FEM 2014 planning

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FEM 2014 planning

Post by Spef »

We had a smaller meeting in Lohja at the end of last summer. The experiences from that one were very nice and since then our plan has been to arrange something great this summer. To make this true we need to know some things:

1) Who will be there? We need to know this to know how big cabin we should rent.

2) Where will it be arranged? FEM05 took place in central Finland, but perhaps this time people would like it to be closer to Helsinki?

3) When? June, July and August I guess are the best choices (for one week?).

4) What should it be like? Should it be quite formal and include stuff like 24hTT battle and other kinds of irl battles? Should it be more casual and not based on elma so much? Does it matter if things go wild? Some people might not be comfortable with heavy use of intoxicants by others, so we need guidelines for this kind of behaviour. There might be underage people as well.

5) How much are you willing to pay? The more participants we get, the less everyone pays! A rough estimate for a decent cabin would be 50€/person/week.

6) Who will arrange it? Yes, we don’t know this yet. Especially if this is going to be something really big at least I am not eager to be the (only) arranger (the guy who rents the cabin and so on). If nobody steps up, there will be a meet in that case arranged by me and Lousku and nom etc, but might be smaller.We can serve as assistant arrangers though.

Now, please discuss (it would be nice if you could give clear terms for your attendance (i.e., terms for the place and time etc)).
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Lousku »

Yes, let's mayke it happen. I'm in. Details don't matter much to me. Something like 50e is very reasonable.

Everyone interested should speak up as soon as possible so there is a bigger selection of cabins to rent.
then again i don't know anything
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Hosp »

I'm in, can probably any time during summer and if something would interfere I go anyways.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by analcactus »

August is the best time for me but I'll be able to go off the work for a week almost at any time
I can haz like 700-1.2k euros overall, donno what to do in finland - i want surstromming and lutefisk
I won't participate in any battles but will be glad to spy while drinking and maybe lsd? :(
If you're ok with me, ofc

UPD i can sleep anywhere if i'm drunk; i would like to have a chance to go to some party\rave with you all
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by 8-ball »

I'm in if it's not July 18-20 and if by chance someone drives thru Latvia and could pick me up that would be great too! South Finland would obviously be best for me, then I could easily make do with public transportation too.

I'm not too interested in the "usual" Elma meeting activities, just wanna hang with the guys really but of course will participate in some because hey, first Elma meeting!

Also I could probably bring WC6 diplomas in person to some as mailing them is taking forever because <excuses>
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by sleap »

I would definitly come (if i gots times/holidays that is. gonna know mid of this week hopefuly)

Always wanted to go to finland so Helsinki or sourroundings fine by me

The summer months sound liek best choice.

Personaly i would prefer a more casual attempt. Groups of kuskis would surely find each other that have motivation to do some bulle or organize little cup or whatever. mebe some fixed schedules would be cool. like make some fire and sing songs with guitar while holding hands or sash.
Any additional planings might just take the spontaneity out of teh meet. Wild? fuck yeah wild. I bring beer and some 80% inländer rum hahaha. wild. lousku and skint get ice tea if anyone else wants austrian icetea let me know. decided is lemon for now cuz lousk wants lemon; skint didnt reply. personaly i like peach more but whatever i wont drink it. ye intoxication in regard of others i dunno....i wanna get intoxicated. mebe not whole week but some days for suar.

my limit would be 150e for cabin for teh week. gotta get flight too.

if i could help in any way id be glad to do so. will spread the word to #ranks if you guys dont mind. quite some of them idle in across too or are well known in the scene if nat idle anymoar. if find enough mans from austria/swiss/germany i could try to arrange group travel with them mans. but we will see very fresh it all but i am stoked stoki stoked. bang. cool. i really hope this works out.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by veezay »

yes, me. i wish to be there. as for teh place, i just hope it's somewhere so that somebody can reasonably conveniently pick me up on the way there and back, as i don't have an car. cane pay my share of teh gas gak etc ofc. july/august for me would be best, depends a bit on teh weekend.

i'd love to bring computer so i could participate in some elma-related fak, but also do some other comp-stuff like i normally do. i don't have a laptop so that would mean taking my beisik desktop comp so i'd need some extra room in the ride over/back and in teh cabin.

cabin rent wise, i think 50€/person/week is really reasonable and i'm willing to go higher, but ofc this depends on the amount of pipel and teh cabin. fem05 place was quite spacious and mr (i believe?) brought extra tables for everybody and sach, kudos. might be an good idea to query if people are gonna bring laptops or desktop comps to see if extra table space is needed.
Does it matter if things go wild?
no worries, i'm quite tolerant and will bring a lot of condoms.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by 8-ball »

I propose everyone who would like to attend put in the dates they are NOT able to go in this sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by roope »

I'm ofc in unless I get a summer job (which isn't looking too good). Would love to bring a laptop to play elma/do other norm stuff but I don't have one, dunno if orka take whole desktop with me. Intoxicants are fine by me as long as the event is peaceful and everyone is comfortable enough.

