EML and dz vs ciph

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Post by EML »

err, i'm not mad at you for giving away my style. I just say i think this and the other examples builds up to a charachter (ciph) that is very full of hypocrisy. You attack others, and use the word 'trust'. At the same time you defend your own actions that also is about 'trust'. I don't attack you for what you have done, i don't defend what dz have done, i'm only attacking the double-morale.
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Post by ciph »

i only read half of your post r3b3l before pressing reply.....i have 2 things to say...

#1....neither dz nor i wanted to screw each other....you have the situation 100% (!) wrong, and i think dz will agree with me on that.

#2....fuck i have nothing to say, i cant believe you went to far into that situation without knowing ANYTHING at all, serious....you know nothing.....I NEVER HAD THE HEHE WR........i feel like i am wasting my time replying, you are so clueless about this whole thing.....ahhhh

i will reply more when i get home from vball, right now i am just angry you said all of that, like "dz winning the mind game"......its so stupid, you dont understand at all....zeizei never had HEHE wr either, you are just clueless, please dont ever reply to something you dont anything about ever again.

shit dude. :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by r3b3l »

:cry: you didnt read my whole reply so you hate me now, Im sorry it was meant htat you read the whole thing and then maybe you will see that I am just saying it from my understanding, I'm sorry ciph :( but I still think that you both were trying to screw each tother over (just cuz thats the way Ive been growing up, everyone always trying to cheat everyone out of the deals) Please dont hate me I just want to be your friend!! D;
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Post by Karlis »

think about, dz got new HeHe style, time in that ciph's rec was like what, OVER A MINUTE, OMG, THAT'S SUCKY! I mean, that bounce saves at least a second and I think dz had 1:00,low tim0r before seeing that style, at least I would have tried to take the wr in that case.
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Post by ciph »

This post angered me so much that I am going to disect it and tell you each and every reason why it pissed me off. Here it goes:
r3b3l wrote:You traded your HeHe WR for dz's ZigZag WR.
wrong, i traded him my 1,00,17 rec (not wr) for his zz wr....which WASNT EVEN THAT GOOD OF A DEAL.....because i had pajen's 1,07,11 rec ALREADY.....thats 0:07 better....so i wasnt doing it to screw him over, i was doing it to be nice.
r3b3l wrote:he didnt ask you to not take the WR on ZigZag and he probably knew you would spread it to.
i never intended to even play zz....i already had swos's 1,08 and pajens 1,07....if i wanted to take the wr and i could take the wr, it would have already happened.
r3b3l wrote:It seems you wanted something for nothing in that situation, and dz was dumb enough to go along with it
i recieved a rec 0:07 better than one i already had and he got the new HeHe bounce style.....HE GOT SOMETHING, i got (practically) nothing......i am an idiot for giving him this rec, i feel like a moron. so the fact that you think he got nothing and i got something makes you an idiot.
r3b3l wrote:but it seems you were both out to screw eachother
i'm never out to screw anybody, but i wont speak for dz....although from his reply to my email afterwards he did seem to feel at least a LITTLE bit bad so i dont think he wanted to screw me.
r3b3l wrote:You both know deep down that you wanted to loom out for yourself only
what the hell do you know about what i am thinking??????? a new guy in the elma scene telling me how i feel and why i do stuff, were you even playing elma when this situation happened??? wtf dont ever talk so "smart" ever again.
r3b3l wrote:and so you tried to screw dz out of his WR on ZIgZag AND not let him have the WR on HeHe
as i said....i didnt want wr on zz.....i had a rec 0:07 worse than his wr.....you have no idea what you are talking about.....and as far as the HeHe....."not let him have wr".....dude if i didnt give him the rec he would have 1:00+.....so giving him the chance to drive 59 in return for not taking MY TEAMMATES wr was NOT a lot to ask....if dz gave me his Tunnel Terror right now, but told me not to take his wr....i wouldnt take it.....becuase i understand HE IS BEING NICE TO ME, so why should i stab him/his team in the back?

