Golden Apple Awards 2014

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Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Grace »

Once again the time has rolled around to host the Golden Apple Awards.

Elmawiki GAA pages

The GAA period for any given year goes from January 1st to December 31st. Accordingly, for GAA14 the period from when to choose your nominees is: January 1st 2014 - December 31st 2014.

The jury this year consists of Haruhi, Bludek, Markku, bene, FinMan, and roope.


- Internalist
- Externalist
- Battler
- Breakthrough
- Designer
- Team
- WR
- Style
- Replay
- Level
- Art
- Contribution
- Achievement
- Juror's choice


In 2014 there has been a major overhaul of the categories. The new categories are Breakthrough and Juror's Choice as well as a change to the contribution category. Additionally, the Rookie, Site, Contest and Community awards have been removed for 2014.

Breakthrough: The Breakthrough is a new award, replacing the old "Rookie" category. The new category is awarded to a person who has made a big improvement, impact or comeback on any aspect of the game during the year. Candidates can be eligible for a breakthrough in any of 3 categories

1. Internals.
2. Externals and/or Battles.
3. Level Design.

The breakthrough award cannot be awarded to the same person multiple times for the same area of play. As this is the debut year for the breakthrough award, everybody is eligible to be nominated. When nominating a candidate you should note which category you are nominating them for.


Contribution: In 2014, the "Site", "Contest" and "Contribution" awards have been amalgamated into a single "Contribution" award. Nominees for this award will have made a significant contribution to the scene through various forms such as a major competitive event or cup, a useful and popular website or any other type of significant contribution.

The "Site" and "Contest" awards have been removed; having been merged with "Contribution". Any nominees for those awards should be nominated under the new "Contribution" award.


Juror's Choice: A unique new award for 2014, the Juror's choice is an entirely jury-decided award that can be given to any person(s) within the scene for any reason deemed appropriate. The community can freely nominate candidates for this category, however the category will not be voted for by the community in the third step of voting and nominees will be kept hidden until the final show.

In the WR category, both single and multi WRs are eligible. Note that WRs must be published in an official WR table to be eligible.
In the Replay categories, only replays that have been publically shared as actual .rec files will be eligible for this award. So even if your run is included in an Elma movie, it won't be eligible for the Replay award unless you have released the actual replay file.
In the Art category, any type of Elma-related art is eligible. This can include replay movies (such as EDQ, advertisement movies for cups, etc), real-life movies such as Elma Crime, images/artwork, music, and other types of art. Note that one kuski can only have one nomination spot
for each type of art, but you do not need to consider this when making suggestions.

Voting rules
See 'Instructions of the voting process' below. Be aware that you have to make some suggestions in the First Step in order to be able to vote later on.

To be announced, although it will be in early February.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Grace »

Instructions of the voting process

First step:
You can reply to this topic and tell your favourite candidates in the different categories. Please list clearly the category and then the suggestion(s). Note: You are not allowed to vote in the third step unless you give any suggestions (one is compulsory but more are recommended) in this step. Arguments are appreciated. Also, when it comes to categories such as Replay, Level, Style and Art, it would be of great help if you could provide attachments/links to the specific suggestions. Note that having posted suggestions in the GAA suggestions thread doesn't matter, you have to post in this topic!

Deadline: Thursday 8th January, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)

Second step:
The jury will choose ten candidates to each category. The jury members will choose the candidates according to their experience and knowledge (they will also be reading, and strongly taking into consideration, the community's suggestions).

Deadline: Thursday 8th January, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)

Third step
Now we have the top10 for each category available. Again the Elma community can vote. The criterias for being allowed to vote are: Well-known kuski (decided by the jury) and the kuski has posted some suggestions in the first step (so we see that he has been active during the whole process) OR you don't have to be well-known IF you posted a nice suggestion list with reasonable arguments. You don't have to vote in every category but if you do vote in some category you must pick your top5 and not just top1 or top3. So choose top5 or nothing, is the point.

Deadline: Sunday 22nd March, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)

Fourth step
The jury will collect the top5 for each category according absolutely to the community votes. The point system will be as follows: 5 points to every first position, 4 points to every second position etc.
This will be the top5 to be used in the final show.

