Do you have an UN-höyled top-10?
Moderator: Moporators
Level 6, Long Haul:
00:34:73 DotcoM
00:37:97 DotcoM
00:38:28 DotcoM
00:38:36 DotcoM
00:39:09 DotcoM
00:39:35 DotcoM
00:39:38 DotcoM
00:39:38 DotcoM
00:41:07 DotcoM
00:43:03 DotcoM
Level 16, New Wave:
01:36:12 DotcoM
01:39:73 DotcoM
01:39:88 DotcoM
01:40:43 DotcoM
01:40:93 DotcoM
01:41:01 DotcoM
01:43:03 DotcoM
01:45:63 DotcoM
01:45:93 DotcoM
01:46:74 DotcoM
Level 20, Upside Down:
01:15:60 DotcoM
01:18:15 DotcoM
01:20:04 DotcoM
01:23:48 DotcoM
01:23:91 DotcoM
01:24:21 DotcoM
01:24:99 DotcoM
01:25:59 DotcoM
01:26:11 DotcoM
01:27:28 DotcoM
Level 21, Hangman:
00:16:70 DotcoM
00:18:65 DotcoM
00:19:58 DotcoM
00:19:97 DotcoM
00:20:72 DotcoM
00:23:00 DotcoM
00:23:06 DotcoM
00:23:48 DotcoM
00:23:60 DotcoM
00:23:87 DotcoM
Level 27, Shelf Life:
00:42:50 DotcoM
00:44:26 DotcoM
00:44:78 DotcoM
00:45:45 DotcoM
00:45:46 DotcoM
00:47:87 DotcoM
00:48:76 DotcoM
00:48:98 DotcoM
00:50:87 DotcoM
00:58:18 DotcoM
Level 29, Headbanger:
01:07:95 DotcoM
01:13:85 DotcoM
01:17:59 DotcoM
01:20:04 DotcoM
01:20:62 DotcoM
01:23:01 DotcoM
01:23:93 DotcoM
01:24:84 DotcoM
01:26:42 DotcoM
01:26:79 DotcoM
Level 31, Animal Farm:
01:35:10 DotcoM
01:39:06 DotcoM
01:44:04 DotcoM
01:46:70 DotcoM
01:47:90 DotcoM
01:52:69 DotcoM
01:54:13 DotcoM
01:55:31 DotcoM
01:58:73 DotcoM
02:03:15 DotcoM
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:56:60 DotcoM
02:00:57 DotcoM
02:00:65 DotcoM
02:01:17 DotcoM
02:02:54 DotcoM
02:02:70 DotcoM
02:02:73 DotcoM
02:05:49 DotcoM
02:05:85 DotcoM
02:07:34 DotcoM
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
03:32:65 DotcoM
03:40:02 DotcoM
03:40:68 DotcoM
03:41:14 DotcoM
03:43:27 DotcoM
03:44:80 DotcoM
03:55:34 DotcoM
04:01:97 DotcoM
04:05:19 DotcoM
04:05:98 DotcoM
Level 37, Jaws:
01:04:79 DotcoM
01:07:51 DotcoM
01:09:00 DotcoM
01:10:42 DotcoM
01:12:23 DotcoM
01:14:26 DotcoM
01:14:29 DotcoM
01:15:24 DotcoM
01:16:46 DotcoM
01:18:09 DotcoM
Level 44, Freefall:
00:19:27 DotcoM
00:19:40 DotcoM
00:19:49 DotcoM
00:20:25 DotcoM
00:25:87 DotcoM
00:35:91 DotcoM
00:36:45 DotcoM
00:36:82 DotcoM
00:36:95 DotcoM
00:37:06 DotcoM
Level 48, Downhill:
01:14:85 DotcoM
01:15:79 DotcoM
01:21:13 DotcoM
01:24:64 DotcoM
01:26:88 DotcoM
01:29:26 DotcoM
01:29:68 DotcoM
01:30:02 DotcoM
01:33:64 DotcoM
01:34:59 DotcoM
Level 49, What the Heck:
00:49:80 DotcoM
00:52:29 DotcoM
00:52:48 DotcoM
00:52:68 DotcoM
00:53:81 DotcoM
00:54:27 DotcoM
00:59:34 DotcoM
01:00:23 DotcoM
01:07:61 DotcoM
01:07:62 DotcoM
Level 52, Hang Tight:
00:31:00 DotcoM
00:36:04 DotcoM
00:36:40 DotcoM
00:36:52 DotcoM
00:36:54 DotcoM
00:36:55 DotcoM
00:36:56 DotcoM
00:36:85 DotcoM
00:36:88 DotcoM
00:36:93 DotcoM
Level 54, Apple Harvest:
02:16:59 DotcoM
02:19:32 DotcoM
02:20:43 DotcoM
02:20:50 DotcoM
02:21:38 DotcoM
02:25:23 DotcoM
02:26:20 DotcoM
02:26:56 DotcoM
02:26:84 DotcoM
02:27:11 DotcoM
00:34:73 DotcoM
00:37:97 DotcoM
00:38:28 DotcoM
00:38:36 DotcoM
00:39:09 DotcoM
00:39:35 DotcoM
00:39:38 DotcoM
00:39:38 DotcoM
00:41:07 DotcoM
00:43:03 DotcoM
Level 16, New Wave:
01:36:12 DotcoM
01:39:73 DotcoM
01:39:88 DotcoM
01:40:43 DotcoM
01:40:93 DotcoM
01:41:01 DotcoM
01:43:03 DotcoM
01:45:63 DotcoM
01:45:93 DotcoM
01:46:74 DotcoM
Level 20, Upside Down:
01:15:60 DotcoM
01:18:15 DotcoM
01:20:04 DotcoM
01:23:48 DotcoM
01:23:91 DotcoM
01:24:21 DotcoM
01:24:99 DotcoM
01:25:59 DotcoM
01:26:11 DotcoM
01:27:28 DotcoM
Level 21, Hangman:
00:16:70 DotcoM
00:18:65 DotcoM
00:19:58 DotcoM
00:19:97 DotcoM
00:20:72 DotcoM
00:23:00 DotcoM
00:23:06 DotcoM
00:23:48 DotcoM
00:23:60 DotcoM
00:23:87 DotcoM
Level 27, Shelf Life:
00:42:50 DotcoM
00:44:26 DotcoM
00:44:78 DotcoM
00:45:45 DotcoM
00:45:46 DotcoM
00:47:87 DotcoM
00:48:76 DotcoM
00:48:98 DotcoM
00:50:87 DotcoM
00:58:18 DotcoM
Level 29, Headbanger:
01:07:95 DotcoM
01:13:85 DotcoM
01:17:59 DotcoM
01:20:04 DotcoM
01:20:62 DotcoM
01:23:01 DotcoM
01:23:93 DotcoM
01:24:84 DotcoM
01:26:42 DotcoM
01:26:79 DotcoM
Level 31, Animal Farm:
01:35:10 DotcoM
01:39:06 DotcoM
01:44:04 DotcoM
01:46:70 DotcoM
01:47:90 DotcoM
01:52:69 DotcoM
01:54:13 DotcoM
01:55:31 DotcoM
01:58:73 DotcoM
02:03:15 DotcoM
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:56:60 DotcoM
02:00:57 DotcoM
02:00:65 DotcoM
02:01:17 DotcoM
02:02:54 DotcoM
02:02:70 DotcoM
02:02:73 DotcoM
02:05:49 DotcoM
02:05:85 DotcoM
02:07:34 DotcoM
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
03:32:65 DotcoM
03:40:02 DotcoM
03:40:68 DotcoM
03:41:14 DotcoM
03:43:27 DotcoM
03:44:80 DotcoM
03:55:34 DotcoM
04:01:97 DotcoM
04:05:19 DotcoM
04:05:98 DotcoM
Level 37, Jaws:
01:04:79 DotcoM
01:07:51 DotcoM
01:09:00 DotcoM
