World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

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Which are your 3 favourite World Cup 7 levels?

Poll ended at 11 Jun 2017, 13:10

WCup701 - And Here We Go by roope
WCup702 - Suna no bara by kuchitsu
WCup703 - There is nothing left to lose by Sla
WCup704 - Strung out by skint
WCup705 - This could be heaven or hell by Pab
WCup706 - Castrato by Lousku
WCup707 - The Writhing Horror by Kopaka
WCup708 - Skip This? by Ramone
WCup709 - Holy Hoyl Hell by insguy
WCup710 - Whats on top? by finman
WCup711 - Blips and Chitz by 8-ball
WCup712 - Tropical Meltdown by Blaztek
WCup713 - Apples Squared by bene
WCup714 - The Big Friendly Killer by Zero
WCup715 - Drowning in Moonlight by Kopaka
Total votes: 90

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World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by pawq »

Now that the emotions related to the end of World Cup 7 have cooled down, the time has come to choose the best levels we had the honour of playing in the last 3 months.

How should you define the best levels? Any way you like, but some factors to consider include:
- Polygon design,
- Visual design,
- Playability.

Please select no more and no less than three favourite levels, in no particular order, and only vote if you have actually played the cup.

If you need to refresh your memory, you can check out the maps on the official World Cup 7 site.

The top scorers will receive eternal glory, and a 3D-printed model of his level with a dedication!

May the best designer win!
Last edited by pawq on 5 Jun 2017, 20:50, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by kuchitsu »

I'm gonna write my 0% objective 100% emotional impressions of the levels.

01 - fun feel good hoyla. Thankfully I chose to ignore the pro style after some pathetic attempts, so I was able to have good fun. The difficulty seemed rather balanced throughout the level, which is very good. Only the pole jump was much harder than everything else, but it didn't ruin the whole thing for me.

02 - obviously I shouldn't vote for this in any case, but I'll comment anyway. It could have been an enjoyable normal difficulty level, however the start bounce almost killed it for me. Even after I sort of mastered the bounce, it still remained the most important part and a highly annoying one. It's very cool that another style won, but my experience with the lev was quite painful.

03 - VERY feel good lev, gave me such a sense of power. However, after a while it turned out that for me it's all about a few crucial spots, while the rest could be seen as filler in comparison. So I can't call it a great level.

04 - I can sorta appreciate the complexity of design, however the best route was just pure torture to play and almost made me quit the cup, so it is associated with horrible memories for me.

05 - well, after 04 I was almost dead, so when I saw a pipe I decided to just send in my first 7 minute finish and relax for the rest of the week. Can't really comment.

06 - one of my personal highlights of the cup for sure. I approached it with a fresh relaxed mind and could really enjoy every aspect of it. None of the parts felt like "that damn part": the difficulty seemed perfectly balanced throughout the whole thing. I remember it as an awesome short-medium hoyla with rather non-traditional design. However, I got kinda depressed when I saw the top recs and realized how much stuff we missed.

07 - I was disappointed by the results of 06 and then I saw some gravity so I expected to absolutely hate this. I pretty much ignored it for most of the week, however on Friday something made me play it and suddenly I realized that the gravity in this lev is not annoying at all and actually feels rather "natural". So I had some fun with it. But the bounce ruined it considerably, just like in 702.

08 - I saw it and immediately said "no". Long, hard, a bit trollish perhaps - it was 100% unfitting to my preferences and I already started to feel the cup fatigue, so I sent my first finish and forgot about it. Can't really comment much.

09 - THANK GOD this was included. Seeing a super enjoyable short easy normal lev was really refreshing. It sort of gave me strength to start playing seriously again after two weeks of pure laziness. Even though I made my best time on Monday and couldn't improve since then, I still remember this stage with much love.

10 - blergh, this just felt like one big "fuck you" coming straight from Finland. Ugly, random, extremely painful to finish with our style... I don't even want to think about it.

11 - well, here I feel extremely biased. It was rather painful to play to be honest, however we knew that we found a very unique style that most people would miss, so that gave us a really strong confidence boost and made the stage exciting for sure. Getting 3 team mans in top10 was just epic.

