What are you doing with your life?

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What are you doing with your life?

Post by 8-ball »

I don't think there's been a thread like this yet, so here goes. Yeah, there was a "Work" thread but this is gonna be a bit broader.
Having "known" people in this scene for quite some time, some people for even 5...10 years, I can't help but be curious about how's everyone really doing!

How's life? What are you doing right now? What do you plan to do tomorrow, in a year, in 10 years?
Are you happy? Content? Could be better?
Where was Elma in your life a year or 5 years ago and where is it now?

Don't be shy, spill it out.

Having lived independently for 4 years trying to decide what to do with my life, I'm currently F5'ing the shit out of the UCAS application page, awaiting responses from the universities I applied to. Computer Science is where I'm headed. It took major effort to bring myself to overcome laziness and finish the application before the deadline but I made it. Hopefully this will begin a chapter in my life where I actually manage to put the effort in to achieve the things I always consciously wanted but felt being too lazy to do after all. Nay for procrastination, yay for coding awesome stuff and overcoming all of the bricks walls along the way. And to pass time I'm working nights in storage which allows me to build a beast of a PC before heading off to Scotland to study.

About once every 2-3 weeks I get an urge (that often lasts for several days) to make a few Elma levels and to win a battle or two so I don't get too rusty, so I'm not gonna disappear anywhere. I've been on Elma since 2002 without any serious breaks and I don't think they are going to happen. I still enjoy both battle level designing (regardless of whether anyone other than me would enjoy those levels) and playing, trying to squeeze in a battle win every now and then for that "hey at least I'm pretty good at this game" boost. I don't think that with my current commitment I'm ever going to rise above the "pretty good" class of Elma players but I'm pretty content with my skills right now.

Meanwhile I'm back together with the gf - I took a leap of final hope and wrote her a letter during our worst. Figured I had nothing to lose and confessed about every single thing to her that I had kept secret: my previous relationships (and true lack of thereof), my initial dropping out of highschool, current recreational drug use, current gaming habits, worries about the future, about sexual compatibility and many more. And I couldn't believe. She sincerely understood and we had the most honest conversation in 3 years. Never before this did I imagine it could be possible (hence keeping those things secret). More difficulties are coming up ahead with relocation to the other side of the country in autumn and all of the implications but hey, they have never before seemed so bearable!
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Kortsu »

Nice thread, interesting question.

Currently I'm procrastinating with my thesis, deadline is nearing soon again. I like to think it was because of work getting in the way but it's pretty obvious no one is going to finish it for me. Working in a family business and being so close to my family all the time certainly doesn't help much, it'll be nice to move into an apartment all on my own.

Something that I don't do very much, shopping. Now I had to pick out some basic furniture and also some luxury as well in the form of a proper audio setup for my rental apartment. It has certainly been a breath of fresh air, I'll move there next month probably.

Post Christmas blues is the kind of tone I'm in right now. You work normally (7-17), go to the gym, do cardio and then surf the Internet for a while before going to bed. This just goes on and on until you start getting annoyed. It becomes a long wait until the next proper holiday and once that is over it's back to the same grind again. Quite normal feelings I guess, hopefully I can bounce back from this.

The future... no idea what I'll be doing 10 years from now, although the most likely option is that I'll be the boss of our business at some point in time. Next summer is worth waiting for though, I'll keep up with my exercise plan and healthy eating and maybe it'll be possible to wander outdoors without a shirt and not be ashamed. Silly, I know. 2014 summer will be even better :D

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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Zweq »

I played games 24/7 from 1992 to 2009, then I got bored and started practicing programming more and more, but I still feel like I'm a bit with script kiddie status, or at least a decent beginner. Also picked guitar in 2000 and still playing. That's pretty much what I'm doing atm.

as for education and worklife I graduated as information technology engineer from crappy school (i didnt want to move(too scared)) abit over year ago already. My town doesn't have many places to apply for programming jobs, so it's been quite silent. I will most likely start looking for any kinds of jobs now, the time of waiting for miracles is over 8) Money isn't a prob with savings and moms basement. It just gets a bit mental at times when you're unsure what to do and is this programming thing going to ever work out or is your thing only nobrain work.

One day I want to publish a proper game. It can be in a few years, it can be in 20 years, I don't care, but that's what I want to do. It can be just a hobby, or it can be serious.

Shit that's a lot of trolling material, I haven't written as honest post for quite some time here :oops:
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Bludek »

Hey, what the hell. Why not.

