The personal questions

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Re: The personal questions

Post by Mrrrr »

I would just love to fuck Scarlett Johansson :mrgreen:

On a serious base, I'd like to meet Matt Damon. I'd tell him I'm a big fan (which I am) and would ask for an autograph and a picture together to frame on a wall.

What was the most stupid thing you did in your life?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by sleap »

So many to name I can't hold one top.

Maybe that one day when I was 14 or 15 and told a friend I had a crush on that one girl.
Bit taller than me, nice curves, black hair and some asian idea. She called me at home, since mobile wasnt't a thing back then.
Father picked up and said: yeah sure! I get him. I stood in kitchen entrance and was horrified. I thought all she could want from me is to tell me to fuck off.
It never took me for a second that she might wanted to do nice things.
So I told my papa to say that I am not at home. He looked a bit shocked, did as told and then asked me, why I did that.
I can't remember my answer to that, but I regret the action still.

Edit: Did you ever runka to shemale pr0n?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Madness »

No, dicks don't interest me. Also somehow I never runka while watching pr0n.

Are you rich?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Mats »

Was quite rich before when lived home and worked, with free food and pure income. Now it's loan and no income, student life.

Have done something cool to a random person?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bjenn »

At a festival here in my town a girl dropped her bank card without noticing, I picked it up, catched her and gave it back!
She was so glad I got a hug)) I thought it was cool at least ;D

Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by roope »

Yes and no. Parents divorced. Great relationship with my dad, not so much with mom.

Relationship with alcohol?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Orcc »

Used to party a lot and thus drink a lot. I started working full time two years ago and graduated one year ago so it's becoming less common. Still there are some parties that I attend and drink, but those are maybe 1-2 times per month. I foresee it will go into enjoying a couple of quality bears rather than 24-pack of the cheapest brand.

How do you handle money in your life? Spending all you get or saving some of it?

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Re: The personal questions

Post by milagros »

i never check my account, i guess i earn maybe 2x more than i spend

taking care of any plants?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bjenn »

Yes, I had one at work which died (not my fault, we have cleaning people here whom take care of the watering, mine got drowned too many times).
Few orchids at home, still alive after many years =) gf took over the caring of them though =D

What do you wish to be very good at?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Lee »

I wish to be a very good communicator. I suck at talking to people, and that is the biggest thing holding me back in life.

Have you ever helped or done anything good for someone without them knowing?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

I do little stuff for my family and gf and such (like cleaning something they soiled, putting their personal items to their rooms if I find them somewhere, ..), but when it is a bigger thing, I let them know, it was me :) I can't imagine doing an important nice thing for someone without them asking me about it afterwards anyways. They would just be confused how it happened... I am not sure if I ever did something for a total stranger or maybe a homeless guy without them knowing. Most likely not.

What would you do (or what do you usually do), if you started to feel like your life is getting stereotypical and boring?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Igge »

Realize that everyone's life/lifestyle gets stagnant and "typical" after a while, and instead of comparing myself to other people's (supposed) lifestyle, I choose to do what makes myself happy for the moment.

What do you do on a normal day? What does your work/school/free time routine look like?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by niN »

Wake up at 7. have breakfast and start work at 8. I spend half an hour preparing for class and then have classes until 3pm. if it's tuesday or thursday we have teacher's conference meeting if not I have 2 hours to prepare for tomorrow's classes. I come home at 5,15pm and chill for 15 minutes. Then I cook food and usually have some more classes to plan on my computer. It's usually around 7-8 pm when I have a few hours to do nothing and then I check elma, watch a movie or sometimes go to the gym. Fridays I try to go to the cinema because I live 5 mins from it. Weekends I try to get out and do something physical and fun. Like skiing, there's a ski resort down the road from here. On fairly rare occasions I go play badminton with some people or do other social activities but there aren't that many my age to hang out with!

what's the difference between you and the you you want to be?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by roope »

Probably personality/self-confidence. When I think of the person I want to be, I always end up thinking I can't reach that because "it just isn't feel like me" or something like that.

Dunno if very personal question but: what is your true ambition in Elma?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Madness »

Non-Elma related discussion!!! Image
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Tigro »

Ok, since madness didn't answer (and he is right with what he said), I can answer without it being (very) elma related.

