Losing weight

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Losing weight

Post by ville_j »

Judging by the other topics of this forum I might be alone (with bludek?) in this, but has anyone else planned on losing some weight, or have you done it sometime in the past? Last year around this time I quit smoking and I found it a nice challenge and of course a move towards a healthier life, so for this year my goal is to lose some weight. My stats were 165cm/75kg (shorty fatty) and I actually have a nice start already; at the moment my weight is 69kg and I've been "dieting" for some six weeks now. However, my diet is not anything special or very strict, I haven't really changed my eating that much. Main changes that I have made are that I have cut down drinking beer and eating crisps. I stopped eating sugar already some three years ago so I can't cut there, but I have also somewhat reduced carbs even though I am not on a low-carb diet (for example I eat bread almost every day and today I made pancakes). I eat a lot of salad and vegetables (as I always have) but I also have started to look into ingredients I haven't really used earlier, such as beans and lentils. I don't use much fat or oils either (no butter on bread etc), only when I fry some chicken I might add some on the pan.

Basically my diet is only about counting the calories. The amounts might seem very low to some of you, but my daily intake is somewhere around 1000-1200 kcal. It's not really hard at all, as I said I am eating almost same stuff that I used to eat but just left the extra beers and crisps out. Which of course kinda raises a question why am I fat in the first place if I am used to eating like that, but I think the body won't work well if you eat 1000 kcal per day and then all of a sudden intake some 2000 kcal extra from beer and crisps, even if the total amount of calories during a week would not really get that big. There are a lot of opinions about this and some people claim it's just simple maths but I don't think it's completely true. This is an interesting topic and I would like to hear some of your input to this if you have some own experiences.

While this calorie thing is probably the most important aspect at the moment, I of course try to pay attention to the quality of the food and that I get enough protein and I am also eating some vitamins and fish oil (if I am not having fish for a lunch). Exercising does not play a big role (yet) as the hobbies I am the most enthusiastic about mostly happen indoors and I feel like I don't have enough time for them in the first place. But I don't own a car so I move by feet and bicycle (..and bus) and I occasionally do some muscle training with a kettlebell so that's something.

So, if you have any experience or comments on the topic or you are planning on losing some weight too, pls write!
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Bludek »

I am 190cm/91kg atm. It is almost oke, I should lose like 5 or max 10 kg. But the thing is, I am tall and I have bit of a double chin. Most of the people are shorter than me and see me from below, which multiplies the effect of double chin. So I decided I gotta do something 'bout it.

Like 9 months ago I decided I'll try consumming less calories. It actually helped quite a bit with the belly area, but it was a temporary effect. After like two weeks I felt very weak and that was a real problem, coz I was playing amateur football league every week. I am not exactly a sport-type kind of guy, but I was never avoiding it. Maybe I was doing the calorie income thing wrong, but eventually I returned to my eating habits after some time.

The thing is, I love food. Most people do, but if you'd give me a restaurant coupon as a gift, I'd be the happiest guy ever. I do not pig-out (overeat), but I love meat. And also pizza. And hamburgers. I at least started eating more vegetables and fruit, select my food properly and eat less junk food. That maybe helped a bit with how I feel, but not really with the weight.

Why I run? At the end of 2015 my ex-gf told me I do have a bit of a belly and I start to look a little fat. She wasn't mean or anything, she just told me her honest opinion. So I thought to myself: I can make her happier AND be healthier myself, if I lose some weight? That sounds like a thing I should do immediately! So when the temperature went above 0 Celsius, I started running. And it was one of the best decisions I've made, imo. I just needed that one little push from someone. I've tried going to gym in the past, but that really isn't my thing. It never lasted long.

On a side note: I bought L-carnitin in a liquid form like month ago. I've read some (read: many) things about it on interwebs and even though the results are not confirmed, many people suggest taking it 30 mins before physical activity and it should help you a bit with turning fat into energy. I am not sure about the effect, but at least it forces me to really get up from bed and go running after half an hour after drinking recommended dose (like 15ml). Maybe I started to sweat a bit more while running after drinking it, which is what should happen, afaik. Also it tastes really good, so I look forward to it :) btw, At first I thought I should take protein after running, but it is really the contrary. After running one should eat/drink a bit of "quick sugars", protein is when you wanna gain weight in muscles.

I still eat McD/KFC like once a week and when I don't have enough time (or when I feel like I don't wanna cook) I make myself a frozen pizza. But it was worse in the past.

Also I started to drink Monster energy drink recently, coz I need to be really focused when I write my master thesis (I should commit it in less than 3 weeks). It helps a lot more than !cofe. Also I fucking love the taste of it. Btw, that is another GREAT topic imo - energy drinks.