I wanted to write about my usual day, but there is no such. There is few of them:
1st - the day I am with my gf. It is usually weekend or holiday, since I am on daily studium at uni (territorial planning) and recently I also started to work half-time. I didn't rly wanted to work along with school, but extra money is rly handy (i receive some from parents monthly too), my gf didn't like my slacking and this job is pretty fine. She works almost every day (and also studies uni - some philosophy - for long distance) so we don't rly see each other during workweek. But days with her are great, I am very happy in this relationship :blushes: btw to get things more clear - I am 23 she is 22 and we both live with our parents. Almost 3y together, for both of us it is the first relationship longer than 1 month (when I do not count my sweet 1,5y relationship when I was 7 yo :D ).

2nd - the day I am at work. I start at 8:30 (or 9:30) and I am there till 17:30. But I can leave earlier - no problem with that. They accept I also study. Sometimes I leave earlier to go play MTG or to meet someone. I work in internet department in company which sells electro. I like it :)

3rd - the day I am at school. I surf internet or play elma till I have to leave home, then I do some stuff at school (few hours), then I return home and surf internet or play elma till I go to sleep. I graduate for bachelor this year, but I didn't start my Bachelor's work yet. nab me.

4th - the day I have off, but gf is not available. I go grab a beer with someone or I stay at home and surf internet or play elma (2nd case happens more often).

Sometimes I have to do things to school in my free time. I procrastinate till last few hours (I neglect sleeping) and do it then. I am totally exhausted the next day, but the work is done. Somehow. Yay...
I am an optimist. I rly am. I am also naive enough to post info about me on the internet and do not rly care. On the weekend I also play local league in football (not in the winter, tho)
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Pingywings »

normal school day: 1. wake up, school, elma, eat, elma, tv, sleep
not at school day: 2. wake up, elma, eat, elma, eat, elma, tv, sleep
rare day it dosen't rain: 3. wake up, mabye go out to town have a shit day anyway, elma, eat, elma, tv, sleep
a few days before exam 4. wake up, revision, elma, eat, more revision cause im a procrastinating asshat, sleep

thats pretty much it. hopefully soon when i leave school and go to college it'll get funner cause i'll probably meet people who i actually have things in common with, and hopefully meet people who are into music as much as i am, only person i know who can even play an instrument well is sanic and he's always playing dota with his bass locked in cupboard. main reason i play elma so much is because i really get along with people in the scene, i dont think i'd still be playing it if i diddnt have EOL
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by A.K.B. »

Having a pretty good lifestyle at the moment.

I study at the conservatorium, where I just got accepted into my honours year with academic excellence. This year I will be composing a short symphony, a concerto, a sonata or two, a solo cello composition and a work for the Australian Youth Orchestra. (In the next couple of weeks)

I am very happy with my progress as a composer, and cannot wait to see what life has in store for me in the following years to come.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by 8-ball »

Pingywings wrote:hopefully soon when i leave school and go to college it'll get funner cause i'll probably meet people who i actually have things in common with, and hopefully meet people who are into music as much as i am
My thoughts exactly! Hopefully they won't be just neckbearded hipster dudes, though :)
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by zebra »

Hmm, interesting topic and I feel like I should write something.

My life goes pretty well, except that I still don't have a gf. Anyway, I graduated from university 5 years ago and I'm now working at a local company as a software engineer. The job is quite interesting and I think I manage it pretty well. I just bought an apartment and have quite steady life atm. On normal day I go to work, then do some exercise or sport (gym, jogging, skiing, or tennis) and then go home, go to sauna and watch some movie/series or play some game. Or make some music.

I still play elma, not daily anymore but at least weekly. And I have quite many own projects, like a level editor which I should release shortly :) 5 years ago I played maybe too much, then played much less and now I think I may make a comeback with my level editor. I think in 5 years, elma will develop further and maybe we will have a working elma2 online version. Let's see how much time I will have, but I think I will still be around. Elma is a lifestyle, it's not going anywhere :)
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Igge »

Work? It could pay a bit more (especially when compared to others who work here and what they do), but I like it, and I like the people I work with, so all in all I'm happy. For those of you who are wondering I'm a server technician, which means I build and install servers based on customer requests. It can be anything from just basic firmware upgrades and OS installations (mainly Linux but also Windows and HP-UX) to more advanced solutions like HA-clusters and various software installations. Sometimes I also drive out and rack servers on-site.

