Dos Elma

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Dos Elma

Post by Labs »

If you hexedit LGR DK so it would skip LGR building stuff, it becomes fully playable ElastoMania for DOS.
Sunl the magician did it for us, so we got Dos Elma.
LGR DK is in fact a developer version of Elasto Mania, suitable both for developing game resources and testing them.

90% of Elasto Mania was developed for DOS, but then Balazs realised that Windows is already a much more popular gaming platform, so he quickly ported it, but was too lazy to pay attention onto his developer version, which was subsequently released as LGR DK. LGR DK outdates ElastoMania 1.0 for Windows by no more than a couple of months.

Most noticeable differences from Windows version are:

External levels are not supported.
No sound.
Different keyboard, mouse, video and timing backend. Windows version uses DirectX and Windows Media layer, DOS version works with hardware directly.
Because of different video backend, there is a handful of minor differences in every level of graphics pipeline (from the high-level abstractions down to double buffering details).
Wheels are not rotating.
Biker sits lower.
Volt keys do stuck (so u kinda have only one opportunity to volt).

Could be a nice competition in this game, just double click Dosbox.exe and thats it.

Current World Record table:

Code: Select all

Level		Player		Time

01		Labs		17:30
02		Labs		23:43
03		Labs		50:00
04		Labs		59:43
05		Labs		41:58
06		Labs		2:08:46
07		Labs		1:18:02
08		-
09		-
10		Labs		1:08:01
11		-
12		Labs		50:36
13		Labs		58:59
If u want to be on record table, post rec of drive and time.

Dos Elma download link:

My recs:

Gameplay video:

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