Who to spy?

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Who do you usually spy in battles?

The leader
The most skilled player
My favorite player
My best friend
No votes
The guy that's trying some cool and different style
Cycle through everyone
F1+Enter and fly around
No votes
I usually don't spy battles
Total votes: 39

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Who to spy?

Post by kuchitsu »

What's your approach to spying battles? Do you concentrate on the leader, do you cycle through everyone or maybe something else?
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Ruben »

Usually watch Markku (if he's playing) ))
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Mawane »

The guy that's trying some cool and different style

cool poll
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by insane guy »

Nice poll!

For me the option "Cycle through pros" or "Cycle through everyone who has a shirt" is missing. (I really dont like "naked" players).

Also you opened my mind to F1+Enter and fly around. Never tried that but could be nice to be at some hard/key spot.

Also I agree with Ruben. If Markku is playing I spy him 95%. Too bad he seems to almost exclusively join FF, Pipe or Apple Balles nowadays...
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by jblaze »

chose The guy that's trying some cool and different style but its usually mixed with spectating some other pro

and lol, when i only saw the topic name i immediately thought Markku also :p
well, zweq or markku in battle = other players are usually unexistant to me
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Lousku »

About sach, veri much depends on balletype etc:

The guy that's trying some cool and different style
F1+Enter and fly around
The most skilled player
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by roope »

Yesh agree with Lousku, depends pretty much on the balle / lev type.
In pipes, I usually spy the best piper. In first finish battles I start with F1 + enter and then start switching between the leader group when it's separated from the others. In apple battles I spy one of the top guys, depending on who's in the most interesting spot, etc etc. I pretty much never spy my normal battles (which is why it's kinda annoying when making levs for Luth, he always asks "saw??" no matter how many times I explain I don't spy norm balles :D), but when I do I tend to spy everyone a little but focus on the best players the most.
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Bjenn »

I usually spy Luther (The most skilled player).
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by ROKKEBOL »

I usually spy Bjenn. (The most hilarious player).
Always spying ZWEQ when he's playing. Also interesting to spy talli, roope, adi, kazan, TTechnik, Lousku, osv. I don't spy Markku- cuz i always play FF or apple battles myself, I only spy him in my FF/apple battles. Howewer, Markku is very boring in normal hoyla battles, sorry. He cant see even very obvious styles and routes for some reason. Generally I'm cycling f2 untill I see something interesting. And when I see a dude trying some unplanned style I stop spying and try do that myself (yes, I make sure whether Im hidden first). If my level small, I do f1enter, so that i can see the lev wholly and all playing mans simultaneously. In others' shown battles I only spy pipes sometimes, never spy (nor play) flagtags. Ive never spied 1hTT battles (have played about 30 ones since 2011 though), always play them myself with others/f6/chat hidden. I don't play shown normal/FF/apple battles with "others shown" option on, cuz that distracts much. Usually playing uphills with chat hidden too, cuz of nekit's disgusting attentionwhoring.
P.S. Not voted in poll cuz I do all mentioned options (depends on leveltype/battletype/battletime/playing people amount/skill/my mood/allah/weather/whatever).
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Bjenn »

Well thank you for that insight Redline, very internesting.
Please stay tuned fellas, we are right back after this short break, I'm Bjenn BOSS and this is Who to spy!
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Hosp »

spy leader in FF's, norm balles usually dont spy but when i do i focus on leader or any zweq
also if i've asked Lousku or someone to try my balle i spy them
most usual is i just play a bit myself or alt tab until balle over
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by umiz »

I spy TTechnik and nobody else.
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by iltsu »

I never spy.
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Madness »

It depends. When it's an uphill, I always spy Nekit because there's no point spying those nabs down there trying to get past the start area. When it's anything else, I usually spy Zero. When I just feel like having a bit of laugh, I spy Bjenn.
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Zweq »

imo zero was most fun to spy, he finds some fun details quite often. But anyone godtier goes (some 10-15 diff ppls) (jon etc)
RedLine wrote:Markku is very boring in normal hoyla battles, sorry. He cant see even very obvious styles and routes for some reason.
That simply sounds very wrong to me. Imo i (and hundreds others) have been schooled by markku on the stylefinding department about nine thousand times since 2003 when i joined.
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Kiiwi »

I agree with Zweq. Markku is ezily one of the most innovative and hardest working players in elma, not to mention the sheer quantity of his records and variety of proness. Trying to understand how he's done his times and trying to beat 'em in various lev packs and externals is probably the number one reason (right after rivalry with Jamppa in the early days) for my finding and believing in styles, even if they seemed idiotic. On topic: I never spy, dunno why. Can't find anything enjoyable or interesting in spying i'm afraid :(
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by analcactus »

At first, I try to spy everyone a little, then, when the final style is found I either spy participants from my VIP-list or (more often) F1+enter and fly to the most interesting/hard/tricky spot and stay there, staring with joy on numerous deaths of kuskis.
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Mrrrr »

My fav player :roll:
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by jarkkoh »

Most skilled player ofc :)
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Re: Who to spy?

Post by Hosp »

recently I spyed quite an lot more than usually and I noticed that oftentimes the noobs are more interesting than the pros since the pros just esc and die all the time, unless some Zero passibly, spy some mid skill man and you tend to get some interesting alt styles
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