Are you deep? Test yourself!

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Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ribot »

You can test yourself here and see if you are a deep person or not.

This test is for creating awareness of being a deep person. It's something that society recognizes very little. For example, in school or at work, the only thing we are expected to do is what the teacher/boss/status quo says. Even though it is recognized in personal development that having a purpose with things is beneficial to career and health, in school or at work most people won't mind at all if you have any purpose whatsoever.

However, being deep can go hundreds of more levels than that. I've spent a significant part of my life aiming to find the depths of existence, and of being human. It is not so much a philosophical quest as it is an adventure of challenging one's limitations. So if you don't want to see this topic as pure arrogance, you can see it as me sharing my hard acquired skills.


Questions - you can share your answers if you want
1. Do you think that being an intellectual (good in maths/physics etc) makes someone a deep person?
- yes
- no
- it could be, but only after learning to use it as a specialized skill

2. When you stumble on a philosophical (or existential/spiritual) discussion you primarily:
- Don't bother going into it, but point out a minor mistake in the reasoning
- Focus on getting your point across
- Notice something you don't fully understand or recognize

3. Your interest in deep subjects/perspectives is:
- Don't care
- I like to share my perspectives on things
- It's significant to my way of life

4. Do you respect spirituality?
- No, it is based on fear
- Yes, but I'm not spiritual
- Yes, I'm religious (christian/muslim, etc)
- Yes, it is significant in the way I see life

5. Do you find any value in perspectives or behaviours that don't have a clear purpose?
- At least I allow them to exist
- No, they are a waste of time
- Yes, I have experience that they can provide wisdom sooner or later
- Yes, they make me curious

6. Have you ever tried meditation?
- Yes, it wasn't for me
- No, but I'm curious about it
- Yes, I practice regularly
- Yes, I have had transcendental experiences through meditation

7. What is your deepest experience?
- Something I experienced on drugs
- Being in love
- Spirituality
- Deep insights into academic subjects/perspectives
- Friendship/experiences with friends

8. Does being deep make you a better person?
- Yes
- No
- It could, but only after learning to use it as a specialized skill

9. What trait do you commonly see in deep people?
- High EQ
- High IQ
- Creativity
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ribot »

Fail: If you think this test sucks or wasn't of any value to you, I would say you probably lack a lof of depth. Perhaps you could prove me wrong (you could if you tried, right? but why bother, right?)
Oke: if you think the test was oke
Good: if you were curious enough to read the text below
Succeed: you were reminded or inspired about some deep experience
Success: you appreciating my efforts in writing this, because you get the value

I will share my perspectives on the questions here below.

1. Do you think that being an intellectual (good in maths/physics etc) makes someone a deep person?
There are many intellectuals who have no depth whatsoever. Maths and physics are endlessly deep subjects, but knowing them doesn't make someone a deep person. To be a deep person means someone has to have skills in knowing the self. It involves things like ethical behavior, seeing one's own limitations, being coragous, being honest, and even - for the extremists - spiritual experiences. However, if an intellectual person has the courage or madness enough to aspire to be a deep person, they can for sure use their intellect to go deeper.

2. When you stumble on a philosophical (or existential/spiritual) discussion you primarily:
If you never care about this it might mean that you are lazy, but it might also mean you just don't like to talk about it. You don't have to be engaged in discussions to be deep. However, being argumentative is also not a trait of depth at all. Any random person will defend their own perspective. But if you take time to ponder discussions you are going deep sooner or later. The extra bonus is when you learn that foreign perspectives are what truly broadens your horizons.

3. Your interest in deep subjects/perspectives is:
Maybe I'm pointing out the obvious, but if you put energy into going deep you will go there. If it's part of your way of life then I salute you as doing something the world needs more of!

4. Do you respect spirituality?
I've heard many times that people think that people afraid of death make up things like reincarnation. It seems like a really shallow perspective to me - purely intellectual and without any real experience.
A spiritual exprience is very natural in the way we are wired. Children are very open to it. I'm not talking about preaching religion here, but rather to have an experience so mind blowing that it feels like magic. The problem is how we are brought up, where the only thing that matters is obedience (obey the teacher in school or get punished, obey your boss at work or get punished, obey the status quo or get ridiculed).
A true spiritual experience is something that happens after a lot of challenge and a lot of deep experiences. For example facing your deepest fears, falling in love, and pushing your limits in spiritual practices. The benefits of doing this can't be put into words, and it's very sad how most people in the world like today will never experience this.

