oke eol testing

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oke eol testing

Post by jonsykkel »

dont done anyzink since june so loks lik im in orka mode for time bing
ges wil get bak 2 it som tiome later
i put curent version now cuz maby thers 1 usefull feture (idea by LOKUS) u can use if editor level can put arg to levell (okeol.exe <path 2 lev>) and it open lev in "test mode" wher online and menu disable and u can test lev then pres esc twice 2 quit
editor maker ppl cud ad buton "p" to lunch curent open lev like this
so can easy test level sle new ale yale
u can also rigt clik .level open with etc so can doble clik any .level file
dont reuse old comfig cuz chagned evrythig
new make acount place is https://okeapp.janka.la/ but gues server not up for very long
Last edited by jonsykkel on 3 Feb 2021, 15:59, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Lousku »

Unreal cool okeol already, go test everybody.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by iCS »

okeol is already very playable and it will be amazing when completed!
obv GAA'20 contrib

Played battles and started a short FF, everything worked without problem.
Very easy to install
UI is perfect, good font, good transparency, it shouldn't be more fancy than this
Good ideas in F8 menu, auto replay saving is great
Merge is easy and useful (and it will be awesome when can merge more than 2 recs)
Ingame zoom mega useful

although i like this UI, it's a bit hard to overview
for example i press F7 and there's finished times, and if press F8 there's also finished times but with replays
same with F5 and F6, it's all there in F8
wonder if this could be simplified somehow

however, every possible setting should appear somewhere in the main menu
because ppl will keep asking where this and where that
hotkeys also should appear in menu for the same reason (Chat F9 :wink: )

very important question for videomaking: will be option for saving replay frames? (afraid to say option for saving replay in mp4 :/)
Last edited by iCS on 18 Jan 2020, 22:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by ArZeNiK »

love the interface!
i havent really toyed with the fixed physics aspects themselves but they should work as intended
cool ghost bike, key shortcuts, replay viewing and sach
only problem encountered so far is the sensitive menu as was said before, imo make it so that input held before exiting lev/dying doesnt register in menus. but prob that was ur idea already idk
hi im arzenik :>
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by zebra »

Seems super cool at first sight! There are many things missing (of course) but this looks very promising! Thanks jonsykkel for reviving elma once again!
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by insane guy »

tried for 3 mins and it was enough: This is the future of elma! thanks jon!
For me the most important thing: Will there be an internal editor? I still use internal editor to make 99.5% of my levs. While I understand the epicness of SLE I just can't be bothered using it because of the annoying build lev>save>go elma> test lev> exit elma>change>oops now there are two versions of the lev and everythign is fukked>quit and go internal editor.

Maybe, just maybe there is a chance that SLE will be implemented into this? I can understand that you won't bother making an internal editor for the three hillbillies still using it.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by skint0r »

ezik solution since jon god coder would be to just make okeol be able to notice file changes so can just keep it open and sle->save->play and np
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by iCS »

i think the "offline" folder already solves this problem.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by AndrY »

oke will add my feedback here also
AndrY wrote: also: add sle into it

btw, when i press "play" and volt in one time it goes wrong. mb make diff controls in menu? not arrows?
and fight battle type)
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Re: oke eol testing

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Re: oke eol testing

Post by jonsykkel »

iCS wrote: 18 Jan 2020, 11:38 although i like this UI, it's a bit hard to overview
for example i press F7 and there's finished times, and if press F8 there's also finished times but with replays
same with F5 and F6, it's all there in F8
wonder if this could be simplified somehow

however, every possible setting should appear somewhere in the main menu
because ppl will keep asking where this and where that
hotkeys also should appear in menu for the same reason (Chat F9 :wink: )
100% agre, dident put mutch thoguht into ui, im just maked it so its simliar to eol for now so its ez to get used to for eol ppl
the plan is to brain a much mor intuitive sistem, get rid of f keys in defaults etc
evryhing shud be poss from main menu as u say
the key binds sistem is also shitik, theres ment to be a interface for seting keys but its stil 2 cumplicated so mgiht end up nuking it
iCS wrote: 18 Jan 2020, 11:38 very important question for videomaking: will be option for saving replay frames? (afraid to say option for saving replay in mp4 :/)
ezik, duno vat format is good for frame's? can do RLE compresed tga, it would probably be somthing like 230MiB/sec @ 3840x2160 24bit 60fps
doing any vidio encoding is 2 anoying and it would ad a bunch of dependencies making it more anoying to bild binarys for al platforms cud however be a option to make simpal gomand line program that cumverts .rek to h265 .mp4 or somthign

