Life, misery and sorrow?

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Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Hosp »

Ok, so I just realized, or not just, but some time ago, that, this thing so called life, is ONLY misery and sorrow. There's no thing as happiness. The only thing that is true is temporary happiness.
What made me realize this is unimportant.
This world is a disgusting place, we're all slaves of the rich men.
If you have any objections, speak up. Now.

How is it possible to lose the fire of life?
You do that when you realize that everything you do is very unmeaningful, as you will
never get enough of anything anyways.
If you want a TV for example, when you get it, you'll be happy. Temporarily.
After a while you'll find another object to aim for. But when you get it you'll just want more and more and more and more.

It's so fucking annoying.
Why is it that you can only find peace through sleep?
And to sleep you'll have to be up 12-x amount of hours before you can do it! You can't buy sleep!
Sleeping is my hobby atm. As everything else is misery.
I had my hopes up for a better future, but now I realized it will never get better.
This world we have made is only causing human beings to feel sorrow.
Most regular people doesn't realize that, since they've been hardened and brain-washed by the government
to not feel teh.
But I, and many more, don't know really, have realized it. And I know that there's no meaning to my existence or anyone elses.

So, how the can you be satisfised with your existence?
Useless topic maybe but watefak.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Lousku »

Hang your way through teenage problems. My way of dealing with them is simply not even trying to do anything meaningful or productive. Medication to keep the biggest bit of depression, worries and anxiety in check, if necessary. After these problems are over (with the help of time), it should be much easier to find subjective meaning for your life. At least that's what I tell myself.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Hosp »

I'm sure I'll be ashamed of myself later for creating this topic and becoming Thorze again, as I've always been.
But now I've come to the point where the misery is just too much.
I feel there's a big war that will destroy this world in 50 years, at most. I don't know I just write shit but that's what I believe.
I'm totally making a fool of myself... makes me even more sad..
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Igge »

By staying down and miserable you're not doing anything to change how the world is turning out. If you feel sad because people are taking advantage of you and the earth, then do something about it then? What have you done to make a difference, apart from staying quiet and being sad?

Try doing something, and then come back and complain about not having any "meaningful goals". It's time to man up and be awesome.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Hosp »

There's nothing a little child like me can do. The grown ups or government or something have made restrictions.
If you're not rich, we don't want you. That's how this world is.
If you're poor, you might have friends for some time, but eventually they will leave you, as they realize there's nothing to gather here. Not always, but 95% of everyone I've met is only egoistic, and I don't like people that doesn't care for their friends except when they're to do something special. I'm not the most generous, but I try to be nicer etc. all the time.
I'm not saying that I'm poor, neither am I rich. But I've noticed humans way of acting and I think it's just horrible. This world has no hope.
If everyone were to work more to help people and make the world a better place, this misery wouldn't be as hugely spread. But as it is now, I don't see many people being nice.
When I walk in the town, I can hear most teenagers go around and being unnice, to grown ups to. They have absolutely no respect for anyone. When will people learn how to behave?
They go around screaming 'hora' (whore) and lots of other nasty word. I wouldn't care if it was said once in a while, but when you hear it like every single day it just makes me go mad. Can't people be nice or what? I don't want to live in a world when people can't respect one another.
Not that most people get sad by hearing bad words, but do they have to make such bad "stämning?" around them by being nasty.
I am no better than them really, but I can at least RESPECT other people instead of going around taking my anger out on others all the time.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Lousku »

You privately told me a different reason for this feeling. Do you actually see no hope in humanity, or are you just reflecting some specific shit that happened to you recently? As for the issue you're talking about here, I think it's just easier to notice the bad fruits of society. Those kids that yell bad things on the streets are taking the attention from the quiet, positive and productive people, who may well be the majority.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Igge »

You don't think the world is way better now than say, 100 years ago? Even 50 years ago? The world is becoming a better place by the year (don't get me wrong - we're still far from perfect), but we're improving. However, keeping that improvement up will be hard if you let the retards you talk about outnumber us sane people.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Hosp »

Ye, I know Lous, but this time it was just too much. What I said to you in private is what made the water boil, so to speak.
I usually ignore them but it seems this world will never truly understand the way of living that would make this world a place, where the weak, the strong and everyone could live happily in..

