Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Shooting Phase)

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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

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I'm here. Nothing new so far. Stay put :)
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

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sup dog?
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by insane guy »


As some of you might know, I recently started to play elma again. Tried eol for the first time, made a few levs (usually late at night) and had a few nice chats with long time no see players. I was very excited to play again. I quickly realized that playing elma was the only logical step to push forward this project. Many things have happened in my mind since then and I started a plan:

For now: Play elma, be part of the scene, get connections or renew old ones. Skype with a few players.
Attend FEM 2015, talk to people, shoot some footage.
Make Kickstarter Campain with footage shot at FEM/Skype.
Get some serious $$$.
Travel around the world in 2016 to meet and shoot kuskis (with camera...).

Working Title: Elastomaniacs
(I know theres a team that goes by that name but as I stated before, the film will not be made for the people already in the scene but for the rest of the world...)
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Mawane »

Sounds pretty awesome :o How will u pick players to visit? and what do you plan to film/do with them?
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by roope »

That really sounds seriously awesome if you can pull it through. I'd love to see interviews with players from all around the world. Somehow I feel that although all these players that are so different compared to each other (in like background, social skills, situation of life etc.) they're still oddly similar folk. If you get along well with a few (core) members of the scene, you're very likely to get along with all the others too.

Also, it's funny how there's a lot of Rubik's cube hobbyists, chess players and mathematicians in the scene. A lot bigger percentage than in most other games I guess.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Fruitós »

This sounds amazing. I'm really looking forward to it :D
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by insane guy »

roope wrote:Also, it's funny how there's a lot of Rubik's cube hobbyists, chess players and mathematicians in the scene. A lot bigger percentage than in most other games I guess.
cool, maybe I will look into that.

Thanks for Feedback!
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Tigro »

insane guy wrote:
roope wrote:Also, it's funny how there's a lot of Rubik's cube hobbyists, chess players and mathematicians in the scene. A lot bigger percentage than in most other games I guess.
cool, maybe I will look into that.

Thanks for Feedback!
actuallly, many ppls do music & programming (obv) as well.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by gimp »

You can visit me if you want insane guy! You'd be the first Elma man I'd ever meet :)
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Lukazz »

Tigro wrote:
insane guy wrote:
roope wrote:Also, it's funny how there's a lot of Rubik's cube hobbyists, chess players and mathematicians in the scene. A lot bigger percentage than in most other games I guess.
cool, maybe I will look into that.

Thanks for Feedback!
actuallly, many ppls do music & programming (obv) as well.
well, yeah, but many ppl do that. not so many ppl (that i know, at least) play rubic's cube and/or chess.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Ruben »

Elasto Mania is (as opposed to other biking games) actually a puzzle game. A large amount of playing Elma is figuring out where to go, then figuring out how to do it, and then practice. Very similar to Rubik's cube and chess imho. The only difference is that in chess your primary opponent isn't time, and when solving a cube you can't really lose (unless you give up cause you're a nab). The exception of course are the Elma cruising levs, which I find to be quite forgettable.

So it's not so strange to me that people who are drawn to Elma are also drawn to Rubik's cube and chess, and might also enjoy things like Myst, Sam & Max and Monkey Island. What the hell, let's throw Space Quest and Leisure Suit Larry into that mix as well, hairgrippingly frustrating as they are.

I am one of those people at least, and I like music too ))
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Zweq »

Kinda disagree on the puzzle part, chess requires a lot of calculation and there are positions where intuition is simply useless or even harmful, while elma doesn't really need any calculation, just intuition (applying correct tricks in correct places based on previous experiences). I haven't tried rubik ever, it probably is closer to the nature of elma than chess.

For some reason you mentioned old school pixel hunting adventure games. I for one never got anywhere in those games no matter how much I tried. Imo they are very different from elma. Closest games to elma that I have played have been trackmania, ballance and nimbus, but at the end of the day they are all pretty shitty compared to elma.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Ruben »

Zweq wrote:Kinda disagree on the puzzle part, chess requires a lot of calculation and there are positions where intuition is simply useless or even harmful, while elma doesn't really need any calculation, just intuition (applying correct tricks in correct places based on previous experiences). I haven't tried rubik ever, it probably is closer to the nature of elma than chess.