ArZeNiK wrote: 18 Jan 2020, 12:59 only problem encountered so far is the sensitive menu as was said before, imo make it so that input held before exiting lev/dying doesnt register in menus. but prob that was ur idea already idk
AndrY wrote: 18 Jan 2020, 15:46 btw, when i press "play" and volt in one time it goes wrong. mb make diff controls in menu? not arrows?
fixed bigest proplems with that stuf but its stil a isue if any one uses arow keys cuz defult keys for switching tabs in ui are set to left/right. might be a idea to unbind/change those if use arow key's
swtichign tabs also bound to tab/shift+tab by default
insane guy wrote: 18 Jan 2020, 15:21 For me the most important thing: Will there be an internal editor? I still use internal editor to make 99.5% of my levs. While I understand the epicness of SLE I just can't be bothered using it because of the annoying build lev>save>go elma> test lev> exit elma>change>oops now there are two versions of the lev and everythign is fukked>quit and go internal editor.
yes im vant ther to be at least a simpal integrated editor
it wil probably not be SLE quality but u can make coupel of balles

also about "oops now there are two versions of the lev and everythign is fukked" part:
that is vat ofline folder is for as ics mentioned
the idea is u put unballed levs there vhile makeing them, then start balles direclty from that folder
vhen ur batle starts, pres f4 and it moves lev from ofline to externals
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Lee »

Very exciting stuff, jon. Is there a way to increase font size? I have a rather large monitor...
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by jonsykkel »

Lee wrote: 19 Jan 2020, 04:39 Very exciting stuff, jon. Is there a way to increase font size? I have a rather large monitor...
not curently (althoguh it is posible by mesing with resource files) but wil be fixed

one thing im forgot to mention: this is test version, im might still change the physics (meaning times will be cleared), so dont start hoyling too hard yet
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Zweq »

tested, vork's. rip obama
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by jonsykkel »

i have decided its not quite redy for testink
im will turn of server tomorow so last changce to try it for now
this has been PREVIEW of a few of the kind of things are posible with new elma at least (but not al by any means, i have plan's)

testing period has made it very clear vat i need to do
mainly simplify things and hav interface for basik cumfiguration whcih i knew alredy but now i mega know it
some of the glient side gode sucks making it too tedius to ad new stuf so i vana revrite some of that
i also vana investigate sum stuff regardign physics
might take sum time and im cant get distracted by smal details, need to get foundation right before start piling shit on top of it
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by 8-ball »

ok this is epic
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by hilamr »

Cool, I'd like to test.
Do you have the source code with everything so we could build it ourselves in case we are not running Ubuntu?
I currently have Fedora installed.

edit: changed 'repo' to source code
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by jonsykkel »

hilamr wrote: 20 Jan 2020, 18:43 Cool, I'd like to test.
Do you have the source code with everything so we could build it ourselves in case we are not running Ubuntu?
I currently have Fedora installed.

edit: changed 'repo' to source code
sory not curently open source, there are sum isues with that
im wil provide more linus binaries vhen its testing time again
it shud run in wine though. not many dependencies so ubuntu bild linked in first post might even run if lucky
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by hilamr »

jonsykkel wrote: 20 Jan 2020, 18:59 ...
sory not curently open source, there are sum isues with that
im wil provide more linus binaries vhen its testing time again
it shud run in wine though. not many dependencies so ubuntu bild linked in first post might even run if lucky
Nice, I'm trying it on Ubuntu in a VM now to see if it works.
What exactly are the prerequisites for this installation? ElastoMania previously installed or not?
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by jonsykkel »

hilamr wrote: 20 Jan 2020, 19:52
jonsykkel wrote: 20 Jan 2020, 18:59 ...
sory not curently open source, there are sum isues with that
im wil provide more linus binaries vhen its testing time again
it shud run in wine though. not many dependencies so ubuntu bild linked in first post might even run if lucky
Nice, I'm trying it on Ubuntu in a VM now to see if it works.
What exactly are the prerequisites for this installation? ElastoMania previously installed or not?
nothig else than vat is in .zip needed, just put in folder and run
dynamic lib's
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libm.so.6]
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libSDL2-2.0.so.0]
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [liblz4.so.1]
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libGLU.so.1]
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libdl.so.2]
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libpthread.so.0]
0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED) Shared library: [libc.so.6]
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by hilamr »

