The games which you played out

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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Ruben »

Zweq wrote:dont see how FPS have improved at all since doom / quake. only collecting keys to open a door objective has changed into going to place A to get gazoline for the car tank (and wiith lot of cutscenes). Those are essentially two same things but the latter far less 'gamey'. For mood & story? fuk that elma doesnt have neither
I couldn't agree more. I've never understood the appeal with FPS games. They're just boring, and after a few hours I can't even bring myself to ever turning the game on ever again. Except some classics like Duke Nukem (I forgot that in my list, aswell as both Portals and Fallout 1), man that game was awesome. But it was FUN. Now it's all dreary repetetive eye-candy. The GOTHIC games, man. I fucking love them, especially the first two. Damn, they look like utter horse crap. The chunky-ass movement is utter horse crap. The voice acting is to kill yourself over. But that's probably the very reasons I love those games. They're old, shit games that are far better than anything else I've ever played.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by pawq »

Interhybritizer wrote:Now it's all dreary repetetive eye-candy. The GOTHIC games, man. I fucking love them, especially the first two. Damn, they look like utter horse crap. The chunky-ass movement is utter horse crap. The voice acting is to kill yourself over. But that's probably the very reasons I love those games. They're old, shit games that are far better than anything else I've ever played.
Couldn't agree more! I also love the Gothic series, because it's so hilarious (square faces etc, bugs :D), because it has an awesome mood (!!!) and because you can play it over and over again and still enjoy it. Also, one thing I've noticed - I remember most of the characters from Gothic by name. Not because I've played that game for millions of hours, but because it was so engaging, and because each of the main characters was made unique in a way. While in Skyrim I barely know anyone's name. Why would I? Everyone looks and speaks the same. Even though I love Skyrim for a variety of reasons, characters is not its strongest point.

I think probably the games that best fit your description of modern FPS'es, "eye candy", are the new CoDs. I hated them. But still some FPS'es are created that I find very engaging and rewarding, the most notable being CoD 4 and Crysis. I loved both of them and played them for looong hours. Plus Just Cause 2, but that is just extreme fun :D
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Ruben »

Pawq wrote:
Interhybritizer wrote:Now it's all dreary repetetive eye-candy. The GOTHIC games, man. I fucking love them, especially the first two. Damn, they look like utter horse crap. The chunky-ass movement is utter horse crap. The voice acting is to kill yourself over. But that's probably the very reasons I love those games. They're old, shit games that are far better than anything else I've ever played.
Couldn't agree more! I also love the Gothic series, because it's so hilarious (square faces etc, bugs :D), because it has an awesome mood (!!!) and because you can play it over and over again and still enjoy it. Also, one thing I've noticed - I remember most of the characters from Gothic by name. Not because I've played that game for millions of hours, but because it was so engaging, and because each of the main characters was made unique in a way. While in Skyrim I barely know anyone's name. Why would I? Everyone looks and speaks the same. Even though I love Skyrim for a variety of reasons, characters is not its strongest point.
This. Gothic has an absolutely amazing mood. It's dark in so many ways (a lot of terrible dark humor aswell). The fact that the backround music also works like ambience is a stroke of genius (that went out the window with Gothic 3. Grrr). You could go explore wherever you wanted you, and you were ALWAYS rewarded for it. Too few games do that nowadays. Memorable (and not too many, which is the biggest problem with modern open worlders) characters, that all do different things. If you want to learn hunting skills there are like two people in both games that can teach you (it's been a while, but I can remember Wolf and Cavelorn from Gothic 1). Same with bows and swords and anything. The characters with names actually had functions, and weren't just a means to populate the world.

I do like a lot of new games too though, but I find that almost every single one of them are indie titles. All except Assassin's Creed pretty much. It seems the big gaming companies have given up on being original, and in stead just spew out generic crap. What's even sadder is that people actually buy the 100th consecutive remake of the same games (CoD I'm looking at you).

I am looking forward to Rome II: Total War, though. (Or 'Total War: Rome II', as they decided it should be called now. Fuckers.) Although I won't be able to play much games at all this year, seeing as I'll be in a boarding school (and fuck no, I'm not gonna be that guy who sits in his dorm playing videogames by himself).
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by abruzzi »

Zweq wrote:Which games have you completed more than once? :)

diablo2, fallout1, fallout2

Then those that can't be relaly completed but I have played a million maps 'through'

civ2, civ3, homm3, openttd/ttd

oh I think I just wrote a list of the best games

played maybe some online games in Homm3 through Gameranger?
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by pawq »

Interhybritizer wrote:I won't be able to play much games at all this year, seeing as I'll be in a boarding school (and fuck no, I'm not gonna be that guy who sits in his dorm playing videogames by himself).
Why not? :D I see your point, but it's not as bad as you may think. I did that at the first year of uni and I still got some great friends :) I'm also going to it this year, as soon as I manage to put together my beautiful new pc :))
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Ruben »

This is a school you only attend for one year. It's optional, and you don't even have an exam or grades or anything. All you have to do is show up in the classes and you'll pass. The Norwegians here will recognise this as a folkehøgskole, but I have no idea how to translate this in a sensible way =P

All the studens in my particular school are musicians. So basically, it's a big bunch of likeminded people shoved into one building for a year. It's nothing like Uni, so no, this is no time for gaming. It's also a preparation for further music education, and I needed a break from the usual school life when I was done with VGS. Then next year I hope to enter Music Academy.

