Gaining weight

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Gaining weight

Post by Tigro »

my h/w is somewhere around 183/65, which is on the border of underweight. So why write in this topic? Ofc I have no intention of losing weight, but of gaining some.
The problem is that I have (imo) very fast metabolism, and anything I eat, I burn rigt away. I have never ever done any diet or anything, I eat lots of meat, bread, vegrtables etc., I mean I eat the same things and same amounts as people who are overweight (in the evenings even more). I even tried a week in which I ate like a maniac just to put on some weight, but the result was barely observable. Now when I am at university and working, I lost some eating habits and now I fear about losing even more weight. Sometimes my first meal is at 3.p.m just because i go to work and don't have time to eat, and in work i am overehelmed by things that need to be done that i dont even think about going to lunch. Afternoon, and I am already in fatigue, head spinning and I am done for the day.
Additionaly, I am sporting pretty often (no gym), I walk almost everywhere (btw, walking burns more energy than running. My diabetic friends know this well.), I play volleyball, climb (20 pullups anytime anywhere, on four fingers), run, swim a LOT, bicycle, sometimes rollerskste. This even adds to my energy consumption. Plus the work and school takes a considerable amount too.

So what do you think is the best way of healthily putting on weight? (I even tried McD etc. but it doesnt make me more fat, just rises cholesterol). I know I should eat enough and regularly, but I was doing that for 18 years and I was slim like a sliver. I guess at my height I need around 8-10 kilos to put on.
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Sunshine »

you cant really gain much in one week, even if you eat 1000 kcal more than your daily requirement you would gain only about 0.5-1kg in a week. you can eat anything you want if you just make sure you get enough nutrients and vitamins etc, worrying about fats and cholesterol is for overweight people. i didn't believe that walking burns more calories than running so i checked it and found out running does indeed burn more calories, studies here and here
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Lukazz »

I suppose if I'd have to gain weight, I'd eat a fuckton of nuts. Healthy fats, many calories, and if it you're going for peanuts they're not even very expensive.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Orcc »

I kinda had the same problem as Tigro. All you need to do is start going to gym with muscle mass gain type of routine (5-12 reps per set with medium weights). And eat enough protein. Ta-da!

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Re: Gaining weight

Post by 8-ball »

You can most likely gain 10kg in 2-3 months by just eating about 1k daily calories over your basal metabolic rate. Calories in > calories out = weight gain, it's simple. Count calories, it's worth it. And pretty easy with
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Re: Losing weight

Post by Tigro »

Vermin Supreme wrote:i didn't believe that walking burns more calories than walking so i checked it and found out running does indeed burn more calories, studies here here
I prolly miswritten that; their experience shows that after walking some distance their blood sugar level is lower than after running the same distance. But whatever, it's not important for the discussion.

About eating more calories, yes, that should work. But first i should know what my base calory exhaustion is. Plus, counting every little thing i eat... I dont really feel like it...
And i would need to change my eating habits (generally my living habits). But that would mean i would need to start to human. I dont want to human... Yet. And eating a lot of nuts seems a bit nuts. What about shitloads of bacon? I love bacon.

@Orcc: seems legit, but oh dear, I hate gyms. I mean, I really hate gyms.

@ball: thanks for the tip.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Tigro »

Ok so I put some little effort into checking how much do I need to consume to gain or at least maintain my weight.

My height/weight as of this morning is 182/62, which is BMI just above the "underweight" line. Taking into account my age, bmi and exercise habits, my daily calorie income to maintain weight should be 2560 kcals. That means roughly 3060 if want to gain 0.5 kg per week, and 3560 if want to gain one kilogram per week.

I think I really wasn't gaining those 2560 kcals lately, and it caused migraines, nausea, head pains, overall tiredness etc.
So my goal now would be to eat at least those 2560, or 3060 to gain some weight slowly (no rush).

Just did some math and looked some info up about calorie amounts in foods, but the quantum of data is pretty huge. So if someone of you know some general guide on how to eat ~3000 kcals a day I would appretiate.
How many times a day should I eat, and how much at what part of the day?

For mornings I eat 2-6 slices of bread with butter, cheese and ham.
Lunch almost always some kind of soup; Main course being almost always some pork or poultry, sometimes beef with rice/potatoes/cooked vegetables/chips.
Dinners usually go with some bread or other baked stuff, similar to breakfasts; but most of the time I resign to only two yoghurts and 3 roles, or leftover cakes/pies; several times leftovers from lunch, so again some meat etc.
Then just before midnight I sometimes (like once a week) get hungry and I am able to eat 200 - 350 grams of English Bacon by myself, plus 2 fried eggs and 3 toasts.

