Golden Apple Awards 2011

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Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by SveinR »

As 2011 comes to and end, it's once again time to hold the ElastoMania community's very own annual awards show: The Golden Apple Awards!

Moposite GAA pages

As was decided in GAA09, the GAA period for any given year goes from January 1st to December 31st. Accordingly, for GAA11 the period from when to choose your nominees is: January 1st 2011 - December 31st 2011.

The jury this year consists of Haruhi, Kopaka, Madness, Markku, niN and Ville_J. SveinR is the organizer of the event.


- Internalist
- Externalist
- Battler
- Rookie
- Designer
- Team
- WR
- Style
- Replay
- Level
- Contest
- Contribution
- Achievement
- Site
- Art
- Community Award

Notes: In the Rookie category, the definition is: A Rookie is defined as someone who entered the scene in the GAA period, or up to 3 months prior.
In the WR category, both single and multi WRs are now eligible. Note that WRs must be published in an official WR table to be eligible.
In the Replay category, only replays that have been publically shared as actual .rec files will be eligible for this award. So even if your run is included in an Elma movie, it won't be eligible for the Replay award unless you have released the actual replay file.
In the Contribution and Achievement categories, one kuski can only have one of the nomination spots. However, you don't have to take this into consideration when submitting your initial suggestions.
In the Site category, you don't necessarily vote for the site that is the "best site" overall, but rather the site that has improved the most, increased its relevancy the most, etc, over the past year.
In the Art category, any type of Elma-related art is eligible. This can include replay movies (such as EDQ, advertisement movies for cups, etc), real-life movies such as Elma Crime, images/artwork, music, and other types of art. Note that one kuski can only have one nomination spot
for each type of art, but you do not need to consider this when making suggestions.
Community Award: This is an award decided entirely by the community. Those eligible to vote in the Third Step will vote for the people they think most deserve a special honour, be it for their helpfulness, kindness, contributions or simply for being a great player. The reason will be the individual voters' own decision. The idea is that the award will go to the kuski most appreciated by the community. There will be no set of candidates to vote over in this category, each voter decides himself. So the voting process for this category does not really start before the Third Step.

Voting rules
See 'Instructions of the voting process' below. Be aware that you have to make some suggestions in the First Step in order to be able to vote later on.

Sunday 12th February, 20:00 EET (GMT+2)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by SveinR »

Instructions of the voting process

First step:
You can reply to this topic and tell your favourite candidates in the different categories. Please list clearly the category and then the suggestion(s). Note: You are not allowed to vote in the third step unless you give any suggestions (one is compulsory but more are recommended) in this step. Arguments are appreciated. Also, when it comes to categories such as Replay, Level, Style and Art, it would be of great help if you could provide attachments/links to the specific suggestions. Note that having posted suggestions in the GAA suggestions thread doesn't matter, you have to post in this topic!

Deadline: Tuesday 20 December, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)

Second step:
The jury will choose ten candidates to each category. The jury members will choose the candidates according to their experience and knowledge (they will also be reading, and strongly taking into consideration, the community's suggestions).

Tentative Deadline: 10 January

Third step
Now we have the top10 for each category available. Now again the Elma community can vote. The criterias for being allowed to vote are: Well-known kuski (decided by the jury) and the kuski has posted some suggestions in the first step (so we see that he has been active during the whole process) OR you don't have to be well-known IF you posted a nice suggestion list with reasonable arguments. You don't have to vote in every category but if you do vote in some category you must pick your top5 and not just top1 or top3. So choose top5 or nothing, is the point.

Deadline: Monday February 6th 2012, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)

Fourth step
The jury will collect the top5 for each category according absolutely to the community votes. The point system will be as follows: 5 points to every first position, 4 points to every second position etc.
This will be the top5 to be used in the final show.

Fifth step
The different jury members will vote over the different categories, and the community will also give 2 votes to the candidate who got most points in the third step, and 1 vote to the candidate who got the second-most points. The different jury members' votes will not be public. In the event of a tie, the candidate who got most points from the community in the third step will win. If there still is a tie, the one who got most 5 points will win, then 4 points etc. If the winner cannot be resolved by this, the jury will come together and discuss the matter to declare a winner.