I think, if this running thing will last at least a year for me, I'll be ok. I've already lost like 2kg (after 8weeks) and my physical condition SERIOUSLY improved. I feel aready a bit addicted to it, which is great imo. Or at least it is one of the better addictions :) Having other people around who run as well helps a lot too.

GL ville_j! I hope you'll feel more fit soon :wink: Hopefully someone else will share their story too.

tl;dr - I love food, but running 3 times a week is great for losing weight, imo.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

ville_j wrote:There are a lot of opinions about this and some people claim it's just simple maths but I don't think it's completely true.
What else could it be? There are many supporters of diets like keto who claim that it's not about calories and that you can eat whatever you want, as long as you follow some rules. But in the end they're all just tricks that help you to eat less calories. I haven't seen a single scientific article that suggests it's anything else than CICO - calories in, calories out. Also there've been many individual experiments where people just restricted there calorie-intake and ate for example 1500kcal a day of McDonald's and they still lost the weight - needless to say it's not a very healthy way to lose weight.
Bludek wrote:At first I thought I should take protein after running, but it is really the contrary. After running one should eat/drink a bit of "quick sugars", protein is when you wanna gain weight in muscles.
If you're already in a calorie deficit, your macronutrient ratio doesn't matter, you'll lose weight in any case. This lost weight will most likely be partly muscle, partly fat and partly water. If you want to reduce muscle loss to a minimum, you should try to keep your protein intake high.

I started losing weight in january, when my BMI was above 25 (overweight) for the first time. I just ate less and recently I also started exercising 2-3 times a week. But I think the diet part is much more important than the exercise, because it's much easier to maintain a sufficient calorie deficit (500 kcal a day or more) by eating less. People who try to lose weight are most likely overweight and no athletes so it's very unrealistic to burn so many calories by exercising every day. Also I'm usually very hungry after a workout and often I'll eat all the burnt calories in addition to my usual meals.

Lost 8 kg so far, can't complain. :) My goal is another 5 kg, continue with working out and then gain back some kg, but from muscle this time.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by ville_j »

Lukazz wrote: What else could it be? There are many supporters of diets like keto who claim that it's not about calories and that you can eat whatever you want, as long as you follow some rules. But in the end they're all just tricks that help you to eat less calories. I haven't seen a single scientific article that suggests it's anything else than CICO - calories in, calories out. Also there've been many individual experiments where people just restricted there calorie-intake and ate for example 1500kcal a day of McDonald's and they still lost the weight - needless to say it's not a very healthy way to lose weight.
Sorry, I wasn't being clear in my post. What I meant was that while it is easy to measure your intake, it is not that easy to measure how much your body will consume. There are several factors (in addition to exercising) that affect how much calories your body will burn and it isn't just some simple constant number like 1800 kcal/day that you can find from google.

I will comment more later when I have time, I just had to quickly post this because I saw an error in my writing. Btw what's your height/weight lukazz?
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

ville_j wrote: Btw what's your height/weight lukazz?
It's 185/78 now.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Chris »

190/78 down from some 80 some 2 months ago

You can eat, but you need to exercise to burn fat. I do some stationary biking and kayaking (?) at home and some push ups. I also walk a bit. That way I hope gain some muscles and slim my little bear belly. In summer I home to do normal biking more. My weight won't go down in near term as I will gain some muscles, but I want to lose weight some 76 anyway. I also reduced my bearings, though during Easter I drunk some 20...
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

Chris wrote:and some push ups
Doing just push ups and nothing else won't help. Firstly, you'll get muscle imbalances if you just do the same exercise over and over. Secondly, to gain muscle, progression is very important. After some time you'll be able to do 20 push ups and more in one set, so you're just training for endurance and not for hypertrophy. Instead you should do harder exercises. 12 repetitions per set is generally said to be the maximum for hypertrophy, anything above is for endurance.
I recommend the r/bodyweightfitness routine if you don't wanna go to the gym and still do something for your body: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitn ... ed_routine
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Madness »

Lukazz wrote:
ville_j wrote: Btw what's your height/weight lukazz?
It's 185/78 now.
That's an ideal weight for your height, isn't it? I am 177/71 and my goal is to get my weight to 80.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

Yes it is, and I'm happy with my weight already! I just wanna change fat/muscle composition. I'm not that fixed on numbers, I was just unhappy with my appearance.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by 8-ball »

I'm 185/80 right now (mostly fat, very little muscle, can do 2 pullups) and just on Monday I started with my plan of doing StrongLifts 5x5 program combined with running 3 km (or going for 40 mins at local swimming pool) every day inbetween, with Sunday as rest day.