12 - no. I guess the author was going for an unsmooth unpolished level with no obvious styles. Well, I can appreciate the idea, however more often than not it results in ridiculously painful pixel styles, and that's exactly what happened here. Hated it quite a bit.

13 - first reaction was "no no no", then after a while I realized that it's actually an enjoyable little level with rather unique gameplay thanks to these squares. But soon I got bored of it and couldn't ignore the annoying fucking pixel parts anymore. Unsuccessfully trying to learn the pro style also left a very bad impression, so in the end I don't have much positive memories about this level.

14 - troll lev, fuk u. Would be good for a saveload cup or a Chris battle.

15 - ehh. Like most of you, I barely played it so I can't really say much about it unfortunately.

So based on what I just wrote, I'm voting for 06, 09, and 11.
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by adi »

01 - Basic hoyla. Luckily there was annoying sc, otherwise positions 5-10 would've been max impsy to achieve. Level was pretty much torture but maybe played it most anyway (got good turn like 1/100).

02 - Upper route very boring, lower route very cool. Played quite much. Good level, enjoyed!

03 - Quite enjoyable hoyla but just had too bad touch for some parts. Couldn't find better styles than opponents, so it was pretty impsy to get in top 3 anyway. Failed miserably my only great run (end at pr run). Oke level.

04 - Great level, where much style finding was needed. Hoyling was quite fun...though end was just too hard for me.

05 - 5/5 for the idea of level. Maybe it was just bad luck that level didn't have so good balance (could only find 1 main route that makes sense). Bounce spot was very frustrating =/ but anyway nice level. This was the last level where I tried to compete seriously, though failed miserably again.

06 - Nice level but didn't play much and was hard to enjoy because of start + spin part.

07 - Didn't feel like gravity level at all (only first apple was very tricky!). Was quite fun to hoyl but too straightforward level for my taste -> very impsy to get in top 3.

08 - Great level but pro styles were annoying hard. Had super low motivation for this level and just did one crap finish.

09 - Surprising tricky level, probably that's why I could get in top 5. Only enjoyed the front wheel bounce part (really satisfying trick). I guess oke lev.

10 - Too random for me...didn't like. Anyway fitting level for 3 days event.

11 - Good basic quality cup level. Ofc would've liked to see more crazy level by 8-ball but nothing to complain here. Didn't enjoy much playing but could find satisfying styles, which gave a bit more motivation.

12 - Maybe played this the least but seems like good level.

13 - Another tricky hoyla, surprisingly liked quite much.

14 - Seemed mega complex level but after all found style and moves pretty quickly (and thought that other routes don't make much sense). Level was almost fun to play, just should've found winner route :P. Maybe something between good and very good level.

15 - Nice long tricky level, optimal length also. Fun to hoyl.

No wc6 sickness here :(, though no wc6 crapness either :D. Anyway wc6 was like 10x more emotional to me.
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by Zweq »

01 Just very basic lev that ended up extremely difficult and surprisingly complex, which is appropriate for a cup. Good choice as the first lev.
02 Too many apples for my liking, too buggy bounce. Didn't enjoy too much, but ended up as a better lev after saw MiE style.
03 This I simply didn't like, I don't know why. It did become better after learning the lev inside out.
04 Possibly the best or the 2nd best lev, felt magical finding very weird gravity routes. Unfortunately those were too slow or insanely difficult-
05 Possibly the best or the 2nd best lev, felt magical finding very weird routes. Unfortunately those were too slow.
06 Possibly the 4th or the 5th best lev, although super annoying shit lev. Fun!
07 Beisik nice lev. Mielz reclay made it even better. Maby 6-7th best
08 Sickest wcup lev ever, but felt too tested and all fastest styles were really annoyingly hard to play somehow. Hard to say what exactly was wrong with it. Still spot 4-5 for this.
09 Worst lev for me, sry
10 Quite kakka lev but unique feel
11 Beisik nice lev. Maby 6-7th best
12 Lev looked very antizamppe at first, looked like a linear shit labyrinth. After I started playing it, it turned out great. End was really complex. Ez 3rd best lev
13 Didn't like, sry bene
14 Omg kil me
15 Didn't play much:( so I should probably not say anything
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by Madness »

I didn't like any of these levels.

