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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th December 2016

Post by culinko »

dawid wrote:what about just add key shortcut to center the view?
I'd prefer to have the kuski at the center at all times (unless I'm moving the screen manually). Anyway, there is an option for that now in the newest version, because Smibu is #1 dev and we all love him :beer:
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

Bug. When I use text function, click somewhere on map to have a sample text, then choose a font called "ChopinScript", I get the following error.

I feel like the error should be better handled and not crash the program.Cheerios.

Edit: Issue is known: https://gitlab.com/Smibu/elmanager/issues/20
Last edited by sunl on 14 Jan 2017, 19:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by kuchitsu »

I have noticed that changing the foreground/background is not included in Ctrl+Z\Ctrl+Y history, is that a bug? I don't have the latest version yet though.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »


Is it just me or was this fixed sometime in the last 3 months? I remember coming across this problem but I don't see it anymore today. Maybe I'm just not reproducing properly.

In any case if it isn't fixed and I'm just not reproducing, for 2 pictures with the same distance, the picture earlier in the picture list will appear on top of the later picture, which seems to be correctly programmed in sle.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Smibu »

I'll try to fix the font bug for next version. Quite many people have got that.

And yea kuch, that's a bug, I wrote it down. Same happens with title and lgr name.

I think I never really tried to reproduce #67, but kuchitsu reported it here and showed pics: http://mopolauta.moposite.com/viewtopic ... 50#p249770 btw I don't have the level file; can someone give?
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by kuchitsu »

Well, that level is KUBA0837, but I edited it when I encountered the distance problem (I think by incresasing some distances by 1). So I don't have the buggy version, but it might be possible to revert to it by changing the distances back to 380.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

If grass is too far out of boundaries of level, eol hard crashes.
No error given by SLE

?Maybe same boundaries as for pictures
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by roope »

[00:43:38] <EOL_bot> (Simi): guys i just tested SLE lev editor
[00:43:43] <EOL_bot> (Simi): its so awesome
[00:43:59] <EOL_bot> (Simi): but my level got deleted after 20 mins of work
[00:44:21] <EOL_bot> (roope): how deleted
[00:44:34] <EOL_bot> (Simi): it said sth about some suggested modifications
[00:44:46] <EOL_bot> (Simi): bam everything gone
[00:49:59] <EOL_bot> (Simi): it was after i added grass
[00:50:28] <EOL_bot> (Simi): got internal error when testing then i wanted to remove grass again
[00:51:01] <EOL_bot> (Simi): im just shocked that the whole file is not there anymore :D
[00:51:26] <EOL_bot> (DRACON): Simi, i got that once too
[00:51:33] <EOL_bot> (DRACON): not sure if got same message
[00:51:36] <EOL_bot> (roope): i think sounds like some actual error, not a "feature" :D
[00:52:12] <EOL_bot> (DRACON): after that i always close sle before testing :D

So yeah, not a lot of initial info to work with but maybe Smibu has some idea what's going on?
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

I'm pretty sure this bug happens with PolyOp when the original polygon ends up being completely deleted, but not 100% sure.

See glitch level. Do PolyOp (A-B), where the first polygon is the inner triangle and the second polygon is the outer triangle and the bug is reproduced.



************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at Elmanager.Polygon.get_XMin()
at Elmanager.Level.UpdateBounds()
at Elmanager.Forms.LevelEditor.SetModified(Boolean value, Boolean updateHistory)
at Elmanager.EditorTools.PolyOpTool.MouseDown(MouseEventArgs mouseData)
at Elmanager.Forms.LevelEditor.MouseDownEvent(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Sunshine »

small feature request: make it posible to have the filename suggestion go in descending order, so if i have j2ballerina876 made it would suggest j2ballerina875. useful for balles if wanna have the newest level first in the list need to make in that way
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Smibu »

Here is a test version (the stuff below refers to this one): https://mkl.io/files/Elmanager_dbg.zip
kuchitsu wrote:So I don't have the buggy version, but it might be possible to revert to it by changing the distances back to 380.
I was able to get the bug in a simple test lev. It seems Elma draws all unclipped pictures behind others (those with sky/ground clipping) if the distances are the same. So I modified SLE to do the same. It's still not perfect. Mixing pictures and textures with same distances may give different result, but they have different default distances anyway so it's not so bad.

sunl: Fixed the PolyOp bug; it happened because PolyOp created a polygon with 0 vertices which then causes the crash.

The grass bug seems to be a bit trickier because it's not clear what the limit is. And it seems to crash differently (internal error) if you put the grass far left or right. So it only hard crashes with far above or below. Currently I'm not too motivated to investigate this, so I leave it unfixed for now.

