Feminism / Vegans / Racism / Abortion

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Post by Ky.Jelly »

imo very good topic

lets just start with one


i think the girl or the couple have the rite to choose to have an abortion or not, being that i have been through one myself they are not the easiest things to decide anyway, what i dont agree with is people using them as a form of contraception, ie, just having sex knowing that if you get pregnant you can just have one is not good.

i also agree that teaching about sex is a lot better than trying to stop it, my parents never said anything about it rite wen i first started and have never said anything yet, in fact my first girlfreinds mum was keen for us to do it, ( yes i still wonder myself sometimes)

overall abortion is up to the individual, not for any other family member, group ie. church or person to decide, even better if you can decide as a couple imo.
[10:51:18] <skint0r> i could SACh see KyJelly working at ICA ;D
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Post by bob »

yes not a bad topic, even though I found it hard to understand bartek's writing.

if there is one thing i hate in this world it's fems. I think everyone, INCLUDING women, can atleast admit to themselves that men are a much superior sex. "Oh bob you are sexest". No im not, just stating the truth. Just look at what men have done for this world - technology, inventions, sport, going to the moon etc. Then compare it with women - nothing? good for sex maybe...they even suck at netball. Maybe if fems stop acting out like they don't have fair rights, then maybe they could start acting like they have the same rights as men.
"oh your sexest"

meat is the main source for energy ok. if you want to be healthy you must eat it! but...i do think that eating parts of another living thing isnt cool at all, its like eating another human, but that doesnt stop me from loving meat.

this shouldnt be any problem at all. if a young teen was to fall pregnant, there is no way she could successful take full care of the baby. now would you like to ban abortions and then in the future see alot of teenagers who are living in poverty and who have to also support their child? what kind of future would the child have?

and yes bartek, these are my point of views :wink:
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Post by jw »

i'm a vegetarian for the last 15 years, so probably that is why i miss the energy to beat up people or the hormons to get really agressive, even i have no energy now to write my opinion down, but maybe that's because i haven't had no dinner yet, even not a vegeterian meal.
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Post by chux »

I hope someone can be bothered to read this...


What is the point? Meh meh meh, women are just as good, blah blah...ok! do something about it instead of whining! Feminists want equality apparantly, and their way of getting it is to say 'girl power' or whatever...make sense? not to me. This 'women are better crap' is crap anyway, im not saying that theyre inferior, but they cant get away with saying "men arent allowed to say their better, but i am". Ok, bit off topic...

As for shaving, blehh! Why do they not do it? cos men dont? "If men dont have to, why do i?" possibly cos you'll die alone if you dont, although the chances of a feminist getting a guy is very unlikely anyway. and whats with this 'if men dont have to, i wont' stuff? They want to say "we're women and we're proud" and for some reason they think the way to do it is by copying men...durr

And about the porn and stippers and stuff..."it is degradign to women"...WHAT!??! If they choose to do it, and they walk away happy at the end of the day with a huuuuuge wad of cash in their hands, who's degraded? If its degrading to anyone itd be the people who do it...and if the people who do it do it, they wont be against it. Therefore no-one is offended...right?
Wrong. Feminist always like to have a long moan about how hard it is to be a woman. "Moo, the guys wont put the toilet seat up" well heres a reason: its just as much work for us to do it as it if for you! Just think of it as payment for all of the shelves/light bulbs/car stuff/EVERYTHING that we do for you.

Feminine women will get somewhere in life. You will end up smelling


I have nothing against people. Except for the fact they suck.
Its not vegans i hate, just the ones who are openly vegan :D The ones who tell you why they dont eat meat/dairy every time you mention KFC or whatever. "ooh no, its cruel" "ugh, i hate KFC, they kill animals" No shit! Tell you what, I'll eat the ones that are gonna die anyway. Hmm, that makes all of them. Ok, I couldnt eat all of the animals in the world...but I could give it a shot. I eat meat cos it tastes nice. No other reason. And as for cruelty to animals, this is a way out for them! Think how much worse it woul dbe for them in their battery farms if Maccy D's didnt just slaughter the last herd! Thered be half the room there is now.

