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Post by Bludek »

Gimp's post here gave me an idea.

Do feel like posting something, but don't know what? Do you just wanna remove the shit in your head that just HAVE TO leave?
Do it here! Long posts are welcome!

brainstorming is cool way to clear your mind and maybe write something that actually makes sense.

I start.

I am writing semestral work, that has to be completed today- I had two months for it and I started yeastreday. It's actually pretty cool, it's in GIS program, I want to make my bachelor work in that program too, but I was just lazy to DL that program and when I finally did it (week ago), the instalation (illegal) was pretty fucking hard. Not just mounting ISO and rewrite one .exe. It was 35 exact steppes (int 10 :D) and I had to look in few different guides. I made some mistakes and it took me two days to make it work. And when it finally worked I was so disgussed about the aweful instalation, that I had just no lust to make any part of that work. When it was last two days for completing the work, I said to myself I just have to start. I knew I won't make it in time, but in the same day teacher sent us an email, in which he stated that we have 3 more days to finish it. He is just nice to us. So I stopped working on it and I started playing Dragon Age: Origins. It's damn good game, but I started on higher difficult level and it's pretty hard, so it takes me a lot of time to complete the missions. I have played some 20 hours since then and I have only 16% of the game completed. I started as a mage. I played WoW few years ago and I was a raid healer back than, so I focussed on healing, but my other characters (4 in total including main char) in game are not so good in damaging and I have one more healer in group so my overall damage is kinda low imo. But it doesn't matter, it's still fun. Maybe i will play one more time with actually knowing what to do to be strong. Nvm. Occasionally I also played elma. It's fun. I like creating new levels so I played some balles first, when there were no more balles I made some, everyone was happy, but my semestral work was nowhere near to completition. I always said to myself: "in half an hour, you start your work." but then I didn't. Also my best friend from school (girl) had the whole work already completed and she is asking me the whole time what part did I already do. I lied to her, coz I didn't want to she knows that I made nothing. But another day she asked again. I had to lie again. She offered me help, but I denied it. I am better in this program than she is, but I gave myself too little time, so her help would be maybe appreciated. Maybe later today I will ask her about smthin. And now I am here, after few hours sesion of making my semestral work, writing bullshit from my head to the internet and elma community. I hope it helps me to be focused on another long working session. I have to pee now. I hope some ppl will join me in brainstorming, this was fun. I think it's not very comprehensive, but that's how it should look like imo. Btw I think I will make it in time. not very great, but if my professir won't be happy with it, he'll send it back and I will have another week to remake it. I have 10h19m to do it. I am not even in half. Let's go!

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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Grace »

i read all so Jappe eat poo.

if you are not even in half, answer is to do as much as can. you are idiot for neglecting semestral work so hard but i do same so im idiot too.

ask for help from girl, maybe buy her frowers too if she extra special help. In reality you dun goofed up but mebbe is time to just put pedal to the metal and pull all nighter. Hope best of luck. DO NOT GO ON LAUTA OR ELMA.

my brianstorm:

today in victoria is the day that all of the university offers for 2012 were sent out. i have struggled to sleep for a week because so nervous. For those who don't know, i'm an academic man and spent whole last 13 years training to get into right course etc, was trying to become a doctor-man. I did preparations all 2011 for the medicine course, took all the tests etc, find out in october that in test 1/3 i got nearly full marks so all excited. Go do test #2, do really good as well. Do test #3, fail hard.

So result is that i don't get course i want, i will still be doing it but it takes longer and will be harder. Bonus is my other course has better social aspect, less ridiculously studious asians/indians but more coal mans and ladies to have as friends, it's pro. Was thinking earlier today about making topic like "what do you study/do for living?" to find out more about mans, i may still do teh.

In other news: didn't even wank today.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Tigro »

gee, nice thread for me Blu! (can i be permanent customer here?)
nice to be "bachelor" check dictionary :D