5. Do you find any value in perspectives or behaviours that don't have a clear purpose?
This is quite a tricky question. Even among deep people, almost no philosophy or person I've met has grasped this. I'm not talking about trolling or nut cases here. It's more about something slightly bizarre, that when you go into it gets more and more bizarre. The thing is that anything that is a shift from routine, from how we are used to think and behave, is a chance to learn something new about life. Most people have not made a practice of this, since they won't get the explanation above. But those who do... well, those people have one of the least recognized talents that I've ever met. And have a beauty and skill that almost nobody will understand or apprecieate. Sounds bad? To me it's a blessing.

6. Have you ever tried meditation?
I really advise anyone to try this out. Some people might need a long time before noticing the benefits though, but it's worth the struggle.

7. What is your deepest experience?
Any kind of experience can be endlessly deep. However, a deep experience will be even better from a spiritual awakening kind of perspective. I'm not talking about new age stuff here, but more like pushing yourself to the depths enough to be a deep person. From there you can be open minded enough to allow spirituality to partly describe it and will be able to progress deliberately.

8. Does being deep make you a better person?
It doesn't make you a good person, but it makes you a better good person if you are a good person.

9. What trait do you commonly see in deep people?
It's usually a combination of stuff, but more common in high EQ and creativity. Maybe the only reason is that developing intellectual skills is validated by the status quo, whereas EQ and creativity are still skills that require personal integrity to pursue and utilize volontarily
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ArZeNiK »

i am 14
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by milagros »

no, i'm not deep in a sense this questionaire is about
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ArZeNiK »

ok maybe i should do this seriously
i cant really pick an answer out of the 3 provided in many cases so i wont
1. i dont associate intellectuality with depth
2. depends on the situation, i dont really like going into philosophy publically because it probably just makes me look like a retard but it very occupies my brain when see sach questions most of the time
3. neutral
4. i will start to respect it once i find a ghost story without any rationally possible explanation
5. if i can discover their purpose maybe
6. never tried, but probably useful mind relaxation technique for some ppls
7. eh probably love, i am very much fascinated by some academic subjects/perspectives but once again i wouldnt call it depth
8. probably no
9. a high capability of going beyond the surface, sometimes this is creativity, sometimes profoundness/philosophy, sometimes i have no idea what to call it
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by jonsykkel »

i hav questions about questions

q1: vat is deep
q4: vat is spirality (after reding ur asner i undersand spiral experience but duno vat spirality or respect of it means)
q5: vat is clear purpose (example some ppl sem to think practicing anyhign is not clear purporse cuz result go in trasj, other ppl se clear purpose in that)
q5: "al perspectives or behavors" or "some persepctives or behavors"
q8: vat is better person
q9: vat is eq
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ArZeNiK »

hi im arzenik :>
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by jonsykkel »

looks gay
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by Ruben »

I couldn't be bothered to read all the text or try this test.

I guess that makes me shallow?
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ribot »

milagros: thanks for being honest
arze: thanks for sharing, it's interesting to see how you think about it
ruben: obviously it doesn't make you shallow, but it does make you a party pooper and not being honest about your intentions for posting a response like that
jonsykkel wrote: 28 Sep 2020, 02:04 i hav questions about questions