My true ambition is to never install that game ever again. I quit several (it must be at least two) years ago, and I don't regret it. It's something that should go into "what are you doing with your life" tropic, since elma had such an impact on my personal life, that I had to get rid of it. Since last Easter (approx.) I stopped playing all PC and video games (OK, I sometimes play 2048 on mobile when travelling by train to school osv). You can see my signature, it's been a while since last Steam login. About three weeks ago I reinstalled Hearthstone, to get some relief from finals; and I still consider it more of a "chess" than a pc game. I don't grind cards or tryhard, I just play when I have time and as long as it doesn't bore me. I better started reading books, it's much more valuable to me (and yes, watching tons of movies lately; preferably going to cinema or watching with friends, to make it a social event).
So yeah, that's about it. The goal is to never return to playing addictive pc games. Which in my case, is basically any pc game.

What do you think you should be praised for? i.e. What makes you proud of yourself? Does it make you feel better than others?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by roope »

Madness wrote:Non-Elma related discussion!!! Image
I think my question about Elma was a lot more personal than many questions here and I got a very nice answer to it, so is oke :beer:
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Re: The personal questions

Post by kuchitsu »

The only thing I can think of is that I'm starting to understand simple Japanese texts (e.g. posts on casual web forums, children's stories, some comic books, etc). I guess I'm proud of myself because I honestly didn't think I would get this far since I'm an incredibly lazy person. All these crazy symbols seemed like such a big barrier, but I was just having fun learning them day by day and at some point realized that I already know a lot and can apply all that knowledge. Not sure about feeling better than others, usually I try to avoid such feelings because imo you shouldn't put yourself above other people.

With masturbation, do you try to prolong the process as much as possible and to squeeze all the fun you can out of it, or do you try to finish quickly and get on with your day?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by roope »

Since it seems like an too awkward question for anyone else to answer, I'll do it.

It depends, pretty 50/50. Sometimes it's just lajk ugh, let's get this over with, while sometimes I really take my time enjoying the process =9

How happy are you with your looks?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

I guess no-one rly wants to answer this one either... :)
I think I am like 6,5/10. Some girls really like me, some do not. I will be even happier after -10kg :)

What are the topics, that you don't really talk about in your group of friends? (maybe tabooed a bit) Politics? Wages? Sex?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by jblaze »

Bludek wrote:What are the topics, that you don't really talk about in your group of friends? (maybe tabooed a bit) Politics? Wages? Sex?
im actually totally open (i guess too much, definitely way more than most of people) to any kind of discussion, even with not-that-close friends. dont really have any trouble to talk about religion, drugs, money, alcohol overuse, sex, masturbation, some family "secret", controversial points on view on some topics even some shyful/foolish situations from my life.
though: ATM most unwanted topic would be honest questions about relation with my gf, thats for sure
most "popular" topic that i wouldnt like to talk about is politics, mainly because i got close to zero knowledge nor arguments about whats going on in my country and on the world (only general infos). well, who would like to "talk" when you got nothing to say?

Q: for the past year i noticed i often spit out phlegm while sneezing (which btw is pretty loud in my case). do you also notice gunshots shooting from your throat after a solid sneeze? if yes, do you hide it by sneezing under your t-shirt? :D
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Re: The personal questions

Post by gimp »

I have crazy fucking sneezes like you. I'll sneeze maybe 4 to 5 times in a row often. In my truck I just sneeze to the passenger seat and plaster the window with shit. Outside I sneeze where ever a person won't get hit. Inside I'll usually hold the sneeze in and I hate it. I'll never sneeze on my arm/hand/shirt like normal people do because it disgusts me.

What is your kinkiest sex fantasy?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Lousku »

gimp wrote:What is your kinkiest sex fantasy?
Jappe2 with tits.

If you fucked someone of your sexual preference, and afterwards found out they've actually gone through a sex change (but you couldn't tell the difference), would you care?
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

Ye, I would care (even if I put aside the fact, that it is hard for me to believe, it is possible to make sex change unrecognizable). A lot of sexual attraction happens in head and even if my eyes wouldn't be able to tell the difference, this would seriously fuck up my brain and frustrate me.

