USA elections

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USA elections

Post by Mawane »

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Re: USA elections

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Re: USA elections

Post by Palme »

obama for sure!
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Re: USA elections

Post by Zweq »

gotta admit i know absolutely nothing about them, but isnt mccain in same team with ze bush dude. fuck they've been on wr table long enough, i hope this new nigger dude and his team will blow the shit out of that homo team, although those old clinton farts are too slow nowadays so i suppose obama dude is on his own
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Re: USA elections

Post by Kopaka »

Neither, not that I follow politics at all but my idea is that both parties are pretty sax, obama maybe a little less than mccain
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Re: USA elections

Post by SveinR »

It's a bit late to start this now, Mawane, as there isn't that much interesting to discuss right now since we'll all now the outcome of this election in about 30 hours :)

Anyway, I'm very interested in this election and have followed it closely for over a year now (I check, checking the polls and reading the articles there probably more than 10 times each day the past couple of months..). I can't understand people who are not interested in this, you miss out on a lot of excitement (especially tomorrow, and certainly during the primary season), and tons if interesting stuff to read! Not to mention that this election in particular has been extremely interesting, with the historic candidacies of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (actually also John McCain, who can become the oldest person elected for a first term, and Sarah Palin who could become the first female vice president), and that the issues are more important than in a long time, especially given the financial crisis, but also, of course, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the "rebuilding" of America's stature in the world.

To give a few thoughts then, though you probably won't be too interested in them:

Who will win?
If you'd have asked me this some 5 months ago, I would have said that I thought McCain probably would win. Because I thought Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers would be steeper hurdles for Obama to overcome than they have been, but it turns out these associations haven't been very important to the electorate at all, since real issues matter a lot more than usual this year.
Now, I'll be very surprised if Obama doesn't win. If you look at the polls, then nationwide he has had a lead averaging between 5 and 8 percentage points for 5 weeks (currently it's 7.4). But even more important than that, is when you look at the different states (since it's who wins each state that really matters, not who wins nationwide). Obama now has a clear lead in all the states Al Gore and John Kerry won in 2000 and 2004, and in addition has good leads in about 4 states George W. Bush won, as well as the race being close in an additional 5 states Bush won. So something extraordinary has to happen tomorrow if McCain is going to win this. I don't want to be too hopeful though, so I'll say it's not over until the last vote has been cast and counted. After all, this election has been full of extraordinary events.

Who do I want to win?
As you probably figured out from my sentence above, I am an Obama supporter, and have been so the past year. I think he has the potential of restoring America's place in the world, and I think he is the best fitted to lead the country now. He showed himself as being more responsible and calm than McCain when the financial crisis set in, and during the debates he seemed to have a better grasp overall of the issues, both domestically and in foreign policy, and laid out his policies in a more detailed matter (in my view he clearly won the second and third debate, while the first was basically a tie. And Joe Biden is obviously a better choice for vice president than Sarah Palin, even though he is a gaffe-machine). And I think Obama is right when it comes to wanting a bigger focus on diplomacy (actually I think his radical associations is a plus in this regard, since I think that makes him better equipped to viewing an issue from several angles) and a greater focus on cooperation internationally. And, I have to add the fact that he is an extremely inspirational figure and an exceptionally gifted speaker (this of course doesn't qualify him to be president in any way, but it certainly isn't detracting!).
That said though, we mustn't have too high expectations, and the United States will of course not alter it's politics that drastically, but I hope, and think, that Barack Obama will be a responsible president who will go down to have a historic presidency not primarily because of his race. For a good, well-written article on Obama and why he is the best choice, check out the following, written by Joe Klein of Time Magazine: ... -1,00.html
If McCain wins though, it won't be the end of the world. He atleast was one of the more liberal Republicans, and has shown in the past of disagreeing with his party and working across the aisle on a number of issues and is an honoroble, respectable man who it isn't hard to like when watching him at, say, a Late Night talk show. But the past four years, and certainly in this general election campaign, he has bowed down to the pressures of the (neocon) right-wing of his party, and altered his positions on most of the issues that made him a more likable candidate than the other republicans. But one can hope that, if he wins, he'll serve based on the views he used to have but I don't know how likely that is. And his pick of Sarah Palin (who is very likeable and charming as a person) as VP doesn't exactly help matters, neither does the fact that he was one of the strongest supporters of the Iraq War, and seems to have a too simple view of important issues as well, such as the financial crisis.

