Howdy, I've read/heard about the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at home program conducted by the Berkley University where people download data from their satelites to their home computers and use the idle CPU time to process it. Well anyways they have group competition and I was thinking that we could create a Moposite group. So if anyone is interested in joining this search or already does it, then we'll create a group or send me a pm and see what we can do.
That's a good idea. I wonder though, are there any other similar projects going on? I just sort of doubt that we'll ever find life anywhere else in the universe, even if every computer in the world devoted all of its processing power to the cause.
Yeah! I'd do it, sounds like fun
it should be though, so people know that its a website...
I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without their motives being questioned. Hi! I'm a signature virus. Copy me into your signature to help me spread.
I did this too a few years ago, but I can't remember my username and password anymore. I remember I had my computer running for days on end. I averaged about 8 hours for processing one chunk of data (which was about 200k at that time: 4 years ago). I only had 300 MHz Cleron back then. (Hmm, now I still only have 500 MHz PIII )