What computer games you're playing?

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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by kuchitsu »

I'm Russian and I do it too. I think it's a cute way to express doubt about your own feelings. Like, "hmm, this seems kinda retarded... or maybe I'm just not looking at it the right way or something... not sure...".
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Ruben »

Bludek wrote:
ofta wrote:... it feels retarted?

... wich feels weird for me?
Why do you end regular sentences with question marks? Is it common in your native language (swe)?
I see it on interwebz from time to time and it looks ultra weird to me.
It probably means they are some form of questions or suggestions, expressing doubt or uncertainty. In speech you can do that by raising the pitch of your voice at the end of a sentence, but since you can't do that in writing a question mark will have to do.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by iCS »

Bludek wrote:Why do you end regular sentences with question marks? Is it common in your native language (swe)?
I see it on interwebz from time to time and it looks ultra weird to me.
Some Hungarians do the opposite: period instead of question mark... and it can be extremely confusing in Hungarian: in most of the cases we have the same word order for both types of sentences, the only difference is the question mark at the end of sentence, anything else is completely the same :lol: For example: "You have already paid it." and "Have you already paid it?" looks identical :D
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Bludek »

kuchitsu wrote:I think it's a cute way to express doubt about your own feelings
Hm, to me it feels like that the writer cannot use proper grammar. But I know what you mean, fellas.

It is kinda the same level of weirdness like using too many "..." in the paragraph. Especially in responses to other people in public chat. It is the visual representation of "thinking while speaking" and "hm" and "erm" and alike. You know, like:

Code: Select all

I get your point... But you know... I had a tought childhood...
If you'd know my mom... But I don't really blame you. But man..... 
The next stuff is that you know like nothing... bla bla bla...
These people even use "...." and "....." and "......"!! (maybe in cases, when "..." would be appropriate for others). sik

btw I am too good at making off-topics :roll: :roll:
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Ruben »

Bludek wrote:
kuchitsu wrote:I think it's a cute way to express doubt about your own feelings
Hm, to me it feels like that the writer cannot use proper grammar. But I know what you mean, fellas.

It is kinda the same level of weirdness like using too many "..." in the paragraph. Especially in responses to other people in public chat. It is the visual representation of "thinking while speaking" and "hm" and "erm" and alike. You know, like:

Code: Select all

I get your point... But you know... I had a tought childhood...
If you'd know my mom... But I don't really blame you. But man..... 
The next stuff is that you know like nothing... bla bla bla...
These people even use "...." and "....." and "......"!! (maybe in cases, when "..." would be appropriate for others). sik

btw I am too good at making off-topics :roll: :roll:
I don't know if I agree? I'd argue that you could put a question mark after any sentece without making it grammatically incorrect?
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by ofta »

bludek: i'm not sure why you are asking this really. kuchi had the right answer, except for the "cute" part. but yes, it is common in swedish, mostly a rhetorical thing. also, my english sucks, so you are very right about that random question marks also can be viewed as a sign of my bad grammar :) but mostly as a way of communication
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Zweq »

you're mom is bad grammar
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by gimp »

Of course question marks are still gramatically correct at the end of anything? It is an easy way to say what you think but make absolutely no commitment to it? I can never be wrong about what I say? Because after all it was just a question? I can say obscenely mean things and get away with it? Fuck your mothers? I can express polarizing opinions and not worry about looking extremist? Praise Allah? Elma 2 should have new internals? I can plant little seeds of ideas into all of your subconscious minds without putting judgement upon myself???? This is amazing, I feel invincible, I will post everything like this from now on?
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Ruben »

gimp wrote:Of course question marks are still gramatically correct at the end of anything? It is an easy way to say what you think but make absolutely no commitment to it? I can never be wrong about what I say? Because after all it was just a question? I can say obscenely mean things and get away with it? Fuck your mothers? I can express polarizing opinions and not worry about looking extremist? Praise Allah? Elma 2 should have new internals? I can plant little seeds of ideas into all of your subconscious minds without putting judgement upon myself???? This is amazing, I feel invincible, I will post everything like this from now on?
Beware that it can often change the meaning of the sentence, sometimes even completely reversing it?

