World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

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World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by 8-ball »

Please share your opinion :)

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Grace »

I won't answer every question - just the first one, because i feel it has a decent amount of surprise.

No, i haven't participated in a World Cup before.

I have been in the Elma Scene for over 8 years.

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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by ville_j »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
- Yes
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
- Yes
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
- Moposite has not been too active so I don't think it is necessary to get it involved
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
- Start Autumn 2013 / Spring 2014 and end when all events end
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
- Somewhere around 15, one week long, 1-2 special events (can be shorter length) (no ideas about the type though)
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
- I'd like to see many multistyle levs, definitely some zweqish roughness and ramonish neatness in levs. And rollercoaster is a must!
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
- I don't know. Whoever is going to organize the cup and maybe some semi good player who maybe canot fully participate himself.
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
- Maybe 1-2 skippable events
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
- Yes I would like to see a standalone page for "marketing" and extended features
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
- Never donated to anything but if is not going to be too hard I would be ready to give few euros
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
- Not yet
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by J-sim »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?

yes, 4 and 5.

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?

of course.

3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?

they don't have to be central figures. but it would be nice to get their blessing and some kind of presence on moposite to keep with traditions of former wcups.

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?

start august/september end november/december. this depends on how many events and length of events of course. but i think there will be more players if its not in the middle of the summer and doesn't go into exam periods in december/january.

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?

10-15. i would like there to be mostly classic one week events like in older wcups. but elma is played in so many new and different ways since last wcup so there should definitely be room for different kinds of events aswell. especially shorter battle type events seems obvious.

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?

a good mix of levels. some big open multi style ones, some more linear ones, a few hoyla ones. and i guess there has to be a pipe (so could the rest of the levs plz be without pipes!) and a rollercoaster if px is interested in making one. ideally one levmaker would only have one lev in the cup. but quality shouldn't suffer so if there's three ramone levs and three tl levs because they were just much better than anything else submitted i guess that would work too. but sticking to one lev per maker should help with the needed variation in levs.

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?

this is a really tough question. but whoever is willing to organize the cup should take part in this as i guess it would be the most fun part of organizing. but whoever helps chose levs probably shouldn't be allowed to play or? if for instance kopaka is doing some eol/logistics stuff, 8-ball is doing some organizing and ville j is doing a website (this is an example) i guess they should all work together on chosing. probably a really good idea to have more than one person do it.

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?

why would you need to pick, couldn't the system just delete the lowest score(s). i think skips should be there, also to motivate players who might not otherwise have the dedication for a long cup. if there's many events there should probably be more than one skip even.

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?

this would help with getting the feeling of wcup being something more important than any other cup or elma competition. it doesn't need to have a lot. uploading of replays, results, downloading of replays is the most important. there could also be pictures and description of levels. maybe someone could write a journal type blog entry for each event.

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?


10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?

not right now. nice to see that someone's really trying to make this happen!
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Lukazz »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
Yes, but I was a total nab and didn't get any points when WCup5 was held.

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
For shure.

3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
Moposite should be definitely involved. Would be cool if px would be part of the organization team and make rollercoaster lev, for nostalgia's sake. But it's not obligatory.

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
I have really no idea what time's best. For me it doesn't really matter, I should always be able to participate, but maybe end of summer, August/September?

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
I think it should be like the previous World Cups. I think it was always 15 levs/1 week each? I think there should be, as always, 1 rollercoaster, 1 pipe event. I don't think that some online battle would be a good idea.

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
Like I said, 1 pipe, 1 rollercoaster, as it has always been. Apart from that: big mixture, not too "planned out" levs.

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
Hm, I think when there are really 15 levs you should have to skip 2, but dunno.

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
Yes, like someone already said, homepage would be pretty awesome. But should be part of moposite and elmaonline too, JUST MAKE IT APPEAR EVERYWHERE!

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
I'd donate for someone to organize it. I don't really care about trophies.