Also possibly fixed the font bug. I can't get the bug on my comp, so someone (roope, J2, sunl?) will have to confirm whether it's fixed or not.

roope: No idea what could cause Simi's problem. Would be nice if someone knows how to get the bug.

J2: Ok, I didn't add a separate option for that but now SLE tries to check if the lev numbers are going up or down.
kuchitsu wrote:I have noticed that changing the foreground/background is not included in Ctrl+Z\Ctrl+Y history, is that a bug?
Those are now saved in the history, as well as changing lev title or LGR name.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

Bug persists, but SLE doesn't shut down completely. Gives error message once and then can choose different font or cancel.


************** Exception Text **************
System.ArgumentException: Only TrueType fonts are supported. This is not a TrueType font.
at System.Drawing.Font.FromLogFont(Object lf, IntPtr hdc)
at System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog.UpdateFont(LOGFONT lf)
at System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog.RunDialog(IntPtr hWndOwner)
at System.Windows.Forms.CommonDialog.ShowDialog(IWin32Window owner)
at Elmanager.Forms.TextToolForm.fontButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Smibu »

Hmm... does the exception come right after selecting the buggy font, or only after clicking OK/Apply?
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by kuchitsu »

I have a question about Serpents Tale. In the game I get a tiny masking error (see a little blue dot?) on the first brick polygon, however according to the editor it should be masked fully. So is SLE slightly inaccurate? Or is it something that depends on the game resolution or I don't know what and therefore can't be properly controlled?
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by roope »

My hunch was correct; for some reason a new version of the Default LGR (that was spread with the EOL archive from Jappe's site and which included the masktop mask which wasn't there in the original) has slightly different mask/texture dimensions than the original. It's hard to explain but here's a comparison picture:


EDIT: actually might also be just because of resolution/zoom reasons, because I don't see that pixel error even with the new default.lgr.

On other note: would it be possible to add some kind of zoom indicator to SLE? Or even a possibility to type in a certain zoom. In some cases it would be nice to work with exactly the same zoom as some previous session.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by FinMan »

Idea: make a button X do the following: display a ghost bike where your cursor is, maybe with a circle around the kuski as a size indicator. This to make it easier to know how wide or small the tunnel you are making and how much it differs, also make an option for another circle that is x amount bigger than what your bike size is. Just an: idé.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Smibu »

kuchitsu wrote:I have a question about Serpents Tale. In the game I get a tiny masking error (see a little blue dot?) on the first brick polygon, however according to the editor it should be masked fully. So is SLE slightly inaccurate? Or is it something that depends on the game resolution or I don't know what and therefore can't be properly controlled?
I don't know what causes that. Very possible that SLE is slightly inaccurate.
roope wrote:On other note: would it be possible to add some kind of zoom indicator to SLE? Or even a possibility to type in a certain zoom. In some cases it would be nice to work with exactly the same zoom as some previous session.
Yea this should be easy to add.
FinMan wrote:Idea: make a button X do the following: display a ghost bike where your cursor is, maybe with a circle around the kuski as a size indicator. This to make it easier to know how wide or small the tunnel you are making and how much it differs, also make an option for another circle that is x amount bigger than what your bike size is. Just an: idé.
This sounds good too.

Anyone getting the font bug, please answer this:
Smibu wrote:Hmm... does the exception come right after selecting the buggy font, or only after clicking OK/Apply?
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by roope »

Smibu wrote: Anyone getting the font bug, please answer this:
Smibu wrote:Hmm... does the exception come right after selecting the buggy font, or only after clicking OK/Apply?
Right after selecting the font.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

Hi sorry for delay in font answer.

The font bug is taking place somewhere else. One thing is fixed but overall still broken:

PRIOR to Smibu's latest patch a few days ago, this is the behaviour:

Choose Text -> Press Font... -> Click on bad font (e.g. ChopinScript), and while Font dialogue to choose font is still open, error. SLE crashes.

FOLLOWING the latest patch, this is the behaviour:

Choose Text -> Press Font... -> Click on Arial (preview updates to Arial) -> Click on Comic Sans (preview updates to Comic Sans) -> Click on ChopinScript (preview does not update, but no error is given (i.e. bug is fixed but font doesn't work)
THEN, press "OK" and as soon as press "OK", error.
However, can now close dialogue without SLE crashing.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

Pictures and textures are more-or-less pixel accurate within 0.5 elma pixels except there's weird rounding errors in SLE (like the cut-out pixel in a picture is round instead of blocky in roope's picture, and the topleft and topright aren't equal size. To be more realistic wouldn't have curved the edge where alpha meets solid and would have made it square but dunno if that's super easy to do in which case might not be worth it if the graphics engine thing autodraws it like that.