Igge: I know, but the world seems to become more evil or what to say, every day.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by ville_j »

Hosp wrote:If you want a TV for example, when you get it, you'll be happy. Temporarily.
Hosp wrote:Why is it that you can only find peace through sleep?And to sleep you'll have to be up 12-x amount of hours before you can do it! You can't buy sleep!
You speak like happiness is/should be something one can buy and that is a problem I think. You are absolutely right, it is only temporary happiness you gain by buying things. But that's the way we are: we consume and try to get more and improve. This society would not be here if we at some point lost the interest to move forward so it should also be seen as a positive, driving force. How you handle this on your own part is totally up to you. You can decide to try to get all the money and things in the world, or then just realize (as I think you have) that none of that still makes you happy forever and try to find the happiness some other way.

'We found love in a hopeless place' might seem just a cheesy line from a cheesy pop song, but I actually spent like 10 minutes trying to explain to my friend how I think there is no better way to describe the world we are living in. I don't think he understood it at all so I don't know if you will either. I don't mean you have to find the love of your life and marry her and have children etc. but you should find something that you feel like is your own thing, find your place in the society. I am one of those people who think not everyone must spend their life working full-time and stressing the shit out of themselves with money problems and all that. But that is the world the most children are raised to "fit in" so it is the way the most turn out to be. They can possibly think that everyone should do the same thing or else they are lazy bastards, but I think it is ridiculous that most of your life should be "wasted" on some thing you don't want to do. Just because they think that work is some kind of an intrinsic value. They probably have family to provide or some other reason behind this thinking. What I'm trying to say is that you don't necessarily have to fit in that mold. If you think it is depressing to think yourself working and getting money and spending it on things that don't really make you happy then don't do it. Why not make something you actually enjoy and makes you happy? You can totally change your lifestyle once you move out from your parents house and you can decide what you do and when you do it. I think it's absolutely disgusting how some of my 'friends' go on about how their life is so miserable at times with just work and work. If it is so fucking horrible then just quit it! You build your life and goals and I believe everyone has a right to do what they feel is important and make them happy. If there's absolutely nothing (other than sleeping) in life that makes you happy, then there is a problem.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Stini »

You have no control how the world is. However, you have control how you let it affect you. If you let things that you have no control of to affect you, there will be misery, because eventually things won't go how you'd want them to be. This leads to an observation that true happiness comes from inside, because how you think and react to external things is the only thing that is in your control.

People often think (possibly subconsciously) that happiness comes from external things, but it's not hard to find people who have next to nothing and yet they are perfectly happy. Happiness is also not about pleasure, but more about peace of mind and joy. If you condition yourself to be happy when you feel pleasure (such as watching TV or eating surströmming, or what ever you Swedes eat), your happiness becomes dependent on these external things and it's hard to be without them, which is essentially a sort of an addiction. In positive psychology it's often quoted that 50% of happiness is genetics, 40% is your attitude and only 10% percent is your external surroundings. So happiness hardly depends on external things once you have your basic needs covered. This also means that generally it's easiest to become happier by examining your attitude to life. Also, being happy isn't really a binary variable that you either are or aren't.

You are not the first one to struggle with such existentialist problems and a lot has been written about these things by smart and dedicated people. Curiously, these people often find a way to live a meaningful life while acknowledging the suffering in the world. Personally I've enjoyed reading about Buddhism (it's really closer to philosophy or psychology than religion), philosophy (I find Stoicism to be especially useful in everyday life) and also positive psychology, but there are of course other approaches to life.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by culinko »

instead of wall of text i will post this:
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Grace »

This topic not thorze topic, rather this topic is the realisation that Thorze-man needed to have to become Hosp.