As for elma, at the moment I play a couple of hours a day. I recently made the stupid promise to make at least one level every day for the entirety of 2013 so I guess I don't really have much of a choice now anyway. Still, my elmaing usually rollercoasters quite a bit, ranging from several hours a day to a couple of hours a week. I very rarely go an entire week without playing (maybe when I'm on vacation or sach). I'll still read lauta daily though, and have done so for many years.

Where do I see myself in the future? I guess somewhere similar to now, at least in the nearby future. At the moment I actually have no idea what I want to do later in my life. I don't think I want to do exactly this in the future, but at the same time I don't know what I'd do instead, so for now I just roll with it. I'll probably play elma forever though, as I honestly can't see a single reason as to why I should quit. It's my favorite hobby, by far.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by teajay »

I graduated from university officially in October, but I finished my bachelor thesis already in april last year. At the moment I have a parttime job of 8 hours a week at a piano competition as bookkeeper and office clerk. I have had no earlier experience with accountancy, but because I am so smart they keep me there. I earn a net salary of 500 euros there, which I use to pay my rent for a small room at a friend's place and to have a small standard of living.

Furthermore, I am busy with building my own company. I do jobs of all sorts in the music business that have to do with logistics and production of concerts. I had a very successful month with lots of work that inspired me to engage myself with the expansion of my own business. I am currently saving money in order to finance future needs instead of spending it on beer and senseless stuff now.

My plan is to have a successful and stable business in music/concert production in 10 years and to be a musician myself. I will start studying jazz guitar in September at a private school for music in Amsterdam. I want to be a very good musician, teacher and be in charge of my own business at the same time, in order to minimize the costs for management and other stuff and to keep the business small on the level of personnel.

At this very moment I am learning to do proper bookkeeping and to schedule my days so I will be in perfect control of the finances and thus in perfect control of what I am doing. This whole plan is to avoid having to do shit jobs and not getting further. In this scheme I also plan to work out, jog and swim and to sleep enough, because being healthy is cheaper in the end. I don't play elma currently, because I lost interest and it would spoil my time anyway.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by roope »

Hmm. Right now I'm in kind of a transition phase from old life to a new one. Last month I started working in a daycare, and we're probably going to extend the contract for at least 3 months. Because of this I'm trying to get my sleeping habits right, which is no easy task after years of staying up till the morning and sleeping in the day. I actually went to get some sleeping pills to help out, but the doc also made me go to a psychologist for a few times to keep track of my progress. A bit meh, but she's nice and easy to talk to. She also recommended that I should start exercising more which I agree with. I usually start doing stuff and keep it up for a while, but then it just leaves out. Lazy fucker.

In a few months I have to apply for universities but I have no clue where do I want to go, what do I want to do. Still I can't wait till I get out of this shitty little town and get new friends. My friends now are nice but I feel some of them are holding me back, I don't feel so comfortable around some of them anymore. Lots of them use drugs (some heavily) in which I don't really care being part of anymore. Recently I've drastically decreased my consumption of weed/alcohol.

As for elma, I go see if there's an interesting (special) balle coming up a few times a day and play a couple of normal battles. But like igs, my elmaing is a rollercoaster too and I'm sure at some point I'll play more again.

Nice topic, very interesting reads :p
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Ruben »

The music sharing thread got me thinking that I could introduce myself a bit to the community here. Basically, the word music pretty much describes me. I'm currently studying music in VGS (High Scool), with bass as the main instrument. I'm hoping to get into Toneheim Folkehøgskole (a one-year boarding school ONLY with music) next autumn. And then when I'm done with that I wanna get into the Music Academy as a composer. Get a at least bachelor, maybe a master. We'll see when I get there.

being a freelance composer would be the sweet fucking dream, though that ain't exactly easy living unless you manage to get properly noticed. I'll probably have to get other jobs aswell...

This is my third year studying music seriously now. I've played bass for 7 years, guitar 4 years and piano 3 years. I spend much of my time at my piano composing shit, and then forgetting it two weeks later.

I also like to write, whether it's for a novels or a games. I'm currently working on a novel which OF COURSE is a zombie apocalypse, but with a slightly new take on the whole thing. And an adventure game wich atm has too much influence from The World Of Gothic.
<veezay> antti also gonna get stabbed later this month
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Orcc »

It took me a couple of years to find out what I'd like to study, but now after that I've been studying industrial management in a university for three and half years. Often I feel like I'm quite lazy with the studies, but still I've managed to keep the normal pace, roughly 200/300 points for the graduation gathered.

