben? Ppl will need more time to arrange (two hours playing continously) and right after playing mawlimination, players could be thinking on results of mawli, but no, theyll need to start playing rapidly your cup... Not so convenient for me. There should be atleast one hour of bre...
by Ruben
21 May 2016, 17:27
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - RESULTS UPDATED 29/05/2016
Replies: 25
Views: 8054

Re: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - SUNDAY 29/05/2016 19:00 GMT

Yeah you're correct, Polx. Initially I thought that cup was only on Saturdays, but it worked out fine anyway so I won't move it. Don't miss it, it will be glorious!

EDIT: Well I moved it. 20:00 GMT.
by Ruben
20 May 2016, 20:26
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Elasto Mania Grand Prix - RESULTS UPDATED 29/05/2016
Replies: 25
Views: 8054

Elasto Mania Grand Prix - RESULTS UPDATED 29/05/2016

Elasto Mania Grand Prix Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Elasto Mania Grand Prix, the most prestigious championship of its kind in Elma history! (it is also the only championship of its kind in Elma history, but that's besides the point). The championship has been carefully designed to tes...
by Ruben
20 May 2016, 15:01
Forum: Polls
Topic: Apples in FF battles
Replies: 22
Views: 12414

Re: Apples in FF battles

To be honest I quite like tactical escaping. I guess it does much more harm than good but I think I will miss it if it goes away. It's just a very amusing and cute idiosyncrasy that you don't usually see in other games. Like imo it's kinda funny when in an impsy looking FF with no apples Zero immed...
by Ruben
19 May 2016, 00:52
Forum: Polls
Topic: Should World Battle Cup have shown times?
Replies: 15
Views: 9501

Re: Should World Battle Cup have shown times?

IMO better make a new cup called World Shown Battle Cup or something. Well, if "World Battle Cup" is some sort of private concept owned by Ramone that's not subject to change by polls, then a cup with shown times might as well be called "The Real World Battle Cup" :) I don't thi...
by Ruben
16 May 2016, 01:19
Forum: Advertising
Topic: mawlimination - Final: Mira vs Lousku - There is a winner!
Replies: 62
Views: 22204

Re: mawlimination Cup - Suggestions

I'll just throw in my two cents. I think maybe longer events (a few days maybe) in stead of battles makes it easier for mans to find time. Sure some will have more time to hoyl, but it will never be fair anyway. Then maybe eliminate more mans for the first few events. Let's say 30 participate. Elimi...
by Ruben
14 May 2016, 00:18
Forum: General
Topic: The current situation the scene, Elma, and EOL
Replies: 41
Views: 10401

Re: The current situation the scene, Elma, and EOL

Polarix wrote:och sä vidare, swedish. Directly translated: And so continue. But more commonly known as "etc"
And Norwegian "også videre." What are you a Swedish defector or something? Traitor! ಠ~ಠ
by Ruben
13 May 2016, 18:43
Forum: General
Topic: Elastomania memes
Replies: 565
Views: 264242

Re: Elastomania memes

The question is do we start calling "lean back" in elma "scrubbing" instead? Or is there already another term for it I never heard before? I always hated having to write things like "Maybe try lean back at 15:xx...". "Try scrubbing at 15:xx" actually sounds w...
by Ruben
13 May 2016, 13:20
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Elmanager
Replies: 667
Views: 278284

Re: Elmanager - Updated 24th April 2016

This lev worked just fine for me, although I did notice that the secret text is beyond what I can see in f1, which could be related to the problem. The only difference I can think of between our systems are OS, resolution and maybe ddraw if you have that.
by Ruben
13 May 2016, 10:42
Forum: General
Topic: Elastomania memes
Replies: 565
Views: 264242

Re: Elastomania memes

Gotta shave off that last .05 sec.
by Ruben
9 May 2016, 17:52
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Elastomania ddraw wrapper
Replies: 269
Views: 96479

Re: Elastomania ddraw wrapper

Pawq wrote:Awesome to be able to alt-tab elma again, thanks a lot!

But editor went crazy here too... Any chance for a workaround? Discourages from making levs :/
Why not have two elmas? One with ddraw and one without.
by Ruben
8 May 2016, 11:08
Forum: Polls
Topic: Using Brake alias (aka using two fingers for gas/brake)
Replies: 52
Views: 23353

Re: Using Brake alias (aka using two fingers for gas/brake)

Lousku wrote:Well I always knew Ruben is a gangsta...
by Ruben
8 May 2016, 00:54
Forum: Polls
Topic: Using Brake alias (aka using two fingers for gas/brake)
Replies: 52
Views: 23353

Re: Using Brake alias (aka using two fingers for gas/brake)

Tigro wrote:
Ruben wrote:I have alo on x (ring finger) and alias brake on z (middle finger). I use index finger for space aswell.
Are you sure? Tried this and I tangled my fingers.
Oh yeah lol, I'm not that dexterous, ring finger and middle finger should be swapped of course.
by Ruben
8 May 2016, 00:46
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: What is your favorite music video?
Replies: 20
Views: 9451

Re: What is your favorite music video?

Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel

Very good music video imho. Clever use of stop motion.
by Ruben
7 May 2016, 12:08
Forum: Polls
Topic: Using Brake alias (aka using two fingers for gas/brake)
Replies: 52
Views: 23353

Re: Using Brake alias (aka using two fingers for gas/brake)

You're probably right, Lousku. I probably have the most unconventional finger setting of anybody here, with alo on x (middle finger) and alias brake on z (ring finger). I use index finger for space aswell. In the beginning I used z only for brake starts, but now I use it more and more in different p...
by Ruben
1 May 2016, 11:13
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: The Drawing Topic
Replies: 43
Views: 15748

Re: The Drawing Topic

Draw with coal.
by Ruben
27 Apr 2016, 14:35
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: Losing weight
Replies: 75
Views: 23883

Re: Losing weight

Your brother's illness isn't nonsense, but one case of someone getting sick from something is still nothing more than anecdotal evidence and you can't conclude that anyone else is getting the same sickness from intermittent fasting. I never did, I never claimed it to be "evidence." I just...
by Ruben
27 Apr 2016, 13:22
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: Losing weight
Replies: 75
Views: 23883

Re: Losing weight

This is all nonsense. "I heard", "it's common sense", "my brother got sick". Like 8-ball said, that's (at best) anecdotal evidence. These are the scientific facts: (sources provided in the artic...
by Ruben
26 Apr 2016, 21:45
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: Losing weight
Replies: 75
Views: 23883

Re: Losing weight

Wanna back that statement up? Intermittent fasting has numerous health benefits. Here's a start: 8 hour feeding window is the most common one but a shorter one seems to be even better for cutting, without any serious, proven...
by Ruben
25 Apr 2016, 20:04
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: The Drawing Topic
Replies: 43
Views: 15748

Re: The Drawing Topic

You have to hold your breath, and only draw for that duration.
by Ruben
25 Apr 2016, 13:51
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: The Drawing Topic
Replies: 43
Views: 15748

Re: The Drawing Topic

The feelings of a father who is burying his son.
by Ruben
23 Apr 2016, 23:32
Forum: General
Topic: Yale, maps and first finish battles in EOL
Replies: 21
Views: 4860

Re: Yale, maps and first finish battles in EOL

its the same. nothing can be proved, its all aboput trust, so I should trust you (and ANYONE, cause its YALE lev?) but no one can trust me when make a ret? its very off. actually making level public bneforehand is whack as fuck. make privbate sessions, and makers dont play battles. imo. if you are ...
by Ruben
22 Apr 2016, 19:30
Forum: Advertising
Topic: Internal Feeling
Replies: 33
Views: 10227

Re: Internal Feeling

Polarix wrote:To get internal feel, some levs must have hard as fuck sc (like in pipe) ofc and hard distance-spin-jumps (like in flat track and turnaround for example). Very hard to design that.
Especially against the wind (left, so alo doesn't work).
by Ruben
22 Apr 2016, 19:25
Forum: General
Topic: Yale, maps and first finish battles in EOL
Replies: 21
Views: 4860

Re: Yale, maps and first finish battles in EOL

Uhh. I thought it's like: -who wants yale? -me! -ok, here link *sends a private message If everyone can see it then that's a bit problematic maybe. But I'll have to think about it more first. Obviously being able to study the map in advance can give huge advantage in terms of planning and, more imp...
by Ruben
18 Apr 2016, 16:34
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: Who has a beard
Replies: 108
Views: 35026

Re: Who has a beard

Always this is the case with me...
by Ruben
17 Apr 2016, 23:55
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: the sorry topic
Replies: 14
Views: 4656

Re: the sorry topic

I'm sorry I often fill the chat with random trasj about some weird subject, and for all the bad jokes I can't help myself from telling. I am also sorry for not being a very good or productive levmaker.
by Ruben
10 Apr 2016, 18:28
Forum: General
Topic: Wich styles you just dont GET?
Replies: 508
Views: 133321

Re: Wich styles you just dont GET?

