#across quotes

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Post by Cloud »

[17:03:41] <Tisk> i bet the whole australia's internet is connected to the other world with some guy transferring 1.44MB diskettes on a rowing boat between usa and australia

Heah. :D
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Post by onlainari »

06:48:17 vn» HUSI
06:48:26 husi» vn
06:48:29 vn» how are u
06:48:31 husi» :)
06:48:37 husi» husi
06:48:40 husi» im husi
06:48:50 husi» why?
06:49:00 vn» hehe
06:49:09 husi» why?
06:49:12 vn» I asked "how" means like "how do you do
06:49:17 vn» not who :)
06:49:34 husi» oh
06:49:35 husi» :)
06:49:36 vn» I see you are husi :)
06:49:52 husi» im fine thank u, and u?
06:50:01 vn» i'm fine too :)
06:50:06 husi» :)
06:50:25 vn» good for us
06:50:45 husi» what?
06:50:52 vn» that we are fine
06:51:03 husi» ja

ppl don't understand me :\/
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Post by Jalli »

[20:31:19] *** kimitys sets mode: +o Jalli_WC4
[20:31:20] *** Karlis was kicked by Jalli_WC4 (Jalli_WC4)
[20:31:23] *** mallard sets mode: -o Jalli_WC4
[20:31:23] *** kimitys sets mode: -o Jalli_WC4
[20:32:28] *** Karlis has joined #across
[20:32:40] <Karlis> w00000t?!
[20:32:54] <Jalli_WC4> :)
[20:33:08] <Karlis> wtf how?
[20:33:51] <Napol[Q]> jalli playing with karlis
[20:34:02] <Karlis> show me log ok?
[20:34:33] <ZeiZei_EM> [21:31:31] *** ZeiZei_EM sets mode: +o Jalli_WC4
[20:34:45] <Jalli_WC4> :D
[20:34:48] <kimitys> Thu:21:35:09 * kimitys sets mode: +o Jalli_WC4
[20:34:48] <kimitys> Thu:21:35:11 * Karlis was kicked by Jalli_WC4 (Jalli_WC4)
[20:34:48] <kimitys> Thu:21:35:12 * mallard sets mode: -o Jalli_WC4
[20:34:48] <kimitys> Thu:21:35:12 * kimitys sets mode: -o Jalli_WC4
[20:35:31] <Karlis> !op
[20:35:33] *** Sandels sets mode: +o Karlis

Then me left :D:D:D:D
My kicks in total : 1
4th position in WC4 (DAMN YOU KARLIS!!!!) PWNED KARLIS IN WC5!!!!TT:39:2x:xx (you've got some playing to do Stini ;) ) When it's all over the question is not who was right. The question is who's left.
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Post by MP »

Really nice work Jalli, somebody had to show karlis
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Post by eyals »

Hi y'all, As a hebrew speaker i feel i have to translate for the non-hebrew speakers what was going on in this quote:

<jsim[EMA]> sure
<jazaky> pavement is awesome
<jazaky> shady lane is a wicked song
<jsim[EMA]> of course
<Epsilon_> {1}
<jsim[EMA]> ye cloud you gotta here shady lane
<jsim[EMA]> its like omg omg omg
<jsim[EMA]> the text
<ManaMan> {2}
<Epsilon_> {3}
<Epsilon_> {4}
<ManaMan> {5}
<Xupacabra> lolololol
<Nostrada> æøåæøåæøåæøåæøåæøåæøå
<jazaky> is cloud04 here?
<jsim[EMA]> na i think not
<Xupacabra> lllllllllloooooooooooollllll
<ManaMan> {6}
<jazaky> :(
<Epsilon_> nostrada is trying to speak hebrew?
<Xupacabra> naom and oren - if karlis waz here you'd DIE
<ManaMan> we know ?
<Epsilon_> but he isn't
<ManaMan> (upside down)
<Nostrada> i was showing off out 3 precious SCANDINAVIAN letters
<RiggerRDK> ??¥°??
<Nostrada> out=our
<jsim[EMA]> np T-rex
<jazaky> lol
<MagnusB> æøåæøåæøåæøåæøåæøåæø
<ManaMan> {7}
<jazaky> these are our 26 PRECIOUS english letters
<jazaky> a
<Xupacabra> {8}
<jazaky> b
<jazaky> v
<jazaky> defghijklmnopqrs
<RiggerRDK> æøåæøåæøåæøåæøåæøåæøå
<MagnusB> those are some mighty fine letters there
<jazaky> tuv
<jazaky> wxy
<jazaky> and the last
<RiggerRDK> not very hard to do :)
<jazaky> Z
<ManaMan> Karlis must be having teribble dreams with the mess going on here! :)
<Epsilon_> and these are our 22 hebrew letters!
<ManaMan> he feels it! i tell ya!
<Epsilon_> {9}
<Xupacabra> write something about
<MagnusB> omg
<Xupacabra> {10}
<Xupacabra> :DD
<Epsilon_> {11}
1 - You all are Nazi's son-of-a-b!tches, especially the oporators
2 - That's correct!
3 - Drunk Finish guys
4 - You cannot kick us out now, try to!
5 - C'mon let's mess up
6 - lol
7 - Nostrada is a cheater
8 - hehe
9 - (the hebrew abcd...)
10 - Abula
11 - who? the nazi?