just to clear things up for you the wr was, i believe, 59:57 at the time.....driven by my teammate, MadMan.
r3b3l wrote:so he thought "hey, what the hell they claim to have a better time so I'll send in my rec to see if they are lying" And so he did. And you were lying, so you tried to screw him over there.
not a word from that statement was correct. you just typed like a paragraph of absolute utter bullshit, you had no idea what you were talk about....just typed as if you knew the whole situation from experiencing it first hand, and that really pisses me off.
r3b3l wrote:instead of letting EM get the WR on ZigZag he made the style public on mopolauta and let everyone have a shot at the WR
just for the record, EM members dont need to be "let" have wrs.....we are pretty decent elma players and we can take wrs without someone letting us, ok? (madman,mick,zeizei at least :])....but in one regard you are right....dz released that rec right after trading me, so i felt kinda like an idiot, becasue i gave him the HeHe style. :oops: :oops:
r3b3l wrote:He won the little mind game you two were playing.
no mind games man, just rec trading and elma playing.
r3b3l wrote:And now in my opinion dz really didnt lie to you ciph
is that right? dz said (if you read above posts, he shows this) that he would not take wr from any EM member.....yet next table he took the WR, from MadMan[EM]......so how did he not lie r3b3l? straight up took EM's WR, justify his actions by saying that YeeS had better than him, so EM could take the WR BACK.......but he said he would not take....so do you still think he didnt lie???????
r3b3l wrote:maybe you would have got him to show you his rec again and screwed him over more?

i never expected a rec back, i KNEW dz would never.
screw him over MORE(!!!!!!)?....how did i screw him over the first time idiot? by giving him a rec that allowed him to get a wr???? dude SHUT UP.
r3b3l wrote:Well anyway dz didn't lie, he kept his promise and infact he trusted that you weren't lying, but because you did lie you screwed yourself over. If you had told him, dont send in the WR you promised not to until someone out of EM takes it then he wouldnt have sent in. It's your fault.

maybe the worst section of the entire post...........
I DID NOT LIE......i sent him a rec with a damn good style in it.....could you explain how that is "lying".......omg....
"send in the WR you promised not to until someone out of EM takes it ".....EM ALREADY HAD THE WR....you are so stupid.....
.....lastly.....its my fault? that i agree with.....i gave dz the rec and he betrayed me.....ultimately its my fault, i do admit that, because i gave him the rec.
r3b3l wrote:Please dont hate me for this ciph I still luv j00 my candian buddy!!!
i dont hate you but you are FAR FAR FAR FAR FAR from my buddy, i just want you to know that.

r3b3l wrote:It's your credibility as a person DC. We may not know you in real life but by your actions through the internet you are portraiying your personality.
its not uncommon for people to be 100% different people online and in person. \dc spreading a rec does not show you his "real" character. just for the record, have you ever had a conversation with \dc or are you just judging him by this situation you HEARD about?

then you go on to talk about \dc stabbing cloud in the back and all this shit about "how it is wrong".....where do you think you have the right to make comments towards \dc? hes a good guy (this is his ONLY questionable situation ever in elma) you have no power, prestige or status im the elma community and you think you have the right to BASH a longtime player, and nice, popular guy, \DC?.... get real man

r3b3l wrote:Right now the people who have the most WR's aren't the best in the world, no way.
YES.................they are...................tell me who is better than deadelous, darmoed, karlis, toringe, jeppe, dz.........?????? who is better?????
r3b3l wrote:if I knew the WR style to every internal maybe I would be one of the worlds best too?
i'll give you any rec you want, and i am 100% sure you can not take the WR! you'd be damn hard pressed to even beat MY lame time...... give it up, shit.

The BEST KUSKIS are the ones that make NEW styles on internals after they have been around for so long. they are genius and they deserve at least, if not more, credit that kuskis who just hoyl hoyl hoyl......actually, the same, hoyla's are cool too. :)
r3b3l wrote:please feel free to flame me if you wish but I am simply here to speak the truth and my opinions
did i flame you enough???? you were right about being here to speak your opinions, but you didnt speak very much TRUTH at all.....just stories which you invented and it was very very lame.