01:10:42 DotcoM
01:12:23 DotcoM
01:14:26 DotcoM
01:14:29 DotcoM
01:15:24 DotcoM
01:16:46 DotcoM
01:18:09 DotcoM
Level 44, Freefall:
00:19:27 DotcoM
00:19:40 DotcoM
00:19:49 DotcoM
00:20:25 DotcoM
00:25:87 DotcoM
00:35:91 DotcoM
00:36:45 DotcoM
00:36:82 DotcoM
00:36:95 DotcoM
00:37:06 DotcoM
Level 48, Downhill:
01:14:85 DotcoM
01:15:79 DotcoM
01:21:13 DotcoM
01:24:64 DotcoM
01:26:88 DotcoM
01:29:26 DotcoM
01:29:68 DotcoM
01:30:02 DotcoM
01:33:64 DotcoM
01:34:59 DotcoM
Level 49, What the Heck:
00:49:80 DotcoM
00:52:29 DotcoM
00:52:48 DotcoM
00:52:68 DotcoM
00:53:81 DotcoM
00:54:27 DotcoM
00:59:34 DotcoM
01:00:23 DotcoM
01:07:61 DotcoM
01:07:62 DotcoM
Level 52, Hang Tight:
00:31:00 DotcoM
00:36:04 DotcoM
00:36:40 DotcoM
00:36:52 DotcoM
00:36:54 DotcoM
00:36:55 DotcoM
00:36:56 DotcoM
00:36:85 DotcoM
00:36:88 DotcoM
00:36:93 DotcoM
Level 54, Apple Harvest:
02:16:59 DotcoM
02:19:32 DotcoM
02:20:43 DotcoM
02:20:50 DotcoM
02:21:38 DotcoM
02:25:23 DotcoM
02:26:20 DotcoM
02:26:56 DotcoM
02:26:84 DotcoM
02:27:11 DotcoM
Level 105, Uni105.lev (Uni 105):
00:11:07 Kinghias
00:11:20 Kinghias
00:11:21 Kinghias
00:11:21 Kinghias
00:11:23 Kinghias
00:11:24 Kinghias
00:11:25 Kinghias
00:11:25 Kinghias
00:11:26 Kinghias
00:11:26 Kinghias Average: 00:11:22
Level 116, Uni116.lev (Uni 116):
00:21:46 Kinghias
00:21:57 Kinghias
00:21:57 Kinghias
00:21:60 Kinghias
00:21:62 Kinghias
00:21:63 Kinghias
00:21:64 Kinghias
00:21:64 Kinghias
00:21:65 Kinghias
00:21:65 Kinghias Average: 00:21:60
former wrs were 11:20 and 21:55
00:11:07 Kinghias
00:11:20 Kinghias
00:11:21 Kinghias
00:11:21 Kinghias
00:11:23 Kinghias
00:11:24 Kinghias
00:11:25 Kinghias
00:11:25 Kinghias
00:11:26 Kinghias
00:11:26 Kinghias Average: 00:11:22
Level 116, Uni116.lev (Uni 116):
00:21:46 Kinghias
00:21:57 Kinghias
00:21:57 Kinghias
00:21:60 Kinghias
00:21:62 Kinghias
00:21:63 Kinghias
00:21:64 Kinghias
00:21:64 Kinghias
00:21:65 Kinghias
00:21:65 Kinghias Average: 00:21:60
former wrs were 11:20 and 21:55
Level 2, Flat Track:
00:15:21 York
00:15:47 York
00:15:78 York
00:15:98 York
00:16:01 York
Level 7, Hi Flyer:
00:33:49 York
00:33:89 York
00:34:01 York
00:34:07 York
00:34:15 York
Level 10, The Steppes:
00:11:69 York
00:12:81 York
00:12:92 York
00:13:03 York
Level 11, Gravity Ride:
00:23:87 York
00:24:53 York
00:26:20 York
00:26:25 York
Level 23, Quick Round:
00:40:00 York
00:49:21 York
00:51:21 York
00:52:94 York
I'm master of lucky runs
00:15:21 York
00:15:47 York
00:15:78 York
00:15:98 York
00:16:01 York
Level 7, Hi Flyer:
00:33:49 York
00:33:89 York
00:34:01 York
00:34:07 York
00:34:15 York
Level 10, The Steppes:
00:11:69 York
00:12:81 York
00:12:92 York
00:13:03 York
Level 11, Gravity Ride:
00:23:87 York
00:24:53 York
00:26:20 York
00:26:25 York
Level 23, Quick Round:
00:40:00 York
00:49:21 York
00:51:21 York
00:52:94 York
I'm master of lucky runs
Int TT 38.23.xx | OLP TT 25:55:xx
LI TT 48:50:60 | ALP TT 21:57:xx
LI TT 48:50:60 | ALP TT 21:57:xx
Level 4, Over and Under:
00:30:34 honza
00:30:70 honza
00:30:92 honza
00:31:19 honza
00:31:23 honza
00:31:28 honza
00:31:29 honza
00:31:31 honza
00:31:32 honza
00:31:34 honza
Level 10, The Steppes:
00:12:20 honza
00:12:74 honza
00:12:86 honza
00:12:97 honza
00:13:00 honza
00:13:18 honza
00:13:21 honza
00:13:22 honza
00:13:31 honza
00:13:33 honza
Level 26, Circuitous:
00:24:85 honza
00:26:09 honza
00:26:36 honza
00:27:59 honza
00:27:59 honza
00:28:14 honza
00:28:33 honza
00:28:64 honza
00:28:68 honza
00:28:70 honza
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:45:94 honza
00:52:36 honza
00:52:69 honza
00:53:29 honza
00:53:38 honza
00:53:68 honza
00:53:84 honza
00:54:87 honza
00:55:11 honza
00:55:66 honza
and many others
00:30:34 honza
00:30:70 honza
00:30:92 honza
00:31:19 honza
00:31:23 honza
00:31:28 honza
00:31:29 honza
00:31:31 honza
00:31:32 honza
00:31:34 honza
Level 10, The Steppes:
00:12:20 honza
00:12:74 honza
00:12:86 honza
00:12:97 honza
00:13:00 honza
00:13:18 honza
00:13:21 honza
00:13:22 honza
00:13:31 honza
00:13:33 honza
Level 26, Circuitous:
00:24:85 honza
00:26:09 honza
00:26:36 honza
00:27:59 honza
00:27:59 honza
00:28:14 honza
00:28:33 honza
00:28:64 honza
00:28:68 honza
00:28:70 honza
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:45:94 honza
00:52:36 honza
00:52:69 honza
00:53:29 honza
00:53:38 honza
00:53:68 honza
00:53:84 honza
00:54:87 honza
00:55:11 honza
00:55:66 honza
and many others
TT: 38:36,51 || team SPEED || Islands WR
- Grace
- 38mins club
- Posts: 4861
- Joined: 19 Nov 2005, 10:45
- Location: Deep in your Imagination, Twirling your Dreams and Weaving your thoughts.