Might also be zooming error as stated before. With zoom of 1.01-1.99, the exact picture-polygon correspondence moves very slightly which can cause graphical bugs at the pixel level.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

"qgrass" is a valid texture for mask/sky/ground, as long as lgr contains a qgrass.pcx file

Good for jblaze :)

Maybe SLE can support selecting?

Open this in elastomania with high quality default lgr

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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Sla »

Dunno if this was already talked but ill write it anyways:

*When you want to paste title level (e.g. "Level Blabla" 01) instead of pasting text, the window to paste another level inside previous one gets opened.

*Question: is going to be added the preview of colours from new images on bosted lgrs made by sunl? At the moment those images can be selected but you can only see empty images inside editor.

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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

Just to clarify, the issue with the colors not showing up with fancyboost is actually because of a transparency feature that if not supported in sle. I already submitted an issue on gitlabhub (https://gitlab.com/Smibu/elmanager/issues/102) so will hopefully be fixed in next version.

It's because sle always assumes that topleft picture corner is transparency, which is not the case for boosted lgr (uses bottomleft or no transparency if I recall)
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Smibu »

sunl wrote:"qgrass" is a valid texture for mask/sky/ground, as long as lgr contains a qgrass.pcx file

Good for jblaze :)

Maybe SLE can support selecting?
Sure, should be easy to add.
Sla wrote:*When you want to paste title level (e.g. "Level Blabla" 01) instead of pasting text, the window to paste another level inside previous one gets opened.
Ah, I've chosen a bad shortcut for level import. Maybe it should be Ctrl+I instead.

New test version: https://mkl.io/files/Elmanager_dbg.zip

- Transparency bug might be mostly fixed; for now it assumes black as the transparent color when transparency field value is 11. Please send lev+lgr combo to me if something is not displaying as expected; I didn't really test this comprehensively.
- Font crash might be fixed. Need feedback about what happens when you try to click OK on a buggy font. It should show a message box asking to pick some other font.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Sla »

Oki thanks Smibu.

Another thing not so important but just telling it: when you write "#" in level title, it turns to red thinking that its an invalid character, right? But i tested it on Eol and "#" works fine.
Do you need us to report this kind of things? Maybe its not important at all or maybe you dont have the time or energy to change such little things on the editor.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

Transperancy features work well with boosted levels now (tests 11 and bottomleft and topleft)

Seems like test version didn't implement qgrass at this point (level with qgrass texture didn't have qgrass recognized).

I'm not aware of any lgr that uses 11 with non-default palette that would violate your assumption. If there exists one it would be an obscure lgr. The fact that 11 caused palette 0 to be transparent was actually unknown until 2017 when I encountered it while making fancyboost so I doubt it's been used except by me and I used default palette.

Selecting an unsupported font does work, but the error message is extremely vague so maybe it can be clarified a bit :P. Interesting how the font works in the font dialog preview box but not in SLE.

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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Smibu »

Sla wrote:Do you need us to report this kind of things?
Yea of course small things can be reported too. They're more likely to get fixed/added than big ones, after all :)

For example this "#" bug needed just one character addition to be fixed.

sunl: No qgrass support yet, but I'll try to add it for the next (test) version. I'm not sure how I could improve the font error message. Maybe I could repeat what Windows tells: "This is not a TrueType font bla bla", but the user cannot do anything about it anyway. I don't have a clue either why (some versions of) Windows throws that kind of exception for some fonts.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

I forgot what the error message was and only have fonts with error on my other computer, but I was thinking when I read error message that it wasn't super clear for example that basically you could never ever use this font - it was more of a "try again later" type of error message vibe that I got.

Thx for excellent SLE support Smibu

Edit: I noticed you included 10 as no transparency. I'd just like to mention that this number only works for masks (i.e. mask is a solid rectangle without transparency) - this number throws an error for normal pictures.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by sunl »

Also sorry one more detail:

qfood1-9 (as well as qup/qdown) (http://wiki.elmaonline.net/LGR/Technica ... ctures.lst)
are hardcoded to set the transperancy to the topleft corner, and so

if (lgrImageName in ["qfood1",...,"qfood9"])) then
bmp.MakeTransparent(bmp.GetPixel(0, 0))

and ignore the transparency variable
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Sla »

Infinite thanks for you effort with SLE and support 8>

Now some little bugs and ideas:

Bug: when i select Ground and select different options with arrows, the whole map moves along with Up and Down. Then, once a type of ground is selected, i cant move the map with arrows anymore (but i can get it to work again pressing different functions (Draw, Object, etc).