Fifth step
Details regarding jury voting: The different jury members will vote over the different categories, and the community will also give 2 votes to the candidate who got most points in the third step, and 1 vote to the candidate who got the second-most points. The different jury members' votes will not be public. In the event of a tie, the candidate who got most points from the community in the third step will win. If there still is a tie, the one who got most 5 points will win, then 4 points etc. If the winner cannot be resolved by this, the jury will come together and discuss the matter to declare a winner.
However, IF the voter turnout in a category is 30 or more: The results are then calculated directly from the third step points. The jury members will participate in the third step as members of the community.

The final show is held on IRCnet, channel #gaa.

Date and time: To be decided, but most likely on the first weekend of February.
Last edited by Grace on 14 Mar 2015, 03:17, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by roope »

I truly hope that the WR table gets updated before the first step ends.

For the breakthrough award, think in a broad spectrum. You can nominate anyone from a normal new good rookie to an old player that has massively increased his level of play during the year, or a designer that has made meh levels before but really stepped up this year.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Orcc »

- Internalist

- Externalist
Zero for Kopasite höyläge, raping many packs with 1st positions this year:

- Battler
Zweq for winning half of the events in World Battle Cup, along with winning the whole cup
Runner-up Finman for eight podium positions and top 8 in every event

- Breakthrough
Chris for starting to make actually nice levs instead of boring flat tracks

- Designer

- Team
Has there been anything team-related the whole year?

- WR

- Style
Zweq's Zig-Zag styles with milatools

- Replay
Zweq's win rec of World Battle Cup's event 9 WBC09.lev

- Level

- Art
Jon's EOL+
Ville_J's julkalender
Zweq's theoretical replay

- Contribution
Nick-o-matic for organizing FEM14
nIN for Trek Tracks, along with other contests year after year

- Achievement
Lousku for being alive after being the stupidest assface ever
Juka for drinking at home on average six beers every single day

- Juror's choice
SveinR for lifelong GAA-duties

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Labs »


Ville's julkalendar

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Crazy »

Orcc wrote:I'll try to update this later, but just to get things started:

- Externalist
Zero for Kopasite höyläge, raping many packs with 1st positions this year:

This record is driven by Zero[KFS] for all I know! (Loads of these levels never got updated with my times, from what I remember, when Kopa started to host the Kinglist) but this is surely the wrong topic, sorry.

On topic:

-Art Zweq's theoretical replays on Youtube:
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Orcc »

That record indeed seems quite old, date saying it's from year 1969. However there are many records from this year, which can be seen with age being under 12 months.

Let's continue on tropic so jury has easier time browsing through these ->

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by niN »

I honestly dont remember anything from this year because I've been on the outskirts of elmalife all year. But I will say that I Think Bjenn and adi deserves attention for the Trek hoylage, and a Little extra attention to bjenn for making the trek tracks Movie which is really awesome!

Bjenn & adi for Trek Tracks.

FEM (nom?) I Think that elma meetings has a good Place in the future. I Think that when Kuskis to meet and discuss the motivation to play increases. - motivation to play is very needed for a lot of kuskis these Days.
Bjenn - - cowboys of trek tracks Movie. Movies are awesome! and a lot of kuskis love spending time watching great replays. When composed nicely with good Music and a nice flow, it's truly art!
Ramone and Zero for battle cup. Seems like more then just a cup, also an attempt to lively up the scene! cool work.

FEM (nom?) Great achievement to successfully gather some of the Worlds most famous kuskis, have them meet and arrange an awesome event for them!

Art by bene

TL! He has a very creative mind imo!
umiz - my teammate but that's not why I think he deserves this Award. He makes fucking great levels and have been for as long as I can remember!

I will edit this post and add more.
Last edited by niN on 12 Jan 2015, 16:49, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by ville_j »

- danielj, he seems to be a visionary designer, making a lot of levels and putting much effort into them. Also coming up with original ideas, good job.