10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Tigro »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
No. I am retired kuski.
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
It would be nice if pexi was kinda organiser of this all, or at least one of the core staff.
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
very end of August - very beginning of September (to avoid colission with summer activites)
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
I´d give 1 level of each type, or 2 maybe, so it wil be like 8-10 events? No idea how many there were last WCs. Each event at least 1 week, max 2 weeks.
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
Don't put nekhill there. However, some kind of uphill will be really nice, but hoylable, not annoying. Rollercoaster of course, short hoyla, long hoyla, (pipe?), some drop level (downhill/haircut/headbanger stylish), apple harvest lev, direct one/two-style lev
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
Jury consisting of 3 (?) members, organisers, not TL
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
Max one skip.
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
Yes, I like VJ´s stuff. All needed info there, rules, standings, chat, replays, level maps of previous levels, etc.etc.
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
I think this will somehow turn into a normal EOL cup as we know it.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Kopaka »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
Yes, 4 and 5.

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?

3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
Yes, if nothing else just a "blessing" for officialness, and hopefully more if they're up for it.

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
This fall, ends when it ends.

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
Wcup 1, 2 and 5 had 15 events, 3 and 4 had 20. 20 might be too much, but no less than 15 imo, with just 10 it will be too much like any other cup.

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
The types and variety of world cup 5 was pretty good.

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
Really important job, px if he is up for it, otherwise some group of people might be best, so it's not just 1 persons taste in levels. Of course they won't play.

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
Eventhough it's not been tradition before, I'm a big fan of skips. Maybe just 1. And it should be "first played" type of skipping. As in if you play all, you simply won't be in results of last event. Having someone in results that doesn't count for overall is just confusing.

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
Possibly, see my post in other topic (that I will write after this).
But this could be on it: Betting, manager/fantasy-team game, interview/blog-entry from level makers and players.

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?

10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Labs »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
Yes, was nice.
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
No. Maybe moposite news needed tho.
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
Any time. Sooner the better.
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
10-20 event. 1 week per lev, sometimes with A/B lev.
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
30-60 sec levs would be ok. Pls no uphill.
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
Poll (about who)?
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
Yes, 2 or 3 max!
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
No, i dont have money for that :(
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?

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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by pawq »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
Nope, I'm around for 5 years.

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
Yes. Elma is too important to me to disregard such a big event.

3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
Since px and Moposite are no longer the central figures of Elma as a whole, I don't think their presence matters. px is kind of a symbol, so his blessing would be appreciated (tick); and Moposite is possibly still the first place people find when researching elma, so it should have a proper section dedicated to the WC. Nevertheless, I think the role of both of them is much less important that it would have been a few years ago.

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
Winter cup with a 3-week Christmas break sounds good.

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
20? Make it long! And I think less than a week is too little.

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
I'd love to see some of the typical multi-style cuplevs, some massive trick-filled cruisers (FFCUP type, just a little harder), and some pipes involved in the levels (pipes are quite a significant part of eol now, I think they shouldn't be disregarded). I would not like to see any superboring hoylas :<

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
A group of pros/oldtimers like Kopa, Markku, Zweq, Ramone, Pab, etc.

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
I like the idea of having to participate in all. Maybe skip 1... After all there's a week for each event, so it's quite unlikely that someone will be busy for more than one whole week.

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
A standalone website is definitely necessary. I'd love to see some tables, stats, replays, post-event lev discussions, countdowns, etc.

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
Yes, even very modestly.

10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
Don't rush it too much and actually make it happen!!! It has to be special, very special! :)
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by culinko »

no pipes plz.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by insane guy »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
Yes, documentation. See:
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
Involve: Yes. But I guess someone else can host/organize?
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
2014!!! (Or make another in 2014)
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
Good levs obviously.
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
The person(s) organizing the cup + maybe some cool oldschool player.
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
Would be great to include this in the documentary (see 2.). However I'm pretty sure filming won't start before 2014.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by John »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?

3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
Not necessary. Perhaps just add a clearly visible World Cup link somewhere on Moposite main other than under Headlines.

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
Late summer or midwinter (december - february).

