Let´s get personal!!

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Let´s get personal!!

Post by Jonas »

Answer these question of you dare to tell...please fill on with more of these kind of questions if you like...

1. Do you believe in fate?
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
5. Have you ever been in love?
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
15. how much do you drink in a week?
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?

peace out!
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Post by Rasu »

1. Do you believe in fate?
A: Maybe, things are meant to happen. I don't believe in free will. But that's not fate imho.

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
A: Yup, some mariyuana.

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
A: Nope, happiest marriage ever.

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
A: I want to believe... ;)

5. Have you ever been in love?
A: Can't say that I have. I might be falling in love at the moment though ;)

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
A: Yep. I would sacrifice myself for my country if war begun. Also I'd do anything for my family.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
A: Someone you can trust in no matter what, and who doesn't talk shit about u behind ur back.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
A: Yep, of course. Dunno why though, it was during one of my more depressed times, and most often while drunk.

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
A: Most defenitely right. I hate raping scums and murderers etc. Ez execution.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
A: Of course, many things we do daily is a crime. Such as crossing the streets when red light, speeding with car and so on. Nothing more serious though. I think the most serious i have done is to steal some roadsigns, I'm a good fellow :)

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
A: As said, if war.

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
A: It's perfectly ok by me. I know some gays, and I don't really think the sexuality has something to do with their personality.

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
A: I think it's ok the way it is now here in Finland, that is at the age of 18.

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
A: I was relatively old, just a couple of weeks before my 18th birthday. Most guys here gets drunk the first time at about 14-15, so I was kinda late. Rumor has it though, that my brother gave me a couple of beers when I was about 10, and he claims I got drunk. I don't remember this though :)

15. how much do you drink in a week?
A: Well at least 1-2 times a week. And about 15 beers per time (0.33l 4.6%). Some weeks even more, some weeks less. I was sober last week though, first time for several months :)

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
A: I'm smart, never sick (once in a year maybe), kind (sometimes even too kind)

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
A: Shy, too thin, lazy

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
A: Not really. I believed in him when I was younger, but don't know about now. I tend to believe just a little bit in him when things get difficult, as I said before, I would like to believe :)
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Post by 2fast »

2.no,but I will :)
7.someone who gives me all elma rec
8.no,only balles do that
10.I stole some shit with my frind
12.kill urself homo
15.usually some in weekend
16.good looking:) mongo and happiness (lol)
18.no I don`t,there is no fucking ghost sitting on a cloud and watching over us
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Post by Dyrox »

1. Do you believe in fate?
A: Yes, what happens is meant to happen.

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
A: Not yet, and I don't think I will... Except elma of course! :D

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
A: Nope, they are married happy.

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
A: Nope.

5. Have you ever been in love?
A: Yes... :P

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
A: Yes, for my family and friends...

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
A: A friend that is there for you and doesn't turn his/hers back to you.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
A: Never... Hopefully I will neither do it...

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
A: Absolutely wrong! The executioners will have to take a penaly then for killing.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
A: No I haven't... Except playing elma...

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
A: No, I don't think so...

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
A: It's alright...

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
A: Don't sell it at all...

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
A: I haven't been drunk...

15. how much do you drink in a week?
A: Water? Quite much...

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
A: I am weird, annoying and furry.

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
A: Shy, lazy and stupid.

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
A: Yeah
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by insane guy »

i dont think any one will read this but im bored, so:

1. Do you believe in fate?
whats fate?
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
naa not really
5. Have you ever been in love?
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
no atleast not at the moment
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
goooood person, whith whom i can have fun and but also (very) serious talk, also someone that doesnt shit me
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
YES! i dont know why... maybe cause it wouldnt matter cause youre dead then... but it would be cruel for friends and family - so no chance!
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
i think prison for whole life is harder punishment then death
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
when i was small and stupid i stole a lot in stores.. then i got catched once and never did it again, also see nr.2
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
if my own life or the life of another is in concrete danger... allthough i would have no idea how to do it....
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
ok, but thats easy to say... never got confronted with it though
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
i want to have alcohol illegal....
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
14 i think
15. how much do you drink in a week?
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
(kinda)smart, funny, different
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
LAAAAZY, not talking much, forgeting things too fast
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
NO! im atheist
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Post by TomCat »

1. no

2. no (if you count alcolhol, then yes)

3. nope

4. no

5. not really

6. its easy to say yes, for my family and nation and stuff, but i think i couldnt just sacrifise myself

7. who listens to me, helpful, understand me, likes the same things as i, who i can have fun with

8. no

9. i dont think its right.. best penalties would be like in the middle ages, cutting ppls hand for stealing and stuff, that would prevent everyone from stealing for example. Of course it may be right for some psycho-killer

10. I cant remember anything serious. Once i lit a museum's roof with some friends, but it was an accident in fact, and it wasnt even a big fire, just some very little one, noone noticed it

11. I dont think i could do it

12. I dont have any problem with it unless gays leave me alone

13. I dont mind, you can buy here alcohol at 18, but noone cares about it really :wink:

14. i think i was 15 and a half or something like that

15. not many, i go out with friends quite rarely, and i dont drink much then.. About 4-5 beers (0,5l)

16. memory, paying attention, i notice many things around me (or what the hell)

17. very lazy, too thin, likeing computer too much

18. no
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Post by jonsi »


1. Do you believe in fate?
A: no

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
A: no way

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
A: Nope

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
A: nah

5. Have you ever been in love?
A: not yet

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
A: yes, good friends family

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
A: a trustful friend. they are there when needed

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
A: not really seríouslly, tought has crossed my mind but it
wasn´t there for long

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
A: duno somebody else can dicde that. i think all have right to live

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
A: no seriouslly crimes. only went against red and stuff

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
A: no, never. not in war either

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
A: wrong but i´m not evil against gays

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
A: 18 or something like that. when u are adult

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
A: actually never been drunk

15. how much do you drink in a week?
A: nothing

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
A: good memory, not sick often and kind

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
A: lazy, spend too much time front a comp and too thin

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
A: yes i belive in god. when i read the bible i have become to understand that there must be a god, and who cares
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by petsen »

1. Do you believe in fate?
Yes, I believe fate takes you to a certain place, and then you have to do the last on your own.