For some reason you mentioned old school pixel hunting adventure games. I for one never got anywhere in those games no matter how much I tried. Imo they are very different from elma. Closest games to elma that I have played have been trackmania, ballance and nimbus, but at the end of the day they are all pretty shitty compared to elma.
I am talking about the similar nature of the games, not how they play. The way I see it Elma borders on the category of puzzle games. People who like puzzle games (like me) probably also like Elma. And, people who like puzzle games probably like Rubik's Cubes and chess too.

For a simple motoring game, Elma is ridiculously complex, the fact that it takes years and years to get good at it is a testament to that. Incidentally, that aspect of the game is not unlike chess.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by John »

Dunno, but name that comes to mind is Luther. He has shown analytical and expressive talent in News and in the scene in general. Perhaps he could be some kind of key figure having been around for a while too. I think majority of players are the silent type.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Lukazz »

insane guy wrote:Last year I shot my first own documentary film about a guy who ran 320km in five days. I was fascinated by how easy and relaxed he (and the other runners) dealt with the big distances. I wanted to know whats going on in your head if you run 60, 70 or 80km.
totally off-topic and kind of late to ask this question, but is this documentary on youtube or somewhere? i love documentaries about extreme athletes.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Orcc »

Even more off-topic, but since you asked for documentary about extreme athletes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phOjmGxK5EQ

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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by Lukazz »

good watch.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Pre Planning Phas

Post by insane guy »

Lukazz wrote:
insane guy wrote:Last year I shot my first own documentary film about a guy who ran 320km in five days. I was fascinated by how easy and relaxed he (and the other runners) dealt with the big distances. I wanted to know whats going on in your head if you run 60, 70 or 80km.
totally off-topic and kind of late to ask this question, but is this documentary on youtube or somewhere? i love documentaries about extreme athletes.
Hey Lukazz. I never released the film. It was a huge project, it took me two years (!) to edit, starting from scratch for 4 times, getting really pissed off at the film and my lazyness. In the end I made a "regular tv documentary cut" which is a medium boring portrait of this runner, 23 minutes. For now it lingers on my hard drive and I dunno what to do with it. As I said in my first post I had troubles getting into the subject of running and didn't have good ideas how to carry on with the story. With the elma film it will be much better :)
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by insane guy »

Quick update on the project:

Ever since coming back from FEM I've been busy working money work, which is good. After I'll finish my current "professional" jobs (around November 10th) I can relax and play Fallout... - NO wait!
By now it gets dark at 16:00 which helps me a lot. Can't edit shit when it's daylight outside.

I am still sorting interview answers and finding topics to include in the film. Of course now all the good questions come to my mind that I didn't think of while being there. But there is so amazing footage that I can hardly believe it.

Some anonymous quotes:

"It's a great game of course, but I'm also addicted to the feeling. When I have to think I start the game and just go back and forth..."
"Something like 'You suck!' is not very good feedback. I like to ask: 'How do I suck?'"
"Then [during Wcup] I got... relationship issues.... and I chose Elma."

Here's a short atmospheric clip from FEM:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/85w4i9vx81l9f ... o.mp4?dl=0

This shows my current approach to introduce new characters - show the surroundings, then show the interior and elma.

I'll keep you updated.

Also another small reminder that I am still very happy to receive "I play elma" clips from anyone: http://mopolauta.moposite.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=9354

Thanks for your support & patience.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Zero »

seems awesome
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Production Phase)

Post by insane guy »

I think I owe this to you, the elma scene:
Elastomaniacs v0.3
pw: probably the most iconic number in elma

Please have this in mind while you watch:

1. This is a very rough cut.
If you are not familiar with making videos/films, a rough cut often feels like shit. The idea of this preview is to provide the feeling of the film and also to give an overview about the subject. Almost everything (including persons, music, graphics and the shitty in-game sequences...) will possibly be changed in drastic ways in the final film.