q1: vat is deep
q4: vat is spirality (after reding ur asner i undersand spiral experience but duno vat spirality or respect of it means)
q5: vat is clear purpose (example some ppl sem to think practicing anyhign is not clear purporse cuz result go in trasj, other ppl se clear purpose in that)
q5: "al perspectives or behavors" or "some persepctives or behavors"
q8: vat is better person
q9: vat is eq
q1: What deep is is kind of what this topic is investigating. My thoughts about it are inferred by my answers. Maybe there is someone brave enough to challange it? Though it's also likely some people will just poop on it without adding any value.
q4: What I mean by respecting spirituality is basically to respect people who see themselves as spiritual as well as respecting them doing whatever they think spirituality is. People have quite different opinions on what it is and I'm leaving the definition open in this question.
q5: Some
q8: I don't want to be the one defining what is a good person, but most people have a feeling about when they are being good or not. The question works with a wide variety of ideas of being a good person. To me it's pretty simple of whether your actions contribute to a better world or not. A horrible world is a world where ppl don't bother doing anything while knowing how much suffering there is. A better world is when people bother enough for their actions to count as being beneficial to the balance of nature and life, as well as human welfare
q9: emotional intelligence, or in other words understanding, respecting and acknowledging emotions
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by gimp »

I am hesitant to take the test because my success or failure seems to be completely controlled by your judgement. If i fail, am i not a deep person, or am i just not a deep person in the eyes of ribot? These are two very different questions, and this is a test about the later. i will take the test if you admit that this is a test to determine your perception of me, not a test of who i truly am.
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ribot »

Hey Gimp!
I'm glad you replied!

Sorry but my intention was not to judge whether you are deep or not. Before I admit anything like that you have to prove I expressed something like that!

I will try to clarify some things:

How the test was made:
First of all, any "test yourself" is bullshit. I mean have you ever stumbled on any significant such test?
The test is a selection of different kinds of deep subject questions and answers. Like in any forum post, and like Arzenik did, you have all the chance in the world to express your view on things. In other words the intention was some grounds for starting deep conversations. Even if you weren't interested in half of them -- there is a range. Yet, there is a limited amount of questions to keep the test simple.
How you approach this test is up to you. If you're a deep person it's an invitation to go deep. In your case Gimp you gave your reason why not to go deep and I couldn't really ask any more than that, except that you explain yourself!

How the results were made:
There is no way I can summarize how your actual answers would make you a deep person or not. The results are bullshit just like any other "test yourself" test.
However, since you were asked a bunch of depth related questions, your sense of depth will be naturally stimulated. So the results purely and simply reflect how much depth the test reflected in you. In other words if no question or answer triggered any kind of depth in you, you get the failed result. If on the other hand the test was a chance for you to go deep and express that, I would think that you would appreciate the test and therefore success
Also I'm not sure if any deep person I know would bother to do any test like this. You can of course be a deep person and not like this test.

About how I judge you:
Again, the point of this test was not for me to judge you. I don't consider myself a typically judgemental person. If you do - you have the chance to put it in my face right here! Tell my how judgemental I am!
However, I am of course judgemental like any normal person. Though I am asking here that you prove to me how the test is based on my judgement of you.

My actual intention for making this test:
I've already expressed this in the original posts but I will clarify it here.
First of all the test was made out of inspiration. Doing things through inspiration usually inspire others, as long as you find likeminded people.
Second of all, as already stated, I wanted to raise awareness for depth. When doing this it invites people to discuss whatever awareness is being raised. Which in turn make those people going deeper, which makes the subject grow.
Third of all, I find it very difficult to get anywhere with philosophical discussions in this community. Since that kind of talk is valuable to me I gave it a shot to contribute with something positive. And it actually worked, though might or might not be expressed in this mopolauta topic.
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by gimp »

Alright, well I guess your answer is good enough for me. I thought you were going to give me a result of if I am "deep or not" after taking, but it sounds like you are just saying the test is only meant to inspire depth or something.

Questions - you can share your answers if you want
1. Do you think that being an intellectual (good in maths/physics etc) makes someone a deep person?
- yes

these are subjects that require deep thinking and objectivity, meaning you have to determine if one step is true and then move onto the next before you get to some kind of conclusion. sometimes they require several steps or "depth". math is the greatest way to communicate because it leaves no room for debate.

2. When you stumble on a philosophical (or existential/spiritual) discussion you primarily:

- Notice something you don't fully understand or recognize

I try to keep an open mind and listen to people or ask questions, discovering truth is more important to me than winning a debate

3. Your interest in deep subjects/perspectives is:

- It's significant to my way of life.