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
Yes, Pot, Marihuana...

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
(yes) Mine were never married.

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
I believe there is something supernatural here, just look at my signature :)

5. Have you ever been in love?
Yes, quite a few times now

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone else?...who?
yes, my family and my friends

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
One i can trust and talk to about everything.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
No, and I would never do it, its to easy.

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
If one is sentenced to life long imprisonment, then they might as well kill him/her. Costs too much to have them in prison if they are gonna be there until they die anyway.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Ive stolen a few things when i was little, and now that im older... i admit ive been driving drunk 2 times... and i will NOT do it again... also i did some grafiti.. not the wildest though, and then the commen wich most do, crossing red lights, speeding and that kinda stuff

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
If i had to... yes... dont what would make me, but i would have a reason..

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
Until reasontly i was homofobic (that doesnt mean gay :>) and all my friends would act gay at parties to freak me out..... but now im ok with it and if two men wants to be gay, then its ok with me.... but i sure love tits and ass ;]

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
well here in Denmark, its legal at 15 to buy alcohol... maybe thats a little early but we're used to it, maybe at 17 would be better.

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
15 or 16... cant remember, it was one HELL of a party :twisted:

15. how much do you drink in a week?
per party : 1 bottle of Cuba Strawberry (love it:>) and a handful of beers...

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
I only lie when i need to
Im loyal
I can be trusted

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
I act stupid when im REALLY drunk
I fall in love to fast
I dont visit my fathers house often enough

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
I believe that there is something beyond our natural realm, but i dont know what it is, but i have acknowledge it.

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Post by chux »

Good topic!

1. Do you believe in fate?
As I said in the fate topic "It doeasnt matter". Which basically means no

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
Only the legal ones

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
Yep, probably better that way too. Both guys are great, but if theyre not happily married...

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
Its a bit hard to innit! Aliens...yeah, but ghosts and stuff...no. No life after death either

5. Have you ever been in love?
Dont think so...

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
Sure, but the circumstances would have to be crazy...well, theyd have to be someone that meant loads to someone (doesnt matter if 'someone' is me or not really)

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
Someone like what I try to be for other people

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
Not seriously. Theres so much more for me here!

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
Hmm, hard question. I think life in a nasty ass cell with no-one would be better for all those sick fuckers out there. In a perfect world though, only the actual sick fuckers would get put in that situation, no innocents. (ok, in a perfect world there wouldnt be any...blahh...)

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Nothing serious...under age drinking, jay walking :D, umm...only the normal stuff

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
Nope. Insanity maybe

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
Not much really...it definately isnt for me...but gays people are fine...unless they get all gay and stuff. I guess i mean gay people are fine, but when theyre over the top with it, thats when it gets annoying

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
Whenever youre mature enough

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
Umm...13 I think...it was fun...and I wasnt mature enough :D

15. how much do you drink in a week?
Alcohol? Not much. Water/banana juice? Too much

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Umm...hmm...i dunno...occasionally my hair is pretty good :D Ive chosen some pretty good friends and...I dont do drugs (because i dont want to...I think thats pretty good)

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
Meh, i could go on forever...My crap eyesight, I always think "gad i hate what i used to be like" and my future isnt really going anywhere

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
I dont not...but in that same way as fate, it doesnt matter. If he exists, he exists. I dont have to believe in Him. Its religion i dont believe in. To live your whole life following some old writings, to me is stupid. I cant see how Im gonna get into heaven by worshiiping God when I wouldnt by being a generally good person. Say the Christian God was real, and the other were made up, whatever...does that mean the a perfect Muslim guy, never hurt anything, worshipped HIS God(s), and basically helped out and payed his taxes, would have to go to Hell? Makes no sense to me...Holy! Ive gone on for ages...
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Post by SveinR »

1. Do you believe in fate?

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
No, unless you count alcohol as a drug.

3. Are you´re parents divorced?

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
No, not really. But I do think there might be a good possibility of there being a lot more to the world than we humans can ever know.

5. Have you ever been in love?
Don't think so really...I've had crushes on people though :)

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone else?...who?
Maybe..but can't think of a situation and person right now.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
Someone who is honest and I can trust..

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
I'm against the death penalty, though it's hard to see sometimes why someone should live when they have committed a truly awful murder crime. But then again death might be the easy way out.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Ehhm...shop-lifting a little candy back in the day..

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
I have no idea if I could kill another person or not.. I doubt I could do it unless I was in absolute danger for my life.

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
I have nothing against it what-so-ever.

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
Dunno...18 years seems like an ok age..

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
I've never been drunk..

15. how much do you drink in a week?
If you mean alcohol, then nothing. But that's only because I don't go to parties and stuff, I have nothing against drinking.

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Hmm...that I get good grades, am tolerant and.. that I'm generally a nice guy ;)

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
That I'm too thin, a bit introvert and not being able to open myself up to others as much as I would like.

