New levels by me, Saq

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New levels by me, Saq

Post by Saq »

Wow, it's been ages since i have posted here, but i have finaly made some new levels and some even harder times to beat. Trust me on this, you wont beat my time on track8, i've done so many repeats that i have practicaly buckled the tyre from countless rebounds :roll: . Anyway, i really hope you like what i have done this time. I expect some people to comment on them this time too please. I put in lots of effort, apart from no scenery.

here they are: ...
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Post by skint0r »

Perhaps it was just some clever scheme to get us to play your levels, but beating your record on track8 was fairly easy and done in a few minutes.


Haven't played them all yet, but one thing I can say - you've chosen a pretty lame filenaming for your levels :S. Trackxx isn't exactly the most original, meaning there are lots of people whose levels uses the same naming system.

Ok, did some quick drive throughs. From another lev designers standpoint, these aren't exactly masterpieces. You need to learn about using less polygons to achieve the same thing for once. As for the missing pictures goes, I personally think less pictures is a good thing usually. You could at least have made grass though.

NAME YOUR LEVELS, preferably with the filename in the level name as well, i.e. Track20: Cockadoodledoo. And I already told you about your filenaming choice further up. You should also use leading zeros in the track numbers of the filenames, Track01 or Track001 (depending on how many levels you have) instead of Track1.

And usually it's not a good idea to have your complete höyled top10 in the levels. If you feel the need to have a time in the top10, just drive a simple basetime that's challenging to beat, but not impossible. Fortunately your times in these levels are pretty easy to beat, so it doesn't matter :P.

From a player's point of view, they were pretty fun to play despite some of their shortcomings. I tend to like levels made by less experienced designers because they usually have more styles to find, that the designer didn't originally think of.
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