Next summer I'm going to find a real job instead of these anyone-can-do nobrainers which I've had previous years. I might go to USA to study abroad for five months next autumn, but we'll see. I might write my Bachelor thesis this spring if I orka and have time and then Master's thesis in one more year. I've already had my fair share of partying so it'd be nice to graduate.

It would also be nice to find a girlfriend, since I haven't had any long (more than some months) relationships. I hope I'm capable of that, since I usually just end up faxoring random girls and then forgetting them, but I've grown a bit bored of that too. Dunno if my bar for a true girl is too high, interesting ones are very hard to find.

Elma is the great time-killer game. I usually only play 10-20 min battles and complain if someone puts longer battle time. Next two months will be quite busy and I guess I won't have much time for Elma, but surely I can occasionally squeeze in a battle or two.

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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Kopaka »

After now 4½ years I'm in the middle of my last year of university with 1 normal exam left this january and then I will start writing master's thesis, which according to plan is to be done august 5th if I don't delay it, which I certainly wouldn't mind doing as to delay having to go into the real working world. I study Digital Design which probably isn't what it sounds like as people always misunderstand what it is. It's a humanistic field which means it's more about understanding how people use IT/digital stuff and idea development and not so much about how to actually create/code that stuff. I have been somewhat lazy in regards to studying, I am simply not a big reader no matter how interesting it is. But still managed to get fine grades most of the time. Uni has been great with a lot of friends and parties etc. All the social stuff is sort of dying out towards the end though.

I've lived in student housing last 4 years, some 3 km from the university. The place has "full" apartments with own bath and kitchen so that limits the social aspect a bit, but there's still some social activities which I've tried to partake in a bit more recently, current playing indoor football once a week, and when it starts up again hopefully getting down to the weekly thursday bar a bit more often.

With end of university just around the corner my future in just 1 year is quite uncertain. I don't have any serious prospects as to what I am gonna do. Doing some phd or research like thing is something I might want to do, as I still see a lot of things that could be interesting to research in this field. But probably not something I would like to do forever. In the longer term I want to invent new products of some kind.

I might also have the post christmas blues at the moment, with the forementioned exam being some crap subject I can't be arsed to work on, having a hard time finding the exact subject of my thesis, and the scary "real world" lurking around the corner.

Girlfriend paragraph is gonna be short, but there is some specific girl that I like.

As for elma I'm certainly past the point of no return. A couple of years ago I was probably more active playing wise doing a lot of cups like banana cup 4 and wincup. Last couple years it has mostly been a battle or two a day. I starting playing SWTOR almost a year ago which is now taking up a lot of my time, but it still doesn't make me play elma any less. Elma is easier to open for 15 mins for a battle or to play while listening audio books. (just finished last Harry Potter book today btw.) I tried getting in to cups again with POCC but gave up soon. Playing wise I will probably keep to battles for the foreseeable future. Non playing wise I still have a lot of things I would like to accomplish with eol site, kopasite etc. I see a lot of things to do there still for many years to come, and I maintain some kind of motivation.

Things I do in a normal day includes studying a little bit, a few sessions of SWTOR through out the day, keeping up with latest TV series, watching some sports if things like alphine, biathlon, tennis or cycling is on, playing worms during lunch, a battle or two, a bike ride if I'm currently in shape/trying to get in shape (not atm.).
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by teajay »

Xarthok wrote:I'm currently F5'ing the shit out of the UCAS application page, awaiting responses from the universities I applied to [...] my initial dropping out of highschool
Have you finished high school? And is this the first time university?
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by 8-ball »

teajay wrote:
Xarthok wrote:I'm currently F5'ing the shit out of the UCAS application page, awaiting responses from the universities I applied to [...] my initial dropping out of highschool
Have you finished high school? And is this the first time university?
Yeah I just finished this summer (through distance learning). And going to uni for the first time ;) Updated my story a bit.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by teajay »

Wow, that's awesome! Great that you did that all by yourself. You will see that it really helps a lot to have a mind of your own on the university.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Lousku »

How's life?
It's quite okay. Getting better.
What are you doing right now?
Calming down and studying my mind. Trying to manage financially while fixing mistakes of past life. Finally accepting help.
What do you plan to do tomorrow, in a year, in 10 years?
These questions have always been hard for me. Hard to look into the future. Right now it seems like I'll at least be alive in coming years. :)
Are you happy? Content? Could be better?
Yes, almost and yes.
Where was Elma in your life a year or 5 years ago and where is it now?
It has been my primary method of escapism for a long time. Also a social link. I'll try to keep it strictly as a social link in the future.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Hosp »

How's life?