For ubuntu you need the libsdl2-dev files

sudo apt install libsdl2-dev

Now it works out of the box!
Are there settings to set Alovolt keys yet?
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by jonsykkel »

there is /keys gomand that u can type in chat
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by zebra »

jonsykkel wrote: 19 Jan 2020, 01:08
ArZeNiK wrote: 18 Jan 2020, 12:59 only problem encountered so far is the sensitive menu as was said before, imo make it so that input held before exiting lev/dying doesnt register in menus. but prob that was ur idea already idk
AndrY wrote: 18 Jan 2020, 15:46 btw, when i press "play" and volt in one time it goes wrong. mb make diff controls in menu? not arrows?
fixed bigest proplems with that stuf but its stil a isue if any one uses arow keys cuz defult keys for switching tabs in ui are set to left/right. might be a idea to unbind/change those if use arow key's
swtichign tabs also bound to tab/shift+tab by default
Suggestion: Make a configurable delay before starting the gameplay. I mean the same kind of delay as there is currently on first finish battles. With (for example) a 3-sec delay it would be easy to press the keys (for example right arrow and up arrow) and concentrate a bit before gameplay starts. If the delay was configurable, it could be configured to 0 seconds for those players that do not like it.

I think arrow keys should be default for both gameplay and for menus, and I would like to have them like that even if they could be configured to other keys.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Xiphias »

Quickly tested and it looks and feels very nice. Runs very smooth on my Windows 10 laptop while in full screen mode. Lags a bit while windowed.
Two comments:
- Some kind of help command(s) would be useful. Hard to remember all those possible commands.
- Esc key is a bit different than regular Elma. I'm used to esc leading back to the main menu (and eventually quitted the game). Here it seems to stop current run on first click (main menu), and then on second click it highlights the last level played (intended?)
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by jonsykkel »

zebra wrote: 20 Jan 2020, 20:55 Suggestion: Make a configurable delay before starting the gameplay. I mean the same kind of delay as there is currently on first finish battles. With (for example) a 3-sec delay it would be easy to press the keys (for example right arrow and up arrow) and concentrate a bit before gameplay starts. If the delay was configurable, it could be configured to 0 seconds for those players that do not like it.

I think arrow keys should be default for both gameplay and for menus, and I would like to have them like that even if they could be configured to other keys.
yes ned to sort that out becuz i agree arrows should be default for both things and it doesnt vork
configurable delay is good idea, my idea was cud have a second small "menu" thing where can only pres esc to go to big menu and enter to restart or somthing
we wil see
Xiphias wrote: 20 Jan 2020, 22:42 - Some kind of help command(s) would be useful. Hard to remember all those possible commands.
- Esc key is a bit different than regular Elma. I'm used to esc leading back to the main menu (and eventually quitted the game). Here it seems to stop current run on first click (main menu), and then on second click it highlights the last level played (intended?)
ye its ment to have interface for basic cumfiguration of course shoudnt have to remember anything, thought /keys thing would be good enoguh for test version but its not

esc behavior is intended but all that stuf might change
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by SveinR »

jonsykkel wrote: 21 Jan 2020, 08:35 my idea was cud have a second small "menu" thing where can only pres esc to go to big menu and enter to restart or somthing
we wil see
This sounds good I think. So you enter some lev and go into "lev menu" where hev to esc to go back to norm menu yes? And then keys can be held like usual elma lev menu.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by pskrip »

jonsykkel wrote: 20 Jan 2020, 07:36 alrigt
i have decided its not quite redy for testink
im will turn of server tomorow so last changce to try it for now
ok jon, we got it
where to send money? :-D
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Sla »

Ghost bike for battles and hoyling internals will be revolutionary besides the menu and all functions. This version finished will be amazing.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by zebra »

SveinR wrote: 21 Jan 2020, 21:01
jonsykkel wrote: 21 Jan 2020, 08:35 my idea was cud have a second small "menu" thing where can only pres esc to go to big menu and enter to restart or somthing
we wil see
This sounds good I think. So you enter some lev and go into "lev menu" where hev to esc to go back to norm menu yes? And then keys can be held like usual elma lev menu.
I think we should get rid of the "enter press". With some keyboards it's impossible to press enter and gas and alo and turn at the same time. One possibility would be the delay I mentioned and other possibility would be "auto restart level" if you die.

The "small menu" idea is ok too but I think there should be only one menu, not many.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by iCS »

Ghost bike mentioned
Interesting feature, but i couldn't figure out how to use it properly, maybe i'm too noob, maybe it's in very early experimental phase.
Wasn't sure if it uses last run or best run or something else as ghost replay. Anyway, this thing also should be customizable. Last run/best run/external replay/etc and with option to show finished runs only. It's so sad when ghost kuski keeps dying at the same spot :(

I hate playing elma with sound on, because the sound quality is HIIIIIDEOUS. But now, it would be possible to make okeol playable with sounds on by creating new, high quality samples. And legacy sounds option of course, if somebody insist on bad old sounds.