2. Many parts are missing.
If the final film is like 40 minutes long, these aren't the first 8 minutes. These are small parts taken from the various places throughout the final film. There will be more about the topics that appear in this preview but also completely new topics. What I need to do now is fill the missing parts and we're almost there :)

3. This film is for people who don't know about the game.
I will not mention Across. I will not explain what Alovolt is. In fact I will try to include as little as possible about the game and might not even talk about how battling worked before eol etc.

4. This might be a mistake.
At least from some of my film professors point of view, releasing an unfinished and badly structured preview to the people I am making the film about would be insane. But this is what I like about the elma scene: It is very open and people share everything: Styles, recs, progs etc.

5. Please give feedback.
Feel free to like, hate, suggest whatever you want. As stated in 3. I'll have to collect valuable feedback from people unfamiliar with elma but I honor your opinions just as like. Oh and yes, Balasz will be in the film :)

This is not meant to be shared publicly on facebook or anywhere. In fact I would like to have it stay in the scene as long as possible. I might take the video down if I get the feeling that this is shared too openly. Thanks for your understanding.

and most importantly:

7. Thank you for being part of the scene. Enjoy watching!
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Production Phase)

Post by bene »

insane guy wrote: pw: probably the most iconic number in elma
My first attempt was 1397 turns out I am not as iconic as I thought :(
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Zweq »

it's very coal work for sure 10/10 stuff, except the first 40s arent to my liking... the intro just has totally different tone to the rest of the clip. In the future i'd really love to see more content about describing and emphasizing the complexity. For exzamppel after the part where ramone describes wall turns, there could be some stuf about route progression in some internal, (serpents tale or zig zag come to mind, well or steppes due to shortness). Maybe some short part about pipes/uphills/climbs/hongyswing kind of stuff also.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Lee »

can't solve your riddle

edit: was easy
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by 8-ball »

how is 29 not the most iconic
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Luther »

Wonderful. This made my entire day. Insguy this is just great man :)

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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Sla »

Was hard to find pass and i was like "wtf? send pass man" but then i found it out easily.

Video: Awesome! Its very fun to see Elma players around the world talking about it. I cant believe video will be 40mins and i cant wait for it.
I wonder what would people think about this if they never played the game. Enjoyed a lot, thanks insa, great idea.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by kuchitsu »

Looks very inspiring and promising too. Some of the background songs felt kinda cheesy to me, but I get this feeling a lot when watching documentaries in general, so it could be just me. I know it's a very rough cut so it's hard to judge/comment really, but in the final version I'm hoping to see maybe more emphasis on the community aspect. What I mean is that even though everything takes place at a meeting, the video seems to mostly talk about people's "personal relationships" with the game rather than about how it connects all of them together, if that makes any sense.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by roope »

I believe there will for sure be more emphasis in the community aspect in the final product, I heard insguy talk about that he wants to do exactly that: not really make a documentary about the game itself but the community and the people (lajk when explaining the documentary to people who hadn't heard of it). Of course it does need that man-game relationship part too so non-elma people get a more whole picture about everything, both the game and the scene.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Zweq »

i just think it's crucial to answer the question "why the fuk they gather up and play such mongo looking game". To do that i think some norm content like i described in prev post would be fitting.

like pasibel play 4 steppes recs while some cool enthusistic voice man like ramone bla blas
- random shiitty 14.50 steppes rec. like norm 1htt safe style from year 2000
- old wr style which ded höyled to 11.5x or so
- brutal style , show some 10.6x rec insted of 10.50 (to "fake" spin is fastest or smth lel)
- spin rek 10.4x

should sum up elma prety niicely
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Orcc »

I loved the sneak peek in FEM and you've already added even more stuff, great. I could also participate in an interview (Luther requested) in the next FEM!

