FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

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FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by nick-o-matic »

This years spreadsheets:

After the doodle poll and other discussion about the dates, the Virri farm has been reserved from Friday 21.7. to Friday 28.7.! These dates are at prime holiday season so it was not possible to book it starting from Thursday. However, if the previous mans will leave earlier, we are allowed to arrive there already on Thursday for free (long live Cabin Lady!)! Also in any case it is allowed to arrive to the pond sauna's cabin already on Thursday! This will come in handy especially for foreigners who have got cheap tickets to Finland for Thursday 20.7.. So you can safely order tickets for 20.7. already. In the best case we will have the whole Virri farm in our use on Thursday, but at least a sleeping space and pond sauna is guaranteed for us! More information about this below below.

What is it like in FEM?

To see it perhaps the best way is to check the pictures of previous FEMs, kindly provided to us by Markku:

The finance part

The cabin rent will cost 980€ and end cleaning as well as the pond sauna cabin for sleeping will be included! I will tell here when I have calculated appropriate attendance prices but for now you can expect quite low prices as the attendant situation is looking magnificent! =)

The reservation has been done directly from Cabin Lady instead from the Lomarengas cabin renting site. This means that Lomarengas gets 0€ from our reservations but also Lomarengas does not provide any insurances. This has been like this after the first year, after which Cabin Lady considered us so trustworthy that it can be done. =) We pay about the same price that would be the price when using Lomarengas though, but that is because we will have 20-30 persons there instead of officially allowed 10. Anyway, due to lack of insurances please be extra careful in not burning the house down.

Who is coming?

Here I will try to update a lists of people possibly coming. The splitting to different categories is quite rough. "(?)" means that I'm just guessing the category for this person since I have not talked with him. Please tell me if you should be moved to another list or added/removed altogether, most importantly please verify as soon as possible when it is a sure thing that you are coming (excluding sicknesses and other unexpected events). When you confirm that you are comping please also tell how many days you are going to spend there (it helps in deciding the attendance prices).

  • Abula Image (3 nights)
  • adi Image (full time)
  • bene Image (full time)
  • FinMan Image
  • Harald Hasch Image
  • igge Image
  • insane guy Image (5 nights)
  • Ismo Image (weekend)
  • Kale Image (3 nights)
  • Kiiwi Image (weekend)
  • Kopaka Image (5 nights)
  • Kortsu Image
  • Lousku Image (full time)
  • Markku Image (full time)
  • Nekit Image (full time)
  • nick-o-matic Image (full time)
  • Orcc Image (3 nights)
  • Pawq Image (full time)
  • Polarix Image (full time)
  • Ramone Image (full time)
  • ramses Image (full time)
  • Ruben Image (full time)
  • Stini Image (3-4 nights)
  • Smibu Image (full time)
  • terb0 Image + shootah Image (2-3 nights)
  • Tisk Image (4-5 nights)
  • veezay Image + Antti Image (full time)
  • vender Image (1-2 nights)
  • Ville_J Image (full time or nearly full time)
  • Xarthok Image (full time)
  • zebra Image (3 nights, not weekend)
  • Zero Image (weekend + 0-2 days)
  • Zweq Image
High chances:
  • axxu Image (?)
  • Boomer Image
  • dz Image
Medium chances:
  • jonharkulsykkel Image
  • jamppa Image
  • jblaze Image
  • Juzam Image
  • Koo Image (?)
  • roope Image (?)
  • talli Image
Slim chances:
  • anpdad Image
  • BarTek Image
  • Bludek Image
  • Chaza Image (?)
  • Chris Image
  • Dead One Image (?)
  • Haamu Image
  • Hosp Image
  • Luther Image
  • Mats Image
  • Mira Image
  • Quantz Image
  • Rast Image
  • Spef Image (?)
How to get there?

it's very poss to get to FEM from any of the three major cities (Tampere, Turku and Helsinki).

Some train and bus prices from last year (I will update these later):

Onnibus: 1€ - 3.5€
Norm bus: 21.5€ - 27€
Train: 9.9€

Norm bus: 30€
Train: 12.8€

Norm bus: 10€
Train: 3.8€

Norm bus: 10€
Train: 15.50€ - 21.60€

Onnibus: 1€-3€

The sites from where you can book these tickets:
Norm bus: https://www.matkahuolto.fi/en/
Onnibus: http://www.onnibus.com/en/index.htm
Train: https://www.vr.fi/cs/vr/en/frontpage

Locations of bus and train stations, airports and harbours in these main cities (there are cheap ferries travelling to Helsinki and Turku from many different countries):

Bus- and trainstation, harbours and airport of Helsinki.
Bus- and trainstation and airport of Tampere.
Bus- and trainstation, harbour and airport of Turku.