But, as I say, I have problem with food intake in general, since my brain doesn't tell me I should eat.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Zweq »

maybe some oatmeals with peanuts and banana in him?
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by 8-ball »

The easiest ways to get a bunch of calories are milk, peanut butter and nuts, imo. But don't focus on that, also make sure you get all the vital nutrients and minerals if health is the goal.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Madness »

It took me over 1 year to gain 6 kg and now I lost it in 3 weeks. :|
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by teajay »

I lost weight in the past year. I went from 72kg to 69kg. I think because of my abstinence of alcohol. My very modest belly shrunk even more. Happy with that.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Madness »

My weight in a chart:

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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Hosp »

yer fit la
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Madness »

Getting my weight back.

01/07/2017 - 64.3 kg
01/08/2017 - 66.4 kg
01/09/2017 - 68.5 kg
01/10/2017 - 70.3 kg


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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Tigro »

Teach me, master.

I'm stuck somewhere at 63.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Madness »

Tigro wrote:Teach me, master.

I'm stuck somewhere at 63.
1) Eat regularly, healthily and a LOT even if you don't feel hungry (if you listen to your stomach, you'll just maintain your weight)
2) Never skip breakfast
3) Get up early and at the same time every day (you'll feel great and all the other points will be easier)
4) Work out hard (you want muscles, not fat)
5) Drink a lot of water (especially during workout)
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Polarix »

Pro tip: Be active.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by milagros »

pro tip - drink a lot of beer and then eat a lot when you get home from the pub
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by kuchitsu »

Tigro wrote: 2 Apr 2016, 23:11 I guess at my height I need around 8-10 kilos to put on.
Any success with this? I'm like 170/55 and could use some motivation, haha.
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by mena »

I just started gaining weight I think, seems like I got 1-3 kg in a month (currently about 195/84, should be 90-95kg to not look max slim with my height).
Doesn't really show yet, but yesterday was the first time I saw 85.0 on my scale so I'm hopeful.

For this I started making a protein drink twice a day consisting of:
0.5l milk
30g protein powder
40g oatmeal flour (or just powderize oatmeal in a coffee grinder)
20g nutella (this makes it less foamy/vomit-like and tastes much better)

This makes about 45g protein and 600-700 calories per serving and I can drink it in 5-40 minutes, so that's 1200+ calories every day with this simple drink.
Also I bought a lot of cashews/almonds/pistachios and try to eat 40g of one of them every day.

Next step would be to start adding some healthy foods I guess...
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Tigro »

kuchitsu wrote: 27 Feb 2020, 15:29
Tigro wrote: 2 Apr 2016, 23:11 I guess at my height I need around 8-10 kilos to put on.
Any success with this? I'm like 170/55 and could use some motivation, haha.
Actually no, I have eating and sleeping disorder :?
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Re: Gaining weight

Post by Sunshine »

I was 60kg stick figure for most of my teens, early 20s and lowest was 55kg at 183cm, that's sick low. Never had much appetite and although it's somewhat better now eating is still a chore. When I decided I need to fix it, I slowly got to 70kg, was stuck there for a while, then at 75, 80 and bounced around 80 for long time until gained from there to where I'm now (87kg). This was quite slow process totaling 5-6 years.

My tips would be:

It's often easier to drink your calories, make shakes or smoothies or whatever you like. It's not the healthiest but you can drink orange juice etc too but make sure you drink it quick and rinse your mouth with water after so sugar doesn't stay there and eat your teeth.

Add olive oil or oil of your choosing to yogurt or on salads etc (or just a lot of dressing to salad). One tablespoon is about 100 calories, you can add to smoothies as well.

Eat a piece of chocolate or two after each meal (or healthier option: nuts), 100-200 calories plus each day.

Like others have said: go to gym so you gain muscle instead of fat. According to BMI 87kg at my height is overweight but I actually look quite skinny still because muscle weights more than fat and my goal is about 90-93kg.

Eat smaller meals more frequently. Since eating was a chore I found it easier to eat smaller meals more often than huge portions few times a day.

Don't really worry too much about eating healthy if you want to gain weight you can eat whatever you want (to a point of course...)

Calories needed per day to maintain weight for 60kg person and 90kg person is actually surprisingly little difference, 1900 for 60kg person and 2260 for 90kg person. So in theory you only need to increase your daily calories by 360 and you eventually go from 60 to 90, although it will be quite slow. That's few handful of nuts per day and tablespoon of oil, doesn't sound too bad? Those figures are averages ofc and you might have lower/higher requirements but the variance isn't huge, for example people talk about slow/fast metabolism but iirc the difference between them is 7% max.
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