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
No, I don't. But I would call myself an agnostic, not an atheist, because I won't rule out the possibility that there might be one. But if so, I certainly don't believe it is as described in any of the existing religions. I don't think there is a God or a supernatural power behing this all because the very thought of it just seems so bizarre to me.
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by Ky.Jelly »

1. Do you believe in fate?
not to sure, yes and no, yet to decide

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
yes, methanphetamine, marajuana, mushrooms and E

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
seperated for 7 years

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
havent really thought about, would be pretty cool if it was

5. Have you ever been in love?

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
ye, family and one 1 or 2 freinds

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
trust, someone can take your ups and downs and will support you in anything, wether they fully agree or not

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
yes, not so much of doing it, but more thinking if i could actually go throught with it if i wanted to, i have decided the answer to this is yes

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
not sure,i agree with SveinR on theis

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
traffic laws i break everyday, others like drugs and stuff, no never assualt of theft

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
no idea, give me a gun, nah seriously if i needed to ie war then yes, in cold blood, i dont think so

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
no problem what so ever, its there choice i can live with it

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
18 here, and i agree with that

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
13 or 14

15. how much do you drink in a week?
ive cut back alot, wen i was at school, i would get druck 4 - 5 times a week, nowadays it more social and i dont get drunk that often, i prolly have a beer about 5-6 times a week with work, but that is only 1 or 2

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
my eyes, my ut ability( i work on that for hours), my ex girlfreind

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
weight, im just average, but cbf gettting buff, my slackness, and how i tend to give up to easily not in sports and stuff, but like school and work and pushing myself to do things, ie getting buff

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
no, crock of shit
[10:51:18] <skint0r> i could SACh see KyJelly working at ICA ;D
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Post by Karlis »

1. Do you believe in fate?
no, I believe that I can choose

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
no...............not yet

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
not before I see one

5. Have you ever been in love?
yes, didnt end good

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
someone I love

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
somebody I can trust

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
yes, I've been down, I was lonely and bored to life, why suffer here if you can escape it...........but not lately, maybe it was just some teen angst

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
depends of the situation(the crime) of course, but basicly its not right to give deathpenaltys.............but if they caught some pedo-serial-rape-killer, deathpenalty would sounds just good

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
some stupid graffitis...nothing serious

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far? when you're really mad you might do stupid things without thinking but no I dont think I could do intentional murder

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
I think its ok, I have nothing against gays or lesbians

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
here in finland the age is 18 and I think that's a good age, though it doesnt stop younger girls and boys from drinking, they have their ways to get the drinks

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
I think I was 15-16

15. how much do you drink in a week?
it depends, sometime I drink both fri-sat but usually only few times in a month

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
well my eye color is ok :) ...hmmm cant find anything other right now :o

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
well I could be in better shape
and I could have better looks
and im so fucking lazy to do anything Im supposed to

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?

no, there's too much bad things in the world, God wouldnt accept those
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Post by zworqy »

1. Do you believe in fate?
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
Nope, not even cigarettes.
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
Nope, and it's "divorced" BTW.
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
Well, there's gotta be SOMETHING out there, right?
5. Have you ever been in love?
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
Dunno, but actually I think not.
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
Lots of things.
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Not really.
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
It's not natural, but it's normal... I don't mind gays.
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
20, as in Sweden.
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
I'm 23 and have never been drunk.
15. how much do you drink in a week?
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Smart, kind, agile
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
Thin, shy, bad skin
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
Hard to say...like I said before, there's gotta be SOMETHING out there. And my great-uncle is a priest.
<Fihlvein> another case of zworqy-is-always-right closed i guess
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Post by Vaitork »

1. Do you believe in fate?
It's kind of a mix... petsen has a great answer on this... Life takes you through different things-situations, and you make choices for each one of them.

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have, which?
Nope, I hate the idea. Not even had a smoke in my life.

3. Are your parents divorced?
Nope. They get along quite good.

4. Do you believe in supernatural things like ghosts and stuff?
Not really. I can't say they don't exist though.

5. Have you ever been in love?
Yep, right now actually :D

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone else?... who?
This is a harder question than the others... Honestly I'd say yes... My girlfriend, my brothers, some friends... The honesty comes at the moment..

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
Also a more complex answer than it seems.. There are many qualities for a "true friend", but i think the most important is that you can be who you are with him/her, no need to fake at all, along with many other things..

8. Have you ever thought of committing suicide?....why?
No, why would I?

9. Deathpenalty: Right or wrong?
Wrong. It would be double crime.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Nothing I think..

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go
so far?

Definitely no.. And nothing at all..

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
chux and zworqy are right.. It isn't natural, but i'm used to it already.. I know some homosexual people and get along with them.. It's pretty normal these days, unless they get all Jack-ish (the other guy from Will & Grace).. THAT i do hate..

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alcohol?
18 is ok.. here you can buy it from 14-15, nobody really cares..

14. How old were you the first time you got drunk?
15 i think.. too much Bacardi.. I have never gotten THAT drunk again... and i hate Bacardi now...

15. how much do you drink in a week?
Not much.. At some party, 2-3 times a month.. I'm not much of a Partyboy :P .. Water? A lot only when I come back from the DDR machine..

16. Tell 3 things you like of yourself!
Kinda smart-lucky (good grades with not much studying), responsible, I don't like to brag at all about myself (humble?)

17. Tell 3 things you dislike of yourself!
Bad memory for some things, tend to make too many corrections (writting -> word spelling; compare these questions with the original ones :P ), don't like to spend much time with family.

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
It's all about choice, about faith. Whether if you believe in him or not, he may be there.. Personally, I like the idea and I do believe.. I've gone through different situations all my life and concluded that he exists.. at least for me :wink:
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Post by magicman »

