Golden Apple Awards 2019

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Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

Golden Apple Awards 2019

Winners announced!
Deadline: Thursday, 29 February 2020, 20:00 EET (GMT+2, Finnish time)

Full list of winners and top 5s by points from community vote
Full GAALA chatlog from #gaa

Hello everyone! Once again we've slowly crept upon this merry time of the year, and no, I don't mean Christmas... I mean the Golden Apple Awards! After a busy year of elmaing for some (and not so busy for others), it seems only appropriate to reflect on the achievements of the last 12 months, and carve the names of the most impressive achievers on the wooden logs of history. This year we're saying good bye to Markku, who has kindly served the community as a GAA juror for many winters, and in his stead we're welcoming arzenik. Welcome! Meanwhile, I am staying as the lead juror, making sure this thread is pinned at all times.

Due to what was undoubtedly nefarious manipulation of the world's clocks, the time is now later than usual, and so we will prolong the first step a bit further into January. While the voting system will be kept exactly as last year, it is likely that the final number of categories will be reduced slightly. However, this will be finalised during nominee selection, and for the first step we are asking the community to put forward suggestions in all the categories from last year (listed below).

The GAA 2019 period ends at the stroke of midnight on 31 December 2019 (you may have a bit more höyl time if you live on the western hemisphere), and we will welcome any suggestions posted between now and the step 1 deadline, which is set at 23:59 EET (GMT+2, Finnish time) on Sunday, 19 January 2020.

Please take it to heart that this step, and the community's role in it, is one of the most important parts of the GAA journey, as the jurors alone are not able to backtrack everything that happened in the scene over the last year. The more effort the community puts into reminiscing about 2019's plentiful achievements, the lower the chance that the jury will miss something important when selecting nominees. Please post your suggestions in this topic!

Although there is no limit on the number of suggestions or posts you can make, editing your own suggestions post until the deadline would be greatly appreciated. Further, once again we kindly ask that you focus especially on the replay and level categories, as they are exceptionally difficult to manage for the jury. Also, please note that all internal WRs are taken into consideration in step two automatically, so there is no need to copy them in.

Thanks in advance and good luck!

[1] Community suggestions
[2] Nominee selection
[3] Community voting
[4] Top 5 collection
[5] Final show


GAA Period
1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019.

Juror's Choice

bene - 2 WRs in Freefall
Bjenn - WRs in Twin Peaks and Animal Farm; significant total time improvement
finman - WR in Pipe
Kazan - 34mins club; 54 legendary targets
Mielz - WRs in Haircut and Enigma
Mira - 32s total time improvement
p-skript - 26s total time improvement; 39mins club
Spef - 7 WRs in 7 different levels, including a record-breaking WR in Tricks Abound; 11s total time improvement
Tm - 38s total time improvement; 36mins club
Zweq - 5 WRs in 4 different levels

adi - 2nd in LBE; 2nd in Life; 12th in Coo; 17th in tiny; 3 wins in finman's weekly
AKB - 1st in Life
Arzenik - 3rd in tiny; 2nd in wow; 7th in IIC; 6th in Coo; 10th in Life; 11th in Lawn; 1st in IDNC
Bjenn - 1st in Coo
finman - 1st in IIC; 1st in Lawn; 4th in tiny; 6th in Life; 12th in BZpipe; 15th in Coo
jonsykkel - 1st in BZpipe; 1st in shampoo; 5th in Life; top-10 positions in all 12 finman's weekly rounds, including 8 top-5 positions
Kazan - 10th in BZpipe; 9 top-4 positions in finman's weekly
roope - 1st in LBE; 3rd in Coo; 4th in Lawn; 4th in BZpipe; 13th in Life; 15th in IIC; 5 top-7 positions in finman's weekly
Spef - 1st in tiny; 2nd in IIC; 4th in Life; 5th in Lawn; 3rd in shampoo; 6th in wow; 4 top-10 positions in finman's weekly
talli - 7 top-4 positions in finman's weekly

awsj - 260 wins in 663 battles (42.8%); 4th most wins
bamilan - 178 wins in 598 battles (33.9%)
Bjenn - 263 wins in 639 battles (46.8%); 3rd most wins
Blaztek - 556 wins in 1792 battles (37.1%); 1st most wins, over 2 times as many as 2nd
iltsu - 241 wins in 1071 battles (26.8%)
jblaze - 251 wins in 595 battles (49.4%); 5th most wins
jonsykkel - 214 wins in 877 battles (36.8%)
Nekit - 243 wins in 1032 battles (27.1%)
Spef - 248 wins in 657 battles (43.4%)
Zero - 273 wins in 452 battles (68.6%); 2nd most wins