How does your favorite t-shirt (or shirt) looks like and why do you like it?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Madness »

It's plain black and short-sleeved. I've bought 10 of them and I don't have any different ones, so that is my favourite.

If you suddenly became a woman (your brain would remain the same), would you just accept who you are and live your life as a woman or would you want to change it back?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by kuchitsu »

Probably would accept, I sometimes fantasize about being a woman anyway, and I often find myself liking girly stuff so maybe in a woman body I would feel less embarassed of my interests and could talk about them more openly.

Which part of your body worries you the most healthwise?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Sunshine »

brain, fucking neurons all tangled up, plz when brain transplants?

if you had to gobble some knob which one?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

oh yeah, my favourite tropic. Reviving it once again.

to the q: Quite hard to think about stuff like that. I really don't want to suck anyone's cock and my mind refuses to think like I was gay enough to do that. I'll try to depersonalize (if that's the word) from the q. But I still really can't think about situation, where it would be good to suck anyone's dick. Like, you know, even if it was extremely famous person (and I'd get some money from it), I wouldn't want anyone to know I did it. It would be pretty hard to stay w/ gf or find a new one, if everyone knew I sucked a penis. So I guess I'd suck a dick of someone very very clean and completely not famous, if I had to. Or maybe a dick of a transgender guy - so I'd know, that he/she was a girl before and knowing that would be oke-ish for my brain. Even though it sounds extremely nasty, if I think about it a little bit more. Damn, idk, tough question. Good thing I am drunk right know. Otherwise I would not really think about this question so deeply and answer something like: "dick of Scarlett Johansson, she is so hot I'd do anything".

Who is your favorite actor and/or actress and why?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by kuchitsu »

Tough question. I guess I'll choose Tadanobu Asano. I enjoyed every movie I've seen where he had a major role, especially the more artsy ones (I'm not really familiar with his international career). There is something so deep and soothing about his gaze, it's like even at 20-something years old he already looked kinda like a wise old man, which I find awesome. He's like a perfect father figure.

Next. Favorite vocalist?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Pascal »

Axl Rose. Unmistakable vocals, great songs and lyrics (just listen to Coma), great great frontman and douchebag persona - me like.

If you had opportunity to see one important moment from your future, would you do it? Ofc you dunno if it is your death which would happen in 3 hours or anything else.
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Tigro »

No, I hate spoilers.

If you could harm yourself to get some money (more harm - more money), how much would you harm yourself?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Ruben »

Tigro wrote:No, I hate spoilers.

If you could harm yourself to get some money (more harm - more money), how much would you harm yourself?
I guess it would really depend on how much money I got for it. Say, how much would I get if I stuck a needle into the tip of my finger? Cause that's easy, so if I could do that a couple of times to afford a snack then I can easily see myself tortured quite a bit...

When (and with whom) was your first kiss? How was it?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by pawq »

Actually the first few times I kissed were when I was drunk, probably around 15-18, at various parties, in clubs and at a beach in the middle of the night :p Didn't kiss properly when sober until quite late :blushes:

Did you ever think about getting a teddy bear since you're an ~adult? Or do you have one? If yes (to either), then why?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Tigro »

Pawq wrote:Did you ever think about getting a teddy bear since you're an ~adult? Or do you have one? If yes (to either), then why?
There is a custom in our country, that on high school, when 4th graders leave, they hand over a big iron key to the 3rd graders, as a token of... something, dunno, probably a key to the future or some gak. In our case, we were given a key, but in addition, they gave us this huge teddy bear (our class teacher holding it in the photo). Everyone watching this (basically the whole school) went like "AAAWWWW". Really cute.


The whole time we were 4th graders, it was in our classroom. It was big and fluffy enough you could lay on him and feel max comfortable. During breaks between classes, I used to lay on him and read/PC/sleep. 90 % of the time it was me there. I loved him and it was amazing. I loved him so much. I didn't feel awkward at all. He was a part of our class. Really.
However, after the party (that one on the image), when everybody got drunk, they went somewhere with him and he didn't survive the night (he was brutally severed, decapitated, his intestines were all over the place, really bloody). Never seen him again. R.I.P. Teddy :cry:

After that, I bought a Teddy bear, which was very similar to this one, just much smaller, like 30cm high. Then I gave it to my mum, whom I love so much. He sits on her desk and watches her every day since then.

