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WR stories

Post by Xupacabra »

Kuskies with WR/s - How long did it take you to get a WR you were planning on?
Have you had any really "lucky" runs that ended up as a WR?
How does it feel to invent a new style on an internal? (If you actually did) And have you ever shared your new style WR rec with anyone except Abula?

Kuskies who plan on getting a WR - Have you ever chose a lev and hoyled it like hell as if to get a WR?
Do you think you will make it or have you got tired and hopeless from hoyling with no success?

Please share your stories here :D
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Post by Chris Penrose »

Yes, I have many stories about getting all my wrs.
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Post by Jonas »

Shut up...Chris....this is a good Topic =)...But I can´t say antyhing because i´m to bad...hehe...:)
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Re: WR stories

Post by Karlis »

Xupacabra wrote: Have you ever chose a lev and hoyled it like hell as if to get a WR?
sounds too familiar, I think all my wrs is made like that, not so rare that I höyl one internal lev for weeks. last time we played framework with mr for like a month to get the wr....damn...and he got 0,01 better than me :)
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Post by oizo »

nice topic, I have many tales (so stop reading now if your smart)..

I remembered most when I invented (at least I was the first that fixed it on table etc..), Jaws style.. That first style when you didnt touch ground in beginning, the hanging one..(before people went to floor and lost ~1-2 sec) I got the idea and then I hoyled it for 10 hours in a row to fix the style.. then I keept hoyling for 5 more hours or so, just to get a decent time.. I was so proud because I still thinks It such a cool style :)

That rec I didnt spread to other than my ex team mates, who spread the rec to public after some while.. yada yada

I also "invented" the new tag style, I hoyled for 4-5 days but never got wr, was like 0.05 from it and I gave up and published it my self.
That one is quite cool because 20 is very possible.

Double Trouble WR is the best Ive ever had imo.. I played that lev so much.. played it 3 hours day for a week.. loved the lev, then I got wr.. someone took it and then I hoyled more and more and more

The best way to get WR (if your not a super god like Toringe/DMD/pajen etc..), must be like Karlis said.. to focus on one lev for a very long time.. a lev you know from beginning you have chance on with your style, and a lev you think is at least some fun.. or else you will get tired I think, focus and dont give up.. never, before you have the wr.. a good idea is to have smaller objects first.. like beating a team mate, beating mopo rec, make top5 in world.. top3 in world etc.. and finally WR :)
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Post by onlainari »

stories behind my WR's: (never gonna get new wr's anymore)

on table #2 i had enigma and freefall... it was those old times and quick hoyling on some levs among ppl to get WR... in freefall i had a time close to WR and simply hoyled couple hours... On enigma the WR was 4x.xx and i noticed ppl commenting #across it's impossible to get over the killer. Then I tried it with making a turn on the killer and it helped, then i had to hoyl like shit to finish it... I still have that time on the lev.. 32.40 i think...I hated to hoyl such lame level but i knew it would be wr if i just pull it out...time spent maybe 3-4 days 2-3h = 8-12h Didnt share nor tell anyone both these wr's

downhill on some table..... Joni had had his 54.xx for long time..then hmm zeth beat him and... nost found out the style and showed a rec, I loved the style and hoyled _short_ amount of time... not too much...and for my own big surprise even I finished the lev after succesful drop with wr time 53.63. time spent: 5-10 days 1-3h a day.. total more like 8. Shared rec to swos and nostra I think and told about it in #across rite after.

zig-zag I made with after same interests as enigma. A new style on lev... This time there was much babble on #across about zigzag... among some ppl...then Abula sent me an idea for a style and asked if i can grab that one apple... I tried and managed... then im not sure if i told abu i got it right after or did i 1st drive the wr... but then anyway I started an intensive hoyling and hoyled some amount of time and barely beat zeth with his old style. 3-5 days bout 1-2h a day... just remember that this was easy wr. Shared with nostra and swos I think..didnt tell it to others.