It is enough if you manage to get yourself to Sastamala/Vammala. Someone can ez get you from there.

Also there will be much traffic through Tampere, so someone can very possibly get you from there as well. Also few mans will most likely drive to FEM from Helsinki and Turku as well.

Finally, here is a map of the venue itself and some notes. In case you arrive there when the prev mans still are there, please drive to the pond sauna instead of the house.

What is needed?
  • Bedsheets. Or sleeping bag and a pillow cover. Cabin lady is really strict about this. They are needed even if you use the provided extra mattresses. Last year some pillow had some stains and Cabin Lady did not like that.
  • If you sleep on the extra mattresses, also own pillow and blanket/sleeping bag are required.
  • Extra computers for those that can't take one with them.
  • Ethernet and power cables etc to allow everyone to have internet. Also all kind of miscellaneous computer stuff is most likely useful.
  • 3G/4G mobile internet stick for the router.
  • Stuff for prizes for competitions.
What is not needed?

These things will be already there thanks to kindness of Cabin Lady:
  • Internet things like router and antennas. However, as already listed above, a 3G/4G internet stick for the router is needed. Smibu is bringing one but it is always good to have more just in case.
  • A projector.
  • Mattresses. There are plenty of extra mattresses. But they need bedsheets or sleeping bag as it is not allowed to sleep on a bare mattress.
Also here's a general specsheet of the cabin:
  • Dishwasher
  • Cloth washing machine. Last years it has not been used much. We are paying for it so please take advantage of it!
  • Very good selection of cookware (several pots and frying pans and so on). You don't have to bring this kind of things.
  • Two fridges, one freezer. Also drinks can be stored in a ground cellar.
  • Several saunas: one in the main house (electric sauna), one at the pond (wooden sauna, this is the preferred sauna to be used) and also a smoke sauna at the pond (this would cost extra, but we have had such policy that we can use it after the owners have used it if it still has some heat left)
Is there going to be some rules or other kind of boring stuff?

Yes. FEM is a big community for one week, and as a by-product of fun fun fun there are also plenty of tasks that need to be done to keep things rolling and the place in non-chaotic condition. Most improtantly:
  • Please recycle - there will be own bins for norm waste, cardboard, biowaste, metal and glass. Also bottles and cans worth deposit money will be and as per tradition, they will be returned to the shop and obtained funds will be used as cabin rent money.
  • Please contribute to keeping the place organized. This includes
    • taking the trash out
    • emptying the dishwasher
    • making the dishes
    • keeping the fridge organized (There has been some problems with the fridge space during the last two years. So please try to use fridge space reasonably and organizedly. Drinks can be stored in an outside ground cellar. It's not as cool as fridge but you can take some drinks from the ground cellar to the fridge or freezer shortly before you use them. Also when you leave make sure that you are not leaving anything to the fridges, or if you do, please make sure everyone know that those items are for everyone)
    • all other kind of miscellaneous cleaning and organizing of the place
  • Please dont eat anything in the beds
  • Please contribute to end cleaning before you leave - even though the actual cleaning part of the end cleaning is included for the rent, we have to take out all the trash, make dishes and also in general leave the cabin in non-horrible and organized condition. In each FEM the biggest problem has been that at the end there are massive amounts of trash and dishes everywhere and unlabeled food items in the fridges which means hours of work for the last mans standing. So when you leave please take some trashes out and/or do dishes and make sure you are not leaving any unlabeled food items in the fridges. If you don't want to take some foods with you please donate them for common good or throw them away.
  • Please take all the blankets and pillows out to the fresh air for a while before you leave unless someone else is coming to sleep there! Only if it rains or if you have not been using one of the real beds, this isn't of course required. After that you can just please leave them on the bed instead of making the bed.
  • If you use the laundry machine, please ask others if they want to put something to there as well.
Other ways to contribute include:
  • Returning the empty bottles and cans to the supermarket and giving the €€€ to me (for FEM-money)
  • Boiling some cofe if there's no cofe left
  • Making common food
  • Taking care of warming the wood sauna
  • Most importantly: contributing to the program and competitions or at least making battles for EOL if there isn't anything else going on - the meeting is about Elasto Mania after all =)
Where can I sleep?