AndrY - 146 battles; 1-10 apple cup; FEM Little Apples Cup; Internals Inspired Cup; Alternative Levels Cup
barryp - 366 battles (5th)
danitah - 282 battles; Onion Cups 2 & 3; tiny pack
DIvAn - 634 battles (1st)
finman - 53 battles; finman's weekly; FEM finman challenge
Henkka - 82 battles; 6-mans-9-levs Cup; HenkMR level pack
iCS - 160 battles
tej - 493 battles (4th); tejcup
TL - 567 battles (2nd)
umiz - 248 battles

#402 - 28.43 in Pipe by finman (-0.46s)
#402 - 35.46 in Turnaround by Zweq (-0.32s)
#402 - 38.73 in Tricks Abound by Spef (2.71s)
#405 - 13.79 in Hill Legend by Spef (-0.07s)
#406 - 11.38 in Freefall by bene (-0.02s, following a -0.01s improvement in #404)
#406 - 51.37 in Bowling by Zweq (-0.30s, following a -0.03s improvement in #405)
#407 - 19.13 in Enigma by Mielz (-0.01s)
#407 - 38.36 in Haircut by Mielz (-0.32s)
#408 - 28.86 in Over and Under by Zweq (-0.08s)
#409 - 24.02 in Precarious by Spef (-0.09s)

08sp2048.rec by Spef
0rava84bM.rec by Markku
53mi1647.rec by Mielz
fmw07rmx_548jon.rec by jonsykkel
HenkMR18Fejm2.rec by Fejm
iic03finman.rec by finman
intpi018zer2100.rec by Zero
life01j2775.rec by jonsykkel
limpsy04adi.rec by adi
muiz9220awsj.rec by awsj

21wohooadi.rec by adi
27K3172sl.rec by Kazan
53mi1647.rec by Mielz
awsj01a02278.rec by pseudo
fmw004jp.rec by talli
fmw012Kaz.rec by Kazan
iic01finman.rec by finman
mpqpi37adi.rec by adi
Ramp Frenzy by Spef
Tricks Abound by Spef

06tas2924.rec by Spef
08K2028sl.rec by Kazan
19z3483f300.rec by Zweq
23tas3481.rec by Spef
24mixfpsbear.rec by Spef
27K3172sl.rec by Kazan
33z5084.rec by Zweq
limpsy05 by jonsykkel & Zweq
pips028jsl.rec by jonsykkel
Ramp Frenzy by Spef

AltF5.lev by AndrY, iCS & tej
ChainPi4.lev by danitah, jblaze & others
FFC807.lev by Henkka
fmw008.lev by finman
Henk0174.lev by Henkka
Kunyy.lev by AndrY
muiz9213.lev by umiz
muiz9392.lev by umiz
pips065.lev by barryp
xxx00545.lev by tej

6-mans-9-levels FF Cup by Henkka
Bullet Train Cup (FEM 2019) by AKB
Couples Contest 4 by pawq
FEM finman challenge (FEM 2019) by finman
finman's weekly by finman
First Finish Cup 8 by nick-o-matic
Internals Inspired Cup by AndrY
Life Pack by Zero
Onion Cups 2 & 3 (FEM 2019 & PEM 2019) by danitah
tiny pack by danitah

adi - Finishing ChainPi4 during the battle
Kazan - Achieving 34min total time & 54 legendary targets in internal levels
Spef - 22 WRs in a single table (#405-406, last achieved in table #236, 18 March 2006)
Spef - Achieving 54 godlike targets in internal levels
Spef - Making the biggest improvement ever in Tricks Abound with his #402 WR, and the biggest absolute WR improvement since the EDQ table (#265, 14 June 2007)
Zero - Winning more than 2/3 of all EOL battles played (68.6% win rate)

awsj - development
berh, jblaze & Stooq - PEM organisation
danitah & jblaze - ChainPi4 project
iCS - ElastoMania videos, including Across World Cup 1 movie, Tricks Abound WR Progression video, and WOW TAS Happenings 2019 video
Kopaka - development and EOL maintenance
nick-o-matic - FEM organisation
Smibu - Maintaining Elmanager
Stini - Elma AI development
Stooq - EOL watcher program
Zweq - Maintaining

Voting Rules
See next post.

Categories explained
Internalist: The best players in the 54 internal levels.

Externalist: The best players in levels that are not internals or battles.

Battler: The best players in battles held on EOL.

Designer: The best at creating levels.

WR: Both single and multi WRs in the internals are eligible. Note that WRs must be published in an official WR table during the GAA period to be eligible.

Replay: The best replay of the year. In this category, only replays that were publicly shared as actual .rec files will be eligible. So, even if a run is included in an Elma movie, it is not eligible for the Replay award unless the actual replay file is released.

Style: The best new style that someone has pulled off. Needs to be showcased through a replay or a replay in a movie. Both live runs and saveload runs are accepted.

Saveload: This category is for "all things SL". You can suggest replays, styles, WRs, or any other piece of saveload (art)work.

Level: The best levels released during the GAA period. Any and all kinds of levels are eligible.

Contest: This is any sort of competition held by the community, including but not limited to cups, level packs and battle cups.

Achievement: Any notable accomplishment, including but not limited to playing and designing.