Targets: 8 Legendary, 26 WC, 18 Pro, 2 Good | AvgTT: 39:20:99
Targets: 8 Legendary, 26 WC, 18 Pro, 2 Good | AvgTT: 39:20:99
NiceNightMar_JNR wrote:Level 31, Animal Farm:
01:17:48 FearLess
01:20:18 FearLess
01:21:47 FearLess
01:22:29 FearLess
01:23:33 FearLess
01:27:49 FearLess
01:30:19 FearLess
01:31:42 FearLess
01:31:52 FearLess
01:35:29 FearLess
Avg: 01.26.066 =)))
Level 31, Animal Farm:
01:26:80 Pawel
01:30:40 Pawel
01:35:98 Pawel
01:36:78 Pawel
01:37:41 Pawel
01:38:82 Pawel
01:42:91 Pawel
01:44:81 Pawel
01:45:88 Pawel
01:47:82 Pawel
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:29:23 Pawel
01:34:33 Pawel
01:55:51 Pawel
01:59:50 Pawel
02:03:23 Pawel
02:04:75 Pawel
02:10:09 Pawel
02:21:93 Pawel
02:26:13 Pawel
02:26:49 Pawel
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
02:47:39 Pawel
02:57:15 Pawel
03:32:57 Pawel
03:35:54 Pawel
03:37:02 Pawel
03:37:37 Pawel
03:39:70 Pawel
03:41:39 Pawel
03:42:48 Pawel
03:50:83 Pawel
Level 37, Jaws:
01:10:18 Pawel
01:11:59 Pawel
01:11:70 Pawel
01:13:53 Pawel
01:16:50 Pawel
01:17:04 Pawel
01:18:54 Pawel
01:18:59 Pawel
01:20:94 Pawel
01:30:88 Pawel
TT: 37:03:04 || 22 Polish Records || 54 WC || Team [EF]
top10 hoylage je0
Level 27, Shelf Life:
00:39:20 Kestas
00:46:09 Kestas
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:24:84 Kestas
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
02:55:84 Kestas
03:27:95 Kestas
03:31:13 Kestas
03:43:98 Kestas
Level 38, Curvaceous:
00:34:61 Kestas
00:35:41 Kestas
00:35:67 Kestas
Level 41, Framework:
00:43:57 Kestas
00:44:82 Kestas
00:45:22 Kestas
Level 43, He He:
01:02:64 Kestas
01:03:95 Kestas
01:05:50 Kestas
Level 44, Freefall:
00:13:24 Kestas
Level 45, Sink:
00:34:58 Kestas
Level 47, Enigma:
00:25:93 Kestas
Level 48, Downhill:
01:03:88 Kestas
01:07:69 Kestas
01:07:74 Kestas
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:48:95 Kestas
00:50:23 Kestas
00:50:99 Kestas
Level 52, Hang Tight:
00:26:88 Kestas
00:28:03 Kestas
00:28:38 Kestas
etc etc, dont want to flood :]
Level 27, Shelf Life:
00:39:20 Kestas
00:46:09 Kestas
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:24:84 Kestas
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
02:55:84 Kestas
03:27:95 Kestas
03:31:13 Kestas
03:43:98 Kestas
Level 38, Curvaceous:
00:34:61 Kestas
00:35:41 Kestas
00:35:67 Kestas
Level 41, Framework:
00:43:57 Kestas
00:44:82 Kestas
00:45:22 Kestas
Level 43, He He:
01:02:64 Kestas
01:03:95 Kestas
01:05:50 Kestas
Level 44, Freefall:
00:13:24 Kestas
Level 45, Sink:
00:34:58 Kestas
Level 47, Enigma:
00:25:93 Kestas
Level 48, Downhill:
01:03:88 Kestas
01:07:69 Kestas
01:07:74 Kestas
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:48:95 Kestas
00:50:23 Kestas
00:50:99 Kestas
Level 52, Hang Tight:
00:26:88 Kestas
00:28:03 Kestas
00:28:38 Kestas
etc etc, dont want to flood :]
Download Movies: Elma - External Ways. Part 1 --- Mini-Movie LL36 --- Mini-Movie #01 --- Mini-Movie #02
- The_BoneLESS
- 38mins club
- Posts: 4604
- Joined: 7 Sep 2003, 00:30
- Team: HHIT
- Location: Dangerously close to the St-Lawrence River
- Contact:
Un hoyled... pretty much the definition of Lab Pro and Zig Zag
Code: Select all
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:09:54 BoneLESS
01:10:53 BoneLESS
01:11:01 BoneLESS
01:12:73 BoneLESS
01:14:15 BoneLESS
01:20:51 BoneLESS
01:34:44 BoneLESS
01:53:58 BoneLESS
01:54:42 BoneLESS
02:00:11 BoneLESS
Code: Select all
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
02:33:30 BoneLESS
02:39:22 BoneLESS
02:44:22 BoneLESS
02:44:23 BoneLESS
02:47:70 BoneLESS
03:20:67 BoneLESS
03:23:58 BoneLESS
03:37:28 BoneLESS
03:41:39 BoneLESS
03:51:54 BoneLESS
Website || TT:38:05:33 || WC5:15th || HHIT for life || 9th world wide ... BAP is next
Code: Select all
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:19:42 Samuel
01:27:74 Samuel
01:52:67 Samuel
01:59:68 Samuel
02:03:05 Samuel
02:04:45 Samuel
02:06:03 Samuel
02:06:45 Samuel
02:06:76 Samuel
02:07:98 Samuel
Code: Select all
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
02:37:04 Samuel
03:13:91 Samuel
03:14:07 Samuel
03:15:62 Samuel
03:16:75 Samuel
03:22:91 Samuel
03:31:96 Samuel
03:39:85 Samuel
03:42:34 Samuel
03:44:55 Samuel
Code: Select all
Level 37, Jaws:
01:07:89 Samuel
01:21:32 Samuel
01:24:26 Samuel
01:27:12 Samuel
01:28:44 Samuel
01:28:79 Samuel
01:28:88 Samuel
01:29:73 Samuel
01:31:73 Samuel
01:32:07 Samuel
Code: Select all
Level 44, Freefall:
00:17:45 Samuel
00:23:89 Samuel
00:31:85 Samuel
00:36:38 Samuel
00:37:08 Samuel
00:37:11 Samuel
00:37:34 Samuel
00:37:38 Samuel