1: Ofcourse no doubt about it
2: Nah, close maybe, who knows
3: Nope
4: I must isay i belive in Ghost/UFO. Ghosts cus it's funny noices in the house and UFO cus there must be other life in this univers!
5: Yeah sure
6: Not now i think, but if i some day get childrens i will offer my life for them, i think! (i hope so)
7: Trust Able, one u can talk about everything with.
8: I've been thinking of it, and i love my life way TOO much to even almost think of it :)
9: If 101% sure it was him/her...
10: I've stolen things from school/job(only ONCE at shop!hehe) etc.. nothing serious, drinking at to young age(all that kinda), driving car under 18y, hmm what more ye some smaller things, one time when me/a paal was drunk going home one night we saw a little car(Nissan Mirca i think) so we toocked all our muscles and laied it on the roof ^^ lol that was a memorie to remember..!!
11: If some1 would kill my family/freind maybe, if some1 would rape or do something sick to my childs(if i get any) i could do it i guess or in self-defence.
12: OMG i really hate them, but those who hate them very much is it self ;P well i'm not.. one thing i really hate about gays is that they have to be so damn femenime.. gaaah
13: Hmm around 16-18 i think. I was drunk first time when i was around 15years old(9th grade), but time is changing things, many starts around 7th grade,,, 13-14years old.. that aint too good i think
14: Wrote in last
15: dont have that much money now, and depends if it's summer/winter,,, summer: 1-2times a week winter: 2-3times a month
16: Homour, Kindness, Music taste:)
17: That i brag about stuffs, Bad to stay in touch with freinds, Tierd/sick often :P
18: Not that his a person(hmmpf) , well i sometimes pray to god(duno why) just feels good or something, i belive there's some1 higher.. hm cant explain what i'm trying to say :]

19: damn nice topic..
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by dz »

Jonas wrote: 1. Do you believe in fate?
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
5. Have you ever been in love?
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
15. how much do you drink in a week?
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
1. No.
2. Nope.
3. Yes, they are.
4. Not in general, but I don't find it impossible either..
5. Yes, it's great, but too risky.. one shouldn't get in love unless he knows it will last.
6. Depending what would the sacrifise actually be, yes I would I think. Mainly for my family.
7. Someone to whom you can talk about sensitive things without being embarassed, someone you trust without doubting it.
8. No not really.. sometimes though, when I think about it, I get past it quickly as I tell myself I can't be that weak. There's always better solutions.
9. Right. If you knowingly take another persons live against his/her will, I don't see any reason to not consider a death penalty for yourself.
10. Yes I have committed some crimes when I was really young, we stole candies and ice creams from different shops.. the stuff many of has have been doing when mom didn't give us enough money for candy :P
11. I could not. I despise people who even hurts others physically.
12. Well, I don't feel comfortable with homosexual people and I think it's not natural, but I don't have anything against them. As already said, it's perfectly fine as long as they don't hit on me :P
13. I think 18 is perfectly fine as it is here.
14. I started drinking alcohol pretty young.. I think it was around when I was turning to fiveteen pretty soon, or fourteen.. can't really remember.
15. In a week? Usually not more than once. Usually once a week or once in two weeks.
16. Trustworthy, thinking positively, supaeriour elma skilzz!!!!!!11
17. Extremely lazy, relatively bad genes, shy, fatty legs :wink:
18. No, I don't believe in god. I don't belong to any religion. I think believing in god is generally for weak people who don't believe in themselves and what they do, so they need some "extra" imaginary help and motivation.
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by 8-ball »

ok i was nooob
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Post by Juzam »

1. No
2. Nope
3. Yes
4. Sure... Not
5. Yes
6. Yes, to anyone if needed
7. ----
8. Yes. teenage... ( when i was 13-15, i was pretty mongo )
9. Right
10. Yep. Stole candy and got caught immediately :D
11. Nope. I could.
12. ----
13. 16
14. 13. Drank 0,35l of 43% booze
15. Drink what? water? milk? I drink milk every day. Water not so often.
But if you meant alcohol, almost every weekend.
16. I listen ppl, i play guitar pretty well, i have good sence of humour.
17. I drink too much, ---,---
18. Nope. I'm 100% atheist
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Post by Crazy »

1. Do you believe in fate?

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
yes, but I don't call 'em supernatural. Just to complicated for man to understand (as space)

5. Have you ever been in love?
twice.. first time aged 15 and girl in same class. second time age 18 and still in love

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?

for the ones I love, YES.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
some childish thinking in early teens but I don't think I thought about it for more than a minute or so

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
depends on crime, so answear is yes

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
yeah,, stole some candy at age 7

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
If in war yes and ez to protect the ones I love if they ware being seriusly hurt or getting killed by someone

12. What do you think of homosexuality?
as zworgy said, it's NOT normal but as we live in a twisted world diseases like this pop up. But I DO NOT like it!

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
I was 20 when I could but 18 seems more fair when u (in swe) can buy alkohol at age 18 on the pub. (Though better to raise that age to 20 imo)

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?

15. how much do you drink in a week?
barely nothing (once a month ttm)

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Smart, Good Looking/well built and being honest

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself! I spend too much time with the computer, I was too lazy in school wich results in workin' on my grades know, I have problems being social with friends

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
No, cuz I believe in myself
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Post by Ramone »

magicman wrote:12: OMG i really hate them, but those who hate them very much is it self ;P well i'm not.. one thing i really hate about gays is that they have to be so damn femenime.. gaaah
wtf is your problem?
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Post by aavv »

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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by teajay »

  • 1. Do you believe in fate?

    2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?

    3. Are you´re parents devorsed?

    4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`

    5. Have you ever been in love?

    6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
    yes, family

    7. What is a "true friend" for you?
    someone who doesn't laugh when making fake jokes.

    8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?

    9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
    wrong, no sense

    10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
    yes, stole peanuts.

    11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
    yes, when threathened

    12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
    it's not a disease

    13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?

    14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
    not yet :p

    15. how much do you drink in a week?
    lots of water and milk

    16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
    being almost good in elma

    17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself
    being almost good in elma

    18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
    no, I just don't.
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Post by MJXII »

1. Do you believe in fate?
A: Technically, yes; if you knew absolutely everything about the state of the universe now, you could calculate all events that are gonna happen in the future. But since we can't, we *effectively* have a choice. Make sense?

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
A: Noop. Music and happiness are all I need to get high :wink:

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
A: Noop.

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
A: If 'ghosts' existed, they wouldn't be supernatural things. There's a lot of stuff science has yet to discover, but everything is based on rules and logic.