What are you doing right now?

Absolutely nothing.

What do you plan to do tomorrow, in a year, in 10 years?

Absolutely nothing.

Are you happy? Content? Could be better?

No, no, ofc.

Where was Elma in your life a year or 5 years ago and where is it now?

It was my life, becoming less and less now.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by goofu »

Hosp, it seems as though you fell for a wile of mine in the not so distant past. Further, it seems as though you did not manage to become aware of this enormous blunder of yours subsequently.

You should have known better, lest I'm now mocking you for your lack of awareness of the fact that you were being deceived xD

If desired, I can show you the rather embarrassing blunder of yours. And while it's true that your reputation on this portal may not ever recover from this recent turn of events, you would certainly be doing yourself double damage by not learning from your mistakes.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Hosp »

You'll have to simplifie what you said since I won't bother googling many words that I didn't get.
Who are you anyways?
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Bjenn »

I have quitted elma, I started to play across at a friends place when I was a kid, before even elma existed.
I have started to go gym again, had some 3 month break or so.
I have been trying to get in touch with some nice girls, will meet one soon.
I play a lot of HoN but I want to try to play less.
I talk in skype or mumble almost everyday.
I work 5 days a week with okay salary, as an IT Consultant.
I listen to music at home, at all times.
I have taken 3 months free from work, period March-May to travel some with a friend. Island->Asia->?? ?
That's it :beer:
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by pawq »

Hosp wrote:I won't bother googling many words that I didn't get.
that's usually your problem
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Memphis »

Haven't posted on here in a while but thought share life update.

Haven't played elma in a bit since ip address changed. I probably should update it and jump back on. Been playing a game called Lineage a bit lately but probably got to quit that soon to.

I am 28 and probably one of the older Elma players on here. My beautiful wife and I are expecting a baby girl at the end of March. I work for the government here as a Systems Analyst and am in my last semester (night courses) of my Business Human Resources degree. I'll finish up finals right when my girl is born.

I have been playing a bit of hockey lately as well in a league http://islandhockey101.com/ out here and enjoying our team as there are a few buddies on there. We are currently in first in our tier and I am doing pretty good in points this year. I just played last night at 10:45pm and got to sleep at 2:00am after the game. Now attempting to stay at work today as I only got 4-5 hrs sleep and got school tonight after work which makes for a long day.

Hope everyone had a good new years and big plans for 2013!
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Lukazz »

Memphis wrote:My beautiful wife and I are expecting a baby girl at the end of March.
big gratz! :beer:
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by insane guy »

Lukazz wrote:
Memphis wrote:My beautiful wife and I are expecting a baby girl at the end of March.
big gratz! :beer:
Would be funny if someone wrote: "Me and my ugly wife are expecting a baby." haha
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by roope »

Awesome memph, grats!

Some update for my situation:
Now pretty much adjusted to my new life. Gonna be working at the daycare till the end of May. Having fun there, the kids really seem to like me and yes, I even like most of them :p
For the first time since ~2005 I have a normal man's sleeping rhythm, meaning that I sleep ~7-8 hours a night and don't have too much trouble waking up in the morning. I don't even feel tired after work! I've noticed all this has really affected my mood. I'm generally happier, more social and getting more things done. I even cleaned up my comp today folder by folder. Felt pretty nostalgic to find really old (up to 7 years) pics and files. Some pretty angsty stuff too. Feels I've come a long way from that. Feels good man.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by pawq »

Oh dear, I'm so jealous about your work! I'm really glad you're enjoying it! :)

Also, I too seem to have a normal sleeping rhythm for the last two weeks, meaning going to sleep not later than 24-1 and waking up not later than 9 (even though I don't have to - exam session and no exams for me), and I'm rather proud of myself. The best thing is that I'm never tired in daytime, but what's pretty annoying for my habits is that about 23-24 I'm getting pretty sleepy. It makes me go to bed though, so generally it's good. Donno about my mood, it's pretty meh with a touch of happy most of the time so can't tell any difference. The effect I definitely haven't noticed though, is the ability to work more. Maybe it's just that I have no deadlines very soon, but there are some things I should do and I just CAN'T. I'm listening to music, playing games, watching films, whatever, but I can't get myself to work. Maybe because I used to work at night? :s

Forgetting the sleeping issue, the two main things I'm currently doing with my life are:
- Going on with the aeronautics degree, maxing the grades where I can, in hope that it will help me reach my future goals.
- Getting overly excited and interested in anything related to planes, space and cars. Still a lot to do here!