(I actually started crying a litle while writing this, noKappa).

new Q:

If you could revive one dead person from the entire history, so he would live alongside you, who would you pick and why?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Harald Hasch »

Willhelm Reich, or even better Nikola Tesla. Because we could use them.

What do you shave?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

Face, but I don't have to do that really all that often, coz not a lot of face hair.
I trim (not fully shave) pubic hair when I am in a relationship, coz sexy time feels cleaner and more hygienic that way. Girls usually don't care about that, but it feels much better for my, so I do it.
Ultra rarely trim armpit hair, only like twice a year when I somehow feel like it.

Do you get weirded out by some of the answers in this topic?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by jblaze »

barely ever, we need more weirdity in here!

do you sometimes rub your cocoa-hole with your fngr and then check if it smells bad?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by abruzzi »

ye, sometimes i do when it itches, always scratching through underwear, then smelling out of curiosity, but most of the times it's just a sign i should go shower and i do so

tell us something about your poo habit. do u like the feeling of it? do u usually poo at home, or elsewhere? i guess u use your phone then, what apps/games u start? how long it takes or any relevant stats, and are you satisfied with the usage of toilet paper or you'd rather wash your anus with water to feel fresh afterwards?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Madness »

The feeling is pretty nice. It's not like an orgasm and I don't scream during it (unless the poo is too stiff and rips my arse), but it feels very relieving. I prefer to poo in the comfort of my home, but when you've got to go, you've got to go and I will go anywhere and anytime. I don't use my phone as I always try to savour the moment and this would only distract me from doing so. Don't keep stats either, but I usually go twice a day and it takes about a minute. Sometimes I am satisfied with using toilet paper, but if the poo is too gooey and even after using the whole roll it is still there, I will take a shower and give it a proper wash.

Tell us something about your arse hair. Do you shave it? Trim it? Or just let it grow and comb it neatly every morning? Tie it into a ponytail? Or perhaps you prefer to wear it in a braid? Do you use shampoo to wash it or regular soap?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by jblaze »


i treat it with a shaver once the time comes, so around every 2-3 months. dont like them too long, althought bald freshly shaved arse itches as hell during sweaty summers. oh man
using foam from shampooed head to clean it.

whats the longest time you havent showered and/or changed clothes at all? do you somehow enjoy the smell of sweaty ballsy pants that comes within? did you go out to public place during that period?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

I shower every morning, but at the weekend I shower only before I have to go somewhere. Longest time I didn't shower must have been quite some time ago, when I was ill at parents' house. Could have been maybe like a week, maybe a tiny bit more. Was interesting, I didn't really care when I was alone. Would be oke for me to not wash myself maybe for even longer. But it really sucked when I had to talk to family. I felt bad, coz it must have been unpleasant for them, I guess. Besides that the longest time I didn't wash and even barely changed clothes were several metal music festivals. I guess like 4 nights without washing is my max. I don't really enjoy the smell of sweat, but I am deffinitely not overly sensitive about that.

Do you take any vitamins or dietary supplements? Why?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by ROKKEBOL »

Bludek wrote: 3 Oct 2017, 15:15 I shower every morning, but at the weekend I shower only before I have to go somewhere. Longest time I didn't shower must have been quite some time ago, when I was ill at parents' house. Could have been maybe like a week, maybe a tiny bit more. Was interesting, I didn't really care when I was alone. Would be oke for me to not wash myself maybe for even longer. But it really sucked when I had to talk to family. I felt bad, coz it must have been unpleasant for them, I guess. Besides that the longest time I didn't wash and even barely changed clothes were several metal music festivals. I guess like 4 nights without washing is my max. I don't really enjoy the smell of sweat, but I am deffinitely not overly sensitive about that.

Do you take any vitamins or dietary supplements? Why?
I take vitamin C + zink

Do you shave youre dick hair?
I only do cut those with scisors dont shave

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Re: The personal questions

Post by Tigro »

ROKKEBOL wrote: 3 Jun 2018, 18:16Do you shave your dick hair?
No. I like it wild

How often do you think about the people you knew but are dead already? What are the most common thoughts about them?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

I only think about them only when someone else mentions them, I guess. I never lost someone who is super close to me (yet :roll: ), so I guess that's why.

this was posted here already, but here it goes: boobs or ass?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by John »

Boobs, because they're a lot more feminine than asses I suppose.