I surely have forgotten a lot of stuff I wanted to say here, and omitted a whole lot more, but perhaps someone found it somewhat worth reading. I suggest to follow RealClearPolitics (who are unbiased; each day they present articles from magazines and newspapers all over the political spectrum, from the very liberal and left-wing Huffington Post to the very conservative and right-wing Wall Street Journal. They also have their own writers and contributors, who also come different parts of the spectrum, but common to all of them is that they write using good arguments and have good research.). And of course, watch speeches etc. on YouTube or something ;)
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Re: USA elections

Post by John »

It will be very interesting to see the outcome of tomorrow's election even though I'm not into politics much at all. Personally I think and hope Obama will win. I don't have 100% knowledge about where they stand in all issues but generally I believe Obama would be a better leader and his politics is more appealing to me, while some of McCain's opinions is very unappealing to me.
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Re: USA elections

Post by teajay »

interesting read sveinr, and indeed it's very clear that we europeans all want obama. I mean come on, this black dude is more rightist than our right wing party, so that makes mccain a facsist.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Memphis »

SveinR wrote:He showed himself as being more responsible and calm than McCain when the financial crisis set in
Uhhh if you mean by calm doing nothing then your absolutly correct. I have been following this election for a while now too watching the left wing broadcasters from CNN bashing the McCain campain since day one. Obama has no experience really at all making decisions being a senetor for the past few years and not only that, he has failed to provide the democratic lawyers with an actual birth certificate claiming that he was born in the United States which to become president you must be born in the US. He claims he was born in Hawaii but really he isn't so once that is discovered all hell will break loose anyway. He talks nice and says what people want I admit but is not going to help the US get out of financial trouble.

A few words about Sarah Palin in rebuttle to Sveinr as I think he has her confused. She has the highest postive rating amongst citizens in alaska then any other state in the US. She has got them out of fincancial trouble and given back to citizens there due to the high amouts of oil being drilled. She cuts down corporate costs that others in her situation take advantage of the pearks. She sold the company jet and saved thousands of dollars a month alone on that. And yes she is a supporter of Iraq war at this stage in the game and frankly I am too because if you pull out now to quickly as Obama probably will, when they are trying to set up a democracy there it would be devistating for the people that are trying to set that up and give the power back over the the militant armies who are savages and kill for fun. She would make a great VP in my opinion and she isn't to hard on the eyes either.

2 outcomes that can happen.
1. Obama wins the stock market plumits due to his lack of support for small business and big business.
2. McCain wins and there is a revolt from the black communities across the US which will also not be good. Either way it's not looking good for the states.

Anyway lastly I would like to point out that the early polls they show in the states are bullshit anyway and are always more in favor of left wing democratic parties. When bush got elected the second time the polls had him way down to be re elected but sure enough he won. Reason being is because most people that are in the polls have too much time on there hands and are not out working like most people. In otherwords democrates like big government and government to support them and bail them out. Republicans like free enterprise business where the sky is the limit and they are not taxed out the ass by large government. So I guess everyone knows where I stand then but I do prefer Obama over Hiliary Clinton any day of the year.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Juble »

tijsjoris wrote:interesting read sveinr, and indeed it's very clear that we europeans all want obama. I mean come on, this black dude is more rightist than our right wing party, so that makes mccain a facsist.
lol, McCain isnt a facist, he is center right. Mussulini and Hitler were facists. Obama looks like a socialist who cons society with words like 'change' and 'hope'. To be honest the both are terrible. I would go for Ron Paul if he won the primeries.
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Re: USA elections