Note: For the Community Award the voting process is different. Instructions on that will be presented when the Third Step starts.

The final show is held on IRCnet, channel #gaa.

Date and time: Sunday 12th February, 20:00 EET (GMT+2)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Lousku »

- Internalist

- Battler
Markku, I'd like to see his winning percentage...

- Rookie
Spef, obviously.

- Designer
TL, churning out tons of levs with his signature style. Sure, some are shit, but most of them are really playable.
DreamHunter, same reason as TL but less quantity and more quality. Puts lots of time into long ff's. :)
Jeppe, perfect höyläs and a sweet butt.
Bludek, very good norm balles.
Scasi, very nice hard long ff levs and just norm höyläs. Unfortunately nat very active lately.

- Team
SPEED, awesome new generation WR bakery.

- WR
Spef's Long Haul

- Contest
internal challenges (v2 with tools) by CuLiNo.

- Contribution
Xarthok, EOL promotion campaign.
Mats, $100 donation.
Abula, Elma Ultimate DVD

- Art
roope, elastorap
Juish, You drive right past me, this has gone unnoticed in this thread, probably because it was made in january.
gimp's cracking voice
Last edited by Lousku on 17 Dec 2011, 00:25, edited 6 times in total.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Bludek »

Battler: Markku, Zero, Pab, GRob, Zweq
Last edited by Bludek on 4 Dec 2011, 17:05, edited 1 time in total.
EOL top 10 kuski of 2014 and 2015.
21:03:48 <umiz> i like 99% of bludek levels
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by jblaze »



Markku - truly great man; highly skilled in every kind of levs, also very friendly, wise etc... love)
Zweq - same as Markku, but less active, sadly
Zero - very pro
Pab - very pro
anpdad - very pro
Lazy - very pro
Lukazz - very pro
Madness - very pro
Bjenn - very pro
NightMar - very pro
Kazan - very pro

Spef wins with no doubt, i'll suggest few more forfun tho:

TL - MILIONs of levs, and nearly all of them are really high quality

#334 40. Double Trouble 1:20,16 by Kazan
#334 48. Downhill 43,94 by Kazan
#337 35. Labyrinth Pro 2:12,37 by Kazan
#339 15. Serpents Tale 48,82 by Zweq
#340 7. Hi Flyer 27,21 by Kazan
#341 9. Tunnel Terror 50,24 by Kazan
#342 54. Apple Harvest 1:12,89 by Kazan

Kos2146 by kestas (apple battle lev)
Kos2161 by kestas (apple battle lev)
EOLJ0856 by Jeppe
mwb0476 by Mawane
MC303 by Ramone
MC310 by Zero
Zro0200 by Zero
Zro0232 by Zero
One969 by Ramone
One999 by Ramone
Two021 by Ramone
Two073 by Ramone
Two091 by Ramone
Two094 by Ramone
Two113 by Ramone (First finish battle lev)
Two121 by Ramone


Kazan - dropped his tt insanely fast, caused huge wr TT improvement
Jarrko - getting his whole top2000 in Uphill battle under 20s
Markku - getting 14 battle wins in a row
Bjenn - getting TT under 36
Spef - reaching awesome skill as for a rookie, making internal wr, gettin 38tt and lots of great times

A girl named Elma by gimp
Last edited by jblaze on 20 Dec 2011, 22:33, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Zweq »

  • Kazan
  • Markku
  • Spef
  • Ramone
    Lousku =D
  • Apple Harvest by Kazan (hopefully it will be updated before 2012)
  • EOL31 by Lukazz
    EOL33 by VilleJ
    laxed068 by Lousku
    Two026 by Ramone
    Ret00311 by Ramone
  • 1 hour TT under 40 by Kazan
Community Award
  • Anpdad, cool guy from caves of ural. While being one of the best players ever, keeps telling everyone once every 5 mins how much he sucks. Finds fucked up but useful styles that have cut plenty of time from WR TT
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by jonsykkel »




lousku with his laxed pack
dh mostly for ffs


anpad(?) style in 54

the steppes rec by zweq


culinos internal challenges

mats eol donation
snajdig, drinking milk topic

elastosong by roope
how did you by juish

Last edited by jonsykkel on 15 Dec 2011, 03:35, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Lukazz »