Yup, now i feel much better, It's like i hate that i cannot read your finnish i am sure you hate that you can't read our hebrew...
Last edited by eyals on 28 Jan 2003, 16:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MagnusB »

I had to remove the quote, it messed up the page for everyone who doesn't have Hebrew characters installed.
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Post by eyals »

How about now?
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Post by ced »

[30-23:37.18] <devin> i was thinking
[30-23:37.20] <devin> i hate that
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Post by Vaitork »

<jsim[EMA]> me habla espanol muy buen
<Vaitork> no tanto :p
<jsim[EMA]> NOT
<Vaitork> "yo hablo español muy bien"
<devin> bien
<devin> yea
<devin> tu es tonto,,,,muy tonto hehe
<jsim[EMA]> hehe i suck
<MagnusB> must be annyoing when people from distant countries you've never heard of can speak your language
<devin> its not es
<Vaitork> not es, eres
<jsim[EMA]> i actually could see all my faults just after writing it
<devin> it is eres
<devin> yea
<devin> i was thinking
<devin> i hate that
<Abula> no sense to have GBR flag in left
<Vaitork> not that annoying
<jsim[EMA]> cumpleanos feliz, cumpleanos feliz!
<ced_> dos elados, porfavor :)
<Vaitork> annoying is when they talk like they actually know how to SPEAK the language :p
<Vaitork> helados
<Vaitork> ice creams
<jsim[EMA]> ok the most important sentence: una cerveza por favor
<devin> i only know a few phrases and basic things
<Vaitork> OOOOOOOOOOH YEAH!!! :D:D:D:D:D[/b]
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Post by Epsilon »

not coming to #across yourself but proud to quote some things your friend has seen...

Your'e afraid coming to #across too... how sad...

OK, be proud... do whatever you want...
but don't wonder why people hate you....
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Post by eyals »

Been to across from a friends computer, and i still think ICQ rulez, IRC sucks.
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Post by ced »

you two are ridiculous. pull yourself together, thanks

:) :) :)
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Post by MagnusB »

Please take this discussion somewhere or you'll be banned. Thank you.
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Post by Rigger »

eyals wrote:Been to across from a friends computer, and i still think ICQ rulez, IRC sucks.
Good luck making an elma-chatchannel over icq :lol:

aka: Rig, Riggy, Rigster, Rigg0r, DanShark, R0gst0r, Rocker and many many others
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Post by eyals »

I don't need elma channel kuz i get all what i need here at moposite. BTW you stiil have the active lists which are kinda channels but they suck too.
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Post by jcl »

[14:35:04] <skint0r> ZoRDiN you can show your russian skills in q1 against zyntifox
[14:35:16] * partybear (~elmaroxh@pD951E81C.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #across
[14:35:19] <partybear> bah
[14:35:22] <ZoRDiN> whom?
[14:35:50] <cheatash> ?
[14:35:52] <ZoRDiN> whos that?
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Post by Jalli »