Post by teajay »

the fact that socialism is a cussing word in the states says enough.
when they are trying to set up a democracy there it would be devistating for the people that are trying to set that up and give the power back over the the militant armies who are savages and kill for fun
I don't know what the news is showing of the whole truth in iraq. But I think there's a whole mass of people who would just like to get the US the fuck out of iraq right now. Ever considered that in some places democracy doesn't really work out? I mean, just look at the US, what's democratic about the US? :o
All I know is that I'm happy that I don't live over there.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Memphis »

tijsjoris wrote:the fact that socialism is a cussing word in the states says enough.
Socialism is one step away from communism and they are both cussin words because every single time those types of government have been in power it has devistated the peoples citizens. People lose motivation to become a doctor when a doctor makes the same as a convient store clerk and that's the facts.
tijsjoris wrote:Ever considered that in some places democracy doesn't really work out? I mean, just look at the US, what's democratic about the US?
Democracy does work in the US but because they are the super power of the world everyone holds them with such high expectations that they critisize every single thing they do. It's like some person at work that does their job well and works hard at it and then some noob that doesn't like to work just sits around and critisizes the person that is getting the job done.

The reason a whole bunch of people want the US out of the Iraq is because left wing snots like Michael Moore make one sided so called "documentaries" that blame right wing parties for all their problems and don't tell you what the states are actually doing in these countries. The definition of a documentary people think it has to tell the truth but what they don't realizes is it's pracitically fiction. Documentary film is a broad category of visual expression that is based on the attempt, in one fashion or another, to "document" reality. That and the media is all owned by left wingers who have an agenda to portray. If your watching CNN that's what your watching. That's why Obama's campain raises so much more funds than McCain is because all the celebrities that are out of touch with society but think they know what they are talking about because they watch CNN support Obama and Leftwingers.

This whole debate doesn't matter anyway because they will find out that Obama was born in Kenya and he will face jail time because of this.
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Re: USA elections

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Re: USA elections

Post by SveinR »

Memphis wrote:Sveinr.
SveinR wrote:He showed himself as being more responsible and calm than McCain when the financial crisis set in
Uhhh if you mean by calm doing nothing then your absolutly correct.
Well, what McCain did didn't exactly move the process, suspending his campaign and rushing to Washington DC to clear up the mess without actually having much ideas to come with. Obama didn't "do absolutely nothing", but kept in close contact with his economic advisors, and did go to Washington when he was asked to. And let's not forget that McCain was the one who said "the fundamentals of the economy is strong", and then virtually hours later switched to saying we were in a crisis. And this past year, during the republican primary, for instance, he kept saying Americans were better off now than they were eight years ago, financially.
Memphis wrote:Obama has no experience really at all making decisions being a senetor for the past few years and not only that, he has failed to provide the democratic lawyers with an actual birth certificate claiming that he was born in the United States which to become president you must be born in the US. He claims he was born in Hawaii but really he isn't so once that is discovered all hell will break loose anyway.
Uhm, he has provided his birth certificate. You can of course choose to not believe Obama, and instead believe the claims of his opponents, but there's nothing showing that that's based on reality.
Memphis wrote:A few words about Sarah Palin in rebuttle to Sveinr as I think he has her confused. She has the highest postive rating amongst citizens in alaska then any other state in the US. She has got them out of fincancial trouble and given back to citizens there due to the high amouts of oil being drilled. She cuts down corporate costs that others in her situation take advantage of the pearks. She sold the company jet and saved thousands of dollars a month alone on that. And yes she is a supporter of Iraq war at this stage in the game and frankly I am too because if you pull out now to quickly as Obama probably will, when they are trying to set up a democracy there it would be devistating for the people that are trying to set that up and give the power back over the the militant armies who are savages and kill for fun. She would make a great VP in my opinion and she isn't to hard on the eyes either.
I know Sarah Palin has done good things in Alaska, but I don't think she is a good pick for Vice President. One thing is that I don't agree with many of her views personally, but she doesn't even have a clear grasp of what the job of the VP actually is. She seems to want to follow Dick Cheney's example, and that's scary.
Memphis wrote:Anyway lastly I would like to point out that the early polls they show in the states are bullshit anyway and are always more in favor of left wing democratic parties. When bush got elected the second time the polls had him way down to be re elected but sure enough he won.
This doesn't seem like Bush being behind to me: ... t3way.html
And anyway, if several polls showed him behind, you mustn't forget the context, and the fact that the bin Laden video that appeared shortly before the election probably moved more voters behind Bush.
But sure, polls aren't always to be trusted completely: In 2000, Bush had a lead of about 4 percentage points for several weeks coming into the election, and actually had that lead on election day also, but in the election Gore managed to surpass him in the popular vote anyway.
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Re: USA elections