Also, what's extremist about saying "praise Allah?" By the same token, is saying "bless you" after someone sneezes also extremist?
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by ofta »

wtf is this. i just wrote a random post about dark souls and now everything is just very un-norm. i didn't ask for this, guys
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Re: What computer games do you play?

Post by Madness »

Bludek wrote:
kuchitsu wrote:I think it's a cute way to express doubt about your own feelings
Hm, to me it feels like ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ the writer cannot use proper grammar. But I know what you mean, fellas.

It is kinda the same level of weirdness ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ as using too many "..." in ̶t̶h̶e̶ a paragraph. Especially in responses to other people in public chat. It is the visual representation of "thinking while speaking" and "hm" and "erm" and ̶a̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ so on. You know, like:

Code: Select all

I get your point... But you know... I had a tought childhood...
If you'd know my mom... But I don't really blame you. But man..... 
The next stuff is that you know like nothing... bla bla bla...
These people even use "...." and "....." and "......"!! (maybe in cases ̶,̶ when "..." would be appropriate for others). ̶s̶i̶k̶ Sick.

btw, I am too good at making off-topics. :roll: :roll:
Sorry, I had to. :wink:
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Bludek »

sik, oke

btw I rly wanted to use "alike". You know: "these words and words alike".
But maybe u r right
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Thundr- »

This is elma? A community that spawned an empire of fucked up words and intentionally erroneous grammar for some unexplained reason? Probably cuz we are hipsters?

So why are you even?
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Lee »

Sometimes I wonder whether I enjoy these old DOS games for the nostalgia or because they're actually good games.
In this case, I haven't played this one before, and I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit. So I've come to the conclusion that some old games are that good, and nostalgia comes into it rather minimally.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by 8-ball »

Playing Rocket League, I'm really bad but it's still fun :)
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Zweq »

Lee wrote: Sometimes I wonder whether I enjoy these old DOS games for the nostalgia or because they're actually good games.
Quite often I wonder the exact same, except just the graphics part. "I wonder whether I enjoy the graphics of old DOS games for the nostalgia or because the graphics are actually good". Pixelized sprite graphics ftw for my brain, so expressive and readable, compared to modern graphics realism mimicing and information overflow. Minecraft is a living example that there might be something to expressive simple graphics style. But I gues it could also be just nostalgia and minecraft is oke due to its mechanics.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by kuchitsu »

Information overflow is a good phrase to use here. When you're playing something like Megaman, there are not that many details on the screen, so you can appreciate pretty much every little thing that you see. Every different tile feels important and they all come together to form a complete picture. This feeling of harmony and completeness is very awesome imo. But of course it's pretty much impossible in games where you see thousands of polygons everywhere. Something will be always sticking out and there's no way you will care about every single tree or whatever you see on your way.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by anpdad »

Yeah that's true, kuchi, and also it's way easier for devs to make the picture appear more tight and focused when they're limited to 2D, 10 sprites on screen, and 256 colors and whatnot. Like, this stuff was drawn using only 16 colors in 1993 and it looks so crisp and stylish i already want to play it again. The feeling is definitely partially nostalgia-induced, but that's not the most important factor at play here. Just look at all the incredibly popular modern indie games with pixelated old-school graphics, - they're loved both by the older gamers and new generations alike.