5. Have you ever been in love?
A: Yes.

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
A: I always wonder what that question actually means. If it means 'would you give your life to save someone else's life'.. then yes I would, for quite a few people. Who am I to live at the expense of someone else's life? That would be a very hard choice for me to live with. Or.. if the question meant 'would you give your life to for someone just because they wanted you to?'.. well, it would have to be a good reason! Stupidly vague question.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
A: One who I can tell anything; and who will tell me anything. Trust and honesty are of course fundamental to that.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
A: I've thought about situations that might cause me to, but none of those situations have happened.

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
A: Absolutely definitively wrong in all circumstances.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
A: I spose breaking civil law (copyright breaches etc) doesn't count.. mm I don't remember breaking criminal law.

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
A: If it was to stop them killing someone else, I could, much as I'd hate it. And there are other circumstances that might cause me to. Revenge is wrong but I might not be able to control myself if someone killed the people I love or something :hangover:

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
A: Why isn't there a 'what do you think of heterosexuality?' question? I think no different of one or the other. :-o For those weird bible-bashers who say gayness is inherently unnatural.. did you know that it's by no means limited to humans? Read: http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/intervie ... 04,00.html

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
A: Doesn't bother me. 18 is fine. Alcohol's expensive so it's not good to encourage younger people to waste their money on it. But then, maybe the legal constraints encourage young people? Who am I to say?

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
A: Drunkenness is relative. I've never got so drunk I didn't have control over myself.

15. how much [alcohol] do you drink in a week?
A: I don't drink to get drunk. Let's say average 3.5 pints a week.

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
A: Hmm, well I don't know what it's like to be someone else, so I dunno what's better about me than others. The things that some people like about me, others don't. I'm not sure I can answer.

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
A: 3 isn't enough to do justice to all the other bad things!

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
A: I've explained about supernatural stuff already 8O
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Post by Jazaky »

1. Do you believe in fate?
A) Not in the least bit

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
A) Nope

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
A) Nope

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
A) Nope

5. Have you ever been in love?
A) REAL love? I dont think so

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
A) Thats tough. If i sacrificed myself, I'd just end up making them sad, and I'd rather have me be sad than them. But if it came down to it, i think i would.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
A) Refer to the post above me

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
A) Nope

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
A) Right. I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye. And dont give me that blind world shit

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
A) Stole a book on accident once. Sped in my car, nothing major

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
A) Self-defense, saving a loved one, perhaps revenge.

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
A) I dont like "fags," but all gay people are not fags. People who flaunt it and rub it my face suck, otherwise, i dont really have a problem.

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
A) I dont think there should be an age. In effect, i think it falls under antitrust.

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
A) 16

15. how much do you drink in a week?
A) I don't

16. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
A) My lack of self confidence in social situations, my lax worth ethic when it comes to school, my lazy eye :)

17. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
A) The fact that people naturally trust me, that I don't have to work too hard to do pretty well, and that most people like me :P

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
I do, it just makes sense

There :D
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Post by Crazy »

MJXII wrote:12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
A: Why isn't there a 'what do you think of heterosexuality?' question? I think no different of one or the other. For those weird bible-bashers who say gayness is inherently unnatural.. did you know that it's by no means limited to humans? Read: http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/intervie ... 04,00.html
people can for sure, just like animals, have fun with each other no matter what sex but it's not natural being gay!
as said in that article:
Homosexuality is not supposed to exist, according to biology
though I can agree with u that those following the bible r somehow not the ones to have their point in questions like this since they just can't see anything except their own way.
but plz tell me how life would do if there were only gays on this planet!
I do not blame 'em for being gay but it's not natural for sure! Hanging along with both, like bi-sexual, and trying out the other sex n stuff can be seen as an attempt of trying to find ones person or maybe u just like it!

But gays are just attracted to their own sex right?!
and that is not natural, once and for all!
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Post by MJXII »

How can it not be natural? Surely (if, like me, you don't believe in gods or things beyond physical reality) if it exists, for whatever reason, it must be natural. :) Maybe it's some kinda biological population control. Who cares?
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Post by Revolt »

1. Do you believe in fate?
im not sure :S

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
no never tried, and dont plan on, trying drugs

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
ye, they got divorced when i was 2

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
yeh sure, why not, ghosts exist

5. Have you ever been in love?
i can honestly say, i have only been in love once, that was last year

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
ye i would, i guess that person in question 5 and some of my friends

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
someone who sticks by you no matter what

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
yer, when im really angry, but then i realise its just stupid thinking that, no matter what the situation u are in, suicide is not an answer

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
right for people who go on a massacre and kills many ppl

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
hmm here in aus, im not sure if its illegal overseas, there is a little crime called jaywalking, where on a 4 way roda, its too late to think what its called, you walk from one side to another on a diagonal way :S

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
nah i wouldnt kill another person

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
i dont care really its upto them

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
i dunno 16 i guess

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
never been drunk, i dont like the taste of beer :S

15. how much do you drink in a week?
none, except when i take a swig of bourban from my dads glass

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
i dunno

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
yeh god's real, i belive cause that was the way i was raised
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Post by Jonnka »

First great topic! :D

1. No

2. No, why the hell should I?

3. Nope

4. I don't think so

5. Ye, at least I think....

6. Yes, People that I like very much

7. Trustable..... of cooz

8. No

9. Wrong. They can put those worst guy in a hole on 2*3 meters without windows or lamps or something for lifetime, but if they get killed they just get away so easily.

10. Nothing serious...... just like throwing snowballs on bypassing cars and such... of cooz yu do small things in school regulary

11. If war against Finland, definitly.... and if somebody tried to kill somebody I love...

12. They are definitly not right, but I doesn't disturb me....

13. I don't cae... maybe 18 is good

14. Have never....

15. 0 litres of Alcohol

16. I'm weird, good memory, kind

17. Looks too nerdy, shy, lazy

18. I don't know.....
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Post by teajay »

Well, in discussion with crazy and MJXII.
Crazy wrote:people can for sure, just like animals, have fun with each other no matter what sex but it's not natural being gay!
as said in that article:

Homosexuality is not supposed to exist, according to biology
according to biology theories from darwin, it says in the article.
I mean, gayness is just something like socializing they tell.
But I don't know how it is with humans who actually have something really more that other animals don't have; E.Q.