- nom for arranging FEM14

Juror's Choice
- roope for stepping up and getting in GAA jury and also writing good stuff and being visible in lauta and irc

- Spef ruling the wr table
- Orcc for crushing me in my bday drunk battle
Last edited by ville_j on 21 Dec 2014, 17:57, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Chris »

Yeo Dani is the most creative designer these days and he starts a lot of battles too.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by ROKKEBOL »

- Internalist
talli, Kiiwi, finman, Spef

- Externalist
Hosp, Schumi, Zero, Max

- Battler
adi, talli, juka, roope, mikl

- Breakthrough
Ruben, Onizuka - good levels; also Chris improved his designing skills

- Designer
Danielj, TL, Mrrrrr, yoosef, Lousku, roope, Chris, ITHAL

- Team
MiE, dat

- WR

- Style
53x1693.rec, 54z10836.rec

- Replay
cvnt62.rec, 54z128.rec by ZWEQ

- Level

- Art
Zweq's theoretical replays on Youtube:

- Contribution
Duno, maybe mila tool

- Achievement

- Juror's choice
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Chris »

Hosp- Designer

For his nice ffs.

Juror's Choice: ville_j
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Hosp »

Internalist: Spef, Kazan

Externalist: Zero, FinMan

Battler: anpdad

Breakthrough: Lousku, become very good in short time

Designer: danielj, chris, b0ne, spef, zweq,

Team: WLA

WR: gonna wait until the wr table that never arrives arrives

Style: zweq int33 styles with milaSL (especially 52.31), anything zweq really

Replay: Zweq 52.31 int33 milasl

Level: no idea

Art: maybe the elma julkalender?

Contribution: nom making FEM14 happen, jon various projects like eol+, ville_j for websites, kopaka for everything, Markku for being awesome

Achievement: Bjenn for successfully quitting elma

Juror's choice: jonsykkel
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by BlaZtek »

- Internalist :
* Spef - He can take whatever WR he want's. After the latest WR update #377 he got 16! While Zweq and Kazan have 11 each.

- Externalist :
* Zero - Taking many 1'st places in pack's at Kopasite.

- Battler :
* YEAHS - He is not the most active, but he sure know how to win balles. Come's up with clever moves that make it a ez win for him.
* Zero - One of the greatest battlers. Comes up with crazy styles and his winrecs looks like hoyled for days.

- Breakthrough :
* FinMan - For joining the offical world record table. Amazing rides.
* Bene - For joining the offical world record table. Amazing hoyla.

- Designer :
* Umiz - Spend a lots of time and effort into his lev's. Creates uniqe figures, can call it art really.

- Team :
* dat

- WR :
* Record table #373 - Hangman 14.31 by Nekit

- Style : -

- Replay :
* - Winrec by Zero. Sickest onewheel ride I've seen in a battle!

- Level :
* - Lev made by Chris. It has a good look and it plays well.
* - Lev made by Bludek. It has sevral routes ad was great fun to play. Clean design.

- Art : -

- Contribution : -

- Achievement : Kazan - Making 38.4x in 1 hour tt battle.

- Juror's choice : -
Last edited by BlaZtek on 7 Jan 2015, 23:07, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by adi »

- Externalist
It would be nice to know, who have been active (and produced good results) this year. And anyway there wasn't any big contests this year, so my list will be poor.

Zero (fmpi times in kopasite)
Bjenn (trek cup hoyling)
romy4? (i saw some 0lp recs that were a lot better than average external records. Times made this year?)

- Battler
Zero, Kazan, Pab, talli, Zweq, anpdad, Luther, YEAHS, Markku, bamilan

- Breakthrough

- Designer

- Replay
Found 05 by Madness

- Level
Trek levs were great but too hard to pick any
Easiest to pick some well-made huge ff's (for example Tre100)

- Art
VilleJ: julkalendern
Koopa's compositions & paintings

- Contribution
nick-o-matic: arranging fem14

- Achievement
Kazan 38tt in 1htt battle
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by DR@CON »

Spef, Kazan, FinMan

Zero, romy4

Zero, Zweq, Luther

DanielJ, Ramone, Mawane, TL

WLA, MiE, dat


Zweq’s theoretical replays
VilleJ’s julkalender

Juror's choice
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by anpdad »

Zero, Zweq, Chris
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Mrrrr »

- Internalist = Spef
- Externalist = Zero, Markku, Spef
- Battler = Markku, Zero, Kazan
- Designer = danielj, umiz, bEAT
- Style = Zweq, Zero, YEAHS
- Level = J2QUIZ04 by Jappe2
- Rec = jblaze on iCB035.lev
- Art = PieZ28 lev by Zero
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by danitah »