Idea: FancyPic or another kind of tricks gives possibility of making amazing images and for them thousands of elma pics are needed: could be doable to group all those pics so we can just move them with a simple drag and drop in any of those images? (See Corel Draw function)

Idea: Possible to see real lgr grass inside SLE? Looking how lev looks inside editor is very useful but id like to see also real grass to see lev %100 real on SLE. Also could be useful to check grassable wallbugs?

Idea: Option to rotate polygons (small ploygons actually) 45° and 90°? Not with Transform tool, so we dont have to move it slowly to not change polygon size and to keep it identical to original one.

Idea: Possible to put autograss only in specific grounds and not in entire selected polygon?

Those ideas came to my mind while using SLE, they may not be possible or useful but im just suggesting them.
Thanks for reading.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 31st December 2016

Post by Smibu »

sunl: Added the transparency ignore thing to buglist.

> Bug: when i select Ground and select different options with arrows, the whole map moves along with Up and Down. Then, once a type of ground is selected, i cant move the map with arrows anymore (but i can get it to work again pressing different functions (Draw, Object, etc).

Added to buglist.

> Idea: Option to rotate polygons (small ploygons actually) 45° and 90°? Not with Transform tool, so we dont have to move it slowly to not change polygon size and to keep it identical to original one.

You can rotate without resizing by holding Ctrl, and similarly you can resize without rotating by holding Shift. For inputting values manually there is this issue: https://gitlab.com/Smibu/elmanager/issues/7

Added other ideas to idealist.

Update 9.4.2017:
* SLE: QGRASS is available as a texture.
* SLE: Numbering direction for filename suggestion is deduced automatically.
* SLE: Title and LGR changes are included in undo history.
* SLE: Improved accuracy of rendering overlapping pictures with same distances.
* SLE: Improved accuracy of texture rendering.
* SLE: Bugfix: Some pictures were rendered incorrectly because LGR transparency fields were ignored.
* SLE: Bugfix: The character '#' in level title was incorrectly reported as invalid.
* SLE: Bugfix: Font dialog would sometimes crash when selecting certain fonts. (You still cannot use such fonts, but now a proper error message is shown.)
* SLE: Bugfix: Wrong "editing in progress" notification was shown with PolyOp tool.
* SLE: Bugfix: PolyOp crashed if inner and then outer polygon was selected.
* Bugfix: Main window tab order was incorrect.

It seems GitLab API has some bug that causes it sometimes not return the latest release tag properly (it is null). Download the latest version manually if Elmanager doesn't notify you about the update.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 9th April 2017

Post by sunl »

Wooooo! New update!!! Sick Smibu

Most important features

-Works with boosted images!
-Qgrass texture!!

Woo nice sick :)
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 9th April 2017

Post by sunl »

Loading transperancy error with this lgr. Just double-click on Flat.lev to open it and error reproduced.

Here is output of lgr_object.transparency from the lgr. You can see that the qups and qdowns have a bunch of random transparencies. Turns out that this is the similar issue to https://gitlab.com/Smibu/elmanager/issues/107, but I guess it's causing errors when reading the transparency somewhere.

Put a link to this post from gitlab

Edit: Affected lgrs are (from sla's lgr list):

(dump from flat.lgr)
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(273.83 KiB) Downloaded 243 times
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 9th April 2017

Post by Pab »

Hey I bought a new small laptop and now SLE has pretty bad scale, layout, resolution or whatever is called.
Its still usable, its just looking very lol. Everything is super tiny and also letters have bad scale like this examples.

Still usable ofc, just that now every button is the size of my mouse. I played a little with my comp reso, scale and layout but nothing really changes. Any idea wtf ? Is that normal? Winforms nabing.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 9th April 2017

Post by Smibu »

sunl: Yea ok, should be easy fix.

Pab: It probably has something to do with high DPI. Can you try if changing that option helps at all?

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Re: Elmanager - Updated 9th April 2017

Post by Pab »

Sick that was it. Thx Smibu!
Buttons are small but i guess thats how full reso on small screen works :> but nothing renders lol now.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by Smibu »

Ok Pab nice - it was a complete guess. I've never used that option.