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
Maybe 10? Or 12 and then the 2 worst results are discarded so that you dont have to play each and every event and if you do you can focus more on the levels that suit you. 1 week per event, even for the hoylish ones. Just because it's a short level doesn't mean everyone can play it between monday and wednesday only, perhaps they only have the time to hoyl during the weekend.
Just brainstorming here but how about a special week with 3 different types of levels with about the same difficulty to finish. Could be a pipe, an uphill and a killer dodge. Everyone can choose a preferred level to hoyl (and are free to switch to any other level at any time). Each level has 50 apples or 50 killers to pass and at the end of the event some neat formula could give points depending on how many apples taken/killers dodged (or if finished), place in the event and how many other participants the event had. Winning a level with 5 participants gives less than winning with 20 participants. Maybe even 4th place in a level is worth more than winning the other. Finishing is worth more than 20 apples etc. Blah...

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
Good mix though no forced-to-play uphills.

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
The community? :O Give jpg of levels and start poll.

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
Should be allowed to play all levels but worst 2 events out of 12 could be discarded. Because, we might not know how the upcoming levels look like so if one is forced to skip a couple of levels how could he know which ones to skip? Like said, should be able to play all events and points are discarded afterwards.

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
Hm, maybe. A clean site with some news feed from some dedicated, objective guy from the scene could be sweet. Interviews, recs, levs. Subtle Batman theme in background "nananananana World Cup!". Maybe not.

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?

10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
I think it's time for a World Cup, it's uniting.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Igge »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
doesnt matter, so long as it's taken as seriously as it used to be
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
one or two skippables i think. worst results dont count towards total score
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
doesnt matter
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
i dont see a reason for it)
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
this cup will be 1000000 times better if you can't play shown in EOL other than to teammates. Dunno if that's possible to fix though?
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(19:52:36) (@Madnezz) ib9814.lev by igge!!!
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by FinMan »

Two things I want to quote:
John wrote:6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
The community? :O Give jpg of levels and start poll.
No, democracy simply does not work in this one. Kopaka, Markku, Ramone, Zweq and John are the players that first come to my mind when thinking about this question.
Igge wrote:10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
this cup will be 1000000 times better if you can't play shown in EOL other than to teammates. Dunno if that's possible to fix though?
I totally second you, I hope that it is possible. :)
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Lakimies »

Xarthok wrote:Please share your opinion :)

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
4.max 10
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by hassu sieni »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
dont know actively but sure i would play
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
if he doesnt want or has no time ofcourse no. i mean why should he...
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
just keep it short enough, and there is no need for only one lev on same time.
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
7,9or11. eleven maybe too much tough, but what ever u do number of events must be something else than 8,13 or 17.
u can start 2 or 3 at same time and have different end dates. imo month or 5weeks is enough for whole shit. but ye im sure u going try make it like more official by making one or two weeks per level and 20 events and fuck it will be long and boring.
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
madness only break event, long levels, not normal levels. i will hate to see levs that has made to be wcup levs.
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
i would be best for that job but we dont live in perfect world
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
no, just keep it simple. ofcourse worst results would drop off WTF
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
i could buy right to make couple levs
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
i am poor and i feel bad about it. and sad. angry even.
so i have one question, why everyone else have money and happy life?
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Madness »

I'll only say this: let ramone make the levels!
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Memphis »

culinko wrote:no pipes plz.
There's always one pipe, just world cup policy.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by culinko »

i don't think i've ever seen a pipe in world cup before (but i may be wrong, since last world cup was 100 years ago)
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Bismuth »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
I doubt it, but maybe, who knows/gives a fuck!

3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
They should be involved at least with the final announcements but we are big kids now, it can be done without Moposite.

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
August, if that's too soon, May 2014. It could last maybe 2 months.

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
I really have no idea how world cups worked, and my opinion on that means jack shit, I'll leave this to other people.
I might have an idea for an event, though. Usually it's like a tournament where everyone plays in pairs and whoever wins advances to the next round where there are half the people remaining? I suggest a sort of points ranking through like two or three rounds, kind of how Olympic tournaments are done, but all together. Then, pair the first with the last, all the way to the middle. Well, it's actually probably how it was done anyway. Hell, it's just a normal cup format.

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
I'd like to see multistyle levels for those "sorting" events, and while I hate playing pipes, good pipes played by good people are generally interesting. I would really dislike uphills, as they are both awful to play and uninteresting to watch.