- Kazan

- Markku
- Kazan

- Spef

- DreamHunter
- TL
- Ramone

Rec & Style
- 10znew1154.rec

- MC301.lev by jonsta
- pakkanen.lev by Koopa

- internal challenges (v2 with tools) by CuLiNo
- MasterCup 3

- Smibu's SaveLoad
- Xarthok's EOL promotion

- 39 mins TT in 1 hour

- mila's shared recs from 32 tt project

i still don't get it. what's the point of the jury voting for the fifth step? the community alone should decide imo. the jury members are normal community members too, so why is their vote worth that much more?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Thundr- »

- Kazan - doing a fair amount of crazy styles and wrs/taking the #1 position in amount of wrs, also doing 39tt in 1h tt battle.

- Spef - Doing 38.xx tt in some 10 months of playing as well as doing several world top 10 int times and wr(s), decent battler as well

- Serpents Tale 48.82
- Tunnel Terror 50.24

- Apple Harvest saveload route/style by Anpdad/(Mila?)

- Ramone

- Markku
- Pab
- Zero


- Kazan 39tt in 1h tt battle
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by FinMan »

Rookie: Spef
Internalist: Spef, Kazan
Externalist: Zweq
Style: 10 zamppe style
WR: 50.xx on tunnel by kazan
kazans ah
zweq serpents tale
Designer: TL, DH, Lousku
Battler: Kazan, anpdad, zero, E: FinMan for pab reasons :D
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by SveinR »

Lukazz wrote:i still don't get it. what's the point of the jury voting for the fifth step? the community alone should decide imo. the jury members are normal community members too, so why is their vote worth that much more?
This has actually been up for discussion in the jury, in some detail last year. I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to giving the community complete power, but the main problem is that the number of people voting from the community is in some categories very low. If there was a high number of voters in every category I would be much more willing to change the voting in the fifth step. Only about 50% of those eligible to vote last year (from a total of 48 eligible) decided to vote at all, and a much less percentage in certain categories.

And regardless of the above, it still takes a great deal for the jury to overturn the decision of the community (only the numbers themselves can be somewhat misleading). In realistic scenarios, at least 50% of the jury will have to agree on one candidate in order to overturn the community, but it would probably more usually take 67% or more. And even then the winner would in most cases be the community's #2 pick.

And let's also not forget that we have the Community Award where the community indeed has full say; no jury members can have any effect there.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Pab »

- Externalist

- Rookie
already told Spefik
common seb sure zampe)
but spef gona own

- Designer
Pab ( i wana to be an option ; D (no one gona suggest me if i dont do it ; D ) )

- Level
EOL33.lev <3

- Art
My level with inside unsolid poligons and green sky eyes killer

design cup (igge and orcc)
Last edited by Pab on 4 Dec 2011, 00:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Igge »

Game: elma
John: lol hittade ett popcorn i naveln
(19:52:06) (@Madnezz) The Golden Apple Award goes to.....
(19:52:36) (@Madnezz) ib9814.lev by igge!!!
Zweq wrote:99.9999% of nabs haven't even opened the book yet and most of those that have are still on the first pages
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Lukazz »

SveinR wrote:I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to giving the community complete power, but the main problem is that the number of people voting from the community is in some categories very low. If there was a high number of voters in every category I would be much more willing to change the voting in the fifth step. Only about 50% of those eligible to vote last year (from a total of 48 eligible) decided to vote at all, and a much less percentage in certain categories.
thank you for the explanation, i did not know that
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by iltsu »

internalist kazan and wr zweqs serpents tale. rookie spef. and i´m hoping for tunnel rerror replay
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by J-sim »

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by FinMan »

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Labs »

- Internalist

Kazan, Zweq, Bjorn, Madness

- Rookie


- Site

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Chris »