Finally, you love "us all"? enough to make up huge long stories and paragraphs about how I AM FEELING? you know nothing about me or the elma community, and your lack of knowledge was blatently obvious throughout the post....i dont care if you talk on mopolauta, but DO NOT say stuff about important, SERIOUS (as far as elma goes) issues....

Your post may have angered me more than any other comment/post/anything in the 6 years that i have played Across and Elma.....you "werent trying to make me hate you" but i think you came about as close to making me hate you as humanly possible.

Im interested in hearing what you have to say about my reply......so let's hear it. :evil:
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Post by dz »

as to show my regrets, i can say it was "dirtyest" move i've made on my elmacareer, the passion of getting name on wr list just got into me, and as i knew it was so harmless like i've explained, i kinda thought you understood.. anyways i think we're clear on this one, looking forward to chat with you on more nicer things :)
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Post by chux »

I feel awkward just reading...
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Post by onlainari »

Why not a new section to mopolauta, ciph vs EML :O
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Post by ribot »

about eml and ciph, ciph didn't promise anything and i dunno who he spread the styles to, but if it was just his team and friends it shouldn't matter, i might have done the same. altho i guess friends and team don't mean the same to me as to ciph, cos i would probably only send a new WR style to nostrada.

but in the ciph swos situation, swos had the WR, and it was one of the most amazing WRs, since no one had a style even close to as good as that one. and also in this case u ciph promised to not spread, didn't u? and everyone has the style now, because of that spread.

and then dz. he promised to not beat WR as long as EM had it. then he trusted EM or even ciph(?) that yees had beaten it, so he assumed EM had the best time and he sent in. if he would have wanted to be very honourable he could have asked ciph about it. but if he's gonna assume that ciph means WR=WR on internal table, then he can as well interpret yees having beaten wr=yees gonna send in wr.

so how do these things matter? ur nice guys, and i trust myself to know what i can risk to spread. if u give that kind of responsibility to someone else ur stupid imho.
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Post by EML »

I think ciph is behaving bad towards r3b3l. He just said what his point of view were, and you flame him for not being correct, even if the facts you are flaming him for isn't really the important part of his post. I think you ciph, act like a child in this matter, being the bully while you at the same time cry because someone else is being a bully towards you. I think you are a false, hypocritical, double-moraled guy. Also i think you are a little bit stupid, but i can't say that, because MAYBE you are just faking the stupidity. Also it would not be very nice to attack you without having something based in truth, like "OMG you are such a spread0r! quit elma!!"

I have morals on this exact matter, as i see this kind of attacks as vicious. R3b3l is a nice guy, trying to add a new view to the discussion. No need to attack someone in the way you did. It would be more than enough to say "I think you got somethings wrong" and list his factual errors. At least it wouldn't seem so mean. I think you're evil inside. Just like every other person who try to keep that "I'm so nice and have high morals" image.
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Post by ribot »

well ciph got pissed off and used that energy on rebel. i wouldn't blame ciph for being evil towards rebel. however maybe he could have told the truth cos my post was a bit influenced by rebel's reply.

neither of these guys seem to be trustable with what they say, but remember canada is not a real country anyway :D
it doesn't mean they're bad guys tho, it's the game of life which if u live in u screw urself and no one else which means you're evil.
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Post by XTC »

you canada!
i won.
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Post by GodFather »

I could say something but it would turn out to be stupid so I say this:

ciph is a c0ol guy, don't hate him :lol:

dz is a c0ol guy too so don't hate him either :lol: he's sry for w0t he has done so end of the story

EML was a cheat0r so don't hate him (eventhou I do a lil' :wink: )

R3B3L or whatever you have nothing to do with this so shut up (not yelling :o )

I hope this "anger" will go away cuz it's not nice to see ppl arguing for something which isn't really that important anymore... oops I wrote my opinion... sry 8O
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Post by ciph »

