The personal questions

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Re: The personal questions

Post by Tigro »

Bludek wrote: 8 Jan 2019, 17:25What do you drink the most? (besides water and tea. Those two are way too common)
Kofola. THE black gold. Forget all those Pepsis and CocaColas, because THIS IS THE SHIT.
My dentist disagrees.
Anyway, I calculated that yearly I spend around 350 eurs just on Kofola, either bottled or from tap.

Anyways, I don't think drinking tea is that common. Many people around me don't drink tea at all, or only in winter. I drink ~6 English Breakfast teas daily, on average, regardless of the season. Not really sure if it is healthy, but whatever.

How would you rate yourself as a driver, in terms of skill?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by kuchitsu »

-3 maybe? My driving skills are 0 but I had to deduct some points because I panic easily.

What do you think, how different your life will be a year from now?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by abruzzi »

exactly same, dull awaiting the death, just occasionally doing some random thing to pack the time a bit

what are your biggest dreams? name 2 real ones
<Pawq> at a gym you have only 3 options: 1. have your eyes closed, 2. stare at yourself, 3. stare at others, all of which are either super boring or disgusting
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

to get a nicely paid job in 10 years. Maybe 2,5-3 times average wage at least. I guess it is doable, it sounds doable, but not easy.
to not fuck up my current realtionship. Besterest girl in many many ways.
(I know, i know, I sound like typical typical middle class dude, but he wanted 2 real dreams.)

What do your classmates from primary school do now? Did a lot of them attend college? Do they have families? Are you the one who is different?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bjenn »

I answer coffee (how couldn't you exclude that one?).

Do you like to sneeze?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bjenn »

I now try to answer from page 110.

None of them have families yet, one is out traveling a lot, several moved to other cities. One works with economics and party a lot. Dunno what else to say, a bit boring question :D
They are the ones who are different imo, I'm more of a "Svensson" guy, normal who want to live happily ever after in same place with kids etc.
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Re: The personal questions

Post by kuchitsu »

Yes, I fucking LOOOVE sneezing, I find it a very funny and pleasant feeling. Sometimes I even try to force a sneeze when I don't want to. I wish I could force it at any moment, then I would never leave the house and just sneeze all day.

How much time per day do you waste on pointless things?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

Much less than I would like. I spend a lot of time in work or with GF and I don't get a lot of time for pointless things. And it ain't gonna get better, I guess. I miss studying university. I used to fuck around all day doing nothing and nobody cared. Sometimes I wish my GF was partying/spending time with her friends much more so I could get some time for myself. But she wants to do like everything in a couple. Which is obv nice, but not all the time.

Are you scared of coronavirus spreading? Did it even change your life already somehow?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by pawq »

Bludek wrote: 10 Mar 2020, 14:29 Much less than I would like. I spend a lot of time in work or with GF and I don't get a lot of time for pointless things. And it ain't gonna get better, I guess. I miss studying university. I used to fuck around all day doing nothing and nobody cared. Sometimes I wish my GF was partying/spending time with her friends much more so I could get some time for myself. But she wants to do like everything in a couple. Which is obv nice, but not all the time.
oh my god, can relate sooo much!

Answering the question:
Not afraid right now, but certainly believe it's a reason for concern and for extra care, because we already know what happens how quickly it spreads when too little care is used, and there are a lot of vulnerable people out there. Whether the reactions of some govts or organisations are overblown is another issue.

So far only affected by 1 gig being cancelled, but I certainly would be affected more if I had more events or travelling planned.

In what sort of situations would you lie and not feel bad about it?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Bludek »

I lie about food :roll: If someone casually asks what I ate that day, I rarely admit I had fast food. Which I do eat like 2 times a week for lunch. I also lie about little things that will make the other person happier. Like if a girl asks me about her dress, I usually say it is lookin pretty even when it is just average looking. But I guess everyone does that. Oh, and sometimes I lie about things I should have done, but I didn't. It is kinda tough for me to admit I forgot or just didn't care enough to do stuff in time.

Which leisure activity takes the most of your time these days?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Tigro »

Bludek wrote: 19 Jun 2020, 10:21 Which leisure activity takes the most of your time these days?
Magic: The Gathering. Usually playing EDH or building decks or thinking about building decks or buying cards for decks or looking for some nice cards for decks osv.

How would you spend your next month if you had no mobile phone (and no mobile internets)? What would change in your schedule/habits?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by ArZeNiK »

Tigro wrote: 22 Jul 2020, 11:52 How would you spend your next month if you had no mobile phone (and no mobile internets)? What would change in your schedule/habits?
pc???????? i dont get this question

same question but include pc and any kind of internet
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Re: The personal questions

Post by kuchitsu »

I think he meant like how would your life change when you're not at home)
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Re: The personal questions

Post by kuchitsu »

Which member of the community would you date if they were female?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Ruben »

kuchitsu wrote: 30 Apr 2021, 13:32 Which member of the community would you date if they were female?
AKB, obviously. Any classical composer is an automatic yes. (Will go on a blind date if you know anyone (must be actual woman)).

Were you punished a lot as a child? And how? And do you feel you deserved it?
<veezay> antti also gonna get stabbed later this month
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Hosp »

b]Were you punished a lot as a child? And how? And do you feel you deserved it?[/b] by Ruben :player_a: :player_b:
Was not punished when smol, it was when was maybe 11-14 got hit one hard blow to the upper arm on a few occasions and it made me cry etc (by dad) and then hev gotten choked by 2 of my older brothers on 3 occasions
the times i got hit i agree i was a pain in ass etc, still not agree with solution of hitting because i was never physically aggressive.
the brother stuff is just them being bitch :devil:

Question: Where do you think Elasto Mania will be in 20 years?

HELLO MANY DAYS AFTER, that might not be very personal question:

new Quest for Jon: If you could change the music industry to ur liking, how would u change it?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by gimp »

I would add more guitar fingerpicking. Easy songs to think of are stairway to heaven, blackbird, intro to crazy on you. dont know if that answers question :)

have you ever shat or peed your pants? was it noticed? if not how did you get away with it? if noticed tell story plz.
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Re: The personal questions

Post by Harald Hasch »

I think i sharted my pants a few times, since i enjoy letting one rip from time to time. as in actual shit and a plenty of piss in my pants, that maybe happened during childhood, dunno

how's life?
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Re: The personal questions

Post by John »

Tbh, near all time low, recovering

How do you think you would handle fame? Full-blown diva or staying humble?
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