Vegans are the same kind of people that complain about recycling. In theory recycling could save all our problems. just like communism works...in theory. I read somewhere that it takes more chemicals to recycle plastic then it would to make new stuff. so really...littering will do more good than harm.

I like my cow medium well. keep your asparagus to yourself


Getting serious now eh? Well not me :D
Sure, I guess its ok, like if someone really doesnt want a kid, then the life the kid would have had will be really sucky. I dont mean 'put it out of its misery now rather than later' just that if the parent(s) dont want it...
People make mistakes. Kids are the result. How anyone can say abortion is worse than contraception is beyond me. Both stop kids from living in some way. Either way, its one less screaming little shit that i have to listen to while Im waiting to buy my vanilla coke.
Hmm, maybe thats a bit harsh on kids, i mean, i wouldnt like to have been killed, if i was, Id come back as a ghost of some sort and kick some ass. The thing is, im alive, and its pretty cool. It wouldnt be so good without parents that knew what they were getting themselves into though, so stop thinking about it as killing babies, but more like life insurance :D

if people are too dumb to think before they make kids, they deserve a backup plan. its not their fault theyre irresponsible!

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Post by jw »

chux wrote:Vegans are the same kind of people that complain about recycling. In theory recycling could save all our problems. just like communism works...in theory. I read somewhere that it takes more chemicals to recycle plastic then it would to make new stuff. so really...littering will do more good than harm
ok, since i am an "open" vegetarian and a industrial design engeneering student i wanna ask you something about that reclycling of you. there are a lot of plastics (thermoplasts) that easily melt when you warm them and you can easily reacycle them without chemicals, but it's true not all recycling is good and growing more and more animals in one cage without you eating them isn't good as well. for example is it better to use recycle glass bottles for milk or carton packs?
glass doesn't have to be better because of the weight you use more energy to ship it and because of the round shape you can fit less bottles than packs in one car and you need a lot of water and some chemicals to clean them, but on the other hand you don't have to throw all the packs away. btw, a lot of garbage will be burned and that generates power, this process can be calle recycling as well...

so the questions:
you think recycling doesn't work?
what the fuck is recycling for you? (u think re-using is a form of re-cycling?)
do you think communism can work for a really small community?
how old are you?
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Post by chux »

you think recycling doesn't work?
I think it can...but it needs everyone to do it. Same as vegetarianism.
All I said was that i read once that plastic is hard to recycle!

what the fuck is recycling for you? (u think re-using is a form of re-cycling?)
Recycling for me is a side topic for what i was supposed to be writing about. Yes, re-using can be recycling

do you think communism can work for a really small community?
In general, its a nice idea. But wont ever really work, people will think its unfair. I dont claim to know a whole lot about it, just the basics. And from what i understand, its not a realistic idea

how old are you?

Now try:
Were those answers written purely to raise a bit of controversy?
Yeah, it was a bit of fun

Were you being serious?
If you didnt get that from my last question, hell no

Still, thanks for the feedback :D
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Post by jw »

i feel a little bit drunk now, just a little bit, but i'm not sure about that, ehhmm, o yeah, i didn't take it too serious but i don't know it was just about the plastic and pff i don't know, ehhmm. what did i wanna tell? oh yeah controversity or something like that, yep that is a good point. ok i think it is better to stop now everyone: goodnight!
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Post by milagros »

don't believe vegans
they just eat meat like us only not public:)

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Post by Ramone »

bob wrote:veg
meat is the main source for energy ok. if you want to be healthy you must eat it!
No, proteins is main sorce of energy. And meat has proteins but so has lentiles, beans, nuts etc. bah.
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Post by dz »

actually proteins are the source of the body structure, flesh, but i woudln't say it's "energy" itself. proteins does not take hunger away. but then again, i dont know what you exactly mean by energy.
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Post by Ramone »

accually... if you wanna still your hunger proteinrich food is the best, its exactly proteins that take hunger away... so if you wanna be full eat proteinrich food. then you dont end up eating candy. :P
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Post by dz »

well, protein-wealthy food often has alot of fat, which could explain your point, but try taking 99% protein containing powder, it does not take hunger away. instead you want to have carbohydrates, which keeps you going.
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Post by Ramone »

dz. its not the fat that makes hunger go away... argh. And lentiles and other vegetarian stuff I eat that has high protein hardly has fat. If you read "bantningstips" in ladies magazines they often say: eat beans and stuff with proteins but less fat cause then you´ll get more full....