In summary there are:
  • 7 premium-quality beds in the main house and one really small one.
  • One small room with an extendable bed (enough for 1-3 mans depending on how close you are)
  • 3 beds in a granary. This option was quite cold previous year, but now the hope is that the nights are warmer as it's July.
  • More than enough extra mattresses that can be scattered anywhere.
All of these options strictly require bedsheets. And extra mattresses also require own pillow and blanket/sleeping bag. You can also sleep in your own tent or car as few people have done. Or in rocking chair/sofa/plain floor/... xd

When can we come and when we have to leave?

Officially our rent begins on Friday 21.7. at 16:00 but in practice it has always been okay to arrive earlier. In practice we can arrive as soon as the previous mans leave, which is at latest 12:00 on Friday. But even Thursday is possible if they are gone by then! Additionally, we are allowed to arrive to the pond sauna's cabin already on Thursday in any case. This will come in handy especially for foreigners who have got cheap tickets to Finland for 20.7.. So you can safely order tickets for 20.7. already. Also of course others can arrive there at Thursday as well. The sauna cabin has only three beds, but we will find out some sleeping spots for everyone for sure. In case we will not get the main house on Thursday already, I believe it will be a nice atmospheric pre-fem party in the extra sauna cabin then. :beer:

Our rent ends at 12:00 on Friday 28.7. but in practice we can stay there until 16:00 when the next mans arrive. Especially if we help Cabin Lady in cleaning and re-arranging the tables before the arrival of next tenants. :)

Where will I see you?

In FEM17! :beer: And #fem2017! :beer:
Last edited by nick-o-matic on 21 Jul 2017, 10:11, edited 38 times in total.
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Re: FEM 2017 - Proposal for dates: Thu 3.8. - Thu 10.8.

Post by jblaze »

the date sounds more likely for me to come than previous years date, although my chances are notably lower this year due to necesary practise work on studies. so far no steps are made, no idea when it happens but i will try to make it clear as soon as poss, hopefully til the end of march.
as long as the dates wont collide, im pretty much in for coming again to see you guys :>>
mid-chance as of now
would probably come thursday-thursday like last year, in case of other collisions/whatever i will try my best to come at least friday-sunday or friday-monday
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Re: FEM 2017 - Proposal for dates: Thu 3.8. - Thu 10.8.

Post by bene »

A week or two earlier would be better because that's when my job has vacation time but I can make it work just need to take out extra summer vacation days as long as my job is oke with that which the hopefully are if we decide on the date soon :D There is a high chance I will be there, higher if the date is set in stone sooner rather than later, very higher if some other sweman goes and I can travel with them, for example meet up at Arlanda and fly to get her. I am always nervous when traveling so going alone is :( Days I go depends on other sweman traveling with me so can't say if I like extra day or not.

Anyone that attends FEM 2017 will have the chance to eye wu wr rek if they want. If I am not there when they are I will try and arrange for someone to help me out and show it to them. If someone doesn't help me out I don't know what to do.
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Re: FEM 2017 - Proposal for dates: Thu 3.8. - Thu 10.8.

Post by Ramone »

slim chances of me getting vaca that week, my boss will have vaca then, and my other workmate will go back to her homecountry for a wedding. so I dont think I can fix that. july would work better. But now I know a set date so I will ask and check about it.
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Re: FEM 2017 - Proposal for dates: Thu 3.8. - Thu 10.8.

Post by pawq »

Sounds great nom! I think it's pretty likely that I will come (unless it turns out plane tickets are like £725491, gotta look into that). If I do come, it's not going to be for the whole week, more like Saturday-Monday or sth (3-4 days). Travel companions from the UK would be fantastic, but also in Finland (airport-cabin etc). If anybody's up for any sightseeing then I'd be happy to go with them :) (Helsinki etc)
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Re: FEM 2017 - Proposal for dates: Thu 3.8. - Thu 10.8.

Post by Zweq »

who the fuk stored bread in fridge in fem16
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Re: FEM 2017 - Proposal for dates: Thu 3.8. - Thu 10.8.