00:37:67 Samuel
00:37:93 Samuel
Code: Select all
Level 49, What the Heck:
00:46:20 Samuel
00:55:10 Samuel
00:58:05 Samuel
00:58:37 Samuel
00:59:73 Samuel
01:00:58 Samuel
01:01:23 Samuel
01:01:56 Samuel
01:03:04 Samuel
01:03:57 Samuel
Code: Select all
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:57:96 Samuel
01:01:76 Samuel
01:03:97 Samuel
01:05:78 Samuel
01:16:39 Samuel
01:16:44 Samuel
01:18:07 Samuel
01:18:24 Samuel
01:26:14 Samuel
01:31:23 Samuel
Code: Select all
Level 48, Downhill:
00:59:21 Samuel
01:03:95 Samuel
01:13:40 Samuel
01:15:73 Samuel
01:16:17 Samuel
01:20:69 Samuel
01:22:77 Samuel
01:28:30 Samuel
01:28:87 Samuel
01:29:48 Samuel
Code: Select all
Level 47, Enigma:
00:47:80 Samuel
00:54:46 Samuel
00:57:31 Samuel
00:59:98 Samuel
01:00:52 Samuel
01:02:23 Samuel
01:02:57 Samuel
01:03:18 Samuel
01:03:85 Samuel
01:05:47 Samuel
Code: Select all
Level 46, Bowling:
01:14:52 Samuel
01:19:87 Samuel
01:20:61 Samuel
01:30:16 Samuel
01:31:77 Samuel
01:47:88 Samuel
01:48:92 Samuel
01:53:40 Samuel
01:54:00 Samuel
01:56:45 Samuel
Level 29, Headbanger:
00:54:20 CuLiNo
00:54:60 CuLiNo
00:55:06 CuLiNo
01:00:54 CuLiNo
01:02:32 CuLiNo
01:09:79 CuLiNo
01:10:04 CuLiNo
01:11:16 CuLiNo
01:14:24 CuLiNo
01:14:59 CuLiNo
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:15:11 CuLiNo
01:15:50 CuLiNo
01:23:01 CuLiNo
01:23:40 CuLiNo
01:24:83 CuLiNo
01:31:91 CuLiNo
01:33:45 CuLiNo
01:54:98 CuLiNo
01:55:63 CuLiNo
01:56:13 CuLiNo
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
02:37:59 CuLiNo
02:40:40 CuLiNo
02:43:73 CuLiNo
03:15:26 CuLiNo
03:20:94 CuLiNo
03:24:70 CuLiNo
03:25:57 CuLiNo
03:25:58 CuLiNo
03:28:51 CuLiNo
03:30:10 CuLiNo
Level 47, Enigma:
00:21:07 CuLiNo
00:33:52 CuLiNo
00:48:36 CuLiNo
00:48:96 CuLiNo
00:49:75 CuLiNo
00:49:79 CuLiNo
00:49:91 CuLiNo
00:50:18 CuLiNo
00:50:31 CuLiNo
00:50:77 CuLiNo
00:54:20 CuLiNo
00:54:60 CuLiNo
00:55:06 CuLiNo
01:00:54 CuLiNo
01:02:32 CuLiNo
01:09:79 CuLiNo
01:10:04 CuLiNo
01:11:16 CuLiNo
01:14:24 CuLiNo
01:14:59 CuLiNo
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:15:11 CuLiNo
01:15:50 CuLiNo
01:23:01 CuLiNo
01:23:40 CuLiNo
01:24:83 CuLiNo
01:31:91 CuLiNo
01:33:45 CuLiNo
01:54:98 CuLiNo
01:55:63 CuLiNo
01:56:13 CuLiNo
Level 35, Labyrinth Pro:
02:37:59 CuLiNo
02:40:40 CuLiNo
02:43:73 CuLiNo
03:15:26 CuLiNo
03:20:94 CuLiNo
03:24:70 CuLiNo
03:25:57 CuLiNo
03:25:58 CuLiNo
03:28:51 CuLiNo
03:30:10 CuLiNo
Level 47, Enigma:
00:21:07 CuLiNo
00:33:52 CuLiNo
00:48:36 CuLiNo
00:48:96 CuLiNo
00:49:75 CuLiNo
00:49:79 CuLiNo
00:49:91 CuLiNo
00:50:18 CuLiNo
00:50:31 CuLiNo
00:50:77 CuLiNo
Code: Select all
Level 29, Headbanger:
00:57:57 Palme
01:07:63 Palme
01:12:05 Palme
Level 38, Curvaceous:
00:35:84 Palme
The others aren t really hoyled too, but at least a got 10 finishes in most levs ;P
Level 46, Bowling:
01:19:80 Pawel
01:29:93 Pawel
01:33:19 Pawel
01:41:91 Pawel
01:46:83 Pawel
01:49:74 Pawel
01:52:42 Pawel
01:53:80 Pawel
01:56:05 Pawel
02:00:78 Pawel
01:19:80 Pawel
01:29:93 Pawel
01:33:19 Pawel
01:41:91 Pawel
01:46:83 Pawel
01:49:74 Pawel
01:52:42 Pawel
01:53:80 Pawel
01:56:05 Pawel
02:00:78 Pawel
TT: 37:03:04 || 22 Polish Records || 54 WC || Team [EF]
Level 19, Turnaround:
00:46:37 Igge
00:49:04 Igge
00:52:23 Igge
00:52:55 Igge
00:53:69 Igge
00:58:09 Igge
00:59:65 Igge
NAT EVEN 10 times!
Level 29, Headbanger:
00:59:09 Igge
01:12:03 Igge
01:15:42 Igge
01:18:82 Igge
01:26:26 Igge
01:31:86 Igge
01:31:89 Igge
01:32:99 Igge
01:45:86 Igge
01:48:55 Igge
Level 31, Animal Farm:
01:33:83 Igge
01:35:80 Igge
01:36:37 Igge
01:36:61 Igge
01:37:49 Igge
01:40:34 Igge
01:43:08 Igge
01:43:77 Igge
01:52:91 Igge
02:02:90 Igge
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:54:40 Igge
01:57:87 Igge
01:58:35 Igge
02:08:36 Igge
02:09:53 Igge
02:09:87 Igge
02:11:15 Igge
02:11:98 Igge
02:13:80 Igge
02:29:27 Igge
Level 37, Jaws:
01:03:33 Igge
01:08:68 Igge
01:27:38 Igge
01:29:23 Igge
01:30:81 Igge
01:30:96 Igge
01:32:91 Igge
01:39:74 Igge
01:48:14 Igge
Level 46, Bowling:
01:17:75 Igge
01:39:27 Igge
01:44:82 Igge
01:47:72 Igge
01:47:93 Igge
02:15:39 Igge
Nat even 10 times here either :O
Level 48, Downhill:
01:13:28 Igge
01:19:42 Igge
01:22:86 Igge
01:26:24 Igge
01:30:20 Igge
01:33:55 Igge
01:35:51 Igge
nope, nat here either
Level 50, Expert System:
01:13:61 Igge
01:17:09 Igge
01:19:05 Igge
01:21:14 Igge
01:29:44 Igge
I don't hoyl, I get new skills, make one time, then wait, then try it again in 2 months.
00:46:37 Igge
00:49:04 Igge
00:52:23 Igge
00:52:55 Igge
00:53:69 Igge
00:58:09 Igge
00:59:65 Igge
NAT EVEN 10 times!