Also, max cool that already lots of mans outside of Finland are planning to participate!
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by J-sim »

i'm interested aswell. and will try to fill out that spreadsheet as best as posible.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Orcc »

Yesh surely interested. I wouldn't be staying the whole week, but a weekend visit sounds pasibel.

24/7 elma is probably a thing from the past, but casual balles and competitions (beer battle!) are must-have. I guess many people have laptops nowadays, so transporting them shouldn't be a problem either.

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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Igge »

Sounds really fun! Dunno if for an entire week though, but 3-4 days maybe? Kinda boils down to getting time off work, and since its in the summer many others are gone too. Need a date asap kinda to be able to ask for time off.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by nick-o-matic »

This cabin looks like very very very good. Only slightly expensive but very good prize-to-qualiity-ratio. The options are in practice now:

Code: Select all

1) 19.7.-26.7. 2465,00€ (2176,00€+20€+269€)
2) 26.7.- 2.8. 2465,00€ (same)
3)  2.8.- 9.8. 2465,00€ (same)
4a) 9.8.-16.8. 2465,00€ (same)
4b) 9.8.-17.8. 2775.86€ (2486.86€+20€+269€)
4c) 9.8.-18.8. 3086.71€ (2797.71€+20€+269€)
Personally I'd go for 2) or 4c). 4c) would allow 1.5 weekends allowing more weekend mans to come and pay.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Orcc »

I have to admit I think that's too expensive, it's like four times the cost of FEM05 cottage. Also it wouldn't be fair for the people who only come for a weekend to pay the same price as for those who are there the whole week (not that anyone said this would happen). Anyway there won't be 50 people to split the rent with.

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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Tisk »

Hi, I want to participate. I added inconvenient dates in xarthox's spreadsheet. I Live in Helsinki so near Helsinki would be nice location.

I think it should include loads of elma playing. 24htt maybe a bit too much, but definetly 1htt, beer battle and normal battles.

The biggest question is arranging. The reason big elma meetings have not been arranged last few years is no one has been willing to arrange them.

If meeting goes on for a week, it would be nice to have a whole weekend so people who have to work can come. FEM02, 03, 04 were thursday-sunday and FEM05 was saturday-saturday i think.

I think the cabins nick-o-matic recommended seem too nice, big and expensive (unless 20 ppl are actually going to participate).
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Tisk »

Also, be sure to check out stuff from old meetings: http://old.moposite.com/meetings/
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Abula »

I'm also interested in an (extended) weekend visit. I'm living in Helsinki too.

In past years the most problematic issues were getting enough tables, chairs and extra fridges.

Beer battle has been the funniest contest.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by nick-o-matic »

Yes, it is expensive. But the location is like the best possible (very close to Lahti which is one of the most accessible places in Fin) meaning that people will save in travel expenses on average. Besides there actually might be 50 mans visiting in total (15-20 for whole time + others for weekend etc). But of course other cottage suggestions are also welcomed.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by ville_j »

I also think it is too expensive, I doubt we can get that many people there that it would get cheap enough. I would really prefer something closer to 50e than 200e, my traveling costs will already be over 100e. It does not need to be such a neat place, but ofc anything is oke if the costs get low enough.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Spef »

I think that place would be about 100e for those who stay the whole week, which I would be fine with. If we want a cheaper place then it's gonna be in worse location, such as this: http://www.lomarengas.fi/mokit/karvia-raiso-11204?pn=2 Very nice everything except location, but if it's not a problem then good. People coming with train would get picked up by volunteers who come by car(maybe o,o). For example thursday-thursday 24th-31st july would be 1490e.

