see what i just did? its fucking annoying

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Joined: 15 Jun 2013, 22:00

see what i just did? its fucking annoying

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ban tijsjortis or howtefak you write his nick. ban everyone, shit

So the other day at work I saw some stuff sitting out. A yogurt and something wrapped in wax paper. I had seen it the day before and the day before that. I said to myself, Ick! It's been sitting there for days! I threw it out.

An hour or so later, the security guard asked me if I've seen her food. I realized that that was her food I had tossed -- maybe she just buys the same thing every day so it looks like it's been sitting there for days. I apologized and said I'd buy her new stuff. She said, No, I don't want it. It's okay.

The next day I bought her a water and she refused it. She was being kind of brusque about it and I just brushed it off. I tried to be pleasant but she wasn't talking so I let it go.

Today I come in, eyes swollen and red from sobbing all night last night, and that's another story why, and she says "I think what you did the other day was disgusting." I'm confused and she says, "To touch someone else's stuff like that? You should have asked!" I said, "I'm sorry, I tried to make it up to you." She said, "I just want my money." I apologized and she wasn't having it so now she's mad at me, steaming away like I murdered her mother, and it's all because I threw out some food I thought was sitting out on the counter. She won't accept my apology, and frankly at this point I don't want her to. To be that unneccesarily cruel over nothing indicates a freaky personality I really don't want to speak to. So now in the mornings when it's just me and her, it's going to be unpleasant but that's life.

Life is unpleasant.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2009, 03:47

Re: see what i just did? its fucking annoying

Post by hex »

and they say the world is your mirror.
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