01 - annoying impsy random turn, but maybe the fastest style was pleasant to hoyl, dunno
02 - annoying start bounce hoylage in the norm style, end spin in the winner's style looked super random, too many styles
03 - cool internalish design, but it was quite dull
04 - way too many styles, best style was annoying and to top it all there was gravity at the end
05 - worst idea ever, shitloads of routes you couldn't test in a lifetime, the worst lev in the universe and beyond
06 - haven't tried at all, didn't look fun
07 - bad, too many apples, too many styles, gravity
08 - all styles were super annoying and impsy unless you are Zweq
09 - ok hoyla if there'd been more time, but nothing special
10 - horrendous, second worst lev after 705
11 - this was actually not so bad after Mielz found the style, wish i had played this more than a few hours on Tuesday
12 - obviously annoying end, deleted lev and emptied recycle bin as soon as I noticed that
13 - haven't tried, seemed bad and boring
14 - BAD, third worst lev (the big killer looked cool though)
15 - there were some cool styles here, but it was just too long and some parts were impsy to drive nicely
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by AndrY »

5 and 14 are the best imo. interesting unusual levels, pls more similar in next cup

and one vote for... it is secret.
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by zebra »

Hello! Hard to pick top three here, but here are my feelings of the levels. Keep in mind that I played approximately half an hour per event and didn't really have time to höyl apart from in few events.

1. Surprisingly short lev. I wasn't expecting to see such a short lev in a wcup. Anyway the pole was quite irritating so didn't really like this. Also missed the pro style, but I quess it would have been too hard for me anyway.

2. I didn't make the start bounce even once, so I decided to go without it. I also thought that it may be faster to go to the lower route and I was happy when adi did it faster. Quite nice level overall.

3. Very fast level, I think maybe even too fast although I like fast levels. The bounce down there was cool.

4. Possible the best level. Nice design, many styles, gravity nicely included. Liked, although missed some styles, as usual :)

5. I didn't have much time to play this. It looked very complex level so I didn't even try to finish it.

6. Fun lev and fun pictures. Liked but didn't play much.

7. I didn't have much time to play this either... can't really comment. Looked very basic level + gravity.

8. Nice one! The level topic encouraged me NOT to skip this one. Instead I thought that maybe ez points here, so I played this level maybe the most. Just was too hard for me.

9. Very nice höylä. Easy enough for me. Enjoyed playing this :)

10. First impression was 'just random dull level' but I ended up liking this and it felt great when I was all the time finding some new moves and enhanced my time. Also my wife tried this one a bit :)

11. Nice route-finding level. Maybe too much loops but overall enjoyable level. Too bad I didn't find the best style. Also very familiar-looking level, I mean that I could have designed exactly the same level.

12. I liked the graphics here. But at this phase of the cup I didn't have much motivation to play the level.

13. I felt refreshed when I saw that it was very short level. Found the best style but I thought it was too hard for me so I went with the easier style and got a ride that was pleasing. Not very many points though. But I liked this one.

14. Wtf, what was this? Totally random level. Didn't like. There shouldn't be this kind of levels in a wcup.

15. Too long level. Didn't have motivation to höyl this although there was plenty of time. The idea of having this event all the time going didn't really work.

Too bad I didn't have time to make a level this time. But maybe next time, who knows.
But anyway, thanks to all designers for your levels! Overall I enjoyed the wcup and the levels :)
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by pawq »

I have extended the deadline for the poll until the end of the week.

The winner will receive a unique prize - a 3D-printed model of his level with a dedication (example below), so please cast your votes if you haven't already!!! =) ... height=659
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by AndrY »

and who is winner?
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by pawq »

To be really quite honest, I have no idea what to do about this now :/
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by kuchitsu »

Have Sla and Ramone battle it out of course!
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by Bludek »

maek new poll, ez. am srs.
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Re: World Cup 7 - vote for your favourite levels!

Post by pawq »

Yeah, I guess, some ppl on discord suggested the same thing. Just Ram vs Sla?
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