As far as i know, okeol uses the .res file as a container for like everything, including pictures and textures. This is very exciting and i won't miss LGR files at all if the same conception remains in the final version. However, there should be some compatibility or legacy mode. Or an option for importing the content of an LGR into the RES file.
Can use 24 bit pictures and textures now? Maybe a new, more flexible fancyboost system could also be made but i'm not sure how. (solidcolor for textures somehow)

here okeol gameplay video if still no idea how does it look like
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Labs »

iCS wrote: 22 Jan 2020, 10:38 Ghost bike mentioned
Interesting feature, but i couldn't figure out how to use it properly, maybe i'm too noob, maybe it's in very early experimental phase.
Wasn't sure if it uses last run or best run or something else as ghost replay. Anyway, this thing also should be customizable. Last run/best run/external replay/etc and with option to show finished runs only. It's so sad when ghost kuski keeps dying at the same spot :(
You can simply go to replays menu, replay the rec then ghost bike, it will use the replay you selected.

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Re: oke eol testing

Post by iCS »

Labs wrote: 22 Jan 2020, 14:44 You can simply go to replays menu, replay the rec then ghost bike, it will use the replay you selected.
Not very intuitive way imo :(
And i don't want to watch the (first seconds of the) replay whenever i select it for ghosting. Tried to select with shift+enter, but ghosting doesn't work in that case.
Ideally, ghost mode should be more permanent. Currently, ghost replay is forgotten too easily. If i go to different level (even when i select current level from the levels list!) then go back, it's lost. There's a chance you always want the same rec as ghost on a certain level, like when hoyling for PR/WR etc. Even some save/preset possibility could work, replays associated with levels in config file...
Some onscreen feedback would be also nice, what replay is the current ghost, what is the rec time etc.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by BlaZtek »

Just my two cents after very little playing.
* The bike behave a little different than Elasto Mania, it feels heavyer in some way.
* I love the ghost bike!
* Need grass, maybe make just some little bit darker than original Elma, and also make new pictures, but in the style of: Sedge, Hang, tree 1 2 3 osv. It has some soft style over it.
* If make it possible to turn pictures 360.
* Is it possible to implent moving objects, polygons? Like door opening and moving platforms. Much like in Elasto Mania 2 I guess.

Good to see you progressing so fast, jon, u are the man! :beer:
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by iCS »

BlaZtek wrote: 25 Jan 2020, 23:14 * If make it possible to turn pictures 360.
interesting idea!

BlaZtek wrote: 25 Jan 2020, 23:14 * Need grass, maybe make just some little bit darker than original Elma, and also make new pictures, but in the style of: Sedge, Hang, tree 1 2 3 osv. It has some soft style over it.
using similar system to sunl's lgr utility would be sick
pictures, textures in a folder instead of res file (easiest to edit PNGs directly)
separate folder for each "lgr"
could combine pictures from these folders (sky from folder1, ground from folder2, etc.) ingame from console/menu 8O
or just make new folder and copy source files there

BlaZtek wrote: 25 Jan 2020, 23:14 * Is it possible to implent moving objects, polygons? Like door opening and moving platforms. Much like in Elasto Mania 2 I guess.
oh no

extend "zoom textures" to configurable zoom (separate polygon zoom & texture zoom)
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by AndrY »

BlaZtek wrote: 25 Jan 2020, 23:14 * The bike behave a little different than Elasto Mania, it feels heavyer in some way.
imo feels easier. grip is impsy stabil
BlaZtek wrote: 25 Jan 2020, 23:14 * I love the ghost bike!
BlaZtek wrote: 25 Jan 2020, 23:14 * Need grass, maybe make just some little bit darker than original Elma, and also make new pictures, but in the style of: Sedge, Hang, tree 1 2 3 osv. It has some soft style over it.
* If make it possible to turn pictures 360.
good ideas. who is that awesome man who drew trees, bushes and that all??
pos to mirror them also. althoug mirrored pictures look wierd and mb even fearfully xDD. i tried
BlaZtek wrote: 25 Jan 2020, 23:14 * Is it possible to implent moving objects, polygons? Like door opening and moving platforms. Much like in Elasto Mania 2 I guess.