Post by SveinR »

tijsjoris wrote:Ever considered that in some places democracy doesn't really work out? I mean, just look at the US, what's democratic about the US? :o
All I know is that I'm happy that I don't live over there.
Of course the US is a democracy, and while following this campaign I've just gotten more and more impressed by the enormous enthusiasm the American people are showing towards this election. Elections here in Norway are nowhere near that involving, at all. It's a shame that there's basically just two parties which on many issues aren't that far apart, but still. An American election campaign really is a celebration of democracy.

Memphsis wrote:Socialism is one step away from communism and they are both cussin words because every single time those types of government have been in power it has devistated the peoples citizens.
What Obama is proposing is less socialistic than what we have in Scandinavia. But sure, we are just a devastated people, right?
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Re: USA elections

Post by Igge »

tijsjoris wrote:I mean come on, this black dude is more rightist than our right wing party, so that makes mccain a facsist.
ez. reinfeld is a gaddame hippie standing next to obama
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Re: USA elections

Post by niN »

Igge wrote:
tijsjoris wrote:I mean come on, this black dude is more rightist than our right wing party, so that makes mccain a facsist.
ez. reinfeld is a gaddame hippie standing next to obama
Best comment I've heard in long time :D hahaha

Anyway. I think that media runs the American people like the mind control the muscles. and because the president runs the media, America is no democracy in practice.
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Re: USA elections

Post by teajay »

well, I guess that is the same everywhere. But in extreme sense in the USA because it all comes down to this single one motherfucker with a red button on the nukes. That dude has to be your good neighbour, would you trust your nukes to a communist? etc.

oh and this: americans are plain stupid because the government doesn't pay for good education. Good tactics.
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Re: USA elections

Post by teajay »

OK, McCain it is then!
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Re: USA elections

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lol, fun coincidence :D
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Re: USA elections

Post by The_BoneLESS »

niN wrote:lol, fun coincidence :D
you really think this is a coincidence?
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Re: USA elections

Post by Igge »

could be a coincidence, i mean, 1/28^12 isn't too unlikely. ez possible
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Re: USA elections

Post by Mawane »

this is what i see from english wikipedia:

screenshot has been taken earlier, before it has been edited or someone edited himself, which i would vote
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Re: USA elections

Post by Igge »

Mawane wrote:this is what i see from english wikipedia:

screenshot has been taken earlier, before it has been edited or someone edited himself, which i would vote
2. "before it has been edited or someone edited himself, which i would vote" - exactly.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Xiphias »

It's getting exiting =!

cool hologram they have on Cnn :P never seen before :O
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Re: USA elections

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Re: USA elections

Post by gimp »

niN wrote:
Anyway. I think that media runs the American people like the mind control the muscles. and because the president runs the media, America is no democracy in practice.