I dunno, maybe uploading to recsource can feel a bit like showing the rec into everyone's face. If you come to recsource you'll see it promoted in the latest recs, whether you're interested in it or not. But if just a link to a rec is shared, it doesn't take that much space and you have to make a c...
by Ruben
9 Apr 2016, 17:14
Forum: General
Topic: The current situation the scene, Elma, and EOL
Replies: 41
Views: 10401

Re: The current situation the scene, Elma, and EOL

I was for as long as the game was alive part of the Rome: Total War community. I'm still technically a member of the Sith clan even though I don't play anymore. But that game, oh my god the Elma scene is a field of flowers in comparison. There were some good guys for sure, they were the ones I actua...
by Ruben
9 Apr 2016, 12:06
Forum: General
Topic: Battle Contracts
Replies: 20
Views: 6688

Re: Battle Contracts

This is a one time only thing? Not like a flatrate or so? Only death can break the contract. Does the lev has to be made instantly or can we prepare one? Either, but don't take all day if you don't have one ready. What if you ask me to make lev and I have no time? Make time. What if one party break...
by Ruben
8 Apr 2016, 19:21
Forum: Non-Elma related discussion
Topic: China appreciation tropic
Replies: 8
Views: 2389

Re: China appreciation tropic

Well, that's kind of bollocks. China has a timezone, otherwise you wouldn't be able to tell the time there compared to the rest of the world. No dst though, which really is glorious!
by Ruben
7 Apr 2016, 22:41
Forum: General
Topic: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL
Replies: 24
Views: 5909

Re: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL

Thundr- wrote:I can certainly help writing in some areas, but it would be neat if we could I dont know, like maybe make a skype group chat so we can coordinate a little bit better?
Good idea. Send me your email and Skype in pm, I'll add you to editors list and on Skype.
by Ruben
7 Apr 2016, 01:43
Forum: General
Topic: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL
Replies: 24
Views: 5909

Re: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL

Added a lot of stuff here and there. Too bad so many sections need some deeper knowledge of the subject, I'd rather not touch those because I have no clue. Pls everyone, go see if you could contribute with some of your experience and knowledge) I also think the guide needs a lot of organizing too. ...
by Ruben
26 Mar 2016, 12:43
Forum: General
Topic: Favorite shirts
Replies: 9
Views: 3050

Re: Favorite shirts

VALDO wrote:What do I have to download to see these shirts ingame?
Click the "Shirts" button and exctract to the bmp folder in the game directory.
by Ruben
26 Mar 2016, 10:33
Forum: General
Topic: Favorite shirts
Replies: 9
Views: 3050

Re: Favorite shirts

Koopa has best shirt imo XD
by Ruben
26 Mar 2016, 09:13
Forum: General
Topic: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL
Replies: 24
Views: 5909

Re: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL

Currently some people are just adding suggestions here and there for tiny changes, and while that's great I would also like those who have the time and the knowledge to begin working on the incomplete or even unstarted sections. It's very ez to just pm me your email and I can add you too the editors...
by Ruben
25 Mar 2016, 12:39
Forum: General
Topic: The current situation the scene, Elma, and EOL
Replies: 41
Views: 10401

Re: The current situation the scene, Elma, and EOL

Very simple rule that I follow: If you find yourself wanting to type "new" into the chat, make a lev in stead.
by Ruben
24 Mar 2016, 15:16
Forum: General
Topic: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL
Replies: 24
Views: 5909

Re: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL

Sla wrote:Cant look with my cellphone, but very nice project!
When its finished, it coud be added ofc to Moposite and EOL page ( it should be the first thing we look at when checking that page).
And about languages, maybe some russian can translate it (8
That's a good idea, especially the install guide.
by Ruben
24 Mar 2016, 15:11
Forum: General
Topic: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL
Replies: 24
Views: 5909

Re: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL

I think there should be a tl;dr install guide with very simple text at the beginning, or a direct referal to it if it's located a few pages further. When a Russian kuski-to-be finds this doc he goes "Complete = ?" and closes the page I was not thinking to publish this doc as just the wall...
by Ruben
24 Mar 2016, 13:12
Forum: General
Topic: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL
Replies: 24
Views: 5909

Re: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL

Hah, quite funny that there has been a few people starting these kind of projects separately unbeknownst to each other. Just a few days ago I mentioned on #across that I started this kind of project, and Lousku told me he started doing one as well a while ago. Your and mine formats are almost ident...
by Ruben
24 Mar 2016, 12:40
Forum: General
Topic: The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL
Replies: 24
Views: 5909

The Complete Beginner's Guide to EOL

A while ago I started writing a guide to EOL, but it has stagnated for several reasons. Now with the recent talk of how hard it is for new players to even get started, I thought I'd just publish what I have so people can add to it what they know and what they feel should be included. Currently I'm u...