Answering Xarthok's questions:
- How's life? Enjoyable!
- What are you doing right now? Lautaing :U
- What do you plan to do tomorrow? Play squash (just started, awesome!), work on my race car wing CAD design (part of a uni project, to be 3D-printed next week).
- In a year? Study a lot harder than now!
- In 10 years? Be somewhere in the world of Formula 1, that's the only and ultimate goal :)
- Are you happy? Content? - Yeah!
- Could be better? Sure, I could improve some things, but I probably won't bother :)
- Where was Elma in your life a year or 5 years ago and where is it now? 5 years ago it was about nowhere, 4.5 years ago it was an important school break hobby! A year ago it was a daily activity, and it still is :) Hopefully it will still be in a few years time, though I guess after graduating it may be a rollercoaster!
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by teajay »

I really suck at this life thing. I have to get back in my motivational mood again and to get a good rhythm, work flow, that kind of thing. My plans are great, my wish list is huge, but my stamina is nill. Today felt like I did nothing with my life, eventhough I did many stuffs. But not with focus, and that feels bad.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Lousku »

teajay wrote:I really suck at this life thing. I have to get back in my motivational mood again and to get a good rhythm, work flow, that kind of thing. My plans are great, my wish list is huge, but my stamina is nill. Today felt like I did nothing with my life, eventhough I did many stuffs. But not with focus, and that feels bad.
If it maykes you feel any bettre, I'm this x50.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by snajdig »

Lousku wrote:If it maykes you feel any bettre, I'm this x50.
It's an interesting topic. Please don't try to ruin it. Writing properly is strongly asked!
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by pawq »

Ruin a topic with a couple of typos? Lauta would look like this:

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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by snajdig »

Lousku: Snajdig, forgive all my subtle and not so subtle hostility towards you in the past. I can't go on harassing anyone who produces sach sweet wisdom.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by milagros »

my life is pretty much fucked, no girlfriend, no wife, just fucking random girls every now and then
in two days i'm leaving oxford after almost 8 years, going to start as a researcher at eth zurich next week
the place looks reasonable (if it was good enough for einstein, it may be good enough for me), we will see
now that i have to move, i tried to get rid of all the shitty stuff i had.. feel good, man
new start, dammit, too late for an old cunt like me
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by pawq »

I must say it's pretty impressive. If a researcher was one of my career goals, I'd certainly be very envious! I don't think Switzerland is a country where you will have a lot of fun, but who knows!
Certainly, it's never too early for a fresh start, as long as you need and deserve it. I sincerely hope you'll enjoy Zurich!
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Tigro »

milagros in 'Girlfriends' topic wrote:got together with my ex again..
milagros wrote:my life is pretty much fucked, no girlfriend, no wife, just fucking random girls every now and then
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by roope »

That's almost a year ago...? o,o
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by Bludek »

I thought mila is married or smth to that girl :( Too bad, she seems nice. Would be also great, if more elmans share pics of their gfs :)
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by milagros »

you should already know hot girls are always pretty much fucked.. in any sense
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by teajay »

milagros wrote:you should already know hot girls are always pretty much fucked.. in any sense
Nice pun. In response to my earlier post up there, I started working on a schedule I plan to use starting next monday. It involves waking up at the same time every day (thought this time 8 instead of 7 AM ;)), and a block of daily todo in the morning, involving my personal goals like guitar/eartraining, typing and physical exercise.

One exception to this rule is the FREE DAY which I plan on using for my special projects like municipality signs, walking long distances, anything I wish to do on my very own without having to check email, make phone calls, do administration, have social meetings because I have to. I'm still working on this schedule; it has to be adaptable to my life of constant changes with jobs and locations. The current schedule has 35,5 hours of activity, like working at office, achieving my personal goals (they contribute to my career in a broad sense), and reserved hours for the occasional meeting or acute actions like mailings/reports.