Well, as long as i am in the half of teh school year, i have to repair and end my school marks. I am not bad student, i thought it will be very easy to do. BUT, teachers say i am excellent student, so I can go for a sightseeing journey to Strassburg, Brussels, Koln etc., simply France,Benelux and Germany for 3 days. However that means I have 4 less days to end my half-shool year, so all exams and tests were winRared into 2-3 days. Pff, I am not learned to learn, so i had a bit problem to sit on my ass and put my nose into the books and exercises and to prepare properly. First day it was OK, because one teacher said, that the exam i learned for is redundant for me and she gave me 1 (excellent in Slovakia). Another teacher was kind to me and i just said her something about human body- teh heart, kidneys and urine and i went out with another 1. But second exam day came and I was kinda dizzy cause i had to write two exams on Geography lesson and one mouth-exam on Slovak lang. lesson. Geography was tough, Slovak lang was not so tough, but tough enuf. She gave me another 1. Today (monday) i wasnt on first three lessons caise we had open-doors day on our school so i was picked to pretend our school is best in region and to convince nine-graders to come to our school. hence i missed Maths exam (doesnt really matter, i have 11111 there). German exam was ez, could make it blindfolded (like that word spef!). Geography exam resulted bad, but teacher gave me 1. And i was in swimming pool. tried butterfly stroke, and now i feel like i was carrying bricks all day. Today evening i go to Strassburg. Ill return Wednesday evening/Friday morning. Its nat all ofc, there´s sum crysis in our family i will not talk about here, but its NOT about parents who want to divorce, luckily. I think and i hope they´ll never do. Plus, i wait for release of DiabloIII and DotA2 very hard, and i am kinda impatient... So now i just play some Garena DotA shit, elma ofc, no internalling, no externalling (huh?), i just redesign some ints to make another vid... lastly did flattrack and spiral, wanna make sum apple harvest in short period of time (when i come back from benelux). I haven´t played piano for more than a month, i should punish myself hardly. i must start again, or my fingers will get crippled. only excuse is that i still try to make rubiks under 1 min. i hav 1:23 now, which is not bad (okay spef, no reaction to this needed). It hasnt snowed here this winter, just some stupid sugar on roads time to time. No rain, no snow, no water, no winter. I hate winter. i want summer to be here, i will go to england for two weeks, i look forward to it much. Yesterday we (our family) ended watching the M*A*S*H series, very moving end. i recommend if you havent seen it yet. This reminds me we havent normal commercial TV since 1st January, because analogue stream has ended. Dad is working on some digital one, so TV once more... But i entirely dont miss it. So i just sit on PC and spy lauta if some new post which i can react to. so i write and write and write and you are bored and angry and dunno what else. Sorry guys (4th time sorry). I still have no girlfiriend and i wont have in short time as i see, but that doesnt mean i dont like girls, there are many pretty girls around me i would be pretty happy to date with, but my conviction is that i dont need it now. But once i will have. But it would perhaps mean that i quit elma. So if i stopped playing or posting posts here, it means i am dead or i date with sum girl...By the way, i wont mind if i died now. This world cant bring me more fun i think. I just had enuf (this is not suicidical thought). however i am happy we were able to buy some flat, because the house we live in is not ours, its church´s (yes, church mentioned again, but thats hreat part of my life - sum 70% friends from there). So if we had problems we can move to flat or we can sell it. In few years we are likely to move to another town in Slovakia, since my father is preacher and preachers have to move after some period of time (7 or 14 or 21 years, 14 in our case.). But there´s probability Dad will leave preacher post and will become just some worker in his brother´s (my uncle´s) firm (wood workshop). Okay, i think that´s enuf from me, hope you didnt get bored, but i think noone got further than to end of first quarter... So this is just one small sliver of my life.

Edit: also have struggles with falling asleep, like haru...
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Hosp »

I NEED HELP, I can't make a rythm in sleep. I stay up all night every 2nd day, so I earn double as much time as others, but I am always tired. So damn annoying that I can't sleep until I am fucking tired. Help me please. No, I won't get sleeping pills. Give some advice. Not weed or vodka. Can't afford.
I make coal lev for the best solution to my problem.

soz for shit post.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by culinko »

try to drink coffee in the morning, you will be tired sooner. does the trick for me.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Hosp »

I always do that already
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Tigro »

how old you are hosp? healthy lifestyle helps more than coffe i think...
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Igge »

Sleep at least 7.5 hours, but no more than 9. Try to follow a strict sleeping schedule. Exercise daily (at least go for a walk or such if nothing else). Eat regularly but not too much, ie eat less but more often. Eat healthy. If you want to go to sleep at, say, 11pm, stop using the computer at 10. Read a book, take a bath, do something, but nothing that stimulates you too much. Maybe watch a movie, but not one that's too intense or requires too much brane))
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by snajdig »

Hosp -> You should do some physical exercises every day, I recommend brisk walk or runing, 20-30 minutes could be enough.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Bludek »

Aaah, I finished the work, succesfully uploaded it to the internet file store (over 200MB) and sent it at 23:58 (:59 was deadline). Now I go read tigro's post. This one HAS to be good, just coz it's long enough.
edit 6 mins later: Not bad Tigro, but I think I gave bad example with my contribution to this tropic. Brainstorming is more about thinking about different subjects and putting some ideas. Not about telling the world, how was your day/week/month/life. I will try harder next time and maybe this tropic will be better in the future.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Grace »

Jappe wrote:
Haruhi wrote:i read all so Jappe eat poo.
i did not mean it literally, i used a figure of speech to express that i thought the post in question was dull and uninteresting read. i would suggest this topic for deletion but maybe one day im extremely bored and decide to actually read some posts in this topic (past the first 2 sentences) and find very nice material for future personal insults
There is many good personal insults here already.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Lousku »