- Internalist

- Externalist
zero (kopasite records)
adi (kopasite records, generally playing a lot of different levelpacks and stuff)

- Battler
zero, adi (These two have been playing and dominating the most I think)
talli, zweq, kazan, markku (talli most active player of these I guess, others having very good results when playing)

- Breakthrough

- Designer
ramone - continues to be very consistent with level quality
zero - a lot of high quality levs
umiz - not very active, but very high quality levs
lousku - i like his levelmaking style a lot, looking forward to his elma comeback
TL - Most active levelmaker, people often overlook his best levels because of his large number of levels I think.
kuchitsu - my favorite cruise FF maker. He haven't made that many of them lately, but his normal battles are very nice too.
(honorable mentions: roope, chris, yoosef, blaztek, hosp, koopa, many other)

(duno these categories)
- Team
- WR
- Style
- Replay
- Level
- Art
- Contribution
- Achievement
- Juror's choice
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Grace »

The Deadline for the first step has been extended by one week. The new deadline is Thursday 15th January, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)

Get a wriggle on with the suggestions guys, we're running pretty short on votes atm. Remember that you have to suggest to be eligible to vote in the third step.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by lompe »

- Internalist :
- spef, he good; alot of wrs etc...,,,

- Battler :
- zero, he winning battles; when nigga go battle, he win battle 8)

- Designer :
- danielj, he makes very good levs with many cool aboriginal ideas and all that. also 24h lev thing was very nice, all levs quality made (liek always). was cool he made such playable and kvaliti levs in such short time

- Team :
- Ferrari, team made'd very good levs this ear, especially good flats.

- Art :
- jonsykkel eol+
- ville_j julkalendern
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Lukazz »

- Internalist
Spef: obvious
bene: amazing hoyla

- Externalist
romy: 0lp hoyling

- Battler
Zweq: sick runs in World Battle Cup
Kazan: sick runs in World Battle Cup

- Breakthrough
dunno if it makes sense, but to me it felt like finman's and bene's skills really increased a lot the last year. they've been good players for a while, but finman's pipe and animal farm wrs as well as bene's all together internal awesomeness are just incredible.

- Designer
TL: his cup levs were really good, way better than the usual 5 min crap he puts
wazsi: all his battle levs are awesome, dunno why his name never appears in suggestions, probably because he's not the talky and "famous" guy

- Team
BAP all the way!
TAP if that's still a thing :lol:

- WR
Freefall 11:41 by bene

- Style
WBC109 win by zweq

- Replay
WBC109 win by zweq

- Level
WBC109 by ramone

- Art
ville_j julkalendern
zweq's theoretical replays vid
bene's freefall WR-history vid

- Contribution
Ramone and Zero for WBC, was sick fun for me
nom arranging FEM, also i wasn't there

- Achievement
Kazan 38tt in 1htt battle: dunno what could deserve this GAA more. imo this is one of the sickest achievments, if not the sickest, in elma history.

- Juror's choice
Kopaka for being Kopaka
Last edited by Lukazz on 5 Jan 2015, 11:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by magicman »

- Internalist

- Externalist

- Battler
Zero Winar alot of balles
Zweq Won Wcup Balle

- Breakthrough
Onizuka Good levels.

- Designer
AndrY001 A favourite, acrossish design and fun levs!
Zero Nice design and styles.
umiz Fun levels to play!

- Team
dat - eol
dat - moposite

SPEED - eol
SPEED - moposite

- WR
Pipe by Kazan, table #374

- Style
Zig Zag, Save&Load style by Zweq

Upside Down, Save&Load style by Zweq, different route

- Replay
WBC109 - Rec by Zweq

- Level

- Art
Onizuka - His shirt in belma. Big in Japan

Ville J For making: Julkalendern

Road to freefall world record by: Ben3eee

- Contribution
FEM14 Keeping the scene alive irl: nick-o-matic for arranging fem14

- Achievement
Kazan 38tt in 1htt battle

- Juror's choice
Team: CF || wc4 pos. 6th || tt: under 42 duno || Metallica... ImageImage
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by insane guy »

I don't know if I should be allowed to vote as I only rejoined elma scene in November 2014.