4. Do you respect spirituality?

- Yes, but I'm not spiritual

When I was a teenager and early twenties I really didnt like religion. Now I believe it helps some people live happier lives, "ignorance is bliss" comes to mind. so I am okay with it if it is making people happy and also not hurting people. I am not spiritual and am agnostic, but if I were a betting man I would bet there is no god or afterlife, so strongly lean atheist

5. Do you find any value in perspectives or behaviours that don't have a clear purpose?

- Yes, they make me curious

I don't fully understand the purpose of this test, but it makes me curious. I am very curious about things in general.

6. Have you ever tried meditation?

- Yes, I practice regularly

I do it to calm my mind and for stress, I love to meditate and always feel better afterwards. I think people who are saying they are having transcendental experiences truly think they are, but I do not believe they have met any other beings or anything - its all in their head, but similar to religion, if it helps them to believe that then great for them.

7. What is your deepest experience?

- Being in love

Pretty easy answer here. Love is a different term for everyone, for me my love of playing guitar, my job, my family, and some of the women in my life over time shaped who I am all in different ways. Drugs are cool too, the times I have done ayahuasca with a shaman were great for my brain. but I think of them the same way I do meditation, I am just tricking my brain and working out my issues. the visions I have on drugs are just things my mind is creating, they are not real, but they are still helpful to understanding yourself.

8. Does being deep make you a better person?

- Yes

I think it is good if you don't take it too seriously. some people i see in this forum are very deep thinkers whom I like because I like people like that, but they are also suicidal or depressed. they take things too seriously and are too hard on themselves.

9. What trait do you commonly see in deep people?

- High IQ

i say this because I dont know much about EQ. I am being anecdotal, but lets take someone who is retarded and maybe has some 60 IQ for example, are they very philosophical? nope. it stands to reason you might get more philosophical and "deep" the higher your IQ is then. creativeness probably correlates to higher IQ also, but I have nothing to back that up, just a hunch

thanks for test ribot, I think I succeeded.
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ribot »

Thanks for replying gimp!
gimp wrote: 30 Sep 2020, 01:15 thanks for test ribot, I think I succeeded.
I really enjoyed reading your answers. Perhaps you enjoyed answering too, since you thanked me? Seems like success to me.

I think I got some general idea about where you stand philosophically. I'm wondering one thing however, since you do think transcendental experiences are all in your head - do you still think they can be deep? I mean where would you go deep into unless your own head? What I'm really wondering is what kind of depth do you think exists in our minds? I'm not asking about the source (as in the objective reality), but the nature of it.

I agree with you gimp that such a thing as math is a deep subject. There are endles levels of depth you can go through. But they are also levels of the same kind. In other words you use the same "power" of your brain to go deeper.

Since making this test I have been thinking about what it means to be deep. First of all there are some different "powers" I would say you can go deep with. These "powers" don't define reality, but instead they are our accessible tools. They do however create our experience of reality.

If you only use logic to create your idea of reality, you are also limited to the strength of your logic. And to be honest, no person is nowhere near a computer in this strength. Any computer programmer, even the greatest in the world, has a limit of how complex a system they can make. A computer on the other hand could handle systems that would be billions of times more complex. So any human's logical power is weak.

Also, as a human you can always observe your emotional attachments to your ideas. It's a normal tendency to defend one's own ideas and conclusions as if one is defending one's own honor. This kind of behavior is not progressing one's journey towards the truth, so in other words it's an emotional attachment hindering one from seeing the truth. So with knowledge of your own emotions, or emotional intelligence, you can go deeper.

When it comes to creativity it makes it easier to see new perspectives. Most people for example didn't invent any math by themselves. To do that you'd have to be powerful both in logic and creativity.

When it comes to spirituality, I wouldn't define it as believing in god, or believing in anything at all. Rather I'd define it as the power to expand consciousness. This definition is logical, but not based on how the western world defines consciousness. What I mean by expanding consciousness is to enhance the ability to perceive. For example, if someone is too emotional they would be clouded by their emotions. So by removing this cloud one would have enhanced one's consciousness and progressed spiritually. However, one might or might not be aware of removing such an emotional cloud. So simply becoming aware of such a cloud is also spiritual progress.