No WAY I'm NOT off topic! SHATAP!
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by pawq »

Who cares whether what you write is directly linked to the topic title, it's relevant to the discussion! Thanks for clearing things out, I understand your stand now :)
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by John »

Taken all 120 stars in Super Mario Galaxy recently. Though I'm not sure if I played it out yet because upon completing it with Mario you get Luigi as a playable character and now can collect all 120 stars with him too. Don't know if anything else will happen after that. So far pretty much the same game (some 60+ stars with Luigi)

Now hoyling Fallout 3 - Game of the Year edition. Hopefully I can manage 100% in it, just like I did in Skyrim. Quite buggy though and not as likable as the Skyrim world.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Lousku »

Somewheer out theer is another forum with a similar topic and someone has posted "Elma"
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by 8-ball »

"oh yeah that elma game was too easy, finished all 54 levels once and deleted it"
I think I read that somewhere once
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Zweq »

finishing all 54 and deleting afterwards doesn't sound legit because if you have made the commitment to finish all 54 you probably were hooked.

well, unelss someone plays games just for the sake of finishing them, no matter how annoying they are
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Tigro »

Xarthok wrote:"oh yeah that elma game was too easy, finished all 54 levels once and deleted it"
It´s exactly what my friend said.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Ruben »

I've said that too. Elma was lost from my memory untill I very recently rediscovered its brilliance.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

was in a point and click/adventure mood cuz been feverish and cold so made some new additions:

anna - extended edition
the dark eye: chains of satinav
the dark eye: memoria
tomas was alone

currently playing: amnesia a machine for pigs
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by John »

Fallout 3 main quest. 38% of trophies claimed. Lots of stuff to do before 100%.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

so finished amnesia a machine for pigs (sucked)

also added
Secret Files 1 (point and click adventure)
Secret Files 2
Secret Files 3

to the list
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by John »

Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition: 100% trophies
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Tigro »

I can´t run Fallout 3 on my machine, ATI graphics had some serious issues with it. Although I finished the Fallout 2 by 10 different means, with various techniques and skillbuilds, including heavy dmg fighter (big guns), Unarmed fighter, Speaker, Sexual persuader, Coward relying on NPC friends or Technician.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

Well deserved respect for 100% completionism John, large game so a lot of effort to get that one down.

New additions:
Darksiders 2
The Wolf Among Us: episode 1

also was randomly given Hexen 2 by Bene so gonna complete that eventually too

also decided to add console games (most old nes/snes/ps/ps2) ive played out to my total list since there arent really that many but:
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 12
Megaman 2
Megaman 3 (completed at least 50+ times over and over again as a kid)
Megaman 9
Megaman X
Megaman X2
Megaman X3
Jurassic Park
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Super Mario
Super Mario 2
Super Mario 3
Super Mario World
Tekken 3 all characters/outfits/etc unlocked

Some "almost" games.
GTA 4 - main storywise was very very close to the end but had a computer crash and lost the save file and would never ever ever play though that again.
Hexen 2 - got very far back in 1998 but never completed, will though
Battlefield 3 - main story almost completed, but just got bored, played more for multiplayer anyway
Super Mario Galaxy - sold my WII before i finished it
Various Donkey Kong games - probably got angry at all of them on some very annoying hard levels
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by John »

Sleeping Dogs (PS3)
Finished the main story. Now hoyling for 100% completion collecting lockboxes, shrines, all races, favors etc.

