EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by A.K.B. »

Why the fuck is Jappe3 even banning people? He should hurry up and ban himself already.
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Bjenn »

Bjenn wrote:1st time: Warning
2nd time: 1 week ban
3rd time: 2 week ban
4th time: 1 year ban

This should be changed to something like this

1st time: Warning
2nd time: 1 week ban
3rd time: 2 week ban
4th time: 1 month ban
5th time: 2 month ban
6th time: 4 month ban...
Implement this please? Or make a poll if have to, I don't know how to do that. Current ban system is really stupid. It's like, 1 week warning, next thing you do 1 YEAR BAN STFU
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Madness »

Bjenn wrote:Or make a poll if have to, I don't know how to do that.

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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Tigro »

Bjenn wrote:Or make a poll if have to, I don't know how to do that.
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Kopaka »

Thundr- wrote:
Kopaka wrote: Although we have not (yet) changed the rules based on the rules discussion topic from last year
Indeed though im kind of curious as to why there no was conclusion to that topic: http://mopolauta.moposite.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8664

Why have nothing, at all, happened during the spam of almost a year? The discussion was inconclusive and ran out in the sand? Too little time? Other very time consuming matters? Forgotten? Whats preventing you and the people in charge to take immediate action and post a conclusive result today, tommorow or within less than a week, whether to change them or even to stay with the current rules? Not criticizing here if there is indeed very short of time for you and c/o (working with a game basically for free) Just curious.

Edit: while we are on the topic, a schedule on whats on the agenda for eol would perhaps be nice, posted on eolsite/moposite etc like: Ranking System > Rules > Bug fixes > New improved site and maybe a weekly/biweekly/monthly report on how things are progressing would be interesting
It's just one of those things that are not top priority and not the funniest to do, so it gets pushed off forever. Anyway it might be time to wrap this up. The priority list you wrote fits pretty well with mine :). I'm kind of busy next couple weeks, but after that I will try to finish the new ranking and then make this a priority. Do some draft of new ruleset, and make some new features on the site for better administration of ban and the promotion/demotion of users. Which means if anyone have more input to this topic, come with it within the next couple weeks.
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Kopaka »

Wrote a draft of new rules, if something is unclear let me know.
Disobeying the rules will get you a warning or ban in that particular category. This means you can have multiple warnings at once in two different categories. Some minor offenses might be overlooked the first couple of times, but serious offenses will give immediate bans without warnings. The banning tiers are as follows. The 2 week ban is repeatable which means that minor offenses won't make you jump to the 1 year tier of ban. Website offenses will result in playing bans.

1st time: Warning<br>
2nd time: 1 week ban<br>
3rd time: 2 week ban (repeatable)<br>
4th time: 1 year ban<br>

==Not allowed==
* 1.1 Cheating in any way (*)
* 1.2 Dis-/reconnecting to play battles before countdown is over
* 1.3 Repeatedly reconnecting (F12 spam)
* 1.4 Exploiting bugs

* 2.1 Spamming
* 2.2 Writing in other languages than English (Exceptions: very briefly or in private)
* 2.3 Writing very offensive or insulting material

===Starting battles===
* 3.1 Starting a [[battle]] on a level that has been battled or otherwise released before
* 3.2 Starting a battle in a level created by somebody else
* 3.3 Starting battles on offensive, buggy or otherwise [[Level Designing Etiquette|unsuitable levels]]
* 3.4 Starting a battle in internals
* 3.5 Playing own battles
* 3.6 Giving tips or otherwise helping people with your battle

* 4.1 Vandalizing the wiki
* 4.2 In any way trying to hack or harm the server or website (*)
* 4.3 Creating more than one user
* 4.4 Joining a team you're not officially a member of
* 4.5 Senseless nick/team changing

If you find a bug you should always report it according to how it's explained in [http://mopolauta.moposite.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=6821 this lauta topic]
A few lines of non english here and there will be allowed. If you are bad at english or talking to someone who is, it's fine to talk another language shortly. But if it turns into a longer conversation move it to private or elsewhere.
===Starting Battles===
* New levels never played by anyone
* Remixes
** Internal remixes
** Remixes of others levels
** But remember they have to be noticably different, especially when it's internals (changing polygons required). It's always recommended to make your own levels though
Not allowed:
* Remixes only changing the start position
** Making level smaller ect.
* Remixes with very small changes
* Practise/Train levels
* Mirror levels
* Scaled levels
* Using same level for different battle type
You should always use your "official" nick, as in the nick you usually use, and the team you're a member of if any.

In extreme cases these can give an immediate one year or even permanent ban.