Not included are the hours for email, which usurps about 4 hours a week. And ofcourse with weeks like this there will be more work added to it in the late hours due to concerts, so all in all seems wise to keep the week less ambitious and to be flexible enough for occasional extra work, but still have the daily work flow running and to have the assurance that I will not be too busy in the head for my personal goals, which, like I said earlier, are vital for my future plans as a music entrepreneur.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by ribot »

Seems like quite a nice post, Xarthok.
How's life? What are you doing right now? What do you plan to do tomorrow, in a year, in 10 years?
Are you happy? Content? Could be better?
Where was Elma in your life a year or 5 years ago and where is it now?

Don't be shy, spill it out.
My life is really good, imho. I have found ways to be really productive in my mind, as well as being constructive, utilizing my skills and desires to make the most out of life. For my making websites business I'm only working on my own projects right now. I'm making an app that I will release soon (I think), that is a result of months of work, a result of months of brainstorming endless inspiring ideas.

I don't wish my life to be mainly about the internet, so I'm expanding my business to other areas of things that I'm good at too. It is mainly about new, simpler and constructive techniques of using the mind in a way to be more happy and have what you want. A part of that is also extremely healthy food, such as green smoothies and super nutrition powders. An even bigger part of that is socializing with creative and openhearted people. I'm finding ways to network this kind of people. I got a Swedish website for this project here: http://www.mindpower.nu/ (I'm Ra)

It's going well with girls too. I'm learning the arts of creating magic with them, for example really connecting with them when looking into their eyes, and creating a magnetic field while giving massage. There are quite many girls that I have some kind of thing going on with, but now I'm really just looking forward to finding someone who I connect with so deeply that others don't matter much anymore, in that sense, and be in a relationship with her.

I am really happy. Happier than ever. I found things that I really want to do, and that seem to be great investments for my life. Could it be better? Yup. It can always be better and I'm constantly improving things, every single day.

I do have charts with plans I want to do in 10 years. It's really handy when getting motivated to already be very clear about the direction. The most important thing for me, as always, will be to live through my heart. I am healthy and balanced, and for the first time in my life I really care about building a long term project. The only thing I can say for sure is that I'm levling up my life skills at a faster rate than ever, and that I feel that I'm using all my skills in my life too. I think I will work with a team of really inspiring people, or perhaps many such teams, utilizing and teaching those things I'm really good at, and all of those things will be really good for humanity, society, and our environment. For sure I will be happy and with a lot of magic socializing, as well as having alone times, and endless creativity.

Elma has always been on my computer, and I often play it when thinking about how to solve a programming question. Sometimes I höyl a level to get best time at it. Sometimes I make some levels, I get really good response when I do them seriously. I also may get some idea about programming something, which I did recently, making some crazy stuff on elma levels' surfaces.

Thanks for asking, and all the best to the readers :)
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by John »

Interesting topic, can't believe I've missed it!

I'm now 27 years old and spending much of my time working two jobs. One at a movie theatre (tech/sales/shift manager) and one at the airport (security/loading). I feel quite exhausted generally and don't feel like doing much when I'm at home. With two jobs I have a decent income although none pays that well. Trying to save much of it, I'll come back to that later. I feel I can't do two jobs forever and I don't have any good education to fall back on (I dropped out of uni) so right now I'm just rolling with it, trying to do well to advance/get a raise.

I've tried to think of what I want to do with my life, what I want to work with in the future and the rest of my career. The past year my thoughts has been more focused on one job that previously seemed unreachable, a commercial pilot. I've always been fascinated by aviation and started reading about different flight schools. Unfortunately, yesterday I went to an eye doctor, the laser treatment kind, and he said he wouldn't recommend me doing a laser surgery due to too thin cornea. That was a real disappointment :/ That is also where saving the money comes in. The medical examination for a private pilot license (PPL) isn't as strict so although I was saving for a possible ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License) / CPL (Commercial Pilot License) I might still be able to at least get a PPL, which of course is cheaper too. Flying is my dream.

I have a tendency to chicken out, always taking the easiest route or being plain lazy though, and I'm aware of that, so I'm not sure I'll ever follow my dream any further than PPL. Jobs in design/interior design has also crossed my mind but I need to go to uni for that too.

I live together with my girlfriend and her dog, a collie, in an apartment we bought in 2012. No kids for us.

Sometimes I feel trapped in my own routines. I wish I had the time and money to travel more. We're going to Greece this summer though, not the most exciting trip but I think it'll do me good. I don't have that much of a social life either. Not too many close friends and no time or energy to hang out with them. That sucks :/

Elma wise I sometimes miss the good old days when I was a hardcore internalist but at other times I feel it was time wasted. Losing my last WR a couple of days ago made me feel somewhat sad, the end of a personal era kind of. Nostalgic. And every time I open EOL (which isn't that often nowadays) I feel I've either gotten worse or the competition has gotten better, or both. Which is also kinda sad.