Edit: Ok stupid site doesn't count loppusiivous/end cleaning to the price, would be +250e so 1740e
[10:47:49] (Hosp) tol thinks that all there is in life is a gf, status, money blabl
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Luther »

I will come and I've already talked with ramone - who if get the time off work, will come too =)
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by 8-ball »

Since I would already dish out quite a bit just to get to Finland, I too would prefer something much cheaper :X
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Spef »

http://www.lomarengas.fi/mokit/sastamal ... tila-11466

190km from Helsinki ~2h car drive, 900e for a week EDIT: if rent for a week it's sat-sat, so 9 days would be 1144e, that's sat-mon so would include a full weekend. (+120e cleaning, optional, can clean self)
It has 10 beds.

If this doesn't work then I guess we would have to look to rent some place for just a weekend, but I know many would like the whole week.
[10:47:49] (Hosp) tol thinks that all there is in life is a gf, status, money blabl
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Lousku »

Some options:
http://www.lomarengas.fi/mokit/savonlin ... irtti-5291 imo best but not much room in calendar (july completely reserved)
http://www.lomarengas.fi/mokit/mikkeli- ... allio-8311
http://www.lomarengas.fi/mokit/virrat-r ... ituri-8747

Spef's Sastamala option looks to be teh best.

I also thought we could rent much cheaper in Estonia (very cheap ferry from Helsinki), but it's no good for those who will stay only for a weekend.
then again i don't know anything
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by A.K.B. »

I have friend coming to Finland, maybe I get him to play for me?
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by sleap »

Spef's looks very nice indeed.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Hosp »

Sastamala looks good but 80m to neighbour maybe not so max.
Also I heard there were some sauna issues.
But looks like best choice still.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by nick-o-matic »

At the moment renting the Sastamala cabin for 15.8.-25.8 (from Friday to Monday 10 days after, so that we would get two weekends) for a total cost of 1012.29€ seems to be the most probable. Some reasonings behind this:

-So far everyone would be able to participate (except possibly not Hosp). This seems to be the only time window that surely would not rule out anyone (July is not ok for Luther and the beginning of August not for Tisk, for example).
-Cost is like nearly free (to the 1012.29€ we will maybe have to add end cleaning, extra sauna costs (there is electric sauna for free but wood and smoke saunas do cost) and extra sleeping space (in extra sauna)).
-Two weekends to increase probability of everyone willing to be able to participate.
-Location acceptable.

Anyone has better idea or objections or do we book this?
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Spef »

Needed to decide some prices for getting approximately the total sum. If we get more money than needed with these prices then you will either get the extra money back or it will be used for foods and other necessities. And if we don't get enough you may have to pay a little more.

Here will add names to the lists and change them as we get more confirmations. This is for the Sastamala place for 15th-25th of August. Please let us know here if your name is not in the list below, or if it is but in the wrong place.

8-11 days stay: 60e (more or less likely for this: Spef, nick-o-matic, lousku, jon, Hosp, Luther, veezay, adi, roope, sleap, xarthox, villej, Markku, Tisk) Total so far: 840e

One weekend/similar length of stay: 25e (orcc, Talli) Total so far: 50e

Possible also to stay other periods of time. Here is a suggestion, feel free to suggest otherwise:
amount of nights/amount of euros
0 10€
1 18€
2 25€ (weekend)
3 30€
4 35€
5 45€
6 50€
7 55€
8+ 60€

Total total: 890e
Still need atleast: 230e including the end cleaning, (+ about 200e for extra sauna if we choose to buy it(has 2 beds also))

So now we need to get everyone's names for this to see how much money will be paid in total.

Another thing is we haven't exactly decided who will collect the money and rent the place. If nobody else (trustworthy o,o) is volunteering for this then Nom will be forced to do it, slightly against his will(.
[10:47:49] (Hosp) tol thinks that all there is in life is a gf, status, money blabl
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Bludek »

I am so f-ing jelly. So many cool ppl in one place.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by J-sim »

so how difficult/expensive is it to get there from helsinki airport?
would be smart to go in groups of course, but could prove to not really be posible if you're coming for a different period than others.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Tisk »

From Helsinki airport local bus to train station and train to Tampere (trains go once an hour). From Tampere it's 50 km to cabin, there are a few trains a day from Tampere to Vammala which is like 10 km from cabin. These would cost like 100 eur total. If you buy train tickets 2 months in advance and/or on an inconvinient time of day maybe closer to like 50 eur.