Level 29, Headbanger:
00:59:09 Igge
01:12:03 Igge
01:15:42 Igge
01:18:82 Igge
01:26:26 Igge
01:31:86 Igge
01:31:89 Igge
01:32:99 Igge
01:45:86 Igge
01:48:55 Igge
Level 31, Animal Farm:
01:33:83 Igge
01:35:80 Igge
01:36:37 Igge
01:36:61 Igge
01:37:49 Igge
01:40:34 Igge
01:43:08 Igge
01:43:77 Igge
01:52:91 Igge
02:02:90 Igge
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:54:40 Igge
01:57:87 Igge
01:58:35 Igge
02:08:36 Igge
02:09:53 Igge
02:09:87 Igge
02:11:15 Igge
02:11:98 Igge
02:13:80 Igge
02:29:27 Igge
Level 37, Jaws:
01:03:33 Igge
01:08:68 Igge
01:27:38 Igge
01:29:23 Igge
01:30:81 Igge
01:30:96 Igge
01:32:91 Igge
01:39:74 Igge
01:48:14 Igge
Level 46, Bowling:
01:17:75 Igge
01:39:27 Igge
01:44:82 Igge
01:47:72 Igge
01:47:93 Igge
02:15:39 Igge
Nat even 10 times here either :O
Level 48, Downhill:
01:13:28 Igge
01:19:42 Igge
01:22:86 Igge
01:26:24 Igge
01:30:20 Igge
01:33:55 Igge
01:35:51 Igge
nope, nat here either
Level 50, Expert System:
01:13:61 Igge
01:17:09 Igge
01:19:05 Igge
01:21:14 Igge
01:29:44 Igge
I don't hoyl, I get new skills, make one time, then wait, then try it again in 2 months.
John: lol hittade ett popcorn i naveln
(19:52:06) (@Madnezz) The Golden Apple Award goes to.....
(19:52:36) (@Madnezz) ib9814.lev by igge!!!
(19:52:06) (@Madnezz) The Golden Apple Award goes to.....
(19:52:36) (@Madnezz) ib9814.lev by igge!!!
Zweq wrote:99.9999% of nabs haven't even opened the book yet and most of those that have are still on the first pages
Level 17, Labyrinth:
00:58:43 ener
00:59:29 ener
00:59:42 ener
00:59:71 ener
01:04:83 ener
01:06:73 ener
01:13:50 ener
Level 23, Quick Round:
00:41:59 ener
00:48:90 ener
00:54:88 ener
01:00:55 ener
Level 36, Fruit in the Den:
01:04:90 ener
01:07:30 ener
01:11:74 ener
01:16:00 ener
01:16:71 ener
01:18:21 ener
01:21:43 ener
01:22:77 ener
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:47:09 ener
00:48:32 ener
00:54:56 ener
01:09:47 ener
01:44:15 ener
00:58:43 ener
00:59:29 ener
00:59:42 ener
00:59:71 ener
01:04:83 ener
01:06:73 ener
01:13:50 ener
Level 23, Quick Round:
00:41:59 ener
00:48:90 ener
00:54:88 ener
01:00:55 ener
Level 36, Fruit in the Den:
01:04:90 ener
01:07:30 ener
01:11:74 ener
01:16:00 ener
01:16:71 ener
01:18:21 ener
01:21:43 ener
01:22:77 ener
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:47:09 ener
00:48:32 ener
00:54:56 ener
01:09:47 ener
01:44:15 ener
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:34:59 Michael
02:00:57 Michael
02:00:92 Michael
02:02:08 Michael
02:02:32 Michael
02:04:64 Michael
02:14:46 Michael
02:15:34 Michael
02:22:83 Michael
02:24:77 Michael
Need to hoyl this level someday soon.. ez 01:2x.
Level 43, He He:
01:06:21 Michael
01:08:08 Michael
01:08:61 Michael
01:09:89 Michael
01:10:05 Michael
01:13:93 Michael
01:16:98 Michael
01:24:56 Michael
01:25:63 Michael
01:49:57 Michael
One of those boring internals you complete only when you really need to, and even then you only complete it once, because if the run is fucked up then ez Esc.
Level 47, Enigma:
00:32:24 Michael
00:34:11 Michael
00:53:11 Michael
00:58:78 Michael
01:01:12 Michael
01:01:68 Michael
01:02:81 Michael
01:02:82 Michael
01:05:72 Michael
01:05:95 Michael
Like ZZ, should try and hoyl the 30sec style someday soon,
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:59:06 Michael
01:01:34 Michael
01:01:50 Michael
01:02:44 Michael
01:03:17 Michael
01:10:19 Michael
01:12:80 Michael
01:16:65 Michael
01:18:05 Michael
01:33:70 Michael
That's the next level on my hoylist.
Level 54, Apple Harvest:
02:07:57 Michael
02:08:55 Michael
02:14:76 Michael
02:15:18 Michael
02:18:49 Michael
02:24:23 Michael
02:26:25 Michael
02:29:38 Michael
02:36:83 Michael
03:16:08 Michael
lol at 10th time
01:34:59 Michael
02:00:57 Michael
02:00:92 Michael
02:02:08 Michael
02:02:32 Michael
02:04:64 Michael
02:14:46 Michael
02:15:34 Michael
02:22:83 Michael
02:24:77 Michael
Need to hoyl this level someday soon.. ez 01:2x.
Level 43, He He:
01:06:21 Michael
01:08:08 Michael
01:08:61 Michael
01:09:89 Michael
01:10:05 Michael
01:13:93 Michael
01:16:98 Michael
01:24:56 Michael
01:25:63 Michael
01:49:57 Michael
One of those boring internals you complete only when you really need to, and even then you only complete it once, because if the run is fucked up then ez Esc.
Level 47, Enigma:
00:32:24 Michael
00:34:11 Michael
00:53:11 Michael
00:58:78 Michael
01:01:12 Michael
01:01:68 Michael
01:02:81 Michael
01:02:82 Michael
01:05:72 Michael
01:05:95 Michael
Like ZZ, should try and hoyl the 30sec style someday soon,
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:59:06 Michael
01:01:34 Michael
01:01:50 Michael
01:02:44 Michael
01:03:17 Michael
01:10:19 Michael
01:12:80 Michael
01:16:65 Michael
01:18:05 Michael
01:33:70 Michael
That's the next level on my hoylist.
Level 54, Apple Harvest:
02:07:57 Michael
02:08:55 Michael
02:14:76 Michael
02:15:18 Michael
02:18:49 Michael
02:24:23 Michael
02:26:25 Michael
02:29:38 Michael
02:36:83 Michael
03:16:08 Michael
lol at 10th time
TT: 43:03.93 | AVG: 47:03.65 | | Team Site [TR] || TR Forum | 1 Pro, 27 Good, 26 OK
most un-hoyled
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:16:39 Pawel
01:17:53 Pawel
01:18:72 Pawel
01:20:19 Pawel
01:29:23 Pawel
01:34:33 Pawel
01:55:51 Pawel
01:59:50 Pawel
02:03:23 Pawel
02:04:75 Pawel
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:16:39 Pawel
01:17:53 Pawel
01:18:72 Pawel
01:20:19 Pawel
01:29:23 Pawel
01:34:33 Pawel
01:55:51 Pawel
01:59:50 Pawel
02:03:23 Pawel
02:04:75 Pawel
TT: 37:03:04 || 22 Polish Records || 54 WC || Team [EF]
- Grace
- 38mins club
- Posts: 4861
- Joined: 19 Nov 2005, 10:45
- Location: Deep in your Imagination, Twirling your Dreams and Weaving your thoughts.