I have some decent gear at home (barbells, bar with various weight plates, bench) so no need for gym. I'm aiming for a 1000 calorie deficit a day for the moment, basically want to start with a fat cutting cycle as my muscle mass is very low to begin with, but once I'm back to about 70kg I wanna continue with a bulking cycle with a large calorie surplus to get larger muscle-wise, and maybe cut back with the cardio.

Every muscle in body is sore right now but mind is prepared to keep going :) Looking for more exercises to mix in with cardio and 5x5.

Using CRON-O-Meter to track cals. Using Endomondo app for my runs. Using StrongLifts 5x5 app to track lifting.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Chris »

Lukazz wrote:
Chris wrote:and some push ups
Doing just push ups and nothing else won't help. Firstly, you'll get muscle imbalances if you just do the same exercise over and over. Secondly, to gain muscle, progression is very important. After some time you'll be able to do 20 push ups and more in one set, so you're just training for endurance and not for hypertrophy. Instead you should do harder exercises. 12 repetitions per set is generally said to be the maximum for hypertrophy, anything above is for endurance.
I recommend the r/bodyweightfitness routine if you don't wanna go to the gym and still do something for your body: https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitn ... ed_routine
I said I do stationary biking and kayaking too. And I do increase my push ups numbers, the point is that I'm just trying to slim my bear belly a bit, not look like another Schwarzenegger. I could go with some diet, but that's not what I want. I also don't want to look like some loser without any muscles, but that's not priority.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by ville_j »

Nice that those weight gaining posts were moved to a separate thread, it's not very nice when fatties try to lose some weight in here by controlling their eating and then other mans come to tell how they can eat whatever they want and remain fit.

Being serious though, this week I did not lose any weight at all, still hanging there around 69 kg. I did eat one pizza during two days but my weekly calorie intake was still way lower than any calculator would recommend. But I will continue without pizzas now and eat foods that I have eaten so far and are effective.

This is nice situation now that bludek and balls are in it too and we all have somewhat different approach to this. I hope you keep on posting your achievements here too.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by 8-ball »

I think it's too early to tell a difference. I aim to lose 1kg/week and it's hard to tell a difference so early because of possible fluctuations via water weight and such. But I'm lifting more every workout session which feels nice and motivating. Hit 1k calorie deficit goal every day except one with 800 deficit. Also I have adjusted my plan to a strict Keto diet just for the cutting cycles. Will do higher carb intake for bulking probably, as most agree that produces better results. Would be cool to post here every Sunday with progress.

Looking for cool Keto recipes!
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Tigro »

ville_j wrote:Nice that those weight gaining posts were moved to a separate thread, it's not very nice when fatties try to lose some weight in here by controlling their eating and then other mans come to tell how they can eat whatever they want and remain fit.
Believe me, I am far from fit. It's the same struggle as losing weight. Maybe even harder, since everywere they make foods, devices, advices etc. on how to lose, but not on how to gain.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by 8-ball »

77.9 today, so lost 4kg in 2 weeks, while also getting stronger :)
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Re: Losing weight

Post by analcactus »

I can absolutely recommend you this book "4-hour body"; I tried to lose weight (was about 181/85kg) for a while but only using this book I could make it to 181/71 and then to 181/74 where I am at the moment very comfortable weight for me. There's no strict diet plan, just recommendations that WORK for me, I dont care about anything else tanks <3
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Re: Losing weight

Post by ville_j »

Last week was good and I am now down to 67 kg. Now for the first time I am actually starting to notice that I don't have that much fat in my body anymore. We discussed about this topic in irc a bit and balls thought I am kind of wasting time not doing more exercising yet, which is true because I would of course like to get more muscle. But I just can't force it at the moment, I am already so happy about the fact that this is actually working out, because earlier when I have thought about losing weight nothing really seemed to work and I was starting to think nothing ever will. Which leads me to a question.

How are things going with bludek? Any progress? Some three years ago I started running and much like you I liked it a lot (and greatly dislike gyms), but it really did not have the effect I wanted so I discontinued it after three months (I did it during the best summer months, then the fall came and weather got crappier and I just didn't have the motivation to do it anymore). If it works for you then that's of course great. I might start doing it too again now that the summer is coming, in addition to continuing with my current eating habits.