I can't explain this shit really, but I hope you´ll understand.
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Post by chux »

New questions anyone?
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Post by xp »

1. Do you believe in fate?
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
5. Have you ever been in love?
yes, a few times.
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
for my girlfriend, family and friends.
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
Someone you can trust.
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
wrong.. all people have right to live
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Ive stolen a few things, did some graffiti and selling some cannabis.
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far? maybe in war.
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
It's not natural, but I have nothing against it.
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
hmm.. 16
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
I think I was 14... maybe 13.
15. how much do you drink in a week?
winter: maybe once in a month
Summer: maybe 2-3 times in a month
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Never sick, Im loyal and I love snowboard
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
smoking cigarettes:( (hard to stop), I lie too much to my parents
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
I don't go to church, but I know there is something higher than us
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by Abula »

1. Do you believe in fate?
No. I can choose.

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
Drug = illegal controlled substance, those I haven't tested

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
They have never been together so .. no?

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
No. I'm too science oriented person.

5. Have you ever been in love?

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
To think from opposite side I couldn't let someone important to me get died if I could have stopped that by sacrificing my life. So theoritically I say yes but in practice it might be different.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
That's a good question. I could say that it's one I can trust but then there would be so less those. I've noticed that hardly anyone can be trusted. It might be a person I can talk about everything with him/her. Those I have a few.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
Yes, but only irrationally and I was out of my mind. I knew I was weak then and also knew I will go over it so I've never tought it for real. It was when I had problems at home.

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
Right. Only if I have to pick up only one alternative. I don't have a strict opinion about this.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Crime, no. Unless some warez stuff, not sure if I've done.

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
Well, I'm in army now and will be a leader of 30 men so there is no doubt I ought to be able to kill. Fortunately my place in war won't be between guns and cannons because I'm not sure at all if I could. But at least not in normal life. Not even for depending myself or my love. Or well, blah forget, next question.

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
I'm not those people. They are happy. Today homos can't keep on human race legally. Would it be cool if your mom/dad was a gay? It's possible, at least in Finland.

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
16 years for beers, 18 years for booze.

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
17 years, 10 months. I wasn't been waiting till I'm 18. My ex-friends started to drink at 15 years but I didn't, not a big deal when thinking afterwards. Those guys are not jerks today or something :].

15. how much do you drink in a week?
Home: every night some like 3 beers, weekends a bit more. I'm not often heavy drunk, just a bit more social and happier guy.
Army: every second night when it's possible so in practice once in a week.

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Clever to use money (everything goes to booze ;P), logical, organized

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
Poor small-talker, lazy, too nerd (my sport hobbies get too less time)

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
Why should I? Because some other people tell me to do so? I'm agnostic. I can't know if he exist or not.
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by Kopaka »

1. Do you believe in fate?

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
ez ghosts. :D

5. Have you ever been in love?
Nat really.

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
I don't think so.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
No. Not seriusly.

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
Maybe Right. Might preffer that instead of sitting in a cell for the rest of your life, with no tv, pc or anything.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Well, took a few candy's in supermarked when younger. And have some warez stuff on pc as most have.

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
I could nat do it.

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
well I can understand some girls if they are ;). But still it's kinda disqusting. :D

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
15 as in Denmark. Maybe 18 for some very strong stuff.

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
Haven't been really drunk yet. (16 years)

15. how much do you drink in a week?
Nat much.

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?

Boring answers I know :(
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by enil »

[quote="Jonas"]Answer these question of you dare to tell...please fill on with more of these kind of questions if you like...

1. Do you believe in fate?
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
je0, skunk and hashish ;s
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
5. Have you ever been in love?
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
graffitti painted some houses
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
no, never
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
age 15
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
age 13
15. how much do you drink in a week?
0-20 depending
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
dunno?! ;(
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
biding nails, being respectless to my mother and smoking to much weed atm
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
no, cuz in the worlds 100000000000years of existance tehre have not ONE single proof that he is for real

peace out![/quote]
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by 8-ball »

Jonas wrote:1. Do you believe in fate?
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
5. Have you ever been in love?
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
15. how much do you drink in a week?
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
1. ne0
2. pot
3. je0
4. je0
5. je0
6. je0 (family and close friends)
7. trustworthy people
8. ne0
9. right
10. buy pot
11. live endangerment of me or my family/friends
12. sucks
13. who cares, everyone can get it anyway
14. 14
15. some beers every other friday
16. social, smart and humorous
17. lazy
18. ne0
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by WkE »

1. Do you believe in fate?
No, though I like the whole idea of determinism.

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
Never tried and will never try.

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`

5. Have you ever been in love?
Loaded question :?

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
My family for sure. And also for a "true friend", but damn, I wouldn't like to define what is a "true friend" right now...

7. What is a "true friend" for you?

anyway, I guess it's someone with whom I have no hidden tensions, and I could ezily talk about any subject with him.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
No, because I think it's uber-lame to think about it (in 70% of the cases it's because of self-pity, in 29% it's for attention, and 1% really commit suicide eventually :? )

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
Right, but I think that only drug-executions should be allowed. Cutting heads, shooting people and hanging them on the gallows just seem too primitive.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Well, planted marijuana in school with 2 friends. I guess it is criminal, but we never got caught. Apart from that, I'm clean ^^

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
I'd be able to do it only if someone really annoys me...

lol just kidding. will only kill for self-defence or if someone hurts my family in front of me.