Community: This category is awarded for the most important contribution to the community, be it development or maintenance of tools or websites, creation of Elma-related art, or collaborative projects.

Juror's Choice: An award introduced in 2014, the Juror's choice is an entirely jury-decided award that can be given to any person(s) within the scene for any reason deemed appropriate. The community can freely suggest candidates for this category, however, the category will not be voted for by the community in the third step of voting, and nominees will be kept hidden until the final show.
Last edited by pawq on 1 Mar 2020, 14:13, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

Instructions for the voting process

Step 1
The community makes suggestions for the categories. Making suggestions in the first step is not necessary for voting in step 3, but a wide range of suggestions is still highly appreciated and needed. Please make these suggestions in this topic.

Deadline: Sunday, 19 January 2020, 23:59 EET (GMT+2, Finnish time)

Step 2
The jury chooses nominees for each category. The jury members choose the candidates according to their experience and knowledge (they also read, and strongly take into consideration, the community suggestions).

Deadline: Sunday, 9 February 2020, 23:59 EET (GMT+2, Finnish time)

Step 3
After the nominees for each category are made available, the Elma community votes on their favourites. Jurors vote as regular community members. If you want to send your votes via Mopolauta, your Mopolauta account has to be registered before the start of the first step. The votes should be sent to pawq in a private message on Mopolauta or in the Elma Discord server (@pawq#0659). You don't have to vote in every category, but if you do vote in a category, you must pick a full top 5. In short: choose top 5 or nothing.
The voting happens on the GAA voting website. After voting the website gives you a key, which you should send to pawq in one of the aforementioned ways before the deadline. The votes have to be given in ranked order, from 1st to 5th. Each 1st position will give 5 points, each 2nd position will give 4 points, etc. The jury assemble these points after the voting process ends. You can only vote and send a PM once. Do not make your votes public.

Deadline: Thursday, 27 February 2020, 23:59 EET (GMT+2, Finnish time)

Step 4
The jury collects the top 5 for each category according to the community votes. The point system is as follows: 5 points to every first position, 4 points to every second position, etc.
The final top 5s will be used in the final show.

Step 5
If the voter turnout in step 3 is equal or greater than 30, then this step is skipped, that is the result of the community voting is the final result of the competition, and the winners are chosen solely through community voting. However, if the voter turnout is below the threshold, a secondary voting system is employed:
The jury members rank nominees in all categories, using the same point system as in step 3 (5 points for 1st, 4 points for 2nd, etc.). Moreover, 10 points are given to the nominees who won in community voting, and 5 are given to the runners-up. The jury votes are public. In the event of a tie, the candidate who got the most points from the community in the third step wins. If there still is a tie, the one who got the most 5 points wins, then 4 points, etc. If the winner is not resolved this way, the jury comes together and discusses the matter to decide the winner.

The final show, where the winners are announced, will be held on the Elma Discord #gaa channel, and will be bridged to IRCnet (channel #gaa).

Date and time: Saturday, 29 February, 20:00 EET (GMT+2, Finnish time)
Last edited by pawq on 9 Feb 2020, 21:11, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by roope »










Saveload: ... =06tas2924


Cookie's TT Competition (was fun but still left a sour taste in mouth because he disappeared and never paid rewards)
Finman's Weekly
Elma Run






Juror's Choice:

(will prolly fill out more later)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by ArZeNiK »

first off i'm honoured to be jurying this prestigious event and i hope i will be good enough to fulfill the spot

secondly, the suggestions themselves

internalist: spef - amazing wrs and many throughout the year, admirable tt push
zweq - still a great hoyla and wrmaker after ~17 years now, a nice contribution to the table overall
mielz - multiple wrs, an all-arounder who manages to impress both in terms of pushing ints to their limits by precision or mastering new styles
tm - this man has amazing wtf dedication and manages to improve >30s and break the 36tt limit in some months, learning modern styles by the blink of an eye
grace - inted quite some this year i think, made some nice legs and final push for 38tt osv

externalist: finman - nice activity and stylefinding in IIC, tiny pack
spef - nice contest and pack hoylance
adi - amazing everyone with pipe skills this year again

battler: bamilan - good comeback, always nice to see his styles and execution in action
nekit - as always, great hilling this year and also a fast man overall
p-skript - a very speedy man, dedicated overtaker

designer: tl - his balles are not my style, but i admit they are objectively good. also theres a lot of them so they also work as quite the gapfiller when no one else starts balles which is great
finman - nice balle levs overall this year
henkka - a returning candidate from last year, still always impressed by his high quality balles
tej - nice ballevs of quality also
ics - his levs might be a bit rare but likable, of multiple types
zero - the life pack that he made for fem was an overall pleasing experience, short but unforgettable thanks to its many different level concepts
chris - nowadays slowly morphing into the definition of easy short normal, always enjoy hoyling his levs. occasionally makes apples too which stand out as quite nice
andry - great contestdesigner and his apples are always full of interesting concepts too
umiz - mentionable are his fancypic skills but just overall in all aspects hes making good balle levs

