Elma to linux!

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Elma to linux!

Post by Mullvad »

We have got linux on our schools computer so I do not know how to play elma. We are not allowed to install wine our any other program used to use windows program on linux.

So my questien is what I should do to make Elma work on our shools computers!!
It is so boring on between the lessons nowdays!
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Post by teajay »

heah, I know the problem. But elma needs DirectX to work, and as far as I know Microsoft didn't made any plans in the near or far future, for making that compatible for Linux. The only thing I can think of is to try Frozen Bubble, or Tux Racer. Kfouleggs is funny too. :P
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Post by Ramone »

my brother has elma working fine on his laptop with linux... however I have no clue how he get it to work...
My guess is "wine" is a prog to use windowsprogs.... hmmm Myab eh just uses that. Yeye... Quit elma... Play other Games :wink:
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can use it

Post by Mullvad »

On moposite they describe how to get elma working in unix(linux) with the help of wine! But I am not allowed to install wine on the schools computer therefore I need a working elma program files or linux source code o elma ;-)
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Post by teajay »

ramone wrote:my brother has elma working fine on his laptop with linux... however I have no clue how he get it to work...
My guess is "wine" is a prog to use windowsprogs.... hmmm Myab eh just uses that. Yeye... Quit elma... Play other Games :wink:
Well, duh, like Mullvad said, but he can't get wine. I suggest to tweak the FreeBeOS version, it must work that way, dunno how... :roll:
If you had WineX it wouldn't be that hard, I garantee that, I use it myself.
Windows just sucks./
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Post by Abula »

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Post by Guest »

I guess most likely if you get some rather new distro, it will have wine already included within the install of the OS. Maybe just some little confing and that's it. Quickly taking a look at my RH9 I don't see it. Well I will install the latest fedora next I think, or gentoo, and it will most likely have it.

And yes, wine runs on window automatically, so you will be playing elastomania from a window of your defined size. It is really good feature when you are playing battles. You can see the times just underneath, if you stretch your favorite IRC client and wine side by side.

Post by onla »

http://www.ratol.fi/~vnaatane/files/ez_ ... lleing.png

such.. Elastomania seems to run perfectly, better and smoother than in my XP even without doing any modification.. or minimal I would say...

I installed Ubuntu Hoary. The install was about as easy as installing a windows machine. And with step by step HOW-TO guide at www.ubuntuguide.org confing this machine was easy :S such happy, need to get couple more games to work and I will say good bye to windows forever :*
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Post by teajay »

please explain how you did teh windowed shit. And do you use winex or wine with own modification?

Post by Guest »

I used ubuntu's "apt-get wine" to download wine. FIrst I added some libraries to source.list tho..

Then I made file "config" to /home/ville/.wine/ directory and input this text into that config file:


For that matter, I noticed that the resolution described in that wine's config is not capable of overriding elma's resolution choices, So it doesn't matter what resolution you write in the config(unless you find a way to use it) but at least it will open elma in window.

The window size will be the size of your elma resolution compared your screen resolution in x-windows. That's why elma1.2 is suggested(you can change reso if you wish)

AAAnd I just noticed that my elma freezes in the start picture if I try run elma with default wine settings which were seemably full screen elma like in MS Windows. so... wine aind perfect at least... fine for me tho

Here's how I currently play. 1152x8xx screen resolution and 1024x8xx elma resolution: www.ratol.fi/~vnaatane/files/elma1024.png
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Post by teajay »

I still don't understand how you got the wine to run elma. Is it via the guide you used from moposite?

Post by Guest »

no I didn't do as he says on that document

... it just works.... just put that config file...it loads some graphics and desktop.. they are important...

after you install wine you have to type "wine" as a user not as root and then it creates that fake windows. Then make the config to the /.wine dir.. then just place your elma in program files there or somewhere and in console go to the dir and then type "wine Elma12.exe"
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Post by Abula »

Old article from Moposite archive:

Ever felt anger towards MS Windows? Crashing all the time, beeing to slow and boring-looking.
Well, get a UNIX instead. It'll be stable, very configurable and you'll have many different outlooks
to choose between.
But, will you be able to run Elasto Mania? Sure you will, a UNIX can deal with almost anything you want.
But, how do you do to get it to run? Well, I'll give you some help on the way to happiness.

I'm not going to tell you how to install your UNIX, I guess you already know how to do that if you're here.

All commands I want you to write is in bold and within ''. That is 'command'.
Notes, headers and other important stuff is also bold.


1. Preparations.
2. Creating a psuedoe Windows partiton.
3. already got a Windows partition.
4. Edit wine.conf.
5. Preparing FreeBSD for WINE.
6. Running WINE.
7. Problems.
8. Author.


1. Preparations.

So, first of all you need WINE, a Windows emulator, which can be downloaded from http://www.winehq.com.
If you don't want or don't know how to compile all the sources you may fetch one of the binary distributions
of WINE.
I use a FreeBSD port of WINE which may be found at ftp.freebsd.org.
This one won't work in Linux but a Linux compiled WINE may work in FreeBSD.