[17:59:37] <Jalli_WC4> now me has started hoyling with new patch :D
[17:59:45] <ZeiZei_EM> new patch?
[17:59:48] <ZeiZei_EM> where to dl?
[17:59:50] <Totti\> yes
[17:59:53] <Totti\> elma 1.2
[18:00:00] <ZeiZei_EM> wheeeer?
[18:00:04] <Karlis> lauta
[18:00:07] <ZeiZei_EM> oki
[18:00:17] <ZeiZei_EM> brb
[18:00:19] *** ZeiZei_EM has quit IRC (omg, someone closed my mirc)
[18:00:30] <Jalli_WC4> I bet zeizei is gonna complain about grey screen ;P
[18:00:37] *** ZeiZei_EM has joined #across
[18:03:45] <ZeiZei_EM> me is da blind
[18:03:48] <ZeiZei_EM> can't find :p
[18:04:17] <skint0r> ZeiZei_EM new versions ;O
[18:07:23] <mengerle> ZeiZei_EM: grab files
[18:08:00] <ZeiZei_EM> found it already meng
[18:10:07] <ZeiZei_EM> wtf, gray screen :p
4th position in WC4 (DAMN YOU KARLIS!!!!) PWNED KARLIS IN WC5!!!!TT:39:2x:xx (you've got some playing to do Stini ;) ) When it's all over the question is not who was right. The question is who's left.
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Post by MagnusB »

[11:33:20] <MagnusB> hmm, what does that little "mtd" in the lower right corner of the moposite logo mean?
[11:33:40] <Myrdhel> marktraded?
[11:33:55] <darm> milk traders
[11:34:11] <MagnusB> made to break?
[11:34:30] <CONeill> my tiny dick
[11:34:35] <Myrdhel> mick's tea breakfast
[11:34:37] <darm> =]]
[11:34:56] <darm> morons treat dumbs
[11:35:05] <Myrdhel> mick's tiny brain!
[11:35:11] <MagnusB> :DD
[11:35:22] <darm> mick is tiny ok!
[11:35:42] <CONeill> yea, tiny tag time!
[11:35:43] <CONeill> :P
[11:35:45] <darm> but he rulzeeeee!!
[11:35:47] <darm> =]]]]]]]

Maybe not that funny, I just wanted to resurrect this thread.
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Post by Juish »

<vn> I didn't have balls for big tricks
<Juish> oh
<vn> cuz I have brains
<Juish> ci
<Juish> ic
<skint0r> you don't seem to use it much :P
<Juish> lololololol
<vn> learning some of those tricks they make u need to be a wacko to start practicing even them
<Juish> OMG u just got masacred
<vn> cuz bailing some of that shit gets u perm injury
<Juish> skint just rocked you

this was so funny when it happened u had to be there
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Post by DCEM »

Another boring day, eh ?

[18:38] <FatherGod> -->
[18:39] <TomCatTEA> -->
[18:40] <darm> -->
[18:40] <darm> ------>
[18:40] <darm> damn
[18:40] <darm> ------->
[18:40] <\DC\EM> <-
[18:40] <darm> thats better
[18:40] <\DC\EM> yep =)
[18:41] <MagnusB> <-->
[18:41] <darm> magnus the clever
[18:41] <MagnusB> beat that!
[18:41] <darm> =]
[18:41] <\DC\EM> not that good, eh? to much details, MagnusB =)
[18:41] <darm> <<-0->>
[18:41] <\DC\EM> <>
[18:41] <darm> 8<<-0->>8
[18:41] <darm> -8<<-0->>+8
[18:41] <\DC\EM> -><-
[18:41] <darm> thats 100% true :P

well...it was funny when it happened :P
It's not the right time to be sober, 'cause now the idiots are taking over. EM rox.
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Post by m0nkeii »

i was being a n00b :)

<m0n00b> how do i get a wr?
<m0n00b> how do i make grass in the editor?
<Nostrada> by askind dmd to take one for u

<m0n00b> how do i merge some states?
<m0n00b> what folder do i put levels in?
<Nostrada> u can't make grass in editor, as elma is a non-narcotic game
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Post by MagnusB »

Lots of people come to #battle and think that it's something completely different. This one was pretty sick.