breakthrough: arzenik - shamelessly putting myself here since no other ideas really. to put in perspective: 41.low->39tt in about 3 months, 2 top20 int times somewhat later, and i think i did improve the quite this yr overall even if tt more or less stagnant since march. internals subcategory
majami - leveldesigner subcategory, i am starting to like his/her levs over time even though not so many made yet and i am waiting for the potential he/she has to unleash
mrhrz - leveldesigner subcategory, earlier this year i remember seeing some sick levs from him and improved a lot since last year

wrs: #402 tricks abound 38:73 by spef - just wtf impression when first laid eyes upon (even though i already constated that this is poss in my mind it still had quite the impact), and the style is just amazing as the time itself, mixing the old with the new. biggest int improvement in 2019, well done
#402 pipe 28:43 by finman - "new" wtfstyle in 30 getting very polished as we speak, and quite the push on a 30sec lev to say the least
#405 hill legend 13:79 by spef - a fresh style improvement for a very unawaited time improvement
#406 freefall 11:38 by bene - pushing the lev to its absolute limit, was also entertaining to watch the livestream
#406 bowling 51:37 by zweq - the man just casually taking down another .30 off of one of the toughest (imo) ints with possibly a great style
#407 haircut 38:36 by mielz - nice improvement with a nice style
#407 enigma 19:13 by mielz - as if catching up with stini's bugtime without bugbounce weren't har enough, another .01 improvement to this already well optimized level
#408 over and under 28:86 by zweq - the epic final verdict in the amazing rivalry regarding the takedown of one of the oldest wrs ever between him and spef throughout 2019
#409 precarious 24:02 by spef - as madness's wr table presence gets halted with a nice lil improvement on what's apparently considered a pretty annoying int by many ppl in the community, spef again stands out thanks to his persistence and defeats all of the many other contenders for this last record of the fast czech man (honorable mention to raven who sadly got beaten by spef just before the appearance of the wrtable)

replays: ... 25Spef2402 - so smooth it warms my heart ... e=13sp1379 - nice style ... e=08sp2048 - nice style ... ic01finman - i remember going "wow what" when seeing this after renaults

battle replays: ... rmx_548jon what the fuck

style: team dat's 08 13 51 styles (executed by spef), 39 style executed by mielz, that cool iic01 style

saveload: stini's massive ai project with promising results ... =06tas2924 wow very pop that ramp frenzy 35:37 rec by spef, very pop also kazan quicking as always

level: harc659 by ics, a nice grav lev muiz9213 by umiz, to me even higher quality than average umiz boobs116 by barryp, i remember this one having a great flow

contest: coo by cookie - very nicely constructed contest system overall and the levels are also great. the only bad part about this contest is that the premise behind it (the money rewards) wasn't fulfilled in the end and the guy just silently vanished from the community's eyes, leaving everything open
tiny cup by danitah - very likable short hoyla levs, a nice ongoing world record back and forth trading for 2 weeks, and team dat's satisfying record replays top it off
iic by andry - the first "real" cup (aka not battle) i've participated in, and i must say it was the perfect first impression. seeing those internalesque remixes of really high quality being swarmed by the most interesting of styles was amazing. imo this was the best contest in 2019
fmw by finman - fulfills greatly its goal to be a placeholder when no battles present, really nicely designed levs full of great style potentials
alternative levels cup by andry - really unique level concepts and nice ffs overall
pem19 battle cup - i think the nicest battle cup i've seen this year, nice short and hoylable levs

art: ics posted a plethora of nice videos this year as well which he put great work into, i would especially like to highlight the following: int51 wr history across world cup movie

contribution: smibu - continued development of SLE, with lots of nice updates this year
ics - his silly little chris/juka/nekit level generator managed to catch my eye
kopaka - thanks to him, the full transition to the newly improved is appearing to be very close, which looks great and satisfies the need of many the kuskies for a(nother) modern-looking representant website of the community
jonsykkel - this good programmer man seems to put great effort into "reviving" elma scene by working on a new eol version and handling all the feedback he gets, even though there is no visible product yet of this project, i say this dedication must be impressive and hope we'll see more of it soon
nick-o-matic - fem2019 organising and hosting
jblaze - pem2019 organising and hosting

achievement: kazan - second 34tt and all legendary int times
spef - all godlike int times

collaboration: team dat - impressive teamwork throughout all year almost everywhere - internal stylefinding, contest stylefinding, osv

so far that is all, might reformat later i was too lazy to put it in proper shape now sry
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by ROKKEBOL »

lev: Altf5.lev,

battler: iltsu, luther, bamilan, jonsykkel, blaztek

designer: umiz, zo3, TL, ICS, jblaze

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by Ramone »

When someone suggests Chris for levelmaker GAA... Did you ever even play elma?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by umiz »