All my WR's have been kinda lucky that so bad drive can end up as a WR. Not only those 2 with new style. But if talking about lucky ride,then downhill was better that I had planned to get if i manage to finish.

- All my WR's have felt fucking great!-) Maybe if I had them more it wouldnt feel that good YAYAYAAAYYAYAYA
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Post by TorInge »

hm the coolest wr i got was probably fruit in the den 59,44, when darmoed had 59,7x or something. i tried to save rec as 36tor the way i normally do, but forgot that my old 36tor.rec was writeprotected (from a backup cd) so internal error came up 8O :D 8O

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Post by Flyrre »

TorInge wrote:hm the coolest wr i got was probably fruit in the den 59,44, when darmoed had 59,7x or something. i tried to save rec as 36tor the way i normally do, but forgot that my old 36tor.rec was writeprotected (from a backup cd) so internal error came up 8O :D 8O

laughed a bit....but not much
Laughed? I would have killed myself, but ofcourse you are TorInge and I guess that you, without any difficulties, could have driven it again :twisted:
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Post by milagros »

i had an idea on ff and made it after 5 minutes of playing when i was a BIIIIG N000B
i knew 12.4x was possible so after the update i hoyled for some hours and made it
afterwards i spread the style to everybody
other recs were just hoyled
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Post by Mick »

shelf: i got some cool new rec of zeizei showing a new shelf style. at this point jeppe had just taken the wr(36,85) off zei. i was hoyling for about 2 hours with this new style trying to get under 37,29(zei's time). then i magically pulled the 36,67 run out of my ass. hard to explain my feelings, i was pretty excited though. i was expecting maybe a 37,2x run. 8O
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Post by Ramone »

I noticed I could do the turn faster than 47DDWR.rec so I thought if I just get a bounce I get wr. Great. I got a few bounces and realised pretty fast that bouncing and bouncign hard is not the same. SO I played more and made same time as DD once had.
(it was Nostradas fault, he hoped I´d get exact that time :wink: )

Anyway.. it is a cool0r lev-.. haha.. so it is fun while playing.. a bit challanging...

I thought I would die when I 1st got the MEGAbounce and missed flower :D
And then I made a megabounce but only made 19:84 (Mambo 19:78)
So next day I did a lucky 19:75... Hopefully I get better someday...

Dong.. this was not a good wr story...

OK.. my old Hang Man Elma is better. I just played cause I had better style and drove wr. haha. I didnt even intend to... then just a few days later same thing happened on Spiral. So I got 2 recs to one table :wink:
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Post by milagros »

magicman, write some story
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Post by KickZ »

milagros wrote:magicman, write some story
yeah, we will hear story :D
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Post by Ramone »

I can tell magic story:
He played, he did wr, he sent in. He saw his time on table, he was glad!

Edit: after seeign my post I realised story was poor.. and that I dont know, so better get you ass here and tell us yourself magic.. pliiiis! :***
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Post by dz »

i remember when i tried to get under 40 total time, i was very close to it and i haven't done apple h new style yet, so i started to play it and sometime later got 1:41. it was only few secs to go and i knew i could and i must get at least little off from that, because all other levels was hoyled so "maximum" as i somewhat could. well, then i got one pretty nice drive and happened to have extraordinary nice end turn at right down and finished it as 1:39,5 while wr was 1:39,7 or something. i was so happy to lower my total almost 2 secs, and at that time, didn't cared about that i got wr barely at all. i think for example zweq knows what im talking about. ;)
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Post by Zweq »

heh, actually i really understand dz :)
when i was inventing style to serpents tale and finally found very good one, i didn't much think about getting wr just under 1:00 was goal.
anyway i didn't make under 1:00 :?
wr was pretty easy anyway

islands in the sky story :)
heah funny story i think
i just got bounce and make somewhat good ride and got wr.
i wasn't hoyling or planning for a wr.
it just came 8)