Internalist: Kazan, Zweq
Externalist: adi
Battler: Markku, adi
Rookie: Spef
Designer: TL, DreamHunter
WR: Ded 02 14.88, Kazan 09 50,24
Style: 10znew1154.rec
Replay: mwff055_151Mar.rec, level: see below
Level: mwff055.lev
Contest: -
Contribution: Mats for EOL donation, Kopaka for maintaining EOL
Achievement: Kazan's 39 TT in 1 hour TT, Jarkko's 05 top 2000
Art: Quantz
Community Award: Kopaka
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Kazan »

- koopa
- pab
- over and under by zweq
- Fastik01 by madness
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Pab »

arr i forgot wazsi for Designer!!!!!!

and LEVEL wa125.lev
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by snajdig »

Rookie: mena
He started to play in this summer, but he can compete with (almost) anyone (mainly in short battles)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Zero »

My Suggestion List:

Kazan, Zweq


Kazan, Pab, Markku, adi, zweq, Madness, LazY, technik, nobody


Bludek, DreamHunter, Madness, zweq, TL, Koopa


Kazan 09 WR, Zweq 15 WR, Kazan 54 WR

Kazan 07, Kazan 39

Kazan 39

MC09, EOL12, EOL32

Mastercup 3


Jeppe's umizzz 25tt

Elmaonline, Kopasite, Zworqy


Community Award
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by gimp »

Internalist: Kazan, Zweq

Externalist: Alma, Adi

Battler: Markku (really pulling for him to win this this time), Zweq, Pab, adi

Rookie: Spef, fantomatic?

Designer: Barryp (don't care how inactive he is, came and at least made some levels, always the best) ramone for sure, TL

Team: I dont know

WR: Zweqs Serpents Tale (some 3 second improvement?), Kazan Tunnel Terror also sick, Tm's Pipe (i like when an underdog player becomes attached to keeping there one wr, good dedication). *if nekit ever gets 21 wr before end of year, he is winning.

Style: Haven't kept up with this at all, dont know what recs have been spread.

(97.67 KiB) Downloaded 480 times
(94.44 KiB) Downloaded 481 times
^^^By Mopaq (watch this shit) By Zweq

Level: Dont know

Contest: Culino's challenges, Redesign thing

Contribution: Kopaka

Achievement: Jeppe was pretty dedicated to the umiz TT, also good video to watch. Kazan's 39TT in one hour is unbelievable.

Site: I use zworqy upload more than anything else, elmaonline has come out nicely too.

Art: Dont know

Community Award: Later.

-p.s., I nominated Mopaq's SL rec, i know i want it to be nominated for something, but where do i put it?
-technically it fits the rules as of now for replay category, "only replays that have been publically shared as actual .rec files will be eligible for this award". Although I think this should be changed to "only replays THAT ARE NOT SAVELOAD and that have been publically shared as actual .rec files will be eligible for this award".
-And then create a category for all SL related recs. This would save confusion for rec, art, or style categories, and those categories don't have to worry about being beated out by SL related things (for art, i can see a movie of SL stuff winning just fine, but a saveload rec?). Saveload recs are so unique for the game they need their own category.
-SVEINR I AM TALKING TO YOU. you seem to be running the show, and I'd think you'd find most people would agree with me on this. make a poll or something, don't let it remain ambiguous.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by SveinR »

gimp wrote: -p.s., I nominated Mopaq's SL rec, i know i want it to be nominated for something, but where do i put it?
-technically it fits the rules as of now for replay category, "only replays that have been publically shared as actual .rec files will be eligible for this award". Although I think this should be changed to "only replays THAT ARE NOT SAVELOAD and that have been publically shared as actual .rec files will be eligible for this award".
-And then create a category for all SL related recs. This would save confusion for rec, art, or style categories, and those categories don't have to worry about being beated out by SL related things (for art, i can see a movie of SL stuff winning just fine, but a saveload rec?). Saveload recs are so unique for the game they need their own category.
-SVEINR I AM TALKING TO YOU. you seem to be running the show, and I'd think you'd find most people would agree with me on this. make a poll or something, don't let it remain ambiguous.
Saveload recs are not eligible for Replay, that is certain. A saveloaded replay was included in the Style category last year, so that sets precedence there. If it's a good thing I'm not entirely sure. I see no problem regarding saveload and Art.