I'm not telling you how to install WINE, this you'll have to figure out on your own.
But reading the documentation is always a good idea.

NOTE. You have to install X Window System to be able to run WINE.

So, if you've installed it now this is where the fun begins.
First if all you need a directory to run Windows binaries from.
This may be a real Windows partition or a psuedo (fake) one.
I use a fake one, don't want any FAT partitions on my HDD.
If you have a real Windows partition you may skip step 2.

2. Creating a psuedo Windows partition.

First of all you've to decide where to have it.
Use a filesystem with lots of free space, not necessary but preferable.
Don't use the root ( / ) filesystem.
I have mine in /usr/home/wine which is the /usr filesystem.
So, let's get to it then.
SU to root or login as root.
Then 'mkdir -p /home/wine/c/windows/system'.
You may choose a different location, this is just the one I use.
Now we've set up our psuedo Windows partition.

3. already got an Windows partition.

So, if you've already have a Windows partition, use that one.
I don't know, it could be reliable this way, haven't tried.
Add following line to /etc/fstab if you use FreeBSD or any other BSD system.

/dev/wd?s?? msdos /windows rw 0 0

? is which HDD it's on and?? is which slice.
I hope you already know how to handle slices, it's rather tough to explain so I leave to you to learn
if you don't know.
msdos tells the mount daemon which filesystem to mount. /windows where to mount it. rw that it should
be read-writable and 0 0 I really don't know, but it should be there. =/

If you use Linux or any other Sys V system add this line.

/dev/hd?? msdos /windows rw,user 0 0

?? may be a1 for first HDD and first partition or b2 for second HDD and second partition and so on.
msdos could be replaced with auto, but msdos should work out fine.
As in the example before /windows tells the mount daemon where to mount. rw is for read-writable.
user gives other users than root permission to mount this filesystem.
And 0 0... just put it there.
But, I guess you know this if you're using Linux or any other Sys V UNIX clone.

4. Edit wine.conf.

Now you need to tell WINE where it shall search for either your real or psuedo Windows partition.
This is done within wine.conf.
If you don't know where it's located you may use following command.
'find / | grep wine.conf'.
This will search all your filesystem for a pattern matching wine.conf.
It'll print to the screen if it find something.

NOTE. UNIX is a case sensitive O/S, so grep Wine.conf won't find anything, must be wine.conf.

But wine.conf is usually found in /etc or /usr/local/etc.
Look there before searching.

Now we've to edit wine.conf.

Start you favourite editor and open wine.conf. You must be root or else you won't be able to save
changes to wine.conf.

Find following lines:

[Drive C]
Path=/c <-- Change to where your C: is located.

I use: Path=/home/wine/c

Then find these lines:

[Drive D]
Path=/cdrom <-- Change to where your CD-Rom is mounted.

I use: Path=/cdrom.

Now we've set up WINE, could be more precise setup but this'll do.
But FreeBSD users still got one thing to do before the fun begins.
If you use Linux you may skip paragraph 5.

5. Preparing FreeBSD for WINE.

Now, to be able to run WINE you must recompile your kernel in order to get it work.
First of all you need to have the kernel sources in order to do this.
If you didn't install them when you first installed FreeBSD then do like this:


Choose Configure from the main menu, then Distributions, then X-Kern-Developer.
Let it install, and now you have the source code for the FreeBSD kernel on your system.

If you already had the sources then do this:

'cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf'.
'cp GENERIC whateveryouwant'.

Then edit whateveryouwant.

You'll se a lot of lines in the beginning containing lines like:

options MSDOSFS

After the last options line insert following:

'options USER_LDT'

After this you'll save the file.
Do a 'config -g whateveryouwant'.
It shouldn't give you a failure message.
But if it does, you've done something wrong.
Then do like this:

'cd ..' *2
'cd compile/whateveryouwant'

NOTE. Whatever you want is just my lack of fantasy, use another name.

Then make a 'make depend'.
When it's done, 'make'.
This may take a time, but don't worry.
After make is done, 'make install'.

Now you have to reboot your system to make the changes happen.
Reboot, and wow, we have a WINE functional BSD system.

6. Running WINE.

Now, this is when we should try if our efforts was worth it.
We need a Windows program/game to run.
Hmm... why not Elasto Mania.
Mount your Windows partition if you need or go to your psuedo Windows place.
Copy the Elasto Mania setup file to the directory you're in.
If you're a UNIX you know how to do that. I'm not going through the basics here.

Now, you have the Elasto Mania setup file in your Windows or 'Windows' directory.
So, let's do like this:

'wine elmasetup.exe -debugmsg,+file -managed'.

elmasetup.exe... don't know if thats the filename. If it's not, then change to the right one.
-managed tells WINE to run the program in a WM ( Window Manager ) handled window.
The Elasto Mania setup program may skip this parameter.
Install Elasto Mania where you want it. Default should be C:\Program Files\Elasto....
Install where you want.
Then make this one:

'cd /windowsdir/elastodir'.

And now, we're almost where we wanted to be at the start, just ONE single command from Elasto Mania.