bumpy journey
this wr i hoyled so sick 8O
damn i remember i had 37:04 when mick had 37:09 and i tried to send it,
but it never got into list.
then mick made his 36:92 and i got pissed off :)
i just hoyled so long that i got wr
it took week or two and i got 36:82
nowaday it is easy to brake :oops:
maybe i was noob then
now i have that 36:62
(actually i made that 36:62 even before my 36:81. i just wanted to make teh psy and get many improvements :wink: )

one more story and it's uphill battle teh greatest lev on earth :D
anyway i started playing some evening when my time was 21:82
and suddenly got bit better and noticed that wr is very easy
i hoyled and hoyled and got 21:51 (wr was 21:51by zeizei) :evil: damn!
i hoyled more and got 21:34 or 21:37 (don't remember ) xp was very close to wr too, shame that he never got that wr
next day i already bragged about my new wr to teammates and cloud :P
but i knew i could still improve, so i hoyled it more and got 21:16
it was sucky time too :oops:
after 3 months brake i hoyled it to 20:82 and i hope that wr will last many weeks, months or years 8)
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Post by LastDay »

Just had luck once on tag, because did the insanest end ever.
Start was about 0,5 secs slower than my usual one. I haven't broken that
time yet.(Got only 21,37 and my rec is 21,36 :) ) Before i started playing
tag i had 23,2x and i tried that oizo style. Then made that style after about
0,5 hours of playing and got 22,5x, 0,5 hours after that 22,12. 2 days after
that i got 21,36. :)
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Post by deadnite »

I had some nice time with precarious, i höyled it almost every day for several weeks :?. It was pretty weird 'cos one day i just cruised on it a bit (yes i liked cruising preca, not anymore) and i was so amazed when i got a 24.6x-time just like that (DMD's WR was 24.60 and i think my time was the 2nd fastest in the world), then i höyled it a bit and got another ,6x-time the same evening. I thought omg, this is easy :D. But... i really started höyling it and didn't get any good times.

Days and weeks of höyling, and i noticed that my average was better than DMD's, but still not that "perfect" run. I almost gave up, 'cos that killer passing -part was literally killing me.

<Tor_IC> play some more precarious ok :)
<Cloud_IC> yep. play precarious deadnite
<Cloud_IC> don't give up now, u are too close :)

So I played more, and one beautiful spring night everything went fine, my worst fear of getting a shadow WR didn't come true, and i got the WR-time. I was quite happy :D Nowadays i really don't like the lev, due to the hours i spent with it :)
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Post by Zweq »

i whane tell a story of my spiral wr ok :)

when kimitys had 45:43 and some stupid guy spreaded his rec, i started hoyling some evening and got 45:17.
it was very easy after i invented one trick in it.

anyway i had that wr only one table. cloud took it with time 44:87.
it was very good time in my opinion.
the time depressed me to play that lev.
it was very close that i published my 45:17, but some day all changed :)
i got with few tries 45:14. i was omg 8O
i hoyled maybe hour after that but didn't have any reasults.
after few days i decided to hoyl it like hell and take the wr no matter what.
first hoyling day i got 45:07 (maybe)
and in the second hoyling day i got first 44:98. (i knew at this point that i could take the wr)
in the very same day after few hours break after that 44:98 i just suddenly got 44:77. i was pretty happy yeah :D

top 3 looked maybe like this
Level 18, Spiral:
00:44:77 Zamppe
00:44:97 Zamppe
00:44:98 Zamppe

btw those "hoyling days" doesn't mean anything 24 hours. just some 4-6 hours ok :P
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Post by 8-ball »

Nice stories, ppl :wink:
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a story

Post by Jeppe »

i made 16:74 and zyntifox was like OmG your lying cant make that good time on flat track(it was the old days) :) then i trade the rec to MRDJ(EML) and that gay spread the rec and in 1 hour everyone playing elma knowed the style =(.The EnD of that stupid story :D
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Post by Zsolt »

Flat Track WR Story:

It wasn’t difficult to find out this style because after publishing of Mirror Internals Abula has wrote on Moposite how much time could be run on Flat Track. When I saw this level I found out immediately how easy it is, thenafter I tried it on Internal, too. I played that day from 16.00-23.00 by the time I reached the destination: 15:89 First I couldn’t belive what I see
but later after I saw replay ten times again and again. Next day I tried it again: successful it’s better: 15:76. I showed this replay to my best friend he said: it’s perfect, but WR is much better. On that day I had to höyl till night. There was my best time: 15:65. Since that time I can’t do better this style :cry:
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Post by onlainari »

buci.... bad total is it ?? I think its would be nice to hear how easily yu found out the start in freefaal....
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Post by Bokhylle »

I can write here :o

I tried to do the freefall shortcut, and got a 19,xx ride. Then I tried to do the 12 sec style. I got a 12.9x time, because my start was so sucky. And because I thought the mopostyle was hard I tried my own style. First time I finished with it I got 12.32, and then I played some more and got 12.16 8O
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Post by sierra »

This topic rules, can we get some more stories pls :roll:
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Post by infected »

when i did wr on flat track it all started like i wanted to do the mango style. than when i did that i wanted to beat john's time. and it continued down like that until i suddenly had 15.22... than i thought. why nat try to get wr? and i hoyled it like 1 hour for a week or two and than i had it :)
feelt more happy to know that i dont have to play that freaking level again than i feelt happy bcuz of the wr
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Post by Dariuz »

to continue the flat track story...

when i made 15.20 on flat track the friday before the wr table update i was very happy about the great time. then rawl told me just for fun the other day in the morning to make 15,18. and so i did ;) quite funny actually
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Post by wwwDotcoM »

sierra wrote:This topic rules, can we get some more stories pls :roll:
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Post by Raven »

about my steep wr..
I started playing the level and found out that it is max lev (again). First evening i made some 43.3x runs and i was max sure that i could make 43.1x..
Next evening i played it more and first i got 43.17 many times, and missed like 10-20 wr runs.. And then, 43.06, then slepa.
After i woke up i played some before skool started and got teh 43.00 :wink:
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that should have been a great school day\
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Post by Memphis »

I didn't know about this topic and I will explain my wr. Not sure how or why I started playing Animal Farm again after i had 1:22:18 long time ago. But i started to play and then shortly after that ciph did too. I got a bunch of 1:21:xx times and was max happy at first then got 1:20:90 and was like hell ya beat dmd's time. Then ciph comes outa no where and beats my time so I kept holyaing to get Canadain Record back. Then I wanted 1:19:xx so kept holyaing and finaly it happened. That's when i realized wr was possible. Got some 1:18:XX times and kept holaying even though i was semi getting tired of the lvl. Feb 14th Valentines day my gf made me a cookie and a scavenger hunt game at my house and in the scavenger hunt it allowed me 1 hour to play elasto and i was like hell ya. Never played the game so happy and relaxed and sure enough i ended up getting wr. After that I was shaking and I watched replay for like 4 days after that on lunch breaks and stuff. Sad i know.
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Post by Ramone »

Memphis, its not sad. Many ppl watch their wr recs over and over again. When I had driven zig zag long ago I watched that rec tons of times. I know other ppl do this aswell.

Ask Luther if he watched his downhill many times!

Maybe you should show us rec so we can watch it over and over again too.
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Post by Memphis »

Hehe Ramone I think you'd watch it once and be like I can beat that shit and then drive wr.
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Post by simon_labroue »

still would be awesome. you kinda gave up playin' that level, didn't ya?
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Post by sierra »

ramone, i think everyone in the scene has watched your zig zag over and over. on a side note, i can't believe how good the zig wr is atm, when ramone's 59 seemed so perfect.