Rate your economy on a scale from 1 to 10 and explain how you think.
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

I am not sure if I know how answer your question properly, John, but I'll try.

Economy in Czech is focused way too much on secondary sector (manufacturing) and not too much on terciary sector (services). There's manufacturing buildings of world's largest companies here, but not a lot of world-known companies are found in Czech Republic. There's too few entrepreneurs here and too many people who work with their hands. I guess the situation is in correlation with actual location of Czech Republic in Europe (close to western Europe but still considered part of eastern Europe). The warehouses and industrial centers are slowly moving to the east of CZE, but we are still far away from our potential. We benefit a lot from our location (quality food coming from Germany, not too far away from any country in Europe) and Prague alone is one the most developed and richest regions of all Europe, afaik. It is because of all the tourist coming here, I guess :) But rest of the country is really not that highly developed and rich.
Compared to the rest of the Europe, our economy is like 6 at best on your scale. But compared to the rest of the world we are easily 8,5 or smth.

What do you usualy eat for breakfast?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Hosp »

I think that John was refering to your 'personal' economy tbh, but I'll just answer the next question and ask my own.

For breakfast: I like to put water in to stomach, since I heard it is good to do. Is like a must that I do because others have told me it is a good idea, not because I crave water or anythning. Is just a thing I force myself to do, probably some 2-4dl of watever every morning. I never eat anything in the morning tho, is cup of coffee (strenght varies), and a snus or two. After some 8+h of awaketime I might consider eating something tho. Then in the evening if I haven't cooked some proper meal of some kind, I will not be able to sleep until stomach says: 'yes my is full atm oke', then I respond with: 'oke i hope you are full right now since sleep would be nice' then stomach says: "sleep might be unnecessary" and i will either respond with oke i eat some random shit or fuck you i sleep anyways, which results with an internal conflict that has to be resolved. No matter the decision I usually end up with less sleep than I would've liked. Can't recall all earlier statements but let's just say: I'm nat a fan of breakfast. Food in stomach. <good though. but many times it's har to muster the strenght needed to eat teh stuf you needo r wat migh i say. hev evening osv fuck

oh ye next quyestion: Do you like music? If nat, why? (dont question me on this but I have met man that cant enjoy music at all so is serious question) If you for some reason like music, what is you opinion on the worlds most popular band The Beatles?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by jblaze »

i love music, it chills me when i want to. it can also enrage me if listen to certain type of the aforementioned. music influences you GUYS, check it out! feel it! love it and embrace it! the beatles - i dont give a heck, i know hosp likes it and thats all.

do you stick one sheet of toilet paper onto your anus when the toilet is not perfectly soundproof to minimalize vibrating sounds that are up to possibly be heard by anonymous outside listeners?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Grace »

Seems like quite ineffective thing. Surely it's hard to stick unless you licky-lick-lick the first one, and then afterwards ez to stick but do you do this strategy repeatedly in bathroom? As soon as you have any movement, then your makeshift sound barrier gets carried away :x No I do not do this strategy. :lmao:

Are you vain about anything to do with your personal appearance/clothes/car?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

Vain is a word I had to google, but anyway here it goes:
I've bought these Lacoste shoes the other day on my xmas trip to Dresden, Germany, and I like them a lot. Also years ago I bought a Hollister hoodie in Hamburg, Germany, and man was I proud wearing it! I still own it and wear it sometimes, it is super comfy and warm. Also waaaay back in 2007 I was in New York city with my father (the trip was my 18th birthday's gift) and I got an iPod, which was like the sickest thing ever to own back then. I guess I am kinda into brand clothing, but they do not make a big part of my wardrobe. Most of my stuff is from H&M, Primark, Reserved and other cheap-ish stores, I think. Only my shoes are always branded.
I don't think I am vain about anything to do with my appearence.
My car is an old Volvo S40. I like it, tho. Volvo does have a very good name here, I guess.

What do you drink the most? (besides water and tea. Those two are way too common)
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