The only way to find happiness is to be happy with yourself. The happiness you get from a new television or such isn't just from the act of owning/watching tv, it's from the pride that you ACHIEVED your goal.

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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by roope »

Hmm. Orka read everything that's been written here or comment anything so I'll just use the stream of consciousness style to write some shiatz what's going on in my head.

I've always been a thinker too. I think about things too much - not the world like Hosp (I don't really give a crap), but stuff related to myself and people around me. When I was a teenager, especially like from 12-16, I was severely depressed because of this. I thought about all the possible shoulda-woulda-coulda's all day all night. It's not good for your mental health. I think you (Hosp) might be in the same situation now, you just happen to think in a larger scale. You need to free your mind from those thoughts slowly but steadily. It's easier to be one of the regular guys. Enjoy the small things. At one point I too realized that the world is full of crap, but it's stupid to ruin your own life letting it affect you. Most things in life only make you temporarily happy. Watching TV, playing games, sleeping, being successful in something, all these are just things that you do to spend time in life. The only thing that truly matters if friendship and love. But these are not things that you can focus on 24/7. Everyone spends lots of time alone, so these things are not always directly available. That's why you gotta enjoy games, TV and all other materialistic crap: they're not as important, but entertain you if you let them. Money is great. It helps you get things that you enjoy (and need, like food). I don't have much money now, barely can buy any food. But I have a TV and a computer and a cellphone. If I didn't have these things, I would probably still be depressed as I would have nothing to do but think about stuff, which is not good.

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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Zweq »

you're just riding a rollercoaster called teenage. Don't worry, when you get older it'll get very stable, dull, black&white. Then you'll really realize how shitty one can feel =DDD
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

weh, i say something that you make sum: "idiath tigro, again this topic!"

believe in Jesus.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Grace »

idiath tigro, when will mans learn that religion is thus:

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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

hosp wanted some answer, so i gave. it works. believe it or not.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by anpdad »

stini is pro
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

i will beat them too btw.
the other cheek is other topic jappe. o,o don´t dig into things you dont know about. like marrying raped girls.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Igge »

Why would you beat someone for being rude? If you use violence you're just as bad as them.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Lousku »

Nice posts by mans. I can especially relate and agree with Stini and roope here. Hev only recently started looking into buddhist meditation and sash to get more control over states of my mind. Tigro can probably achieve the same type of relief from practicing his beliefs, but prayer should be examined and understood for it to have any greater effect. If you expect your god to consistently answer your calls, you're in for disappointment. In other words, it's just an inferior version of meditation.
then again i don't know anything
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

how do you understand meditation?
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Lousku »

... What? What's meditation to me, or..?
then again i don't know anything
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Igge »

how do you understand tigro?
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Lukazz »

how did you...
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Grace »

Tigro wrote:how do you understand meditation?
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Lousku »

The biggest thing I'm letting myself worry about right now is that the zipper on my "vinyl kills the mp3 industry" hoodie is broken so the text can't be read easily.

But seriously, Tigro, what did you mean by that question?
then again i don't know anything
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Hosp »

Jappe wrote:as far as i understood some people yelled stuff at you on the street, you need to beat them up, tigr0 will tell you to turn the other cheek but they will just continue if you do that
They don't yell at me. They yell at each other and just in general act like scumbags.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Zweq »

Start hiking in forest, that's where you come from.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

Lousku wrote:... What? What's meditation to me, or..?
exactly. sry for english, posted late and very tired.
what does meditation mean to you, what should you call:"this is meditation!". simply explain how to meditate in your point of view.

hope exact now.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Igge »

Zweq wrote:Start hiking in forest, that's where you come from.
This very many. Also, when I'm stressed out or sach, or trying to shake something out of my head, I go jogging) Just running in nature, listening to niec music. It's very relaxing.