It's a mess.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by totem »

John wrote:I don't have any good education to fall back on (I dropped out of uni)
John wrote:I sometimes miss the good old days when I was a hardcore internalist but at other times I feel it was time wasted
Is it related ? The fact that you were elma-addict, and the fact that you dropped out uni.

Listen, youth, you shall learn from John's experience : elma won't pay your loan/rent when you're adult. You may figure out too late !
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by umiz »

Interesting to hear about Ribot and John lifes!

My life; I work as a wood purchaser and thrive with it. This profession I exercise usually between 07:00 and 16:00 ... Now I'm also studying a distance course at University in literature (100%), so lately I have been quite busy.

In addition, I write a novel project that I intend to complete during 2014. I have written on this project over the past year ...

I live in an apartment that I renovated and feel good in. Along with my wife, life is good!

I have a tendency to become addicted to things and besides Elma, I also have a great, almost sickly, thirst for beer. That's what I do with my life!

New levels will be created and more cheers will be done :beer:
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by John »

totem wrote:
John wrote:I don't have any good education to fall back on (I dropped out of uni)
John wrote:I sometimes miss the good old days when I was a hardcore internalist but at other times I feel it was time wasted
Is it related ? The fact that you were elma-addict, and the fact that you dropped out uni.

Listen, youth, you shall learn from John's experience : elma won't pay your loan/rent when you're adult. You may figure out too late !
Those aren't related :)
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by A.K.B. »

I passed the first screening process for my PhD. If my application is successful I could be well on the way to being Dr AKB. :D

Very exciting times lay ahead. I am using much of my work as composer-in-residence for my PhD portfolio, so the large bulk of the composition will be done in my first year.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by roope »

Update: Moved to Jyväskylä last fall to study media engineering in JAMK University of Applied Sciences. Was thrilled to move out of small town Mäntyharju, but of course sad at the same time because I left my friends behind and won't be seeing them very often. Luckily my classmates are awesome, new friends are always nice. Also saw other JKL elmers like adi, nom, Finman and talli a few times during the WCup and will be seeing them more as time goes by. Now there's a stressful month coming with a lot of projects to be finished. Been also intensely looking for a summer job but it's been quiet. I don't know what will I do if I don't get a job, because I'm really broke at the moment. But oh well, as my dad always says "things tend to work out", so I remain hopeful.
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by goofu »

ii am skizo so if i wack some1 from elma ii get few years at max anyway what ii am doing with my life NOT CONCERN U its personal busiiness so get out of the way, moove bitch it aint ur business ii got plenty of problems but laast weak ii bought chain saw ii think iits one of the best and ii uuse it a lot 4 my projecets, anyway iit iis interesting to reead about ur alls life but ii got mind trouble it s hard to undestand all in 1 moment soo bear with me
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by A.K.B. »

I just got accepted into the PhD program at the university over here, very exciting! Cannot wait to commence and continue writing maximum music for the next 3 years. 8)
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Re: What are you doing with your life?

Post by John »

John wrote:I've tried to think of what I want to do with my life, what I want to work with in the future and the rest of my career. The past year my thoughts has been more focused on one job that previously seemed unreachable, a commercial pilot. I've always been fascinated by aviation and started reading about different flight schools. Unfortunately, yesterday I went to an eye doctor, the laser treatment kind, and he said he wouldn't recommend me doing a laser surgery due to too thin cornea. That was a real disappointment :/ That is also where saving the money comes in. The medical examination for a private pilot license (PPL) isn't as strict so although I was saving for a possible ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License) / CPL (Commercial Pilot License) I might still be able to at least get a PPL, which of course is cheaper too. Flying is my dream.
Went on a 1 hour try-out lesson in a Cessna 172 Skyhawk SP today. I didn't get to start, land or communicate with the tower but other than that I was pretty much free to do whatever. We did some pretty big hang-time manouvers and one stall into a dive. Have to admit stomach didn't like that. Maybe I'm not acrobat flying material but that's not what I want anyway :)

Will do new examination at eye doctors later this fall. Last time I had contacts up until 5 mins before examination compared to the 3-days-only-glasses prior recommendation (which I heard about afterwards)

Other than that, still working my ass off and hardcoring PS3 games when at home. Still wishing I could travel more.
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