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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Tigro »

Me Gusta snik pik, keep it up, insguy! :beer:
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Ramone »

I didnt look as fat or hunchbacked as I thought I would. ;)
I sat weirdly while interviewed...

So, intro was a nice idea. But not sure about it executionwise. Maybe have it abit later in movie, still early. Dont know. I think needs to show quite early what game looks like. Just explain the basics; apples, flowers, (killers?) Volting, gasing, braking. Otherwise you hear ppl talk about something you have no idea about.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by BlaZtek »

Your riddle was not easy. I would not say that's some very iconic number. :D Other than that, this video left me with a big smile on my face. :)

Looking forward to see more of it. Well done so far. :)
[13:22:24] (ImagebEAT) blaz super pro
[17:06:15] (ImageRamone) ok I suckj. blaz rules
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by insane guy »

Thanks all for giving overwhelmingly nice feedback and comments! Really makes me happy to see how well people receive it!
kuchitsu wrote:Some of the background songs felt kinda cheesy to me, but I get this feeling a lot when watching documentaries in general, so it could be just me.
I totally agree. Got those from some random royalty free music site. These are just layout songs because without any music it feels kinda empty. Actually A.K.B. offered to compose a soundtrack some time ago. I will definitely get back to that :)
kuchitsu wrote:I know it's a very rough cut so it's hard to judge/comment really, but in the final version I'm hoping to see maybe more emphasis on the community aspect.
That's the idea. I think once I start travelling more to see other kuskis, the "sense of community" will grow much more. This made me think that it would be cool to have two people in front of the camera, discussing elma :)
Zweq wrote:i just think it's crucial to answer the question "why the fuk they gather up and play such mongo looking game". To do that i think some norm content like i described in prev post would be fitting.

like pasibel play 4 steppes recs while some cool enthusistic voice man like ramone bla blas
- random shiitty 14.50 steppes rec. like norm 1htt safe style from year 2000
- old wr style which ded höyled to 11.5x or so
- brutal style , show some 10.6x rec insted of 10.50 (to "fake" spin is fastest or smth lel)
- spin rek 10.4x

should sum up elma prety niicely
This is actually a very difficult part for me. How to present elma in a very compact way, still showing how deep you can go, without making it boring for non-gaming people?
Coal Steppes suggestionn. Together with Ramones idea to describe gas, volt, alo this could work pretty well imo. If anyone wants to help and try find the mentioned recs that would be max!
Ramone wrote:So, intro was a nice idea. But not sure about it executionwise. Maybe have it abit later in movie, still early. Dont know.
Yes its a bit lame. After watching it at FEM16 I wanted to move the "I play Elma" part later into the movie but somehow didn't know where to put. Maybe it has to go eventually and I can use it for the trailer or so.
Ramone wrote: I think needs to show quite early what game looks like.
Early, but not too early to make people think "watefak, THAT is what they are talking about so passionately!!1?"

I got many ideas and inspiration from you all, thanks so much! We will make this film :)
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by sunl »

Some int10 replays:

Old replays:
checkmark Verified and Unverified and Save/Load, then search
int:10;time:>11,20 (adjust time as needed to find appropriate time)
For example: http://elma.oktobia.org/recsource/simpl ... 564&lid=10 / http://elma.oktobia.org/recsource/download.php?rec=564

Good replays:
I uploaded all the best replays when recsource came out. Here is a selection
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by kuchitsu »

Oh, I love the idea of AKB making the music. It would be very symbolic of the community's strength.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by bene »

Some thohoughts while eyeing yesterday:

* I did not like the "I play elma" part. The original idea (As I imagined it) of showing a few mans saying their nick and playing elma is lost, it's just 2 random mans with way too long parts. I thought each man would have a short part and you would show some mans in rapid succession and then everyone at the same time in a grid or something. An alternative placement could be in the very end of the video after you got to know some mans through interviews, like show ultra hot Ramone and Luther alone in the end and then everyone in a grid. It also felt poor to start with 1995 quality sla gave the impression that the entire vid was poor quality. Full screen mans should be reserved for those with a high quality recording, maybe something you shot during interviews. Everyone else should be later in the grid. People doing their own thing or changing up the words a little bit is fine, but it should be kept short. Sla playing harmonica was cool and all but way too long to fit into this as I saw how it would be executed. Just random thoughts and ideas probably bad.
* I did not like the 1995 quality int01 rec you should learn how to record high quality if you want to put recs into the video, I made some shitty stuff for recording 60 fps hd recs to video so maybe I can help you out if needed. I know you said this yourself already but dame that was bad :D
* The start of the video has text "Elastomania" which should be "Elasto Mania" i'm triggered.

I really like the int10 idea, it is nice because it is short with clear easy to see major difference styles so it will not take up much time of the video and be easy to understand for anyone.
Some things I can think of, if you decide to add this:

* Start out by showing a map of the level, not everyone will know what the level looks like and this is important for understanding anything.
* Mention the obvious style of jumping over the pole, so everyone will see it.
* Mention that the first world record table used this style, show this rec (if you can find it) not some random madness rec that is slower. Then go on with style progression.
* Showing spinrec as latest (and fake as fastest) style is norm idea imo.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by A.K.B. »

I think I am quite cringe, but dunno what you all think. Looks exciting, but I don't want to suggest anything because I'm no expert in film.

Just come to Australia if you can insane guy! :D Perhaps I can make some soundtrack stuff while you are over?
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Sunshine »

i said yesterday in irc a some stuff to insguy but few other input i have: i still dont like the whole "i play elma" idea and i have told you this from the very beginning and a lot of mans seem to agree! also i think its very good otherwise even as short rough cut example like this but you should show this to people who have zero connection with elma. people are giving praise but it might be because we all know these people and its fun to see them in a documentary like this. afaik this is meant for broader general audience and not just as a nice watch for elma people? you would get a better idea whats good/bad/missing by showing it to non-elmaers. also check some other documentaries with similar theme (old game with "cult" following), i believe there exists one for original doom, but not sure
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by kuchitsu »

Hm, I loved the Sla opening, maybe because harmonicas are awesome imo.

The low quality of that gameplay video kinda enhances the feeling that the game is quite old. Might be a good thing.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by insane guy »

A.K.B. wrote:I think I am quite cringe, but dunno what you all think. Looks exciting, but I don't want to suggest anything because I'm no expert in film.
Please do so anyway. I am no expert in film either and I am making this shit :)
bene wrote:* I did not like the 1995 quality int01 rec you should learn how to record high quality if you want to put recs into the video, I made some shitty stuff for recording 60 fps hd recs to video so maybe I can help you out if needed.
Yes would be max. And as mentioned, everything from texts (sry for mistake) to graphics and in-game-footage will be improved or exchanged with better stuff as the film progresses.
Vermin Supreme wrote: i still dont like the whole "i play elma" idea and i have told you this from the very beginning and a lot of mans seem to agree!
insane guy wrote:Yes its a bit lame. After watching it at FEM16 I wanted to move the "I play Elma" part later into the movie but somehow didn't know where to put. Maybe it has to go eventually and I can use it for the trailer or so.
Vermin Supreme wrote: i think its very good otherwise even as short rough cut example like this but you should show this to people who have zero connection with elma.
Definitely! I will arrange a preview screening and invite many hot girls and stuff.
Keep it coming!
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by iCS »

Max respect for your work, this is an important mission.

I think the hardest part of this project is "3. This film is for people who don't know about the game."
I've enjoyed every moment, maybe because I play Elma, too. It's exciting to see kuskis' faces (tho I've already seen some of them on FEM group pic or elsewhere) and watching them talking about Elma. Probably it's less interesting for an outsider.