[23:17:20] * BobuBob has joined #battle
[23:17:31] <BobuBob> lets battle
[23:19:08] <Mike2X4B> ok
[23:19:10] <Mike2X4B> get a level
[23:19:24] <BobuBob> what level
[23:20:57] <BobuBob> ok i'll take level 4
[23:23:47] <Mike2X4B> level 4?
[23:23:53] <Mike2X4B> like internal lv4?
[23:24:02] <Mike2X4B> why not download something fromm the net and battle on that
[23:24:31] <BobuBob> hahha i thought here are freestyle rap battles
[23:24:32] <BobuBob> hahaha
[23:24:35] * BobuBob has left #battle (BobuBob)
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Post by Chris Penrose »

[18:36] <TomCatTEA> pizza rox!
[18:36] <Hazding> snöbollskrieg r0x
[18:36] <ChrisP> apples rox
[18:36] <TomCatTEA> :)
[18:37] <TomCatTEA> elma rox :)
[18:37] <TomCatTEA> and so on :)
[18:37] <ChrisP> rocks rox
[18:37] <Hazding> rox rocks
[18:37] <ChrisP> rox
[18:37] <eppeJ|afk> rox rox ?
[18:37] <Hazding> rocks rocks
[18:37] <ChrisP> socks
[18:37] <Dred_furs> elma r0x0r!
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Post by Vaitork »

Hey, what about SoC quotes? it would be really nice to have those lines around :lol: (Homework for loggers)

i suggest a new topic for that :wink:
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Post by Kopaka »

isn't SoC a team or what ?
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Post by J-sim »

Vaitork wrote:Hey, what about SoC quotes? it would be really nice to have those lines around :lol: (Homework for loggers)

i suggest a new topic for that :wink:
he needs more than his own topic. im thinking a homepage as a tribute to him 8O

but i can put in a few lines (there are sooo many):
[15:24:24] <s0c> who i do ?

[15:03:36] <s0c> do lev done now
[15:09:24] <s0c> have u do a lev now ??


[18:45:18] <SoC-> yeah
[18:45:33] <SoC-> i promes
[18:45:39] <SoC-> promies

[18:43:58]*** SoC- has joined #battle
[18:44:45] <SoC-> any battle ???????????????
[18:44:46] <SoC-> any battle ???????????????
[18:46:31] <SoC-> anyone here whana battle
[18:46:39] <SoC-> www.moposite.com
[18:50:18] <SoC-> battle anyone ?

[18:11:31] <sny> soc, this is so lame
[18:11:37] <sny> you keep replaying that lev all the time
[18:12:02] <s0c> no i have delet de time i have so ban innan


there are lotsa better ones, i just dont bother looking in #across logs
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Post by Chris Penrose »

[18:29] <cyre> hii0s
[18:30] <cyre> chrisp, soc
[18:30] <Silli_> who do u now ?
[18:30] <Silli_> ?
[18:30] <ChrisP> yea cyre, who do u now?
[18:30] <ChrisP> whatever that means
[18:30] <Napol[Q]> lol
[18:30] <cyre> ye =)
[18:30] <Silli_> :)
[18:30] <Napol[Q]> soc lang
[18:30] <Silli_> cool
[18:30] <Silli_> =)
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Post by Chris Penrose »

s0c invented a new word... again.

[18:49] <Silli_> wtf do u say to me your mitch...
[18:49] <Napol[Q]> omg, is it soc getting coal now ?
[18:49] <Napol[Q]> :)
[18:50] <ChrisP> :)
[18:50] <Vaitork> yeah sox
[18:50] <Vaitork> i mean soc =)
[18:50] <Napol[Q]> omg, u meant sux
[18:50] <ChrisP> omg vaitork you mitch
[18:50] <Napol[Q]> woohoo
[18:50] <Silli_> Wtf
[18:50] <Vaitork> LOL
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Post by Chris Penrose »

[18:18] * Stini is doing French homework now... :( THEY SUCK ASS!
[18:18] <MopoGirl> hey stini.. arabic sucks more
[18:19] <RiggerRDK> stini ... contact hibernatus :)
[18:19] <Stini> !!!
[18:19] <Stini> Maybe I should
[18:19] <MopoGirl> yeah, contacting hibernatus, that's EASY
[18:19] <MopoGirl> just find some bored french person on icq or smth
[18:19] <ChrisP> "THEY SUCK ASS" << How does one find this out? :)
[18:20] <TomCatTEA> =))
[18:20] <MopoGirl> :P
[18:20] <Stini> You should study French Chris...
[18:20] <ChrisP> ye. their language
[18:20] <ChrisP> not their habits
[18:21] <RiggerRDK> LOL
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Post by devin »

after listening to SoC a little more i decided that he is indeed, an idiot..thats why i searched my logs for a few of his retarded quotes of his...