Battler: Zero is just sick
Contribution: Whoever is keeping eol server running...
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by gimp »

- Internalist
- Externalist
- Battler
- Breakthrough
- Designer
- Team
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Igge »

internalist bene, spef
breakthrough bene
style wheelpop int44 bene
replay 0pen0203 by zero
John: lol hittade ett popcorn i naveln
(19:52:06) (@Madnezz) The Golden Apple Award goes to.....
(19:52:36) (@Madnezz) ib9814.lev by igge!!!
Zweq wrote:99.9999% of nabs haven't even opened the book yet and most of those that have are still on the first pages
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Zero »

Kokso17 for being the first one to finish all Skype Chain levels
Rank #1 battler and the champion of BOSS cup :gaa:
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by hehe »







Freefall 11.41 by b0ne
Hangman 14.31 by Nekit

Zweqs Tag style (20.23)

Zweqs sled what the heck (37.01)

noms FEM14

b0ne for improving wrs in the worst int levels
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by infected »




bene, showing his true face in the internal scene


dat (becouse bene)


int44 wheel pop



Road to freefall world record - bene[dat]

bene stepping out of his shelter
geomatric hallucinations
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Bjenn »

- Internalist
- Externalist
- Battler
- Breakthrough
- Designer
- Team
- WR
Pipe (Kazan)
- Style
Pipe (Kazan)
- Replay
43sp5517 (He He by Spef)
- Level
- Art
- Contribution
Kopaka elma online site
- Achievement
Spef many many wrs
- Juror's choice
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Kopaka »

- Internalist

- Externalist
zweq (wbc)
finman (wbc)
kazan (wbc)
jblaze (wbc)
zero (kopasite)
adi (wbc, kopasite)
Orcc (kopasite)
danielj (kopasite)
pab (kopasite)

- Battler

- WR
Finman 1:09,86 in 31. Animal Farm #375

- Replay
Zero 1:15,59 in nin0187
Zero 18,51 in may12c

- Level

- Art
ville_j (Elasto Mania Julkalendern)
bene (

- Contribution
Smibu (elmanager work, elma 2 work)
Ramone (wbc)
Zero (wbc)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by danitah »

Forgot to mention Smibu earlier. He really deserves an award for his work on elmanager. He has been making nice additions and fixes throughout the whole year!
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Chris »

Oke a bit more:

-Internalist Spef
- Externalist Adi
- Battler Zero, Marku
- Breakthrough Finman
- Designer Hosp, Dani
- Art Ville_j Chirtsams stuff
- Contribution Kopaka
- Juror's choice Ville_J
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by zebra »

As I haven't been very active this year either, I don't have very many new suggestions. But I was at FEM2014 so my suggestions are a bit biased now:

- Internalist: Spef - seeing his wrs in FEM really convinced me
- Externalist: adi for winning FEM2014 official level pack
- Battler: Markku for winning FEM2014 battle cup
- Designer: Ramone and TL for keeping EOL battle queue full
- Replay: 0pen0203 by zero
- Art: Ville J's julkalender, Zweq's theoretical replays
- Contribution: nick-o-matic for arranging FEM2014
- Achievement: Haruhi for arranging GAA2014 already on January ;)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Lousku »

Hard to do this on phone but heer's a coupel of things.

bene - internal WR höyling
adi - TT and 1hTT improvement




nom - selflessly took responsibility for FEM cabin
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by nick-o-matic »

Some Koopa NESlev

Trek had some neat replays

No time for proper suggestion list this time.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by niN »

nick-o-matic wrote:Level:
Some Koopa NESlev

Trek had some neat replays

No time for proper suggestion list this time.
For the jury to judge the trek recs and levs, they can just sit down, relax and view this 40 minutes piece of work by Bjenn!

honourable mentions:

Bjenn's trek19 is a great style imo! noone else did it afaik.
adi's trek18 is ofc supercool rec!
Bjenn's trek27 is great style and fucking awesome rec =)

many more good styles. once again good job hoylers! imo they deserve a Little attention for their recs.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Grace »

Reminder: There are just over 3 days left for you to submit your nominations in the First Step. The deadline is Thursday 15th January, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by umiz »