Hey Hosp, ez go for a jog in teh evening, hop into a warm shower and ez sleep. That is, if you give a shit about stuff and really want to fix your rhythm etc. If you don't care enough to try physical activity, why asking for advise? =)

My branestürm: AAaeeaeeeaaeeiaiieieiaeaeeaieiiaeiaaaeae

Why is this in the trash anyway? It's more interesting than many topics in non-elma related dicksuction.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by ville_j »

It's always easy for people to be lajk "just do something blabla and then ez sleep" but people are very different. Ofc Hosp was now asking for teh advise so is ok. However, I sometimes hev this kind of insomnia weeks/months and then there really isn't anything natural method that can fix it, I've tried it all. And I don't think it is very healthy or normal/acceptable that you must be so tired that you'd just pass out while walking so that you can get sleep in your own cozy bed. Anyways I hope u can find something that helps, sleeping pills are weird and also depend on person how it affects. I used only times when I just needed to get sleep and didn't hev to wake up to (for example) school next morning because I was too sleepy all next day. Pills not good for fixing sleeping rhythm, teh last option.
< roopemies> horror and frustrating and can't play, sounds just like you
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Madness »

Hosp: It's simple, just sleep less so you get tired earlier. If it makes you tired already in the morning, it's OK, take a cold shower, do some exercise etc. Coffee will only make it worse.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by anpdad »

igge's post is teh best tip for non-pussies, absolute win-win-win-win strategy. Makes you feel like if you're at 200% health and 200% armor (not immediately though, takes like 2-4 weeks). To quickly start and get into a normal rhythm, ez use madness' strategy. I always use that if i screw up my rhythm.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Igge »

I think most important quick-fix tip is to get off the computer at least an hour before you intend to go to sleep. I can be mega tired, and then start playing some random computer game or check some internet hongy, and then realize 2 hours later I'm not tired at all.

Read a book. Seriously.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Bludek »

Lousku wrote:Why is this in the trash anyway? It's more interesting than many topics in non-elma related dicksuction.
I started it in trash/testing on purpose. It rly is a testing topic. Also I thought that this tropic may encourage to spamming, so this part of forum might be ideal for it.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Hosp »

Alrightz. Going to read this book Bilbo, then LOTR trilogy.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Igge »

Hosp wrote:Alrightz. Going to read this book Bilbo, then LOTR trilogy.
The Hobbit (which I assume you mean by "Bilbo") is the least good book. Silmarillion and the trilogy are way better.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Hosp »

Haf to read The Hobbit before I watch the movies somewhere in December 2012. :)
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Tigro »

Igge wrote:
Hosp wrote:Alrightz. Going to read this book Bilbo, then LOTR trilogy.
The Hobbit (which I assume you mean by "Bilbo") is the least good book. Silmarillion and the trilogy are way better.
absolute untrue.
I read it all, also children of Hurin, unfinished tales, roverandom and poems... Hobbit is cultic masterpiece made as first bigger project of Tolkien, starting the whole world of Middle-earth, and Silma is only secondary product to make things more clear. Ofc LOTR was supposed to be one piece not three, but publishers didnt want to publish. Hobbit > Silma imo. Not much, but bettar. With silma you get easilz bored, like in first half of Fellowship.
edit: the least good book is Twilight. :) (ofc you were talking about Tolkies´ books, then it is roverandom.)
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Tigro »

(sry for doubleposting)
I have one problem, which needs solution.
As long as learning to school is redundant in my case, i forgot (or didn´t ever can) how to learn properly. I just come home, cast my bag into room corner and start my PC. Then hoyling elma till evening and in the morning i just pack some food and necessary things and go to school. No learning.
To sum up: I need to learn how to learn. Pls brainstorm.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Hosp »

I haz samez problemaz.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Grace »

Situation: In 5 years time you have no house, no car, no money, no alcohol, no drugs, no girls, no job and only the other homeless people to fuck. You must piss in own mouth to get nutrients.

If come home and go over what you did in school, 5 years time you have a university degree, car, girlfriend (Better than homeless), alcohol, drugs, house (w/ payments) and a job that pays for nutrients.

Simple as fuck.
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Tigro »

but how does "go over" look like?
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Re: Brainstorming

Post by Bludek »

Haruhi wrote:Situation: In 5 years time you have no house, no car, no money, no alcohol, no drugs, no girls, no job and only the other homeless people to fuck. You must piss in own mouth to get nutrients.

If come home and go over what you did in school, 5 years time you have a university degree, car, girlfriend (Better than homeless), alcohol, drugs, house (w/ payments) and a job that pays for nutrients.

Simple as fuck.
I go print it and put it on my wall next to pc. I hope it'll work for me.
Wierdest thing is that I know all of that, but I procrastinate anyways.
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