<SoC-> wtf
<SoC-> i dont do nothing
<SoC-> anything

<SoC-> shit in thes fuckinbg lev

<SoC-> di am crazzzy =)

<SoC> is it battle oN ?? (he says that every time!)

[10:08:44] <SoC-> i have 2 battle
[10:08:45] <SoC-> YEAH
[10:08:51] <SoC-> but take your first

[13:15:57] <SoC-> bether dhen my
[13:16:00] <SoC-> cos i havet play
[13:16:02] <SoC-> =(

Flat track i suck on thet dame lev i have 17.11 =)

<SoC_> who i do so i cant change tropic ??
<SoC_> i have op but i cant change tropic

<|zock|> i dont wrigt it

<|zock|> u can play i suck on do lev
<|zock|> i meen u suck to do lev
<|zock|> u can do i meen

[16:30:37] <SoC-> ¨sdjfhnklsdjfasdklnjfåklsdnmaökfljasdklfj¨sdaj fäsdjf

i am starting a .txt file of all the stupid things he has to say, so any others would be greatly appreciated... :wink: :wink:
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Post by m0nkeii »

devin, i love you
i don't think soc is an idiot, i just think he types too fast and presses enter before reading what retarded thing he is about to say

but it's still funny and i want to read that text file
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Post by MagnusB »

m0nkeii wrote:i don't think soc is an idiot, i just think he types too fast and presses enter before reading what retarded thing he is about to say
Nope, he really is an idiot. :lol:
Actually, I'm sure SoC is perfectly normal when he's talking instead of writing, he's just a very bad typist.

Have you seen this by the way?
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Post by devin »

:D magnus, i have seen that picture, just without the YEAH and battle on?
you might say he is not an idiot, but really he is.

i think the picture also had fixxxer in it too.
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Post by MagnusB »

Yeah. Fix was there, but he didn't look cool enough to make it to the final cut. :]
And as for Soc being an idiot or not, he might be and he might not be. I know lots of people who are fairly normal when they talk person to person, but sound like complete idiots when they talk over e.g IRC. :0
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Post by psy »

12:16:59 <SoC[Ec]> i play quick around fly over killer i have do it like 2 times but i am bad to come up after

<SoC> !!!
<SoC> :)
<SoC> u
<SoC> u can download a mive clip on your site when u syklar is it reylly u ????'
<SoC> u can download a mive clip on your site when u syklar is it reylly u ????'
<SoC> u can download a mive clip on your site when u syklar is it reylly u ????'
<Tor_IC> yes
<SoC> omg u die

<SoC-> =) i have 45 in tt now i gone set enigma soon very soon
<SoC-> and i have almost 44
<SoC-> oooooooo i whane join
<SoC-> hi
<SoC-> hi

<SoC-> have u wr but not mult
<SoC-> singel wr have u that ??
<SoC-> ?
<SoC-> whet
<SoC-> is deadles rec wr ??

12:17:37 <SoC[Ec]> have u a team?
12:17:50 <psykahvi> yes, .
12:18:17 <SoC[Ec]> what team?
12:18:20 <psykahvi> .
12:18:27 <SoC[Ec]> the name of team
12:18:28 <SoC[Ec]> =
12:18:30 <SoC[Ec]> ?
12:18:34 <psykahvi> the name of the team = .
12:18:38 <psykahvi> :)
12:19:12 <SoC[Ec]> :)
12:19:15 <SoC[Ec]> tell me