==Final word==
The admins always have the final word, however if you feel you're being treated unjustly, you can send a ban appeal and another admin will look at it. Serious cases will always be discussed in the admin group.
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Mawane »

Rare cases that happens:
-Starting balle twice by mistake and getting warning because moderator see it later out of context and taking it as starting it multiple times.
-Someone who doesn't have rights to start a battle asks you to start for him.
-What about playing own flagtag balle, 1htt?
-What about a level again that nobody joined for the whole duration?
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Igge »

Ye, there definitely are some gray areas when it comes to rules like these.
-What about a level again that nobody joined for the whole duration?
You still can't be sure no one downloaded it but just didn't enter the battle. Anything that has been up for battle, even if only for 10 seconds or if no one plays should be considered old.
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Kopaka »

Yeah there are some gray areas, I think it's better to just let people use common sense, it would overcomplicate rules to add a bunch of 1 in a 1000 cases things.

For those things:
1. be proative to get it aborted or report it yourself even before getting the ban
2. if he doesn't have rights he can get it (first timer) or he is banned and his level shouldn't be started
3. ft no imo but have been discussed before, 1htt of course but I don't really count that as a battle
4. as igge said, even though it sux

There's also when server crash in the middle of battle is it okay to start again, I think yes as long as it's right after it comes back, and downtime is very short. But as I said I can only urge common sense from starters and banners alike, too many small variations to have everything in rules. The main point is, "will anyone have a significant advantage?"
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Bjenn »

Why am I still banned from starting battles?
I couldn't possibly have earned it even.. Some random admin have made two warnings for me before, but without my knowledge?? How am I suppose to learn something when I don't know I did something wrong? And then suddenly I can't start battles anymore, oh I was just because I have a 1 year ban, like WTF is going on!? how did I get this?!

Like 1 week -> 2 weeks -> 1 YEAR STFU!!!
retarded banning system, I gave the clear best option for banning earlier, it's 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month ect.. But you still have it like this, I don't know what to say.

Poor people who doesn't know they are even warned or banned for 1 week, and then suddenly they have 1 year ban.
If we have a system like this every user needs to check his/her profile on elmaonline page everyday to be sure he doesn't have a warning or ban in progress.
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Kopaka »

Read what it says bjenn, 2 week will be repeatable, so you won't necessarily get 1 year after your first 2 week. That system and the one you mention had about same amount of votes in the poll, I choose this because it's simpler to understand and easier to code. And yeah email when you get ban is one update I am planning.
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Zweq »

bjenn stop blaming others for your own mistakes. How many battles did you start in internal training levs again? It is against the battle rule #1.

However I'm not commenting anything on the goodity / badity of the rule in all possible cases
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Kopaka »

This should really go without saying, but appearently not.

It is NOT allowed to start a wcup level as a battle. No matter when and which battle type. First of all this breaks the most basic rule of battles, which is that any battle should be in a new level never seen before by anyone. Secondly by turning on "show others" you make it impossible for people to play it hidden, times people drive during the battle will be show in results, and even if you do not turn on show others you still mess it up by not allowed players to spy teammates.

Another issue I've seen is what I'll call levelname trolling. Do not try to steal the first version of a level name you know is going to be used in the future. For example do not start a battle named same as a a future wcup level and do not even play a level online with such a levelname.
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Kopaka »

There didn't seem to be any reservations against the new rule set so I have updated http://wiki.elmaonline.net/Rules
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Mawane »

Ban berh plz?
Another phantom user of him:

http://elmaonline.net/chat/4218231 :
[17:17:07] ( ElastoBaniak) anyone can stop this pathetic battle?
[17:17:31] ( Mawane) anyone can ban berh once again?
[17:17:57] ( ElastoBaniak) you pathetic funny-teeth-haver
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Tigro »

i am just wondering where is berh coming across these original insults..
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Kopaka »

Since this seems to a "thing" I will say this here. I, personally, will never ban you from EOL based on your own request. Frankly whatever reasons you have is your own issue, I'd rather deal with things that matter to everyone. And yes I have gotten a number of such requests. If other mods wants to help you out, that's their decision and perfectly fine. Although I would suggest finding a solution that doesn't waste anyone's time.
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Orcc »

I think it's safe to say that Kopaka is not a fan of euthanasia. I don't really see his way of thinking here. If a drug addict comes to you asking for help, would you deny? Probably not. So why not help people with Elma addiction? Sounds a bit selfish.

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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Igge »

This would of course mean some work for kopaka (5mins?), but maybe add "ban me" option on EOL, where you can choose to ban yourself for a week/month etc. Would be pretty sad if hacked though..
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Zero »

Orcc wrote:I think it's safe to say that Kopaka is not a fan of euthanasia. I don't really see his way of thinking here. If a drug addict comes to you asking for help, would you deny? Probably not. So why not help people with Elma addiction? Sounds a bit selfish.
Well there are guys like Nekit who asks ban for no reason at all. I would be frustrated as hell with this tbh. Also for addiction is ban really the solution? xd
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Re: EOL Rules and banning - 2 year on

Post by Orcc »

The ban Nekit for a couple months, what's the difference in the reason if that's what he wants.

Addictions in the first place are for weak mans who can't control themselves, but for example if your laptop is broken then you do something else. If you're banned from EOL then you do something else. Solution - maybe not, but won't hurt.

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