Post by Orcc »

Unless I'm going to a Summer vacation trip abroad at that time I'll joing for the weekend.

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Re: FEM 2017 - Proposal for dates: Thu 3.8. - Thu 10.8.

Post by insane guy »

1.) yes
2.) no

High chances of me coming, as my motivation to do so is very high. I'll try to drag along that lazy bastard yanizzz this time. Prolly gonna be there for the weekend + 1 or 2 days. Thanks again nom, yuo da true mvp.

Note to all travellers: Buy plane tickets as early as possible (obvious). Also buy bus tickets (the red one) early for bargain transportation :)
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Re: FEM 2017 - Proposal for dates: Thu 3.8. - Thu 10.8.

Post by Polarix »

yeah. Already thought about this and unless very collide with worklife, I come.
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Re: FEM 2017 - when? Please answer in doodle

Post by nick-o-matic »

Sorry for the inconvenience but let's do this again because the proposed week does not seem to be that good attendance-wise after all. So here's a doodle query with two more options: http://doodle.com/poll/685n8dc5y6afrr9y So please go answer and also please spread the word so that we could get as many answers as possible. =)

EDIT: after some thinking added one more option for 14.-21.7. But this will be the final option set as the week before that won't be okay for me and the later weeks in August won't be okay for quite many.
bene wrote:Anyone that attends FEM 2017 will have the chance to eye wu wr rek if they want. If I am not there when they are I will try and arrange for someone to help me out and show it to them. If someone doesn't help me out I don't know what to do.
Stoke! :beer:
Pawq wrote:Sounds great nom! I think it's pretty likely that I will come (unless it turns out plane tickets are like £725491, gotta look into that). If I do come, it's not going to be for the whole week, more like Saturday-Monday or sth (3-4 days). Travel companions from the UK would be fantastic, but also in Finland (airport-cabin etc). If anybody's up for any sightseeing then I'd be happy to go with them :) (Helsinki etc)
There's much info about these things in FEM2016 topic, I will put those here too once the dates are set.
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Re: FEM 2017 - when? Please answer in doodle

Post by Ramone »

week 30 best for me. the two coming weeks is most likely impos for me.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by nick-o-matic »

Cabin is booked now and the dates are set! I have updated the first post to include participants and other relevant infos.

Also thank you for the contribution GAA for organizing FEM and femquizes! :)
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Ruben »

Put me in medium chances, please =D
<veezay> antti also gonna get stabbed later this month
<nick-o-matic> niec
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Ramone »

other swedish/danish ppl. how will you get to fem?

would be nice to fly but then cant bring pc. driving to stockholm+ferry kinda pain in the ass. any plans yet?
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Orcc »

I'm in for teh weekend.

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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Kopaka »

Ramone wrote:other swedish/danish ppl. how will you get to fem?

would be nice to fly but then cant bring pc. driving to stockholm+ferry kinda pain in the ass. any plans yet?
If I'm going its gonna be by plane, just can't be bothered with such long travel by car/train whatever. Should be no problem to bring laptop in plane.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Chris »

Slim chances.
Lousku wrote:could you mayke shorter sig please :( mega annoying and also against rules :()
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by nick-o-matic »

Updated attendance lists and added some finance situation stuff:
The finance part

The cabin rent will cost approximately 1000€ and end cleaning as well as the pond sauna cabin for sleeping will be approximately included (there's always a Cabin Lady uncertainty factor :D). I will tell here when I have calculated appropriate attendance prices but for now you can expect quite low prices as the attendant situation is looking magnificent! =)

The reservation has been done directly from Cabin Lady instead from the Lomarengas cabin renting site. This means that Lomarengas gets 0€ from our reservations but also Lomarengas does not provide any insurances. This has been like this after the first year, after which Cabin Lady considered us so trustworthy that it can be done. =) We pay about the same price that would be the price when using Lomarengas though, but that is because we will have 20-30 persons there instead of officially allowed 10. Anyway, due to lack of insurances please be extra careful in not burning the house down.
Also started adding the length of stay for everyone in the confirmed list so please specify how long you are staying when you confirm that you are coming. :)
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by bene »

Ramone wrote:other swedish/danish ppl. how will you get to fem?