Memphis, there are people who can beat your WR already and they don't need to see your replay to know that. You might as well show the rec =P
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Post by simon_labroue »

actually a lot of WRs could be shown, like Raven's steep corner, etc.
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Post by Memphis »

Sierra tell me where u think on Zwegs rec you can shave a second? Then i guess there's only 1 person that can beat my wr is Tor cause i havn't seen his run. If they saw my replay top 4 players probably beat my time or anyone that felt like holyaing the lvl a lot. If i don't show the rec I think i could have wr for a while. And to I have played Animal farm within the last week and got 1:18:14 which is my second best time so I feel when i stop playing zigzag or get more motivation i will improve on the Animal farm wr.
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Post by Luther »

maybe you're forgetting it is not only Tor who has this rec - but his entire team: ICE ;)
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Post by milagros »

Memphis wrote:Sierra tell me where u think on Zwegs rec you can shave a second? Then i guess there's only 1 person that can beat my wr is Tor cause i havn't seen his run. If they saw my replay top 4 players probably beat my time or anyone that felt like holyaing the lvl a lot. If i don't show the rec I think i could have wr for a while. And to I have played Animal farm within the last week and got 1:18:14 which is my second best time so I feel when i stop playing zigzag or get more motivation i will improve on the Animal farm wr.
i was leading zwe'q old wr half sec many times, that wr is not that hard with good tunning
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Post by Memphis »

Ya Luther I was actually thinking about that before i read ur response but sierra makes it sound like a hand full of peeps can do it so... Mali can i see that rec plz. Cause im not 100% sure i believe u.
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Post by sierra »

Memphis, don't take any offence from my comments.

People just don't seem to understand how good the best guys are, and how beatable the world records are. Luther drove 44.05 headbanger in a weekend, published the rec, and you all thought "omg perfect maxest unbeatable wr". Then days later John gets almost half a sec better. Toringe drives 13 wrs in 2 weeks. Zweq takes half a second off the Jaws world record with maximum 1 week of playing.

So when someone who isn't in this league plays a level for a very long time and makes a WR, it's natural for them to believe they are special and nobody else could do it. The depressing reality is, there ARE a handful of people who could beat it, if they were so inclined.

People need to realize two things, and they need to remember them for the rest of their career. First, is that competition at the very top end of the skill league is mild, and always will be. The best players rarely put in as much effort as the ~40-42 tt guys and the newcomers. Secondly, world records are only driven by humans. There is no such thing as a perfect world record, and no matter who you are, what level you played and how long you played it for, somebody somewhere could beat you.
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Post by Memphis »

Sierra I see where your coming from. I too think the pro's aka top guys are in a league of there own. I think what im getting at is when i first saw Zwegs run for animal farm I thought it was perfect. After playing the lvl for a while i realized his end wasn't perfect but it was still nice. What im saying is everyone is telling me to publish wr rec and what im saying is that my run ain't that great and i garuntee a pro would beat it in a weekend if they saw the rec. If they didn't see the rec i'd say they would have to put a decient amount of time into beating it. Luther is tor's rec look perfect or beatable? not asking if it is perfect but looks
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Post by Dynamo »

Hmmmz well sharing a wr rec is hard especially if u know almost for certain that you'll never be able to beat it back...at least thats what I would think, the ppl who share are usually the ppl who did wr and thought, 'blah sax time w/e i'll share cuz i can improve ez' , im not saying that everyone thinks like that but thats my mentality
Total Time: 38:35,14

Post by simon_labroue »

kinda agree too. perhaps not worth the deal. at least wait 'till it's beaten, then share if it happens :wink:
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Post by milagros »

sierra's post is so true
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Post by Memphis »

Mila u forget to save the .5 sec ahead of zwegs rec off start? if so how'd u know it was .5 ahead of his start?
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Post by milagros »

Memphis wrote:Mila u forget to save the .5 sec ahead of zwegs rec off start? if so how'd u know it was .5 ahead of his start?
start = first 50 secs
no i didn't forget to save, I have loads of animal farm recs where i led zweq (so didn't save all of them)
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Post by milagros »

btw. ikop once spread his 1.19 without long jump, check that, that's even faster
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Post by berhabdul »

mila write some extended story about your TURNAROUND wr, please please
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Post by milagros »

berhabdul wrote:mila write some extended story about your TURNAROUND wr, please please
i've seen you fucking some old sheep, I got max mood, started elma, and tried not to turnaround to see you anymore
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