Level 54, Apple Harvest:
02:17:43 jaksta
02:59:07 jaksta
03:00:35 jaksta
03:02:34 jaksta
03:10:87 jaksta
03:14:11 jaksta
03:16:08 jaksta
03:16:98 jaksta
03:17:31 jaksta
03:21:78 jaksta
02:17:43 jaksta
02:59:07 jaksta
03:00:35 jaksta
03:02:34 jaksta
03:10:87 jaksta
03:14:11 jaksta
03:16:08 jaksta
03:16:98 jaksta
03:17:31 jaksta
03:21:78 jaksta
Targets: 8 Legendary, 26 WC, 18 Pro, 2 Good | AvgTT: 39:20:99
Targets: 8 Legendary, 26 WC, 18 Pro, 2 Good | AvgTT: 39:20:99
Level 6, Long Haul:
00:35:22 Palme
00:37:67 Palme
00:38:74 Palme
00:39:05 Palme
00:52:30 Palme
00:54:66 Palme
00:59:74 Palme
01:01:62 Palme
01:38:97 Palme
Level 8, Tag:
00:23:56 Palme
00:24:83 Palme
00:25:55 Palme
00:25:57 Palme
00:25:86 Palme
00:26:53 Palme
00:26:93 Palme
00:27:17 Palme
00:27:42 Palme
00:27:63 Palme
Level 10, The Steppes:
00:15:42 Palme
00:15:69 Palme
00:16:15 Palme
00:16:45 Palme
00:16:51 Palme
00:18:56 Palme
00:30:35 Palme
00:35:52 Palme
00:39:95 Palme
00:40:22 Palme
Level 11, Gravity Ride:
00:27:77 Palme
00:28:29 Palme
00:29:30 Palme
00:29:97 Palme
00:31:50 Palme
00:32:21 Palme
00:34:25 Palme
00:35:06 Palme
00:35:09 Palme
00:35:55 Palme
Level 15, Serpents Tale:
01:06:12 Palme
01:15:46 Palme
01:16:56 Palme
01:17:10 Palme
01:17:13 Palme
01:17:70 Palme
01:17:71 Palme
01:19:03 Palme
01:19:48 Palme
Level 15, Serpents Tale:
01:06:12 Palme
01:15:46 Palme
01:16:56 Palme
01:17:10 Palme
01:17:13 Palme
01:17:70 Palme
01:17:71 Palme
01:19:03 Palme
01:19:48 Palme
Level 20, Upside Down:
01:10:89 Palme
01:12:68 Palme
01:13:45 Palme
01:14:50 Palme
01:15:38 Palme
01:16:33 Palme
01:16:73 Palme
01:17:15 Palme
01:17:80 Palme
01:18:69 Palme
Level 23, Quick Round:
00:54:43 Palme
00:55:56 Palme
00:55:96 Palme
00:55:98 Palme
00:56:47 Palme
00:57:80 Palme
00:58:25 Palme
00:58:63 Palme
00:59:13 Palme
01:00:87 Palme
Level 24, Ramp Frenzy:
00:59:23 Palme
01:08:59 Palme
01:09:83 Palme
01:10:46 Palme
01:10:70 Palme
01:13:81 Palme
01:20:29 Palme
01:21:93 Palme
01:28:36 Palme
Level 25, Precarious:
00:25:68 Palme
00:30:88 Palme
00:31:62 Palme
00:32:48 Palme
00:32:54 Palme
00:32:79 Palme
00:32:90 Palme
00:33:14 Palme
00:34:23 Palme
00:34:50 Palme
Level 26, Circuitous:
00:30:07 Palme
00:32:67 Palme
00:32:68 Palme
00:33:02 Palme
00:33:32 Palme
00:33:58 Palme
00:33:75 Palme
00:34:02 Palme
00:34:09 Palme
00:34:67 Palme
Level 29, Headbanger:
00:53:05 Palme
00:54:77 Palme
00:55:44 Palme
00:57:57 Palme
01:07:63 Palme
01:12:05 Palme
01:17:12 Palme
01:28:65 Palme
01:46:37 Palme
Level 31, Animal Farm:
01:30:60 Palme
01:34:40 Palme
01:34:46 Palme
01:34:64 Palme
01:34:65 Palme
01:34:99 Palme
01:35:95 Palme
01:36:36 Palme
01:42:63 Palme
01:52:06 Palme
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:22:73 Palme
02:00:41 Palme
02:04:12 Palme
02:06:01 Palme
02:06:53 Palme
02:09:68 Palme
02:10:09 Palme
02:13:44 Palme
02:15:96 Palme
Level 34, Bumpy Journey:
00:40:93 Palme
00:41:18 Palme
00:41:18 Palme
00:41:54 Palme
00:43:42 Palme
00:43:60 Palme
00:44:03 Palme
00:44:79 Palme
00:45:36 Palme
00:51:35 Palme
Level 36, Fruit in the Den:
01:06:83 Palme
01:14:95 Palme
01:16:46 Palme
01:16:91 Palme
01:19:95 Palme
01:20:61 Palme
01:22:87 Palme
01:24:30 Palme
01:24:51 Palme
Level 39, Haircut:
00:46:84 Palme
00:47:89 Palme
00:48:94 Palme
00:51:72 Palme
00:54:24 Palme
00:54:32 Palme
00:55:00 Palme
00:57:56 Palme
01:11:35 Palme
Level 43, He He:
01:05:41 Palme
01:05:97 Palme
01:06:81 Palme
01:07:48 Palme
01:09:45 Palme
01:10:06 Palme
01:14:31 Palme
01:16:95 Palme
01:28:25 Palme
Level 44, Freefall:
00:12:46 Palme
00:18:06 Palme
00:36:36 Palme
00:36:62 Palme
00:36:75 Palme
00:36:86 Palme
00:37:02 Palme
00:37:53 Palme
00:37:58 Palme
00:38:03 Palme
Level 46, Bowling:
01:16:18 Palme
01:17:13 Palme
01:18:43 Palme
01:20:28 Palme
01:23:40 Palme
01:24:60 Palme
01:29:25 Palme
01:31:76 Palme
01:31:87 Palme
01:32:79 Palme
Level 47, Enigma:
00:20:80 Palme
00:21:02 Palme
00:25:09 Palme
00:25:81 Palme
00:26:45 Palme
00:27:12 Palme
00:27:19 Palme
00:27:98 Palme
00:28:00 Palme
00:28:41 Palme
Level 48, Downhill:
01:05:37 Palme
01:10:11 Palme
01:11:74 Palme
01:12:96 Palme
01:13:80 Palme
01:17:03 Palme
01:18:36 Palme
01:19:13 Palme
01:40:20 Palme
01:45:48 Palme
Level 50, Expert System:
01:04:84 Palme
01:06:94 Palme
01:07:80 Palme
01:08:33 Palme
01:08:60 Palme
01:11:81 Palme
01:15:31 Palme
01:18:36 Palme
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:49:65 Palme
00:58:12 Palme
01:01:34 Palme
01:03:01 Palme
01:03:97 Palme
01:04:32 Palme
01:05:36 Palme
01:15:11 Palme
01:15:27 Palme
Level 54, Apple Harvest:
01:54:51 Palme
02:12:69 Palme
02:15:69 Palme
02:16:69 Palme
02:17:54 Palme
02:19:45 Palme
02:23:29 Palme
02:29:76 Palme
02:32:20 Palme
05:52:55 Palme
only hoyled lev is hang tight <3