would be nice to fly but then cant bring pc. driving to stockholm+ferry kinda pain in the ass. any plans yet?
I have no plans yet. I can be your baksätesförare if you drive. I don't have körkort so I would just be an annoyance if you drive there but would be nice for me :D my specialty without körkort is that we can ta fram laptopen i bakluckan på en parkering och kolla på alla mina recs som skummisar innan vi dundrar vidare.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Hosp »

I'm will definitely come if I can fulfill these criterias:
* Improved social skialz
* Have funds for plane+cabin+food+beer
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Ramone »

where does bene live?
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by bene »

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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Zweq »

almost guaranteed weekend, very likely 3-4 days, pos full (full largely depends on eat / sleep problems, im used to very kermaperse sleep and food)
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Ramone »

bene wrote:Borlänge
now thats fucking off
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by bene »

Nej alltså jag kan ju dundra på tåget tills jag kolliderar med din färdväg
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by ville_j »

I'm full time or at least almost full time. Also eng or bane.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Lousku »

Jag kommer att stanna hela veckan.
then again i don't know anything
maybe easier not to think abouut alöl things thought than not things thought ... or something..=?
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Polarix »

Om jag kommer, vil jag ochså stanna hela veckan.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Kiiwi »

Weekend confirmed if any relatives don't die etc. (I trust they have the decency and tact to die some other weekend :D )
Will try to attend for the whole weekend and generally contribute more than last time (which shouldn't be hard, considering :blushes: ).

But seriously, i'm not completely useless, so nom; i will come back on that with you when we're getting closer to the D-day, as i can't tell in advance what kind of resources i have available then.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by milagros »

thought for 5 mins i might come, but fuck, worst week ever, already have a plan for 3 weeks around it
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by bene »

Hi I booked fly Friday to Friday so I guess I'm confirmed.

If anyone vroms past Tampere in car Friday 16:35 an ride from airport to fem would be appreciated. Also same when going home would also be nice. But like in the other direction.

Edit: also I don't have norm laptop to bring. Maybe I buy one before but if not would be appreciated if could borrow so don't have to breathe down your neck while spying you play all week who knows maybe I forget to delete my wr recs from laptop when I return it.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Hosp »

Can put me on slim chance. Just too big scale meeting for my and other reasons
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by pawq »


Count me in! :)
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Ruben »

My too! =D

<veezay> antti also gonna get stabbed later this month
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Abula »

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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Abula »

milagros wrote:thought for 5 mins i might come, but fuck, worst week ever, already have a plan for 3 weeks around it
= no courage to lose in beer battle
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by insane guy »

scored some oki jobs in the next weeks and decided to book flights:
really looking forward!
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Polarix »

http://kopasite.net/up/0/Skjermbilde%20 ... .39.11.png

I have ordered, so confirmed on me. From 20th (thursday) to 28th
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Orcc »

Dame it's going to be a sick FEM this year. Everyone plan your Summer for this, STOKED!

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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Zweq »

guess i hav to take car again and bring own patja, because many foreign mans. I can take floorspot from aitta then again, it worked well enough last year. But I definitely need to purchase a laptop, and bring just monitor and keyboard with it, dont want to stress pc breaking on bumpy road places yet again. Also i gota get own net conection, last year was too ghetto for my taste
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Polarix »

Well don´t do as I just did. I bought a very cheap laptop win 10, with only 2 gig of RAM. Its awfully slow. But it works once it has loaded up some shit.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Ruben »

Polarix wrote:Well don´t do as I just did. I bought a very cheap laptop win 10, with only 2 gig of RAM. Its awfully slow. But it works once it has loaded up some shit.
I'm sure there are more ram slots in there. Really worth it to upgrade to maximum.
<veezay> antti also gonna get stabbed later this month
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Igge »

I might go for an extended weekend if its not full) can sleep on floor and bring food/beer/snacks)
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Zweq wrote:99.9999% of nabs haven't even opened the book yet and most of those that have are still on the first pages
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by pawq »

Come on Igge, there's no such thing as a full FEM!!! :D
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by bene »

igge i will be there and promise you a massage whereever you want if you come
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by pawq »


Special battle idea? =)
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by insane guy »

pawq wrote:Image

Special battle idea? =)
Count me in. I start making lev for it.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by 8-ball »

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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Polarix »

Prime idea indeed.
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Re: FEM 2017: Thursday 20.7. or Friday 21.7. - Friday 28.7.

Post by Orcc »

It has been discussed several times but I think it has never been carried out? Would be a good time now!

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