(really... its was not a bad idea, it just changes elma too much. make okeol2 for this better:) )
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Kopaka »

nice to get a little preview

physics seems good, as in feels exactly similar, maybe even a bit more smooth (as it should since my pc don't manage 1k fps in norm elma)

offline levels solution quite similar to solutions I've thought of, so nice choice there

of course many things that could be discussed regarding ui/features, but that's too early as you say, at least I haven't encountered any actual bugs or things that's completely unusable
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Hosp »

plz don't make the grass diff than original
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by AndrY »

pls make such thing to spy many levels in one time in 1 screen.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Ramone »

What is okeol?
Elasto Mania - ez better
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by pawq »

like EOL but ok
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by Labs »

Ramone wrote: 6 Feb 2020, 11:55What is okeol?

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Re: oke eol testing

Post by insane guy »

Ramone wrote: 6 Feb 2020, 11:55What is okeol?
what we gonna play till the end
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by tej »

insane guy wrote: 18 Jan 2020, 15:21 While I understand the epicness of SLE I just can't be bothered using it because of the annoying build lev>save>go elma> test lev> exit elma>change>oops now there are two versions of the lev and everythign is fukked>quit and go internal editor.

I made this video to show you SLE does not require you to exit elma or make duplicate saves etc.

The method:

1. change level in SLE, and when ready to test...
2. click Ctrl+S...
3. Alt+Tab to eol
4. Currently, lev probably already loaded, so need to unload it to get new changes, load up a diff level, and then load up the level you're working on. You see in vid i spaz out for a sec to load lev, yes: esc up enter esc esc down enter.
5. Test level, die...
6. Alt+Tab to SLE.
Return to step 1

Dunno if you already know this and were making a joke, but took me a few days to make this method when started levmaking, and used it since. Would be nice to get more epic insguy levs if you find the joy of using SLE.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by iCS »

alt-tab part seems good tip, i restart elma during test too many times
but, i think insguy wants to avoid this exactly

for testing i have an isolated folder with SLE and EOL with milaSL. level doesn't go online until i add it in startballe (as in: offline levels menu in okeol)
tried now and the alt-tab/load diff lev then current lev strategy works in offline elma as well.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by tej »

Yes. Sucks that eol does that, seen these lists of my levs before. But, the effort of making new folder/going offline to levmake/using internal is too much. eolconf should have a setting to 'Do not upload levs' when you enter one it doesn't know about. Startballe or Shift+F3 will upload it, and then we wouldn't have this problem.

I'd have no problem looking at stuff like this, but it's not an open source project.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by pawq »


Step 1: tick "Lock new levels"
Step 2: feel free to test any numbers of train levels at your leisure, as they will not get uploaded and will not clutter up the database
Step 3: enjoy automatic level upload when you start a battle (this overrides the "Lock new levels setting); note that there used to be a bug where sometimes the level would not get uploaded when the starter was not in level or sth like that ("CANT DLLL11"), but it was fixed by Markku last year or so
Step 4: you know the drill

Also, as tej said, it's not needed to restart elma to refresh a level after it was edited externally, it's enough to enter another level and come back to the edited one.
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by roope »

Locked levs are saved in the database too and produce the lists like in iCS picture
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by pawq »

a yes true, I didn't notice that they were all-but-one locked in the screenshot, but what's the problem then? they're not downloadable, and only appear if you search for exact levname, for example if you search for "tipi3", only the unlocked tipi30-tipi38 will appear. it's stuff like this that's the problem:
and this could easily be prevented with locking levs :)
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by iCS »

showed tipi38 list because that lev is in the video
sure, not really a problem if level search remains unambiguous, i just like to keep it as clean as possible =D

matter of habit, i've been always uncertain about the correct usage of locking levels, and seen people sucking with it at battle start (didn't know about the fixed bug), so i always make levels offline, it doesn't feel being extra effort because i'm used to it.
for me, switching to online style would require the effort :D
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Re: oke eol testing

Post by tej »

iCS wrote: 25 Mar 2020, 19:34...seen people sucking with it at battle start (didn't know about the fixed bug)...
Yes, this is why for periods of time (early 2018, and random times when fuck up settings) I had levs not locked. Was sick of starting battle and coming back 20 mins later to a bunch of people going "why cant dl lev, tej dum" etc. Now, have had levs locked for a long time and had no issues.
pawq wrote: 25 Mar 2020, 04:08...{if locked} they will not get uploaded and will not clutter up the database...
Didn't know this. Thought they were uploaded and not downloadable. So then how does startballe work? Does startballe upload lev? Because if i make lev and it's name is in db but lev is locked and actual lev file not there, how does it get to the people downloading the lev?

Furthermore, would love for locked levs to not appear in the db at all until some conditions are met or whatever, because seeing 10-200 edits for each tej lev is stupid, esp cause name is visible and I put some embarrassing names all the time...
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