EML wrote:I think ciph is behaving bad towards r3b3l. He just said what his point of view were, and you flame him for not being correct
Dude, r3b3l called me a LIAR. He called me STUPID for doing that deal. The whole time saying like "my canadian buddy!!"...I dont even think r3b3l was playing elma when this situation occurred, or maybe he had just started. Yet, he felt he had the right to chirp right in and call me a stupid liar and tell me it was "all my fault". Look, if he wants to get into the mopolauta then sure, but stay out of important issues like this ESPECIALLY if he is going to type like 1500 words about how much of a stupid liar I am when he didn't even understand the situation.
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Re: huahuahahua

Post by ciph »

GodFather wrote:R3B3L or whatever you have nothing to do with this so shut up (not yelling :o )
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Post by epp »

k, but all of u guys send me your wr recs, i promise i wont spread them? haha lol.

i think i´ll collect famous sentences from lauta, and make book.
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Post by Kopaka »

eppeJ, good thing there, would be interesting to read :)

btw. eppeJ if you just begin to hoyl some level you like one day you will get the N00b record...maybe... (Al this very off-topic I know)

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Post by epp »

youre right, Kopaka. Once, i just feelt that i just had to improve my Warm Up (back then= 15:8#), so i just started and after a while, it was = 14:40.
I think ill go start a topic about n00b wr...
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Post by dz »

eppeJ wrote:Once, i just feelt that i just had to improve my Warm Up (back then= 15:8#), so i just started and after a while, it was = 14:40.
i bet it wasn't that difficult to beat, when you finally did it and got 1.5 sec better time :D
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Re: huahuahahua

Post by GodFather »

ciph wrote:
GodFather wrote:R3B3L or whatever you have nothing to do with this so shut up (not yelling :o )
I'm just telling the facts :D (which R3B3L ain't doin' :evil: )
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Post by epp »

i just couldnt do the super/alo thing, but later it came. I would like a wr :D

dz, if i where you i would be so proud. having a fan side... ni ce
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Post by ciph »

make an I love Dz topic or something.....that was nothing near the topic.......although i shouldnt speak cause i did the same in onla's topic....


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Post by r3b3l »

This is going to be my last response to you ever ciph so flame back all you want at me if it will make you happoy, think you win your little minds games again but your not worth my time your arrogant pos...
ok ciph, You kno i say you were my canadian buddy maybe to make you not as mad at me but I dont care anymore, I just plane hate you, and..There thats thr truth no more lies, You are arrogant and pretentious. Just because I am not a super elma hoyla and my time is slow doesnt mean my opinions shoulkdnt be respected. And hey, as for your analysis of my paragraph, wow you really are proving your idiocy, I tohught that maybe since you come from canada you would read the message as a whole and put 2 and 2 together but you were too dumb to...No instead you analized every little thing seperatly, hey wow maybe ill use your logic back on you...
#1....neither dz
OMG whats with you and calling dz such scum, I mean your neither is so insulting omg boohoo
Yea so why did you send it you dumb fuck, see you had the hehe WR you even said so there, oooo you so dumb wah wah...

Yea and you kno what, people like dz because hes honesst, not a rec spreader, and is not an arrogant, cocky, pretentious, little punk like you...

I could go on liek that for hours just like you ciph but you see im just trying to prove a point that all you were out to do is make me look like an idiot because i am a "n00b" and you are not, And the only reason Im classified as a n00b is because my tt is low...wow yea good job ciph you must feel happy that you can "bully" someone around.
THe fact is that dz is right you are wrong and it will always be like that. You give canadians a bad name, because you are known as a WR spreader no one ever trusts me..wow ciph u shld feel proud to be so dishonorable, you should just feel lucky that you are able to man9ipulate people into thinking your such a "great guy" yea..good god your dumb, stfu kthx bye.

