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Post by Pab »

I made a level stats maker because i don't know, i just had to. Made it a couple weeks ago and now i felt like sharing it. Made it too quick but it seems to work i dunno.

Download at: ... sp=sharing
Pictures: deafult look, example 1, example 2
Works in Windows (higher than xp), needs Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Updated 28-Jan-16
- Bug fix
- Added about/help button at Settings panel
- Added Refresh Levels (right click on levels list)


Block A (top-left), block B (bottom-left), block C (middle), block D (top-right), block E (bottom-right).

D - Settings

Lev folder path
First of all, choose the folder where your levels are at, press the button with three dots to display a folder browser dialog. "Lev folder path" text is red colored when the folder that is written does not exist.

Reset to default
Every data saved will be set to their default values as when you run the program for the first time.

A - Find levels

Patterns drop down list
- Add patterns: Write a pattern of levels you want to search for and press "Add" to add the pattern to the list (or press Enter).
- Delete patterns: Choose a pattern from the drop down list and press "Delete" to remove it.

Find levels that match a pattern
First choose a pattern from the drop down list and press "Go", every level and only the levels that match the selected pattern from the lev folder will be included on the levels list (see block C).

Add levels that match a pattern
Choose a pattern form the drop down list and press "Merge", every level that matches the selected patter from the lev folder will be added to the levels list.

Patterns tip: the symbol ? can be added at the end of a pattern to match the length of level names. For example "EOL??" will search every .lev file that starts with "EOL" and has a length of five (3 characters from "EOL" + 2 more characters from "??"). The pattern "EOL" without any ? symbol will simply search for every .lev file that starts with "EOL". The pattern "????" will search for every .lev file that has a length of 4. And the pattern "" (empty) will basically search for any .lev file.

B - Stats settings

Every time you change any setting from this block, the stats from the block C will be updated.

Set a penalty time to add to the total time for each unfinished level. Default value is 10 minutes. You can turn off the penalty time by checking "Turn off not finish penalty".

Show single/multi player stats
Check single to see single records and stats at the block C and check multi to see multi player stats.

Players included
Here you will see a list of all the players that have a finish time in any level from the levels list. You can check/uncheck players from this list to include/remove them from the stats shown at the block C.

C - Stats view

Finished levels count
This number shows how many levels from the levels list have any records.

Unfinished levels count
This number shows how many levels from the levels list don't have any records.

Total time
This shows the total time (best times) from the levels list including days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. Always according to the stats settings from the block B, single/multi times, apply/notapply penalty, etc.

Levels list
In the middle of the block C you see the levels that are being included in the stats with a few details: level name, best time and player. So you can have a quick view of what levels you are including in your stats.
Not only you add levels by searching patterns with "Go" and "Merge" but you can also add levels by pressing "Add" button under the list or by right click on the list and press "Add levels" option. Then you may choose levels directly from a file search dialog.
Also you can delete levels by selecting them from the list and pressing "Del" button under the list or by right click on the list and press "Remove selection" option.
You can clear the entire list by right click on the list and press "Clear all" option.
To refresh your levels stats without editing the levels list, right click on the list and press "Refresh levels".

There are two buttons with arrows under the levels list that work as undo/redo actions over any variation on the list.

E - Generate stats

Finally you can generate a stats text file. The important bits from the rest of the blocks that you have to consider before generating the stats are:
- The levels list: this are the levels that will be included in the stats, so you might want to check the list to be sure that it’s all on place.
- The penalty time: this is the penalty that will be included in the stats for each unfinished level, if you turn off the penalty then no penalty will be included in the stats. In the first case the text file will say what is the penalty for each unfinished level at the top of the file.
- The included players: this are the players that will be included on the stats, if there two or more players to include, the stats will show individual total times for each player.

Out folder
Select where you want the text file to be created.

Output file
The name of the text file. If a text file exists with the same name it will be overwritten.

Stats style
There are two styles to select from the drop down list:

- Top table: this is the classic table stats style.

HALF1A, HALF 1A Introducing HALF1:
22.19 pablo
22.19 pablo

- In-line: times shown in one line for each level.
1. HALF1A 22.19 pablo
2. HALF1B 39.12 pablo
3. HALF1C 15.87 pablo

Include top X times
Choose how many max. times you want to include per level. The default value for Top table style is 10 and for In-line is 1 but you can choose from 1 to 10 for both.

Include single/multi player records
At least one of this options must be checked, you can choose to only generate single times or multi times, or generate both single and multi stats.

Generate stats button
Press "Generate stats" to ride the horse.

I think thats it.
Last edited by Pab on 29 Jan 2016, 00:00, edited 3 times in total.
My Youtube Channel Level Stats Maker Battle Notifier!

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Post by Mrrrr »

Wow! 8O

This looks very thorough! :beer:

Testing right away!

RiP Mawane ((
RiP Devin ((
wtf mans?!
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Post by Mats »

Logo 10/10
TT:39.59.86|| AvgTT:41.49.24 || Multi TT:27:43:82 || Team [TR]
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Post by Pab »

Finally opened this project to make a few fixes. It seems to run nice, if you find any bugs comment them here.

Download the new version PLSM v1.1.
- Bug fix
- Added about/help button at Settings panel
- Added Refresh Levels (right click on levels list)
My Youtube Channel Level Stats Maker Battle Notifier!

Signatür ruined by SveinR - smaller plz :*
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