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
As soon as one can pronounce the word :D

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
Dammit I have to drink a lot to get drunk... I guess that the first time where I really lost control was 1.5 years ago when I was 15.5.

15. how much do you drink in a week?
alcohol? depends on the emptiness of my friends' houses in a given week :wink:

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Sense of humor, intelligence (such bragging :o ), TT (just kidding)... 3rd one would be my height

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
Being a hunchback with a huge mole and a missing teeth, backstabing my friends and my tendency to rape old women.

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
I do not believe in God because I find it illogical.
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by Juski »

1. Do you believe in fate?

I wouldn't call it fate because it is not something someone has choosen to happen to you, i belive all the atoms follow very strict natural laws and therefor never have a choice and only one possible future is possible.

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which? Alcohol is addictive etc but does it count as a drug, i have tried any else drugs anyway.

3. Are you´re parents devorsed? No
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff? No
5. Have you ever been in love? Yes
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who? I doubt it.
7. What is a "true friend" for you?

Someone you can open up to totally.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why? No
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?

Wrong, killing someone is not a punishment, you shoduld let them live a miserable life instead.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do? Nothing omre then shoplifting :P
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far? I would never be able todo that, if i did it by accident i would get depressed or something like that.
12. What do you think of homosexuality?

I agree it is something wrong with them, but you should not discriminate them just because of that, The gay people i know have often been better "persons" then straight people.

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol? 0
14. How old were you first time you got drunk? 16
15. how much do you drink in a week? Only drink at special occasions.
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself! Be more social (only one a know but the rest is not about my personality)
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?

I belive in a creator but not in the classical sense, if there exists a creator he most likely doesn't know about us, if he even is interested in something as small as us compared to the universe i think he is more interested in some other species in some other galaxy/planet, just because of the odds it being us is rather small i think.
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by John »

1. Do you believe in fate?

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
Like someone else here said, I want to believe :)

5. Have you ever been in love?

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone else?...who?

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
Someone you can open up to completely and who doesnt talk behind ur back.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
Been thinking of it a few times but nothing serious, was always far from actually doing it.

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Nothing serious, shoplifting once I think :P

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so
I can hardly crush a bug :X

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
Im fine with it

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
I was quite old, 17-18

15. how much do you drink in a week?
Very little, if anything

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Kind, patient, did good in school :P

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
Shy, lazy, dislike making phonecalls ;o

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
No, Big Bang existed
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by Grace »

1. Do you believe in fate?
Yes, i believe we are puppet creatures and something/someone is defining what we are doing

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
Read Point 1, maybe there is a smarter race out there that can make themselves invisible, i mean, even a holograph makes thing a bit harder to see.

5. Have you ever been in love?
I have mildly.

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
my Dog.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
Someone who would walk 100 miles to save you.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
Wrong. so is life in jail.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Hit a girl, was an accident.

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
the only way to make me kill someone would be to purposely hurt my family/dog in front of me.

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
Nat drunk yet

15. how much do you drink in a week?

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Nice(Kind) Patient and Agile

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
Nerd, Weak and started playing elma, bad idea

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
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Post by Jebus »

1. Do you believe in fate?
Not really, I think that whatever happens in the world, it was because of a choice someone made, not that it was meant to happen.

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
Never. And I never will.

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
Nope, they have been married for 23 years and probbly won't split up.

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
Half. I don't believe in ghosts, but I do thnk that there are other lifeforms in the unverse other than those on Earth.

5. Have you ever been in love?
Yes. And still am.

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
Maybe my family, depends on what's actually happening.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
A true friend...hmmm...probably someone I can tlak to easily and trust not to tell people things.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
Never. Hopefully I never have to.

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
Depends on what the person did to get it. Things like Saddam was a good idea, but others should get Life in Jail.

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Not that I can think of. Mybae Warez and stuff..but nothing in real life, like stealing.

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
I probably couldn't do it, no matter what they did.

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
I don't really mind if someone is homosexual or not, that's the way they have chosen to live, it's their choice.

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
18/21 People get really stupid at young ages.

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
I've never really got properly drunk. I'll have one beer occasionally but not very often.

15. how much do you drink in a week?
Less than one bottle if you average it. I have a beer everytime I cook steaks or such on the BBQ, but otherwise I don't really drink alcohol.

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
Not sure actually, I think my personality, my ability to understand something very fast and...well can't think of a third one.

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
Dunno....um.....O_O...next Question..will edit if I think of something.

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
No. I think that if there was a supernatural being looking over the Earth, then mankind wouldn't be in the situation it is now, with wars all over the place and environmental problems.
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Re: Let´s get personal!!

Post by A.K.B. »

1. Do you believe in fate?
Yes, but only long term fate, of course people make choices, but another factor is the elements, time, money, and the natural elements such as storms and disasters, some are preventable, but others can only be forecasted.
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
Panadol. Minirin (I used to wet teh bed :oops: in grade 4)
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
I believe one supernatural thing exists- the "El Chupacabra" or "Goat sucker" Mainly because of two Brazilian Fishermen who shot one dead, and have still got it's head (I've seen a photo of it)
5. Have you ever been in love?
Yes. And am.
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
For my family I would, but would be sorta useless for one person.
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
Someone who can stand you, even if you tend to be annoying occasionally, and have fun with you, and enjoy doind some of the things you do.
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
not really, it would have more of a negative effect, why bother killing yourself, when you could try doing stupid things before your death, like bungy jumping or extreme rock climbing/lead rope climbing, if you feel depressed, do something life threatening, so if you don't die, you would feel a strong will to live
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
Right, kill those idiots who are trying to make everyone elses' lives miserable, I don't want to switch on the tv to have a news flash of "Iraq Bomb Attack" or something, just kill them all and that is the end of all our troubles.
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
Mp3's could be considered a small crime, or movie piracy.
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
I would probably only go as far as badly hurting someone, I could only SAY i'd want to kill them, I have an instinct to be as considerate as possible, I like to avoid violence as much as I can, though the occasional biff is nothing much for me, i'm stonger then everyone in my grade (except George- "teh dorky bitch")
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
I don't think it's right, like it quotes in the bible, "thou shalt not lie with a man the way he lies with a woman, that is a sin against god"- shall I say more? It's said many times.
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
21. though it should be allowed to be CONSUMED publically by 18 year olds, 21 year olds are more mature and should be responsible enough not to give it to anyone who would make bad use of it.
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
Never really been drunk yet. There will be a time most probably.
15. how much do you drink in a week?
I don't drink alchohol, but I have a few times before.
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
big strength, big skill, big dick.
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
My tendancy to ruin things, and be annoying/ over my head. My Thriftyness, (I tend to spend alot if I have it) and my primary school life (I was such a little Yael*)
*Yael is a whiny bitchy kid.
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
I do, because it is unreasonable to think that anything could have been created by anything else then God, and I would not do without him. Because without faith, I wouldn't have alot of things in my life, like sincerity, and standards. And Heaven is teh r0xx0r rescidence! :D
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Post by Kopaka »