Ramone wrote: 29 Dec 2019, 21:19 When someone suggests Chris for levelmaker GAA... Did you ever even play elma?
I think Chris deserves a mention. After all top 3 in battle level making this year. And also some of his levels is enjoyable to play. I also notice that you only played 38 battles this year :wink:
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by ArZeNiK »

Ramone wrote: 29 Dec 2019, 21:19 When someone suggests Chris for levelmaker GAA... Did you ever even play elma?
i saw you log in like once this year, no offense
hi im arzenik :>
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by abruzzi »

chris made some good progress, it's worthy to note that
<Pawq> at a gym you have only 3 options: 1. have your eyes closed, 2. stare at yourself, 3. stare at others, all of which are either super boring or disgusting
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by umiz »



Blaztek, Bjenn,

TL still amaze me with his weird levels.
DIvAn, often good flow levels with nice design.
tej great levels with creative and new thinking designs.
barryp, very good levels!
zo3 very good battle levels.
FinMan for his great fmw-levels.
iCS great levels! Great design.

arzenik, nice man doing good everywhere.
p-skript good battler.

11.38 bene. Sick hoyling man.

Unsuspected style by Blaztek ... level=muiz

Hard cap-trick by Bjenn ... level=muiz

COOOL! ... level=muiz


Finman weekly

Kinda hard category


Zweq and Spef for still making amazing wrs.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by Grace »

Ramone wrote: 29 Dec 2019, 21:19 When someone suggests Chris for levelmaker GAA... Did you ever even play elma?
Imagine someone who doesn't play elma making an assertion like this. WTF?
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by AndrY »

Internalist: Spef/Zweq

Externalist: adi, jon, AKB, Raven, iltsu...

Battler: Zero, Bjenn, adi... awsj

tej (many crazy cool ideas for levs)
finman (fmw: multistyling is always cool)
iCS (many many interesting unusual battles whole year)
Zero (Life pack has great design imo:))

Internals: Tm TM TM TM TM!!!!
also Arzenic 41 -> 39
Externals and/or battles: Arzenic
Level design: hmmm Nekit began to make cool aples)

WR: #402 Spef 51!

Replay: hmm

Battle replay: for example

Style: hmmm

Saveload: limpsy05.lev from iCS's FEM video (where link to rec??)

OR Chain AltF5.lev

fmw by finman (max quality multistyle levels, niec)
noobdesign by Orcc (super cool new idea for contest, max fun)

Art: iCS's 2 bear secret videos in FEM!

stini's AI and the new elma site. They had a big progress this year, waiting final versions:)

Kazan 34TT finally
Spef under 34.50 and all goodlike

Collaboration: hmmmmmmm
Last edited by AndrY on 11 Jan 2020, 14:27, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by insane guy »

I just realized how little I followed the scene in 2019, sad insguy :( I will try to fill more slots till the end of deadline.

Externalist: Hosp
Battler: talli, Nekit, Blaztek, roope
Designer: umiz, TL, DaniTAH
1. Internals.
2. Externals and/or battles.
3. Level design.
Battle replay:
Contest: finman weekly
Contribution: Smibu for Elmanager, Abula for his insane article (or was it 2018)?, nom for making FEM possible, everyone who helped make FEM possible
Last edited by insane guy on 17 Jan 2020, 16:53, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by Bludek »

internalist: spef, zweq, mielz, bjenn
externalist: adi, raven
designer: fm
breakthrough: tm - ints
wr: Animal Farm bjenn, freefall bene, enigma mielz, preca spef
lev: fmw008.lev
rec: mpqpi37adi, mawpi168adi3795, 21wohooadi, intpi018zer2100 (all recs on reczampe)
balle rec: AltF2_404adi
style: mpqpi37adi, 21wohooadi, fmw012Kaz - that rotation so cool
contest: fmw, AltF
art: is twenty lev pack eligable? That brown rope in twenty18, me like; also everything made by ics is art :D
achiev: spef - godlike target in all ints is wtf sick achievement
collaboration: uhmmmm, FEM? PEM?

EOL top 10 kuski of 2014 and 2015.
21:03:48 <umiz> i like 99% of bludek levels
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by AndrY »

mb it will help

List of contests (tell if not all here):

[Feb] Cookie's battle level TT competition by Cookie (hoyl cup) + challenges
[April] HenkMR01-19 levels by Henkka (level pack)
[April] tiny pack by danielj (TT contest)
[April] wow by Arzenic (level pack)
[May] Internals Inspired Cup by AndrY (hoyl cup) + challenges
[May] LBE levels by Luther (level pack)
[May] I do not care by ROKKEBOL (level pack)
[June] Lawn by arzenic (TT contest) + kinglist
[June] tejcup by tej (hoyl cup)