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
Someone who is not in that particular event, but could participate in the cup, as long as there is no clear bias. Maybe a group of 3 to 5 people who vote secretly on levels submitted by a few levelmakers or something.

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
Most of us have lives, I suggest there should be about 20% of events that don't count. This reinforces my idea that the format is actually just a normal cup.

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
I'd suggest using that Kopaka cup site, customized for the world cup.

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
I'm a poor fuck with no credit card.

10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
Well since it's probably just a normal cup format I'd suggest a tournament-style ending with either 4, 8 or maybe even 16 people with (1/8 finals) quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by totem »

culinko wrote:i don't think i've ever seen a pipe in world cup before (but i may be wrong, since last world cup was 100 years ago)
if I remember right, the last event of last world cup was a pipe (very hard it appeared to me). And there was a battle between MP and someone else for first place
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Chris »

Xarthok wrote:Please share your opinion :)

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
1. No
2. Yes
3. It doesn't matter
4. after vacation and end before Christmas or there should be break during winter holiday (new year and Christmas time)
5. Anything
6. Ramone
7. Maybe if there are lets say 10 events only 8 best results should count, something like this, you should be able to compete in all events
8. Doesn't matter
9. Dunno
10. I like boobs
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by SveinR »

totem wrote:
culinko wrote:i don't think i've ever seen a pipe in world cup before (but i may be wrong, since last world cup was 100 years ago)
if I remember right, the last event of last world cup was a pipe (very hard it appeared to me). And there was a battle between MP and someone else for first place
WCup317: Pipe (won by psy)
WCup414: Pipe (won by Jalli)
WCup515: Pipe (won by Jalli)

And MP did not battle for first place in the pipe level in WCup5, he came third. Jalli won in style ahead of John. MP did battle for first in overall though, where he edged out axxu for the win.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Igge »

impsy forget after having watched kopa's wc5 video a hundred times.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by SveinR »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
Yes, WCup 3, 4 and 5.

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
In some way I'm sure, but I doubt I'll hoyl as much as in the previous editions (especially 5). I came 11th overall there so a natural goal should be top 10, but nah.

3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
px should certainly endorse whoever decides to organize it to make it official. Moposite should be involved, it would be nice to have a WCup section there. But they (Abula and px) don't have to be in the organization.

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
First of all the organizing must be in order before we talk about when it should start.

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
15 events seems good. Most events should be a week, there could be maybe 1 two-week event and a few shorter ones. Perhaps there could be a battle event as well, which is split into two different times on a Sunday. You could only participate in one of these, and the points would be half of a normal event.

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
Various types of events. Two events are needed for historic reasons: One rollercoaster and one pipe. Personally I would hate a nekhill lev (these can be "interesting" in battles but not as major cup events).

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
Whoever is organizing it.

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
NO SKIPS!!!!!!!!
(apart from split events as described above)

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
Yes. There should be the stats (obviously), there could be analyses of each event, interviews with the top 3 from each event and a lot more.

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?

10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
Not at this time.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by SveinR »

John wrote:1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
Say what? :P

John's results from WCup 5:

Code: Select all

21     John                 WNO           378        46        49        30        44        34        31        35        24         0         0         0         0         0         0        85 
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by John »

I actually don't remember that :o
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Ramone »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
Played and sent into last 4 wcups. Never played all events, only a level here and there.

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
No. Maybe play one or two events, but Id rather collect levels for the cup.

3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
Wcup always was a moposite/px-thing. But as all parts with life times change, and if px is not up for the task its time to let someone else take over. I dont like the idea of Wcup to die because px dont have time.

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
The dark/cold time of year is probably best. Nice weather = less computer time (for me anyway)

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
I think 15 events good. Play hard for 20 events is abit too harsch. I think too specific special rules and levels, no matter how cool they are, is better fit for other external cups. In Wcup its more best time/most apple wins. 1 week events best too imo.

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
We need a variety of levels. Short levels, long levels, easy levels, tricky levels, straight forward levels, style levels. Also px always was against gravity (still was gravity in wc) but ofc we want that too. The winner of WC should be a player that can handle any level. Its important its not 15 similar levels. Also ofc we have to have a pipeevent.