'wine Elma.exe -debugmsg,+file -managed'

NOTE AGAIN. UNIX is case sensitive, if ElMa.exe, it won't work.

And now a window should appear on your screen with Elasto Mania.
If your X server is configured with higher resolution than 640*480 a window appears at the desktop.
If you have your X server configured as 640*480 16bpp ( Elasto Mania uses 16bpp instead of Across using 8bpp )
you may want to skip the -managed parameter and Elasto Mania will take the whole desktop.
But, running in a desktop window won't slow anything down.
UNIX isn't like Windows, it's good at multitasking.

7. Problems.

Only problem I've had with Elasto Mania in UNIX is at the menues.
Pressing the arrow up button makes the helmet go up two steps. Same with arrow down.
But, a external DLL instead of the built-in may solve this.
I'll try as soon I as I've got the dinput.dll.

If you encounter other problems, check the documentation for respective WINE or other component.

8. Author.

This Elasto Mania HOW-TO for UNIX written by Kent Lundström, fotn, PRA.
Qustions may be sent to fotn@linuxmail.org.
Visit PRA site at, http://underworld.fortunecity.com/starcraft/225.
Would like to thank PeXi for allowing me to publish this at his site.
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Post by dz »

That article goes for very old version of Wine. These days you can skip probably 80-90% of the configuration on it. Here's my short experience with Elma running on Wine.

At first I downloaded the latest version of Wine at http://www.winehq.com 0.9.12. I simply installed the rpm package and then after I ran it first time it created a profile for me under home directory. (.wine/). Under that profile there is a virtual C-drive, for example. Wine also creates a virtual Z-drive that points in Linux filesystem. Then I installed elma simply with the command 'wine elmasetupfile.exe'. There I could install it in virtual C-drive or where ever I wanted. The installation looks just like a normal installation in Windows. Ok, installation ready. Could it be any simpler than that?

Then I just went under my Elma directory and typed 'wine elma.exe'. It didn't start immediately. I had to switch my desktop to lower resolution. Then it started fine. Wait, the game doesn't respond to any keypresses?! Yes, that's a known bug in some games that are run on Wine. When Wine switches to full screen, it loses the focus on the game window and all you can do is watch the game startup screen.

Then I ran 'winecfg' which starts a Wine configuration editor. There I chosed to emulate a virtual desktop. Anything lower to my current desktop resolution made the game start in a windowed mode and I could even press keys!

Next problems: I could only press 4 buttons simultaneously, even though I could press many more in Windows. Fuck, I guess I have to try another keyboard... changing keyboard layout didn't help. Maybe another driver? Also, when playing my keys got sometimes stuck. The bike could brake for 1 minute without pressing anything. I guess it relates to my keyboard getting locked for pressing too many keys.

This is where I am now. Next: I will try Winex emulator. I just need to find some libraries for it.
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Post by teajay »

winex has been renamed to cedega and it costs money.
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Post by dz »

tijsjoris wrote:winex has been renamed to cedega and it costs money.
Yes and that's very unfortunate. Was it completely free before?

Edit: Yes Elma probably works on cedega since it's specialized in directx games but even if I have some older rpm package I can't find some dependencies. I'll try to find a workaround using Wine. I just don't know how to change the size of virtual desktop window. Even if my resolution is set on different values the size of the window is always the same.

Edit2: I also have a problem with space+alt combination. When I press them together (brake+turn) it activates the window options. You know, the menu which asks wheter to minimize, maximize, move the window etc. Damn that sucks.
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Post by teajay »

Winex cost money before too. But when I used it a couple of years ago I found some warez link to it. It's down now though.

Unfortunately I can't help you with any of those problems you're having, I was and am not advanced in elma in linux.
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Post by dz »

Winex changed it's name to Cedega already in 2004 together with new version 4.0. Current version is 5.1.3. Together with version 5 things got a bit annoying according to some people with a seperated engine and graphical interface. I tried to run version 5 but didn't get it working (well, didn't even try much) and decided to stick in version 4. New versions mainly gives better support in new games.

Anyway, all that I had to do to make elma work with Cedega was:

-modify xorg.conf to include 640x480 resolution so that X understands it and is able to switch to it.
-Some minor configuration in Cedega 'config' file. I'm not even sure if it's necessary.

Now it works. Though I still have to figure out how to change refresh rate higher.
Oh and for some reason Gnome won't let me press more than 4 keys simultaneously. For my suprise KDE is flawless what comes into that matter. So all keys in use again! :P
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Post by teajay »

And you don't have to pay?
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Post by Ysangkok »

I'm sorry I'm four years late, but a clone (open source) now exists: http://xmoto.sourceforge.net/

Also, I think vanilla WINE can run Elma now. Vanilla WINE is free, WineX/Cedega costs money.
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Re: X-Moto

Post by SveinR »

Ysangkok wrote:I'm sorry I'm four years late, but a clone (open source) now exists: http://xmoto.sourceforge.net/
There is already a thread about X-moto here: http://www.moposite.com/mopolauta/viewtopic.php?t=3445
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Post by DaFred »

I think Xmoto isn't a clone :\
The physic just sucks
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