I'm curious as to why you believe this nin, i realize that the stereotype of americans isn't the most plausible to the eyes of the rest of the world, and it's understandable with all the shit Bush did to fuck up our economy by bringing us into an unjustified war and what not. But where did you hear that we are controlled by the media, was it your media? Because then you've only proved to me that you're no different anyhow. I don't mind when the rest of the world is pissed off at america as a whole, just when you have to point out individuals and immediately assume we're a certain way based off of the governments actions which i have no control of.
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Re: USA elections

Post by niN »

gimp, I've never been to America in person, but come on. How else would you explain the obesity, criminal actions, and school massacres? sure we could blame marilyn manson or we could just face the problem. I'm not saying all americans are manipulated ass holes. I've only talked to two over internet, you and Devin, and I think the two of you seem very intelligent. But the fact that America suffers from these three early named things makes me think that the media has a great role in american ways.

I could've gotten it all wrong, and as I said, I've never been to America myself. I might have been a little swift in my previous post. I understand it was unclear and closing.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Igge »

sach obama
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Re: USA elections

Post by Grace »

gimp wrote:
niN wrote:
Anyway. I think that media runs the American people like the mind control the muscles. and because the president runs the media, America is no democracy in practice.

I'm curious as to why you believe this nin, i realize that the stereotype of americans isn't the most plausible to the eyes of the rest of the world, and it's understandable with all the shit Bush did to fuck up our economy by bringing us into an unjustified war and what not. But where did you hear that we are controlled by the media, was it your media? Because then you've only proved to me that you're no different anyhow. I don't mind when the rest of the world is pissed off at america as a whole, just when you have to point out individuals and immediately assume we're a certain way based off of the governments actions which i have no control of.
oh ho, yay, an argument. firstly, i'd like to point out THIS:
just when you have to point out individuals and immediately assume we're a certain way based off of the governments actions
then this:
understandable with all the shit Bush did to fuck up our economy by bringing us into an unjustified war and what not.
looks to me like someone's pointing out individuals.

also, Gimp, it's common sense to say that in every stereotype there are some that differ. lets look at Emo's for example -> some of them actually enjoy life, and are just like that for some other reason (lol)

and although i look at people like you, devin, people i've met on other forums and don't immediately think 'omg he's american, what a fuckwit' -> even though the american stereotype is bad, we still judge people INDIVIDUALLY and fairly in our own minds.

now onto the American Stereotype, yes, it's bad. i'm not saying Australia is any different, it's just in my experience (and i've had American friends since i was born, tons and tons of them.) that people who are living in America are affected by the Media and way of life over there. YOU CANNOT DISPUTE THIS, IT IS ONE OF THE MOST BASIC PRINCIPLES OF NATURE THAT ANIMALS AND HUMANS ALIKE ADAPT TO SUIT OUR ENVIRONMENT. it jsut so happens that at this present time in the world, the media and so on are sending a bad message out to people. America, being so highly involved in the worldwide acting industry also gets more movies etc pushed on them, and the more of the melodramatic you see, the more likely your personality will adapt and change in response.

i'm sure you've noticed, but perhaps the quickest people in the world to Anger are (in my opinion!) Americans, and this is (in my opinion!) due to Media and the need for ease that too many Americans suffer.
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Re: USA elections

Post by teajay »

well.. smax, yeah, well. What to say to that other than putting forth an example of some very angry man:


Now, all jokes aside. Our stereotype of america has been bad, for these past years, and mainly as a result of bush and a natural reaction to the overtly affection to the US during the cold war. But some truth lies, at least in my view, in this stereotype. The way americans think about socialism, I find disturbing. The way how split the people are in two party camps seems devastating to me. How at speeches people can yell "obama terrorist, etc. etc.", this is just way beyond the mild and soft european values. And thusly americans have a same shared stereotype of us western-europeans as softies.

But when we're gonna look to countries like morocco, we see something very the same. Proundness, quickly angered, corrupt in the higher regions of bureaucracy. We tend to forget how big the united states are, and how ununited. The very thing they share is Old Glory and the world wars. Then comes the question about a man that's going to be the boss of all. No wonder you say like 'no way, we want that body to be as small possible', like the republicans say. It's like a battle between several leaders of france, norway and romania battling for a leadership over the EU, with drastic consequences. I don't know about you guys, but the feeling of a romanian president for the next 4 years over the EU, with the same relative powers as a US president, that's scary.