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
As some of you allready know Id love to handle this with someone (zweq, Zero??) I can put a lot of time to this and would truly take the task serious.

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
I think play all is best here. But Im not very certain at all, maybe skippable is good. Ill leave this for ppl who feel more strongly about this.

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
Yes! Would ofc be awesome if moposite, or some other site handled this. Its so cool with a little news text after each event (and with new levrelease explaining lev) telling who won and maybe if there are some certain recs that could be worth checkig out. Also the interview feature that many external cups had for top3 in each event is cool. Like 3 fast questions: Good lev? Stylefinding proccess? Time spent? (or similar)

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?

10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
Would be so nice with a new Wcup, lets make this happen!
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by umiz »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
- Yes, i guess all of them.
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
- Yes, i guess 30 % of the events.
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
- The only thing px need to do is a roller-coaster-level and a topic on Moposite. After that it could be arranged on Kopasite or such page.
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
- Start Autumn 2013 / Spring 2014 and end when all events end
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
- 12 event one skipable. 1 week event.
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
Normal levs, one pipe lev, one rollercoaster-lev, one lev under 20 sec, rest 35s to 2min.
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
- Abula, px and Kopaka
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
- 1 skippable
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
- Yeah i guess so.
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
- Maybe
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
- Let the planning begin. It's really time for WC-SEX
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Lousku »

ramone wrote:We need a variety of levels. Short levels, long levels, easy levels, tricky levels, straight forward levels, style levels. Also px always was against gravity (still was gravity in wc) but ofc we want that too. The winner of WC should be a player that can handle any level. Its important its not 15 similar levels. Also ofc we have to have a pipeevent.
How about a challenging ff event too? Some mans here have spoken against nekhills for some reason, but challenging ff's are a notable chunk of elma nowadays and can hev a variety of patterns, so not necessarily uphill.
then again i don't know anything
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Igge »

There would be so much pressure in such an event, I would die from nervous breakdown ._. Maybe like 5 FF events over the course of 1 week, and your N best placements count?
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by SveinR »

Hmm... a first-finish doesn't really resonate with World Cup for me.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Lukazz »

Igge wrote:There would be so much pressure in such an event, I would die from nervous breakdown ._.
excactly my thoughts. with FFs luck is always such a big factor, i wouldn't want that in a WCup.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Ramone »

Well. In WCup there are cup events. not battle events. a FF would not fit at all. Ofc a level like an uphill could be an event but then it would be battles for a week and best time/most apples would win. Elements that evolved over the years could be used but the events should be normal battle events imo.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Pab »

no uphill
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by CommonSeb »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
Yes. I just registered on the forum a few days ago because of this (about time!)
And because I miss out on so much info. Didn't hear about the Found Internals until
three weeks ago!

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
I'd prefer autumn - winter.

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
Not sure how it all works but I saw someone else write 10 - 20 events and a week per level.
That sounds all right.

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
The old cups seemed to have good levs so something in the same area.
Not a fan of uphill.

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
Anyone capable and interested.

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
Could be nice.

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?

10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
But I'm sure most of them will be answered as we go along. :idea:
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Thundr- »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
Yes I have, wcup3, under a different name

2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
Possibly, depends on the cirumstances of life if time will be available or not

3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
Moposite is still the central/official page for news and announcements (sort of) so yes. If px is involved makes no difference to me, if he is up for it, great, if someone else can take over his work, great.

3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
Now? Soon? Dont wait too long (start mid 2014 is too long imo)

4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
10-13 events. 20 events = 5 months feels waaay too much if they are a week apiece in this day and age.

5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
I'd like to see much much less linear levels such as 301, 302, 305, 306, 309, 312, 401, 402 flats tracks, caves (basically every wcup level ever?!) etc and would like to see a few more open multistyle many different routes types of levs, both long and short ones.

6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
Ramone, Zweq, Markku?

7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
No, it would fuck up the standings back and forth probably, which would feel more annoying than exciting.

8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
Maybe yes, no opinion on the matter really.

9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
I have neither the spare money nor resources to do so right now so probably not.

