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47. Enigma

Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 14:24
by John
47. Enigma (QWQUU047)

WR in table #1: 48,54
Current World Top 10:
1. Stini [Arcao] Finnish 19,16 2004-05-30
2. Mielz [SPEED] Polish 19,19 2012-08-26
3. Spef [SPEED] Finnish 19,23 2012-01-20
4. proDigy [POL] Russian 19,25 2008-05-12
5. Luther [ICE] Swedish 19,29 2005-12-26
6. Thunder Norwegian 19,33 2012-09-02
7. Bjenn [EF] Swedish 19,33 2012-10-26
8. Zweq [WNO] Finnish 19,34 2010-09-19
9. John [WNO] Swedish 19,35 2012-10-25
10. TorInge [ICE] Norwegian 19,40 2004-08-10

Number of apples: 1
Number of WR improvements: 23
Number of different WR-holders: 17
First appeared in: v 1.x

[Style history / WR history]
1. Champi0N [PRA] Swedish 0:48,54 #1
2. onlainari Finnish 0:32,40 #2
3. Champi0N [PRA] Swedish 0:28,26 #3
4. zeth [tld] Norwegian 0:27,08 #4
5. Rainman [SAT] Swedish 0:26,97 #9
6. mr [ahf] Finnish 0:26,38 #15
7. mr [ahf] Finnish 0:26,02 #16
8. mr [ahf] Finnish 0:25,65 #17
9. Eliaz [WRS] Swedish 0:24,93 #35
10. DMC [FIN] Finnish 0:24,55 #41
11. Eliaz [WRS] Swedish 0:24,44 #42
12. Eliaz [WRS] Swedish 0:24,00 #44
13. Eliaz [WRS] Swedish 0:20,95 #62
14. MadMan Swedish 0:20,73 #67
15. Mick [WRS] Australian 0:20,29 #74
16. ciph [EM] Canadian 0:20,01 #107
17. TorInge [IC] Norwegian 0:19,95 #108
18. Sick_Mambo Danish 0:19,78 #109
19. ramone [mir] Swedish 0:19,75 #127
20. Know-How Russian 0:19,74 #130
21. Cloud [IC] Finnish 0:19,62 #134
22. Zweq [DZ] Finnish 0:19,61 #174
23. Stini [Arcao] Finnish 0:19,16 #175

[Tool-Assisted stuff]

[Tutorials / Hints / Notes]
Despite the now straight-forward WR-style there has been a significant number of different styles over the years. (Recs later)

- The level with the longest standing WR (#175 -) and the biggest absolute improvement (onlainari with a 16,14 seconds improvement in #2).
- Controversial WR. Some say the bounce to the flower is too strong to be legal.

Re: 47. Enigma

Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 18:56
by Mats
I just dont get the power in the bounce here, never managed to do it. Is it random or just enough speed?

Also I wander whats the best time done by driving around the lev. My best was 46 before I drove slow shortcut

Re: 47. Enigma

Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 22:53
by Ramone
are many dif ways to drive around lev. fastest is (if I recall) to do norm start, bounce turn, over killer and then bounce but up to right to polygon over apple. then do norm end.

Re: 47. Enigma

Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 23:20
by John
Fast reply:
Speed helps when you're going for bounce. If you have too low speed you'll need a bugbounce to reach the flower. I haven't really thought about it much but I guess the main idea is to redirect your velocity from going left to going upwards with a more or less powerful bounce to help you out. So don't be afraid to try going full throttle over killer.

I don't have any special advice as far as tuning goes. Try to find some settings that feels bouncy rather than "sticky". Try to hit the slope with backweight and without touching it with the front wheel. Don't let go of gas when pressing brake. If you need a brake alias or feel comfortable doing this with normal arrows is up to you. Also, pushing right helps forcing the bike to bounce. It's not 100% consistant style, sometimes you bounce and sometimes not.

Feels like shitty advice but hopefully it will help someone.

Re: 47. Enigma

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 09:44
by Lukazz
you can also try if it's easier for you with alovolt+brake instead of normal volt+brake. helped me a lot.

Re: 47. Enigma

Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 19:17
by Mats
thx guys :)