Anyway, in the future perhaps a Saveload category could be included but as of now the categories for this year are final.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Orcc »

Internalist: Kazan, Zweq
Externalist: Jeppe
Battler: Zweq, Markku
Rookie: Spef, CommonSeb
Designer: TL
WR: Zweq's Serpents, Kazan's Tunnel
Style: Zweq's Steppes spinstylz
Contest: EOLpack
Contribution: 8-ball's EOL promotion campaign
Achievement: Mena's 1600+ battles played in 4,5 months, Memphis being religious in 2011
Site: EOL site
Community Award:

I'll edit when remembare

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Grace »

mena played for mena years i thought :| Is he really new?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Lukazz »

Orcc wrote:Memphis being religious in 2011
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by snajdig »

Haruhi wrote:mena played for mena years i thought :| Is he really new?
well, maybe offline, dunno exactly
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Lousku »

Dunno what to make of this, but I guess it's relevant. =D

[22:15:35] (Lousku) mena where from? :)
[22:16:10] (mena) hun
[22:16:33] (Lousku) ahhh, when joined eol?
[22:16:50] (mena) at summer when open reg
[22:16:58] (Lousku) oh ok, haven't seen you much
[22:17:06] (Quantz) are you berhabdul??
[22:17:16] (Lousku) BERH!!
[22:17:20] (mena) yes
[22:17:25] (Lousku) cool
[22:17:28] (Lousku) welcome back
[22:17:41] (Lousku) please stop being a dick
[22:17:53] (jblaze) all newbies are berhs
[22:18:02] (mena) ok ill be nice

Wheter mena is new or not has nothing to do with my suggestion. Maybe back to teh topic now //Orcc

Did I say anything about your post?
Last edited by Lousku on 6 Dec 2011, 01:39, edited 1 time in total.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Grace »

Orcc: the mena conversation was entirely irrelevant to your suggestions, it was relevant to Jblaze and snajdig's.

I just thought to keep this topic more easy-to-read for the jury. Nat my problem really, but yes, needs to be figured out with the rookie nominations //Orcc
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Re: GAA suggestions thread (2011)

Post by umiz »

- Internalist - Kazan
- Externalist - Jeppe
- Battler - Pab
- Rookie - Kiiwi
- Designer - Zero, TL, blaztek and that other b-guy o,o B(something), juish,
- Team - EMO
- WR - sum Labyrinth wr
- Style - Labyrinth style
- Replay - Labyrinth WR rec
- Level - Labyrinth, internal.
- Contest - Kopasite
- Contribution - Kopaka for being master of the universe.
- Achievement - Jeppe going under 26 mins in umizzz-levpack on kopasite.
- Site - Kopasite
- Art - Zweqlevs, they are liek picasso paintings. Extremly untippade.
- Community Award - Kopaka for his videos
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Re: GAA suggestions thread (2011)

Post by Igge »

umiz wrote:blaztek and that other b-guy o,o B(something)
GuyB? xd
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(19:52:06) (@Madnezz) The Golden Apple Award goes to.....
(19:52:36) (@Madnezz) ib9814.lev by igge!!!
Zweq wrote:99.9999% of nabs haven't even opened the book yet and most of those that have are still on the first pages
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Grace »

barryp i guess.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Igge »

bludek? bjorn? bigge?
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(19:52:06) (@Madnezz) The Golden Apple Award goes to.....
(19:52:36) (@Madnezz) ib9814.lev by igge!!!
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by umiz »

Igge wrote:bludek? bjorn? bigge?
i meant igge ofc o,o igge for GAA designer
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Bludek »

umiz can't remember my name :( But I will forget that, if I win GAA :wink:
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Re: GAA suggestions thread (2011)

Post by Kiiwi »

umiz wrote:- Rookie - Kiiwi
Sry, but I'm not legit for rookie award anymore...But thx for teh compliment, or was it an insult now that i think of it?