[FEM] Couples contest by nom? (battle cup)
[FEM] FEM FF Cup by nom and other ppl (battle cup)
[FEM] fm contest by finman (to beat finman times in his hoyla levelpack)
[FEM] Onion Cup 2 by danitah (battle cup)
[FEM] insane guy TT battle by insguy (TT contest)
[FEM] FEM Little Apples Cup by AndrY (battle cup)
[FEM] Ramone TT battle? by Ramone (TT contest)
[FEM] Bullet train by AKB (battle cup)

[Jule] Life Pack by Zero (level pack)
[August] awsj superior levels by awsj (level pack)
[September] 1-10 Apple Cup by AndrY (battle cup)
[September] Blaztek's pipe level pack by Blaztek (level pack)
[October] NoobSty2 Cup by Orcc (design cup) + guess cup
[October] finman's weekly (fmw) by finman (hoyl cup)
[December] Alternative Levels Cup by team [.lev] (battle cup)

[PEM] Bullet Cup by PEM ppl (battle cup)
[PEM] PEM CUP by PEM ppl (battle cup)
[PEM] Alco Cup by PEM ppl (battle cup)
[PEM] Onion Cup 3 by danitah and other ppl (battle cup)

[2019?] shampoo pipe level pack by tej (level pack)
Last edited by AndrY on 13 Jan 2020, 19:16, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by ArZeNiK »

AndrY wrote: 10 Jan 2020, 10:23 mb it will help

List of contests (tell if not all here):

[Feb] Cookie's battle level TT competition by Cookie (hoyl cup) + challenges
[April] tiny pack by danielj (TT contest)
[April] wow by Arzenic (level pack)
[May] Internals Inspired Cup by AndrY (hoyl cup) + challenges
[May] LBE levels by Luther (level pack)
[May] I do not care by ROKKEBOL (level pack)
[June] Lawn by arzenic (TT contest) + kinglist
[June] tejcup by tej (hoyl cup)

[FEM] FEM FF Cup by nom and other ppl (battle cup)
[FEM] fm contest by finman (to beat finman times in internals)
[FEM] insane guy TT battle by insguy (TT contest)
[FEM] FEM Little Apples Cup by AndrY (battle cup)
[FEM] Ramone TT battle? by Ramone (TT contest)
[FEM] Bullet train by AKB (battle cup)

[Jule] Life Pack by Zero (level pack)
[August] awsj superior levels by awsj (level pack)
[September] 1-10 Apple Cup by AndrY (battle cup)
[September] Blaztek's pipe level pack by Blaztek (level pack)
[October] NoobSty2 Cup by Orcc (design cup) + guess cup
[October] finman's weekly (fmw) by finman (hoyl cup)
[December] Alternative Levels Cup by team [.lev] (battle cup)

[PEM] Bullet Cup by PEM ppl (battle cup)
[PEM] PEM CUP by PEM ppl (battle cup)
[PEM] Alco Cup by PEM ppl (battle cup)
[PEM] Onion Cup 3 by danitah and other ppl (battle cup)

[2019?] SUPPAR by Arzenic (level pack)
[2019?] Elasto Mania 20 Years by Ramone (level pack)
[2019?] shampoo pipe level pack by tej (level pack)
dont think suppar should count its just a demo (13/50 levels) it will be finished this yr
twenty pack is already jan 1st objectively for everyone
hi im arzenik :>
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

Thanks andry, that will save us some time :)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by danitah »

AndrY wrote: 10 Jan 2020, 10:23 [FEM] fm contest by finman (to beat finman times in internals)
It was contest to beat finman in his hoyla levelpack, not internals.

Also there was onion cup 2 in fem 8)

Sorry for a lacking list, I just haven't been active enough in most areas to give suggestions :\ I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot of stuff through the year also.

Amazing work on the FMW levs.

Good levs as always, sad I haven't got to play very many of them.

Amazing work on Life pack.

His levels are always high quality and have some nice ideas. Playability of his levels has improved a lot imo. Earlier his approach was more "maybe something like this will work somehow", and sometimes it did, sometimes it didn't. Now it's much more consistent.

Very good apple battles, unique ideas.

Sadly a bit underappreciated because his time zone means there's not a lot of players in his levs. He's continuing to make great levs though!

Both his normal and apple battles are always enjoyable for me!

Great art and playability in all his levs.

Replay ... l=limpsy04



bullet train by AKB
FEM Apple cup by AndrY
FMW by FinMan
couples contest at FEM

OnCu0301 by iCS

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

Due to the very slow response, the deadline for suggestions has been extended until Sunday, 19 January 2020, 23:59 EET (GMT+2, Finnish time).