I dislike energy drinks very much, but yeah I did drink some of them too during my school years. As a general rule I would suggest trying to get rid of them, but of course if you like them so much I don't think it's necessary to stop. I have replaced my soda drinking completely with carbonated waters over the years and that contributes a lot to the overall sugar intake. It's quite annoying those 0.5l bottled carbonated waters can cost like twice as much as the cheapest energy drinks but luckily my economy can take it. And usually I just buy it in big bottles which then again are very cheap. But sugar would probably deserve yet another own topic so I leave it to this.

Oh, and yes analcactus! Using a book for this thing too is a great piece of advice. Some people can have so motivational way of writing that it can truly help.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Bludek »

That's great to hear, v_j! Keep up the good work )

I am quite stressed atm, still about master thesis and exams. I still run 2-3 times a week (it is good for cleaning your head as well), but I eat super irregularly, quite a bit of sugar and even junk food, coz time is just the most precious thing. I try to watch it, but it is hard. I even gained 1 kg back... But I will focus much more on it in near future again. Especially on eating habits.

At least I feel fit like never before. This weekend we had a futsal match and I was running back and forth and never felt breathless. So there's that...
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Thundr- »

I gain and lose about 10-15kg every year, goes up during winter and down during summer. Mostly cuz during summer I do all sorts of soccer, disc golf, running in the woods, and basically nothing during winter time :S
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Polarix »

Thundr- wrote:I gain and lose about 10-15kg every year, goes up during winter and down during summer. Mostly cuz during summer I do all sorts of soccer, disc golf, running in the woods, and basically nothing during winter time :S

Disc golf very funny. I've just spend some thousand kroner on equipment. I'm nab though.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by 8-ball »

A bit stuck between 77-78kg past week. Had a single cheat day at friend's birthday, cake looked too good :D But followed it with a longer fast and higher deficits. I've also started sticking to intermittent fasting - eating between 2pm and 10pm with nothing but water in the other 16 hours.

I've been getting the feeling I'm overtraining myself with running and squatting day after day with just 1 rest day a week. Knees hurt for quite long when running and hip flexors hurt when squatting. More stretching might help, dunno. I think overall it's all a bit much with the caloric deficit and all, so I might focus on running and do less lifting for the time being.
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Re: Losing weight

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Yesterday could not throw baseballs because of overtrain. Important to have rest days.
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Re: Losing weight

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Re: Losing weight

Post by 8-ball »

Ran 10k for the first time yesterday, 7 min/km, knees pretty busted today, should probably take a break from running and do more walking to first get the knees gradually used to these kinds of stress. Weight has stayed pretty constant over the past week.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Zweq »

ïm also gym yesterday 9km jog today and 5km walk and 5km roler skate but still ultra restless wana punch fists through walls and run inside room like they wroom motorbike inside those spheres

can someone pls switch of buton "torture zampe" kk thanks
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Re: Losing weight

Post by ile »

8-ball wrote:Ran 10k for the first time yesterday, 7 min/km, knees pretty busted today, should probably take a break from running and do more walking to first get the knees gradually used to these kinds of stress. Weight has stayed pretty constant over the past week.
If you're overweight, you might seriously damage your legs from running. Try cycling istead, it's not as high impact.
Btw I don't believe in calorie restricting, you'll most likely just end up binge eating on unhealthy foods because you're not getting enough energy. What's more important is where those calories come from
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

ile wrote:Btw I don't believe in calorie restricting, you'll most likely just end up binge eating on unhealthy foods because you're not getting enough energy. What's more important is where those calories come from
Scientific research suggests otherwise.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by ville_j »

ile wrote: Btw I don't believe in calorie restricting, you'll most likely just end up binge eating on unhealthy foods because you're not getting enough energy.
Well of course nothing is going to work if you don't stick to it. That's like saying low-carb diet won't work because you are likely to end up eating carbs anyways. But then again I do think that it makes a difference how consistently you eat and what you eat, but it's not black and white so that one thing will work and one thing won't.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by ile »

ville_j wrote: That's like saying low-carb diet won't work because you are likely to end up eating carbs anyways. But then again I do think that it makes a difference how consistently you eat and what you eat, but it's not black and white so that one thing will work and one thing won't.
What's up with this low-carb stuff? I pretty much live off carbs(fruit, rice, vegetables), and stay at around 61 kg no matter how much I eat. I don't do heavy exercise nor heavy weight lifting.
I really have a hard time believing someone got fat from eating bananas.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by ville_j »

I see you totally missed the point in my message. I was only criticising your reasoning because you said A doesn't work because you end up doing B. Which is paradoxal because then you are in fact saying it's B that does not work and you will never know if A is going to work because you are not doing it. Low-carb stuff was totally irrelevant in that message, it could be replaced with low-fat diet, I don't demonize carbs at all.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by ile »