As for old games in general, i think they're mostly outdated and barely playable, but mainly because UI has gone long ways since 80-90s. Sometimes you don't notice it much due to nostalgia + being used to it since childhood. But most of the time you really have to close your eyes on many interface-related things and some old weird gameplay-related tropes to actually enjoy the experience. Yes, i'm looking at you, old strategy-, FPS- and adventure games. Otherwise imo they're still as good as ever, but that's just my two cents. Haven't put any thought into this post but still gonna press dat submit button, yolo!
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by kuchitsu »

The thing that baffles me the most is how apparently nowadays most popular titles are expected to always use the latest technologies, force players to go buy newest computer parts, etc. And there are surprisingly many people that will say things like "Game A has better graphics than Game B because it uses more advanced technologies". And when you show them a screenshot of an old game they'll immediately start laughing, saying things like "lol pixels" or "lol blocky models", etc. This seems to be such a silly way of thinking it almost hurts my brain. Using some advanced shaders or whatever has nothing to do with artistry and it's stunning and kinda sad how some just refuse to look into some of these older games because they apparently "look outdated". Maybe it made sense when the technologies were progressing really really rapidly, when first "true 3D" games started appearing and allowed for a completely new kind of gameplay and stuff. But as far as I'm concerned, nothing radical like that is happening right now (with the exception of Oculus Rift I guess), yet developers are supposed to crank the system requirements to the max. I dunno, I guess it's just a different mindset and I can't say that my taste is more refined or whatever, but damn in can be frustrating sometimes. Or maybe the situation isn't like that at all, it's not like I actually follow what is happening in the gaming community. xd
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by lompe »

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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Polarix »

I'm trying out Fallout 2 (1998). But I'm not really a retro pc gamer, so the UI and gameplay feels cranky to me. I had to see the game for myself, because the gamers that hate on Fallout 4, always says that Fallout 2 is the best. And looking at the atmosphere, sounds and lore, I can see sense in what they say. And graphics are pretty cool.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Ruben »

Polarix wrote:I'm trying out Fallout 2 (1998). But I'm not really a retro pc gamer, so the UI and gameplay feels cranky to me. I had to see the game for myself, because the gamers that hate on Fallout 4, always says that Fallout 2 is the best. And looking at the atmosphere, sounds and lore, I can see sense in what they say. And graphics are pretty cool.
I absolutely love Fallout 1 despite its fair share of problems. Even though the Fallout 2 story is somewhat less engaging for me, they fixed every problem from F1, and improved on everything that was already good. F2 is the best Fallout imo, but the vast majority of gamers only seem to care about fancy graphics and slick UI, and won't be able to appreciate F1 and 2 for what they are. And in our age of fucking gorgeous games (The Witcher) that is quite understandable. Still, I find the stylized models of old sprite-based games much more interesting than the more bland aestethics of modern games.

TL;DR: Fallout 1 and 2 are great games, but certainly not for everyone.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Sunshine »

fallout 2 is easily the best for me but the original version is quite buggy (some even totally game breaking) so polarix if you havent already you should download the "fallout restoration project" or something like that which fixes 99% of the stuff
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Ruben »

Vermin Supreme wrote:fallout 2 is easily the best for me but the original version is quite buggy (some even totally game breaking) so polarix if you havent already you should download the "fallout restoration project" or something like that which fixes 99% of the stuff
Yes it's quite nice. iirc it fixes a very gamebraking mechanic which allowed you to skip all combat if you clicked fast enough. The speedruns of Fallout 1 massively abuse that sneaky little devil.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Polarix »

Okay. At the moment, I am on a quest where I have to find a spare Radio, and bring it to Vic the trader. Also I have become a slaver. Mega fun, haha.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Ruben »

Polarix wrote:Okay. At the moment, I am on a quest where I have to find a spare Radio, and bring it to Vic the trader. Also I have become a slaver. Mega fun, haha.
A lot of that game is about choices, different choices offer different possibilities. Playing like a total douche can sometimes be incredibly rewarding, but you'll make enemies no matter what you do.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by kuchitsu »

Hmm, somehow I can't play douches in such games, I feel too bad when I see innocent mans reacting to my inhuman choices. I always have to be a paladin kind of guy.
I think I'm actually nicer to NPCs than I am to people in real life. :D
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by anpdad »