So the conclusion of all this is that by knowing and using the different powers of you mind you can progress spiritually.

Then how does that relate to depth? When you do know yourself you know how to use your powers, you know what your limitations are, you will have a much stronger vantage point from where to seek depth. Also, if you are seeking the depths, I think you sooner or later will start to expand your mind deliberately, which is like the second step of spirituality (expanding consciousness deliberately). For exampe through ayahuasca or meditation.

In that sense, my understanding is that you might be spiritual after all gimp.

I would also say that there are other powers of the mind to reach other depths. Maybe I will reveal more of that later.
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by Hosp »

1. Do you think that being an intellectual (good in maths/physics etc) makes someone a deep person?


2. When you stumble on a philosophical (or existential/spiritual) discussion you primarily:

Think about it and when tell others they laugh or dismiss.

3. Your interest in deep subjects/perspectives is:

I like to share my perspectives on things, sometimes

4. Do you respect spirituality?

- Yes, but sometimes I see it as way too far, example: Teal Swan youtube channel

- Yes, it is significant in the way I see life

5. Do you find any value in perspectives or behaviours that don't have a clear purpose?

- Yes, they make me curious

6. Have you ever tried meditation?

Yes, but I panic, can't do it yet, someday hopefully.

7. What is your deepest experience?

Something I experienced on drugs, shrooms, DMT and LSD with laughing gas + weed and alco, shrooms was the most blissfull experience tho.

8. Does being deep make you a better person?


9. What trait do you commonly see in deep people?
High EQ
+ a decent amount of IQ, I guess

I wouldn't say I'm a deep person really, but I do think deeply about stuff etc. but more in a schizophrenic way.
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ribot »

I would say schizophrenic people have access to other depths than average. In such a way that there are many corners of the depths that require different skills to access.

When it comes to you Hosp our quite recent conversation was strikingly deep to such a point that I was really amazed.
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by milagros »

a majority of self-proclaimed "deep" people just think they are "deeper" to think better of themselves
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by ribot »

That's a really funny comment from a self proclaimed Casanova!

I never met anyone who told me they were deep, but you're probably right
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by milagros »

ribot wrote: That's a really funny comment from a self proclaimed Casanova!
i smell jealousy!
ribot wrote: I never met anyone who told me they were deep, but you're probably right
what is this topic about if you don't expect anyone to say they are deep?
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by Sunshine »

Your definition of deep is shallow but I'm not deep (based on your definition or my own)
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Re: Are you deep? Test yourself!

Post by gimp »

ribot wrote: 8 Oct 2020, 15:37 Thanks for replying gimp!
gimp wrote: 30 Sep 2020, 01:15 thanks for test ribot, I think I succeeded.
I really enjoyed reading your answers. Perhaps you enjoyed answering too, since you thanked me? Seems like success to me.

I think I got some general idea about where you stand philosophically. I'm wondering one thing however, since you do think transcendental experiences are all in your head - do you still think they can be deep? I mean where would you go deep into unless your own head? What I'm really wondering is what kind of depth do you think exists in our minds? I'm not asking about the source (as in the objective reality), but the nature of it.

I agree with you gimp that such a thing as math is a deep subject. There are endles levels of depth you can go through. But they are also levels of the same kind. In other words you use the same "power" of your brain to go deeper.

Since making this test I have been thinking about what it means to be deep. First of all there are some different "powers" I would say you can go deep with. These "powers" don't define reality, but instead they are our accessible tools. They do however create our experience of reality.

If you only use logic to create your idea of reality, you are also limited to the strength of your logic. And to be honest, no person is nowhere near a computer in this strength. Any computer programmer, even the greatest in the world, has a limit of how complex a system they can make. A computer on the other hand could handle systems that would be billions of times more complex. So any human's logical power is weak.

Also, as a human you can always observe your emotional attachments to your ideas. It's a normal tendency to defend one's own ideas and conclusions as if one is defending one's own honor. This kind of behavior is not progressing one's journey towards the truth, so in other words it's an emotional attachment hindering one from seeing the truth. So with knowledge of your own emotions, or emotional intelligence, you can go deeper.