00:35:22 Palme
00:37:67 Palme
00:38:74 Palme
00:39:05 Palme
00:52:30 Palme
00:54:66 Palme
00:59:74 Palme
01:01:62 Palme
01:38:97 Palme
Level 8, Tag:
00:23:56 Palme
00:24:83 Palme
00:25:55 Palme
00:25:57 Palme
00:25:86 Palme
00:26:53 Palme
00:26:93 Palme
00:27:17 Palme
00:27:42 Palme
00:27:63 Palme
Level 10, The Steppes:
00:15:42 Palme
00:15:69 Palme
00:16:15 Palme
00:16:45 Palme
00:16:51 Palme
00:18:56 Palme
00:30:35 Palme
00:35:52 Palme
00:39:95 Palme
00:40:22 Palme
Level 11, Gravity Ride:
00:27:77 Palme
00:28:29 Palme
00:29:30 Palme
00:29:97 Palme
00:31:50 Palme
00:32:21 Palme
00:34:25 Palme
00:35:06 Palme
00:35:09 Palme
00:35:55 Palme
Level 15, Serpents Tale:
01:06:12 Palme
01:15:46 Palme
01:16:56 Palme
01:17:10 Palme
01:17:13 Palme
01:17:70 Palme
01:17:71 Palme
01:19:03 Palme
01:19:48 Palme
Level 15, Serpents Tale:
01:06:12 Palme
01:15:46 Palme
01:16:56 Palme
01:17:10 Palme
01:17:13 Palme
01:17:70 Palme
01:17:71 Palme
01:19:03 Palme
01:19:48 Palme
Level 20, Upside Down:
01:10:89 Palme
01:12:68 Palme
01:13:45 Palme
01:14:50 Palme
01:15:38 Palme
01:16:33 Palme
01:16:73 Palme
01:17:15 Palme
01:17:80 Palme
01:18:69 Palme
Level 23, Quick Round:
00:54:43 Palme
00:55:56 Palme
00:55:96 Palme
00:55:98 Palme
00:56:47 Palme
00:57:80 Palme
00:58:25 Palme
00:58:63 Palme
00:59:13 Palme
01:00:87 Palme
Level 24, Ramp Frenzy:
00:59:23 Palme
01:08:59 Palme
01:09:83 Palme
01:10:46 Palme
01:10:70 Palme
01:13:81 Palme
01:20:29 Palme
01:21:93 Palme
01:28:36 Palme
Level 25, Precarious:
00:25:68 Palme
00:30:88 Palme
00:31:62 Palme
00:32:48 Palme
00:32:54 Palme
00:32:79 Palme
00:32:90 Palme
00:33:14 Palme
00:34:23 Palme
00:34:50 Palme
Level 26, Circuitous:
00:30:07 Palme
00:32:67 Palme
00:32:68 Palme
00:33:02 Palme
00:33:32 Palme
00:33:58 Palme
00:33:75 Palme
00:34:02 Palme
00:34:09 Palme
00:34:67 Palme
Level 29, Headbanger:
00:53:05 Palme
00:54:77 Palme
00:55:44 Palme
00:57:57 Palme
01:07:63 Palme
01:12:05 Palme
01:17:12 Palme
01:28:65 Palme
01:46:37 Palme
Level 31, Animal Farm:
01:30:60 Palme
01:34:40 Palme
01:34:46 Palme
01:34:64 Palme
01:34:65 Palme
01:34:99 Palme
01:35:95 Palme
01:36:36 Palme
01:42:63 Palme
01:52:06 Palme
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:22:73 Palme
02:00:41 Palme
02:04:12 Palme
02:06:01 Palme
02:06:53 Palme
02:09:68 Palme
02:10:09 Palme
02:13:44 Palme
02:15:96 Palme
Level 34, Bumpy Journey:
00:40:93 Palme
00:41:18 Palme
00:41:18 Palme
00:41:54 Palme
00:43:42 Palme
00:43:60 Palme
00:44:03 Palme
00:44:79 Palme
00:45:36 Palme
00:51:35 Palme
Level 36, Fruit in the Den:
01:06:83 Palme
01:14:95 Palme
01:16:46 Palme
01:16:91 Palme
01:19:95 Palme
01:20:61 Palme
01:22:87 Palme
01:24:30 Palme
01:24:51 Palme
Level 39, Haircut:
00:46:84 Palme
00:47:89 Palme
00:48:94 Palme
00:51:72 Palme
00:54:24 Palme
00:54:32 Palme
00:55:00 Palme
00:57:56 Palme
01:11:35 Palme
Level 43, He He:
01:05:41 Palme
01:05:97 Palme
01:06:81 Palme
01:07:48 Palme
01:09:45 Palme
01:10:06 Palme
01:14:31 Palme
01:16:95 Palme
01:28:25 Palme
Level 44, Freefall:
00:12:46 Palme
00:18:06 Palme
00:36:36 Palme
00:36:62 Palme
00:36:75 Palme
00:36:86 Palme
00:37:02 Palme
00:37:53 Palme
00:37:58 Palme
00:38:03 Palme
Level 46, Bowling:
01:16:18 Palme
01:17:13 Palme
01:18:43 Palme
01:20:28 Palme
01:23:40 Palme
01:24:60 Palme
01:29:25 Palme
01:31:76 Palme
01:31:87 Palme
01:32:79 Palme
Level 47, Enigma:
00:20:80 Palme
00:21:02 Palme
00:25:09 Palme
00:25:81 Palme
00:26:45 Palme
00:27:12 Palme
00:27:19 Palme
00:27:98 Palme
00:28:00 Palme
00:28:41 Palme
Level 48, Downhill:
01:05:37 Palme
01:10:11 Palme
01:11:74 Palme
01:12:96 Palme
01:13:80 Palme
01:17:03 Palme
01:18:36 Palme
01:19:13 Palme
01:40:20 Palme
01:45:48 Palme
Level 50, Expert System:
01:04:84 Palme
01:06:94 Palme
01:07:80 Palme
01:08:33 Palme
01:08:60 Palme
01:11:81 Palme
01:15:31 Palme
01:18:36 Palme
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:49:65 Palme
00:58:12 Palme
01:01:34 Palme
01:03:01 Palme
01:03:97 Palme
01:04:32 Palme
01:05:36 Palme
01:15:11 Palme
01:15:27 Palme
Level 54, Apple Harvest:
01:54:51 Palme
02:12:69 Palme
02:15:69 Palme
02:16:69 Palme
02:17:54 Palme
02:19:45 Palme
02:23:29 Palme
02:29:76 Palme
02:32:20 Palme
05:52:55 Palme
only hoyled lev is hang tight <3
Re: Do you have an UN-höyled top-10?
Code: Select all
Level 10, The Steppes:
00:15:29 Zworqy
00:15:59 Zworqy
00:17:47 Zworqy
00:19:96 Zworqy
00:26:15 Zworqy
00:26:45 Zworqy
00:27:79 Zworqy
00:28:03 Zworqy
00:28:16 Zworqy
00:28:37 Zworqy
<Fihlvein> another case of zworqy-is-always-right closed i guess
<yoosef> zworqy doesnt suck at anything
<yoosef> zworqy doesnt suck at anything
Re: Do you have an UN-höyled top-10?
All except 1-3, 14 and 53 maybe.
Re: Do you have an UN-höyled top-10?