- Internalist: Spef - simply amazing man
- Externalist: Markku, FinMan
- Battler: Luther (still got it and wins alot of my battles) Nekit (for Amazing hill skills) juka (drinks beer and play well)
- Designer: BlazTek, NiN, TL
- Level: nin-lev
- Replay: adis rec on my levels are always good
- Art: Ville J's julkalender, Zweq's theoretical replays
- Contribution: Kopaka, cause i love him.
- Achievement: Spefs wr development
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by 8-ball »

breakthrough: bene
contribution: nom (fem)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by jblaze »

- Internalist
Spev, jblaze (about 3 brand new prs that year)
- Externalist
Zero, jblaze (almost beat igge in ptl26)
- Battler
Markku, jblaze (100% wins in noturn crippled)
- Breakthrough
Kokso17, bamilan, bene, jblaze (came back with a huge sack of fresh skills)
- Designer
TL, danielj, jblaze (not a single lev made a kuski break his keyboard)
- Style
- Replay
- Level
- Contribution
- Achievement
Kezan with 38tt in 1htt
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Chris »

Oke maor list:

Internalists: Spef, Bene, Finman
Externailist: Adi, Lukazz, Zero
Battler: Zero, Markku, Adi, Lousku, BlaZteK, talli, bamilan
Breakthrough: Finman, Bene
Desinger: Hosp, Dani, TL
Art Ville_j Christmas stuff, Lousku pictire of Orcc flying to mars: )
Contribution Kopaka, Skint0r (for his bear counter)
Juror's choice Ville_J
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Kortsu »

Achievement: People höyling at FEM14
Art: FEM14 drawn chat logs
Contribution: 8-ball Jameson at FEM14
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by roope »

Nice suggestions Kortsu, especially contribution :D
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Grace »

First step deadline has passed. Second step results will be released upon completion.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Grace »

Third step of the voting process

Here follow the nominees made by the jury. They are in no particular order.

1. Spef
2. bene
3. FinMan
4. Kazan
5. Mielz
6. adi
7. Nekit
8. Lukazz
9. Bjenn
10. talli

1. adi
2. FinMan
3. Zero
4. Bjenn
5. Mats
6. romy4
7. Hosp
8. danielj
9. Zweq
10. Kazan

1. Zero
2. adi
3. Kazan
4. Zweq
5. anpdad
6. talli
7. Pab
8. bamilan
10. Luther

1. umiz
2. danielj
3. TL
4. Zero
5. Lousku
6. bEAT
7. waszi
8. Koopa
9. kuchitsu
10. Juish

1. Bene - Internals.
2. FinMan - Internals.
3. bamilan - Battles.
4. Hosp - Internals & Externals.
5. kuchitsu - Designing
6. Zero - Externals
7. iltsu - Battles
8. tram15 - Internals

1. MiE
2. dat
4. WLA

1. Table #372 - Slalom 38.55 by Kazan
2. Table #375 - Animal Farm 1.09.86 by FinMan
3. Table #377 - He He 55.17 by Spef
4. Table #378 - Freefall 11.41 by bene
5. Table #375 - Upside Down 56.46 by Spef
6. Table #373 - Hangman 14.31 by Nekit
7. Table #374 -- Pipe 30,29 by Kazan
8. Table #377 -- Steep Corner 42,20 by Kazan
9. Table #377 - Labyrinth 52,76 by Mielz
10. Table #377 - Ramp Frenzy 39.83 by Spef

This .zip file contains all of the files required for Style, Replay and Level categories.
1. Kazan's Pipe Style
2. bene's Freefall wheelpop start
3. Zweq's Zig-Zag styles.
4. 06z3087.rec
5. Zweq's WBC109 style
6. cvnt62 Style by Zweq
7. FinMan Trek08 Style

This .zip file contains all of the files required for Style, Replay and Level categories.
1. 31FM10986.rec
2. 43Sp5517.rec
4. WBC109 rec by Zweq
5. 22K3855.rec
6. Trek19
7. chainpi3adi.rec
8. 0pen0204 by zero
9. 14be1756.rec
10. 47mi1918FAIL.rec

This .zip file contains all of the files required for Style, Replay and Level categories.
1. Tre100.lev
2. SkypeC02.lev
3. WBC109.lev
4. PieZ23.lev
5. F14BC07.lev
6. balls848.lev
7. Two999.lev
8. DAFF104.lev
9. Trek59.lev
10. SkypeC03.lev