Please take some time to dig up some dope recs and levs that you may've seen or played this year, or to remember who in your opinion was outstanding in any aspect this year. Your input is essential for us to be able to nominate every worthy kuski!
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by ROKKEBOL »

AndrY wrote: 10 Jan 2020, 10:23 tell if not all here
Imo Henkka kuski battled some good quality levs or levpack in 2019

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by AndrY »

ROKKEBOL wrote: 13 Jan 2020, 16:10
AndrY wrote: 10 Jan 2020, 10:23 tell if not all here
Imo Henkka kuski battled some good quality levs or levpack in 2019
levpack? cant find it in eol site
"Henkka Battle levs 2018" is there, but its 2018:/
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by ROKKEBOL »

AndrY wrote: 13 Jan 2020, 16:40
ROKKEBOL wrote: 13 Jan 2020, 16:10
AndrY wrote: 10 Jan 2020, 10:23 tell if not all here
Imo Henkka kuski battled some good quality levs or levpack in 2019
levpack? cant find it in eol site
"Henkka Battle levs 2018" is there, but its 2018:/
HenkMR levs were battled in 2019 iirc or dunno, time passes so fast

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by Kazan »

Level: ErEOL425 perfect lev for battle
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

GAA 2019 - Public voting is open!

You can vote at

As you’ll see during voting, the number of categories has been reduced this year, due to a significantly lower number of activity and community suggestions:
1. The Replay and Battle Replay categories were merged into a single Replay category,
2. The Contribution, Art and Collaboration categories were merged into a single Community category,
3. The Breakthrough category was removed.

However, we are pleased to announced that like last years, physical diplomas will be sent to all winners!

The nominees are updated in the first post of this topic, and are of course shown on the voting site. In order to help you decide your favourites, the nominations contain some of the information we used to decide the top 10s, as well as links to websites, Mopolauta posts, and replay and level pages where applicable. In addition, you can download a zip archive with all nominated levels and replays below: ...

To vote, drag your top 5 favourites in order into the voting slots on the voting page. You don't have to vote in every category, but if you do vote in some category, you must pick a full top 5. The point is: choose top 5 or nothing. Remember, only take into consideration what happened in the GAA period (the year 2019)! After voting, the website will give you a key, which you should send to pawq in one of the following ways:

1. Via Mopolauta with a private message. Note: in this case your Mopolauta account has to be registered before the start of the first step!
2. To pawq in the Elma Discord server (@pawq#0659).

The deadline for sending your votes is Thursday, 27st February, 23:59 EET (GMT+2), and the final show will be held on Saturday, 29rd February, 20:00 EET.

Enjoy the voting process, and see you at the GAALA! :beers:
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

Please remember to vote at

The deadline is tonight at 23:59 EET (GMT+2, Finnish time)!

Quite a few more votes are needed to skip the jury voting phase and for the winners to be decided from community votes alone.

Thanks in advance! :beers:
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

The voting has ended and the winners are known!

See us at the GAALA to find out who they are!

Where? On the #gaa channel at Elma Discord

When? Saturday (29 Feb) at 20:00 EET (GMT+2, Finnish time)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

53 minutes left until the ceremony starts! See you there :)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

Golden Apple Award 2019 winners

Internalist - Spef
Externalist - jonsykkel
Battler - Zero
Designer - umiz
WR - Spef (38.73 in Tricks Abound)
Replay - adi (limpsy04adi.rec)
Style - Spef (Tricks Abound)
Saveload - jonsykkel & Zweq (limpsy05)
Level - danitah & jblaze (ChainPi4.lev)
Contest - finman (finman's weekly)
Achievement - Spef (54 godlike targets in internals)
Community - Kopaka ( development and EOL maintenance)

GAA count per kuski

Spef- 4
jonsykkel - 2
adi - 1
danitah - 1
finman - 1
jblaze - 1
Kopaka - 1
umiz - 1
Zero - 1
Zweq - 1

Top 5 nominees by points from community vote

122 - Spef - 7 WRs in 7 different levels, including a record-breaking WR in Tricks Abound; 11s total time improvement
85 - Zweq - 5 WRs in 4 different levels
52 - Kazan - 34mins club; 54 legendary targets
38 - Bjenn - WRs in Twin Peaks and Animal Farm; significant total time improvement
37 - Tm - 38s total time improvement; 36mins club

82 - jonsykkel - 1st in BZpipe; 1st in shampoo; 5th in Life; top-10 positions in all 12 finman's weekly rounds, including 8 top-5 positions
64 - Spef - 1st in tiny; 2nd in IIC; 4th in Life; 5th in Lawn; 3rd in shampoo; 6th in wow; 4 top-10 positions in finman's weekly
52 - finman - 1st in IIC; 1st in Lawn; 4th in tiny; 6th in Life; 12th in BZpipe; 15th in Coo
36 - adi - 2nd in LBE; 2nd in Life; 12th in Coo; 17th in tiny; 3 wins in finman's weekly
32 - roope - 1st in LBE; 3rd in Coo; 4th in Lawn; 4th in BZpipe; 13th in Life; 15th in IIC; 5 top-7 positions in finman's weekly

81 - Zero - 273 wins in 452 battles (68.6%); 2nd most wins
72 - Blaztek - 556 wins in 1792 battles (37.1%); 1st most wins, over 2 times as many as 2nd
51 - jblaze - 251 wins in 595 battles (49.4%); 5th most wins
40 - Bjenn - 263 wins in 639 battles (46.8%); 3rd most wins
33 - jonsykkel - 214 wins in 877 battles (36.8%)