[17:05:05] <SoC> http://vk.mine.nu/vkprivupload/somiefcv/Sbat.lev (20min)
[17:05:09] <SoC> -----------------------start-----------------------------
[17:11:32] <SoC> dame
[17:11:35] <SoC> 26.xx
[17:12:55] <SoC> ¨23.58 YEAH
[17:13:32] <SoC> do anyone plaY ??
[17:16:32] <SoC> ----------------stop----------------------
[17:16:35] <SoC> to bad lev
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Post by MagnusB »

[19:15:01] <cyre> how many clouds does it take to screw a lightbulb?
[19:15:27] <cyre> -none.. with cloud's luck, the lightbulb screws itself
[19:15:37] <yoosef> lol
[19:15:45] <Cloud-> :P
[19:15:47] <Cloud-> heah
[19:15:48] <MagnusB> nice one
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Post by Dariuz »

[18:50:50] <SoC_> #battle anyone ??
[18:50:54] <SoC_> have anyoen a lev ??
[18:50:58] <SoC_> wait i hjave maby
[18:51:20] <Karlis> omg start writing properly soc or you know what happens

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Post by J-sim »

[23:20:41] <SoC_> ï have a new battle lev
[23:20:54] <SoC_> i do battle levs every day i like to do it =)
[23:20:56] <SoC_> funny
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Post by Totti »

[17:06:56] <SoC-> yeah
[17:09:09] <SoC-> i gone Ã…KA
[17:10:00] <Totti\> Ã…ka?
[17:10:04] <Totti\> dtrive?
[17:10:07] <Totti\> drive?
[17:10:11] <SoC-> yeah
[17:10:12] <SoC-> =)
[17:10:19] <Totti\> u have license?
[17:10:37] <SoC-> what ?
[17:10:48] <Totti\> drivers licence?
[17:10:58] <SoC-> i dont think so
[17:11:12] <Totti\> k

[17:30:27] <SoC[EC]> i dont go now
[17:36:00] <SoC[EC]> now i go CYA

[13:35:05] <SoC[Ec]> hi
[13:35:09] <SoC[Ec]> try this lev
[13:35:27] <SoC[Ec]> a hole
[13:35:30] <SoC[Ec]> i have do it
[13:35:31] <SoC[Ec]> :)
[13:35:34] <SoC[Ec]> try if u can
[13:35:50] <SoC[Ec]> i have a rec if u dontr beleav m
[13:35:53] <SoC[Ec]> ee
[13:42:10] <Totti\> hard lev
[13:42:12] <Totti\> send rec
[13:43:50] <SoC[Ec]> ok
[13:44:25] <SoC[Ec]> i promes no cheat
[13:44:36] <Totti\> i belive u
[13:44:38] <SoC[Ec]> i dont cheat if u tink that u see the time on map
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Post by J-sim »

[19:25:05] <|zock|> i have skateboarding the hole day
[19:25:08] <|zock|> i have skateboarding the hole day
[19:25:19] <jsim[EMA]> cool
[19:25:21] <jsim[EMA]> YEAH
[19:25:24] <|zock|> YEAH
[19:25:33] <|zock|> have u skateboarding any times ??

[19:27:26] <|zock|> do u now what olla is ?
[19:27:26] <|zock|> ?
[19:27:34] <|zock|> jump with the board
[19:27:48] <jsim[EMA]> is it the same as olly?
[19:28:48] <|zock|> yeah
[19:28:52] <|zock|> olly i meen =)
[19:29:03] <|zock|> i have olly a 7 stepps
[19:29:16] <jsim[EMA]> omg
[19:29:19] <|zock|> and my hart donk donk
[19:29:24] <|zock|> :)
[19:29:26] <|zock|> cool
[19:29:39] <jsim[EMA]> have you ever hurt yourself?
[19:30:06] <|zock|> yeah i have
[19:30:17] <|zock|> but not really i think

[15:22:12] <s0c> i have a lev but i dont now if it is a old battle =(
[15:24:06] <jsim[EMA]> upload and ill check if ive seen it before
[15:24:18] <s0c> k
[15:24:24] <s0c> who i do ??
[15:25:20] <s0c> the name is battle
[15:25:22] <s0c> on it
[15:25:48] <jsim[EMA]> huh just upload with vkprivupload thing
[15:26:01] <s0c> is used =(
[15:26:06] <s0c> like a battle dame
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Post by MagnusB »