I like "I play Elma" stuff! I can imagine these short vids as transitions. I mean scatter them along the whole film instead of showing them one after another.
Yes, quality varies, but in this case I don't care coz obviously selfie videos. On the other hand, that "1995 quality" :lol: int01 rec is ugly indeed and should be fixed to HQ.

For some text improvement: Balázszsa

I can't wait for the remaining 32 minutes :D
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by 8-ball »

i think you can take a lot of good tips from this documentary about Quake World, another old 'niche' game that still has a small but very dedicated following that the film is about:

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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Ramone »

How dz starts of explaining game.
How you show the sun and awesome weather cut to pullef over drapes and playing in the dark
How luther says he is not addicted then cuts to his playing face
Veezay overall interview.
How luther says if you wanna stick out. Play elma.

Missing: how actually many young dudes play elma, how/why did they find it. They werent around (luther touches this) many found game in school, installed in pcs and saw other play, but how ppl find it now?

How it is a time trial game. How small moves can give wr. How its like a puzzle and perfect ride game (apples can be taken any order)

How there are 54 built in levels that are still hoyled. How some spent years playing same level over and over. How hard it is to get wrs even for pro players

How scene is quite welcoming to new players. How so much about game is created by players, wr table. Tons of progs/patches EOL etc.

How acrossish is a thing? (Like in many other games there is a vocalubary of its own (cant spell)

Was abit weird Abula said he had tons of friends trough elma, then cuts to ppl solving Johannes quiz, and no one talking, opposite of friendsfeel. Cut to more social scene. Scene from quiz great. But does not fit there.

Took this from head. Might have misremembered somethinh, or forgot.

I play elma bad as intro. If as intro, you need to film it (or if ppl have accesd to pro cam). Could work in credits instead of song, might suck too.

Also I would love some pro (zweq/bene/mila) to explain how complex elma actually is (Compared to modern shitgames?). Simple, but still convincing.

Also I want (what I want is irrelevant) to get the feel that this game is the best ever! I like the addicted part, but not only thst. Also info as to where get game and EOL if wanna try out, ppl who watch should get stoked!

Also, I was very sceptic about this project tbh. But after seeing this vip promo, Im quite stoked. Stoked! And I really want it to be great!!!!
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by Ramone »

Will there be a narrator? Or all info will be from interviews?

If narrator make sure let a few other ppl read/check that text so no mistakes ;)
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by insane guy »

iCS: thanks for correcting the mistake!
8-ball: thanks for good watch :)
Ramone: you just wrote the script which I will now follow for the progess of the film!! :)
also good point with abula part. this is what these rough cuts are for.

Narrator: Hardest decision for me right now. I think it could work without one if somehow get good transitions between interviews that I shoot at other places than FEM (travelling). For that you need interviewees who can really carry the story. Also I prefer no narrator. Narrator would be logical to be me but my voice sucks (can't have a German accent for a narrator) and I also don't want to play such a big role in the film (still unsure how to appear in it at all but I guess sooner or later I willl have to shoot an interview with myself).

It is very exciting to see that this is finally going somewhere. It took a long time and will take much more but there is light at the horizon :) Thanks for your support!
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Production Phase)

Post by Lousku »

insane guy wrote:At least from some of my film professors point of view, releasing an unfinished and badly structured preview to the people I am making the film about would be insane.
Is that because the subjects will then want to write and direct the whole thing?
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Production Phase)

Post by insane guy »

Lousku wrote:
insane guy wrote:At least from some of my film professors point of view, releasing an unfinished and badly structured preview to the people I am making the film about would be insane.
Is that because the subjects will then want to write and direct the whole thing?
That's possible. And in case that I will interview some of them again they might act a lot more conscious and maybe be more careful what to say because they want to influence the way their character is shown in the film. So far no one complained about being ugly or unfortunately fotographed so I'm not so worried anymore.
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Re: Elasto Mania Feature Documentary Film (Research Phase)

Post by ville_j »

(ville_j): insguy should reshoot all my videos because i lost weight
< roopemies> horror and frustrating and can't play, sounds just like you
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