Pushed a small update:
* SLE: QGRASS is available as a ground/sky texture.
* SLE: Added option to mirror selection vertically.
* SLE: Bugfix: LGRs with invalid transparency values did not work.
* SLE: Bugfix: Transparency type for certain pictures was not ignored like in Elma.
Ramone (in ALE topic) wrote:Smibu, it doesnt mirror. It flips it 180 degrees...
Strange... I tried it again with text, and it works for me:


Maybe try again with the latest version? So just to be clear, you can't mirror with the transform tool - only from the menu: Selection -> Mirror [horizontally/vertically in newest ver].
Schumi (in ALE topic) wrote:also in NEW! editor you can set the size of the grass.... it would be great in SLE too.
That's possible with +/- when creating autograss. Or do you mean something else?
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by pawq »

Thanks for the last update Smibu, awesome work as always =)

There's one thing I was thinking about tho. Pretty much the only thing that doesn't render as in-game at the moment is grass. Otherwise, it's possible to check how all the visuals would look like with just a few clicks (in my case turn of vertexes, polygon edges, texture/picture/object frames), but grass can only show as polygon outline without the bottom edge, which makes it necessary to go in-game and move start to check grass. Would it be possible to render grass as the game does inside SLE?

Another idea (I guess this one is much simpler): could have an additional button at the end of the bottom ribbon (next to the zoom textures button) that would toggle a specified list of settings (could have a simple list of all the buttons with checkboxes where would tick those that should be toggled by that special button). That way could go between "edit mode" and "visual check mode" with just one click. I'd actually find this quite useful, dunno about others.

Dunno, just ideas :beer: And see you next week! :)
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by Smibu »

pawq wrote:Would it be possible to render grass as the game does inside SLE?
It's possible for sure (issue here) and I will make it if I get enough motivation + time. Biggest problem is that I don't know how exactly Elma renders grass, so it would always look slightly different in SLE, so you'd have to check in-game anyway...
pawq wrote:Another idea (I guess this one is much simpler): could have an additional button at the end of the bottom ribbon (next to the zoom textures button) that would toggle a specified list of settings (could have a simple list of all the buttons with checkboxes where would tick those that should be toggled by that special button). That way could go between "edit mode" and "visual check mode" with just one click. I'd actually find this quite useful, dunno about others.
Sounds like a good idea.

See you :)
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by Ramone »

hello there. today I started making some levels for Rambo Cup 2. But new versions of SLE is shitfull of annoying bugs. You said once all old version available, where can I find them. (FOR INSTANCE: THIS I ALLREADY EXPLAINED: when select picture. then scroll to wanted pic, and choose needed settings. Then add it. Then move it a little bit. Then choose Picture again, and CLIPPING AND DISTANCE NRS ARE BACK TO DEFAULT! You added a fucking D-button for changing settings back to default. WHY IN THE FUCK would you add that when there is fucking no possible use for it? Also, all fucking idiots asking for idiot edits without understanding how SLE works, pls run possible changes trough me so I can tell if needed or not, or I can explain to the nabs trying to make levels how they do it. Also, how do I change setting so level saves to same folder I picked level from. I have several elmas and now it ALWAYS saves in back to same elma. I assume some setting I didnt get correct on new pc. Always worked before. Or is this also bug with new version? anyway. THANKS IN ADVANCE!)


Easiest way for this is just to give me link to all old versions so I can find the version with no bugs.

I know I come of as ungrateful, and I probably am. but hjad sickest levmaking flow and editor fucking doesnt work. totally blows me off. Good flow in levelmaking is rare, so need to take advantage of it.

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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by pawq »

my dream atm: hear Ramone do this rant live =D
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by Hosp »

Ramone should get his own elma levmaking youtube show 10/10 would watch
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by Polarix »

Best youtube channel ever: Ramones Levelmaking rants.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by abruzzi »

<Pawq> at a gym you have only 3 options: 1. have your eyes closed, 2. stare at yourself, 3. stare at others, all of which are either super boring or disgusting
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by pawq »

Polarix wrote:Best youtube channel ever: Ramones Levelmaking rants.
+1 :D

actually wanted to say that Ram should become a youtuber, but orkad write another post :D
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by Schumi »

is there a way to set food anim in SLE?
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by Zero »

Schumi wrote:is there a way to set food anim in SLE?
Click the apple and press 2
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by iCS »

Idea: import images without vectorization, only into background. Could help drawing more complicated polygons.
concept in danitah-style
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by danitah »

Yeah that would be nice feature. Sometimes I've imported into LGR or used some standalone software to get image overlay before, but would be much more convenient to have it built-in.
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Re: Elmanager - Updated 28th May 2017

Post by Schumi »

Feature request: Save As... (Original Folder)

it is sometimes very annoying when you edit a lev somewhere else in a different elma folder, and SLE saves it to the default...

could you please add this feature? (for exampl. IrfanView work this way as well)
Elasto Mania - 34:21.69 | #421 - 11. April 2024
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