- Internalist
Zweq, Kazan (very so this year)

- Externalist
Adi, Pab, Jeppe

- Battler
Markku (undisputedly)

- Rookie
Spef, period

- Designer
- Team
BAP (filled with amateur-level players and still floating 2nd in eol points)

- WR
Tunnel terror

- Style
Zweqs steppes

- Replay
Zweqs steppes

- Level
- Contest
- Contribution
- Achievement
- Site
- Art
- Community Award
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Re: GAA suggestions thread (2011)

Post by Lukazz »

Kiiwi wrote:BAP (filled with amateur-level players and still floating 2nd in eol points)
jblazed said i'm very pro :(
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by DR@CON »

Kazan (reached a big succeses in this year, many improvments and wrs, TT under 36 finally)
Zweq (is good as always, wrs)
Spef (reached 38TT too quickly at what is playing in elma a little more than half year)

romy4 (done a lot of things: hoyled many levelpacks on elmaclub and got nice times, found many valuable styles)
Jeppe (hoyled levelpacks on Kopasite, reached 25TT in Umiz levelpack)
adi (won Master cup, hoyled levelpacks)

Markku, Jeppe, Pab, Zero


Dream Hunter, TL, kestas, Hosp

SPEED (many improvements in internals, as personal as global, wrs included )
TAP (arranged Master cup 3, play in the battles kinda often and make good levs for them)

Zweq’s Serpent Tale, Kazan’s High Flyer, Kazan’s Tunnel Terror

Anpdad's in Apple Harvest

Mats for 100$ donation

35ТТ Kazan, 35TT Bjenn, Spef for reaching 38TT in pretty short time

Site,,, (working again due Frosty's efforts and co)

Art Cap's Elma cartoons
Community Award
Last edited by DR@CON on 20 Dec 2011, 14:42, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Bjenn »

Rookie: Spef
Designer: Jeppe
Team: WNO
WR: serp, tunnel terror (both)
Style: Tunnel Terror (no I have not seen it)
Contest: SL cup (jappe2)
Contribution: milagros (EOL)
Achievement: milagros 32tt
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Zweq »

What is the criteria for the best WR? Just because some WR cuts slightly more time than some other WR shouldn't mean it's automatically better? Or just because you don't know the style? AH WR is like far above the others, I mean really far above. Before all those new WRs happened I would have said ez 49 tunnel, ez 46 serp, ez 1.13 AH, do you guys understand how unreal that AH time is?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Lukazz »

Zweq wrote:do you guys understand how unreal that AH time is?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Zweq »

Lukazz wrote:
Zweq wrote:do you guys understand how unreal that AH time is?
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Re: GAA suggestions thread (2011)

Post by Lousku »

Kiiwi wrote: - Team
BAP (filled with amateur-level players and still floating 2nd in eol points)
I think points just accumulate. We're second because there's many of us, but look at relative and we're not even in top25. xddd
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by culinko »

Zweq wrote:What is the criteria for the best WR? Just because some WR cuts slightly more time than some other WR shouldn't mean it's automatically better? Or just because you don't know the style? AH WR is like far above the others, I mean really far above. Before all those new WRs happened I would have said ez 49 tunnel, ez 46 serp, ez 1.13 AH, do you guys understand how unreal that AH time is?
i know the style is megahard, but anp did 1:09 with SL so it's improvable i guess:) but it's nice wr ofc
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Re: GAA suggestions thread (2011)

Post by Lukazz »

Lousku wrote:
Kiiwi wrote: - Team
BAP (filled with amateur-level players and still floating 2nd in eol points)
I think points just accumulate. We're second because there's many of us, but look at relative and we're not even in top25. xddd
cause i always enter battles, play one try and then alt+tab and become last with 0 apples. sorry guys.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Zero »

lukazz it cant be your fault :D you are best player in BAP probably. or kiiwi duno
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Madness »

CuLiNo wrote:i know the style is megahard, but anp did 1:09 with SL so it's improvable i guess:) but it's nice wr ofc
Mila did 40,75 in Serpents with SL. Does it imply that Zweq's time there is very improvable ?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2011

Post by Lukazz »

ZeroNSB wrote:lukazz it cant be your fault :D you are best player in BAP probably. or kiiwi duno
but definately the one with the worst relative-ranking!
TT: 36:59:53 || Avg TT: 38:09:65
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