1. Ville_J's Julkalendern
2. bene's int44 video
3. Zweq's Theoretical Replays
4. Trek video by bjenn
5. DanielJ's 24h levpack video.
6. Eol+ by Jonsykkel
7. Great Sticks video by Mawane
8. Balazs Rozsa's Elasto Mania for iOS

1. FEM14 arranged by nom
2. World Battle Cup arranged by Ramone and Zero
3. Zweq and milagros for saveload info release
4. Trek contest by nIN, Rapptor and anhe88
5. Battle cup arranged by zebra during FEM14
6. TL for once again designing the most battle levels during the year, especially during non-peak times.
7. SveinR for arranging and hosting the GAA for many years.
8. 24 Hour Levelpack by Danielj
9. Kopaka for updating and maintaining the EOL website
10. Mopolauta for providing a place to bring people together for discussion

1. Kazan for achieving a 1 Hour TT of 38mins.
2. Spef for Internal Domination, taking 11 WRs.
3. Zweq for World Battle Cup win, winning half of the events along the way.
4. Zero for winning 1204 battles during the year.
5. adi for achieving a time more than 3 minutes faster than the second best driver in ChainPI3.lev
6. FinMan for taking his first and subsequent WRs
7. bene for taking his first and subsequent WRs


Voting instructions:
You must send your votes via use of the GAA voting website. After voting the website will give you a key, which you should PM to Haruhi before the deadline. The votes have to be given in ranked order, from 1st to 5th. Each 1st position will give 5 points, each 2nd position will give 4 points, etc. The jury will assemble these points when the voting process has ended. You can only vote and send a PM once. Do not make your votes public in this thread.
Remember that you don't have to vote in each and every category, but in the categories you do vote in, you have to pick your top 5. Your vote won't count otherwise.

In all categories: Only base your votes on what has happened in the GAA period.
Breakthrough: Vote for the player you believe has developed their skills the most in the given area.
WRs: See
Contribution: Contests, Cups and Sites are now listed here.

Deadline of sending in your votes: Sunday March 22nd 2015, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)
Note: The GAA14 period is from January 1st 2014 to December 31st 2014.
Last edited by Grace on 14 Mar 2015, 03:18, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Lousku »

Nice to have voting up in February! Good job, Haru & co.

Some missing links:
Elasto Mania for iOS

A major convenience would be links to level maps and recs in some recplayer (Max or vj?) so we could spy everything in browser. At least I don't have access to a computer atm, maybe someone else too (or maybe someone is too lazy to download them, and browser things would get them to spy and vote on those categories.)

edit: links to levels on eol site:
1. Tre100.lev
2. SkypeC02.lev
3. WBC109.lev
4. PieZ23.lev
5. F14BC07.lev
6. balls848.lev
7. Two999.lev
8. DAFF104.lev
9. Trek59.lev
10. SkypeC03.lev
then again i don't know anything
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Markku »

Please wait with sending your votes until we clarify the voting instructions. The convenient GAA voting site familiar to most of you will most likely be up shortly, instead of you having to compile your top5 lists manually.

The replay/level/style .rar above has a wrong Trek19 rec for the replay category. It should be Bjenn's Trek19bj2.rec (24:12) instead of his slower Trek19bj.rec. The fixed pack is up at

Edit: Link is now correct also in Haruhi's post above.
Haruhi wrote:Voting instructions:
You must send your votes by PM to Haruhi before the deadline.

Deadline of sending in your votes: Saturday March 14th 2015, 23:59 EET (GMT+2)
Note: The GAA14 period is from January 1st 2014 to December 31st 2014.
Last edited by Markku on 28 Feb 2015, 16:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by Grace »

Thanks for your work guys. Idk how i fucked up the Trek19 rec :DD

The Voting site is now ready Here! Please feel free to go ahead and vote now!
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2014

Post by niN »

Sorry if stupid question, but where can I find info on this:

"3. Zweq and milagros for saveload info release"

EDIT: And ofc nice nominations. Seems like good GAA show imo. If Trek tracks gets to top 5 I will invite rapptor and anhe88, they've been away from scene for more then 7 years now :o
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