Yea and you kno what, people like dz because hes honesst, not a rec spreader, and is an arrogant, cocky, pretentious, little punk like you...
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Post by XTC »

so pop ya collar and give a holla ok? 8O
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Post by GodFather »

Hey R3B3L.... I dunno but u just made urself a fool. And it's wise to not post here anymore cuz ppls don't like u anyway (just my opinion). Now u said ciph makes all canadians look stupid f0cks. That's just sooo stupid. And LAME :evil: . Why am I even writing this u r so annoying. Well one more thing. Everyone's now in flames so cool down. Drink Peps0r :lol: and feel free to flame R3B3l at any time :twisted: (now I know why u got banned R3B3L)
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Post by ciph »

umm, i've never had the HeHE wr in my life.....so again.....what are you talking about?

i never called dz scum....dz is a great guy i like him a lot....

i "prooved my idiocy"? uhh no....i may have sent swos's zz to pajen but i am not an idiot.
Just because I am not a super elma hoyla and my time is slow doesnt mean my opinions shoulkdnt be respected
the reason i didnt respect your pos is not because your poor times. for instance, think of pexi....his tt is not good, but i would respect his opinions because he was around when this situation happened and he understands the elma scene.
THe fact is that dz is right you are wrong and it will always be like that. You give canadians a bad name, because you are known as a WR spreader
dz will ALWAYS be right, in every situation? ummm ok i guess....

and just for the record, i do NOT give canadians a bad name. if anything people know more about canada and respect that i play from here. people dont think less of canada because of me, gimme a break. the only thing you know about me is that i spread a rec. you clearly know nothing else about my past in across and elma.
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Post by milagros »

btw. what's that hehe stylke you're talking about?
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Post by ciph »

err go left at start
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Post by Abula »

ciph wrote:err go left at start
I started to think if there are any new styles where you go to different direction from the very beginning compared to old style and found only one public: Apple Harvest. Maybe What the heck was sometimes..?
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Post by dz »

i heard warm up was one, but sadly it just turned out to be a fairytale..
btw in freefall you went right instead of left before :D
yeap, off topic.
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Post by Zweq »

after reading all im like this: Image
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Post by Harald Hasch »

man, good read

reminded me of the ol' days
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Post by teajay »

Harald Hasch wrote:reminded me of the ol' days
mebe becuz it were the ol'days up there? 8-ball managed to dig up almost 6 year old bogus, back when dz was an asshole, who could've imagined he once was?
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Post by dz »

Haha, thanks. I still am. :D
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Re: EML and dz vs ciph

Post by ciph »

Years have gone by since this little quarrel. Reading it reminded me how serious I used to take this game, damn! It's a bit funny how at the time these times we had seemed amazing...In the end, these styles and records that we argued about were improved and beaten many times over. I am a bit embarrassed by the way I chose to speak about the issue at the time, but from what I can remember about the events, (not a whole lot :D) I wouldn't have changed many of my actions.

Anyways, cheers to the good ol' days :beer:
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Re: EML and dz vs ciph

Post by Memphis »

eh old chap. we should get you up and running on belma. I am sure you'd enjoy it and seems easier to install then i remembered.
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Re: EML and dz vs ciph

Post by Grace »

ciph wrote:Years have gone by since this little quarrel. Reading it reminded me how serious I used to take this game, damn! It's a bit funny how at the time these times we had seemed amazing...In the end, these styles and records that we argued about were improved and beaten many times over. I am a bit embarrassed by the way I chose to speak about the issue at the time, but from what I can remember about the events, (not a whole lot :D) I wouldn't have changed many of my actions.

Anyways, cheers to the good ol' days :beer:
hey ciphy, how are you man? it's been so long.

come get belma, become another kid under 38 for us, wouldya?
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Re: EML and dz vs ciph

Post by ciph »

I could go for some belma. I tried to set it up a while back without much luck 8O Memphis, msg me on MSN and maybe we can get it going. It's a joke trying to play on this laptop but it could be fun anyways heaehae
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Re: EML and dz vs ciph

Post by dz »

These replay / record issues sure were intense back in days :)

I wouldn't know how it would be if new elma would come with fresh levels.. hopefully the same :)

Cheers :beer:
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Re: EML and dz vs ciph

Post by Bismuth »

Damn, you guys didn't think of doing something for the Halloween instead?

Edit: By the way, I don't understand why all of this was discussed in October/November 2002, since it was most probably in November 2001. Someone can explain?
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