That's funny. He spells 'hole' like 'whole' and 'whole' like 'hole'.
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Post by MagnusB »

[16:12:48] <SoC_> ja kom top 10 sparade inte den mogno SOC

SoC didn't save his Mopobattle rec because he didn't win.
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Post by devin »

Stikky was having trouble with a program for windows that is a child filter and he was trying to find out how to hack it...so jcl downloaded program too to see what it was all about...i even helped a little (swear words gets them kicked)

[23:34:43] <devin> i wanna test
[23:34:47] <devin> fu...
[23:34:48] <devin> ck
[23:34:49] <[jcl]> go on
[23:34:50] <devin> fuck
[23:34:51] * StikkyTNT has quit IRC (EOF From client)
[23:34:52] * [jcl] has quit IRC (EOF From client)
[23:34:54] <devin> lol fun
[23:34:56] * StikkyTNT has joined #across
[23:34:56] <skint0r> haeh
[23:34:59] * Inorix has joined #across
[23:35:01] <StikkyTNT> lol
[23:35:03] <devin> that was coal
[23:35:05] <Inorix> coal :)
[23:35:07] * Inorix is now known as [jcl]
[23:35:19] <StikkyTNT> 2 birds with 1 fuk
[23:35:23] <devin> lol

Well i thought that was funny... :D
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Post by Antz »

this is soc /msging me:

Apr 02
[20:48:12] <SoC_> ge mig op i battle
[21:08:21] <SoC_> op me on battle hx
[21:08:23] <SoC_> thx
[22:32:27] <SoC_> op me antz on battle
[22:32:28] <SoC_> plxx
[22:32:30] <SoC_> zz
[22:52:36] <SoC_> op

Apr 05
[12:32:24] <SoC> op me on battle thx
[14:05:57] <SoC> op me thx
[14:06:35] <SoC> on battle
[14:08:35] <SoC> op me on battle thx
[21:13:55] <SoC_> op on battle thx

Apr 06
[13:30:45] <SoC> op me on battle thx
[14:40:57] <SoC> op on battle ??
[14:42:31] <SoC> can i have op ??
[21:35:55] <SoC> op me on battle plz

Apr 07
[14:49:42] <SoC> op me on battle plzzz
[19:27:07] <SoC_> hi op me when u come back plzzz
[19:57:49] <SoC-> sorry if i ask hole time =(
[19:57:53] <SoC-> op me plzzz
[20:38:36] <SoC-> op thx
[20:38:38] <SoC-> ops
[20:38:40] <SoC-> op thzz
[20:38:48] <SoC-> on battle

Apr 08
[16:57:22] <SoC-> op
[17:02:39] <SoC-> op agine =)
[20:43:31] <SoC> thx when i come in in battle can u op me plzzz
[21:34:51] <SoC_> op
[21:39:58] <SoC_> i cant change op =(
[21:40:07] <antz[Q]> ?
[21:41:09] <SoC_> i cant change tropic =(
[21:43:02] <SoC_> who i do so i cant change tropic ??
[22:30:40] <SoC-> op now see igf i can change tropic
[22:53:43] <SoC-> ops
[22:53:45] <SoC-> ops

Apr 09
[19:45:50] <SoC_> op
[19:45:51] <SoC_> thx
[19:45:52] <SoC_> ops
[19:45:54] <SoC_> plzz
[19:46:11] <SoC_> op plzz
[19:49:13] <SoC_> damit i cant change tropic =(

(sorry not #across quote, just SoC quote)
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Post by chux »

Someone should make a 'SoC <-> English' dictionary :D
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Post by Antz »

i'm not sure if it's possible. we'd need some1 who understands both soc and english =/
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Post by J-sim »

I just have one line from #battle. But its so sweet that I had to post immediately.

[22:09:07] <SoC> ï die with the flower with 13.16 =(
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Post by Kopaka »

enough with SoC quotes ok !
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Post by dz »

Kopaka wrote:enough with SoC quotes ok !
plz no! theres never enough of soc quotes :D
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Post by Kopaka »

dz wrote:
Kopaka wrote:enough with SoC quotes ok !
plz no! theres never enough of soc quotes :D
but they're not funny... :cry2:
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