Code: Select all
Level 15, Serpents Tale:
00:57:56 Pawel
00:59:34 Pawel
01:01:35 Pawel
01:02:93 Pawel
01:03:71 Pawel
01:07:21 Pawel
01:08:09 Pawel
01:08:48 Pawel
01:08:55 Pawel
01:08:60 Pawel
Level 33, Zig-Zag:
01:02:24 Pawel
01:10:88 Pawel
01:11:95 Pawel
01:16:39 Pawel
01:17:53 Pawel
01:18:08 Pawel
01:18:66 Pawel
01:18:72 Pawel
01:20:19 Pawel
01:29:23 Pawel
Level 46, Bowling:
00:58:90 Pawel
01:02:05 Pawel
01:03:20 Pawel
01:03:91 Pawel
01:04:04 Pawel
01:04:40 Pawel
01:05:83 Pawel
01:06:02 Pawel
01:06:74 Pawel
01:07:05 Pawel
TT: 37:03:04 || 22 Polish Records || 54 WC || Team [EF]
Re: Do you have an UN-höyled top-10?
my bowling is cooler:
Level 46, Bowling:
00:58:16 lukas
01:00:46 lukas
01:01:63 lukas
01:04:89 lukas
01:08:68 lukas
01:09:65 lukas
01:09:79 lukas
01:12:11 lukas
01:13:01 lukas
01:13:20 lukas
Level 46, Bowling:
00:58:16 lukas
01:00:46 lukas
01:01:63 lukas
01:04:89 lukas
01:08:68 lukas
01:09:65 lukas
01:09:79 lukas
01:12:11 lukas
01:13:01 lukas
01:13:20 lukas
and after 5 years id say expert is still my most unhöyled top10 considering how easy lev it isZweq wrote:Level 13, Hill Legend:
00:16:04 Zamppe
00:16:63 Zamppe
00:17:35 Zamppe
00:17:87 Zamppe
00:17:90 Zamppe
00:17:98 Zamppe
00:17:99 Zamppe
00:18:36 Zamppe
00:18:39 Zamppe
00:18:47 Zamppe
Level 46, Bowling:
00:57:29 Zamppe
01:01:92 Zamppe
01:02:55 Zamppe
01:04:13 Zamppe
01:05:31 Zamppe
01:05:50 Zamppe
01:05:83 Zamppe
01:06:06 Zamppe
01:06:07 Zamppe
01:06:31 Zamppe
Level 50, Expert System:
00:55:13 Zamppe
00:55:54 Zamppe
00:56:73 Zamppe
00:57:72 Zamppe
00:57:99 Zamppe
00:58:01 Zamppe
00:58:23 Zamppe
00:58:24 Zamppe
00:58:38 Zamppe
00:58:45 Zamppe
i guess those are all
Level 50, Expert System:
00:53:42 Zamppe
00:54:41 Zamppe
00:54:58 Zamppe
00:55:13 Zamppe
00:55:25 Zamppe
00:55:27 Zamppe
00:55:54 Zamppe
00:55:76 Zamppe
00:55:82 Zamppe
00:55:92 Zamppe
and there are more but who cares!
Re: Do you have an UN-höyled top-10?
John, Zworqy and Rhino
A beer a day keeps the doct0r away. profile profile
Re: Do you have an UN-höyled top-10?
Level 29, Headbanger:
00:44:80 Ves
00:48:34 Ves
00:48:90 Ves
00:49:06 Ves
00:49:34 Ves
00:49:39 Ves
00:49:46 Ves
00:50:20 Ves
00:50:36 Ves
00:51:06 Ves
The only finish with normal style. Time was quite unexpected, but after merge I saw that every fuckup was lying in 44:mid-45:mid.
00:44:80 Ves
00:48:34 Ves
00:48:90 Ves
00:49:06 Ves
00:49:34 Ves
00:49:39 Ves
00:49:46 Ves
00:50:20 Ves
00:50:36 Ves
00:51:06 Ves
The only finish with normal style. Time was quite unexpected, but after merge I saw that every fuckup was lying in 44:mid-45:mid.
Through the externals to the skill.
Through the skill to the internals.
Through the internals to the divinity.
Through the skill to the internals.
Through the internals to the divinity.
Re: Do you have an UN-höyled top-10?
Level 1, Warm Up:
00:14:24 Mats
00:14:33 Mats
00:14:36 Mats
00:14:37 Mats
00:14:37 Mats
00:14:38 Mats
00:14:38 Mats
00:14:39 Mats
00:14:40 Mats
00:14:40 Mats
Level 23, Quick Round:
00:51:56 Mats
00:53:65 Mats
00:53:79 Mats
00:54:01 Mats
00:54:13 Mats
00:54:26 Mats
00:54:82 Mats
00:55:04 Mats
00:55:06 Mats
00:55:32 Mats
Level 40, Double Trouble:
01:31:77 Mats
01:33:56 Mats
01:33:56 Mats
01:33:79 Mats
01:33:85 Mats
01:34:90 Mats
01:35:95 Mats
01:35:95 Mats
01:36:68 Mats
01:36:99 Mats
Level 45, Sink:
00:33:90 Mats
00:34:48 Mats
00:34:49 Mats
00:34:52 Mats
00:34:57 Mats
00:34:65 Mats
00:34:67 Mats
00:34:67 Mats
00:34:68 Mats
00:34:68 Mats
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:51:10 Mats
00:54:85 Mats
00:55:42 Mats
00:56:90 Mats
01:08:15 Mats
01:08:82 Mats
01:09:85 Mats
01:09:91 Mats
01:13:29 Mats
01:13:57 Mats
Level 53, Hooked:
00:18:35 Mats
00:19:50 Mats
00:19:63 Mats
00:19:68 Mats
00:19:77 Mats
00:19:84 Mats
00:19:85 Mats
00:19:92 Mats
00:19:93 Mats
00:20:03 Mats
Seems like most of my times are unhoyled
00:14:24 Mats
00:14:33 Mats
00:14:36 Mats
00:14:37 Mats
00:14:37 Mats
00:14:38 Mats
00:14:38 Mats
00:14:39 Mats
00:14:40 Mats
00:14:40 Mats
Level 23, Quick Round:
00:51:56 Mats
00:53:65 Mats
00:53:79 Mats
00:54:01 Mats
00:54:13 Mats
00:54:26 Mats
00:54:82 Mats
00:55:04 Mats
00:55:06 Mats
00:55:32 Mats
Level 40, Double Trouble:
01:31:77 Mats
01:33:56 Mats
01:33:56 Mats
01:33:79 Mats
01:33:85 Mats
01:34:90 Mats
01:35:95 Mats
01:35:95 Mats
01:36:68 Mats
01:36:99 Mats
Level 45, Sink:
00:33:90 Mats
00:34:48 Mats
00:34:49 Mats
00:34:52 Mats
00:34:57 Mats
00:34:65 Mats
00:34:67 Mats
00:34:67 Mats
00:34:68 Mats
00:34:68 Mats
Level 51, Tricks Abound:
00:51:10 Mats
00:54:85 Mats
00:55:42 Mats
00:56:90 Mats
01:08:15 Mats
01:08:82 Mats
01:09:85 Mats
01:09:91 Mats
01:13:29 Mats
01:13:57 Mats
Level 53, Hooked:
00:18:35 Mats
00:19:50 Mats
00:19:63 Mats
00:19:68 Mats
00:19:77 Mats
00:19:84 Mats
00:19:85 Mats
00:19:92 Mats
00:19:93 Mats
00:20:03 Mats
Seems like most of my times are unhoyled