All I know is, that it's a shame zappa never became a president.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Kopaka »

Hate it how everyone is so happy that Obama won thinking he will make big big chances, I really don't see that happening ._.

but let's hope I'll be proven wrong
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Re: USA elections

Post by gimp »

well fair enough smaxa, and nin. i guess i just believe that a lot of the american stereotype derives from the immediate south or mid western states where everybody is primarily extremely republican and conservative, where its often assumed that they probably are all assholes if you dont believe anything that they have to say. i on the other hand live in california, where everybody is generally quite liberal, and from what ive studied in high school on current american history is pretty simple, being that the country is so divided and diverse, i dont even know if there is a stereotypical american anymore. we have the canadian, the asian, the mexican, etc., and they all have a different culture and view on life, hell, we even have a black president now, so when i hear any kind of sterotype laid down on america i really just think its ridiculous now, because your laying it down on hundreds of different opinions and different kinds of people. as for the media, it shouldn't be obvious or assumed we are more controlled by it, i for one dont even own a tv (and yes i understand some may differ and i am just one of many), however, if you were to come to america, youd see a wide variety of different races, in southern california, its coming close to the majority being mexicans, many who cant afford to be addicted to the media. and there is also those southern and mid western states, or mormons or jehovas witnesses and etc., who think the media is the devil. its not that the majority of america is heavily influenced by the media, its just that those who are happen to stand out more than any of us other boring people who are just plain normal, come to my school and talk about paris hilton or whatever of the stupid media bull shit and youll just be ignored because it disgusts most people, at least in my generation, nobody gives a shit about any of it. and movies dont really have much of an influence on the way people think, unless its some kind of documentary its purely just entertainment similar to any movie you yourself have gone out to see.

whatever you may think is the stereotype probably wont even be true if you were to randomly pick any single american out of the bunch. and when i was referring to Bush as the individual before, i have no problem pointing him out because he actually has had a noticeable effect, and was just using him as an example, whereas when i was using "individuals" i only meant it as a general term on people you know nothing about.

anyways, no hard feelings.
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Re: USA elections

Post by teajay »

hot damn why do my links keep going shite.. :( I linked to ahmed the dead terrorist, but the internet mafia says you need a cookie to watch it. Fuck them.

gimp, our stereotype of americans is just what it is; a stereotype. And believe me, the view the media built up in the past few years is quite negative. So be it, the view on obama is equally biased but then positive.

I was by the way VERY disappointed when I found out about the dismissal of gay marriage in california. I had good hopes for the emancipation of homosexuals there, but this is again a way back to the past. Racial emancipation has proven to be a relative success with the election of obama, but I see no chance any time for a gay to make it there. Not that I'm concerned about that, but I find it disturbing to say "yes we can", "change is gonna come" and conclude that the final lever for equality amongst the population has been pulled, while to this day homosexuals are discriminated. By law!
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Re: USA elections

Post by Grace »

gimp - you have described yourself and to a lesser degree the people around you like the general european, maybe that's why you fit in here. i know that it's only the bad people that stand out (put a rotten egg in a frypan with 12 good ones, you'll only smell the rotten one.) and i'm hoping that the Election of a new president of USA will hopefully be a step on the road to eliminating that bad egg and make America a worthy country of power. at the moment, i don't think i would be able to suggest a SINGLE country that has nearly perfect equality values (maybe Japan to some degree, and the Thai countries) and if Obama can do what he say's he will (make America an equal community for EVERYONE) then i would move to America and happily live the rest of my life there.