49 - umiz - 248 battles
48 - TL - 567 battles (2nd)
47 - finman - 53 battles; finman's weekly; FEM finman challenge
45 - AndrY - 146 battles; 1-10 apple cup; FEM Little Apples Cup; Internals Inspired Cup; Alternative Levels Cup
39 - danitah - 282 battles; Onion Cups 2 & 3; tiny pack

119 - #402 - 38.73 in Tricks Abound by Spef (2.71s)
48 - #407 - 38.36 in Haircut by Mielz (-0.32s)
45 - #402 - 28.43 in Pipe by finman (-0.46s)
40 - #406 - 51.37 in Bowling by Zweq (-0.30s, following a -0.03s improvement in #405)
37 - #407 - 19.13 in Enigma by Mielz (-0.01s)

78 - limpsy04adi.rec by adi
50 - 0rava84bM.rec by Markku
42 - iic03finman.rec by finman
29 - life01j2775.rec by jonsykkel (2x5p, 2x4p, 2x3p, 1x4p)
29 - intpi018zer2100.rec by Zero (2x5p, 2x4p, 2x3p, 0x4p)
29 - 08sp2048.rec by Spef (1x5p)

101 - Tricks Abound by Spef
51 - Ramp Frenzy by Spef
42 - 27K3172sl.rec by Kazan (1x5p)
42 - 53mi1647.rec by Mielz (0x5p)
23 - 21wohooadi.rec by adi (1x5p, 1x4p)
23 - fmw004jp.rec by talli (1x5p, 0x4p)

104 - limpsy05 by jonsykkel & Zweq
73 - Ramp Frenzy by Spef
40 - 33z5084.rec by Zweq
27 - 24mixfpsbear.rec by Spef
21 - 27K3172sl.rec by Kazan (0x5p, 1x4p, 3x3p)
21 - 19z3483f300.rec by Zweq (0x5p, 1x4p, 1x3p)

60 - ChainPi4.lev by danitah, jblaze & others
42 - fmw008.lev by finman
40 - Kunyy.lev by AndrY
39 - AltF5.lev by AndrY, iCS & tej
31 - muiz9392.lev by umiz

77 - finman's weekly by finman
56 - Life Pack by Zero
41 - Onion Cups 2 & 3 (FEM 2019 & PEM 2019) by danitah
39 - Internals Inspired Cup by AndrY
36 - FEM finman challenge (FEM 2019) by finman

77 - Spef - Achieving 54 godlike targets in internal levels
73 - Spef - Making the biggest improvement ever in Tricks Abound with his #402 WR, and the biggest absolute WR improvement since the EDQ table (#265, 14 June 2007)
71 - Spef - 22 WRs in a single table (#405-406, last achieved in table #236, 18 March 2006)
50 - Zero - Winning more than 2/3 of all EOL battles played (68.6% win rate)
46 - adi - Finishing ChainPi4 during the battle

75 - Kopaka - development and EOL maintenance
73 - nick-o-matic - FEM organisation
67 - iCS - ElastoMania videos, including Across World Cup 1 movie, Tricks Abound WR Progression video, and WOW TAS Happenings 2019 video
44 - Zweq - Maintaining
35 - Stini - Elma AI development
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by pawq »

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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by kuchitsu »

Finally umiz! We can stop rioting now. :D
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by insane guy »

Nice! gz to all winners and follow-uppers! Also thanks to the organization team!
Cheers :)
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by Zero »

Thanks so much for voting everyone.

I was quite surprised about this one as I've been quite inactive since FEM really.

I've always given my best to this game. Not only taking every loss personally but even taking mistakes and missed opportunities personally. Such as not making a super impsy shortcut when it exists... :D

Playing was never about fun and games for me as much as loving a good challenge. Getting the kicks out of something is what gets my interest and I've spent ridiculous amount of hours over the years obsessively pushing the limits and not exactly being in a balanced state of mind in the process. It was also quite difficult to me ever being satisfied about my results even when I had truly given my best effort.

I'm afraid I've lost this spark over the last couple of years and therefore I've mostly moved on to different things entirely. I'm currently working 6 days a week and going out a lot. Meeting people and dating and all these things that I completely missed over my long and intense elma career 😄 Life has taken over I've managed to find balance and happiness. 😊 I'm now grinding a happy life.

I love to visit EOL every now and then but I no longer want to stress over elma. I never needed to do that in the first place I suppose but it's simply how I function as a person. Hardcore way is the only way I know 😉

I can't promise anything at this point but I try to visit this years FEM and whenever I come online I'll continue to challenge myself and others the best I can ♥️ Thank you all for keeping this community alive!

Also big thanks for the GAA crew and grats to all winners :beer: Long live team dat 😄
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Re: Golden Apple Awards 2019

Post by Horace99 »

Finally ! I'm also very happy.
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