I just think that it seems to be almost impossible to hold a calorie deficit long-term. (I'm talking years)
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

ile wrote:I just think that it seems to be almost impossible to hold a calorie deficit long-term. (I'm talking years)
Well, once you've lost the weight you wanted to lose you don't have to hold a calorie deficit anymore, so it's usually not necessary to hold one for years, unless you're really fucking overweight.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by 8-ball »

75.9 kg today :) Running less, lifting more. Seems to be easier on the knees.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

8-ball wrote:75.9 kg today :) Running less, lifting more. Seems to be easier on the knees.
Had pretty much the same number on my scale yesterday. I'm gonna join the gym on sunday.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by 8-ball »

Increasing my daily fast to 20 hours, 4 hour feeding window seems enough.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Madness »

This is not healthy. Why not eat regularly and smaller portions?
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Re: Losing weight

Post by 8-ball »

Wanna back that statement up? Intermittent fasting has numerous health benefits. Here's a start: https://authoritynutrition.com/10-healt ... t-fasting/

8 hour feeding window is the most common one but a shorter one seems to be even better for cutting, without any serious, proven drawbacks as far as I know but do correct me if I'm wrong. It's not easy to stick to at first but I'm feeling great and love the results as well.

I will continue it into the bulking cycle as well, as it has clear benefits for lifting as well. Here's a good resource: http://www.leangains.com/
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Ruben »

8-ball wrote:Wanna back that statement up? Intermittent fasting has numerous health benefits. Here's a start: https://authoritynutrition.com/10-healt ... t-fasting/

8 hour feeding window is the most common one but a shorter one seems to be even better for cutting, without any serious, proven drawbacks as far as I know but do correct me if I'm wrong. It's not easy to stick to at first but I'm feeling great and love the results as well.

I will continue it into the bulking cycle as well, as it has clear benefits for lifting as well. Here's a good resource: http://www.leangains.com/
Apparantly it's not very good for the digestion. And by that I mean my brother ate this way for a long while, and now he has irreversable damage to his stomach as a result. In order to stay healthy he has to eat every couple of hours, all day every day.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by 8-ball »

Anything other than anecdotal evidence?
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Madness »

Nah, I don't have any evidence. It's just my common sense that tells me it's not right not to eat anything for 20 hours on a regular basis. Sounds like a bit of torture for the stomach. But I might be wrong, so do what you think is good for you.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by kuchitsu »

Sounds like something to at least consult your doctor about.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Bjenn »

What I heard it's important to eat at least three meals a day on a regular basis, if you want to lose weight you can just eat less.
And especially if you are doing workouts it's important to fill the body up with energy.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

This is all nonsense. "I heard", "it's common sense", "my brother got sick". Like 8-ball said, that's (at best) anecdotal evidence.
These are the scientific facts: https://authoritynutrition.com/10-healt ... t-fasting/ (sources provided in the article)
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Zweq »

i havent heard intermittent would have health benefits, thats interesting, maybe it applies to occasional long term fasting also (like twice a year for a week). All i knew was that fasting always feels very good after you manage to break a few craving barriers :P
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Ruben »

Lukazz wrote:This is all nonsense. "I heard", "it's common sense", "my brother got sick". Like 8-ball said, that's (at best) anecdotal evidence.
These are the scientific facts: https://authoritynutrition.com/10-healt ... t-fasting/ (sources provided in the article)
Is my brother's illness nonsense? Are all his doctors wrong? Doesn't it exist? Doesn't he exist? It's a pretty serious condition, so I'd be careful with just dismissing it as "nonsense."
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

Your brother's illness isn't nonsense, but one case of someone getting sick from something is still nothing more than anecdotal evidence and you can't conclude that anyone else is getting the same sickness from intermittent fasting.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Ruben »

Lukazz wrote:Your brother's illness isn't nonsense, but one case of someone getting sick from something is still nothing more than anecdotal evidence and you can't conclude that anyone else is getting the same sickness from intermittent fasting.
I never did, I never claimed it to be "evidence." I just told my experience, and that you should do proper research before you do such a thing. It's not my life so I'm really not gonna bother doing any research myself. It's anecdotal perhaps yes, but please don't call it nonsense.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Tm »

I want to bring bad humour here.

Want to lose weight: travel so much that you wear off new pair of shoes, i. e. walk.

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Re: Losing weight

Post by Madness »

It never ceases to amaze me how Lukazz always quotes out of context and twists everything. Do you do this on purpose?
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

Sure. Too little drama on this board!
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