the problem is, no matter how influential the president is, there's ALWAYS a rotten egg, always a rebel that is unwilling to stand by rules. Patriotism is highly acclaimed in Scandinavia (i mean it, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Poland and Denmark are 5 of the top 6 Patriotic countries in the world, other is something like Yemen or whatever) -> but this is a better Patriotism, let us define Patriotism - there are two common meanings. either A) someone who will do anything for the advance of their country, and B) someone who will do everything in their power to advance their country WITHOUT COMPROMISING OTHERS -> there is a girl at my school, her name is Jill. For nearly 3 years now she has been almost my Biggest role-model. this is because she is ALWAYS KIND TO EVERYONE, DOESN'T COMPROMISE YOU, AND SUPPORTS HER COMMUNITY, also she accepts you for who you are and doesn't discriminate because of who you are. - if Barack Obama can manage to make Americans closer to this person (i'm not discriminating here, literally, she is the most perfect person i've ever met, hopefully all other countries can do the same) then equality should begin to happen easily, and EVERYONE will be accepted, and America will be an awesome place to live.
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Re: USA elections

Post by teajay »

After such posts everyone is compelled to say something sarcastic just to restore the balance.

But well, you're right ofcourse.
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Re: USA elections

Post by totem »

tijsjoris wrote: I find it disturbing to say "yes we can", "change is gonna come" and conclude that the final lever for equality amongst the population has been pulled, while to this day homosexuals are discriminated. By law!
I don't really know, but maybe its different to talk about the president of USA and a federal law, since this law concerns a state in particular
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Re: USA elections

Post by A.K.B. »

fuck your homos
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Re: USA elections

Post by teajay »

fuck yourself idiot

and may your family burn in your imaginary hell

anyway, law is law, be it federal or national. It's discrimination. In india a man married a goat by the way. :P
Now, seriously, I think it's retarded that when you have this thing as marriage, which grants you many advantages, it isn't for everyone, because half of the people find homos scary and a disease. I can tell you this, I think homophobes are scarier than homosexuals. Numbskulls and equally stupid as racists, gypsyhaters and all more.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Memphis »

Memphis wrote:1. Obama wins the stock market plumits due to his lack of support for small business and big business.
Dow 4.15% Nasdaq 3.51% both down that much today and yesterday as well. Oh and Svienr, I didn't mean to say socialism devistates towns because it just hurts them but communisum devistates.
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Re: USA elections

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wow memph good forecasting there!
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Re: USA elections

Post by A.K.B. »

fuck your homos
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Re: USA elections

Post by teajay »

fuck yourself idiot

and may your family burn in your imaginary hell
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Re: USA elections

Post by A.K.B. »

tijsjoris wrote:fuck yourself idiot

and may your family burn in your imaginary hell
fuck your homos
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Re: USA elections

Post by gimp »

SmaXa wrote:there is a girl at my school, her name is Jill. For nearly 3 years now she has been almost my Biggest role-model. this is because she is ALWAYS KIND TO EVERYONE, DOESN'T COMPROMISE YOU, AND SUPPORTS HER COMMUNITY, also she accepts you for who you are and doesn't discriminate because of who you are. - if Barack Obama can manage to make Americans closer to this person (i'm not discriminating here, literally, she is the most perfect person i've ever met, hopefully all other countries can do the same) then equality should begin to happen easily, and EVERYONE will be accepted, and America will be an awesome place to live.
quite a noble thing to say smaxa. i wish i could maybe go to europe one day, i think if anything id like to go to Switzerland, the pictures ive seen of it are much more beautiful than anything you could find in america.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Igge »

dame, if you had posted that in you laugh you lose, id have lost 8)

tis true, a picture says more than a thousand words.
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Re: USA elections

Post by A.K.B. »

it's exactly the same with the bush election.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Grace »

85 average IQ wtf.

lol my IQ is 164. i nearly double it.
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Re: USA elections

Post by Bismuth »

Woah, good IQ :P

Mine is surely over 150 but I never passed a real test. When I was 3 my IQ was over 200, though. Pretty sad that it dropped a bit :wink:
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Re: USA elections

Post by Orcc »

Internet IQ tests are totally different.

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