I also read books about this... fat doesnt make hunger go away... you can eat tons of chips and french fries... try to eat tons of steak... steak is less fat than chips.... makes you more full.... see what I mean?
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Post by dz »

there are different type of fat, but you're not all wrong about it anyway. but you DO are wrong with what you say that protein itself takes hunger away. in that case, why don't you try take pure protein for hunger - pretty much useless, you're still hungry.

what happens when you're hungry and drink a can of orange juice?
you are not hungry anymore. next time you do so, check the nutrient information on the side of the box. ;)
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Post by chux »

Neither meat of protien are the main souces of energy..the sun is! Dohh!

To fill yourself up, chew your food slower, then your saliva mixes with the food and you end up eating 'more'...this means you fill yourself up and eat less! Genius!
Also, fruit juice fills you up loads...and tastes nice
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Post by Ramone »

of course protein isnt the ONLY thing that takes hunger away... I never said that. Also eating only proteins is not very healthy.
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Post by Vaitork »

Some fun for meat-haters :wink:

Guiltless Grill?

I'm not agree with anything.. i'm just posting the url :lol:
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Post by chux »

Is there any other kind?
This one is great. All his ones on vegetarians are...and feminsim...
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Post by DrPepper »

"Female subservience
To impervious male domination
Male subservience
To the countries defence

It's a mans world
So you'd better act like one!

God give me strength
Women suck my length
"Enemy" do you have the balls
To challenge my masculinity?

Just discard your sensitivity
And you'll play the part well.

Cunt-born some more,
To be big and strong like daddy.
Drill them to perpetuate
Into the ultimate form of stupidity." --ND, FETO
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Post by jw »

Vaitork wrote:Some fun for meat-haters :wink:

Guiltless Grill?

I'm not agree with anything.. i'm just posting the url :lol:
a reaction of the PETA:
"While it is true that animals are killed during harvesting, there is a lot
more to this story than meets the eye. First, we, and animals rights
advocates in general, are primarily concerned with preventing the suffering
of living animals. While millions of animals are killed each year in the
harvesting process, millions of animals suffer EVERY DAY in the meat
industry. BILLIONS of animals are tortured and slaughtered for food every
year in the United States alone. All of these animals being raised for meat
eat grain. In fact, they consume more than half of all of the grain produced
in this country. If the population of the United States were vegetarian, we
would actually require LESS grain, and thereby kill fewer animals during
harvesting. When you eat meat, not only are you contributing to the
suffering of the farmed animals, but you are also contributing to the
majority of the animals killed during harvesting."

That's a good point grain consumption by animals. There are also counties importing grain from Africa to feed their animals. Because we pay a higher price for the grain the African grain companies sell it to us in stead of to their own starving homies......
(not really fear in my oppinion)
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Post by chux »

If everyone was vegetarian, there would be more animals to eat grain, so we'd probably still need the same amount :roll:
Whats the problem with eating animals anyway? if animals can eat animals, why cant humans (animals, just another species) eat them? Its the way it goes
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Post by Vaitork »

chux wrote:if animals can eat animals...
AAAAND also take into consideration that, for example, tigers and leopards aren't very nice to their prey :wink: call me predator, i'm fine with it 8)
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Post by jw »

chux wrote:If everyone was vegetarian, there would be more animals to eat grain
I don't understand this one. You don't think that we would going on breeding billions of animals if we all become vegetarians?
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Post by chux »

Meh, maybe we wouldnt raise them to eat, but hunting wouldnt happen and generally without the worlds worst predator killing them, animals would find it a lot easier to live...
Anyway, this was just a guess, it kinda makes sense, but theres no evidence for it
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Post by bob »

get over it ok, us humans are the highest ranking so we say what goes, so if we wannna kill animals to eat, then good.

sad thing is, is that in the far away future, animals will have the same rights as humans, therefore no killing animals etc. just like with women.
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Re: Feminism / Vegans / Racism / Abortion

Post by A.K.B. »

The chicks shouldn't stuff their pussies full of nigger cock, then those fucking feminist vegans wouldn't have shit to worry about.
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