I played a 16yo slutty psycho girl in fallout2 once and it was one of the most memorable gaming experiences for me. Super amazing possibilities to be an asshole, and not just a dumb mass murderer. For example, I walked around with Myron, laughing at his pathetic horny lines, looking down at him and replying in the most cruel ways, until eventually getting bored of his whining, which led to his body turning into a bloody mess after an, eh, "accident" at the Golgotha graveyard. Then i went back to Modoc and had some sweet lesbian intercourse with a slaughterhouse girl, then married her, and an hour later sold her to slavers for fun. They were happy. I wasn't. It felt like something was missing. So i went back to the girl's dad, told him about what i had done and laughed in his face, which immediately led to his demise from a heart attack. Now i was happy. Of course, i also banged a random guy to death, which motivated me to become a porn star; we've also enjoyed an epic ghoul farm massacre with a bunch of drunk friends one night. Lots of stories to tell!1

EDIT: I also find it difficult to roleplay a douche on my first playthroughs. Mostly because of practical reasons - i'm just afraid it'll reduce rewards or close interesting paths through the game. Or straight out remove any way of interaction with an NPC/whole location. So, only practical stuff, no moral limitations >:D Except squadmates, cuz they're usually real bros, no matter how shady their background is.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Ruben »

kuchitsu wrote:Hmm, somehow I can't play douches in such games, I feel too bad when I see innocent mans reacting to my inhuman choices. I always have to be a paladin kind of guy.
I think I'm actually nicer to NPCs than I am to people in real life. :D
Yeah I'm the same way. A very interesting second playthrough of all Fallout games is the idiot playthrough, where you play with an intelligence of 1. You won't even be able to communicate with NPC's, all your dialouge becomes gibberish. To complete parts of the main quest you have to take mentats to highten the intelligence level. I absolutely love that they put things like that in.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Sunshine »

btw wasteland 2 is pretty much the modern version of fallout 2 and i enjoyed it very much. its more linear but all the places still have lots of options to choose good/evil way of doing things, talking or blasting your way out of things or some other like technology/sneaking. its also not quite as free-roamy when it comes to locations although some bigger ones still have a lot of things to do and subplots. the engine is a bit bad/unoptimized but compared to fallout 1-2 outdated mechanics its still a big improvement even with some performance issues
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by pawq »

The Wicher 3, and it's fucking amazing. I think it may even surpass skyrim for me, but dunno if I could come back to it so many times. but it's great. The world is massive and super beautiful, has a great atmosphere. Similarly well-developed to skyrim with cool weapon and armor design, crafting, alchemy, magic etc. And the lasses are HOT. The one thing where it really wins with skyrim tho is that the main character SPEAKS. the conversations sometimes feel so real, it almost feels like I can say what I really what, how I want to say it and with what justification. Brilliant move! Combat also brilliant, but maybe a bit too easy. Some monsters look awesome too,and hilarious NPC lines :D Also, the best depiction of a medieval world I've ever seen. Looks mighty authentic.

Highly recommended to any RPG fan!
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by kuchitsu »

Started playing Doom again. Probably won't appear in EOL very often now lol.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by BlaZtek »

Elasto Mania Online. What else is there really? Don't be fooling yourself. There is only one game in this world.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Lousku »

Mushroom 11 is in fakt a bush2 simuleitor!


Quite coal game btw, though wrist gets tired with tons of movement back and forth.

ninjaedit: puted beter pic of bush2
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Hosp »

Bloons Tower Defence 3 and some other TD games
Tried some old flash games from my childhood again most of which weren't all that
Entered a few old and 'new' MMORPGs only to quit after a few minutes
Decided games are no longer fun for me except Elma and the thought of the old ones
Too little stamina to be able to play things properly anyways, luckily can play elma however long you like.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by pawq »

Played almost 200h of Team Fortress 2 in the last 5-or-so months, and also over 200h of Worms: Armageddon in the last year or so, mostly with elmans :]

But now, since 5tr1k3r betrayed me and switched to CS:GO and I got a little bit tired of W:A, I mostly phased them out, and also trying to phase out elma a bit. I tried focusing too much on internals and put too much pressure on myself, which both made me generally stressed out and unhappy, and discouraged me from doing other coal things in life.