Next is GTA V ;)
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by A.K.B. »

Finished Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. Was nice. :)

Also, just finished Age of Empires 1. Going on to play Rise of Rome expansion! :D
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Mats »

Thundr- wrote: Various Donkey Kong games - probably got angry at all of them on some very annoying hard levels
So you finished megaman, but not donkey kong which is ten times easier :P

My list is prolly long, but just put on what I can think off:

Super Mario
Super Mario Lost levels (actual japanese Super Mario 2)
Super Mario 2
Super Mario 3
Super Mario World
Super Mario World 2
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Starcraft 2
Starcraft 2 Heart of the swarm
Rayman Origins (last lev Insaneeee)
Halo 1
Halo 1 Anniversary
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4
Red Alert (Allied and Soviet)
Army of Two
Army of Two: The 40th Day
Pokémon Ruby (all 200)
Bubble Bobble (Amiga)
Breath of Fire 3 (awesome old game)
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Zweq »

finished antichamber in 3 mins
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by A.K.B. »

Adding Harry Potter 1 and 2. :)
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Mats »

Guess wario land 4 was most dissapointing game I ever played. Played a little the afternoon I bought it, and voila suddenly that was the end of it, way too easy.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by A.K.B. »

Also finished Age of Empires 1 campaign. :) Moving on to Rise of Rome and Harry Potter 3. :D
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Tigro »

I am working on some Aladdin speedrun, huge fun, but have not much time since I learn for exams.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

New niggers:

Torchlight II
Dust - An Elysian Tale
Shadow Warrior (new)
Final Fantasy 8
The Stanley Parable (all endings)
Mats wrote:So you finished megaman, but not donkey kong which is ten times easier :P
Well.. yes! Megaman is awesome, and Donkey Kong is a game that tests my patience, and my patience didnt come close to winning over this ape.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by John »

Sleeping Dogs 100% and Platinum Trophy without reading any hints/faqs/walkthroughs. Surprisingly likable game, kinda missed it as soon as I got the last trophy.

Now GTA V though.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by A.K.B. »

Age of Empires: Rise of Rome expansion. :D
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

Chrono Trigger (finally) also possibly one of the best games ever forever, in any genre on any platform etc
Freedom Fall

146 games in total, maybe do celebratory game at 150
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by anpdad »

Chrono Trigger is definitely up there, impsy good. How the hell do you find time to play out games like that or ff8 and torchlight in a few days though? :s Ez 150h+ gayms to max out all the fun stuffs.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

well ff8 took ~95 hours to complete over a stretch of several weeks (had played maybe half the game 10 years ago or sach). torchlight was co-oped with a friend over xmas-newyear weeks and finished both games around at the same time. chrono i had played before, but not defeated last bosses (zeal + lavos) so "only" took maybe 25 hours
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Zweq »

so how do i play this awesome super game you're talking-,-
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by anpdad »

it borink old rpg with bad story and 100500 endings (mostly bad), imo download any SNES emulator like "snes9x" for exampl and paly. good generic characters and fetch sidequests there. PS1 version is emulated norm too but no benefits except for five times longer load times. Duno other versions.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

cane also game boy advance emulator, it has an updated version with some moar quests or something
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Tigro »

Thundr- wrote:cane also game boy advance emulator, it has an updated version with some moar quests or something
"boy advance emulator" sounds like some stuff to enhance your erection
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

lets see whats new

To The Moon
Ys 1
Ys 2
Aveyond - Lord of Twiligt
DLC Quest
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by A.K.B. »

Finished Quake III Arena campaign (on 3/5 difficulty, hard to snipe Xaero in last lev because I n00b at FPS).
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

Thief (2014)
Last Dream

been slacking off lately :/
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by John »

100% in GTAV offline (100% in-game and 100% of offline trophies). Now casualhoyling online to maybe get that platinum trophy one day.

Next game might be Ni No Kuni ;)
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Thundr- »

ni no kuni good game, i can recommend teh
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by John »

Journey played through twice. Mega short game, 2 to 3 hours the first time alone and 1h the second, but quite coal. Especially the other playthrough where did most of the Journey together with a complete stranger although nice teamwork. Can recommend experiencing the game.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Zweq »

banished few monts a goe
antichamber few monts a goe + some more fews

those were <3ly games.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Labs »

Finished Imperium Galactica 1. Did play it for almost 1 week long :beer:

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Re: The games which you played out

Post by John »

100% GTA V offline and online. Got that platinum today!

Ni No Kuni, Mafia 2, Bioshock Infinite and L.A Noire are all purchased and ready to be played now. Duno which is next.
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Labs »

After Mafia 1 you will be very disappointed about Mafia 2, but you can playout it in one day.

I heard La Noire is ok i would choose it first :)

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Re: The games which you played out

Post by John »

Mafia 2 not nearly as open world as GTA right? But a quick play-through sounds promising although nowadays I'm into completion so will hoyl to the max until platinum :) Thanks for input though!
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Re: The games which you played out

Post by Mats »

remember some formula 3 race on one of the mafia games, thats were i gave up.

Played through this some 30 times maybe. Such good game, just sad it takes less than 1h to finish. It's one of the top snes games along with mario, donkey kong and megaman. Awesome music through the hole game. Even thou its a short game it took forever to make it through the hole game, probably 5 years after i got it was the first time I finished. Can use snes turbo controller on space lev(#4) to be OP. In the end the game displays TT
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