10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
Not right now.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by error »

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
I want one pipe)
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
maybe :3
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by 8-ball »

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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by elmas »

There should be one gravity lev
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by ROKKEBOL »

Xarthok wrote:Please share your opinion :)

1. Have you participated in a World Cup before?
2. Would you actively participate in the coming one?
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? When should it end?
4. How many events should there be? How long should each event be? Any "special" event ideas?
5. What kind of levels would you like to see? What kind of levels would you hate to see?
6. Who should be in charge of picking the levels?
7. Should there be a certain number of events which you must skip? Or if you participate in all of them could you pick which of your results wouldn't count?
8. Should there be a standalone website for the cup, besides EOL website section? If yes, what do you want to see on it?
9. Would you donate for a prize pool or custom trophies?
10. Any other concerns, comments, questions from you?
1. NO
2. I hope
3. Not matters
3. Same. Same
4. I let you chose, but the more the better imho.1 week is ok i think. Special events sound good if right levels chosen.
5.normal cup levels, like mc3 or mopoballe levels would be ok. Pipes, low quality headbangers, gravity, brutal, uphills = gay
6. zebra, kopaka, jonsykkel, luther, skint or me
7. depends on 4.1 decision, but not more than 2.7.2 :best idea
8. unnecessary something else but eolsite' section
9. not sure, but i wish
10. please no gravity, pipe or uphill levels

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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Labs »

3. question is? I mean there is 2 of them :beer:

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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by ROKKEBOL »

Labs wrote:3. question is? I mean there is 2 of them :beer:
3. Should px and Moposite be central figures in the organization of it all or should they be involved at all or does it matter?
Moposite is still the central/official page for news and announcements (sort of) so yes. If px is involved makes no difference to me, if he is up for it, great, if someone else can take over his work, great
I really know nothing about organization of previous WorldCups, so i cant suppose or suggest anything ontopic
3. When would be the best time to start the cup? Answer: Not matters
When should it end? Answer: Not matters

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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Labs »

There is 2 of the 3rd question, a mistake from Xarthok, that's what i wanted to highlight :idea:

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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by abruzzi »

What about points? Will it be top50 as usual awarded the points? If it's not a real problem, maybe change that number to 100 or 75? I think it would be a huge morale boost for the relatively newer people, who would also live out a competition. I think as it's of course easier to play due to EOL and we haven't had a World Cup for a half of our long history - many more than 50 people would send in come every event. Let's also bring the fun to people like pingy or joey to let them compete in their own league instead of making them face irresistible meaningless 0's. Let's make it multidimensional as there are already ideas of eg. reddit advertising that might bring back some oldschool men back here. Facing a 0 surely wouldn't improve their motivation, but some points might make them recharge, regroup and fight on. I go for top100 paid.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Lukazz »

hm, hard to say how many people will play. i think top 50 is possible for nabs too, but ye. when i played WCup5 i was a total nab and did get 0 points on all events actually. :D so should be considered.
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Igge »

There was a tiny bit of point discussion prior to the the resurrection of the mopobattles that might be worth revisiting.

I stand by what I said over there and think it's more rewarding to get at least a tiny amount of points even if you place badly, but it doesn't have to follow any sort of scale or curve. This might also encourage players to actually finish the level, assuming only finishes yield points (no matter how slow). Maybe like 50-60 get 3 points, 61-75 get 2 points, >75 get 1. People who don't finish get 0.

Basically, I think it would be more encouraging to play every level if you feel that you should always send a finished time. Otherwise if you haven't had time to play you'll just assume you won't be in the top50 and won't send, or even play the level at all. However, knowing that only making a single finish could give you a couple of extra points, you might try the level once or twice, realize you could probably improve a lot, and maybe spend the night hoyling for a better placement after all.

In the end, we want as many participants for every event as possible, so why not encourage that in any way possible?

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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by Ramone »

hmm. maybe good idea igge :)
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by roope »

+1 for igge
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Re: World Cup 6 questionnaire / discussion

Post by 8-ball »

Except since there will be at least one event where apple results count (pipe) finishing doesn't matter. Imo 49-70 could get 2 points and 71-100 (or 150, but that's way too optimistic of a figure for how many people would not only play the level but also submit the replay) get 1 point.
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