You need to find some hobby you can use to keep your mind off of these things. Some like to exercise, some like to elma. The important thing is you find something you care enough about not to care about other things.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

true, i found one good stress-off thing: swing. swinging half an hour after coming from school helps me to forget everything stressful. combined with music listening has great effect.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Orcc »

Gaddame, I'll have to try that. Wiki:

"Swinging or (rarely) partner swapping is a non-monogamous[1] behavior, in which singles or partners in a committed relationship engage in sexual activities with others as a recreational or social activity."

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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

your comprehension is wrong.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Zweq »

How the hell do you perform what orcc described in the environment shown in the picture? Axxually nvm, we don't want to know
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Igge »

You're speaking for yourself! I'm curious.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Lousku »

Tigro wrote:
Lousku wrote:... What? What's meditation to me, or..?
exactly. sry for english, posted late and very tired.
what does meditation mean to you, what should you call:"this is meditation!". simply explain how to meditate in your point of view.
In teh winter I've always had a method of fending off cold. I notice I'm shaking or sach, concentrate on it for a while and then simply ignore it. There's nothing I can do about it at the moment so there's no need to give it control. With enough calmness and concentration I can just stop feeling cold. Only recently I realized that this is basic meditation, and the same method can be applied to all other feelings as well. Having been religious myself, I think prayer can have the same type of effect, but it can't have the same level of effect as long as you expect an external factor to change things for you. The effects of meditation come strictly from within the mind. This is what I meant when I said prayer is an inferior method of meditation. Sorry if this offends you.
then again i don't know anything
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

it does not :D
thanx for an explanation.
in my point of view, meditation means going somewhere where you are alone, read something (bible etc.), think about it, pray then think again and etc... until you want.
but the core is the same: concentration on one thing, then trying to either comprehend something, or change something.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Lousku »

Nice that it works for you.
then again i don't know anything
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Igge »

Lousku wrote:I notice I'm shaking or sach, concentrate on it for a while and then simply ignore it.
I do this too)
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Orcc »

Igge wrote:
Lousku wrote:I notice I'm shaking or sach, concentrate on it for a while and then simply ignore it.
I do this too)
There's this crazy Dutchman who is pretty skilled at that. ... 090203.htm

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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Orcc »

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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by ville_j »

Please, what the fuck? Can you stop posting useless unrelated shit ok?
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by Tigro »

maybe it helps hosp, but ok.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by teajay »

Hosp, it's really a matter of perspective. Read too much newspapers and you're bound to think the world's gonna explode. Well, yes, it will, but in about five billion years. If you believe, like a lot of asians do, in karma, stuff comes easier unto you. We western europeans have too much stress while we actually have the possibility to have great lives. It's all these choices that make us feel uncomfortable - every choice means dropping all the other possibilities, which means the chance of choosing not the best, most effective, cost-effective, pleasant, most horny, whatever option, is theoretically enormous and the chance of doing right very slim. In effect, we spend more time being self-conscious instead of living like we should: some sleep, some lazing, then off for hunting, reproducing once in a while, contemplating while drinking a beer. The real stress must be preserved for life threatening moments only, but we just fail in this attempt.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by gimp »

I'm wondering, is everyone here to show off their wisdom and educational prowness to eachother, or are we here to give him some sound advice? I'm under the impression hosp is young? Then all your philosophical jargain isn't gonna trigger some epiphany in him or plant a seed of deep meaning in his mind. Hosp came here to simply vent more than look for advice. However I'll give my two cents, which is much simpler. Hosp just go get some pussy, it will give you more confidence and raise your self esteem, just don't let rejection put you down. Fuck a lot of women hosp, that's the meaning of life, then marry when older, and easy happy man.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by teajay »

That advice is contrary to my story and my advice I just wrote I here.
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Re: Life, misery and sorrow?

Post by gimp »

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