When it comes to creativity it makes it easier to see new perspectives. Most people for example didn't invent any math by themselves. To do that you'd have to be powerful both in logic and creativity.

When it comes to spirituality, I wouldn't define it as believing in god, or believing in anything at all. Rather I'd define it as the power to expand consciousness. This definition is logical, but not based on how the western world defines consciousness. What I mean by expanding consciousness is to enhance the ability to perceive. For example, if someone is too emotional they would be clouded by their emotions. So by removing this cloud one would have enhanced one's consciousness and progressed spiritually. However, one might or might not be aware of removing such an emotional cloud. So simply becoming aware of such a cloud is also spiritual progress.

So the conclusion of all this is that by knowing and using the different powers of you mind you can progress spiritually.

Then how does that relate to depth? When you do know yourself you know how to use your powers, you know what your limitations are, you will have a much stronger vantage point from where to seek depth. Also, if you are seeking the depths, I think you sooner or later will start to expand your mind deliberately, which is like the second step of spirituality (expanding consciousness deliberately). For exampe through ayahuasca or meditation.

In that sense, my understanding is that you might be spiritual after all gimp.

I would also say that there are other powers of the mind to reach other depths. Maybe I will reveal more of that later.
I enjoyed answering, so it was a success if that was how success is defined.

What is the depth of our minds? Helluva question, here are my two cents on it. Also disclaimer before i get criticized - i dont know what the fuck i am talking about :) just spitballing my thoughts since you asked.

First we would define what "depth of the mind" is, and we might just be making that up, since i doubt that is a term used in neuroscience. I would say depth of mind is a combination of the capacity of data your brain can hold and also your brains ability to process and make connections to all that data, the connections then create new data, what we call "learning". I have heard humans have some equivalent of 100 terabytes of storage. how we process is a mystery, nobody programmed our brains that we know for sure of, so they do not operate the same way as a computer, as a computer needs instructions from an outside source or a programmer, our programer seems to be mostly the influences in our lives in early childhood, as well as genetics. Depth of mind might be optimized with loving parents and good genetics, maybe also neurolink to be able to make more connections to other brains out there.

You mentioned if you use logic to define reality, you are limited to your logic - you say that like that's a bad thing.

I think we should use logic to limit our reality, otherwise you will believe in things that are not true. Now i agree it is good to also have a vivid and creative imagination to come up with hypotheses, and you may not use logic for that part, at least not prefrontal cortex logic, it might be some somethig you had in a dream, or inspiration from a painting. Thats what all great discovers do, some part of the brain has some intuition of how the world works, like Galileo believing the Earth rotates around the sun, and then they go on to prove it using logic afterwards. You shouldnt accept all your imaginations without first using logic to prove them, otherwise they are just fantasies. Fantasies are fine and fun like reading a fiction novel, but should be treated as fantasies, not truth. How then do you use logic? I think that's a good question to explore. Math seems like the most objective way, but has many limits since it doesnt translate to English well. One logic tool is a vandiagram, example "if some apples are red, and all apples are fruits, then conclusion is some fruits are red". That type of logic is used all the time, but obviously with more complexion. There are many logic tools like a vandiagram out there that we use without knowing we are using them.

You defined spiritual, and then said i might be spiritual. To be clear, i might be spiritual based on your definition - expand consciousness or enhance ability to perceive. I was using the definition from the dictionary, which mentions the soul. Then the definition of the soul mentions it is immortal, based on that chain of logic i do not believe I am spiritual, because there is no proof of an immortal soul. There are many dictionaries with many meanings, so it probably varies. I am fine with your definition too though and would be spirtual in your eyes i guess.

I agree that emotions cloud us all the time and interfere with logic, however they also help us survive by producing adrenaline or serotonin, fight or flight or making us feel love so that we procreate and feel good so we arent depressed all the time. When you are trying to define reality, i would say emotions may help with coming to a hypthesis and lighting up the imagination, but they do not help us proving that hypothesis, which needs a boring rigid grind of proof to get to the truth.
God Bless America
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