Heh, looking at my answers which are over 2½ years old I can see I've changed a lot during that time :)
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Post by Jebus »

rofl kopaka..maybe you should post new answers? then everyone else can see how much you have changed!
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Post by Harald Hasch »

1. Do you believe in fate?
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
5. Have you ever been in love?
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
15. how much do you drink in a week?
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
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Post by Zweq »

1. Do you believe in fate?
- no
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
- no
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
- no
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
- no
5. Have you ever been in love?
- no
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
- no
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
- too hard one
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
- no
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
- wrong
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
- I think I stole some shit once, but what is a crime really?
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
- no I would not be able to do that
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
- it disgusts me but what can you do about nature
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
- I dont really care
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
- 13
15. how much do you drink in a week?
- havent touched dat shiet for 2½ years
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
- hmm that really got me to thinking, duno
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
- I would want better stamina or wtf it's called so I don't have to sweat when biking. I also would want to be more social, but that's almost every finns problem and I fucking know it. I wouldnt want to be so damn tall either, it causes some problems such as fitting in car, getting clothes
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
- no I dont believe in god although I get a bit bad conscience about saying that for some reason, so I guess I dont really wanna denial it. I believe in the physics, that's what I say at least
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Post by Kestas »

1. Do you believe in fate?
not at all
2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
weed, extasy. but not anymore
3. Are you´re parents devorsed?
4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?`
5. Have you ever been in love?
6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
no thanks
7. What is a "true friend" for you?
the one who is like brother to you. he has to be a childhood friend too
8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
fak no! life is way too precioust to waste it like a fool. we live only once and there's no such thing as reincarnation so dont beleave in these granny tales kids!
9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?
no. this is so wrong...
10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
shoplifting a couple of times at my youth... nothing serious
11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
no never
12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
are we talking of lesbos ? :) then i say yes
13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?
16 maybe... i'd kill my son tho if he would buy some at this age and i would know it
14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
15yr but my first serious time was at 16
15. how much do you drink in a week?
now some bottle or two in a week. was dringing 16-18 liters of beer a week while in the summer vacations.. aww those were the good old days
16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
friendly, consciencious, polite
17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
i'm too slim and it's very hard for me to get some weight, am not patient, lazy as hell
18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
no. am the same mind as zweq about this one. i'm materialist and physics is my god
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Post by kinghias »

1. Do you believe in fate?

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
weed, mushrooms, once lsd

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?
no, but when i was younger i was scared in the dark because of such things

5. Have you ever been in love?
maybe once, hard to say

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
my brother maybe

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
a guy that comes over spontaneously with a bottle of whisky... no, hard question, more like one you can talk about everything

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
yes, because of army, wasn't that acute tho...

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
don't think so, maybe i've stolen something as a child

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
not really

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
it's ok

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?
13 or 14

15. how much do you drink in a week?
heaps of beer (~15), a bit liquor and wine (<1bottle)

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
being liked by girls, being quite good at school/study, dunno more

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
being a "cynical, alcoholic, sexist asshole" (a friend's quote about himself which fits for me too) aswell as being lazy

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
no, but with the same feeling of guilt as zweq
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Post by Boomer »

1. Do you believe in fate?
No, not really.

2. Have you ever tried drugs? if you have which?
If alcohol is counted (as in the swedish word for alcohol), then yes, otherwise no.

3. Are you´re parents devorsed?

4. Do you believe in supernatural things as ghost and stuff?

5. Have you ever been in love?

6. Would you sacrifice yourself for someone els?...who?
Yes, family.

7. What is a "true friend" for you?
Loyal, kind and trustful.

8. Have you ever tought of commiting suiside?....why?
Yes, many times. I won't tell why though.

9. Deathpenalty right or wrong?

10. Have you ever committed a crime?....what did you do?
I may have stolen a candy or something like 12 years ago, but nothing serious. Also, I download movies, music etc now and then.

11. Kill another person, could you do it?...and what would make you go so far?
Yes, propably, if it is to save a familymember from being killed, then surely I wouldn't sit down and observe the killing.

12. What do you think of homosexuality?...
Acceptable. But I'm strongly against homosexual weddings and adoptions.

13. At what age should it be legal to buy alkohol?

14. How old were you first time you got drunk?

15. how much do you drink in a week?
Usually, a small amount.

16. Tell 3 things you like with yourself!
I never get angry, I make people laugh, and I'm very different, compares to other people I think.

17. Tell 3 things you dislike with yourself!
I can be quite derisive in a verbal argue, quite lazy in the morning, and getting depressed every autumn.

18. Do you believe in God?...why?/why not?
No, I don't know why exactly, however I would like to believe in God one day.
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<jaytea> uh milk was invented in 1966
<teh_mila> bah, fucked up nice labpro ride cause i almost fell of the chair:)
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