Seeing Tomb Raider in a cinema made me pretty stoked to re-play the 2013 game, but it's pretty expensive atm, so instead I'll focus on playing out the games I already have =)

Played through the first chapter of Life Is Strange and loved it! Will wait for it to go on some sale on steam and ez buy =)

In the meantime playing Mirror's Edge for the first time (having it on steam for years...), and also installed Metro 2033, which I bought with Metro: Last Light recently for like £2.20 each :D

And also installed Amnesia: The Dark Descent, which I posted about playing here like 5 years ago but got bored and never finished. Maybe this time =)

Also went through my posts in this thread and the other gaming one (The games which you played out). Damn, I played so fucking much at school :D I'm jealous of how much time I used to have...
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Zweq »

elma - playing ints 1-3 hours a day
poe - played bestiary league a lot but last month only logged in to do zana daily or idle trading
realm grinder - 15mins a week atm

also tried forged battalion, SOMA, age of decadence and farming simulator 15 in the last 6 months but none of them managed to suck me in for a longer period of time.
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Hosp »

CS:GO as much as pos with mans except when busy
Elma ~30min-1h / week mabe
dont think there's more atm
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Labs »

Sometimes csgo, mostly playerunknowns battlegrounds, rarely eol.

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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by pawq »

Would be cool to hear some more about PUBT from your perspective Labs. The reviews/opinions on the internet are very mixed, but I'm slightly tempted by this type of shooters.

I'm starting Amnesia tonight =)
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by pawq »

Anyone interested in Divinity: Original Sin? There's a "collector's edition" on steam, which includes 2 copies of the game + some bonus gak. The game itself is £9 here, and the two copies with bonus gak £16, so would be coal to split with someone =) Could also play some co-op then!

https://store.steampowered.com/app/3734 ... d_Edition/
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Labs »

pawq wrote: 17 May 2018, 18:17 Would be cool to hear some more about PUBT from your perspective Labs. The reviews/opinions on the internet are very mixed, but I'm slightly tempted by this type of shooters.

I'm starting Amnesia tonight =)
Well, i play it very rare nowadays, was fun with friends, but ppl stopped playing it and my too as solo gets boring after time. The game is still updated and things. There was plenty of cheaters, which made less players and the server laggs also. The game itself is requiring pretty good pc, even mine cant hold 144fps many times. All the guns are pretty goodly made (like there is no overpowered ones), there is only a few maps and half of them are bad imo (like on that desert map u can find very few places to hide from open).

Current games i play:

Cod: warzone (megameny cheaters, but the game is still fun sometimes, and friends also playing it so me too)
cs:go (ez good always)
eol (not much tho)

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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by ArZeNiK »

project64 (n64 emulator, using for sm64 romhacks mostly)
disney's tarzan (speedrunning)
bloons tower defense 6 (bit rarely nowadays)
minecraft i gues
hi im arzenik :>
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by ribot »

I mostly play:
- Rocket League (pretty much every day, platinum division)

Sometimes I play:
- Rimworld (sci-fi colony sim)
- Thrill of the Fight (VR boxing)

Even more seldom:
- Planetbase (sci-fi colony sim)
- Dwarf fortress (world simulation)
- Tekken
- Else Heart.Break() (programming game)
- Candy Box 2 (idle game)
- Uplink (hacking game)
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by k0xx »

anyone playing D2 Resurrected? find me battletag kokotrobo#2394
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by insane guy »

k0xx wrote: 28 Oct 2021, 00:11 anyone playing D2 Resurrected? find me battletag kokotrobo#2394
Stop playing random shit and come back to make elma levs :)
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by Zweq »

k0xx wrote: 28 Oct 2021, 00:11 anyone playing D2 Resurrected? find me battletag kokotrobo#2394
ofcc best game 4ever
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Re: What computer games you're playing?

Post by John »

Gwent (on Steam)
I suck with every faction except Northern Realms where I suck too, just a bit less. Most of my gaming on PS4.
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