Another way would be to take intercity bus from airport to Huittinen (transfer in espoo), 40 km from cabin, like 70 eur.

If you come by airplane, can maybe also fly to Tampere airport (also like 50 km from cabin). Propably with a transfer in Helsinki or Stockholm. There are also some straight flight to Tampere from a few european cities with Ryanair.

A convinient way of course is to get a ride from Helsinki airport from someone who is driving straight to cabin from Helsinki.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Zero »

I don't promise anything yet but i might come to the meeting after all but only for a weekend. (22.-24. august)
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by nick-o-matic »

J-sim wrote:so how difficult/expensive is it to get there from helsinki airport?
would be smart to go in groups of course, but could prove to not really be posible if you're coming for a different period than others.
As Tisk said it's also possible to fly to Tampere (and Turku too), the prices seem to be 165-166€ at lowest (round-trip):

Code: Select all


And to Helsinki it costs 82€ at the lowest:

Code: Select all

Busses are in general cheaper than trains in Finland and you can search busses here:
Trains you can search here:

It seems to cost 40€ directly from Helsinki-Vantaa airport to Vammala with bus meaning 80€ in total, so seems to be cheapest to go straight to Helsinki and from there to Vammala with bus (82€+82€=162€, which is round-trip). And of course with the Helsinki plan you will have a good chance to find someone to give you a lift as Tisk said.

And if soon somebody else doesnt want to become the money representative who reserves the cabin etc I guess I'll book the cabin soon before someone else.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by jblaze »

pretty interested in coming for a few days, not sure but i guess 4-5? almost sure ill be there if i grab some other polish nab with me.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by J-sim »

thanks for replys. it doesn't sound as tough as i thought it might be. so hard to judge what is far from civilization when looking on a map of finland he he.
i'm not quite sure yet if i can come. i need to get some other summer plans sorted first.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Orcc »

Vaasa also has an airport, I'll be driving from there. It's just that plane tickets will probably be expensive and hard to find, because the airport is very small.

Also I'm not sure about my travelling date yet, probably I'm aiming for the first weekend when people are still fresh for some drinking ¨=) But it cane change if some other summer plans take over.

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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Kortsu »

I'll come. Also chip in towards extra sauna, or is it needed?
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Ramone »

As things are working out I am 99% sure I cant go. Would be awesome though. I have no computer and Im so broke. Just got an awesome job but its only 75% and I dont think I can get time off.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by pawq »

Just found the tropic, nice!! Is this thing still going to happen? I'm likely going to visit Finland at some point this summer... :0
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by roope »

Yes, is very happening. Cabin is reserved and people paying their parts of the costs already. Come to #fem2014 in irc to chat more o,o
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by pawq »

I probably wouldn't know if I could come until almost last minute. Plus I don't really have much time nowadays (like none...). But I'll keep this thing in mind, that's for sure! Would be awesome :)
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by sleap »

Time is no longer an issue for me. All that needs clearance is moneys and way to get there. HaraldH will visit vienna somewhere in july. He is on a bike tour through europe. With a bit of luck and turboboost he might make it too.

Cabin is reserved ;o thats some concrete shit. Will seek ze topic.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by 8-ball »

If someone by chance drives thru Latvia with a free seat, I'd be glad to jump in and chip in for gas o,o
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by sleap »

pardon me for being a total fuckbrain but i cant impsy never find that other FEM topic.
Someone paste it, pretty ploxiplix.
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Lousku »

then again i don't know anything
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by sleap »

Thanks Lousku :*
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by dz »

I'm in for a weekend at least. Nice to see some fellow addicts, no matter how young and how old!
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by 8-ball »

More sheets added to the Google Docs workbook:

Schedule - for planning official or less official events and activities over the 10 days, also brainstorming of ideas
Finances - for tracking the money paid by attendees vs money needed to cover rent etc.
Carpooling - for arranging sharing of car rides for cheaper travel
Equipment - to figure out what stuff we need and who brings what

Everyone attending: please type in your arrival and departure into appropriate day slot, so we can best schedule big events

Also come to #fem2014 if you haven't already.

To partly cover my own travel expenses I will bring a significant amount of cheap booze and cigarettes with me to exchange for a negotiable few percent under local prices, so let me know if you have any specific requests and I'll see if I can find them. This arrangement saves me AND you money!
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Re: FEM 2014 planning

Post by Luther »

Incredible planning Xar :)
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